The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, September 13, 1911, Page 1, Image 1

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The Daily and Twice-a-Week
Hews have a larger circulation
than any other two papers pub
lished in Douglas County, They
go into every nook and corner
of this big county.
Fair Tonight and Thursday.
No. 2(td
Will Appose Micelli In City
Dr. Hunt Twice Served As Mayor Of
Oakland Is Well Known In
ltoseburg Petitions Are
Already In Circulation. "
Dr. F. W. Hunt, with offices in
the Abraham building at the cor
ner of Ouk and Jackson Btreets, this
afternoon authorized an announce
ment to the effect that he would be
a candidate for mayor in opposition
to Joseph Micelli at the regular city
election to be held in Roseburg, on
Monday, October 2.
When interviewed relative to his
candidacy for mayor, Dr. Hunt said
that he believed in progression, con
sistent to the demands of his consti
tuents. "I do not believe in so-call
ed retrenchment," said Dr. Hunt.
"and on the contrary will exert my
Dest errorts to give the city of Rose
burg a clean, progressive, and yet,
economical administration in event
of my election. Roseburg is a grow
ing city, and the office of mayor 1b
becoming one of great Importance.
The dudes attendant to the office are
multiplying rapidly as you know,
consequently the chief executive
should use every effort to further
the Interests of the municipality, and
st the same time use due precau
tion in protecting the taxpayers. In
case of my election, I will do every
thing possible to please my constitu
entsconsistent to the best Inter
ests of the town at large."
Dr. Hunt has resided in Douglas
county for many years, and prior to
locating In ltosehurg lived In Oak
land. While a resident of that city
he was twice elected mayor only va-
First Autumn
Of Authoritive
New York
ftenjamin Clothes'
Fabrics ancL Fashions of Unusual Importance
to Critical Dressers.
WE have but recently received the last of our
shipments of Benjamin Clothes, those unique
made in New York Garments for Men and Young
Men, and we take pleasure in announcing the first
Autumn display. These clothes reach the topmost
notch in quality and distinctiveness. They combine
the tailoring and smartness ordinarily found only in
custom tailor garments.
Your early inspection of these cleverly made
New York garments is respectfully suggested
$20 and Upward
0 Ladies Coats and Suits "The Faultier Fiskhats"
The most complete assortment in Roseburg. Pattern, Tailored and Street Hats.
Velvets, Silks, Wings, Plumes; Chinelle Ornaments, Tassels; Beaver, Felt, Broadcloth, Velvet Shapes 3
& . James A. Perry
J Special attention to Order Work by Miss Ivy Henderson Millinery and Ladies' Toggery. ,0
D. R. Shanibrook. Mollle O.
Shambrook, James O. Newland
and Cassle E. Newland this
morning received a check in the
sum of 110,000. following the
transfer of the property at the
corner of Cass and Stephens
streets to the government for
federal purposes. The check
bears date of Ausust 29, and
was issued out of the Treasury
department, at Washington, D.
C. Accompanying the check was
a letter in which the officials
thanked the former owners of
the property for the prompt
manner in which they had exe-
cuted and dispatched to head-
quarters the abstracts and deed
of the property. 4
eating the chair when he sold his
interests and decided to locate in
Roseburg. The gentleman has manv
cloBe friends In Roseburg, who have
already Interested themselves tn cir
culating the necessary petitions iu his
With Mr. Hunt's candidacy an
nounced, the election will probably
resolve Itself Into an Interesting. If
not spirited contest. Both the Micelli
and Hunt factions are already claim
ing victory, evidencing that the sup
porters of tne respective cand dntes
are alert and will exert every effort
in nope of attaining a victory.
L. A. TJeland. who has been spend
ing the past three weeks at Edgeley.
North Dakota, returned he-e this
morning. He says that in portions
of North Dakota the crops are good,
while In other sections they nre al
most a total failure. Mr. Ue and
says he Is 'glad to get back to Rose
burg and Douglas county where he
Intends to remain permanently.
FOR RENT Furnished room, with
bath, 409 east Douglas St. s20
WANTED A first cIbbs tin and sheet
iron worker. Apply at this of
fice, tf
WANTED Bright young man over
sixteen, apply Western Union Tele
graph Co, Opportunity to learn the
telegraph business. tf
Headquarters for
Stetson Hats
Captured In England Results
In Severe Laws
Indiana .M"!liiil Society Springs Alt
utluv Hirt-at I"ropoiltJon His
torian Alleges George To Ho
DeKcemlcut of Warrior.
