The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, September 12, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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Why U it tUat men sever buy
silk floss pillows? Girls buy them
at Strongs for 5uc. si 3
Rev. Kaan, formerly a ivslih'iit
of flosetiurg, but of lute of Tennes
see, hjis arrived 1q Hosebuig to spend
a few days visiting with friends. Mr.
Ragan ha3 been absent from Rose
burg for some time, and suffice to
say that hid present visit will be 1
much enjoyed. j
An attendant from the state inasne
asylum '.ased through Roseburg last
evening enroute to Salem with a man
giving his name as Jaikson, who re
cently became demented. The patient
is a patent medicine fiend and to
that fact is attributed his preseut
W. O. Wimmer, until recently em
ployed In the Houser & LaChapelle
barber shop, ou Jackson streets, ex
pects to ojen a shop in the Wollen
berg building, formerly occupied by
the fish market and located one
door east of the Roseburg restaurant,
in a few days. The work of renovat
ing the interior of the room is prog
ressing nicely and the fixtures will
be installed some time this week.
Mr. Wimmer is quite well known in
Roseburg where he has resided for
about a year.
Here is u fiiini'Uiiteeri Treatment
Money Hmk It' It 1'uils.
We are offering to every sufferer
from any kind of a chronic kidney
dsiease a treatment that usually pro
duces prompt, beneficial effects and
which la so certain in its action as to
lead us to guarantee satisfactory re
sults or we will refund your money.
Kcxall Kidney Pills contain those
Ingredients that have been widely
used in the treatment of kidney dis
ease by the very best practicing
physicians and are intended for the
treatment of kidney ailments of a
more or less chronic nature.
Sixty Pills in a box; price 50c.
Sold only at our store The Rexall
Store. Fullertou & Richardson.
dsw-sl fi
i School lunch boxes that can be
folded may he bought tor 23c at
, Strong's, the furniture man. vli
Another bet of dinner-ware given
away Thursday. September 14. and
don't miss a chance at that first class
sewing machine we are giving awav
September US. The Rochdale,' dswsl
Patrick Maloney, an inmate of the
Oregon Soldiers' Home, left for Port
land this morning where he will
spend a week or ten days visiting
with relatives.
C. F. Klrhy. v 1 f o and son. of Eto
wah. Tenn., arrived in Roseburg last
evening to spend two or. three weeks
visiting at the home of .Vlr. and Mrs.
John Kranch, in Waite's Addition.
William Richardson, an inmate or
the Oregon Soldiers! Home, left for
Woodvilte this morning where he will
spend a few days attending the an
nual G. A. R. reunion of the South
ern Oregon district.
Prof. C. J. Maya, for the past year
an Inmate of the Oregon Soldiers
Home.' left for Boston, Mass.. this
morning where he will make his fu
ture home. He will spend a few
days at New Orleans enroute East.
Brakeman J. W. Fowler and wife,
of Portland, who have beeu spending
the past few days in Roseburg vis
iting with friends left for their home
this morning. Mr. and Mi's, Fowler
formerly resided in this vicinity and
'are quite well known.
! Mrs. J. McGregor and two daugh
ters. Grace and .lene, left for Salom
, this morning whero they intend to
; make their future home. The fam
ily have lived In Roseburg for about
six months and are quite well knowoj
' in this vicinity.
Experiment a little with your cof
fee. Compare the kind you are now
using with White House, as to lasting
qualities, taste and general satisfac
tory results. No other quite so
I good. For sale only by the Roch
1 dale. dswsl A
Best Car of CoalJEver Seen in Roseburg
has been received by Roseburg Feed & Fuel Co. '
Rock Springs Coal, positively better coal than
bas heretofore been offered for sale in Rose
burg. Price the same as has been asked for
inferior coal. Come and see it or. telephone
No. 163 3'our order.
Roseburg Feed & Fuel Co. Winchester St.
The Best Flour
Made west of the Rocky Mountains
Is from wheat grown on a limited terri
tory surrounding Prescott,
It is sold under the name of
"SNOW DRIFT." Like all other
good articles, Snow Drift has
imitators, some of whom would
make capital out of a similarity
ot names. There is but one
Snow Drift, no other brand so
good, therefore be careful that
you get only the Genuine
For the world's doings read The
Evening News.
