The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 27, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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BY 11. W. BATt.
Huhwrfution liates Uaily.
Per year, by mall $3.00
Par month, delivered 60
Per year - 2.00
Six mouths 100
Rutered aa socond-claflB matter
November 5, 1910, at Roseburg, Ore.
under act of March 3, 1879.
"moxdav, novi:mi:u27. ion.
i.nv ivhn lu Inlfi at breakfast
late at school sturnlB a poor chance
to bo a prompt man.
Not all tho tinkering, cobbling,
and patching In the world will make
things right that are fundamentally
"PnunrltA anna" nml hntttfl of Otlm
prospective candldatt'o for election a
year hence, and uoEneaiicd of more or
leas quiiiillcauons, are uuiujs snjii
ed for the race.
Again, don't put off that Chrlnt ulimmltiir (ll t l O lilKt IIIOIIH'Ilt
11. u v,.i.r irlftii whllll t lift HKHOr t I1HM1 1
1b complete and In advance ot the
usual eievenin-nour runn which m
sure to come.
An advertisement of a new cure-all
HHHRrts that" It works wnint you
wni " Doubtless but It Is not nloiit
and iwcullar in so doing. For in-
itmioa tliftrn lu t tl matter Of ill
iariiUi ' vnt nro MUi'lv to have more
or less to do with It some tlm) or
other, whether agreeably or o'.ner
wise. Intorest is ever busy. H cer
tainly "worka while you Hluop," pil
ing up the dollars Tor or against you,
without your asalrttance or resist
ance, until the set time comes
around when tho accrued amount Is
to bo paid to you or by you. yes;
whether you Bleep or wake, interest
lieuliih Itliifonl Will Mv n gulct
,f,. J,, liulergo OfHTtilloii.
NRW YORK. Nov. 2fi. Henliih
ninTord, tho girl whoi Ilgured so
prominently In tho Ileattiu murder
trial, is living In seclusion here, pre
paratory to submitting to an opera
lion for appendicitis, which will he
performed In a New York hoHpllal
next Thursday. Her friends say alio
has taken another name himI will try
and leud a quiet, Inconspicuous existence.
Luc'Ab NEWS.
Miss Millie Worley, or Kiddie,
spent Sunday in tho city! visiting
Miss Ethel Senior.
Ib coining ana so Is Xtiuifl. Have
your sittingB made now and avoid the
rush. Clark & Clark. dtr
George Taylor, a local bookkeep
er, left for Albany this morning
where ho will spend ThankHlgvIng
with his parents.
Card Sawyers arrived hero laal
evening from Gardiner to spend a
few days visiting at tho l.c-:u uf hi
brother, Jamoa Sawyers.
Fred Chapman, wife and buby
spent yesterday at Wilbur visiting
with relatives. Mr. Chapman will
return home this evening while his
wife and baby will remain at Wilbur
untl after Thanksgiving.
Mrs. E. T. M or la n and duimhter,
of Portland, who have been Kpeutllng
ten past few days In Itoseburg visit
ing with Mr. and Mrs. Kred Hrliwurtz,
of the (Irand hotel, left fur lil.Wlo
yesterday morning where (hey will
visit with frlendH,
John Throne lett lor mrtluiul yes
terday where he goes to look after
business mutters. He says the ITmp
qua Valley Hank will open itH doors
for buslneKB lu January, or at least,
just as soon as I he new Perk inn
building is completed.
At the regular meeting of I'hllelur
Ihii Lodge. I. (. (. K . helil on Sat
urday evening the following nruYern
were elected to serve the iwisiiIiik
six months: W. II. Kiilmi. N. !.; .1.
II. Halley, V. (1 ; M O LewlH, llnim
clal secy.; W. M. Miller, rec. secy.;
William T. Wright, treasurer.
E. M. Ward, for the past few
years a resident of Enterprise, Ore .
has purchased a half Interest In the
grocery nture at present conducted
by Hlchard Stubbs. Me will numum
possession on liecember I. Mr. Ward
. i., .... r,, ... .
lence and will no ilnttbt 1mhI Mr.
Stubbs valuable asslslaiwe tu con
ducting I he already lucrative 1m;. I -ness.
Joseph l-nairni has ret urne.l from
the vicinity tr Hub-m when1 he v nt
a few days looking after Ihimiuss
matters. Mr. t.aniiu. I1 much pleas
ed with that section of the country,
and It may be possible that he will
locate there In the near future.
White House coffee, the cream of
all, no other so uuiroriu In iiuiilliy,
so superior In flavor; or so satisfac
tory to drink, excepting H:rrlunton
Hall, the steel cui. biikertzed pro
duct. We keep only the best In all
lines. Try Snow l"tft flour. The
Koclulnle, KU
8herlff Ceore yulne returned
here bite Saturday e en inn alter :i
day spent lu the Ictnlty of I rain
searching for the bamltis who helil
up and robt't'l the occupants of the.
nut-going Scott shut n stat:e Sheriff
gulue kays lie ira keil the men
through the hills for several miles,
but was unable to overtake 1 hem.
