The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, October 25, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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BV B. W. BAT 4.
' ftubucrJuLlon lUten Dully.
Per year, by mall $3.00
Per monin, delivered
Per rear 2.00
Blx months 100
Entered as second-class matter
November 6, 1910, at Roseburg, Ore.,
under act of March 3. 1879.
Most rat holes will irar looking
Into also some knot ho Urn.
Many a man lives In fear that he
will get all that Is coining to mm
and rightfully he should.
There are several different ways
of "getting next to nature" but na
ture never gets next to tho filthy
either In mind or body.
flonie people use the word "knock
er" for a barricade agaliiKt the truth
but the fellow with tho calouHt
k ii nek 1 cm is the one that deliver tlx
goods every now and then.
The "well balanced" man In the
one who controls hla own infnrl. Too
many men go through life as u liv
ing example of their brain represen
tatives. That In, the oilier follow
borrows tho brain for working cap!
Many people who in the spring
time enter with enthuKluHiu Into the
raising of poultry ant now counting
their losses and gains. And sonm of
them are realizing to (heir Borrow
that while anybody can keep poul
try It Is not everybody that poultry
will keep.
If it Is true, as stated on hlh
authority, that New York banks re
fuse employment to any man who
testifies In court against defrauding
bankers It Is not going to ItiHpfre
much confidence in the honor and
business Integrity of the banks. Not
only that hut It shown that the man
agement of the banks should be
thoroughly Investigated.
If the boys In tho farm home
more often had a financial share in
the farm Instead of being treated
like hired help there would bo a
greater detdro to stick to the farm.
Hut when a boy Is not consulted or
taken Into his father's coufidenri It
Is no wonder that ho has but little
Interest In the farm and makes up
his mind to go to tho city as soon
as possible.
Borne people have strange Ideas as
to bushiest! morality. They are very
exact In dealing with other men In
business, but when It cornea to their
relations with tho national govern
ment their conduct 1h sometimes very
different. Men who would under no
consideration defraud a private Indi
vidual do not heHltule lo defraud Die
customs of thousands of dollars, and
In thus defrauding to perjure them
selves up to the hilt. It Is a cjueer
conscience that leads men thus to
differentiate, and as an ethical mat
ter It would be Instructive to know
how long a man will go on cheat
ing tho government before he begins
to cheat an Individual.
One of Governor West's paroled
convicts, under the title of a game
warden, arrested a prominent Sulem
business man for displaying a deer
in front of his place of business. The
merchant was promptly given his
freedom when brought Into court.
Between West's paroled convicts and
those who have as yet escaped a
visit to Oregon's state Institution, the
average sedate citizen and business
man mUht consider himself quite
fortunate if he escapes without a
prison record lief ore the governor's
term expires.
Most likely It is a surprise to the
majority of people thut the majority
in California for the "rwall was
greater than that for the "initiative
and referendum." Kor both amend
inentH the majority was overwhelm
ing, but that for the recall exceeds
that for tho Initiative and referen
dum hy several thousand. I hat ver
dict probably means that the people
of California are dissatisfied will)
some court decisions In their own
state and elsewhere, a conviction that
tin; Judiciary, as well as other of
ficials, Is not immaculate, and that
the best corrective for the judicial
and other shortcomings lies In the
nower of (lie people to bring the of
fenders to account. Kvldently, also,
the contention that the power to re
call will lessen reverence for the
coiirLs and make judges the mere
Instruments of demagogues did not
weigh with the Callfoniians.
There Is no discounting the fact
that woman suffrage has made a
great gain in the victory achieved In
California. Naturally one looks to
the Western states for experiments In
legislation, economics and social re
lations because they are less influenc
ed by those old etsnhllshed customs
I hat affect the Kasiern rtatoK. Hut
the people of the West are Just as
ijulck in throwing over experiments
if they do not prove satisfactory as
they are in making them. I hererore
jis ennui suffrage has prevailed in
five of the Western and mountains
states for some time I lie result In
California can only mean that Die
majority In that stale Is sat Is lied
that woman suffrage has proved snc-
Hsful where tried. It goes without
lying that the cause of woman suff
rage has received a decided Impetus.
That certain cllciio of "rough
necks" who have had full swing of
tlie greater part of the moral de
pravity existing In this city are ever
on the alert to register a "knock"
against The Kveiilng News for Its at
titude toward them. Ho strong had
they become enthroned Unit t heir
nasty fangs reached far and covered
a largi- era within the city's border.
