The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, September 12, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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    Bupplcmt'itt id.
' . Subscription Halo Daily.
Per year, by mall $3.00
Per montb, delivered 60
Pr venr 12.00
Six months 100
. Entered aa second-class matter
November 6, 1910, at Rosehurg, Ore
under act of March 3, 1879.
Ti KSK.iv, ki:iti:.miii:k la. nii
The mule he has a load to pull.
And no has num.
llo's happiest when he Is full.
And so man.
Like man he holds a patient polne.
And when his work's done will re
The mule ho likes to hour his voice
And so does man.
In President Tuft's itinerary to the
I'uclllc coast ho vIsltB but two places
In all of Oregon, larger In area than
the states of New York und Penn
sylvania combined, thoso two places
being Portland and Salem; while In
our neighboring state of Washing
tonnot so lurgo as Oregon, he vIb
Ita, and addresses and will be enter
tained at fourteen places, as fol
lows: Spokane, Und, lOllensburg, Ta
coma, llclllngham, Mount Vernon,
Kverett, Seattle, Olynipla, Ceiiti'uliu,
Castle Hoi k, Kelso, Klainii, Vaiicoiiv
r. Eastern Oregon Itself as large
as New York stuto Is entirely Ignor
ed and the same of Southern Ore
gon. Have we lost all influence lit
Washington City?' Whoro are our
public men? Are there none to be
counted? Our neighboring state Iiiih
been spoken for by her representa
tives. Abraham Teuchout, wealthy manu
facturer, of Cleveland, Ohio, who hl.s
Just cclellated his 91th bJrthdiiy
but disdains not to put in six days
of work each week, says a man wl o
Is In good health at lill commits a
grievous wrong If he retlreit from na
tive work. "A man of I'.u who nn
good health Is in his prime," said Mr.
Toachout today, "in s H-h
times sue!i u man would bo dodgl.ig
responsibility If he refused to glvo the
worn benefit or bis evp'Tience anil
No Water
Handled In Most. Haliltjiry .Manner, 'mid liiiitrantecd Absolutely
l''reo l''rolu PrcHel'Viltlvcs,
$1.00 Cjuart 50c Pint 25c Half Pint
Cass Street Market
Transcient stock jiven best of care. Horses boarded
atreasonable rates. Fiist class ris, good horses
and careful drivers
Blacksmith Shop in Connection
All Work Guaranteed
Cor. Main and Washington Sts. Phone $
Standard Prints
New floods every day. Complete line of (iroeeries,
Dry Hoods, Shoes and Hats. Highest jiriee paid for
prodtiee. Miss May Wells, an experienced sales
woman, lias charge of our dry mods department.
R. Stubbs & Co.
The Underselling Cash
our irli-i'rt oil fiillt )a:a
foro bityliiK olwewlH'io 10 i-r vi off
7 inrkriKia of huril wo.hI IVoth
IMi-ks liV
6 roll. Btaiiilaril Tollot I'lip'-r -.V
2 Lamp Chimneys, nny alio I.v
7 Ilnra of Armur llannnvr
Soap SHc
Small Carnation Milk, jior can ftc
Korco, per pkg 1.V
And ninny n(lnr nil cut clown for
I conclusions. A man of fill call tackle
Lrouorltlous that a young mao dare
nut nttHu,t. It would be the ureal-
est roily lor a man or mai age, 11
he was vIkotoub to nettle down to a
life of Inglorious ease."
SKCI'ltlN't; KKillT OK WAY.
Agents of Two llouds I'nmi Itoscburg the boxes on Sundays and from open
To Coos liny. tno general delivery window and
' , carriers' window; but It Ib tinder-
.Murshflold Times, Sept. 8: Noth-1 "" that this plan shall not Inter
lug particularly new has developed , ' ' the special delivery system
lo the railroad situation locally today. I on Sundays, and that any person
There were a number of stories afloat ; "'' hvo important ma I de Ivered to
Peter I.oggle, who has been out
getting iMght-of-way for the Coos
II..., .....I IL.lua ut.,ll l,lav tl.i.l Ihov
liad secured promises or options of I
tihoiit eighty por wnt of tl; rli;tit-of-wuy
bctwci't. the river and the Ioiik
1ns county line. All of the big land
holders have Kiven rlht-of-way, the
iiiHt to promise It Itelng MiinEtgfr
ArniHtronn of the M(!imha Wooden
ware compiiriy. Mr. Armstrong Iihk
jitnt retiiniod to tlio Hay and could
not ho Ki.'t-n liofore. lio liatt proinlH
ed rlht-of-way both over the South
ern Oregon and Moiiaaiia Wooden
ware holding.
