J)ON'T buy a watch by the case. The movement is the im portant thing. We sell thorn ost reliablcmove mcnts in the world namely, the Waltham. Wc carry the WALTHAM WATCH in all grades each grade the Ix;st possible time-piece at its price. You cannot make a mistake if you buy a Waltham. "jt's Time You Owned a Waltham" See our complete display of Adjusted Waltham of tlio Colonial Series. Made as thin as it U cafe to make a reliable watch. W. E. CLINGENPEEL WE GUARANTEE ALL OUR WORK DONE WITH THE VACUUM CLEANER tVtion wo Bay (JlJAItANTKK we mean Ji:at what the word Implies. If you are not tmURfled there will bo no chut go, Wo could not make tills BHHortton unleHs we wore poHllivo of kIvIiik good service. When you got ready to clean house Int us do trie worst part for you the cleuiilug of your carpcta. It's enay 'ow you and the price rcasmntljle ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY O. C. MAKER, Proprietor. Phono 7 S. Olliro N . Jackson No man lias to serve an apprenticeship in order to learn liovv to make mistakes You " - No Mistake If you buy your lumber, shingles, doors, windows and building material of PAGE INVESTMENT COMPANY Phone 2-i2 North Roseburg LOOK FOR TI11C BIG SIGN Dry Slab Wood Rock Springs Coal When you come to town Don't lorget to visit the Water Front Dry Goods Store Sheridan Streets lor Your Suits'' Up-to-Date Suits from $10.50 to $25 Everything new in (lie suit line Overalls, Shirts, Hats, Caps, Shoes We can dress you from head to foot cheaper than you can steal the goods. CIVIC US A TRIAL. D. J. JARVIS Phono 245. All work flrst-rln-s Commercial Abstract Co Abstracts of 1 itle Piling Papers Prepiucu Insurance, F.tc. Monds of all Kinds Furnished H'-tH North Jackson t. UOSKItl'ltl), OllKIJON A NEW DEPOT (Continued from Pago I.) AVIATOR MAKES TIME! lice to the New York headquarters, ii)d that definite information would! proljaMy be forthcoming in the near future. Practically nothing more wan heard regarding the proposition ntl- tl today, when tho ahovo telegram was received. The trustees of the chili will hold i special meeting tonight, at which time tho matter of Inspecting the plana of the depot will lie discussed. In the event a committee fa appoint ed the members wi)1 proceed to Portland where they nay Inspect the plant at will. It is the opinion of Mr. Srhlosser that the depot will he similar in arch itectural design to those T(.:ently urerted at Alliany, Eugene and In otlier towns along tho main line of the Southern Pacific railroad. SOCIALISTS GET Itl'SY. Semis Subjects Of KM'cclics 111 KOKelllll-u;. Coo. H. ChiiTch, secretary of the local socialist party, has received a letter from J. H. Osborne, the hllnd socialist speaker, at present lecturing In Victoria, B. C. Osborne requests tlie local members to procure a large .nougli liall for the .lectures here, ami .Mr. Church is going to arrange for the armory. In the letter Mr. Osborne gives the suhjecls he will deal with while vs, the Declaration of Imlepend vs, the Declaration of In depend ence"; Se. HO, "Municipal Gov ernment and the Citizen"; Cct. 1. "Municipal problems and Socialism"; Tonight a niemlng will he held at labor hall to adopt a local plat form. X. V. Z. ITM-.itAL XOTICI Tho funeral of Edward Clark, who was kilted hy an explosion at Win chester last Sunday, will he held at the undertaking parlors Wednesday at 2 o'clock. J. N. McConnell, iir the Christian church, will have charge of the services. Where is l)r, Stephens street. Hermann? 