The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, October 14, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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Attorney C. 8. Jucksou ruturuud Joseph pupe, the Sheflduii tret
here yesterday ufter a few day spent confectioner, ban returned from Port
at Canyonvllle vialtlng with his par- iail(j whire lie int a few days look
eiita. ( iiK after business matters.
M. P. Shormari, accompanied by Sum ClirlHteiiaen and M. L. Levena,
bis wife, child and inothnr arrived of H rock way, have Just completed a
htre recent!. Air, Hherniun 1h common1 hunt two-Hlnry store hulld
dopnty Hi'itreme organizer for the Ink for Mr. Nlclioln, of that cJty.
Moose l''dK", and will make an ef-, Ttfe lower floor will be lined by the
fort te launch a branch of the order latter, while the upper apartments
In thm city. I will lie converted Into a public hull.
if mlSj If
if The Horn, ol 21
U Kupamw QrT wTJ
Wouldn't yon like to lnivc n new
up In tin minute suit one that you
knew would nive you entire Hutlsfac
tion unit lluit would retain I(m shape
one that you would Ih pleaded to
wear anywhere mid know thai you
wer dreMMcl rorrertjy? That't what
wo aii offering you anil more too
we are keeping your halt pressed free
for you. If you are not Nutlslletl we
will cheerfully refund your money.
Could anyone link more? What In
nI Ml (tetter you can buy n suit like
wo have just Ihm-u telling you about
All the latest miMitiin many of
tlume rich browns and tan also blue
Phone 245. All mirk rirat-rli
Commercial Abstract Co
Abstracts of 1 itlc Filing Papers Prcpareu
Insurance, Etc.
Bonds of all Kinds Furnished
828 North Jncknon at. ' !t(S! lU'HO, OUKC.'ON
North Side Plaining Mill
luM Xorth of Kinney Spur. North
Jackson Strict, Phone rtiitt.
Ordent for all kinds of TliilM In k Material promptly Killed at
Reasonable Prices.
Mill Work Our Specialty
I'r.ilt IUiiH lu Anj (Juautlty.
Have your eyes examined by Dr.
Hermann, October 2ti and 27, oliG
A willow wood basket for $1 at
B. VV. HtrongB, the rtirnlture iiihii.
' '
K. K. Weaver, of Piddle, waa a
visitor In KoseburK for a few hours
Hlshop HcaddliiK, of Portland, was
a visitor In Host-burg for a few hours
last evening.
F. F. Kpplnn, of Myrtle Creek,
was a business visitor lu Koseburs
riothes horses are ridden by wet
clothes until dry, at li. W. Strong'.
do I 7
W. . MeMlllen. of HuiikIIii, Bpent
the day In ItoseburK unending to
business matters.
10. II. Harrier, county grange or
ganizer, went to Wilbur tins morn
ing to look nfter business Interests.
Kdltor l. K, Vernon, of the Oak
land Advanee, spent the day lu Kose
htirg lit tending to business matters.
(ienrgu Mer'ullni-h. the Sutherlln
butcher, and his wife. pent IhhI
veiling In Itnwhiirg the guests of
j friends.
j Norman Throne, or Ashland, Is
I spending a few days In Koseburg
vlntting with his irotlnr. jonu
Miss fJertrude Trunibo went to
Hutherlln this morning to spend a
eon pie of days visiting with her sis
ter, Mrs. Adams.
County Fruit Inspector F. A. Mc
CiiH returned here this morning af
ter a couple of days spent in the
vicinity of Yoncalla.
Frank Cain, county surveyor, ar
rived here this afternoon from Kid
dle where he Hpent the past few
mouO, inhrr 2i and 27 Dr. Iler-XVr-
m Mini will be In his home
oftlce at 217 8. Stephens
itri'i't. do25
William Dixon, of Prlnevllle, Ore-,
iiii, ret iirncd here last evening 1o
him :i(t the win vhh l'i.- father.!
Itafo Dixon.
A coal stove that cost I fi and
used but three wet-ks fir sale at $12.
I, a me stove, very satisfactory. See
It. W. Strong. do I 7
M rs. K liner Wlmberly and child
It-ft for Portland this morning where
tlM'V will visit at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. William Davidson.
