The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 16, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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THE EVENINO NEWS I" l,r""1 f"-' tu i"it' "-
LiIIlllU l'L"'5 wl,ll II l ,,! r Intention1
I to cut the tllniM)' string by which 1
! thin lndl ! 1 h 1 in question la aua-
I iiendcd a- J let hi in drou on the mar-
SubKrliitlon Itateo Dally. K"f'K "aa, m
Per yeai, by mall . $3.00 ' prnfut u Urn, If continued, will
Per month, delivered 60 ! tall for a Kentle "currylnn down".
ItniiMitlv. ilurlim the wrltor'a ab-
$2.00 ,,,. from the city, "Itfiacljurg'g
.. l.OOiWorat Koo" waa exoaed (?) In a
matter I "'hurinlni? iniiniier" by our esteem
Per year
Blx months
Entered aa second-clans
...... . . ICO WlllllU-e LlllUllll"ii J, l"" r"'"-
NoTember 6, 1910, at Roaeburg, Ore., aiia,Wi W, ,low pom-a aa the
under act of March 3. 1879. juMrlul orKiin of the den of Iniquity
ion Main alieet) and Ita coterie of
TIll'HSDAV, KOVKMIIKK HI, 1IM I ' follower. The bray of the run waa
'lotil! and loud. It echoed throiiKh
The Kvonlng land Twlce-a-Week 1 t, channel, of Mil. In which Ita
News have no competitors In this I""''; were harbored nd no
neck of the wooda There la but ; "M 'ailaed a broad amlle to rli.le
. columna of DouKlas County's two1"" "'"' '' .
. 1
Dr. M. Ashton
SU'1r ""!.'!. name:"":;1 mlnell!
an thoiiKh his efforts were being ap-
Tom L. Jolinon'B pioneer work
for threo-eeiit stmet railway furH
has brought forth ita latent frulta in
Jotrolt, whero that rate of fare has
Just been tiiHtituteii. The drat result
will, no doubt, be an inereawe of
suburban land value, but that
n khI n tthonlil have an educational ef
fect in showing the truth that land
owners reap the henetit oT public Irn
provementH and thereroro tho only
just way to rln tho money needed
for fttich ImptovenienlH la through
taxation of land viiluus.
Germany's exactions for potash
may have been u ood thins In dis
guise, for this Kovernrnent was stir
rod to seek the great bat-is for fertil
izer compounds within the confines
of the United Htates. It Is now said
that a wonderfully rich deposit lias
bijen discovered neari Washington.
It bus all been Rubbled up by a syn
dicate, bo It Is likely that the fann
ers will not profit very greatly, al
though tho price will probably be re
Knsy debt means easy waste, folly
dishonesty. Maying a modest home
on monthly payments If one hasn't
the rash for It that's a wise plan
which has given many a poor man a
lieu I thy start, (letting things need
ed for home comfort on the install
ment plan Is sensible enough If one
Is sure to meet the payments. Hut
ordering luxuries "on time"; making
Billy speculations on credit; buying
costly goods for which onu has no
ii so Just because hardly any cash Is
needed that's tho policy which ex
plains why many a man is wearing
old clothes this fall and crossing the
street when he sees his grocer com
ing and growling about the way this
country Is being robbed by tho trusts,
thinks an exchange.
A protended newspaper whose sen
timent on public matters of vital In
terest to the people at large can be
purchased outright with a few ducats
from the public crib and sufficient
pressiiro brought to bear to make
nothing moro than a weakling out of
supposed ,power behind the throne
has found a resting place in Hone
burg. Tho patent medicine tdieet
down the street hasn't even a ray of
self-respect when It comes to serv
ing Its ever-diminishing I int of dis
gusted readers. II fur It is nothing
else than an IT stands for all the
corruptness that has been exposed
within the past few weeks In Hose
Inirg and has (be audacity. In the
face of the ninny recent convictions
for various violations of the law, lo
come to the front and support those
responsible for such a slalo of af
fairs. 8uch Is the mission of t lie
ring or nan and no public oftlclul
need feel proud of the support given
him by such a rotten ami diseased
mind that would step so low as to
sliaro in the profits of I tie blood and
flush of u human being.
A next-door-kin lo one of Hose
8urg8 leading public oflU-lals lias
made himself quite conspicuous for
the past few weeks In bis efforts
to hand out several liberal "knocks"
ngalnst The News and Its policy, with
The News was attempting
Mlcetllze others when this paper in
a recent Issue spoke of the workings
of the mavor as "cunning manipula
tions". While Tho News, at that
patrlcitlar time, did not use the say
ing to cast any reflections, we
would ndvlso the Kvonlng Shadow's
backers to call the rag off for its
latest ulterliiKs has caused some un
rest among those who have hereto
fore never given a thought to tho
crookedness so conspicuously out
lined by the pill sheet article.
