The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 24, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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Huliflcrifitiun ltateH Dolly.
Per yeai, by mall $3.00
Per month, delivered 60
Per year $2-00
Six mouth! 1-00
Entered as second-claaa matter
Novernbor 6, 1910, at Roseburg, Ore.,
under act of March 3. 1879.
In keoplng with the "quiick" doc
tor who of turn "rewards" for cer
tain curB the "patent medicine"
filled In lined up In tho front row.
The county court means hiiHlness
In the bridge building way. The best
is none too k'kkI for tills blif coun
ty. Btoel or concrete Btructurs
from this date on Is a good hIokuii,
They cot more money but think of
the autlsiuctlon.
Sheriff GeorKO Qulne and his ef
ficient force of deputies, with Dis
trict Attorney George M. Brown at
their oon: n-nj to "camp on the
trull" of t!0 fcHtivo violator of the
luw, much x;r.d has been accomplish
ed In tho way of putting the stamp
of disapproval on the various specie
of vice existing In KoseburK. which
certainly moots with the approval of
decent citizenship. That the sheriff
and his uhkIhIuii ta used excellent
judgment in ferretlnK out the law
breakers and securinK evidence, and
Jury Awards Muiiunteut Campauy
1(1 100 una Attorney l ees,
After a deliberation of less than
an hour, the jury empaueled to lis
ten to the exhlence in the case uf the
IXl-i Monument Company, of Cen
tral I'olnt, vs Mrs. Carrie Thompson
returned a verdict shortly after 5
o'clock last evening, In which they
ullowed the plaintiffs the sum of
1 1 00, the full amount of the note in
that District Attorney Brown used I question, Interest at the rate of 8
such evidence to a Rood advantage per cent from the date of executing
Is attested by the fact tfiat out of all . said note, and attorney fees In the
the cases prosecuted by Mr. Brown Bum of $25. Attorney O. P. Coshow
during the present term of the clr- represented the plaintiffs, while At
sult court, be was bested In but one torney John T. Long looked after
case. Tills is t record that Is sel- me intercuts ot tlio defendant,
dom equalled but Is one that the
good citizens of Koseburg stand for
first, Inst anil nil the time but a
severe jolt to those who encourage
lawlesfiueHS. Tho officials are to be
commended for -their duty performed
Missouri lends tho other states of
the Union in the production of poui
try. Over $40,000,000 worth of sur
plus eggs, chii-kens, turkoys, geese
and other fowls were sold off of
Missouri farms last year. This
amount was about equally divided be
tween oggs and poultry.
Claud Ulddlo, of HlddK a well
known young newspaper man of Ibis
county, has purchased the Canyon-
vllle Call. The new punmnoi ihkcs
charge Immediately ami nil, with
out nuotsion, give th.j people of Can
yonvhllo and vicinity a llrst claps
The News wishes to offer at this
time the following reward: Wo will
give to any "charitable Institution"
the ring organ excepted one doz
en "raised doughnuts' holes ex
tracted nicely powdered with violet
talcum powder and guaranteed to
"sink the Maine" In a hundred fath
oms of water, If the "ring organ,"
better known as tho "rough neck"
sheet, will prove to tho entlro satis
faction, and without any possible
doubt, to a self-respecting public,
that It represents anything other
than a bunch of "ringsters" that
would throttle any move for tho bet
terment of the city from a standpoint
of decency. The "doughnuts" are
deposited In the ash barrel, that their
flavor may bo "cured" to the proper
degree to aid digestion.
Kxcluslvo of AhiHku, tho Indian
population of the United Stales In
1U10 was, In round DgureK, 'tOu.OOO.
as compared with 243,000 In 1800
and 2ii,uou in 1100, says a writer
In IjOB lie's. Contrary to the popular
notion, the Indian is Increasing. Ills
gain In numbers, moreover, Is far
less surprising than Is his growth In
Industry and intelligence. The 5470
Indians residing in New York, chief- j
ly rem mints of the old IroqunlH, fol
low tho same pursuits as their while
neighbors, dress tho name, and save
in complexion, differ from tho whlleH
In no essential particular. Much
more than a third of all tho Indians
In the Unitedi States, or 1 17,000,
reside In Oklahoma. Mont of those
nro members of the old live civilized
tribes (Cherokee. Creeks, Choctaws,
Chlckasaws and Seiulimlcs), each of
which, In the old Indian Territory,
which wan part of the present state
of Oklahoma, had a civil government
of Its own for two-thirds or n cen
tury, with schools, churches, mines,
factories, mercantile houses, hanks
and other accessories of the highest
Must farming also feel the con-
contratlve Influence of modern In
dustrialism and expel the individual
to make way for concerted human
enterprise to till the soil by vast
mechanical means? A few days ago
three oil-fed tractlnn engines pulled
a plow acroHs a held turning up a
strip 00 feet wide and plowing an
acre In a little over four minutes.