.Mrs. Frank lleuson. nf Salem, ar
i Ived in l(oHhurg evening to
Hpfiul a ft-w days visiting at the home
of Judge ami Mrs. J. W. Hamilton
William .1. Ilayner ami wife, of
Slit her) I n. arc sieiiding the day In
Uoscbiirg attending to business Hun
ters and incidentally greeting friends.
I,. V. Cole has resigned his posi
tion at t he N w York store. Mr.
Cole's place has been lllled by Mr. .1 .
O'llrlen, formerly connected with the
Claud Davis, of Clendale. arrived
n Uoseburg this afternoon ami
was admitted to the county home,
north of town, where he will remain
luring his declining years.
John Hall and wife returned to
their homes at M vrtle Creek last
evening after a few clays spent In
Itoseburg vlsiiiuu at the home of
their daughter. Mrs. A .C. Seely.
M rs Dewar. of Cardiner. under
went an operation at Mercy hospital
'his moruiim. Dr. A. I". Set her was
the attending surgeon. The opera
tion was very successful and the pa
Ment is said to be resting easy this
W. II, Dyer, the Myrtle Creek mer
chant, spent t he day in Koselnftg
it tending to various business mat
ters. Mr Dver savs that Myrtle
i 'reek is grow iii g rapidly, and that
inan new buildings are being erect
ed to replace those deslrovt-d In t he
recent tire.
Mrs Metirv l';iston returned to this
it y Thursdnx evening after an ab
ence of si iiKUit tis, during which
hue she visited at her old home In
Scotland and other foreign points.
he is delighted to again lie In
Doiigals countv, though her visit was
i most pleasant one.
Manager I'rear, of the local water
md light svstem. says that the new
water wheels at Winchester will he
in re.idiness for operation wil hiu
i bout two weeks A large crew of
men is engaged in the work in order
that the task may be finished prior
to the heavy fall rains which result
In raising the river,
George Oil Want and Miss Zerlta
McKav. "both resident a of Lookinie
! Glass, were quietly married at the
court house this afternoon, County
Judge Wonacott officiating. Mr. Ol
livaut la one of Looking Class'
prominent farmera, while his esti
mable bride Is one of the best
known young ladles in the Looking
i)usH vicinity. The happy couple In
tend to make their future home on
tiie ranch owned by the groom.
4 High school girl who desires
to work for her room and
board. Must be able to assist
with housework. Apply at this
office. tf.
( Continued from page 1)
gent man who had rend of the case
could have heled but form an opln-!
ionJ relative to the guilt or Inno
cence of the accused.
XcImhi finitely truest ionel,
A luovision of the constitution of
the state of California differing,
somewhat from the constitution of ,
the United States; sections of the j
state Miiial code regarding the quail-j
ticatlon of Jurors and a contest over j
the meaning of Nelson's examination j
combined to furnish points of con- J
test which not only effect the tales-;
man under examination, but every
prospective juror, and for this reas
on are stubbornly contested. !
Nelson was questioned at length,
and during the progress of his ex
amination said he had an opinion.
Me declared that he could lay aside
this opinion, however, and give Mc
Namara a fair and Imparial trial.
Reorganize Tt itinera Trust.
NKW YORK, Oct. 14. Details of
t he re-organlzatlon of the tobacco
trust under court orders leaked out ;
today. It Is said that the original
corporation will ibe divided into ,
( hree companies, und that business
wilt be continued practically as be- 1
fore. The bonds of the old concern
will bo exchanged for stock In the
new corporations.
somi: m:i:di;d u;ht.
President Wallace of the American
Conservation Society, speaking to the
great meeting at Kansas City, touch-
I a live wire in the Intricate net
work of our social and economic sys-1
terns. He was speaking of waste in j
agriculture, and of how, through '
conservation of the land, the old, D'
soils of 10 u rope are made to yield
twice, or more than twice, as much
is the soil of this country which Is !
MM I'oniiiiirntivelv vim hi In do
ing this he touched upon the prodi-I
gallty of 'statesmenshlp in giving,
away millions of acres of our best
land to railway corporations, result- j
lug In constant promotions of emi
gration and Immigration which i
have brought, in their turn. Increases
in la tut values out of proportion
with increases In their fertility and
rrodueiiveiiesu. The Inevitable re- j
- ult has been a constant tendency to- t
ward higher prices.
