oi k kiikmiowmi i.icttf.k. KRYP FIRE SAL E Ladies Furnishings Former Stock of The Fair. Theso Kodn wore only slightly daiiingcd, somo not at nil, but will bo sold at prices far below coat of manufacture. SALE BEGINS SAT. OCT. 7 CASS STREET NOVELTY STORE Mrs. Watson, Prop. Maccahcc Bldtf. Como early jiihI tft-t your t-Iitilrn of tlw t-rrnivnt ImrgiiiiiH rvr offrifil in ItOSK III lt;. : Xmv Arrival) Hale of Keul Estate The Comet UiHttw(rou Muri-lnge i -i-llnw Iloowi Wild Are J'ivuUhI At U'lm-litnter. THE EVENING NEWS IIV II. W. IIATKH. IHHClAt IMIMf ISXrKIT HUXDAY. HnhHt'i'iiiliitn HutcH Dully. Per year, by mall $3.00 Per mouth, dullvorod DO Hcml-WtfkJy. Per year $2.00 Six mouths 1.00 En to rod as Bocond-clans matter November 6, 3 910, at Konoburg, Ore., under act of March 3. 1879. HATi'ltDA V, 0(TOIli:il I I, lll 1."" Don't make promlm-H nuiko good. Kvory man thhikn himself one In n I lion Baud, but HonictimcH he lit only, ono In a cipher. j A man who hits made a happy homo for IiIh wlfu and clilMnMi, no inattor what lie hat nut douo In t he way of achieving wealth and honor; If ho Iihh done that he in a y.rnm HiicceKK. If he ban not do no that, and It Ih bin own fault, though be he the hlKhext In the land, he Ih a ninnt pit luhle failure. We wondfr how many men In a mad pursuit of gold which ebantrterleH the am. mall.e Miat there la no fortune which can he left to their famlllH an fcnmt hh (he niein ory of a Imppy hntne. A KoHehurK hachHnr Iuih llKun-d It out like thin; When mil)' dnssid ho wears eleven illffereiil artlclm, tndudliiK hln necktlo and tiiri pipe. He elalniH - but no on known how be found oul - that a woman wears nineteen article In her hair alone and llfty-Heven other varleeH uf clothing moHt of which arc held In dace by plriH. lie declureH that he devotett hut ten minutes a day In (IreHHliiK. while a fnHhlnriiihlf woman will put In four bourn a day adorn )iK lierHelf and primping befroo a looking K'ann and that a man could not put on the hiiiiki number of ht tlcles a woman doen and anchor theni wifely In four weeks. For that don "t-feel-1 Ike-work feel- Iiik with which, said Mr. Ollmmerton I fancy we are all of iih more or lens likely to bo afflicted, I would in Home cukoh prescribe rent, though In moHt canon no doubt the proper i prescription would be exertion. The trouble with the rest cure Is thnt It is like taking opiates the more you take the more you whnt. The rent habit is easy to acquire and hard to break. The habit of exertion, on the contrary, is one (hat commonly we. do not take to ns kindly: It does not as It wore, spontaneously perinea to us as the reHt habit does; it may, In fact, require assiduous cultivation, and it takes quite a man to acquire this habit In a completely saturating and permanent form so that be Is proof against attacks of the rest hab it, which. If it has a trace of It left In him, Ih sure to develop on the slightest provocation. Kxertion Is l he only real cure. It mav be hard to take at first, but you'll come to like It. Persist and you'll find It vastly strengt heiiing ami then de lightful; and then, while In taking the rest cure you are a I It he time laying money out, in taking this one you have money all the time coining In. Try work, cont fntions. steady, bard work. Once get the habit of work embedded in your sys tem and you won't ho troubled Tiny morn by t hat tired feeling. Now York Hun. When your watch r nut of repair you lake It hi a com pet en t work man, and he goes over the works and carefully cleans and regulales litem. The result Is a perfect time piece. I he same Is t rue of your ilauo. In order to get the best pos sible resells frun t his most perfect and delicate of musical Instruments, it should be regularly gone over by one who Is thoroughly competent to put It In the most satisfactory con dition. It should be H'ifeetly tuned and voiced, and the action carefully regit Inter) when necessary. Your piano will then In; a household Joy. et II. .lav Ktone imiI It in condillou for you. Phono 2SS-K. dtf Fullerton & Richardson Druqqists Roseburg, Or This Drug Firm and Colgate and Company deal directly with each other . , " .v-" fi.'