A . . 4 . WEATHER FORCAS'1' TTie Dafy ancf Twice-a- Wee k News hnre a larger circulation than any other two papers pub lished in Douglas County. They go into every nook and corner of this big county. HOSKIil'lCU AX1I VHiMl'V. ft i Occusimml Itain Tonislit und Sat linlny. lIOSKlirilG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, 0 ltlitiON. KKIIt.VY, SKIT KM UK II 8, 11)11. vol. n. No. 2T.9 FIRES THE JAIL Ivan Ellmaker Causes Trouble At Yoncalla. HE WAS ALMOST SUFFOCATED Hun Away From Home Is Iditer Captured And I.rfx-ked lit Jail Sots lied Clothing On Fire. Angered because of hla Incarcera tion in the city jail, Ivan Ellmaker, of Yoncaila Ignited the bed clothing with the result that he was almost, suffocated yesterday. From reports received form Yon calla today, It appears that youus Ellmaker has a mania for leaving home without adv'sm: his parents as to his prospective whereabouts. For the fourth or flfHi tim-3 within the past two years, the b.iy loft home a few days ago without the. knowl edge or consent f hi-? parents. He had been pone but a few hours, however, when bis whereabouts be came known, and Marsiml Wooster was sent to bring him hack. The of ficer arrived with the boy and he was remanded to the city jail jail awaiting disposition at tho hands of the juvenile authorities. Yesterday morning persons who chanced to be In the vicinity of the jail noticed smoke issuing from th roof, and upon gaining entrance a few minutes later, found the bed clothing in flames. With the assis tance of a few pails of water the Are was soon extinguished without material damage to either the jail or Its occupant. Thinking that the hoy owuld realize the folly of bis action the officers thought no more of the incident and left the premises together with the crowd of specta tors that assembled following the alarm. They had hardly departed from the scene, however, when the attention of persons loitering about the jail yard was again attracted to clouds of smoke Issuing from tho roof. An M"1 FJprh m m r r-Slain JTz FITFORWl X CLOTHES SkSrS-y. FOR YOUNG MEN -Ci t i fit An Exploded Myth The young man who nrgucs for custom tailor made clothes as ngiiiust ready to wear clothing linrkM bark a (piar ter of it century. As well might lie depreciate the existence of n safely razor. The maker like Alfred lldijamlii, Kup penheiiner, Eidrrhtimeii-Slein as well, are the reiili of mi evolution lit the method of making a.cu's wear. In the place of the more or less skillful attention of ;iti Individual you re ceive the Hrfect product of skilled craftsmen in clothes Npecialisis vtho liuve the imputation of an industry to sus tain. ,We Make the Bold Assertion That we tire selling the lcst $15.00 on it in Rosehurg mid would like n cluiuce to prove it to you. We are kc-ping every suit we sell lo you press ii fit-,- i,tr )oti too means some thing tti you doesn't It? Headquarters for the Stetson Rats, ...HARTH'S TOGGERY... & O Q G O O O Q O 0 0QG 0 Q 0: G 6 O O O 0 0 o O 3 $ Q 0 0 Q 0 0 & 1911 Cordially We Invile You To Attend Our 1911 Fall Opening, Sept. 7th, 8th and 9th. g It is with pleasure and pride we extend you this sjvjcial invitation to inspect our beautiful Imported :K3p and Original Models in Fall and Winter Hals. Patterns of refined taste. A choice variety awaits Of ijr your inspection and approval 0i JameS A. Perry, illintry and Ladies' Toggery j; "The Faultless Fiskhats" Special attention to order work by our Miss Ivy Henderson. Q. m m 0 0 q a o o o g o 0 o; o. 0 o. G- o o 0 0 o. m 0-000.0 0 alarm was Immediately sounded, and Marshal Wouster responded only to Hud that ho bad carelessly lett his Keys at home. Running 'to his resi dence, a distance of several blocks, the officer soon returned with the keys and the jail doors were un locked. I'pou entering the structure the room was found to be well filled with smuke, while young Ellmaker displayed