LOCAL NKWB. LOCAL NEWS. RICE & RICE "THE HOUSE FURNISHERS" -JwiW": o . " ' .... 75 Heaters Now on Sale All good wood savers, and very low priced, $2.25 to $18.50 Wood JjBurners, Coal Burners and Oil Heaters The Famous Perfection Oil Heaters. Store and School iStoves Pipe, Board, all accessories. See The Grand Display of Glassware.jClassy Chippendale Old Colonial Designs. Snappiest Glassware made. See Window. NOW IS THE TIME FORTHATNEW RUC Make home Cheerful. Fine New Line. All Grades. 12 Pattern Brussel Rugs 9x12 for This Special Sale Regular $16at$12.50 50 Brussell Rugs worth $1.50 now at $1.00 New Matting & Matting Rug, New Linoleums & Oil Cloths. Remember We Pay the Freight. Home ot the Great Ma iestic Range. Also home of S. W. Miller Piano w 4" M 4, i .-i m 1 LOCAIi m:vs. A. M. Lady, of liiddk". spent yes terday In Husebiirg attending to business matters. G. B. Handy, of Melrose, spent LOCAL SEWS. LOCAL MOWS. H. P. Kdgar. of Myrtle Creek, was Miss M. V. Calwell went to Yon a business visitor In Hoseburg for a calia this morning to spend a few few hours yesterday. days visiting with friends. I Tl Demi returned tn hla home 1 Mlss Lizzie Willlanis has returned yesterday I ioW-burg a tending to t ll'lle last evening after a couple from Portland where she spent Ave business Interests auena,I,8 10 of dllv8 giellt , KosBburg. ; month, visiting with relatives. . Charles Barnard, proprietor of the Hoseburg-.Mnrshilold stage lines, returned here last evening after a couple of days stent at Eugene. Mrs. 13. Kenton and Mrs. Nathan Fullerton have returned from Port land where they spent a few days visiting with friends. r U-R Have You Purchased Your Winter Supply? MakenoMistakegeinothmg but The Best SNOW DRIFT Made From Old Wheat is a little better than any other brand on the Pacific Coast. MUCH BETTER than most brands. Has stood the test of time on this market over twenty years. Wheat grown and milled at Prescott, in Eastern Washington. Absolutely unbleached. Buy as much as you need lor the winter and use one sack, if not satisfactory, we will take back the entire lot and the sack used will cost you nothing. Can any guarantee be stronger. Sold only by Roseburg Rochdale Company ! JikIko J. W. Hamilton loft for Eu gene this morning where he will hold a briuf term of court for Judge ilar ria. Mrs. II. Willlanis left for Portland this morning where she will spend three or four weeks visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. O. It. Wooderson. .Tames Hamlin and wife left for The Dalles this morning after two or three weeks spent in Hoseburg visiting at the homo of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hamlin. Mrs. Max Weiss and little son went to Mt. Angel this morning where they will siond a few days visiting with their daughter and Bis ter who is attending college at that city. Mrs. Walter Dixon, of Fort Klam ath, who has been spending the past few weeks In lioselmrg visiting with . relatives left for Wilbur this morning where she will vloll with friends. She) was accompanied by Miss Madge j Dixon, of ItoHchurg. Joseph Sykos this morning opened his gun ntore and general repair ; shop in the store room formerly oc cupied by the First National Bank. M r. Sy kes ca rrles a com plete stock of guns and sundries and wilt no doubt share liberal patronage. F. W. longreen, manager of the Oregon I'osten, a Portland Sweedlsh ' paiwr. Is In the city to remain for a f-w days. The gentleman is ac companied by his wife and during thlr stay here will gee a part of this big county that Its resources may hp iniidf kimwn to readers of the Swedish publication. Attrnv Frank (i. Mlcetll has been retained by the bxal blll-p',tprs to mm pi If nn ordinance regulating the di ft rl tuition of bills, circulars and other advertising matter within the city limits. The ordinance, now in course of rom pi 1 at Inn, will prohibit the distribution of jumters and other advertising maicr within the city, nther than bv persons connected with 'he loral blllloard system The or dinance Is being drawn with a view of eliminating the premlsctioun (scattering of (Misters nn the streets, land Ms passage will be received with I satisfaction by persons bent on lm 'proving the general appearance of i the town. William Buxton, the Brock way farmer, spent the day In Roseburg attending to business matters. E. II. Bliss, and family, of Port hind, are spending a fow days In Ed en bower visiting at the home of Mrs. Bliss' parents, Mr. and Mrs. 11. M. Uullwlnklc. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Vance and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Payne and Miss Maud Cathcart, of Sutherlln, were visitors to Hose burg today. At a meeting: 'of several citizens held yesterday at Sutherlln $1,000 was subscribed toward a parish house. At some distant date this will be followed by the erection of a church. Among those who left for coast points on this morning's stages were Hugh McLalu. Edward Huguley and wife. G. W. Tribley, W. K. Carpen ter, Mr. Baxter, Dr. Crump and wife md Fred Mitchell. Local poultrymen are discussing the ndvisabillty of holding a poul try show in this city at not a fur distant date. Aa Douglas county Is Quite famous for Its flue specimens of excellent poultry there 13 a good renson for such an exhibit each year and the stroke of enterprise would do much toward furthering greater efforts on the part of local chicken . raisers to further the