217 8. tf (Continued rrofn Page 1.) petted to fly ahout 1,500 feet above the earth and his general course was maped out to follow tho railroad. ALTA, Cal., . Sept. 12. Fowler's flight across the con linen I in which he hoped to win the .",u.00 prize of fered for tin successful feat was brought to sudden termination near here today when the daring aviator tumbled to earth III his machine, which was totally wrecked, the acci dent being caused by a broken rud der. In the fall Fowler sustained painful injury to his back. Tho trouble started while he was mak ing about 55 miles an hour at an elevation of 1.000 feet abovo the earth, and tho machine slid down ward at great speed, hut under par tial control until It struck terra llrma, when It went to pieces. The engine was not damaged greatly. Kowler refused to state positively whether he would continue the pres ent flight, but did say that he would be the lirst man to make tho first flight across tho continent. Confcreiu-e of fiCiuli-rs. I.OS ANOOKL.ES, Sept. 12. Fol lowing a conference with Samuel Gompers, President Kline, of the shopmen blacksmiths and fellow un ionists left for their homes in the East today. Kline stated that the meeting with Compels had no con nection with the Karrlman roads trouble, rurthcr than to give an ex planation to the labor leader or tho position the unions would assume in case of trouble. So far as the strike Is concerned no definite action has vet been taken by the federation of ficials. Cyclone In .Michigan. CADILLAC, Mich., Sept. 12. Ac cording to delayed advices reaching nern tonuy a cyclone struck the town of llobart last night and leveled sixtv business houses and residences to the ground, while nearly 40 persons are said to have been Injured, many of mem seriously, and damage to prop erty will aggregate a half million dollars. First Autumn Display Of Authoritive New York Styles A September "A nialdi'ii horn when autumn Irim-rt, Aro rustling In SIOPTtiMHKK'S hrei A Sapphire on her hand should bind 'Twill cure diseases of tho mind." Sapphires of tho lluest R'ades vou will And at Huey's Itoseluirg's Lending Jeweler. Cuss Street. LOO.iij nisivH, Oeorgo Crane, of Cleveland, Is n business visitor in Roseburg today. Don't decide who Is to bo mayor mull you buy bedding at Strong', and sleep on It. Bi3 W. It. Vinson, of Coles Valley, spent the day in Roseburg looking ; after business interests and visiting ' with friends. t Mrs. Olllvnnt left for Portland last I evening where she will attend the I runeral of her sister. Mrs. Wado, who died at that city yesterday. Mrs. .1. W. Groshong left for her home nl Albuuy this afternoon after la few days spent In Roseburg vislt : Ing at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J D. C. Humphrey. I Mr. and Mrs. Raymond, of Perdue, i and son, Herbert, who have been j visiting ri'lcniW in the Willamette Valley, arrived in Roseburg today I mid nt-e Die eneutu nl lr n,t Tom Scott ill Kinney Addition. Mrs. Poyer. of Grants Pass, under went nn operation nt Mercy hospital this morning. Dr. A. F. Sether was the attending surgeon. The patient Is resting easy this nftornoon with excellent chances of complete recov ery. A ' 1I1. !. K. SXKLL, ! I Osteopathic Physician. ; 10-11 Minsters nidg. 'PhonellD I Roseburg, Oregon. I FTP I III Benjamin Qothes Fabrics and Fashions of Unusual Importance to Critical Dressers. WE have but recently received the last of our shipments of Benjamin Clothes, those unique made in New York Garments for Men and Young Men, and we take pleasure in announcing the first Autumn display. These clothes reach the topmost notch in quality and distinctiveness. They combine the tailoring and smartness ordinarily found only in custom tailor garments. ... Your early inspection of these cleverly made New York garments is respectfully suggested -$20 and Upward HARTH'S TOGGERY Headquarters for Stetson Hats returns. References furnished. Frank E. Blair Cora. Co., Whole sale Commission Co., Eugene Ore gon. E2 5sw WANTED Good Housekeeping Mag azine requires the services of a representative In Roseburg to look