evidence of distress. I'pon investigation it was found that be had ignited the bed clothing for the second time, presumably with a de terminatioL jf destroying the jail out revenge. After a few minutes of diligent labor, the flames were ex tinguished. Young Ellmaker is well known in the vicinity of Yoncalla where he. has caused; (the officers considerable trouble in time past. Only a few months ago he disappeared N from home, and upon solicitation of his mother, several posses were sent In search. At that time it was pre sumed that he had committed sui cide for the reason that he left the iamily home following an altercation with his mother. The lad Is said to possess a despondent disposition, and has often made threats that he would end his life. , It, is probable that Ellmaker will be brought before the juvenile court and questioned at some length rela tive to his recent acts. At least, such a course is deemed advisable by the Yoncalla officers who know hini best. When interviewed follow ing tho second fire. Ellmaker had little to say, other than he had "11 In" for the officers. Marshal Woos ter searched the lad after the fire and found a good supply of matches on his person. LOCAL KKWS. Miss Galdys Strong returned here this afternoon after a few days spent at Myrtle Creek visiting at the Johns homo. The funeral of the late Mrs. Claude Cannon was held at St. George'? Episcopal church at 2 o'clock this afternoon, interment following In the Masonic cemetery. Tho services were conduced by Rev. Charles WU--on Raker and were impressive. The funeral was largely attended evidencing in a measure, the high nstcem in which tho deceased was held by her many friends in this lo cality. The floral offerings were numerous nnd beautiful. ALASKA POLICY Secretary Fisher Arrives Seattle From North. in NO STATEMENT AT PRESENT elic''l That Interests of Actual Piop-i.s and Settlers Will lie llceogiilzed Xo Show For The Capitalists. (Special to The Evening News.) SEATTLE, Sept 8. The arrival of the revenuo cutter Tahoma in Seattle today, with the Fisher party im board, marks the end of one ol i he most notable expeditions evet made by a United Slates cabinet min iate.'. The secretary of the interior was ailed north by the urgency of two inestions Controller Hay and Alas ka coal. Secretary Fisher Impressed him ?elf upon the people of Alaska as a straightforward man of much abil ity. In the four "coal towns" of !atella, Cordova, Valdoz and Se ward, his every word was watched with utmost interest in the hope hat Itmigbt foreshadow the policy jf the administration on the coal tuestion. From bis private and pub ic talks four well defined ideas were nferred: ltcal Settlers Jtccnguizcd. If there are any legal coal claims hey will be promptly allowed. In applying tho law, tho secretary .ill have much tei.derness for those .vho have actually participated in lie work of discovery and develop nent. but does not feel, as he said, 'particularly enthusiastic about hose claimants who tell of the hnrd- iiips of a country they never saw." The notion entertained by many Maskans that the coal lauds should )e turned over to enterprising capi talists "doesn't go". Way Advise (overniiient Operation. The choice lies between a leasing tvsttmi and direct government oiiera tlon. Secretary Fisher sailed from Seattle August Hi on the Admiral Sampson, accompanied by officials of he geological survey and others. At ( ordova he was joined by Gov rnor Walter E, Clark, of Alaska. Three Trips Taken. Three trips Into the Interior were uken. From Cordova the party raveled 2 Do ivilej to the Guggen lelm copper mine over the Morgan Juggenhehii railway, seeing a rich nineral country and largo alrcul nral possibilities. At Seward they vent 72 miles on the Alaska North irn, At Hkagway they took the White Pass and Yukon Into the 'nuadian Yukon country. At Valdez he party was taken in wagons ' hrouf-'h Keystone Canyon and 1 8 nilcs out on the government trail nward Fairbanks. The party left, the Admiral Samp dii at K -.Italia, August 22, and on re aming from Merlng ilver hoarded he revenue cutter Tahoma. which rved them during the remainder of lieir tour. I OOLIMI C.IIUi. las A TJmer lengthened to Aid In I'iaiio Playing. PORTLAND. Sept. 8. Miss Pearl -'iTtiith, of :S East Twelfth street North, a teacher In the Dierke school of mucin, endangered her musical areer yesterday at I lariishurg. Or., !v submitting to an operation to ex- 'end the reach of her left hand to include one more key. Operations of his kind are rarely successful, -iv musician';, and the operation nly adds one key to the reach of the operator. If the operat ion is -ii('ceful, Mis Hiniih will niso have lier right hand treated In the same way. Mly-s Smith reaches two notes over ,in octave already, playing us written v. hiit must pupils and many artists play as urpeggoift instead of trying ei strike the keys at one stroke. Not Muinv artists have developed tho left hand to the degree MIhh flmlth has, -ay Portland musicians, and few con cerlizers include in their programs ;e t-tiuiis for the left hand alone. MM.'Wj X1AV8, Why not trade at a store that can supplv all your wants. Try the Roch dale. si Mrs. L. R. Monro left for points in the tiort hern part of the (dale tliis afternoon where she will visit with friends. Among thone who left for coast points on tills morning's stiigeR were I'. II. Jcrke :md wile. K. H. ILiuson. Raljdi McDuife. II. Nelson and I. R. Smith. Mr. I!. V. H:tt"n, sicronipftril'-d by 'ier little s'.n. It-. Wiluiot, left last rtL-ht for :i few tl;; vi-it at Port ; l.u J wltl! re'i-tive and friend--. BUYING A T1TLEIM0NEY TRUSTS English Lord Will Exchange Peerage For Cash. BUNCO ARTIST IN NEW DEAL San Francisco Medicine Man Cashed Chauffeur's tYcck Officer It mi lis Toe In Sleep Fleet In Harbor. (Special to The Evening News.) XEWl'OUT, H. I. Sept. 8. Lord Camoys, fiance to Mildren Sherman md prospective son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. William Watts Sherman, Is here from England, well In advance of the redding date, for tho purpose. It Is .in id of arranging the tnarrWge set-, clement. Lord Camoys is not parti cularly flush. Me traveled tinder tho name of H. Stoner on the steamship. Worked The Doctor. SAX FRANCISCO, Sept. 8. Here's a new bunco game. All that is necessary is to possess a broken nose in need of mending. A man giving the name of William Hoffman and claiming to he a chauffeur asked Doctor Henry Horn to set a badly fractured nose. The doctor did so and charged him $30. Hoffman gave 1) 1 m a check for $80, got his change and disappeared. The check was no good. Fighting In Dream. LAWKENCEHUUCr, Ind.. Sept. 8. t Dream kng that he was fighting with a lawbreaker whom ho had been hunting all day. Constable W. W. Whittaker kicked viciously In his sleep and broke two bones In bis foot. Meet At San Francisco. SAX FRANCISCO. Sept. 8. An effort to per.oiado the navy depart ment' to retain the Pacific fleet at San Francisco until after Taft visits here in October to break ground for the exposition. Is being made today by directors of the big fair. The fleet Is under orders to pro ceed to Hawaii for division battle and target practice, the orders hav ing been issued just before It was announced that the president would journey to the Pacific coast. REPRESENT CLARK'S INTERESTS Revy Of Rnitrond Men Drop Then Out Again. In - Although the surveying crows oT the Nevers-Aston railroad promoters have been tho most In evidence late ly, the Clark Interests have not aban doned the field by any means, at the present time have representa tives out securing rights-of-way for the Clark project. One or two wise ones claim to have recognized one of a party of four that arrived this morning from Portland as a man who has made a