(Special to The Evening News.)
"LONDON. Sept 13. Recent cap
tures of German spies in England
have convinced the authorities that
far more stringent measures are
needed. A bill has been introduced
into the house of commons which
will provide severe penalties for any
one attempting to gain possession of
national secretB. The bill will be
among the first to receive consider
ation during the coming session and
it probably will be rushed through.
Another Ciorm Scare.
RICHMOND. Ind., Sept. .13.
Wayne County Medical Society has
adopted a resolution aaking the pub
lic to abstain from handshaking as
mucn as possible, declaring that
means of salutation conveys germs.
Dogs As Watchmen.
LONDON, Sept 13. Because alms
boxes In Westminster cathedral were
often robbed at night, bull dogs have
been placed "on guard after dark.
Paid Conscience Money,
SEATTLE. Sept. 13. After wor
rying sixteen years because ho stole
it ride on n Milwaukee train nnd
did not pay his fare, A. O. Mills came
into the company's offices hore and
planked down five cents and twenty
?enls additional for interest. "Now
I'll sleep better ho said."
No Credit To (ieorge.
ST. LOUIS. Sept. 13. After many
months spent In Englnnd tracing
down the ancestry of George Wash
ington, Reverend James Lee has re
turned with what ho says Is proof
that America s first president was a
direct descendant of William the Con
queror. Not For- Wilson.
LANSING. Mich.. Sept. 13. Be
lieving that the meetings of gover
nors at Spring Lake was for the
veiled purpose of promoting the can
didacy of Governor Woodrow Wilson
for the democratic presidential nom
ination, Governor Osborn, of Mlchl
gun, refused to attend it.
Popular Fat Man.
NEW YORK, Sept. 13. Colonel
E. H. R. Green is not doing so bad
for a fat man with a name that im
plies what his does. His private sec
retary has lust cast up a list of pro
posals received by mall, wire a rid
wireless since the colonel let It be
known that ho was in search of n
wife and the total is 6.24 2.
Funeral Will lie Held At
Home Tomorrow.
Mm. Elizabeth llenedlok, aged 67
years, and one of the best known
ladles In Roseburg, died at her home
in this city at 5:40 o'clock this morn
ing of heart failure.
Mrs. Benedick was born In the
stuto of Ohio on December 29. 1844.
and In the year 1865 was married
to Philip Benedick, who survives her.
For three years following her mar
riage, Mrs. Benedick resided In Ohio
leaving there In 1868 for Missouri
! wher she lived for Beven years,
j l-euvlng there sha came to Oregon
In company with her husband and
; locnted 111 Roseburg on April 24,
j 1874. Since that time she has lived
i In this vicinity continuously. Aside
I from her husband, the deceased is
; survived by one brother. James Bii-
f llu mm. of Reselling; four daughters,
I Mrs. E. II. l,enox. Mrs. B. S. Nichols.
Mrs. L. Wlmlierly and Miss Elsie
I llenedlik. of Roseburg; and two
sons, Oscar, of Aldermere, I). C.;
and Earl, of this city.
The funeral will be held at the
family home on Thursday afternoon
at 2 o'clock, services to be conduct
ed by Rev. Burkhart, pastor of the
First Presbyterian church.
Mrs. Benedick was a lady
respected In this community and the
news of her death was received with
sincere regret by her many friends.
! Edward A. Davison to J. M. Dav
': Iron. V4 Interest in the S. V4 of the
,3. W. V, and the 8. Vt of the S. E.
; i of section 2(1, tp. 24. R. 6 W. Con
. slderallon $10.
! O. P. Wilder to O. M. Mnrtln, lots
' 17 and IK, block 7, Johnson's addi
tion to the town of Myrtle Creek. Con
. Hlderatlon $ 10.
' Addle c. Brown to Commercial
Stalo Hank, lula 5. 6. 7 and 8, In
Mock 9. of the Railroad addition to
the city of Oakland. Consideration
; $2oo.
fief wi-e rend the KvenlniE News.
Manitoba Ranchers Will Deal
Out Justice
Shakers Take Life of Sick Member to
End Her Suffering Ijil'ol
letto Will Receive Coast
(Special to The Evening News.)
SNOWFLAKB, Manitoba, Sept. 13.
Posses of three hundred men hove
surrounded a man believed to bo
Henry Wilson, of Hannah. North Da
kota, and the fugitive will In all prob
ability be lynched if taken alive. Miss
Gladys Price, a school teacher of
Rlverdale, was dragged from her
school room by a man who, although
the girl told him to shoot her, brut
ally assaulted her,, and compelled
the terlrfled young woman to remain
In the brush with him for 30 hours.