after subscription renewals and to ' extend circulation by special ineth ! ods which have proved unusually ; successful. Salary and commission. Previous experience desirable, but not essential. Whole time or Bpare time. Address, with references, J. E. Fairbanks, Good Housekeep ing Magazine, 38 '. Fourth Ave., New York City. d-ol 1'OIt SALE FOR SALE Six-room house on lot 50x100 feet. Good location. In quire at News office. do6 FOR SALE Two pure bred Cotts wold bucks. Inquire ot Rose & Henry, or phone Sub. 49. tfR WOOD FOR SALE Phone Farmers 1G4. J I. Springsteaed. Roseburg, for wood. Prompt delivery. dtf FOR SALE Two Herford bulls, one year old. Firstclass. Address L. L. Matthews, Glide. Or. dtf FOR SALE New 5-room cottnge and one acre of ground one mile from city. Price $1250. Inquire News office. dtfR FOR SALE Fou'.'-rc.'in new modern bouse and two lots; house - Just completed; will sell reasonable or rent; terms. Address Box 8, Rose burg, or Phone Suburban 85. tfA RIDINO PONY Will sctl a good pony, saddle and bridle cheap. See the outfit at the Roseburg Flour Mills. dsw-tf FOR SALE Team, colt, wagon and harness. Weight about 1,600 each. Address Ralpnj Phelps, Roseburg, Ore. dsws22 FOR SALE Must be sold within 30 days; one of the best rancties In Douglas county. The Riddle Land Agency, Riddle Ore. dsw-s22 FOR SALE Shetland pony, broke to drive or ride, fancy driver and gentle. Also pony rubber tired buggy with top and harness. Ad dress Pony, care of News, Rose burg, or call at office. dswtf Ml LOCAL NEWS.. DOUGLAS COUNTY CREAMERY hus the Best Buttermaker in the State ICE CREAM SEASON HERESY in larje or small iu,-in;ituv,. U-t us have v i 'r .. i j );u i v uiuei . n ii ni' .vii:. our North Side Plaining Mill luitt i lit nf 1 iniioj Shit, N. tnli JiuKmmi NtrHf, IMiono itiWI, t Orders for nil kinds of Pulldlng Material rtivt rili.-d At Kcasonahle Prices. Mill Work Our Specialty I'mlt Hoim In aj Quantity. With B. F. D. "Insect Oytsect" Powder You can destroy all the flies in a room in three minutes, l'lace a little powder on a fan-throw it into the air ami fan it. Destroys all the Hies. It saves time, work and worry. "A square deal pow der" in square bottles 25c. HAZLEWOOD ICE CREAM The most appetizing cioam made is now being served at our soda fountain. Try it. It's the best in the land. ROSEBURG PHARMACY INC., Who is Dr. Hermann? tf Silk Floss pillows ready stuffed at Strong's, 60c. sl3 All wool double blankets, $5.50 at no sale price. This Is at Strong's. sl3 Sheriff George Quine spent the day nt Myrtlo Creek attending to business matters. E. C. Craig, of Oakland, spent yes terday nnd today in Hosehurg at tending to business matters. Miss ninnch Reed has resumed her duties In the county clerk's ofllco af ter an absence of two weeks. Work on the Perkins building was practically susiiended today on ac count of Inst night's heavy rains. Folding lunch boxes are handy for you. Mr. Worklugmnn. liny one from Strong, the furniture man. sl3 .1. W. Perkins has returned from Portland where ho spent a day or two attending to business matters. Homer C. Collier, of Ibanon. Is spending n couple of days in Rose burg nttcmltng to business matters. Mr. Smith, the "popcorn" man, has returned from Eugene where he spent a couplo of days visiting with his son. Mrs. V. It. Buckingham nnd chil dren have returned from Unlldon where they enjoyed tjielr annual va cation. On nccount of a lack of a quorum, the regular meeting of the commer cial club was not held last evening as scheduled. Douglas County Oeainar butter, the best In the land, can be had of your grore rat 75 cents the roll. De mand your home product and accept Dr. J. L. Callawav has returned home and can be found at his offices in the Abraham building during ills usual professional hours. Telephone