With (lie head of tho police depart
ment at their command, no fear of
public exposure was considered, and
lull' the mouths of supposed rep
utable iii.t-iiH were closed -or ratli-
foreed to disregard t he trill h
under oath the disreputable hunch
were downed and "smoked out" of
their rendezvous. This slate of af-
fajirs has naturally 'caused n few
"heart aches' among the denizens of
t lie lower world and I he u p-to-1 he
minute st unt, now inculiat lug. and
pari I. v carried out, Is being closely
watched by the observing ones that
its "whiskers" may be "singed" when
fully matured.
Best Car of Coal Ever Seen in Roseburg
has been received by Roseburg Feed & Fuel Co.
Rock Springs Coal, positively better coal than
bas heretofore been offered for sale in Rose
burg. Price the same as has been asked for
inferior coal. Come and see it or telephone
No. 163 your order.
Roseburg Feed & Fuel Co.-Winchester St.
Until further notice, I will be located on Main
Street, opposite Moore's Old Livery Barn
Where I will be pleased to attend the wants
of my former patrons in the Horseshoeing Line.
A rriti.ic m iem:t i,i;sso.
As everybody hereabouts knows
Tho Dalles Is one of the live, enter
prising cities of Oregon, says the
Portluud Telegram. It Is the metrop
olis of Wasco county, and about It
and tributary to it Ilea one of the
iiHtst fei til 4 sections of tills pro
utictlve state.
I m ring the Lewis and (Mark Ex
position there was no county in Ore
gon that maintained a more splen
did exhibit of fruits and other farm
product) than Wasco, it is remem
bered as one of the most striking and
attractive county exhibits that was
seen in the Agricultural building.
Quite in line with that which the ex
hibit denoted, tho eople of that
country, and especially the people
of The lall"s. have been persistent in
pul ting before the home-Hekers of
the Kast the resources, that abound
in that section, and the opportunities
for prosperous home-making to be
found there. An Intelligently plan
ned and well-grown campaign of
publicity is conducted for that pur
pose The publicity succeeds. it
brings the people. These people find
the soli, the climate, tho resources
all the facilities which nature pro
vides for I lie welfare of those who
will engage in honest industry to be
In evidence.
Hut. strange to say, they Had also
that while prices for farm produce
are high In the city they are low in
the country; and thut by anomalous
manipulation by the agencies be
t ween producer and consumer t he
former finds no market for his pro
duce, while the latter continues to
pay the same fancy price. It is
the same old story of expensive, sur
plus machinery of distribution which
takes tribute from the people going
and coming, and about which there
Is such widespread protit and re
formative discussion.
Apropos of this The Dalles Chron
icle tells substantially the following
story: A farmer woman came into
t hat city on a recent Sat urday af
ternoon to dispose of eight dozen
chickens. She tried the stores and
t he markets and t he commission
houses, but to no avail. She was told
(here was no market for chickens at
any price. Finally, and presumably
as she was driving out of the city
in discouragement, she asked a man
whom she s-iw standing in front of
his home If he knew of anyone who
would buy any of her chickens. In
response to a question by him she
explained that she could not sell them
at (he slores and the butcher shops.
He asked why she did not send them
to fort land, and in reply to I hat
question she top him the dealers had
discouraged her. Me helped her to
sell a few chickens in Hie immediate
neighborhood. gave her direct ions
how to ship the rest to Portland am)
with that, the story of this farmer
woman, who. hy the way, had driven
into The Dalles :ii mites with her
eight dozen chickens comes to an end.
Mill the sequel of that story is
quite interesting as the .story
itself. At the time that farmer wo
man was unable to dispose of her
rhickoiH to the dealers they Were
exhibiting poultry of the same grade
for sale at 'HI rents a pound. The
family of that city that had chicken
for dinner on tho following Sunday
a id had to buy It in the stores and
butcher shops paid :iu cents for every i
ihmiimL of it. Including head and feet. I
One doe:4 not Iieeil to arilte that
many families did not have chicken
for dinner, for the reason ttiat the
price was too high. Nellher does one
need lo argue that that disappointed
wo ma ii ns she drove back over the
miles to her home was the victim
of hitter discouragement and pessim
ism regarding the prosperous, home-
inaklug conditions that obtain in
mhI about The Dales. Vet the con
lilions are there.