industry. The senior class of the Roseburg! public schools last evening enter-; tnined the freshman class at the high school building. The program consisted of selections by the high school orchestra, followed by a deli cious luncheon. Following the lunch eon the guests Indulged in games, music and social converse, and suf fice to say that the evening was much enjoyed. About fifty members of the two classes were present to en- Joy the festivities. The Churchill Hardware Company this morning purchased the Carl Huffman proerty, situated on Mill street and at present occupied by the former owner's residence. The tact Is 160x210 feet In dimensions, and extends from Mill street west ward to the Southern Pacific tracks. The consideration Is fixed at $3,500. The purchasers are already negotiat ing for the erection of a large ware house which will face the Southern Pacific tracks, and hope to commence actual work on the same within the next two or three weeks. The struc ture will be built of brick nnd will bo one of the most modern ware houses in this section of the state. Other than erecting a warehouse on the property, two modern cottages will be built on Mill street, while the former residence of Mr. Huffman j will be thoroughly remodeled. The houses will be rented upon their ( completion. The purchase of the property nnt. the erection of a ware-j house was daemed necessary by the Churcl;!ll Hardware Company for the reason that their business has j so Increased as to render their pros- ent quarters Inadequate to cure fori their large stock. I "Silk floss pillows 50c says B. W. Strong. dol7 C. A. Coppard, of Oakland, spent the day in Hoseburg attending to business matters. I. R. Smith, manager of the local telephone exchange, went to Suth erlln this morning to look after busl uoss mutters. Roy Whltsotte, 21 years of age, and a life-long resident of Douglas county, died very suddenly at the home of Charles Embree, on Deer Creek, early this morning. The young man was horn in Douglas county. and for severul years following the death of his mother made his home with Rev. Wallace, of Myrtle Creek. Later he went to Ashland where he remained for a few mouths when he returned to Roseburg and accepted employment of Mr. Embree, who operates a saw mill In the vicinity of Brushy Butte, about nine miles northeast of the city. The young man retired as usual last evening. and at the time evidenced no symp toms of illness. When culled this morning he failed to respond, and upon Investigation his lifeless body was found in bed. He had been a sufferer of asthma and heart trouble, a n d It Is genera 11 v presu med that death was the result of the latter af fliction. Other than a father, Thom as Whltsette, who resides In Petul uma. Cat., the deceased Is survived by a sister, Lei a Whltsette, of Hose burg. o"d a half-brother, Claud Martin, also a resident of this city. Mr. Whltsette was quite well known In Hoseburg and vicinity and was considered a young man of exemp lary habits. Ho was steady and re liable and the news of his sudden death Is received by his many friends and acquaintances with sincere re gret. Coroner Jewett was summon ed and left for the Embree homo at an early hour this morning. A L. Kitchin Nurseryman A complete line of fruit trees, also Nut, .Shade, and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Berry Vines, Etc. Order Now And get the best FAN IT With B. F. D. "Insect Outsect" Powder You can destroy allthe , flies in a room in three minutes. Place a little powder on a fan throw it into the air and fan it. Destroys all the jlies. It saves time, work and worry. "A square deal pow der" in square hottles 25c. HAZLEWOOD ICE CREAM The most appetizing cream made is now being served at our soda fountain. Try it. It's the best in the land. ROSEBURG PHARMACY INC, Roseburg Oregon Thegreatest Germ destroyer and disinfectant known Will destroy odors and germ life in twenty seconds For use in sinks, toilets and sick room We guarantee this'preparation to do all we claim Forsaleby Marsters Drug Co Save Carpets, Save Brooms Save Time, Patience, Strength by using an Electric Vacum Sweeper Call and see it and get prices. It's within reach of all. CHURCHILL-WARNER CO. A Night Cap After Dinner An Eye Opener Before Breakfast Tampa Vana CiQars Will Touch the Spot It is all Havana W. H. BOWDEN, Maker 1 0 38 'i p I 1 SPECIAL SALE $8.00, 8 DAY CLOCKS Fully Guaranteed ON SALE FOR $5.50 L. H. KHOADES & CO. 2 tCT Goods Bought and Sold CLEAN :-: FOODS Kepi in a Modern, Clean and up to the minute Store is what we offer to our Customers The Best of Everything Always Our Grocery Department is being replenished Daily with Fresh Stocks. No Stale Goods found in this Store. EASTON'S 644 North Jackson Phone 26 During Hot Weather (Iw iiifirhlnr-miulo brcwl to avoid lr-HHriillii ami oilier uiihumI tury roiHllllditn of nmkliiK urt'tul In 1 1 if old way. On June 1st We Added two ounn't to tho luaf. If your tirncvr Iim' not enrry our hrcnil -linnua fcroccm or phono 21! I. 1 u'l Him of fl-llrloiiN pnMrr al uuy at your command. Umpqua Bakery II. GUK8T, Ifop. 110 Jnckmin Btrrrt. Roseburg Oregon BANKS & WELKER THE ORIGINAL EMPIRE LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLE Transcicnt stock given best of care. Horses boarded treasonable rates. First class rigs, good horses and careful drivers Blacksmith Shop in Connection All Work Guaranteed Cor. Mainland Washington Sts. Phone 5