number of trips 'to Roseburg and Marshfield In the In terests of the Coos Hay-RolHO road, and as this party was later seen headed west In an automobile. It Is supposed that they are directly connected with tho Clark project. Rights of way are being secured In Cooc county by agents of the Coos Hay and Eistein Oregon railroad, i the (Mark road Is now known, and 'he report Is that these agents have 'eeii very successful. no of our local citizens was seen "n eompaiiv with the four "suspects nd on being questioned, admitted hat they wem connected with the "la rk promot Ion, but Insls.' d that 'urther than t hjs be could give no ! n format ion. It was In 1 1 mated 'be News reporter, however, that there is a very good reason for the apparent delay In announcing the plans of Mr. Clark and his backers. and that the month or September will sin act mil construction commenced, and that, any parallel surveys of any kind will not and have not delaed the Coos Hay-Eastern Oregon road, the delay being occasioned by reas one not connected with any outside Influences .whatever. As Is usually the casr the men who were in Rose burg tl Is morning declined to give out any Information, leaving the city just as soon as they could arrange for trarsportal bin. but the very fact that t !'' are connected wit h the Coos I ny-RolHo project Is evidence that Mr. Clark's Interests are not being neglected; and that some sub stantia ' evidence of railroad build ing wli soon he apparent. Whether or no', construction commences In September, there are excellent, reas ons to believe that definite announce ments 'till he made during tin month and that Rosehurg will b" able to announce to an Interested public that the act mil route of the east and west rail mud to thn coast Is throui h Roseburg, and not several miles north or south of us, as has been cipiouned. ' If M ;-. .Severs and his ooeiites make? com!, then there will be two : east i nd west linen through Rose , l.urg, but we ate Ton t h to niitke thtv claim, m it ui".v result in Eutrene, Medfu-ii and Cuints Pass to all claim three ro'ids to the const in order to keep In the spot tight. Imposing Industrial Servitude on the Masses. PEOPLE POSITIVELY OBJECT To Rinford tilrl Appearing On Stage Ruin For Many tilrls Fire lit Hold of Transport, (Special To Tho Evening News.) BOSTON., Sept, S, Speaking on Attorney Samuel Cntermeyers state ment in Paris, recently, that tho money trust is the basic Influence of the American financial situation, Attorney Louis llrandies today said bat a few rich men, by 'controlling t ho finances of the United States, are endumgcJug industrial .liberty by using the people's money to Im pose industrial servitude on t lie masses. Mr. 1 1 randies said that tho money trusts Influence la more sub tle, but far more dangerous, than that of any other trust. Ruin For Many (iirts. NEW YORK, Sept. 8. The prom- Ised theatrical career of Hulah Hln ford Is hedged about with uncertain ty, many prominent people through out tho country protesting her ap pearance in any such role would spell ruin for hundreds of girls. For once tho girl was abashed when she became acquainted with the sil na tion, and said that she wished peo ple would leave her alone. Despite the threat that censors will bar mov ing pictures showing the girl nnd rel ative to the ellattio case, motion pic lure agents rushed her to secluded places today for photographing her for such work, lire On Hoard Ship. NEW YORK, Sept. 8. Fire was discovered In the bold of the Unit ed State transport Hancock moored at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Two hundred sailors Im media tely hean unloading the vessel and covering the blaze. The work Is hazardous on account of the largo amount of ammunition aboard. No Motive For Murder. PORTLAND, Sept. 8.