THE EVENING NEWS BY II. W. HATES. ISSUED DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY, Subscription Hates Dally. Per year, by mail 3.00 Per month, delivered 50 Si-ml. Weekly. Per year $3.00 Six months 1.00 Entered ae second-class matter November 5, 1910, at Roseburg, Ore., nndor act of March 3, 1879. KATI HDAV, (MTOIIKIl II, lull. DIVOKCK I.VU'HY TO CHILDREN Oregonlan: Judge Graham's de fense of easy divorce Ignores one of the principal arguments against it the effect on the children. An es sential reason for the institution of marriage was that there might be Borne H?rsons responsible for the care of children, that these persons should be the man and woman who brought the children Into the world and thai the identity of those persons might bo fixed. The duties of father and mothor In the care and training of children are Joint and cannot be ade quately performed by either paron How can children receive this car and training if they are committed by a court to the care of only one parent ant) the other Is either for bidden to approach them or is only allowed to make an occasional visit. In the latter case the visits inns only Impress more strongly on tin minds of tho children tho division between their parents. What sort of effect must hnvo been produced on mo minds or .Mrs. Henry s chil dren when they saw her living with Kelley and employing every device. legal and otherwise, to keep them away rrom their rather? The con duct of parents Is un examplo to cnuuren. and parents who place re dress or grievances against each oth er, gratiheation of whims or desire for marriage with an affinity above the claims of their children, nre qualifying their children for a selfish vicious and often criminal llfo. .ludgo Graham predicts a decrease In the proportion iif divorces "when girls nre tral I to expect and take pleasure In the duties of wifehood and motherhood and are taught what those responsibilities are, and when boys are trained to resiwct the posuo sex ns a whole. Mow are girls to receive such training from a mother who has been divorced on tome flimsy pretext, who has plac ed ino satisfaction or a whim of a grudge above their children's wel fare? How can boys he trained to respect the opposlto sex when their own mother's conduct forfeits that respect? It Is Inevitable that chil dren should be witnesses of occas ional domestic jangles. but thev should also witness a disposition to bear and forbear, to forglvo and for get, not n disposition to niagiiifv every petty dispute Into a pretext for breaking up the family. Mitigation of the divorce evil cannot be found In better training of children, for that evil prevents rhlldren from be ing well trained anil thus perpetu ates Itself. Just so far as divorces are restricted, children will bo better trained and wilt be less disposed to fly to the divorce court every time friction occurs in the running of the domestic mochlnery. This argument, of course, dites not apply to those couples which are childless by their own choice. They are blind to the very purpose of marriage and are so utterly selfish that the greatest kindness they could do to children Is not to have any. LOCAL MARKET REPORT. Wheat 85c per blend. Oats No. 1, white feed, 50c per bushel. Hurley Feed, 34, ton. Hay Local grown, $12. Vegetables Cabbage, life per lb., 2c. Onions Oregon Yellow Danvors, 3e. Potatoes Oregon fancy, $1.50 per 100. Ilutter Fancy country 40c roll, roll, country 40c per roll. Kggs Oregon ranch 30c per dozen. Poultry Average old hens, 12c per pound; young roosters We; Beef Cows, 4c; steers, 4c. Veal Dressed, 8c. Mutton Good weathers, 3c on foot; ewes 2c. Pork Dressed, 9c per pound. Peaches, 75 cents box. Sugar, retail, $8.10. Apples Good, 76c to $1.50. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. PHYSICIANS. A tiOOl) POSITION. Can bo had by ambitious young men and ladies in the Held of "wlre- teiegraphers. Positions pay beginners from $70 to $90 per month with good chance of advancement. The National Telegraph Institute, of less" or railway telegraphy. Since r" "" " , , , , .... , i i ' .,i pervision of railway and wireless of- and since the wire.ess companies arel"''!"1? "1 I'lnces 11 graduates Into ...t..h:ishinV .tntinns throughout the positions. It will pay you to wtlte country there Is a great shortage of '" them for full details. nl I' W. IIAYXE8 Dentist Roseburg National Bank Bldg. Hours 10 to 12, 2 to 4. if Phone 1283. 4f Roseburg ... Oregon. 1 1 1 t y-t-frfr-f"iMr - " HKKI.Y, MOTHER A! sthwaui Physicians nnd Surgeons if outre Lower floor Douglas Co k Bank bldg., corner Main and 's Oak streets. Phone 771. Roseburg, Oregon. V ssa DR. LUCETTA 81UITH $ Physician Women's and Children'! $ Diseases. Hours, 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to p. m. Phones Office. 1711, HeB. i if 1721. Rooms 10 and 11 Mason- 4 is ic Temple. f Roseburg, Oregon. 4 4 DII. OEO. E. HOUCK, Physician and Surgeon. f Office, Review Bldg.. Phone 31. Rosoburg. Oregon. FIRST GLASS LAUNDRY work is most desirable to anyoue wishing their liuou to possess that particular finish so necessary to good taste in dress. We Do That Class of WorK One Trial will Convince. ROSEBURG LAUND 0. C. BAKER STEAM RY Proprietor OEFIGE NORTH JACKSON ST,'- PHONE 791. Kit. J. L. CALLAWAY Osteopathic Physician t Chronic diseases a specialty. Ori-riiiate of the American School of Osteopathy KirkBville. Mo. Under-tounder of Dr. A. T. SHU. science $ Office Abraham Bldg. Phone 16!) Roseburg Ore. KUIIiH v. HOOVER, Physician and Surgeon Office. Main St., One Door South of City Hall. Phone 341. Roseburg. Oregon. $ ATTORNEYS. " ! BROW X EDDY, Att irncys at Ijiw. if W 1 Or We Repair Everything Electrical that needs attention as well as 8ei; ou apparatus. Furthermore 7 wo auenu 10 repairs promptly ton "phone order IT you like) and you won't ned to sound your burglar alarni when you get our bill. Need anythiug in oit Hne. G. L. PRIOR 315 N Jackson St. Roaeburg, Or D. H. MARSTERS PLUMBING SHOP. Plumbing, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning' and Heating North Jachson Street, adjoining' Peoples MarbN' WorKs. Telephone Ml. WorK Done on Short Notice ROSEBURG, ORE. GENERAL DRAYING Goods of every description moved to nj purta of the city. trtM mason ile. H. S. FRENCH Masonic Temple, Roseburg, Jims T. LOXO Attorney-At-Ijiw. Rooms 7 and 8. Douglas Co. I Bank Building. ! t Roseburg. Oregon j R. W. MARSTERS I Attorney. At-Ijiw. t Notary Public. Rooms 6 and 7. Marsters Building. j Roseburg. Oregon. No man has to serve an apprenticeship in order to learn how to make mistakes You " No Mistake If you buv your lumber, shingles, doors, windows and building material of PAGE INVESTMENT COMPANY Pho"e 242 orth Roseburg LOOK FOR THE BIG SIGN Dry Slab Wood Rock Springs Coal