5 "IS B 1 "o-a ND. sweep- it pre- ma, and tf. NO- CEDAR- ms. Put I barrels, write us. ny, S26 Aid, Ore. ft1. Strong, I nl5 While our dry goous apartment is not the largest In town, we keep nothing but the very best stock. Come in ana see what we have to offer. We are not selling out. The Roch dale. ol4 FOR SALE I'UK SALE .New. 5-pasienger, Ford ! automobile, $750. A snap. Inquire News office. dtf CLASSIFIED AUVERTISKMENT8 MISCELLANEOUS. BOAlm AND ROOMS In private family, or table board alono If de sired. Inquire 443 S. Stephens St. 018 MILK DELIVERED in city, twice dally, call on or write F. J. Rob son, Harvard avenue, West Rose- burg. o20 LOST English Pointer nun, about 7 months old. Is white with liver colored spots. Finder please re turn to Harness & Johnson's store nnd receive reward. tf FOU RENT FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms. No children. Apply 302 West Washington. tf FOR RENT Nice furnished rooms, centrally located. Inquire 318 S. Pine. tf WANTED. WANTED A good milk cow, lately fresh, or that will be Inside of six weeks. Inquire News office. R WANTED All around blacksmith wants work. Inquire 329 Chad wlck street. 9ol3 WANTED A pair of young deer. Address P. O. box 207, Roseburg. Oregon. tf WANTED By competent party, po sition as housekeeper for bachelor or widower. Address Box 55, care NeWB. ol4 HOUSEWORK WANTED Capable party desires employment at homes by day. Address N. T., care of News. ol s BOARDERS WANTED Private family will accept few hoarders and roomers. Inquire 451 S. Jack son Btreet. Phone 215-J Ptf FOR SALE 250 Angora goats for sale at $2.50 per head, F. O. B. Albany, Ore. Phone or write, Lee Miller, Albany, Ore. nl-swd WANTED To exchange four lots in Seattle, Wash., for four lots, or house and lot In Roseburg. For particulars address, Owner 78 care NewB. ol9 WANTED Any quantity of culled juicy apples (Ben Davis excepted). Highest prices paid. Umpqua Cider & Vinegar Works, 220 Oak street. swtf POSITION WANTED Competent woman desires place as house keeper or chamber work. No ob jection, to country. Address F. care News. o20 WANTED Everyone Interested in nursery stock to call or write for complete Illustrated catalogue, with lowest cash quotations. Qual ity and prices unecelled. Address F. L. McOrew, 1115 S. Mill street. Roseburg, Ore. tf WANTPD Salesmen for excluslvt territory. Big opportunities. N experience necessary. Complett line Yakima Valley grown fruit shade and ornamental stock. Cast, weekly. Outfit free. ToppenlBb Nursery Company, Topenlsh Wash. Hwt' PUPILS WANTED On mandolin, guitar and mandola by experienced mandolin club teacher. Rapid and thorough advancement. Prepare yourself for my advanced club, and derive some pleasure out of your Instrument. A. Ferguson, Herring ton House, city. 012 FOR SALE Two pure bred Cotts- woid bucks. Inquire of Rose & Henry, or phone Sub. 49. tfR WOOD FOR SALE Phone Farmers 164. J I. Sprlrrgsteaed. Roseburg, for wood. Prompt delivery.. dtf FOR SALE New $60 Sewing ma chine, high grade, only used one month. Will Bell at sacritlce, $35 cash. Call 426 Floed street. ol3 FOR SALE Ilouseand "four-lots. Will Bell part or all Easy terms. Call or adress M.. c-o News of fice, dtf FOR SALE New 6-room cottage and one acre of ground one mile from city. Price $1250. Inquire News office. dtfR !''OR SALE Heavy team and wag on can be had cheap if taken at once. Address Peter Dlttlo Rose burg. swn4 TEN ACRES FOR SALE Nice prop erty one mile from postofflce, good Improvements, price $3,500. In quire News office for particulars. o26 FOR SALE Four-room new modern house and two lots; house Just completed; will sell reasonable or rent; terms. Address Box 8, Rose burg, or Phone Suburban 85. tfA FO.l SALE 1 horse, 5 years old, weight 1250, sound, well broke; also a few young pigs for sale, nnd few Black Minorca cockrels. For particulars phone Farmers 6X o-lS. FIVE ACRES FOR SALE Nice plect of land, all fenced, close in and ready for planting. No buildings but a choice spot for small farm Price $1,250. Inquire News of flee. FOR SALE OR TRADE Stock of merchandise at Newport, Wnsh., would exchange for land in Doug las county, close to Roseburg. Ad- , dress L. A. Cary, Newport, Wash. n-10 FOR SALE About 100 quarts as sorted canned fruit, put up with out sugar. Also couple dozen grape jelly. 