Silk Goods, Wool Goods $1.50 yard wide Black Taffeta at 98c Ou, famous Dreadnought brand of high grade black Taffeta Silks, and AO we grantee them glve8you wear and satisfaction, special sale at .... 30C .vv-v jSDKGOQDS $1.25 yard wide Satins special 98c Full yard wide lining Satins with a two year guarantee to you. This Is excellent for suit linings: a" staple colors, special at Satin Dutchess special at $1.50 The most beautiful black Silk Dutchess; the popular fabric for Suits, Dresses and Waists, an extra fine grado at special low price of $1.50 Fine Wool plaids special 98c Fine quality all wool Plaids for the making of Waists and Dresses for the little folks; a wide runge of patterns to choose from, special 98c $1.50 $1.00 27 inch Messalines special 69c The most beautiful Messalines that you . ver w "d ha 7er'n new shades and colorings; an extra heavy piece o silk goods has a very brilliant luster excellent for making Waists and Dresses, special at $1.50 yard wide Messalines special 98c One of the best bargains that we ever offered to you and for the low qq price you will not be able to duplicate this fine quality silk, all leading colors tOV $2.00 Wool Dress Coods special $1.50 Wo are showing tho greatest values In ull wool Dress Goods that you ever bought. In color navy bluos; a cloth that Is fully 08 inches wide. See this tf 1 nn great special at V 1.UV $1.75 grade Wool Dress Goods at $1.25 The most beautiful line of all wool Dress Ooods that you ever saw, we carry them In Serges, Voiles, Chiffon, Panamas, Fine French Serges, Chudahs, the colors are creams, blacks bluos, reds and many fancy weaves and mixtures, the tf OC Storm Sorgos aro all prc-shrunk and sponged, ready tor use, at special D l.UO 98c 85c grades Messalines special 49c An extra heavy grade of all Silk Messallne in all the leading colors and new Shades afd you wmfo well to see this cloth; comes In 1 inch wide. Buy JQ(, now at special low price of " """ $1.50 Wool Dress Goods special 98c Our DresB Goods department Is showing an extra line of high class goods at this popular price. They come in all the leading shades and colorings; blues, blacks, browns, reds, black and red checked, white cloth, serges, panamas, pllns, QQ) voiles, and French serges. See our line and be convinced we sell the best at JyOC 65c and 75c Wool Goods special 49c Sumo of the heat values that we have ever Hhown In this grade of goods la all colors and cloths; line for children's School Dresses. Come In and get sam- yiQ pies and compare what we offer with others; a special sale at loV price of 4tC 35c Cotton and Wool Plaids special 25c A largo selection of cotton and wool Plaids in all the mint desirable goods fo"r the making of children's Dresses. Now la the time to u'uy for School Dresses, n at Buecial uDQ Great sale of Silk and Cotton Mixtures special 15c, valnes from 35c to 5oc, buy now at the low price We are placing on sale the biggest bargain that we have ever offered you and you will do well to he on nana eany auu gei uii different shades and colors and every yard is worth twice and three times what we are selling it for; fine for evening Waists and Dresses'. A big chance for so little price. See this at special sale price of - 15c Men's Furnishin gs 50c Men's Work Shirts 39c Men's Work Shirts In dark and light patterns and nn extra grade of Shirts, special value at OtC 85c New York Overalls 65c Our own brand of Overalls, made for us, copper riveted; none betted made, good weight demln waist Over- CC alls