Heii Jit ruling of thu "Court of
Commerce in the Kpokane rate case
relative, particularly, to Hie long and
short haul clause, practically ntillfles
the work of the Interstate Commerce
CommlHslou. which had previously
established a rati granting conces
sions lo inter-mountain points. This
court of commerce Is one of Presid
ent Tafffl pet hobbles, and was creat
ed for no other reason on earth than
to hinder and harress the efforts
of t he pi 'O pie In seen t in g equitable
railroad rates. Tho Inter Statu Com
merce Commission had found favor
ably to tlx public, and in despera
tion the great transportation com
panies urged "relief" an got It.
High priced attorneys have argued
and pages have been printed trying
to show that the transportation com
panies are unable to haul freight
from HO to film miles for the same
price that they charge for delivering j
the snme goods at points from 1,00(1
lo 1 .alio miles from shipping mil
lions. Any Inmate of a home for
feeble minded knows heller. The
whole thing simple simmers to the
question of competition. Klimlnate
competit Ion and t he I ransportatlon
companies become "unable to do
business" wit hout charging all the
traffic will bear. The postal depart
ment takes a letter at Portland for
San Francisco and charges Iho send
er two cents per half ounce weight.
How perfectly absurd it would be In
the government (o say to Itoseburg
people, for Inst a nee, since you a re-
only 2(H) miles from I'ort land your
mall cannot be transported as cheap
ly, and t hereforo we will ha vo to
charge you four cents for each half
ounce. Yet this is exactly what the
great transportation coin panics are
doing to the people of Interior points
all over the Pacific coast. The con
sumer at Spokane must pay t he .
P., the (Ireat Northern and tho Mil-!
waukee Hues, on freight from t he
lOast, the through rate to tide water
points and t ho local rut back
costs so much, you know, to un
couple a car at Spokane and leave It
there Instead uf hauling it 1 (Hi miles j
westward to the coavt. Portland,
Seattle. Tact una and San r'rancisco
jobbers stand in with the railroads
on these excessive rates. Tin- ureal
public which const It utes this inler
mountafn population several hun
dred thousand demand relief. More
t hau t his. we are going to get it .
eveit If Mr Tail's Court of Com
merce has to bo "recalled".
Chiropractic Neuropath
Aeulo uim Chronic I H wanes.
Chiropractic treatments re
move the cause of disease. Dis
placements of vertlbra of the
spina t column allow inuucles to
contract, which. In turn cause a
tension or a press u re u po n the
nerves In that particular location,
causing some pathological con
dltlon to exist. Hy replacing these
displacements of tho spinal col
umn the contractions and pres
sure from the nerves uro remov
ed, restoring the normal amount
of nerve action to the organs or
parts supplied.
I n ihi 1 1 lie of disease do u e
have better hiicccnh than Jn the
varioiiK il incases which afflict
womankind. Item fits are prompt'
ly shown without the annoyance
which they are subjected to un
der the drug treatment mid while
taking ntljiiNf incuts I hey wear
kimonos, anil no part of the body
is exposed hut the spine.
Office 224 Cass Street
Roseburg - Oregon
ox ;ovi:jiokh hpi;i i i
Are useless unless taken advan
tage of. Take advantage of tho fine
weal her and have your sit tin g i for
Xmas fotns. Clark & Clark. dtf
Douglas Cooinity Products to
Unite Well Itci nwiitdl.
The following- Itoseburg products
will be shown In the Governor s
Special" train, which Is to tour most
tif the larger cities of the Krir:
One box of Spitzenberg apples fur
ntslied by Hklnner & Sons; one box
of Newton- (Pippin tipples furnish
ed by Skinner & Sons; one box Kcd
Cheek apples furnished by Skinner
& Sons; twoj . boxcis fancy runes
packed and furnished by i illson Ar
Co. ; walnuts grown and furnished
by A. A. (Jul wits, Kdenbower; corn
grown and furnished by Oregon
hand & Orchard Co., Itound Prairie;
grain furiilshd by II lines & Oliver,
from numerous sources.
1'h rough the courtesy of J. M.
Scott, (I. P. A., of the Southern Pu
rine lines, the exhibit was transport
ed to Port land without expense to
the club, where It will he taken In
charge by I lie representatives who
are lo accompany the Oregon care
on Its tour through the Kastern
cities. The exhibit was necessarily
limited to a few boxes, but will suf
fice to show not only the quality of
produce raised In the Umpqiri val
ley, hut the wide range In variety
as well. Those who furnished the
different products are to commended
for the pub) is spirit cducss dlsplav-ed.