Strong's $1.50 comrorts are fluffy
and warm, just the thing for the
cold wouther and storms. sl3
Marks' lmpiua Creamery Uutter
is just a little bettor than the best.
A home product. For sale by the
Rochdule only. dsw-sl 9
M. C. Burleson, the brick manu
facturer, left for Salem last even
ing where he will spend a few days
iu nttendunce at the state fair.
Mrs. H. Calene left for her home
at Montague. California, this morn
ing after a few days spent In Rose
burs visiting at the home of her
brother. J. A. O'Neal.
Mrs. Rdna A. Wllley. of Chelsea,'
Iowa, will arrive In Roseburg this
evonlvir to spend a few weeks visit
i ig Ht th home of her sister, Mrs.
U. C. L'ruwn, in West Roseburg.
Miss .it le Wilson left for her
home at Canyonville this morning
after p vppif spent In Roseburg visit
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V.
B. liammltte.
Snow Drift' Flour, the best of all,
don't take our word, but try It out
Tor yourself. Note well the name and
member It Is sold only by the
Rochdale, dswsld
Possessed 1t The Famous Medium
And Palmist Mystilles All
Her Callers.
We don't keep the best, we sell the
best. B. W. Strong, the furniture
man. sl3
Cheat seed, vetch, red clover, alfal
fa, and all kinds of grass seeds. Our
line Is complete. The Rochdale.
dsw-sl 9
On account of the Inability of the
marshal to muster a quorum, there
was no meeting of the city council
last night. , i-'iSI
Mr. and Mrs. V. Grimes left for
their home at Eugene this morning
after a brief visit at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Barnard In this
Don't overlook the set of fine dln
nerwar to be given away at the
Kochdale Thursday. September 7th,
14th. and 21st; also that splendid
sewing machine on September 2Sth.
Drop in and see the swell line of
fall and" winter samples Just received
f rom E.d. V. Price Co., Chicago
famous tailors. Over five hundred
samples to select from.
French dry cleaning, newest
niethodp used. Your old suft con be
made to look as good as new at a
small eo;. Clothes cleaned, hnts
Mocked. If you are looking 'or
cood, quick service see Sloper, the
leaner and presser. Telephone 47.
Your past, present and future Hfo
is an opeu book, asking no questions,
.unking no guesses, she tells you
everything you want to know eon
?nrnlng business, love or money mat
ters, at! :ises yon on marriage, di
vorce changes, investments, specula
tions and law suits . She will tell you
for what you are best adapted and
what occupation to follow, tells you
;iow to regain good health and be
Madame Delmar will also tell you
who you will marry and when, how
"ong you will live, how many chil
dren you will raise. She will toll you
if your friends, enemies and rivals
!ii lovo ond business, she will guide
vou to success, good health and hap-
liness, no fee accepted unless you
ire perfectly satisfied. This Is fair,
rs It not? Consultations dally and
Sunday from 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. at
Hie new Grand hotel, room 2. Corner
?asa and Hose streets. Don't delay,
fine now, next week may be too
'g- dsl2
Notice Is hereby given that tho un
dersigned will receive sealed biws un
til the 12th day of September, 1911,
at five o'clock of said day, for ex
cavating, leveling and otherwise Im
proving the West Roseburg school
yard according to plans and specifica
tions filed In tho office of the clerk
on tho fith day of September, 1911,
also approved by the board of direc
tors for school district No. 4, Doug
ias county, Oregon, on the same d-ite.
Plans and specifications may be
seen at the offices of the architect,
Walter A. Straw, North Jackson
street, Rosoburg, Oregon.
A certified check or cash of 5 per
cent of the amount of the bid is to
accompnny same, conditioned that
tho successful bidder will enter Into
a contract for Bald work, and the
board hereby reserves the right to re
ject any and all bids.
By order of tho Board of Directors
of school district No. 4, Douglas coun
ty, Oregon, this tith day of Septem
ber, 1911.
Chairman of Board.
m District Clerk d13
Sold only by the
Roseburg Rochdale Company
You will always have good healthful bread, pie and
cake, if you use
White River Flour
It is Not Bleached
Bleached flour is injurious to health.
