as Buying at Half Price "Oh, I can get a range just like that for half the money, from a catalog house." Have you ever heard the above expression? It's just about as ridiculous as it sounds. To start with, there is not a range sold by a catalog house that is one-third as good as the GREAT MAJESTIC Malleable and Charcoal Iron Range and we are right here on the ground to prove It, if you will call and give us a chance. Suppose you ordered one of the ranges from a catalog house, the best you would get Is a Cast Iron and Steel Range, made of the cheapest material that can be bought for that purpose. It Is bolted together, because you can't rivet cast iron. The cracks and cor ners are filled with stove putty. It will do what you might con sider good work for six months or maybe a year at any rate, until you have paid for it. What happens then? Expansion and con traction work the bolts loose the putty falls out cold air gets into the range you are compelled to use a lot of fuel and keep your range red hot to get the oven hot enough to bake. This constant heat burns out the fire-box you need new parts -your range is out of commission for two or three weeks, probably a month, while you are getting new parts. You must pay good money for these parts, because you need them. You must pay the ex press charges, too. Then, when you finally get the parts, you find the fire-box so warped out of shape from the intense heat that it takes a mechanic to place them more expense. Finally you get the range going again. You find things you bake in the oven are always full of ashes and soot, and on examining the oven you find large openings where the putty has fallen out. You can't get some one from the catalog house to come and put In more putty, so you must ask your local man to help you out more expense. In a little while you find a hole has rusted or burned through the thin steel body. Get the tinner to put a patch over the hole more expense. Just about this time you begin to realize you have an expensive range, and either throw it out or wait a few weeks longer until it falls to pieces. Now, just suppose you ordered A GREAT MAJESTIC RANGE from us. To begin with you pay a little more money than you did for the catalog house range, but vou get the best that is made. MALLEABLE IRON AND CHARCOAL IRON IS EVERYTHING IN A RANGE. It can't break doesn't rust all joints are rlvited to gether perfectly air tights No stove putty. No cold air enters the range and no hot air escapes. It won't use half the fuel, as all the heat stays in the range, where It should be. You are not compelled to burn out the range to get the oven hot enough to bake. You don't constantly spend money for repairs, because there is nothing that can break or get out of fix. To be sure, we make a profit on that range. Don't we deserve It? We are looking after your interest, why shouldn't you pay us a reasonable profit if it pays you to do it? To whom do you pay the profit when yon buy from a catalog house? Why most assuredly to the catalog house. They don't know you, consequently don't care what happens after they have their money. They don't make the range they sell; they do the same as we buy from the manufacturers. The only difference is, they buy the cheapest they can get and sell for all they can get; while we buy the best and are satisfied with a reasonable profit, depending on the future for more sales. Give this matter a careful thought, and if you are not satisfied with this argument, put your catalog under your arm and come and see us; show us what they will do for you, and we will show you where we can do better. Don't you think that's fair? Douglas Dounty Distributors Rice & Rice The House Furnishers Roseburg', Oregon Sealshipt Oysters Solid Measure No Water Handled In Most Sanitary Manner, and Guaranteed Absolutely Free From Preservatives. $1.00 Quart 50c Pint 25c Half Pint Cass Street Market tiKKMOX FHOM HIS DEO. Factional Fight In Church Congrega tion cause oi Hum pus. DENVER. Oct. &6. Rev. Walter Rudolph, pastor of the Union Presby terian church here, who was severely injured In a factional fight in his church Tuesday night, delivered sermon last night from the bed on which he is confined, while mem bers of his flock, representing his fol j lowing from the congregation prop er, knelt or stood about his bedside. Rev. Mr. Rudolph