20c quart. P. F. Hirsch, Oak Creek, Ore. 018 MR. HOMESEEKER New houso, two 50 foot lots, charming view of city and valley, can be had at a bargain on account of owner leav ing city. Very desirable. Inquire News office. tf THIS BEATS RENT Two nice lots. few bearing trees, smnll neat house, everything in nice snaps, only $750. Deal with owner, be cause you cannot beat it. Inquire News for particulars. tf FOR SALE Shetland pony, broke to drive or ride, fancy driver and gentle. Also pony rubber tired buggy with top and harness. Ad dress Pony, care of News, Rose burg. or call at office. dswtf FOR SALE Roan Durham milch cow. with fine heifer calf 4 Vfc months old. Cow now giving over 2 gallons per day of rich milk. Price for both. $50 at ranch near Isadora, 6 miles north of Oakland. Address, Sam Whittaker, Oakland, Ore. FOR SALE One acre in city limits; five-room hou3e; 20 cherry trees on the place, good variety of small frulta and excellent garden spot; good small barn on place; price $3750. For particulars adress owner, care of The News, or call at this office. dsw-tf 2 00A C RE" FAR MJ4 0 an a c r T w 1 1 1 buy this place, which Is ALL TILL ABLE half mile frontage on riv er, and 30 acres of river bottom, balance rolling, but ready for plow This is one of the real bargains Terms. Address box 55. Roseburg. Ore., or inquire News office. dtf bT5sTB"UY-INCITY FlvcTbeaiitlfu! lots on hill slope, big shade trees, over thirty bearing fruit trrr.g, as sorted varieties, finest view to be had In the city, and a property of more than ordinary desirability. Ideal place for home. Only $1,400. Inquire News office. tf FOR SALE Half lntoreBt In a gen eral mdse store In a thriving little city In Douglas county; good loca tion and an excellent trade. Owner wants to locate near coast. For par ticulars addreBs X. Y. Z., care of The News. ONE ACRE HOME Nice little place just outside- city limits, good six room house, barn, chicken house, yards, etc., all fenced and In first class condition, grounds set to young fruit trees, some in bear ing, big shade trees by house, all for only $1,800. Inquire Newa tf $1075 FOR HOME This is one rare fcargaln, 2 big lots, smnll comfor table house, poultry yards, bearing fruit, Bewer assessment paid, in choice residence district, close in. Vacant lots adjoining held at $600 each. Owner leaving city, and for quick sale offers it low. Worth $1,600. Inquire News office. tf S!XLOTSFOR SALE This Is all good garden land, and set now In young fruit trees In bearing next season. Hill slope, city water, plenty of room for poultry, fenced, nnd the making of a delightful home. $1,200 will give you title to this flue place. Inquire News office. STOCK RANCH FOR SALE One of the money makers about 1,300 acres, watered by creeks and springs, lots of fine land, plenty of tlmbor, good comfortable house, barns, plenty of hay land, on county road, and a place that will bring returns. Only $7 an acre. Address box 65 or inquire News offlco for particulars. tf 1U0-ACRE FARM FOR SALE Mak ing of nice home place, has big comfortable log house and barn, family orchard of trees Just com ing into bearing, living spring, water piped to house, about 6 acres In cultivation, big outside range, 8.000,000 of sa wtlmber, (cruis ed). Property can be had for $3, 750. Inquire at News office. B-tf COUNTRY HOME FOR SALE Close in, about six acres, plastered house of 8 rooms, barns, water for Irrigating piped over place, and everything In first-class condition, a bonanza for market gardening. Nice lot of bearing treos and a home that you will be proud of and an Income maker. For par ticulars inquire at News office. tf TIMBER CLAIM FOR SALE Thn following described timber claitt is i.ffered for sale: N. f. M i the S. E. K S. E. of the N E. 14 of W. U N. E. 14 of sec. ; township 30 south of range west, consisting of 160 acres of sugar pine, fir and cedar. It cruls ed three and one-hnlf millions . Price, $3,000. Address P, can News, Roseburg. Or. dsw' FOR SALE If you want to buy rlv er bottom land come see ub or write. This land Is a blnck loamy free soil, all well drained, no hills, no rock, all level. Can sell in ten or twenty acre lots at reas onable figure. Land now being surveyed and platted. Only two aud half miles from Riddle on fine road. Write nt once. Riddle Land Company, Riddle, Ore gon, dswtf FOR SALE Parties wishing an ideal location for fruit and poultry, running stream, 60 acres in cul tivation, 20 acres in pasture, all tillable; eight miles east of Rose burg; good road; free soil, good drainage, some timber; one mile to school. Bottom Innd could be Irrigated. My farm of several hundred acrcB Is too large. If in terested about thlB fine 80-acre tract, address Box 66, Dixonville, Oregon. o-15 THE ECONOMY MARKET GEORGE H0HLHAGEN, Proprietor Wholesale and retail Butcher. Tab best the Market aflords. All kinds of Stock Bought and Sold. Phone 58 Roseburg, Oregon I LE0NA MILLS LUMBERCOMPANYS j Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Dry Finish T. muter I Doors and Windows of all Kinds. t-t trdBOn Lonor Oak Street. ti 'Phone 352 ROSEBURG, OREGON tm::mntmm:ttt::Mttt:ttttt:ttJt2j WE GUARANTEE ALL OUR WORK DONE WITH THE VACUUM CLEANER When wg Bay (iUAKANTKK we mean just what the word Impllea. If you are not satisfied there will be no charge. Wo could not make this assertion unless we were poaltire of giving good service. When you get ready to clean house let us do the worst part for you the cleatilng of your carpets. It's easy fo- you and the price reabonable ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY O. C. II V KICK, Proprietor. I'none i. umce A. tfai-Kson be. fj