That the men are experienced lu
pulling off traufat-ilons of this na
ture Ik evidenced from the fai t that I
they, refrained from lolluu inn the
trails, but on the rout ran . made
ihelr eaciqw through the dense
thicket. The sheriff has reason to
believe that the men are strangers.
I nan much as two meu uuswerlng ,
their description were seen about
the streets of Praia on the day pre- :
vious to the robbery. At th time
they nttemptcd to dispose of n Colt s
automatic revolver. The sheriff fol
lowed the men nil day Saturday, and
only gave up the chase when overtak
en by diirknesB. A couple of depn
ty sheriffs aro still In pursuit of ,
tho men and It may he possible that j
they will be captured at a later date.
A list of the special feature pic
tures bused at the Palace lu the
near November -It and 30,
WedueHduy and Thursday, "The
Shelling or the Sau Marcus". The
old battleship Texas turned into a
target an, culled tho Han Marcus
Is destroyed by the Atlantic flet lu
target practice. Oecember 4 and 6,
Monday and Tuesday, "The Pendle
ton Kound-up". Complete lu three
revels. Needs no explanation. De
cember 7 and H, Thursday and Fri
day, "Dante's Inferno," G reels.
December 10 and 11, Sunday and
Monday, World's series, base hall pic
ture, one reel. tf
Notice Is hereby given all parties
holding county warrants issued by
Douglas County, Oregon, and Indors
ed "Not I'uld For Want of Funds"
prior to and Including tho (th day
of May, 1911, to present the sumi1
for payment at the of lice of tho coun
ty treasurer of said county for in
terest thereon will cease after the
(Formerly The Antlers)
Modern Apartments with bath,
and hot and cold water
In each room.
Wo Guarantee to pleane parti
cular People.
112 Brock way Bt. Phono 281
Near High School.
date of this notice.
Dated at Uoseburg, Oregon, this
tho 7th day of November, 1911.
Treasurer of Douglas County, Ore
gon, dswdl
We have a lurge and complete as
sortment of Preferred Stock canned
goods. These are this season b
pack and are goods we can recom
mend to ttie most ret) neu taste. You
will find the quality of these goods.
and all of the lines carried by us, to
be HUerlor In all respects, hot the
best results "Snow Drift" flour. The
Itochdule. dsw
Indescribably Beautiful
Afternoon and Evening Dresses
Right up to the minute in exclusive styles and mater
ials. Nothing to compare with them ever
shown in Roseburg.
And the Price
Is the greatest surprise of all.
Hair Dressing
Scalp Treatment
Facial Massage
l Buy
Trees i
"Where you can see what you get and get what
you want. Make your own selection
from the immense stock in my sales yard.
Come and see them. Nut Trees, Ornament
als, Rose Hushes and Beiry Plants
A. L. KITCHIN, Roseburg
No Matter Whether You Want a Cheap
Watch for Temporary Ise or a Real
Good one to Last a Life Time
If either .vou, nuu nf your funilly or sunie of your friends want
a new wiilch nr haven't any or Intend kIvIiik one as a present, our
watch slock should Interest you.
The policy nf this jewelry store is such that a complete as
sortment of fond wnlcheH is absolutely necessary. Our policy Is
that all watches should be sold at a small margin of profit. Fur
thermore, we believe lu selling ood watches only.
No mailer what you wish to pay and no matter what parti
cular movement you prefer, we really believe that this Is the store
for you to buy your watches.
We have no particular kind to sell we well all makes. Wo
can sell you any kind of a ense you wish, and we nuree to nlve
you a i;od watch at a reasonable price.
S. P. Watch Inspector
You will always have good healthful bread, pie and
cake, if you'use
White River Flour
It is Not Bleached
Bleaehed flour is injurious to health.
Use lcisehman'sYeast l-'nr Ja i;ood Starter
Mrs. A. C. Kidd & Son
Are useless uniesa taken advan
tage of. Take advantage of the fine
weather and have your sittings for
Xtnas fotos. Clark & Clark. dtf
U. 8. Weather Uureau, local office,
RoseburK, Ore., 24 hours ending G
a. in., Nov. 27, liUl.
Precipitation lu inches and hun
dredths: Highest temperature 52
Lowest temperature 37
Precipitation, last 24 hours 01
Total preclp. since 1st of month 3.1 4
Av. preclp. for this month for
34 years 4.37
Total preclp. from Sep. 1, 1911 7.19
Avg. preclp. from Hep. 1. 1877 7.0(1
Total excess from Sep. 1, 1911 .2
Average preclp. for 34 wet
seasons 31.8G
TO WtllH.K
Sealed bids will be received by
the County Court of Douglas Coun
ty, Oregon, up to 10 o'clock a. m.,
of the 30th day of December, 1911,
for the construction of the following
The Shambrook bridge over the
Unipqua Hlver, consisting of two
spans about 175 feet each, with three
new concrete piers about GO feet
high above low water mark.