at special Dtlv 65c Cotton Ribbed Underwear 50c Menu crinv. salmon and brown fleecod Cotton Under wear, also sanitary fleece extra Heavy, ull at sjieciai low price of , 50c President Suspenders 35c Men's I'rosldont Suspenders, you all know what thoy are. Wo sell them at tho special low prlco of pair 10c Men's Canvass Gloves 5c Men's Canvas Gloves, made of good quality husk ing cloth, a glove that will wear for the low prlco $1.50 Dress Shirts at 95c Men's plain and plaited bosom shirts In new fall styles, nont patterns, a shirt that will give satisfaction $1.50 Men's Flannel Shirts Famous Cherry Valley Klnnnel Shirts In blues, browns nnd greys; a flannel Bhlrt thtit others nsk yoii $16.0, QC our prlco for them i7vC 50c 35c 5c 95c 50c Men's Ties 25c A beautiful line of Men's foiir-fn-hauii neckties, a full hundred styles nnd patterns to pick from at tho np special low prlco of . uDC 75c Boss Bib Overalls 49c Hoys' hlue and grey Mb Overalls, blue double seat jq and knees, they grey extra heavy covert cloth, special 4tC 10c Men's Work Sox at 8c wear- r lng box In the country at special J)C Mini's Itockford Work Sox, they are the beat wear- n the country at spoclivl 35c Men's Wool Sox at 25c Men's extra fine wool Sox In black and natural (n only, a greut valuo that wo are Belling special DC $1.50 Men's Wool Underwear $1.00 Men's wool Umleurwear In the famous (ilesten- tf 1 v bury, a garment that Is warranted for wear nt spec. J) 1 ,) $2.00 Men's Wool Underwear $1.50 This is a better grade of tho Glastonbury and we guar antee overy garment to give you BUtlsfnctlon ut tho tf n( siwclal price of Ol.OU $2.50 Men's Wool Underwear $2 A very high grade of wool Underwear made by the (llnHtonbiiry mills, a garment that can not bo bent at An AA qpoclal low prlco of, garment Wu.UU Wo nro carrying a larp.o lino of I'Mnnnol Shirts In all fore buying elsewhere. Wo have tho goods at I'll 12 KIGIIT grades, Including Shirts for timber crulsors. See our lino be-riWKH. Fall Blankets and Comforts $1.00 values at 75c A good sized Cotton tllanket in white and grey, an rjn excellent valuo 3-4 size at the special price of J DC $1.25 value BlanKet 85c A dandy value with good weight, good size; comes QC., In plain colors or fancy, special OuC $1.50 BlanKet 98c Here is the bargain (n Cotton Blankets, a full size Blanket and an excellent weight for sheet size at QQ spefHal VOC $3.50 Bath Robe BlanKets $2.25 Nice fleeced Blanketn; look like wool, fine for Art ftp comforts nnd making bath robes, special puutj $1.75 Heavy BlanKets $1.39 An extra good grado of Cotton Blankets, extra tf 1 QQ heavy nap, flue and fleecy, all colors at $ lOv $2.50 extra heavy BlanKets $1.98 An extra heavy and extra large Blanket, one that you will go a long ways before you can duplicate It; a A 4 qq grand value at $ l.vO $3 Wool Nap BlanKets $2,25 We have a big line of Cotton Blankets; they look and feel like wool, yet they are all cotton, a blanket that Will last a llfc-tlino, white and grey, at special $2.25 Crib Blankets 50c Children's Crib Blankets, the only Milng for the - PA little ones, also buggy robes, plain or fancy at special DvC $1.59 value in Comforts 98c A great value In comforts that will surprise you, QQ made with good quality covering filled with white cotton tOC $2 value Comforts $1.50 Extra good value In Cotton Comforts, extra grade of covering and filling; values that are the best tf n Special tpl.OU Line of Better Grade Comforts We carry a big line of Com Torts that are made of finest