Pygmy man could scarcely do as well
with Ills team and trusty plowshare.
Ilow many years before the last ves
tiges of picturesque rural life are
gone and the very clover fields smell
of gnKollue? Kortv ner cent of the
pbople now dwell In the iclties;
when ahull they all dwell there, and
departing on swift trolley lines for
tho arable regions in the morning
perform their dally stunt In the fields
by steam-driven apparatus even as
the factory working multitudes, re
turning at night to the hath tubs,
the bright tights, the theatres and
diversions of t ho city? Will there be
no "down on the farm" exrepl as a
recreation-Mho word "farm" Itself
falling obsolete and those who pro
mote the rr Ideation of the land
becoming "agronomists," dwelling In
(heir city flats as other metropolitan
myriads do .'
That "handsome" reward of $500
offered by the "ring organ" savors
very much of "baby play", or, more
fitting, the tactics or a fool to deceive
the Intelligent public. Some years
ago this paper proved to Us thous
ands of readers I hat the "pill sheet"
pulled off one of the rankest bunco
games ever perpetrated on tho peo
ple of Douglas county, which "stunt"
Is fresh In the minds of nmny, and
as tho "rag" (s still "henting" along
under the samo management as It
was at that time, wo have no reason
to believe It has Improved with age,
but to tho contrary, lis latest utter
lugs show (lie disease has broken out
anew. The alleged "rewards" count
for nothing and If tho "ring organ""
has any ready cash to spare which
It has not we would advise it In
' use tho rilthv lucre for tho better
ment of the "dally gimlet" which has
the nppearance of being "hammered
out" by hand. A paper that stands
for all sort a of vice and debauchery
Is a mighty good thing to keep vou'r
hands off, which fact is attested hv
the dwindling of Its subscription list
nt this particular time.
Get a pair of Dr. Hermanns read
ing glasses. tf
Colored ladv wishes to do work by
tho day. Telephone 300-J. il-120
Your neighbor says our extracts
excel! all otherH. rhono 122-Y. n30
Mrs. John It. Sutherland left for
her home at Portland tills morning
after a few days spent in Roseburg
attending to business matters and
visiting friends.
flavo the sawing buy your Hide-
walk lumber already cut to just six
font, rendy to lay. Nn cxlra charge.
I'ago'a lumber yard. 70!) North
Jackson street. tf
County Commissioner M. It. Ilvnn,
of Imiln, returned home tills morn
ing afler a couple of days s.ietit in
itoseburg attending to business mat
Wo hnvo n large and complete as
sortment of Preferred Htock canned
goods. These are this season's
pack and are goods we can recom
mend to the most refined taste. You
will Hud the quality of these goods,
and all of the linen carried by us, to
bo superior In all respects. l-'ur the
best results "Snow Drift' flour. The
Itochdale. dsw
Deputy Sheriff Italph Oniric left
for Salem tills morning with Henry
Hanger!, sentenced to an Indetermin
ate term of from one to three years
in the penitentiary following Ills con
viction on a chargo of assault with
a dangerous weapon. and Louis
Cru, sentenced to an Indeterminate
sentence of from ono to three years
on a charge of burglary. Bnngert and
Cruz were among those convicted by
District Attorney Ceorgo M. Urnwn
during the present term of the circuit j
cou rt.
Notice Is hereby given all pnrtles
holding county warrants Issued by
Douglas count y. Oregon, and in
dorsed "Not I'aid for Want of
Kumls" prior to and Including the
- ml day of May. 1 It I I , to present
I he sumo tn the county treasurer of
said county at his ofltco for payment
as Interest will cease thereon after
(lie date of this notice. (
Dated at Itoseburg. Oregon, t Ills,
the U Ot h dny if November, lit I I.
Treasurer of Douglas County, Oregon.
Ties, Cakes, Pastries of Kinds
The suit was brought to recover
the sum of 1100. alleged to be due
tho plaintiffs In return for a monu
ment furnished the defendant. The
suit was contested upon the graunds
that the monument was sold through
Court Orders.
7S0. K. V. Hoover, plff. vs. R R.
Orcutt, deft. in action for money.
John T. Ixitig and Frank 0. Micelll
for plff. Settled.
784. Ilradley & Runnell, plff. vs.
Sam Jones and Sarah Jones, (lefts.;
action for money. J. A. Buchanan
& O. II. Porter for plff. Judgment.