How can those conditions be made
ivailable and effective'.' The answer
to thai question is the answer to
a similar question propounded in this
city of Portland, and practically in
every cil y of I lie Western con ill r
We in ll si give 1 itne a lid a I tell I ion
and spend some money toward I he
establishment of a public market t
which Hie woman wMh eight do.en
ebb kens, or any ot her (plant il y of
any oilier kind of produce may come
and meet the pie who want to bu
for use in their homes
That farmer woman who went beg
ging alont The Dalles hi sell a few
In vim i ll i. U UK which t be neonle ot
I Ii at cil v would ul.ullv have bought
from her at a reasonable, and to
her a profitable price, if they had
the opportunity is only a tyie of the
prodio er w ho finds every desirable
.oiidition in Oregon offset bv the
r.-. d o Hie -.urphis middleman I n j
:ul eft i- v : Mie op port u n nie-. hiimm
M-allv ei-t in Ibis state, we are wait
ing uiotie so long as we permit 1hb.
.;oiiging Mtem of distribution lo
pro a pou the producer at oi nd
and upon the consumer al the other
i;oD TO oos HX.
, Nou
The t pperinosi Project U'illt
The S, P. 'ooipauy.
- hi in
Thereak'st (Icrm destroyer ami disinfectant known
Will destroy odors and jenu life in twenty seconds
For use in sinks, toilets and sick room
We guarantee this preparation to do all we claim
Marsters Drug Co
000000 00.000 0000 GO
0 Are you aware that of all ELECTRIC Lamps the 0
"Peerless Drawn Wire MAZDA"
0 EXCEI.LS. We can Inrnish voti anv sie von
(Jfe wish. Remember l h is, a lo candle cai hon
a 20 candle "Mazda" costs .00.? 3- cts.
Less cost, more light, longer life. First
cost more but ultimate cost less. Don't buy
any but '"Peerless" if vou would be satisfied.
(vis - - - - - fa
000000 00000 000000
I b. 1 1 t lo- ;it i Dii-K I :t m:tt Ii fill ilt" tf
tilt' Soul llt'l-ll P;ii'ilir. whiih i- In rr
Hurt' the innninu lime ul' trains ln
lutvlt I'.M-tl.illtl iliul S;ill l-'t'iltirHi'it tit
't'. lumr-v will l t tnupli'tril iirh in
r.u :: an. I Diat tin- inins.M litii" I'm tu
Klli:.'li,' In l'.m P:i will bi- st.itl.-il
anil rn-hi'tl tn t i'ini'li'i imi as rarl
:t- .-:. tit :iblo. wt-tv unfit b K K
t 'al in . 1 1 1 .i .'-jib-nt ninl '.:i-iii-ral
lll.lllai'.rT l t 111' Sl'tll lii-rn Paiitl.'. who
arnf.l in IVrtlaihl ta-t niiihi
Mr in let:- jn-l t .'iiiplrt.'il an
llipiM I ii'tt H tlli1 lnii"i lib Hiri;nil
m rr w li H h Ills i in iMli t iiMi will In
i'ti'inb'il i'iulii'1- 1 His terri hr
atl.-i- Dial ,lat.' will .-in br.icr all tin
Sunt lirrn PariH.' lint's mmum of Port
lainl. wrst ot Omloii ami north of
. Kl Paso wttl mm. tin b.-m un-
' 1 1 1 t !n Kit r i r part ot t In- w i-i-k ami
w ill bo ioinr.t horn Thiii.lav tnoni
iiu: bv William Spronli'. pffsitlon t of
tho Sonthoni Pioilb', an.l K O Mi
iVimhC it o iii'si ii on t in thari;o of
Tint tlr. bo-o niristlit t ion o or
fi'fli:bt an.l iM-ftm.-r IhimU'"-s will
ho rUoiuloil lo tho Utoi-oii linos No -,
ombor i I
' ll U our InttMH ion to -tart t ho
work mi tho Coos p,i lino as j
as ionmImo," ho salil It Is olio ot
tho lir-( tlitncs that must bo .b-no
u o am r.'a.h m . it an-l on! hao
lr.'l linlna tios to ronii'Vli' hot off w o
tan boi;in mtua otoration
Tho Nat ion K lama tti work i ::o
inn torwarii i;irii(l, ho mportoil Ito
font rout r:u t mi t li;it ju oitot will
Tti.lo aotuttv mill! tho rii.i of tho
fitsoiit tibial oar .j.roiri.uiotis
liaio 1 n proltb'l for tomi'lt'tton of
tho rutin cut-off ami tho construc
tion will lo authot it'd a- rapullv as
ITotrrsH ro.intrr-
1 oprct iho Vitron Kta-uat Pn
to ti nntthoi) itt a io;r ntu! n b:t."
