The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, September 15, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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Pies, Cakes, Pastries of all Kinds
The Best Flour
Made west of the Rocky Mountains
Is from wheat grown on a limited terri
tory surrounding Prescott,
It is sold under the name of
"SNOW DRIFT." Like all other
good articles, Snow Drift has
imitators, some of whom would
make capital out of a similarity
of names. There is but one
Snow Drift, no other brand so
good, therefore be careful that
you get only the Genuine
Snow Drift
Sold only by the
Roseburg Rochdale Company
You will always have good healthful bread, pie and
cake, if you use
White River Flour
It is Not Bleached
Bleached flour is injurious to health.
H Use Fleischman's Yeast For a good Starter
Mrs. A. C. Kidd & Son
Thegreatest Germ destroyer and disinfectant known
Will destroy odors and germ life in twenty seconds
For use in sinks, toilets and sick room
We guarantee this preparation to do all we claim
For sale by
Marsters Drug Co.
Best Car of Coal Ever Seen in Roseburg
has been received by Roseburg Feed & Fuel Co.
Rock Springs Coal, positively better coal than
has heretofore been offered for sale in Rose
burg. Price the same as has been asked for
inferior coal. Come and see it or telephone
No. 163 your order.
Roseburg Feed & Fuel Co.-Winchester St.
ow la Session At M. E. Church
Yl e forty-sixth session of the Col
umbia Annual Conference of the
Methodist Episcopal church. South
met in the Methodist Episcopal
church at Roseburg. Oregon. Septem
ber 14, 1911. with Bishop U. ti.
Water house presiding.
The conference waa called to order
by the Bishop at 9 a. m. and hymn
No. EtiO was announced ana sung,
"And Are We Yet Alive.""
The bishop read and made very
appropriate comments on the 12th
chapter of Romans and the confer
ence was led In prayer by tho bishop
and Rev. C. L. McCauslanfi.
K. M. Mears, the secretary of the
last conference called the roll and
the following answered to their
names: P. A. Moses. W. h. Molloy,
A. J. Starmer, W. B. Smith, W. T.
Goiilder, E. B. Jones. C. h. Mc
Canslnnd, E. H. Mowre, V. N. Lyon.
1. E. Walneek. V. A. Orr. F. M.
Canfield. H. M. Branham, A. Thomas.
G. V. Householder and K. M. Mears.
and J. J. Lamb and V. H. Averill.
lay delegates.
K. M. Mears was elected secretary
with V. A. Orr assistant and J. E.
Walbeck was elected statistical sec
retary with C. L. McCauslaud assist
ant. The Bar of the Conference was
placed at the second window.
The conference decided to meet at
8:45 o'clock and to adjourn at 11:45
It was decided to dispense with
the calling of the roll after today.
The presiding elder nominated the
following committees:
Public worship K. M. Mears, E.
B. .Jones and W. L. Cobb.
Temperance F. M. Canfield, H.
M. Branham and V. V. Moses.
Publishing interest W. T. Gould-
er, E. H. Mowre and W. N. Lyon.
:. Conference relation W. B. Smith,
C. L. McCausland, E. H. Mowre, A
J. Starmer, A. Thomas, J. E. Walbeck
and K. M. Mears.
Spiritual state of the church
A. Orr. K. M. Mears and G
Auditing committee C. L.
Caustand and A. J. Starmer.
American bible society J. E. Wal
beck and W. H. Averill.
District conference records F. M.
Canfield and H, W. Branham.
Several communications were In
troduced from the different boards
Mid were referred to the proper com
mittees. The bishop called tho names of the
Miperanuate as follows: 1). C. Mc
Farland and he being absent the
residing elder reported for him and
'ils name was referred to the cum
mitten on conference relations. P.
. Muses' name being railed ho spoke
it some length about his work In the
ministry for the flftyfour years, toll
'ng something of the hardships and
the pleasures attendant upon bis
ministry. W. L. Molloy being pres
ent, answered to his name and made
i few remarks about the work of
his life's ministry. C. E. Kirk not
being present the presiding elder re
ported for hint, the names of the
several brethren were referred to the
committee on conference relation.
. J. Starmer's name was called and
he spoke briefly about his health and
work and his name was referred to
the above committee.
Rev. -R. A. Hitcnn, a member of
the Tennessee conference and a form
er member of this body was present
:ind Introduced to Lhe conference anil
made a few brief remarks.