786. T. K. Hledsoe, plff. vs. Dar
win Johnson et al, deft.; action for
money. Kulierton & Orcutt for plff.;
Jr., for deft. Judgment.
788. Koddis Lumber & Veneer
Co.. plff. vs. John Thwaltes, deft.;
action for money. O. I. Coshow for
plff. Dismissed.
793. Joe niosser. plff. vs Grant
Taylor & Mary Taylor, deft.; action
for money. John T. Long and Frank
fl. Micelll for plff.; Goorgo Nouner,
Jr., for dort.
794. J. M. Spancake, plff. vs. G.
F. Jones, doft.; action for money. J.
A. Iluclianan and O. II. Porter for
plff., John T. Long for deft. Judg
798. ThomnH, plff. vs. Ella Thom
as, dfet.; divorce. Cardwell & Wat
son for plff. Referred to court re
porter. 7iU. Giant Powder Co. Consoli
dated, a corporation, plff. vs. Oregon
Western Railway Co., a corporation,
et al, defts.; suit to foreclose Hen.
John F. Logan and John C. ShE'.lock
for pirr.; CobIiow & Rice. R. A. Lelth
er and Win. D. Fentou for deft. Con
tinued. 800. Security Savings & Trust Co.,
a corporation, plff. vs Rambler Auto
Co., a corporation and F. B. McCord,
defts.; to recover money and declare
a deed a mortgage. Chester V. Dolph
for plff. Judgment.
803. F. S. Younco, plff. vs. Nels
Anderson, deft. ; to recover money.
O. P. Coshow for plff. Judgment.
804. Warren P. Heed, plff. vs.
G-rd Cbism et al, deft.; to nulet title.
Cardwell & Watson for plff. Judg
ment. 80C. Pacific Coast Lino Ry. Co., a
corporation, plff. vs. W. P. Reed, et
tix. (lefts.; condemnation suit. Feo.
10. Frost, Sr.. for plff. Continued.
807. Samuel C. Miller, plff. vs.
John Weaver, et al, defts.; damages.
Brown & Eddy Tor pifr.; R. W. Ma ra
ters for deft. Continued.
810. Dallas National Bank. plff.
vs. Scott Campbell, deft.; to recover
money. Oscar llayter for plff. Judg
ment. 8 13. D. S. Knoles. pirf. vs. K. L.
Knolos. deft.; divorce. C. S. Jackson
for plff. Continued.
SIC H. G. Price, plff. vs Kattle M.
Price, deft.; divorce. R. W. Mars
lers for plff. Decree.
83. John C. Mauley, nlff. vs.
Maggio Mauley, deft.; divorce. J. 11.
'ViiKlfn and John T. Long for nlff.
('out limed.
817. Ixe Champion. plff. v.
hoebe Tennatit, et al. deft.; to re
cover money. Kulierton Ac Orcutt for
A. Q. Malcolm A Co., paint-
Ing and decorating, tinting car-
rlage and auto painting. We
have expert paper hangers.
Write to us for estimates bo-
fore going elsewhere. Our ma-
terial is the best, our work
gives perfect satisfaction.
There's a reason. Phone 14 3-Y;
P. O. Box 404.
plff. Continued.
818. S. A. Sanford, plff. vs. Fred
J. Blakeley, deft.; to recover money
O. P. Coshow for plff. Continued.
819. S. A. Snniord, plff. vs.
Skelley Lumber Co., a corporation,
deft.; to recover money. O. P. Co
show for plff. Continued.
822. S. A. Sanford, plff. vs. E. R.
Hanan, deft.; to recover money. O.
P. Coshow for plff.; Brown & Eddy
for deft. Continued. I
824. D. N. & E. Walter & Co.. a
corporation, plff. vs J. C. Heratino, i
deft.; action for money. Fullerton
& Orcutt for plff. Judgment.
827. J. 1). Zureher, plff. vs Clark
O'Bryan, deft.; action for money. J.
( Continued on Page 4. )
Vocal Lessons.
Studio 437 N. Rose St.
Phone 290-R
Roseburg ... -Ore.
S Room 5, Bell Sisters Building :
','fi Teacher of Piano. t':
::- Studio, 423 Ella Street. i
;'f Phono 33-R
i V ft ii h ft ' ft h
Hi Kyo Socialist. ft
S 217 South Stephens Street, ft
lit Roseburg, Oregon, ft
ft ft
ft A. . MALCOLM, ft
ft Decorator nnd Finisher of Itenu- ft
ft tiful Homes. ft
:: Carrfnge Painting a Specialty, ft
ft Res. and shop 4IG S. Pine St. ft
ft P. O. Box 4 04. ft
Grand Union Tea
Company Goods
Our will call nt your liiimo
userul premiums given with each
Goods also for sale
at store corner of
Lane and Pine Sts
I.K.WHk VOl It OltDKItS.