coverings and filled with the fleeck white cotton. Comforts that aro specially priced. $1.98, $2.60, $2.98, $3.50, Art n $4.00 and $4.50 also a few high grade Silk Com forts vO.OU 3 pound Cotton Batting at 69c We have an extra good Cotton Bat made of nice white fleece Cotton; you will do well to buy your bata JQ here at special OtC 3 pound Reddisode bats at $1.00 A Bat that is already sewed fine so that you can take off the top and wash, at special $1.50 4 pound bats 95c The nicest kind of Cotton Bats, made of extra fine fleeced Cotton. They are Just what you will want; a great rn big follow, special SDC $1.00 NOTION NEEDS Co Clark's O. N. T. Cotton G for 25c lie Common Pins ... ,1c f! Pins 'J00 count 3c 8c Pins good steel 5c 10c Best Pins 8c 8c Stewart's Safety Pins,' all sizes 5c 10c Cube Pins, colors 8c 8e small Cubes at 5c 3.rc Hand Hose Supporters ...25c 5c Shoe Laces, black ami tan . . .2c 500 yd. Basting Cotton 5c 1.0c Snaps, black or while 5c 8c Hooks and Eyes at 5c 10c Macy Hook and Eye at 5c Uc Shoe Laces at lc 10c Collar Stays 5c Darning Balls at 5c and 10c Darning Cotton at 3 for 5c Luster Cotton at 3c 1 fat Elast ie at 5c and 2 for 5c Linen Thread at 5c Pure Linen Tape at 2 for 5c Collar Button at 10c Pillow (Nulling at I! yards for. .25c lie Finishing Braid 5c Satin Sleeve Protectors 25c 8c Pearl Mutton at 5c Binding Ribbon at 5c 10c Finishing Braid Sc 8c Steel Knitting Needles 5c IL" Pearl Muttons at 8c Col ton Stay Binding lc Mat Pins at 6 for 5c Fancy Bone Muttons 10c 10c Mending Tissue 5c .Men's darters at special 25c Post Cards Albums All kinds Post Cards l2c IQpflflfl Made to measure clothing for men. .Lfjt3uU nnnrantpp pvprv cformpnt n1H anrl at prices that will save you money. Try us. Domestic Goods at a Saving to You 8c values in best Calico 4c We sell Iuto timidit'ds or yanU of Calicoes In blnew. hlurkri, givyii and Unlit Calicoes, every J yard perfect; all American brand, special .... Q 1 2 V&cAmoskcag Flannel 10c This It) an extra heavy cloth in light niul dark patternH. alno white, cream, pink, hlue anil 1 A plain (trey, value that Ib hard to neat at .... luC 10c Cabot Muslin yd vd. Sc Tho Cabot W., (I famous brown Muslin, ou the market for years; a piece of Roods thorough- Q ly reliable, special OC 30c bleached, brown sheeting Full S yards w ide, these tfoods are IVpiierU brand, ft standard article; buy now at spec- np la I price, per yard wOC 12 Vic Linen Toweling 10c A nood quality of brown linen Toweling, wido and guaranteed to bo pure linen, excellent 1 A for roller towels, special, per yard 1UC 12 Vic bleached Muslin 8c lllencbed Muslin, full yard wide nnd a quality that Is alwavM sold for our special q prlco during this nalo OC 1 Oc 28 in. percales 6c A hundred patterns. to pick from In blacks, blues, nnd greys, a good quality of cloth, neat pat- r terns, special per yard DC 10c and 12Vc Outings 8c A v.iliie that Ih hard to licat, remnnnt lengths cif tin 10c nnil grnilfa of cloth; will Q thoy last at special OC 15c Fancy Silkolines 12Vc 12c Fancy S: ;oMncs In ft largo selection of flowered and con ver. : Ion til design t pick from; lino for comforts, specitl $2 Linen Table Damask 98c ltegular $2.00 grades of ext a heavy German bleached l.lnen Pamask; It will wear a qq lifetime, good patterns, Hpeclnl tOv 65c and 85c Linen and Cot ton Damasks 49c f4 Inch Mereertted Cotton nnv.1 also pure Ulnen Itamafks: Iteautlful patterns to choose from, jq A reliable cloth at sclal sale price 4wC 6c grade House Lining 4Vc 4Vc We ure carrying