.w-m .1.1 mm ii Colgate Co., recently shipped to s, from their factory in Xciv York City, the largest quantify of fine Xew Toilet Articles we hare ever reccired from any firm. Thoiv's a NVw IVrtum.- "KCL.T"- in this shiiuk'iu ami wc haw a tUm onUalu'u atoinicrn ourouinUT iron: which wo wouhl tako plcas- in Kivina sample ol' this dclilitful odor. II. Rhinehart, who Hold bin fine residence und land In Kdenhower for $14,000 and went back to Minnesota, rolurned to tills lac Tuesday night. Ho round prices for land very high I In Minnesota, and hence made no In vestments. He In like others your I correspondent can call to mind who juold their homes In this county and went abroad satisfied they could do better, lie cannot get back his fine I homo for near the sum be received ; for it, and Ih out the heavy expenses I of a useless trip to Minnesota and back, uh were others, only they did not all go to Minnesota. I J. II. Webb, of Utah, Monday night 'joined bin wife, son and daughter at Kdenbower. They had preceded him , to this place several months, and he found them happily domiciled when ho arrived upon the scene of their j happy domestic city. He has become I a valued nddltlon to the list of our I good people. ! Dr. Miller was professionally rall ied to Kdenbower thlu week and left his patients much improved in health as a result. W. II. Lynch hns Hold his house and lot In Kdenbower to a Mr. llines. of Portland, for $l,r00 cash, and with his family left Sunday for his former honm In Tennessee. near Knoxvllle. Sickness among the "old folks at home" was the reason for Mr. Lynch's Bale. Mr. Illnes secur ed n valuable pleco of property. Dr. and Mrs. Hoover were visitors in this locality during the past week. The Interment of the remains of tho lato Mrs. Harry Hathaway at tho Masonic, cemetery was largely at tended by sorrowing friends of whom the deceased had many, she having resided here several years. Had tho tlmn of the funeral been generally known the attendance would have been much larger. (ioorgp Alt-ken arrived here Wed nesday from Nevada, where he Is en gaged In silver mining development, llfty miles from Tonopah. He Join ed his parents here, where they have a comfortable home, and will spend tho winter with them, returning to bis mines lu the spring. T. N. Hammond has left for Reno. Nov., In answer to a subpoena as a witness lu a case to be tried there. Ho thought when be left he would bo absent ten or twelve dnys from home. Think of the mileage. Miss Maggie Kernan, of Oak Creek, was a welcome visitor of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Kin ley several days,, at their home, this week. As winter approaches the number of pupils In attendance upon the two schools In Kdenbower show n marked Increase. The early sown grain and hay fields are assuming a cheerful green appearance, showing that the seed sown has already taken a strong and early start and Insuring good crops next year. John Ilolcber, the merchant, has contracted with Winnie (laddie for tho construction of u sewer from bis resilience, the putting t herein of a modern lavntory and doing other nliinihfng work about Ills store. Mr. Hotelier Is progressive In Ills Ideas and believes In improving his prop er t y. It. Wilson and I). C. Courtney, both from Cunyouvillo, are the latest In digents to be sent to the county home. They have both passed the 7 1 1 h year mark on llfe'H highway to eternity. Mr. Courtney was a son- in-law