Kill. dswlt .lohn neckley, a local Southern Pacific switchman, and wife have gone to tho mountains where they will spend n couple of weeks hunt ing and fishing. The Redlfer Pining Room, which was situated on North Main street, is now located at 511 West Oak street, one block below the depot on the west side of tho truck. Call there for good meals. Oood rooms for rent. tf The funernl of the late .Edward Clark, who was killed at Winchester on Sunday will be held at the Rose burg undertaking parlors tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. ltev. Mr Connell. pastor o' the local Chris tian church will officiate. Owinir to lust night's heavy rains. Proprietor C. P. Barnard! ot the Koseliurg-Marshfield stage lines, was compelled to supplement his automo bile with horse stages today. In the event of fair weather the autos will again Ik pressed Into service. class condition, grounds set to young fruit trees, some In bear ing, big shade trees by house, all for only $1,800. inquire News, tf SIX LOTS FOR SALE This is all good garden laud, and set now in young fruit trees in bearing next season. Hill slope, city water, plenty of room for poultry, fenced and the making of a delightful home. $1,200 will give you title to this fine place. Inquire News of' nee. BEST BUY IN CITY Five beautiful lots on hill sloiie, big shade trees, over thirty bearing fruit trees, as sorted varieties, finest view to lie had In the city, nnd a property of more than ordinary desirability Ideal place for home. Only $1,400 .Inquire News office. tf FOR RENT Furnished housekeep Ing rooms. No children. ' Applv S02 Washington street. - tf WANTED 300 to 500 good sheep to keep on shares. Goo drange and best of enre guaranteed. Address B., care News. sw-s X)R SALE Two horses. 4 and years old, weight 800 each, nearly new i fa inch Wester King wagon I sets good double harness, 1 new buggy, Buddie and bridle. Inquire or minis Mies. 731 lloiick street In the Grove, Roseburg. s!5 ANTED Mandolin club players. ;ote readers on guitar and mando- lin, violin mandola; club now or ganizing for practice and social pleasure. Lessons on mandolin and guitar. A Ferguson, Herring ton House, city. dslti WANTED Some one with a little rash to take an Interest In a new fruit picking basket which Is su perior to the Hood River innova tion and costs much less. Address Jj. C. Hill, Roseburg, Ore. Roseburg Crcg XKW TODAY. FOR SALE -ObV"jfwrwwrafl at J H. Campbell' fish market. dslS MKltltV WIDOW Tilnlng rooms and apart- ments. Private board nnd room. Rverythlng first clnss. Hot and cold water in each room, bath. Accommodations for a few more sm-sts. Apply at 112 Brock- way. near high school. . " A. Mrs. Chas. Ileinllne an- nounces the opening of her studio for piano culture at her residence 423 Ella street. Fall term begins October 2 terms and' hours apply Oct. 1 at 129 S. Main st. For until dsl5 - CL ASSII IKI) ADVERTISEMENTS MlSCK.l.LAXKOIS. FOUR LOTS Nice residence and garden property. In? well, close to Edenbower store and dirt cheap at only $S each. Inquire at News oftlce, but be qpick about it vd WANTED. TEAM WANTED Good voung team, weight 1.100 or 1.200' each. In quire at News office. tf WANTED A tract of timber land containing from fifty to one hun dred million feet. State full partic ulars. J. W. llartnett. 