Use rleischman's Yeast For a good Starter
Mrs. A. C. Kidd & Son
A Pure White,
Heavy all Wool
Double Blanket
The Drawn Wire Mazda Electric Lamp will sup
ply you with more light, and at a less cost, than
the old carbon lamp.
Drawn wire Mazda is the original Tungsten im
proved to point where its life is as great as that of
the old carbon lamp, while none of its illuminat
ing powerjias been sacrificd. Call and let us ex
plain the difference to you.
Thegreatest Germ destroyer and disinfectant known
Will destroy odors and germ life in twenty seconds
For use in sinks, toilets and sick room
We guarantee this preparation to do all we claim
Marsters Drug Co.
Roseburg Oregon
If Ml
HllKKll'AN HI.
And our wagon will call tor your bu id'es. Xw com
plete equipment. Family work our specialty,
and prices rijiht.
Farrand Brothers, Proprietors.
This Is lu Kind ot liliui
kct (lint tho foot mil not
kiik unt of. Olio hnlf of
I ho hlankot Is iimlrr yon,
tho olhot over yon. Tho
IthinkolH noo iM'ttor tlmll
most NtOITH NOll fill1 $tS,
A Night Cap
After Dinner
An Eye Opener
Before Breakfast
Tampa Vana Cigars
Will Touch the Spot
It all Havana W. H. BOWDEN, Maker
Beech-Nut Ba-
con, Peanut But
ter, Codfish, and -m
Cranberry Sauce
recommended & -m
Herring sold by
-. The
Grocery 3
Pure Food Sto --
'U Can't .. Phone 184
mistake the flavor 22s Jackson st. 3
Pies, Cakes, Pastries of all Kinds
Ilnys mi nil wool doulilo
hlankot. Hint In honvy, hut
not llulshod no woll. It In
din k in color, mid l (IcsIkii
od for roiiK'1! tmrd iimiiko.
Wo carry a vry largo
Htwk at lu'iKprejuIn, pillow
lff4, nIici'Ik ami conifnrlH.
V' nlvr yn iM'ttor vjtlucN
than any oilier Moiv In
None of these ar
ticles will be sold
for less money.
They absolutely
will not be put on
sale and the prices
changed up and
down. They are
already very low.
The Furniture Man
Glasses properly fitted
Relieve eye strain,
headache, nervousness
Charges Reasonable
Office 217 S. Stephens
eed Rockers
A Fine Assortment. Easy
Comfortable Rockers.
Call and See Them'
L. H. RHOADES, 2nd fT Man
I Winnie Gaddis
Afjent for Sne
Water Filters.
Removes all im-purities.
SKylight Cornices
Heating Ventilating
Phone 210
. Roseburg
During Hot
I'nii iniii liliir-::mln hn-al to nvnlil
prcHiHTnllnn nnri iilhi'r unminl
Inry riiiHlltlolifc if innklng brviul
III lll old y.
On June 1st We
two ounce to tlio Itinf. If your
KrtHvr ilMn not carry our lirt'iul
liurtK grm-i'M r phono 21! 1,
I'm 1 1 Duo of di'lliloiiM paMtrjr !
wiiy nt your commnml
Umpqua Bakery
II. fil l'.ST, Irop.
1 10 Jiii kxin Hlns'l.
THE LEADER- and why we Lead
IifratiKff oirr Hull, rloiik flitrt WhMn nro pnnltlvoly corroct In
KtvU-ii, inatcrliiifi mul prlco, we ItcllevH In tho IntclllKeiiro of the
public and offer them nothing lint almolutrly correct, frcwh gool.
llemiiAo wo Iihvo a fitter that ca.i nt and can guarantee a
perfot IU In every garment.
IliM-ntiHO wo do not duiillcato youriiilt, Clonk ValU and) Iat
tern HiitH.
t ctitifto our MiHiii-r (n tlen. quality of material and
Hiilenilld aitHorlnient Is far la the lead of anything ever ahown tn
n.-rnnpe our flitlr ChmK r kure, NotrrltUt and llundbjiga
are giving perfect BatiHfattlon.
lieca .iso our prlc are a surprise to all.