of the tale W. (1. Woodward. th old saddler, having married the widow of Win. Daley, who was fat ally stabbed In the breast with a knife by John Wood ward, and who in turn fatally shot John In the stom ach with a revolver. Iloth died the same night within a few minutes of each other. Of the Woodward fam III all are dead but Mrs. Courtney, who is an inmate of the Multnomah county poor farm, near Portland. The comet "Suffragetle" can now be seen in the northwestern heavens any clear night. Take your girl out to see the comet. The marriage of a young girl by (he name of Ooldie Tipton, of this county, to Sam itopoo, an Italian laborer on the Southern Pacific rail road at this place last summer. Uas turned out disastrously. The match, was vigorously opposed bv the girl's ! friends, but she persisted In her at tachment for her swarthy lover, and i t he t wo took a trip to Vancouver. Wash., and went married. A fellow , laborer of Sam's just returned ant now working on this section tells the rest of the story substantially as follows: Sum was very lazv. After . he married he hardly worked at all. 'and his wife bad n hard time to get along. They quarreled all the time. ; After three weeks Sain left tils wife and skipHd to Italy where he Is now, and his wife says she Is glad of It. The girl has since gone to a grand mother In Iowa. There Is the sub tect for a sermon lu this Incident of life They have n silent, but effective way of dealing with Illicit booze dis pensers at Winchester. A certain fellow was keeping a grocery store at that place. It became circulated about town that young men were buying booze at the store, ami that Ihe young men got drunk from booze obtained somewhere, they were self-evident and convincing proofs. One morning the proprietor of the store found a note on lib; counter stating the facts and advising him to selt out his goods wholesale and close up his shop forthwith He took the; bint, and the goods were shipped by wagon Into Roseburg and are now he tug sold there Since then Wluches er I- reported to be nn exceptionally drv town In which there Is sobriety. LENSES JL r KRYPTOKS embody two pieces of glass of different re fraction, coalesced with intense heat into one, and ground into a lens having two distinct focal points. -Without seam or ce ment, no edges to catch dust or to become cracked and jagged in cleaning. Ask your optician to show you KRYPTOKS. A. S. Huey & Co. Jtoaclmrg's Leading Jewelers. ItOSEIiUItG, OREGON. DAILY YVKATII Kit HKPOHT. U. S. weather bureau, local office, Roseburg, Ore., 24 hours ending 5 a. m., Oct. 13, 1911. Precipitation In Inches and hun dred t Iih: Highest temperature 60 Lowest temperature 42 Precipitation, last 24 hours 48 Total Preclp. since 1st or month 1.21 Avg. preclp, for this month for 33 years 2.16 Total preclp, from Sep, lf 1911, to date 4.05 Average preclp. from Septem ber 1, 1877 2.23 Total excess from Sep. 1, 1911 1.82 Average preclp. for 33 wet Beasons 31.86 WILLIAM BKLL, Observer. PUEE APPLE CIDKH. We have It, both Bweet and refined. We have the boiled article too, for mince ?ueat, 4 plum pudding and Xmas Cake. Don't lose sight of our root beer It Is old now and will just pleaso the children. We are the only makers of the genuine 4 Hires Root Heer in this state. 4 t UMPQUA CIDER WORKS I Phone 276. 