Finally, having drank all of his
liquor and becoming partially Boher,
he permitted the girl to moke her
eBCape, when she dragged herself to
the nearest neighbor and told her
pltable story. The community was
immediately notified and posses or
ganized to hunt down the degener
ate. Murdered to End Suffering.
K1SSIMEE. Fin., Sopt. 13.- Sister
Sears and a Brother Glllott, of the
Shuker colony neor hero, wore nr
ralgned before Judgo Parker today
on the charge of murdering Sister
Sarah Merchant, although the crime
waB committed, bo It is alleged, to
relieve the woman of her suffering
from tuberculosis. The man was re
leased on $5,000 hull and the wo
man secured her llhertv on hall or
$2,000. Olllett stilled before the
court that "before (led and mini we
did right nnd our conscience is
clear. She longed lo die peacefully,
and when tho terrible hemorrhages
came begged us to do something tn
end her agony, nnd In response to
her 1 finally gave her chloro
form." Coast For IiiFnllette.
ST. PAUL. Sopt. 13. Returning
from the Pacific coast today. Senator
Clapp gave it out as his opinion that
the Pacific slope would solidly back
LnFolletto ns the progressive cundi
dote for the presidency. The sena
tor did not express himself as to
whom would get the stnndpat back
up. Volcano Active.
CATANIA. Italy. Sept. 13. Mt.
Etnas Buminit is belching forth great
sheets of flames, ashes and huge
volumes of smoke today from thirty
fissures, and the eruption is hourly
growing more violent, striking terror
to the Inhabitants for miles around.
After removing the eople to places
of safety, the railroads may aban
don their depots at Molo ami Alcan
tra. IHKU'H I1AXK xoms.
Korivt. Service Officii). h Kiiy Poiintcr
MtiTN An Opcraling on CotiNt,
WASHINGTON, ttcpt. 12. The
(Jnlled Statf-a Rfcrut rv.r wi.rf n
daiiKfirmiH King of tifitionul bank note
counterfcitcrK, which hH been lylnc
low for a yeur, i bkuIii oiterulfntf on
the Pacific cnBHt. A counterfeit $10
nutn on tho Pasadena, Cal., National
Hank, brought to ftecret nervier1
headquartera today, was declared to
be the work of the name riwik which
last year counterfeited not nit mi na
tional banks tn I-oh A nicies and Kl
Ontro. Cal., Portland, Or., and Wll
linniftport. Pa.
The. nctlvity of the net-ret service
men a year ago Htoppcd the opera
Lion of tho counterfeiter.
Anionic the "McKfnley head" notes.
the $10 denom I nation, which were
counterfeited lat year, wan on on
the Find National Hank of Port
land. The counterfeit nnles were
circulated In Im Annelen, San Krnn-
clHco nnd Seattle. Not one of these
$10 counterfeits waa panned In Port
land, The new countorfloltn are made
by th men who operated In 1 ! 1 0,
and the notes are not eoiiHidered or
dinarily daiiKeroux. except on the
Pacific coant, w here people nre not
accustomed to handling paper mon
ey. TheBn notes are counterfeited by
the photo-etching proceHs, and an
printed on two pieces of paper, which
are gummed together after a few
particle of hI 1 k are Inserted bee ween.
The silk strands are a cllKtlnKufshhiK
mark of genuine government money.
The Heal and serial number on the
notes are darker than In the pennlne,
and th back of tt.o note It blue
green. Instead of green. It Is a poor
job on the back, which has a pale ajn
pea ranee.
Mrs. IledKepeth, who resides In
the country a short distance from
town was admitted to Merry hospi
tal tM morning where she will
probably undergo an operation dur
ing the next few days.
France Mobilizes Army on the
German Frontier
Accidnct Insurance Cotnimnlcs Col
Icct Fabulous Sinus from Work
lug .Men For Alleged lro
toctlnn For Injuries.
(Speclnl to The Evening News.)
PARIS. Sept. 13. On account of
the massing of French troops on the
German frontier for maneuvers, as
It Is alleged by the war ofllce, all
Franco is discussing the German de
mands in tho Moroccan matter today
and tho refusal of the cabinet to be
awed by implied German threats Is
upheld by all the people. It Is per
sistently rumored today that France
is on the verge of some moment noun
Denounces Fake Insurance.