iU Mr. Calvin, "It may be done
A. L. Kitchin
A complete line of fruit Q
trees, also Nut, Shade,
and Ornamental Trees,
Shrubs, Berry Vines,
Order Now
And g'et the best
And Winchester Only 6 Miles
Away Yet The Light
Costs' you
as follows:
If using Carbon Lamps
2 candle lamp uses 10 watts, cost per hour .001 1-2
4 20 ' " -003
8 " " " 30 " " " " -004 1-2
16 60 " " " " "009
J20 " " .018
soon nflcr tll! IjCKlimillK of 19 IS."
.Mr. Calvin rHioniti-d llio tulc
nit'iilH luailo hy iilhcr Iliirrliniui of
(IcialH that tho nuw urbanization will ,
provlilo nioro opportunity for nii'ii In
I'xociitlvi! iMiyltlons of tin- systiMil In
llloct with till, iiillilil' ii M ll to stiuly
the ih'imIh of tho poopli'. j
XOTICK 1(1 I'llll.lC.
NOTICK Is hereby nlvon lo nil
parties knowing; themselves to ho In
debted to PlIkinKtoQ Hros. to come
In and settlo mieh aeionnt at once. i
Eye Trials Of Today
Looking facts IX T1I1C
FACIC is the why llie
VV1SK ones act. Those
who look another way
at the trials of today
butadd to the sufferings
of tomorrow. If your
eyes are weak, if a film
comes over them, or
they ache or burn, or
bother you in any way, ,
don't delay in consult
ing me. I'll tell what
you oujflit to do you
may do it if you like.
A. S. Huey
20 candle lamp uses 25 watts cost per hour .003 3-4
32 40 .006
48 " " " 60 ' " .009
80 " " " 100 " " " " .01 1-2 .
125 " " " 150 ' .02 1-4
To explain the above table you will note that the wattage
is given for each lamp, and means the amount of electric
ity the lamp burns each hour. If on a meter you pay
15 cents per kilowatt, for the first hours burning ot each
lamp for each day of the month; and if using a 16 carbon
lamp it is costing you 60 watts against 25 watts for a 20
candle PEERLESS MAZDA. Remember 1000 watts
make a kilowatt, you can easily figure out the great dif
ference in cost ot current you use, beside remember the
still greater difference in quality of light that you get.
Then again the lile of the carbon lamp is rated at
from 600 to 700 hours while the PEERLESS MAZDA
is about 900 hours. Also remember that in the Drawn
Wire Peerless Mazda you have a lamp as tough of Ali
ment as the carbon, so that it can be used where ever the
carbon can be. WE Sell The
If your boy or girl needs a blotter tell them call and asK for a PEERLISS
Mr. and Mrs. C'hurlos Rider ninl
family, recently of Albany, left fur
San l-'rant isio. Cal., this morning af
1t a few days spent in Itoselmrn vis
iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
S. V. MrClean, tn West ltdseluiri;.
Mr. Rider recently disposed of his
farm, near Alhany. and will iroh
ahlv locale in San Francisco iierman-enily.
Snow Drift
Absolutely Guaranteed to be
The Best Flour
Sold Only by
i lie ivuuiuai
Fancy Long Keeping
Yellow Newton
Delaware Reds
Ben Davis
Red Cheek Pippin
ipl tin. vi rv M'iiii'c. r miiir
nntsf all In In- Iiic frimi Hiiriiis.
KI)i:lt MIW
"The Pure Food Store"
Marsters Block, Corner Cass and Rose Streets
First-class Rvr-tamant, t'.rill and Luneh Counter.
Open all h(iur. The best the market aflonls, well
cooked and well served. Prices reasonable.
Your I'mronase Soli. ilcJ Meal Tickets S5.50 for $5.00
C. and J. ELLIOTT, Props.
Wholesale and retail Batcher. Tne best the Market
aHordg. All kinds of Stotk Bought and Sold.
riione .rvS
Roseburg, Oregon
When you come to town 1
uon t torget to visit the
Water Front Dry Goods Store
Sheridan Streets tor Your Suits1
Up-to-Date Suits from $10.50 to $25
Everything new in the suit line
Overalls, Shirts, Hats, Caps, Shoes
We can dress you from head to foot cheaper than you
can steal the goods. GIVE US A TRIAL.