333 Sherlock Building. Portland, Ore. O-l LOST Fine ohrseaide robe on road In Pearco Cnnvon. Finder please leave same at News office. silt ONE ACRE HOME - Nice tittle- place jut outside city limits, good six room house, barn, chicken bouse, yards, etc. all fenced and In first WAXWII Salesmen for exclustri territory. Big opportunities. Ni experience necessary. Complett line Yakima Valley grown frutl shade and ornamental stock. Casl weekly. Outfit free. Toppenlsi Nursery Company, Tofventsh "Wash. Jjwtl W ANT Kb Constcnmenta of 8o5t h -ern Oregon peaches, cantaloupes, itrapes, etc. We guarantee prompt FOR SALE One acre In city limits; five-room house; 20 cherry trees on the place, good variety of small fruits and excellent garden spot; good small barn on place; price $3750. For particulars adress -owner, care of The News, or call at this office. dsw-tf 200 ACRE FARM $40 an acre will buy this place, which is ALL TILL ABLE half mile frontage on riv er, and 30 acres of rlvor bottom, balance rolllug, but ready for plow. This is one of the real bargains. Terms. Address box 55, Roseburg, Ore., or Inquire News office. dtf FOR SALE 48 acres of quite level land, 10 acres in orchard, 300 ap ple tvees 12 years old, balance In prunes. All orchard in first-class condition; 12 miles west of Rose burg; fair house and barn on place. Price $4,000.00. Adress H. J. Wilson, Canyonville, Or. d-o4 1 CO-ACRE FARM FOR SALE Mak ing of nice home place, has big comfortable log house and barn, family orchard of trees just com ing Into bearing, living spring, water piped to house, nbotit 6 acres In cultivation, big outside range, 8.000,000 of sa wtlmber, (cruis ed). Property can be had for $3, 750. Inquire at News office. B-tt FIVE ACRES FOR SALE Nice piece of land, all fenced, close In und ready for planting. No buildings but a choice spot for small farm Price $1,250. Inquire News of flee. FOR SALE Half Interest in a gen eral mdsfl store In a thriving little city in Douglas county; good loca tion and Sn excellent trade. Owner wantsto locate near coast. For par ticulars address X. Y. Z care of The News. TIMBER CLAIM FOR SALE The Yi or me a. e. and the S. 14 of the N. E. of section 26, In township 3o south of range 2 west, consisting of sugar pine, fir aad cedar. Cruised over four mil lion feet. Price $3,000. Address i", care News, Roseburg. dswtf FINE TEAM FOR SALE Matched span ot general purpose standard bred mares, weight 1100 each, 5 and 6 years old, guaranteed per fectly gentle; superb drivers and good workers, will be sold at a sacrifice. Here Is a chance to get somthlng extra good. Inquire Roseburg Flour Mills. sw-dtf FOR SALE 1314 acres, 6 miles south of the city, ail unr'er culti vation or garden land. House and barn on place. Price $1,800; first payment $800, or will take good work horses or cattle for first pay ment. Balance 3 years, 6 per cent. Inquire or address box 98, R. F. D. No. 1, Roseburg, Ore. sw-s25 MUST BE SOLD Farm of 160 acres six miles west of Roseburg. 6 room house, barn, well, several acres set to fruit, 1 acre of which Is bearing. Price for this place $10 per acre and dirt cheap. Place Is on county road. Small cash pay ment and balance long time. Ad dress box 55 or call News office for particulars. tf COUNTRY HOME FOR SALE Close In, about six acres, plastered house of 8 rooms, barns, water for Irrigating piped over place, and everything In first-class condition, a bonanza for market gardening. Nice lot of bearing trees and a home that you will be proud or and an Income maker. For par- Oculars Inquire at News office. tf " TIMBER CLAIM FOR SALE The following described timber claim Is i ffered for sale: N. . 14 .of the S. E. 14 8. E. M of the N E. hi of W. 14 N. E. 14 of sec. ?S. township SO south of rann 1 west, consisting of 10 acres of sugar pine, fir and cedar. It cruis ed three and one-half millions Price, $3,000. Address P, can News, Roseburg. Or. dswt FOR SALE If you want to buy riv er wiin land come see uj or write. Thlt land , a black loamy freo, sell, all ell drained, no hills, no rock, all level. Can sell In ten or twenty acre lots at reas onable figure. Land now being urveved and platted. Only two and balf miles from Riddle on fine road. Write at one. - Rlddie Land Company, Riddle. Ore-on- dswtf