--An autop sy today on the body of Mrs. Wehr man proved that her body had not been violated, as the officers at. first believed, therefore thn motive for tho murder of herself mid eh I hi Is gone. A wbfsp of light hair clutch ed In the dead woman's hand Is look ed upon !i a clew to the Identity of the murderer, and a man with light hair, believed to be a stranger seen n tho vicinity Monday, Is being nought for. Lone IbiuilR Captured. LAUREL, Mr., Sept. 8. A lone bandit attempted to hold up five em ployes of the National Hunk here to lay, but was captured after a battle with Cashier Waters, who fired on the man when ho demanded cash, ('olio wing the first shot t h bandit fled, but was captured later by a posse. He gave the name of Henry lackson, and said that he was from Arizona anil needed the coin, Situation Olllciil. WASHINGTON. Sept. R. The state department today cabled t he admiral In charge of Woo Sung to use. the United States cruiser to pro tect Americans In the riotous dis tricts of Sue Cheum, China, where 'he missionaries have been threaten ed. American Charge d' Affairs at Pekln has cabled the stale depart ment that the situation Is critical. The people are refusing lo pay gov ernment taxes and many business ;lar 'H have been closed. SCNDAV I..WV 1-Olt OHKHOX. Ir. Ci. I.. TiiNh. nl MiTlii'lcy, Oil. 'I i NMa!ik hi HiuHhii'k Sunday. D-. G. L. Tufts, of Berkeley. Cnl.. Is Hicrclury of the Lord's Day Alll mce for thn I'aellle Coast States. He was Instrumental In securing a Sun l day rest law for Idaho which has been pronounced lo be the best one in the Union, lie Is now campaign ing Oregon In behalf ' of a similar law. Dr. Tufts will spenk Sunday moili ng at the lreb terian church at 1 1 o'clock on th subject : "A mortcji for American Inst li nl ion." At 7:f'i it niyht be will deliver an addrens it the Hiiplfst church on the iies lon. "Does It. I'ay lo Work on Sun lav?" AM will he made welcome :.t. the e H-r-iliiUfi to hear a d Ittfiisf-btn of oim f the ni'ijt vital reforms of the day LOCAL NKW8. Who Is Dr. Hermann? (f Toiiioi row owning at. the Mfict ;i-hr-e hail I he usual Kaiurd.iv nkhi ibiiKc will be (ifvil. A good tiin" 1: 'irornied all who attend. dl Mr. nnd hild lefl M r . ,1. (i. ll'H her and r Piii'html tM a they w ill h, nd a ;!oim eks Visiting Will) ie!'(f. I will Stephens at niv boil1". 2 1 7 reet nil' il H'-otettibt-r Alt Kla'-H (jna niieed to ptve l i.-f.'ctioii Dr. Heimanti, opt. Iva V -Lmictilin, who h.i nre'tit th" ; i.ji-t y-:ir in Itom-bin ir e ;,.-r Ih to I !ei,ve ff,r Aberde-n. Wnxh . In a few dan where she ronti tnphtfes locat j permanently. In order tl.. t Doitg'n? CDtinty m:iy! irwike a creditable d'plav at Hie j riimlng dlstijct fair, H-( retary Mir-, ihnl of the IfM-al f-itr aHHt.eiiitlofi, Iihk I i;i'ig'irfited ft r;tup;iii'n wherchv he f,r- to Interest (he merchant of )octiiirg In the proposition of ir r;iiiidrig Individual exbitdts. In the Kasiern slates the merchants take Ili'ATTlE IS fil lLTV. CHESTERFIELD, Va., Sept. 8. Henry Clay Heattiu Jr., was this artornoon found guilty of murder by a Jury In tho clr- cult court. Kcattle was charg- ed with murdering his wife, and tho trial was one of the most sensational events In the crlm- inal annals of Virginia. Reatle wns confident of acquittal dur- tug the last days or his trial, and even went so far as to ar- range for an elaborate Sunday dinner. . pride in displaying their wares, and' there appears to Ihj no valid reason.! why the local merchants should not follow the example. It is also sug gested that the nun-chants write the I wnoiesaie nouses, or whom they pur chase goous, ami urge mem to ar range for space in tho pavilllon. Secretary Marshal says that the pros poets for a creditable fair were never better, and he anticipates an ovent lf 1,1 unprecedented lu the history Douglas county. Tho funeral of the lato Harvey (ones was held at the family resi dence, nt the corner of Lane and Sheridan streets, at 10 o'clock this morning, burial