The Ilrown's Ferry bridge over the
North Urnpqua Hlver. consisting of
two spans about 140 feet each, with
three new concrete piers about 4 7
feet high above low water mark.
The Winston Urldge . over the
South Urnpqua Hlver consisting of
two spans about 149 feet each, one
span 140 feet and ono span 40 feet,
with ono concrete pier about 45
feet above low water, and concrete
foundation for the 40 ft. spun. The
hid to Include the removal of the
old spans, and necessary alterations
to tho existing piers to accommo
date the new spans.
All of the above bridges to have
20 feet dear roadway and shall be I
designed to carry a live load, ex- j
elusive or tneir own weight, ot 100
pounds per square foot of floor sur
face, or a 20 ton road roller; trusses
In like proportion.
Didders to submit detail plans and
specifications with their bids. Hlds
for trestle approaches to be by the
lineal foot.
Also the re-tlmbcrliiK of the coin
hlnntlou cantilever bridge over the
North Uinpqun Hlver nt Winchester.
131 d dei u must visit the various
sites and satisfy themselves as to
Incal conditions, the County Court
assuming no responsibility on ac
count of lack of kowledgo on the
part of the bidder.
All bids must be accompanied by
:i certllled check In nn amount equal
to five per cent of the bid.
Knvelopes In which bills nre en
closed must be endorsed with the
name of the bridge for which the
hid Ik made.
Hlds will bo considered fur both
re-lnforced concrete and steel bridges
at the places above mentioned. 1
Plans, Beei Ilea t Ions and strain
diagrams will be on file In the
County Clerk's ofllce on and after
December titli. 1911. i
The right is reserved to reject any
and all hid; said hlds to be consid
ered at the January, 1912, term of
County Court.
Hy order of the County Court.
Dated November 2 3rd 1911.
County Clerk.
A 0 H
Nothing nicer or more
acceptable as a gift for
either children or grown
S D R A picture record of
the baby or friends, and
places visited, of that
vacation trip.
Beautiful calendar
mounts that you can
easily make into a pre-
jyj sent if you are the for
tunate possessor of a
s o A
Come in and let Tom
show you.
Xnlliini! NVw Ailnlivi- to the
I'rojiTt at Coos Itay.
Coos I lit y Tinu-s: Kuginecr Suni-ni-r.
of I lie North C'oaiit line, arrived
here today from Wlnehester Hay,
where Ills winter camp Is established.
He was noncommittal reiiardinK the
company's plans, lie said his fath-
er, Vice-President Sumner of the road
bad been called back to Portland and
could not visit Coos Pay until later.
It leaked out here today that
Sumner has given up the plait to
1 construct his line aloni; Winchester
I Creek near the Urnpqua, but will
follow the valley leading to and from
Keedsport which the Southern Pa-
eille. line will run through. It is
expected there will be a lively scrap
'over the occuimtion nf this vallev
I where It Is too narrow for the two
routes. j
It was reported here today that
tho Northwestern's proposed connec
tion with Coos Pay was the Boise
route instead of either the Coos Bay
and Kasteru or the Sumner project.
Nothing can be learned locally of
developments in the Boise project
other than that word was received
here from Portland that construc
tion work on It would start within
a few months.
If Conkloy s ltoup Remedy don't
cure your wheezing, moping, sneez
ing and swollen-headed chickens
your money cheerfully refunded at
Marstcrs' Drug Co. awn27
We have them in all grades and varieties; but we
consider our fancy stock the most economical
apple the consumer can buy. We guar
antee them to be absolutely free
from worms and in every
respect a first class
Our Prices Are Most Reasonable
Huy your winter needs now while they may be had
reasonable. Apples are very scarce this year
and you will be unable to jet them at
Ol'R PRICKS alter a short time.
Roseburg Rochdale
"What Vou Want When You Want It."
Fancy Long Keeping
Yellow Newton
Delaware Reds
Ben Davis '
Red Cheek Pippin
Apples art very scarce. Wo guar
antee nil lo Ik- free from norms.
'The Pure Food Store"
Marstcrs Block. Corner Cass' nml Knc CK-0ot
...... wutia
lit .0-. .. f r..:it IT i .A.
. uoenu a l.i in an i , uttii anu Juncn Lounter. '
Open all hours. The best the market affords, well
cooked and well served. Prices reasonable.
Your Patronage Solicited Mca Tickets $5.50 tor $5.00
C. and J. ELLIOTT, Props.
Frames Pictures