KtiKineer Anton, of the Coos Hay
and Hasten. Kleetric nays they are
making good progreH with their sur
veys They did not prenent their
application to tho county cominlK
sloner this week for ft franchise over
Uu Middle Fork ruad, an watt ex
pected, owing to the mirvey not hav
ing i.rogreKBed Hiifllclently. They
will make application later. 10. W.
Xevorn of the company who lias been
at ItoKehurg 1h duo In today.
The-o Ik nothing new In the
Southern Pacillc project of the Ter
minal Hallway matter today, ho far
as could be ascertained. However,
It Is understood th.t. tho "holders of
the Terminal Hallway franchise re
fused to turn over to the Southern
Pacific that, franchise or any part of
it ns was deHlred by M'-ksth, Mlllls
and Mlngiis at the conference, They
pledged that the Southern Pacillc
would he given tho same Kervice at
the snme proportionate cost over the
terminate an any other railway that
might desire to use it, guaranteeing
iKjual tor in h to all.
I 'onI office Dcpurcmcnt Allied
Shorten lloui'H on Kifudity.
To tho post master, of Hoseburg:
Tho congregation assembled at the
'renhyterlan church on in at Sunday,
5c per yard
10c per yard
Lemons dozen. Mc
jniey stoek
23e piekles 20et
I)eol f on all hulk cof
fee Corn starch 3 pks 25
l.arj;e pk iloid DiVsT
Jl h.irs of any white
soap ? 1 and I har of
toilet soap free
Armors Fancy Salt
l'ork 17' . cents
Armors Picnic hams
Klcts per pound
Carnation Milk lOct
Ve!o!;m , cans 25cl
1 j pounds of granu
lated suar f 1, with
every j.2.00 order.
1 pt bottle ot Uueand
1 pt bottle of amonia
1.1 cents
Swift l'rde Cleanser
5 ens per can
Aud many otherscTit
for cash.
'" '"K Informed that you und your as-1
sUtailta are kept on duty from.
twelve to tulrteeu sour, a day our-
lug the week and for Ave hours on
Sundays, voted to respectfully re
quest you, as patrons of your of
fice, that you r.ecommend to the de
partment at Washhihiun, that you
be relieved from distributing mall to
him between U and 10 o'clock Sunday
morning, provided he so request you
In writing before tho regular clctdng
time of Saturday evening.
We alac suggest that you recom
mend the appointment of another
cleiK to assist your over-worked
Signed in behalf of the above con
gregation. PASTOK.
Ft, P. Smith & Son'B fine drest
shoes for men nt the Itochdale.
dsw-Bl 9
O. II. Mortenson, of Glendale
spent last evening In Hoseburg at
tending to business matters.
Mrs. tf liner PoMotta left for Salem
this morning where she will spend u
few days attending the state fair.
George Tucker left for Portland
this morning where he will attend
the Hill Academy during tho winter.
Henry Ulchardson and wife left for
Salem this morning to enjoy a few
days at the state fair.
Attorney J. C. Fullerton and wife
left for Salem this morning where
they will attend the state fair.
J. V. Colt and wife havo gone
Washington county where they own
a ranch. They expect to return hero
In about ten daya.
Among those who eft for roast
points on this morning's stages were
W. A. Snyder, O. Uammersly, Hlley
Doyd and II. Leake.
John Hanks and H. S. Kenney,
both residents of Glendale, are spend
ing a couple of duys in Hoseburg at
tending to buslueHH. matters.
Charles McKlhlnny and two sisters,
Stella and Both, and uncle, Joseph
MclOlhlnny returned Here last even
ing after a week spent at Newport
and vicinity.
John Hunter has returned from
Portland where he spent a few days
visiting with friends and attending to
business matters. Mrs. Hunter, who
preceded hi hi to the metropolis will
not return hero if or several davs.
Km ma M. Pick to Jessso W.
Hounds, the S Mt of lot 12, 13. 15 and
Hi, and tho S. Mi of lot C, in section
20. twp, 22, S. H. 8 West, 1?,4 acres.
Consideration $100.