The bishop then called question
22: "Are all tho preachers blameless
n life and official administration".
The following answered to their
names: E. B. Jones, the presiding
slder. who told of the gratifying
work on the district; C. L. McCaus
land reported the work at Seattle
and showed by Ills report that a very
fine work was being done at that
place. E. H. Mowre made a flatter
ing report of the work at Portland,
where he has labored for the past
The committee on public worship
announced that Rev. C. Lf McCaus
land, of Seattle, would preach to
night, beginning at 7:30. ,
After several announcements the
conference adjourned with the Ring
ing of the doxolngy and the benedic
tion by the bishop.
i The Second Day.
The bishop called the conference
to order at 8:45 o'clock a. m. Hymn
No. 329 was sung, after which the
bishop read tho first fourteen verses
of the first chapter of John. Revs.
L E, Walbeck and V. B. Smith led
in prayer.
The minutes of yesterdays session
were read and approved.
Question 1 was called, "Who are
admitted on trial?" Answer, no
Question 2. ""Who remain on
trial?" The name of W. II. Martin
was called and the bishop announced
that be had been transferred to the
Kast Oklahoma conference.
Q u es t in n 6 . "Who a re rece 1 ved
by transfer from other conferences?"
Answer. J. H. Bennett, of the Kast
Columbia conference and Author
Thomas, of the Central Texas Con
ference, who is In the class of th
second year.
Question 1 4. "What traveling
preachers are elected elders?" The
name of C. II. Cleaves was culled
ind he being absent the presiding
eider reported for him and the com
mittee on examination reporting fav
orably ho w as elected an elder. The
name, of W. N. Lyon was called and
he reported his work and the com
mittee on examination reporting fav
orably be was elected elder.
Question 5. "Who are re-ad ml t
ted?" Answer, no one.
Question 7. "Who are received
from other churcheg a local preach
ers?" II. S. Wallace
Question 8. '"Who ate received
from other churchH as. traveling
preachers?" No one.
QiifKifon 9. "Wlin are deacon of
one year?" J. K. Valln-ck'n name
wits called and he mado report of
his work but the commi'tee not
ready to report on his exarnt nation
at the present.
Question t'l. "Are all the nraeh
i ers blameless In their life and of-
; flrial administration ?" was resumed
land the following answered to their
names and made report of their
; work : W. A. Orr. K M Meant, W.
II Smith and F M. Canfield
Rey, H. R. Shungle financial sec
retary of the Columbia college wa
f ntrodiieef tnd mad1 a fw remark
after the reading of his rejvort con
cerning th work of the eollesro.
O. A. Tnggart nupply of Tangent
and Albany made a report of bin
G. W. Householder, supply of th
Junction City work made a report
: of his work.
j Question 22 wi resumed and the
Cable Business
(2) I I 2 1 3 S 6 M 8 9 Q II 1 12 I J 2 3 I 4 J 3 6 7 I 6 9 km
. 1 . 1. 1.1 1 I - I ILUNDON I I rVI I
I . l l l l-l l l
S 6 7 I 6 19 10 III 12 II 2 3 4 5 I 6 I 7 18 19 10 II 12 II 2 13
capacity) wli tt wit il lir ii Wjif frl. jit )
J " ?CAPACITYf-" ' --V -
V..,...-. -; f.w-.v.,:,. .;.-v'.wto:.... ..u-. .A...'..vav.-:.. Wu...
Traffic Chart of Western Union, Anglo-American and Direct U. S. Cable
Busineaa, Snowing Capacity of the Cables and the Proportion Now Utilized.
Proposed Modification off
Existing Arrangements
A provisional modification of an
arrangement which has existed for
many years has been reached between
tho Western Union Telegraph Com
pany. The Anglo-American Cable
Company and the Direct U. S. Cable
Company, under which the cable sys
tems of these companies now worked
exclusively in business connection
with each other, but operated and
maintained separately, will be oper
ated in direct physical connection
with each other and with the Western
Union land system.
- Two objects are to be attained by
this arrangement:
First, more efficient and economi
cal operation.
Second, the introduction of new
forms of service to the advantage of
the public.
The Trans-Atlantic Cable
Situation and Competition
The trans -Atlantic cable situation
Is as follows :
The Mackay group of Boven ca
bles, including the German cables,
owned by or worked in physical con
nection with the telegraph lines of
that company form one system.