1'iiorKssiovAi, CAitns. V (il'UDOV A. KOKY, VoOll I.CHH01W. Studio 437 N. Rose St. Phono 290-R Kosehurg - -Ore. ; I)H. FIN LAY. Dcnllrt. HEATING STOVE TIME Is right here, and as you will have to have one why not get it into place now, and not wait until it is actually needed. Don't forget that we can serve you well on this line, with a good assortment of both Coal and wood Heaters. Wood, priced from $3.00 to $17.50 Coal, " " $7.50 to $16.00 Have you seen the "Oakwood," all cast stove, hav ing a large feed capacity. Also a grate front that allows for an open fire. Then there is the famous "Great Western" Square, one of the best of the sheet steel stoves, cast lined, large feed door, flat top, nickled dome, altogether a fine piece of goods And just a word as to Coal Stoves. The "Cole Hot Blast" is the best idea yet in coal stoves. Will burn anything and do it More Economically than. any other style of stove. Call for manufacturer's guarantee, it will surely interest you. Let Us Show You What We Have Churchill Hardware Co. Remember we also have Oil Heaters if your room is not arranged for any other means of heating. Room 5. Bell Sisters Building a i PALACETHEATRE TON'KillT 7:15, 8: IS. 0:1.1, 10:1.1. Ilurk to the Itefriilnr Program. Three eceitl(iial!y nood pjeturcs. Pure Gold Butter Drifted Snow Flour The Original MHS. ( 11 Altl.KS IIKIM.1NK, TflM'lier Of PillllO. 0 Studio, 423 Klla Street. a Phono S3-R S MKItltY WIDOW Dining rooms mid apart- 4 inentH. Prlvnte bonrd and room. Everything first class. Hot and 4 cold water In each room, bath. 4 Accommodations for a few more guests. Apply at 112 Brock- way. near high school. Tele- phono 281. "r ".' 217 South StephonB Street, ft ft Roseburg, Oregon, ft lilt. II. K. IIKKMAS'.V, Kyo Specialist. THH WAtiKIt AND WAfilO KAltX- A Labor Drama. MTTI.K S()l,Dli:it OF 111" A Civil War Play. "COI.I.IXih; ATlll.HTICS" and "TIIH COOK" A Cowboy Comedy. TWO.XKW SOXti HITS t(li- Adults; .-, Children under I I. Chang Program Timmrrow. L' Tthriii it Standard Prints Ginghams 5c per yard 10c per yard New jroods every day. Complete line of Groceries, Dry Goods, Shoes and Hals. Highest price paid for produce. Miss May Wells, an experienced sales woman, has charge of our drv goods department. BRADLEY & RUSSELL WILBUR, OREGON DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR By Spcrry Flour Co. Needs but one introduction to your home, after that you will always want DRIFTED SNOW. It has but one com . petitor GOLD METAL FLOUR which retails at $2.25 per sack Drifted Snow retails at $1.60 per sack. Ask for sample. THE BENSON GROCERY "The Pure Food Store" p atid nn foolish voung men. JASI'KK. Hit. S. M. WFXDT. Lcok at our Window display of "Colgate" Goods this week Fullerton t0 Richardson DRLCCISTS..... Roseburg, Oregon I rliwii:in inul surceon special at tention Kivon to eve. ear. nose and i throat. Class fitted. X ray. elec tric and vibratory appratus In of-11,-e. ortteo tlraml hotel, room 3. Itosldcnco 131 S. Kllnt street. Phone, orflce, ir,r, : residence 197-Y. All calls answered dav or nlht. dtf XOTICF. TO PCIII.IC. NOTM'K Is hereby Riven to all p:irttcs knowlni; themselves to 1h In debted to Pilkiuuton Bros, to come In and setlle such account nt once. U PIl.KlNtiTON llHOS. AT ACTl'AI, XST. Stock of dry good, shot and no tions must le sold to make room for new stock of uroeerles. Sale bettlns Tuesday anil continues until good are . wold. Campbell & Hulter, proprltors new tore on Sheridan street. 0I6 When you come to town Don't torget to visit the Water Front Dry floods Store Sheridan Streets tor Your Suits' Up-to-Date Suits from $10.50 to $25 Everything new in the suit line Overalls, Shirts, Hats, Caps, Shoes We can dress you from head to foot cheaper than vou can steal the goods. GIVE US A TRIAL. D. J. JARVIS THE NEW RESTAURANT GRAND jBILLA LUNCH COUNTER Marsters Block. Corner Cass and Rose Streets First-class Restaurant, Grill and Lunch Counter. Open all hours. The best the market affords, well cooked and well served. Prices reasonable. Your Patronage Solicited Meal Tickets $5.50 for $5.00 C. and J. ELLIOTT, Props. 1 Pill MH I INSURANCE Five, Accident, Liability, Burglary, Plate Glass, Rent, ft Automobile and Live Stock BONDS OF EVERY KIND THE DOUCLAS ABSTRACT AND TRUST COMPANY Fhone 87 Roseburg Oregon