In t his connection Mr. Wallace
pointed out that the movement city-J
ward In this country, hastened by
advances in science which have open-,
ed up many new avenues of employ-j
men! for young people of both sexes. .
was also promoted, until lately, by
the existence of a cheap food supply,1
making it possible for large "ity pop
ulations to subsist comfortably on
I lie products of the farms and at com
paratively small cost. Ilo predicted
that food prices can never again be
what they were a few years ago.
and that prediction Is certain to be
found verified in the facts. The
problem of the cost of living has so
many angles that we can never reach
its solution by surveying it from hut
one. or even from only several, of
them. Higher conservation of the
?oil can vastly increase food sup
plies, but It will also increase the
value of lands and the cost of in
vestment in tilling them. It could
force prices down measurably, but
not to their old levels. And If city
populations are to continue grow
ing at the expense of the rural dis
tricts, either wages must be adjust
ed to a higher scale of expenses or
the expenses of the working classes
must be reduced.
ltKYiY.w Mi:irn(i.
D. D. Boyle the evangelist who Is
to conduct the revival meeting to be
gin next Sunday at the Christian
rnureli. arrived in Koseburg last
night and Is ready for the work. Mr.
Hoyle Is a man of wide experience.
The Christian church feels that it Is
fortunate in securing the services of
o able a man.
FOlt KKNT -Furnished room. 241
Flint street. do20
A. 8. IIUKY,
118 W. IBB St.
3 ft ft ff i:;-.
I Winnie Gaddis
Agent for Sne
Water Filters.
Removes all lm-
Skylight Cornices
Heating Ventilating
Phone 210
4 '
A Single motion is
quicker to maHe
than two
Only one motion is needed to make
any character desired on the complete
Straigh-Iine, Key-for-every-character
Keyboard of the easy action, light
running "Model 10"
Smith- Premier
The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co., Inc.
Are You
Going to Start to
We have had experience In the
school supply line, and know
what Is required for school.
We have the largest stock of
Tablets, pencils, etc.
The lowest prices.
Headquarters for fountain pens.
Your patronage solicited.
Booh" Store
fit Nwa $
The best made stove
in this design in all
the world because:
1. Tho sheet inni In at least
one sl.e Ihieker.
1!. The lining Ik heavier
thiiii in ttther stoves tf this
Theivfnre litis is the stove
u should lniy.
The ilesin is unique und
It is ii Itenulifiil stove; just
the thiiiK in style for a puiir
or liviiiK room.
The stove, as you see, is
square, so that woixl will go In
and not hull against the vor
ners. Strong's Advice
ltlvMTY AMI Ill Y IT l')U
Wood Basket
Pies, Cakes, Pastries of all Kinds
PHONE 380"
And our wagon will call for your bu id'es. N?w com
plete equipment. Family work our specialty,
and prices right.
Farrand Brothers, Proprietors.
Salshipt Oysters
No Water
: Iti ricllt-.l In Must Sanitary M'nnm-r, mid (iiinriinlccd Absolute''
I I'ci- l-'roin PirsiTvulivcs.
51.00 Quart 50c Pint 25c Half Pint
Cass Street Market
has the
Best Buttermaker in the State
in large or small quantities. Let us have your
partv orders. Telephone 3-10.
You will always have good healthful bread, pie and
cake, if 3-011 use
White River Flour
It is Not Bleached
Bleachedjflour is injurious to health.
Use Fleischinan's Yeast For a good. Starter
Mrs. A. C. Kidd & Son
3 l
A billow Imsket, the 1hM
shaHil style, lame euouuli for
bin k uootl, uilhout any metal
in any pat-l for $1. This is a
low price, us laket of this
type minu'tilly sell a hiuh as
ur price for two ies
are J I .!!. ami
The Furniture Man
Until further notice, I will be located on Main
Street, opposite Moore's Old Livery Barn
Where I will be pleased to attend the wants
of my former patrons in the Horseshoeing Line.
Best Car of Coal Ever Seen in Roseburg
has been received by Roseburg Feed & Fuel Co.
Rock Springs Coal, positively better coal than
has heretofore been ottered for sale in Rose
burg. Price the same as has been asked for
interior coal. Come and see it or telephone
Xo. 163 your order.
Roseburg Feed & Fuei Co.-Winchester St.