The French cabled comprise an in
dependent system, using both the
Western Union anu the Mackay land
lines for their United States connec
tion. In competition with these is the
Western Union group of cable., eight
in all, owned by three separate com
panies, two of which are British
companies owning five of the eight
Two only of the Britiih owned
cablen terminate in the United States
and alt of them are entirely depen
dent on the Western Union for their
connection with any telegraph system,
or for their reaching any centre of
business, and are now worked exclu
sively, so far as business is concerned,
with the Western Union.
Efficiency Increased,
Waste Prevented
The proposed arrangement between
the Western Union, the Anglo-American
and the Direct U. S. companies
will bring the eight cables of the three
companies under one operating con
trol. The consequent increase in
effectiveness and economy will place
the Western Union in a position to
offer certain advantages in- cable
service not now enjoyed by the public.
The other way open to enable
the Western Union to make such im
provements and introduce such new
services as it 'proposes to do, would
be to lay new cables. This would
seem to vbe the height of folly.
Duplication of the existing trans -Atlantic
cable facilities at a cost of
many millions, when there are more
than ample facilities for all business,
would put an unnecessary financial
burden upon an already fully burdened
business and would probably postpone
the reduction of rates or introduction
of new servi-ea.
Limited Business Hours
and Idle Facilities
As at present carried on, the trans
Atlantic cable business is practically
all flash service, i. e. instantaneous,
Owing to the difference in time, there
are only a few business hours of the
day common to both sides and during
these hours at least 75;? of the cable
business is done. This is demon
strated by the accompanying chart.
In the interests of international
business nothing should be done to
interfere in any way with the so-called
flash or instantaneous service, and
the lines should be kept clear to ac
commodate such messages during the
few !.usineas hours common to both
countries; but to continue to confine
the cables to this class of service, as
at present, will utilize only about 25
of the existing capacity of millions of
property and places on that limited
service all the capital, maintenance
and operating charges.
The limited time and the character
of the business, if best results arc to
be obtained, demand direct cable cir
cuits between principal centres of tho
two sidea of the Atlantic, as well aa
special circuits devoid d to special
Efficient Service Requires
Sufficient Facilities
To meet these requirements It la
essential not only that there be at all
times sufficient cable, under
one control, but that they should bo
operated interchangeably with each
other and in close physical connec
tion with land lines as one system.
Ample spare facilities are necessary
to provide against the very frequent
cable interrupt ions.
Neither the Western Union nor any
one of the companies of the Western
Union group has.independentlyof tho
others, facilities enough to handle
the business which at times any ono
company might be called upon to tako
cure of, because of aonvj particular
rush of business, or because of some
cable interruption. Nor could any one
company furnish all the direct circuit!
neccsHnry for eflicient service, al
though the combined facilities of
these companies are ample if they
could be used supplementary to each
other and interchangeably.
As it is, each company operates Hi
own cables through separate and dis
tinct offices and under separate and
distinct management. All interchange
of business is by actual transfer of tho
business from one company to the
other, with the consequent delay and
interruption of a service in which
seconds are valuable.
Daily and Week-end ..
Cable Letters
So soon as the proposed arrange
ment goes into effect, the We at mm
Union purposes, with the consent of
the Britiah Poat Office Department,
to introduce at teaat two new features
or services in addition to the proposed
deferred rate fA
and the
at a very tow rate for cable service
only. This will enable the public to
atwe the six to eight days consumed in
the trans-Atlantic passage of mails.
Monopoly of Cable
Business Impossible
There Is no cable monopoly pos
sible. The three systems tho
Wevern Union, the French and tho
Mackay will continue to exist.
The Mackay Companies is a hold
ing organization with no physical
property, but exercising through stock
ownership, lease or contract, operat
ing control of various companies
owning land lines and cables which
make upthe Mackay System. Through
this control all the various properties
are operated as one system to great
advantage in service over what could
be given by these same companies
if operated separately.
The French cables form another
The Western Union System, under
the proposed arrangement for one
operating control over the present
Bcgn gated units, will be enabled to
make two distinct advances in the
trans-Atlantic cable business:
1 BETTER SERVICE. Thiswillbe
insuisd by more efficient and econom
ical working resulting from single
direction over the operations of both
cable 1 and land lines.
greater part of. the cable capacity has
been and is now unutilized. It will
continue to lie dormant and unutilized
under existing conditions and tradi
tions. The Western Union purposes
to make these wasted facilities usefut
to the public by means of new kinds
of cable service.