occupies a liv ing room in the rear part or the church and refuses to be removed to a hospital, fearing that should he give up possession of the church the opposing Taction would immediately take charge. The rumpus of Tuesday night is the culmination of a long war be tween one faction opposed to the pastor and the pastor s followers, the climax coming when two nights ago a movement to evict the pastor and take possession of the church was made. LOCAL NEWS. Home made jellies, just like Aunt Mary used to make, at the Rochdale. o28 . Charles Hill, a laborer, who has been employed in locating a county road in Cow Creek Canyon- for the past few weeks, was brought here this morning suffering from injuries sustained through the premature ex plosion of a quantity of dynamite late yesterday afternoon. He was ac companied to Roseburg by Dr. Kauff man, of Olendale, and upon his ar rival was admitted to Mercy hospi tal where he is being attended by Dr. A. F. Sether. It appears that the unfortunate man was assisting tn dynamiting a number of stumps In order to clear the proposed right-of- way for the road. He had Injected a quantity of dynamite at the base of the large stump, and after waiting for a period of five or six minutes decided that the exposlve had failed to respond. With a view of investi gating, he walked to a point within a fpot or two of the stump, and was about to place his hand near its base when the dynamite exploded. The unfortunate man was hurled through the air for a distance of several yards and sustained numerous injuries. His right hand was nenrly severed from the wrist, white his head and body evidenced many serious bruis es. It Is also said that his eyes are Injured. Companions rushed to the man's assistance and he was carried over the mountains, a distance of 25 miles to Glendale, where he was giv en temporary relief at the hands of Dr. Kauffman. Later he was placed aboard a northbound freight train and arrived here at 4 o'clock. Dr. Sether says the man is quite serious ly injured and that he may die as a result. Dr. Kauffman, who accom panied him to Roseburg, returned to Glendale this morning. OITOUTUXITIKS. Are useless unless taken advan tage of. Take advantage of the fine weather and have your sittings for Xmas fotos. Clark & Clark. dtf NOTICE TO PUBLIC. NOTICE Is hereby given to all parties knowing themselves to be in debted to Pllkington Bros, to come in and settle such account at once. tf P1LKINGTON BROS. -a Palace Theatre Tonight 7:13; 8:15; 9:15; 10:13. 3 Kxtra Good Pictures tills Cliangi' "THE THIEF AXD THE GIHL" "THE CATTLE HERDER'S RO MANCE" 'IX)VK AND CHEESE" Eye Trials Of Today Looking facts IN THE FACE is the way the WISE ones act. Those who look another way at the trials of today but add to the sufferings of tomorrow. If your eyes are weak, if a film comes over them, or they ache or burn, or bother you in any way, don't delay in consult ing me. I'll tell what you ought to do you may do it if you like. A. S. Hucy OPTOMETRIST 1 18 CASS ST. Automobile Repairing Work Promptly Executed. Satisfaction Guaranteed in Every Particular. G. L. PRIOR Jackson Street. Between Washington & Douglas TWO GOOK SONGS: "SIT STILL 1ULI," "NEW MOWN HAY" Adults 10c; Children under 14, : 8c. IACAL NEWS. $1, 11.25 and $1.50 comforts at Strong's. S. B. Dentloy, or Lead, South Da kota, 1b a visitor in Roseburg. He nay locate here permanently. Marks' Umpcua Creamery butter leads them all. Absolutely pure, fresh and clean. Sold only at the Rochdale. Q28 A message was received here yes terday to the effect that Peter Pet erson, a brother of A. Peterson, form erly owner of the Cass street shoe store, died in Denver earlier in the day. Elmer Underwood, of Delnorte, Colo., is spending a few dayB in Kosebug looking over the country. Mr. Underwood ft) an experienced rancher and is quite pleased with the opportunities existing in thiB ocamy. At a special Bchool election held at Kiddle last Saturday, a tax of 4 mills was voted with which to pay off the present Indebtedness of the district and provide funds for con ducting the schools during the pres ent year. THE NEW RAILROAD Ib coming and so is Xmas. Hnve your sittings made now and avoid the rush. Clark & Clark. dtf CI.AMSIKIKI) ADVERTISEMENTS KOH RENT FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms. No children. Apply 302 West Washington. tf FOR RENT Nice furnished rooms, centrally located. Inquire 318 S. Pine. tf WANTED. BOARDERS WANTED Private family will accept few boarders and roomers. Inquire 451 S. Jack son street. Phone 2 15-J Ptf FOR SALE 250 Angora goats for sale at 12.50 per head, F. O. B. Albany, Ore. Phone or write, Lee Miller, Albany, Ore. nl-swd WANTED Any quantity of culled Juicy apple.