O. K. Vernon to Otto C. Strick
land, the W. Mi of the N. V. '4
of section 5 S., it. 5 W., lit) acres.
Consideration $700.
L. Wlnilierly and wife lo Oilet
lltiulcr, 10 acres in Douglas county.
Consideration $10.
Letha L. McCiheyhey lo .1. P.
Demi, certain land, described ' by
meets and ImhiihIh.
It. S. Sheridan to Sidney I).
Ilatl. led I. block It,
Addition to Ihi' city
Consideration $10.
Conslderat Ion
I'mpqua Park
of Kooseburg.
(Jet ft pair of Dr. Hermanns read
ing glasses. tf
Numbing, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning
and Heating
North Jackson Street, adjoining Peoples Marble
WorKs. Telephone 251.
WorK Done on Short Notice ROSEBURG, ORE
Dogs belonging lo Arthur Wnnllv
a,ud Robert Teague started oilj It (
"cold" bear track last week. A I-
though Ihey followed ft to I lie Sins-'
law country they failed lo overtake
it, and returned late that evening .
'There will be a big Thanksgiving
dinner, to be given in the old llaney
house this year Mrs. Amies Wool-
ley and Mrs. Peterson will do the
cooking, so we are told. The sur
plus left from t he proceeds of the
box social ts to be used to defray ex
Cold Medal extracts are made In
Itoseburg. Phone n;i0
V S. Weather Pureaii. local ofllce. 1
Itoseburg, Ore.. 'J I hours ending 5
a. m November 1 il. 1 !M 1 . j
I 'reel pit. 1 1 ion In Inches and hun
tlredths: I Ugliest temperat ure . f.:i
Lowest temperature I L
I'recfp last 1' I hours :!?
Total pretip. since 1st of month - S7
vg p reel p. for this mouth for
;t 1 years
Total pieclp. from Sep. 1,
Avg. preelp from Sep. I ,
Total excess from Sep. 1,
Average precip. for H-t
PHI !)
1ST 7 r..!l
IflO 1.01
:t i . s t;
No man has to serve an apprenticeship in otlerto
learn how to make mistakes
You"""""' No Mistake
If you buy your lumber, shingles, doors, windows
and building material of
Phone 21J North Roscburi;
LOOK FDR TI1K Blf, sk;
Dry Slab Wood Rock Springs Coal
has the
Best Buttermaker in the State
in Iar;e or small quantities. Let us have vour
partv orders. Telephone 3-K).
(.l ltDON A. l'OHV,
Vtx-al 1osKons.
Studio 437 N. Hose SI.
Phono 2 30-n
HosobnrR ... -Ore.
int. rixiav.'
S Room B. noil Sisters llnlt.llnH
IVat'her of lMimo.
Stuillii. 4:,1 Kiln Street.
IMione 1111
'. ? o " - ! ':.
s sf si i'j o
Kyo SlMVhtllsf.
217 South Stephens Street.
Itoseburg. Oregon.
c- o o j t? s & o
IHH'orntor and KIiiUImt of llenu
tiful Hollies.
I'urrlage Painting a Specialty.
lies. 318 South Pino street.
1. O. llox 461.
Dr. H. E. Hermann
Eye-Sight Specialist
Home Office 217 S.
Stephens St. Roseburg
llolii'H II a. m. to a v, M.
Kvery Frlriuy uml '
No Soot, Litllo Ash
$9 Per Ton
Iiiiiiieiliuto Delivery Anywhere.
Phone 56
Turning d.irk into rtayilgnt Is
rough on oUI (owli fogies, but
enterprising, get-alieiul, people
want li-M.. As ahlers in light
supplying light that really lights
- softly, continuously lights we
claim lo be pre-eminent In that
we furnish everything you may
require for tho electric lighting
of your home, store or shop.
Ask us.
G. L. Prior
Jackson Street, between Wash
fniTfon nnil Mouirlns
Tahe a Lesson
in Thrifty Coohlng
and you will learn that the less expensive
cuts of meat contain the most Nourishment.
also that the most Savory Dishes are easily
prepared from these inexpensive cuts with a
Food Chopper
You need the "Universal" every day for
Chopping all sorts of Meats and Vege
tables raw or cooked fine or coarse
as wanted, for Hash, (Croquettes,
Hamburg Steak, Chow Chow,
Mince Meat, etc., etc.
Cook Book of valuable recipes is included
with each machine.
Come in and see our
of the "Universal" all this week.