In addition, the Western Union In
tends to nationalize its land lines by
opening them to all trans-Atlantic
cable companies.
New York, Sept. 1st, 1911. Theo. N. Vail. President
The Drawn Wire Mazda Electric Lamp will sup
ply you with more light, and at a less cost, than
the old carbon lamp.
Drawn wire Mazda is the original Tungsten im
proved to point where its life is as great as that of
the old carbon lamp, while none of its illuminat
ing power has been sacrificd. Call and let us ex
plain the difference to you.
A Night Cap
After Dinner
An Eye Opener
Before Breakfast
Tampa Vana Cipars
Will Touch the Spot
It is all Havana W. H. BOWDEN, Maker
'You can't ,
mistake the flavor
Beech-Nut Ba- -con,
Peanut But- ;
ter, Codfish, and
Cranberry Sauce ;
recommended &
sold by
Pure Food Store
Phone 1S4
225 Jackson St.
We have HEATERS all
sizes of well known make
You Save Money Here
Tim Hd'oinl HhiiiI 8 tore.
Winnie Gaddis
Agent for Sne
Water Filters.
Removes all Impurities.
Skylight Cornices
Heating Ventilating
Phone 210
Roseburg - Oregon
nnnif fif J. H. I'HIk waa culled audi
ho Ik1! UK nbftW.L tlm )rnf ding ehtar
M'rfirU-i hiH work.
Dr. O ,. Turin, of ( alifornla, ft
iiiffniipr of tin (rK'iti ConN'renee of
iln M. K, chun-h find a p-prf-m-nta-tlvi
of the Sunday Atlhinrt wan In
trodurrcl to th riuif'r-H''" and inath
remark of grat Ititi-n-nt to thf
Tli" hour having arrived for
preaching, hymn "('uiu' 'I hoii Kotitit
nt fiery 1!14h iii fi ' ' wat mint? and II.
M. H ran ha in let In prayer iitttT which
W. T. U'MjldtT, of Omj'I11 preach
ed. Thi report of th committee -fl
education witH read by 1. A. Monet
and whh laid on tho table, for fur
ther oomlderatlon.
Seveial HiinouiK'nientH wern mad
and the Rev. K. O Klirldt of the
local M. K. thurch khm Introduced
to the confer!!.
The Iioxology was punjr and Rev.
!'. A. il't.wt pronounced lhe benedic
tion. Rev. Anther Thornan recently of
Texan, HI i reach thin evening at
Hlfthop K O Wat-rhoin will
preach at 7:30 Haturdar nlKht In th
local South Methodfut church,
j Announcements for tbo Sunday
w r vice wilt appear In the pajMfr on
Hit! u relay.
a .tttfv n
K. I.. Heard, tho Yoncalla trier
i hitut, M'!it the day In ItOHehurK a'
tending to hUHlitrHH ifiat(en.
O V, Thirl, the Yoncalla mirvey-
or. Kpent the morning In ItottehtirK
attending to bunlnenn IntereKtrt.
Kdwatd l,allrle, of fiarden Val
ley, tpent t li day In KoaehurK at
tending to hiiHlneflri Intercut.
Attorney A. S. Orrutt returned
here tti Ik morning from Drain where
ho fM'nt yeNt-rday attending to bunt
iickh matter.
Mit Hadie Toffee left for her home
iit I'ortland tlha afternoon after I
few davn jent In Cnunn Valley via
itSng with relative.
J !. Zurcher, of th Commercial 1 1
A tint ract f'oinpativ. Informed friend j
today that he ould he e candidate i
for councilman from the Aral ward. ;
The ttere:-.a ry potttloni will probahli
ho plnoed In circulation tomorrow. !
During Hot
I'te tiincliliir-maile bread to avoid
inHHrailon ami ruber unsani
tary coimIHIoiin of in ilk tug bread
In the old way.
On June 1st We
two ounce to the loaf. If your
grocer cJimh not carry our bread
-cliangn gnver or phone ii'ti.
Full line of del It-hum pnatry al
way a at your command.
Umpqua Bakery
II. GL'KAT, I nip.
1 10 Jm km Hlnvt.