- (Ben Davis excepted). Highest prices paid. Umpqua Cider & Vinegar Works, 220 Oak street. BWtf If you want to get Clothes, Shoes or Furnishings that will satisfy you in every way, come and see the excellant values we now offer in New Suits New Shoes New Hats New Trousers New Shirts New Caps New Underwear New Hosiery New Ties SIMON CARO Leading Clothier 223 North Jackson Street Always Striving to Please You i PUPILS WANTED On mandolin, guitar and mandola by experienced mandolin club teacher. Rapid and thorough advancement. Prepare yourself for my advanced club and derive some pleasure out of your instrument. A Ferguson, llerrlng ton House, city. ill 6 WANTHD Salesmen tor axclUBlvt territory. Big opportunities. Ni experience necessary. Cosnpleti line Yakima Valley grown fruit shade and ornamental stock. Casl weekly. Outfit free. Toppenisi Nursery Company, Top,.entsh Wash. dswtl FOR SALE FOR SALE Two good cows, part Jersey. Inquire at this office. FOR 8ALF New, 5-passengor, Ford automobile, $750. A snap. Inquire News office. dtf FOR SALE Light team, wagon and Harness, rricu tou. inquire m News office. dtf FOR SALE! White Leghorn cock rels. inquire 1004 Winchester street, or phone 328-R. swo30 WOOD FOR SALE Phone Farmers 164. J I. SprtngBteaed. Roseburg, for wood. Prompt delivery. dtf rUR SALE Horse, hack and hnr nes8 for sale; also cow and chick ens. Apply Munn, Edenbower. do2C FOR SALE House and four lots. Will sell part or all Busy toruis. Call or adress M., c-o News of fice. dtf FOR SALE 23 acre Improved, 1111- lard Bottom land, mile from station and postofflce. For terms, address box 23, Dlllard. Ore. n23 FOR SALE Heavy team and wag- oa can be had cheap lr taken at once. Address Peter Dlttle, Rose burg. Bwn4 TEN ACRES FOR SALE Nice prop erty one mile from postofflce, good Improvements, price $3,500. In quire News office for particulars. o20 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 15 acre ranch near San Diego, Cal ifornia. Would trade for timber land near Roseburg. AddreBS G. care News. o28 FOR SALE OR TRADE Stock of merchandise at Newport, Wash., would exchange for land In Doug las county, close to Roseburg. Ad droBS L. A. Cary, Newport, Wash. n-10 ''1NE HOME SITE FOR SALE C lots on hill slope, best of doop mil, nice lot of 3-yenr-old choice varieties of fruit treeB, smnll fruit, etc., all fenced, at loss than others ask for unimproved property. In quire Nows. THIS 11ICATS RENT Two nice lots, few beurlng trees, small neat house, everything In nice shnpB. only $750. Deal with owner, be cnuse you cannot bent it. Inquire News for particulars. tf FI VE "ACRES FOR SALE Nice piece of land, all fenced, close In and ready for planting. No buildings but a choice spot tor small farm Price $1,250. Inquire News of flee. FOR SALE Four-room now modern house and two lota; house just completed; will sell reasonable or rent; terms. Address Box 8, Roso burg. or Phono Suburban 85. tf A FOR. SALE Shetland pony, broke to drive or vide, fancy driver and gentle. Also pony rubber tlrod buggy with top" and hnrnoss. Ad dress Pony, care of News, Roso burg, or call at office. dBwtf FOR SALE One acre in city limits; flve-room house; 20 cherry trees on the place, good variety of Binall fruits and excellent garden spot; good Bmall barn on place; price $3750. For particulars adross owner, enre of The News, or call at this office. dsw-tr ONE ACRE HOME Nice little place just ouisiue cny iiiiulh, guuu six room house, barn, chicken houso, nto nil ttxnrnii nnit In flrnt class condition, grounds Bet to young fruit trees, some in bear ing, big shade trees-by house, all for only $1,800. Inquire News, tf 1075 FOR HOME This Is ono raro bargain, 2 big lots, smnll comfor table house, poultry yards, bearliiR fruit, sewer assessment pnld, in choice residence district, close in Vacant lots adjoining held at $000 each. Owner leaving city, and for quick snle offers It low. Worth $1,500. Inquire News office. tf FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN flood warranted marble top furnlturo; household goods of every doscrlp. tlou; gardening tools down to a post-hole digger; about 10 Horn of dry ouk wood; all klndB of provis ions, also 18 line laying hons. MllBt he sold on or before November 11 See Carl Huffman, Mill street city. dsw-n2 COUNTRY HOME FOR BALE- Close In. about six acres, plastored house of 8 rooms, barns, water for Irrigating nliicd over place, and everything in flrBt-clasB condition, a bonanza for market gardening. Nice lot of benrlng trees and a home that you will be proud of and an Income maker, lor par ticulars Inquire at News office. tf STOCK RANCH FOR SALE One of the money mnkers about 1,300 acres, watered by creeks and springs, lots of fine land, plenty ot timber, good comfortable nouse, barns, plenty of hay land, on county road, and a place that will bring returns. Only $7 an ncro. Address box 55 or Inquire News office for particulars. tf TIMBER CLAIM FOR BALE Th' following described timber elalt' Is offered for sale; N. B. 'A the S. E. B. E. of the f. E. A of W. tt N. E. Vt of sec. 2: township 30 south of range west, consisting of 100 acres o sugar pine, fir and cedar. It cruts ed three and one-half million? Price, $3,000. Address P, can Nowb, RoBfiUurifOr. dsw' IISO-ACRE FARM FOR HALE link ing of nice homo place, has big comfortable log house and barn, family orchard of trees Just com ing Into bearing, living spring water piped to house, about 6 acre In cultivation, big outside range. 8.000,000 of sa wtlmber, (cruis ed!. Property can he had for $3. 750. Inquire at News office. B-tf , FOR SALE If you want to buy rlv er bottom land come see us ot write. This land Is a black loam) free soil, all well drained, no hills, no rock, all level. Can sell In ten or twenty acre lots at reas onable figure. Land now being lurreyed and plBtttd. Only two and half miles from Riddle on One road. Write at once. Riddle Land Company, Riddle, Ore Among those who left for coast poluts this morning were O. S. Wag ner, Mra. Knowlton, Joe Murphy and J. Davidson. Dr. Ollmour, ot Oakland, spent the day In Roseburg attending to busi ness matters and visiting with friends. MRS. A. 8. ADERTON, Prop. FIRST CLASS SERVICE S Royal Club Restaurant First Class Restaurant ami Lunch Counter. Open All Hours. Your Patronage Solicited. WHITE HELP ONLY EMPLOYED 409 CASS STREET OPPOSITE DEPOT I ABSOLUTELY l'l'HE ISO HOI'K SCm'PITliOI'SlY CLEAN I NO IHU'E I TAMPA VANA I CIGARS I All Drillers Si'lIfTT TTTi It You Will Like I HH. VI llim-drn Makes x I Adams Washer Removes the dirt In one-half the time and with less than one-half the labor. No springs, wheels, castings, crunks, cogs, rust, oil, dirt, or needless machinery. No hoops to fall off or staves to be come loose, leak or warp. Weight but SMS poun ds. Any woman can handle It. A lwUMtenring machine, with u positive guarantee. L. H. RHOADES & CO. Goods Bought and Sold WE SELL GOLDEN WEST STEEL CUT COFFEE BECAUSE:; 151, It Ih really steel cut. filly UtlHlleSS. Uly chaff less. If. Ill Willi lv flU,fl. AtlH RpPIICP lt '8 really different and .TTU14 u Ih better than any other. MA KK 18 ritOVE IT. Henry Easton GROCER 344 North Jackson Phone 26 LUNCH GOODS Nice, Fresh and Crisp An assortment that win please the most fastidious and satlBfy the cravings of the "Inner Mun" In every particular. For a quick, smart and appetizing moal take a supply of the fol lowing homo for your emergency cuphourd: ('hlllt Con Ciirnn Oyster and Hlirhup Delicious Canned Halmon llcliiy. Celebrated (leans Hanliues and Mimed Meats Hulled iljiiu anil Tongue Lilly's Apple Jelly Choice Apple llutter Aside from this excellent lino of "cold goods" for your lunch we can supply you with all delicacies of the land In the way of flno pastry not exactly like mother used to niako just a little better for mother never hnd the modern methods of pantry making ut her command. A trial will convince of this fact. All kinds of candles, nuts, etc.. In a great assert men t. Umpqua BaRery H. GUEST, Proprietor BANKS & WELKER THE ORIGINAL EMPIRE LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLE Transcicnt stock given best of care. Horses boarded atreasonable rates. First class rigs, good horses and careful drivers Blacksmith "Shop in Connection All Work Guaranteed Cor. Main and Washington Sts. Phone 5 r A gon. , . dswtf 7