SPUING LAKI3. N. .. Sent 13.
Denouncing the Indemnity causnltv
companies ns "social parusltes,"
Governor M. K. Hay, of Wushlgton,
today discussed before the congress
of governors, the proposition of how
ins stnte solved the workmen's com
pensation problem. By absurdities
and technicalities of every conceiv
able sort tho insurance companies
In Washington hud succeeded in pay
ing the Injured workmen only $lu(i,-
DON'T IMAGINE because our
Suits, Cloaks, Waists, Dresses and
Millinery are this Seasons
exclusive things In style nnd quality that our prices lire higher than
you would pay rr shoddy goods. Wo mo making a specially of
Strictly Tailored, Skinner Lined
at prl -os that nre a surprise to all. Our One Piece Dresses nro perfec
tion In stylo mill neatness. Our lino of
Sterilized Human Hair Goods
Is nlwuys full. No shoddy goods nt any price
haih uiitMiNU
mi " I
Positively Retirin
j 000 of tho $1100,000 collected from I
, them In the way of premiums dur-
lug the year of 1909. To correct
such abuses Hay advocated tho es
tablishment of a state insurance to be
levied on employers pny rolls, nnd
tho revenue so derived to be used
for tho benefit of injured workmen.
Aviator West Hound.
NKW YOKK. Sept. 13. After
traveling 35 miles on his flight to the
Pacific coast, Aviotor James Ward
descended nt Ashhrookk, N. J., today,
where, after apologising to two spins
ters, on whoso premises he alighted,
lie purchased a map of the stale iu
order to discover where he was "at",
lie. promised tho women that he
would soon vacate their place and
resume his flight westward. Aftor
sevornl hours Ward finally got start
eduguln, going toward Nowark.
Says McNamnrnM Innocent.
LOS AN'GKI.RS. Sept. 13. After a
two dnys" visit with tho McNamnra
brothers and the attorneys Tor the
defense, Samuel Gompers predlctod
today that the accused men will be
acquitted of the charge of destroy
ing the Times building. He stated
that he is satisfied laat neither of
the defendants had anything to do
with the crime.
The best way to toll a wo-
man's nge Is In a whisper.
The best way to Judgo our
values In boy's clothes Is to
let them speak for themselves.
They don t talk in whispers.
Wo know there Is nothing like
ATKAUUOI) In tlio city,
morning at 9 o'clock
The greatest event of sac
rificed merchandise ever
held in this city. Not an
article reserved in the en
tire $50,000 stock. Every
thing must be disposed of
as we are
Heroic Efforts of "Wet" El
ement Failed to Carry
Prohibitionists nre Jubilant Today,
Itut Sorrow Cnmps on the Faces
of the Thii'st Strick
en Citizens.
(Special To The Evening News.)
PORTLAND, Me., Sept. 13. Al
though done so reluctantly tho
"wets" today admit that they have
been defeated and that Mnlne will
remain "dry". Offlclnlly revised re
turns todny, with 196 Bmall towns
missing from the reports, show that
the prohibitionists won the day by
ssi votes out or a total ballot of
29,72o. This majority will prob
ably be somewhat Increased when all
returns ore In,
PORTLAND, Mo.. Sent. 13. Re
vised returns on the question of re- .
pcai or tne constitutional prohibition
amendment at 1 o'clock this morning
reduced the majority against repeal
to 295. Tho total vote stood: For
repeal, ti0,2fli; against repeal, 60,
511. Late returns wiped out the major
ity foa. the "wets" indicated last
night, tho (Millie hue of the election
changing todny. Last night the license
advocates were jubilant; today the
oilier hkio is elated.
Noxt Iu Interest to tho urohlbl-
tlon question was that of the adop- -lion
or rejection of a statowldo pri
mary net. Returns recolved early
hull, iile Its adoption by a good mar
gin. The official volo from 70 cities
and towns nt hand then showed 23.-
7S0 favorable and 0,362 opposing
votes, a majority In favor of 17.418.
On tho proposition of "Augusta for
ever tho seat of government." the
up-state voters very generally voted
Iu fnvor of It. but Cumberland Coun
ty, York county nnd other sections
nearer Portland wero strong on the
other side, and I ho defonl of tho
proposition was early Indicated.
GILI1KRT To Mr. and Mrs. Van R.
Gilbert, Iu West Roseburg. on
Tuesday evoning. September 12, a
Lnrge Jumbo Tablets,
cents at tho Rochdale.
only flv
-read the Evoning News.
I Get w Be