the best grades of House Llu- lngs for the price that you can get anywhere; Bee before buying eisewbere this special 12Vc Dress Ginghams spec 9c Wo are showing an unusual line of Dress Ging hams and wo are selling them very low; lots q of patterns, special JC 8c. Apron Ginghams 5c A big line of the best grades of apron Ging hams, all kinds of checks, plaind, a spec- n lal valuo J)(J 20c Kimono Flannels 15c A larRO selection of Kimono Flannels, heavily fleeced on one sltio, the quality Is tho very f m heat, an excellent value, special IOC 20c Curtain Scrims 12Vc Sonw new fall designs In beautiful bunitalow Curtain Ooods. we are showing a wide n. rane of patterns for yon to pick from at u VtC Sweaters for Men, Women and Children ThU lot Includes comic nnd Kosehurg views. alo birthday rards. this Is the only place to buy cards In tie city at the z kpeclal prlco of '2C 25c and 35c Post Card Albums 19c nf-i rtffAi-llw .-. II... K.,ot ...I....- I.. nn "- - lttunn in I rrrl A lb urns I hat vnu imnvht tuy now for thosa Cards yau have lay- -t q lng arouna nome mi H. liv $3 Women's Sweaters $ 1 .98 Women's alt wool Sweaters In red, grey nnd while, the bent value that has ever Wen tf qq put before you, all dtzes at special jp Itt70 $4 Won. ens Sweaters $2.49 Women's fancy weave Sweaters, extra weight: a Sweater Coat has pockets, all wool; an jn 1Q extra good value at special 0ui49 $8.50 Values $4.95 Women's extra hUh (trade hweater I novelty and novel styles, values In a vlut- A t ( tnent that cannot be surpassed at special 44.1 Turtle Neck Jersey Sweaters at $2.50 $2.50 An extra flne Jersey Hibbed Sweater In all wool grade, rolcro white, reds and grey tie collar special 9. Men's Sweaters at Special 50c Fine quality Men' Sweaters, comes In grey with different trttiititlnst a Sweater Tost that f can not be beat for value, at s, DvC $2. Mens Sweater Coats at $1.39 Mens extra (trade Sweater Costs, comes In browns, sons and urey with different A nn colored trlinmlniss. an extra big value at J Lot Children's Sweater Suits $2.50 Children's all wool Sweater Suits, thev com with a cap. sweater and tecum, all to p match. Id different colors a special value Jl.OU NOTION NEEDS Hair Nets, all colors 5c Steel Chochet Xeedles 2 for 5c Children's Shoulder Supporters black or white ,25c 13c Side Supporters 10c Ladies' Shoulder Supporters . ,25c Hand Made Wash Hags 10c Agate Buttons, 6 dozen for ... ,5c Wire Hair Pins, paper 5c Wire Hair Pius, box 5c Knitting Cotton, black or white 5c Shields Omo Brand 25c Whisk Brooms 25c Back and Side Combs ... 10c to 50c All Kinds of Barrettes. .15c to 50c Box of ilone Hair Pins at 10c Oval and Hound Embroidery Hoops 10c :5c Hair Brushes 25c )ressing Combs, all kinds 10c to 25c A 11 Kind Fancy Bone Buttons, per dozen 15c to 50c Brass Buttons, per dozen 10c to 25c Stork Pants for Infants 50c Stork Sheeting, yard 98c Corset Shields at special 25c Corset Stays, 5 or 6 Hook . . . .10c Crochet Cotton, all sizes 5c Arm Band, all colors 5c Initials for Shirts, white at 5c 5c Hair Rolls, special 25c French rool by the yard 25c Shetland Floss ..." I0c Knitting Worsted pound . . ,25c Ci pher Knitting Yarn 10c Curling Trons at 5c to 10c Silk Soutache Braid, 12 yards 18c Hair Switches $5 Hair Switches $2.98 .hW!,.ar !,owln "e bt hair .witch In the city and we are wiling them , l "w sr.zs:; :e.....n:.a,:h.r: $2.98 $7.50 Hair Switches at $3.98 -s'h""". "MT, Hlr STUche, , fn V : ? and e -no" hat rou will 1T twice what we ask: look this An o cer at special S3 Q8