That many of them are dally en
during needless pain that n reliable
! remedy Is within the reach of all,
I and that we absolutely guarantee sat
j Ijifaction or will refund any money
you may have paid for this treat
ment. i Physicians In treating women's all
I mentH have demonstrated tho value
of certain druga for such cases nnd
I these Ingredients, following the for
i mu la of a certain Huccessful phvsi-
cian, are contained In Itexall Vege
table Compound, In the amount con
sidered necesHury to produco the
moHt satisfactory results.
We want every ailing woman In
this city to realize the vuliip of this j
remedy and to that end offer to re
fund any money paid us for this pre
paration. If. after n fair trial, ft
falls to produce beneficial results.
Itexall Vegetable Compound fan
only be obtained at. our ajore The
Itexall Store. Price $1.00 per Ini
tio. Fullerton & Hlcbardson. dswslG
Clias. Harris, (violin maker re
pairing of all stringed Instruments.
Violin repairing a specialty. 2I years'
experience. Work guaranteed. 108
X, Pino street. tf
Strong, the furniture man. says:
"Do the people square, and you will
do." 13
Mrs. George Hlter Uft for Salem
this morning where she goes to spend
a Tew days at the state fair. She
was accompanied by her mother. Mrs.
I Charlotte Seldon who Is enroute to
Corvallls to spend n week vIsithiK
with friends nnd relatives.
A;ain it lirn'omos a privileiro uml
(iloasnio ,tn us to extoml our sinoorc
tlianksi to you for tho suppoit anil
I' Vironauo givon u.i in tho past year.
One yoar ago we npenod in your
city our cash grocery . Through court
esy, honesty ami siUaro ilealinij we
have won your confidence which we
pi -ire highly, it is our aim always to
give yiii the best for the least
money. Yours to live anil please.
Stubbs and Co.
We Pay Cash for Produce
Market Conditions.
Sugar Higher
Coffee Strong
Meat Higher
I.anl Strengthening
Canned goods giing higher
Kggs Higher
Country butter Scarce
We are also jobbers of Wheat.
Hay, Hurley, Oats, ShorU, I'ran and
Large J umbo Tablets,
cents at the Rochdale.
only five
A good supply of fre3n fruits and:
vegetables always In stock at the '
Kochdald. j
R 8. and T. G. Bunch left for the
north this morul:ig after a day or
two spent In Hoseburg. j
You can rent the latest novels at !
10 cents per week at the library con-1
ducted by Aldon Harness. d-sl7 j
County Judge Wonacott received a
letter yesterday to the effect that
'he name of the Oregon Hefonn
School had been changed to tlo Ore--gon
Training School. ,
Mrs. Nancy Whltsette, of Cottage
Grove, who has been spending the
past few days In Hoseburg with
friends, left for Wilbur ihln morning
to spend a day or two with relatives. ;
A. I. Flennor, an Inmate nf the!
Oregon Soldiers' Home, lelt for points!
n California this morning where he!
will enter the National homo for vet- j
rans. Mr. Flennor has spent about j
yeur In the local Home and is well j
Kdward Hillings, a local Southern
Pacillc passenger conductor, and fam
ily left for Spokane, Wash.,- this
:uornlng. In response to a telegram
innotincing tho death of Mrs. Hill
ings brother-in-law, G. H. Dietrich.!
The message gave no details of the!
death, oMier than he was accidentally
killed. l
Attorney Georzo Neuner has re
turned from the Days Creek vicinity
where ho delivered a couple of ad
dresses relative to the laws regulat
ing tho issuance of bonds for Irri
gation purposes. The talks were
greatly appreciated. Mr. Neuner spoke
at both Canyonvllle and Days Creek
and was greeted by large crowds.
Ivan Ellmaker, the Yoncalla lad,
who recently fired the city jail fol
lowing his Incarceration for a minor
offense, was taken to the state train
ing school, at Salem thi3 morning by
Deputy Sheriff Wooster. The lad was
questioned by County Judge Wona
cott at some length last evening rela
tive to his future aspirations, and In
response, he said he desired to be
come a publisher. Ellmaker Is a
bright appearing boy of about fifteen
years of age, and will probably cause
the authorities of the training school
little trouble.