(.rami I'nhm (IocmU nro I'liiMiual
oil fur Quality.
Goods of every dewrliitlon moved to
any parts of the city. TrM-a reason
t How is your Kitchen Nickled
rtnC Ware? We will make the fol
t k' I I SLv. lowing special prices for Friday
UlO and Saturday, the 24th and the
25th. This will give you an opportunity to replenish your
Nickle Plated Utensils at a bargain.
Tea Kettles
Xo. 0 3 ounce lu nvilr nli kle pluK il $3..V)
Xo. H 2 ouiiro heavily iiltklti plaUll 2.33
Xo. 7 2 oiinio hi uvily nlrkli' lntrl 2.00
Xn. 8 I I uuiire lii'iivily lllrklc hltfU 1.83
llaiiK'-. hi-uvily llirklo plmiil 1.00
ItuiiK, heavily nirklu plauxl I0
Coffee Pots
These in several sizes and patterns. All well made and
first class goods.
l!i:;ll.K BI'KCIAIi $ .80
1.23 0
1.73 1.S3
2.0O , 1.03
2.30 2.10
it.OO 2.33
Tea Pots
Three patterns and in size from the individual to the
family. Well made and a table ornament as well.
ici i i.a u
$ .00
1 .23
$ .50
Remember the dates, November 24 and 25. The place
our basement department.
Churchill Hardware Company
Special on Nickled Plated Copper Ware. Inquire about
those needle threaders.
u ninilnir anil so Is Xnias. IlaviMJ
yuur slltlnns mail" now ami avoid the
rush. Clark & Clark. dtf
Nice, Fresh and Crisp
An assortment that will please the most fastidious and satisfy
the cravings of the "Inner Man" In every particular.
For a quick, smart and appetising meal take a supply of the fol
lowing homo for your emergency cupboard:
t'hilll Con ("arne
OyMers ami Shrimp
Delicious Canned Salmon
Jh'fnz Celebrated lteati
Sardines and .Minced Meats
Itoiled Mam and Tongue
Lilly's Apple Jrlly
Choice Apple hotter
Aside frnn tills excellent line of "cold Roods" for your
lunch w ran supply you with all delicacies of the land in tho
way f Ano pas-try not exactly like mother used to mcke just
n I'Ulo hotter for mother never had the modern methods of
lastiy making at her command. A trial will convince of this
All kinds of candles, nuts, etc., in n great assortment.
Umpqua BaKery
H. GUEST. Proprietor
Fancy Long Keeping
Yellow Newton
Delaware Reds
Ben Davis
Red Cheek Pippin
Apples tire very scarce. Wo guar
antee all o be free from worms.
"The Pure Food Store"
Farm ami Lot Survey s
UcsL'riptions ami plats
clieckeil lor Attorneys
Water power ami
Irrigation Work
Plats ami Maps Drawn
Office With
328 North Jachson St.
Res. Phone 131 Party R.
Office Phone 323
Most complete line in Roseburg
II.W. Alliillil, eiR'iit. Veli'i.;
CHAIN. Outs. Hurley, Corn. ln;it.
limn. Shorts, Mill HVi'il. Oil Mil;
rilK'KKN I" Siratch Fci-n.
I'lii. k I'o-d. Hoof S"r;ips. !tnnt Shii.
Ciit: (itl'.SCKNT STOCK I'OOIl foil COWS, Choaii.-r and luttir
tlian Mt'an nr Shorts.
Marsters Block, Corner Cass and Rose Streets
First-class Restaurant, Grill and Lunch Counter.
Open all hours. The best the market affords, well
cooked and well served. Prices reasonable.
Your Patronage Solicited Meal Tickets $5.50 for $5.00
C. and J. ELLIOTT, Props.
You have, no doubt, noticed the
Toast and Toasters in our window.
Don't you wish for the Toaster to
make toast such as that. You can
have one. They are the "ACME" of
Electrical Toasters. $4.50 is the
When you come to town
Don't forget to visit the
Water Front Dry floods Store
Sheridan Streets tor Your Suits'
Up-to-Date Suits from $10.50 to $25
Everything new in the suit line
Overalls, Shirts, Hats, Caps, Shoes
We can dress you from head to foot cheaper than you
can steal the goods. GIVE US A TRIAL.