We are Headquarters for Household Things
Recipe No. I
llumburKer Klrak
Chop one pound of lean beefsteak
two ounces of suet, and one medium
sized onion In the Uuiversal Food
Chopper, using tho medium adjust
ment; season with salt and pepper,
form Into four flattened meat balls
and fry about one minute on each
side until both side are a nice brown.
When the steaks are taken out add
a little water to the sauce and thick
en with a little flour: half a tea
spoonful of beef extract will Btrength
en it. Pour the whole over the beef
steaks, which have been laid on a hot
platter From the Universal Cook
Book one free with each machine.
Recipe No. 2
Mince .Meat
Cut up hi the Universal Food Chop
per, tisiiis the medium cutter, two
pounds of lean rre3h beef, boiled and
cold, five pounds of apples, purred
and cored, two pounds of seeded
raisins, three quarters ofa pound of
citron. With the fine cuter pulverize
one pound of beef suet, one nutmeg,
one tablesoonful of cloves and two
of cinnamon. Add altogether with one
pound of Sultana raisins, two pounds
of currants, two tablespoonfuls of
mace, one of alsplce, one of fine salt,
two and onehalfpoundsofbrowusugur,
one quart of brown sherry and one
pint of brandy .Mix all thoroughly to
gether and stand In a cool place. It
will last all winter. Wash the fruit,
especially the currants, and sultanus
most thoroughly. Kroin the Univer
sal Cook Uook-one free with each
Recipe No. 3
Ve:il Loaf
Use three pounds of raw veal, chop?
ped In the Universal Food Chopper
with the medium cutter. Mix It with
four crackers, put through tho same
cutter, butter the size of an egg, threo
eggs, three tablespoonfuls of milk, the
eggs and milk mixed together, one
teaspoonful of black pepK?r, one large
tablespoonful of salt and one of sage.
Mix all well together and form Into a
loaf. Rake two and one half hours,
basting with butter and water occas
ionally. Good either hot or cold.
From the Universal Cook Book one
free with each nithine.
Churchill Hardware Co.
I A. G. Malcolm & Co., paint-
1ug and decorating, tinting cir
i Wage and auto painting. We
! have expert paper hangers.
! Write to us for estimates be
! fore going elsewhere. Our ma
I terial Is the best, our work
j gives perfect satisfaction.
! There's a reason. Phone 1-13-Y;
! 1 O. Itox 404.
We. Iho undersigned taxpayers
and residents of Road District No. ;
1 hereby give notice that a public!
meeting will be held at Brock way J
srhool house in said Road District ;
No. ir. of Douglas County. Oregon.)
on Saturday. December UUh. 1911. j
beginning at one o'clock p. m.. for :
the purpiise of voting an additional I
tax upon personal and real pic pert y ,
shunted In said Road District for the
purpose of improving the public road
in said Road District. I
I Signed. 1 I
W. S. Johnston. Walter McBee, W. !
I. llewit. C. A. Heater. S. A. ltoser. !
W. S. Brosl. I G. .Johnson. M. L. !
Strum. R. Donaldson. C. H. Pratt. A.!
.1. Miltiniore, C. W. Lawsn, J. C. I
Kent. Win. Buxton. I
Fancy Long Keeping
Yellow Newton
Delaware Reds
Ben Davis
Red Cheek Pippin
Apples are very scarce. We guar
unteo all to Ik free from worms.
"The Pure Food Store"
Most complete line in Roseburg
AUalta Oats Shorts Scratch Feed
Oats Barley , Chick Feed
Cheat Corn Beef Scraps
Vetch Wheat Oil Meal Bone, Shell, C.rit
(STPWt Crescent StocK Food
fif.lfe , For MUK Cows
ilQlr Better"' ! than Bran or Shorts
Iffik $28.00 ton, $1.20 801b sack
JaaKt:7i.2552a linaraniitNl Atnolnlrljr Clean.
Marsters Block, Corner Cass and Rose Streets
First-class Restaurant, Grill and Lunch Counter.
Open all hours. The best the market affords, well
cooked and well served. Prices reasonable.
Your Patronage Solicited Meal Tickets $5.50 for $5.0(1
C. and J. ELLIOTT, Props.
ITOVER 500,000
Women are happv because thev own and use a
The G. K. are the indestructible kind. That is
the reason thev sell at $3.50. You cannot afford
any other kind. Call for Indestructible "G. K."
When qu come to town
Don't Jorget to visit the
Water Front Dry floods Store
Sheridan Streets tor Your Suits
Up-to-Date Suits from $10.50 to $25
Everything new in the suit line
Overalls, Shirts, Hats, Caps, Shoes
We can dress you from head to foot cheaper than you
can steal the goods. GIVE US A TRIAL.