William Wise, reporter on the New
York Post. Mrs. Dodge, of Pennsyl
vania, and Miss A. Cook, of Chicago,
left for their respective homes this
morning nfter ti four months' so
journ In the vicinity of Hoaglln. The
party same to Oregon in June in
company with H. H. McMllllan, of
the Stoddard-Dayton Automobile Co.,
of Dayton, Ohio, nnd have since spent
most of their time nt the home of the
latter'a father. William McMllllan.
or Hoaglln. During his stay in Doug
las county Mr. Wise has written a
number of Interesting articles, all
of which have beeu sold to ICastern
newspaper syndicates and published
in tho great dailies or New York and
Chicago. H. H. McMllllan, who ac
companied them here, leaves for Mex
ico In n few days where he will spend
some time before returning to Day
No sailor expects to have
much of a pull unless lie knows
the ropes. 4
We would not exieet to make
much of a success If we did not
know our business thoroughly.
Our customers realize this and
4 nre niiiek to take advantage
. ,,(
the tai't. Tho FITKOKM
CIiiIIh'h wo soil youni! men nrove
we know how to hoy what
young men want.
hoot 111:1:11 iikkwki fiiom
nnti:s hxtiiact.
O.i, say. what has changed you,
Ynor skin's so hrlght anil clear.
Well, I'll give It to you straight,
olil boy,
1 drink lots of llrewed Root
Phone 27fi.
Are You
Going to Start to
Wo have had experience In the
svhool supply Hue. and know
what Is required for school.
We have tho largest slock of
Tablets, pencils, etc.
Tho lowest prices.
Meailnimrter for fountain peaa.
Your patronage solicited.
BooK Store
Keeping Warm
. It collects the dust when sweep
ing. It preserves the floor, It pre
vents breathing disease germs, and
makes the premises sanitary. NO
DUST for rugs and carpets, CEDAR
f.NE for floorsand linoleums. Put
up the 150 and 200 pound barrels,
and 100 pound sacks. Write us.
Crescent Chemical Compuny, 52G
Washington street, Portland, Ore.
Compounds for sale by B. W. Strong,
Koseburg, Or. nlS
Suits and overcoats made to meas
ure $15.00 to $45.00. Choice of 500
samples, style nnd fit guaranteed.
Fionch dry cleaning and pressing.
Gillmour. the London Tailor, S. W.
corner Cass and Pine streets. , tf
Dlt. K1NUY.
Room S, Bell Sisters Building
Of It. F. BMIOK s
-I Physician and Surgeon. ik
Rooms 1 and 2 Abraham Bldg.
3 Rosehurg, Oregon.
o a
tf llcntlHt
Rosehurg Natloual Bank Bldg.
Hours 10 to 12, 2 to 4.
if Pbone 1283.
Roseburg - Oregon.
The proof of the l'tid
dinjr is in the eating-
Of the tree in the growing
Ask your neighbor who
has planted
Yakima or Hood
River Trees
See how they grow,
then place your tree
order with
The Nurseryman
(jootls of rrrry drwrliHluB mornl to
any pAtis of the city. Prlvcs rmo-
again i-aii jum utinnw" w
our line of 1
nectiiii OIUVC3
Especially to the Cole Coal Burners.
They have several original and pat
ented features that make them the
greatest coal heaters ever offered the
public. Not only do they utilize the
coke, but burn the gasses that in
other stoves pass up the chimney with
the smoke, causing a loss of at least
a half of your fuel.
You can save the cost of a stove
each winter in saving of fuel alone.
Call and get one of the manufacturer's
folders explaining in detail con
struction and operation.
Lumber, hath, Shingles
Doors and Windows of all Kinds.
S rdBon Loner Oak street
Phone 351
WholeHalc nnd retail Butcher. Tne best the Market
aflords. All kinds of Stock bought and Sold.
Phone 58
Auto Stage to Coos Bay
Touring Car leaves Roseburg every dav except
Sunday, at 6:30 a. m., connecting with afternoon
train at Myrtle Point tor Marshtield.
Fare $8.00
Fare on regular stage, part wavbv Auto, $6.00, to
both Myrtle Point ahd - Marshtield. Stage leaves
every day including Sunday.
Office Cor. Washington and Rose Streets Phones
Office 389, k'esidence316. C. P. BARNARD, Prop
Coffee Special
Coffee TT Coftee
Our every day coffee special is
good coffee. Our specinl blend at
U."c Kr pound Is the best that
.money can buy. Our Golden West
Sleol Cut Is the best on tlio mar
ket. Try a 1-politid cun - if not
satisfied, your money back.
Henry Easton
!M4 N Jackson Phone 26
and Dry Finish r.urul cr tt
Rosebarg, Oregon
metn ,,,,,,