following In the Odd Fellows' cemetery. Tho funeral ser vices were conducted by Rev. E. Olln Eldridge, pastor of tho Iwcal Meth odist Episcopal church and wore Im pressive The floral offerings were henutif't1.. The funeral was attend ed by thi Odd Fellows and Rehekahs In a body. Frank Cheesbro, a Southern Paci fic section foreman at Comstock, to day authorized a reward of $100 for the apprehension of his wife and two children. Mrs. Cheesbro recently Moped from Roseburg with Willis Simpson, until recently employed as clerk In a store con ducted by her mother at Myrtle Creek. She- took her two children with her. whom the husband Is desirous of recovering. Sheriff Qulne Is sending out several hundred photographs of tho fleeing oupte and hopes to have them under arrest In tho near future, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Maurice Abraham to S. J. lhisscel, lots 7, S and l!t, lu the city of (ilen dale. Consideration $10, L. E. Froyler to Mirdlo (lelsler, 10 acres, all In Douglas county. Con sideration $1. Jennie George to Frederick Noef & Co., the S. 10. of tho N. E, V4 and lots .'(. 5 and (I, in twp. .10, R. 0 W. Consideration $10. Sealshipt Solid Measure No Water MiiinlhMl In .Musi Snnilary .Miiiiimi, mill (iiuirilllt'i'wl, AlMHilutd I rot. I-rom Pn'Ni'rvuHv.'N, 1.00 Quart 50c Pint 25c Half Pint Cass Street Market THE LEADER- Recausc our Hulls, CIoakM ami Waist nro positively correct In styles, materials and price, wo believe In tho Intelligence of tho public and offer thorn nothing but absolutely correct, fresh good. Hecause wo have a fitter that can fit and can guarantee a perfect lit lu every garment, Pecnuse wo do not duplicate your Suits, Cloaks Waists and Pat tern IliltN, llecmisn our Millinery In tdyles, neullty of material and splendid nn;ioi Uncut in rar In tho lead of anything ever shown In Rosehurg, Hecause our Hair Loods, are giving perfect satisfaction. Itccam.0 our price are a r. II IE HAIR DRESSING HAIR AND SCALP TRLATMIHT KRYPTOK, FAR VI5I0"1 tViihout in the Lens You read and look afar with equal facility, but no one ob crve that you are wearing bifo cals because the usual ' lines" are absent. Wear the genuine KRYPTOKS awhile and you will never willingly return to old. tjrU bifocal glasses. W. E. CLINGENPEEL tr NO STRIKE YET Conference of Shopmen in San Francisco. DECISION PROBABLY MONDAY Fisher Found Controller liny Desir able Hnrlmr and Lots of (tood Coal State of Washington Healthiest. SAN FRANCISCO, Sopt. 8. A conference of delegntes from the var ious Harrlmau line shops is being held In this city today, but owing to tho delay In the arrival of some bt tho shopmen no decision lu the mat ter of KruttschnltC's refusal to rec ognize the Federtion is expected be- fore tomorrow night or possibly Mon- . .I.r Kettle Question Monday. CHICAGO, Sept. 8. Members of the executive committee of the Illi nois Ceutrul Rlalrnad shopmens sys tem federation decided today that all preparations Hhall be made for calling the sthku here next Monday. Headquarters for the strike offices have been selected and officers select ed to look after the various localities. Whether the strike will bo called will be determined to morrow when tho executive com mittee ol the mechanics meet. Controller Itay All Right. SEATTLE, Sept. R. Reports that he found Controller Hal unsatis factory; that tho harbor was of little account, that coal deposits were of Inferior quality, were denied here In person by Secretary Fisher today. Other than making this statement tho secretary refused to give out any thing that might ho construed as concerning the future policy of his i department relative lo Alaska. To night tho Seattle Commercial Club I w(ll Kvo a banquet in honor of Sec- reary Fisher. Washington Healthiest, WASHINGTON, Sept. 8. Accord ing to the census department state ment Just Issued the stnto of Wash ington leads all others In the mat ter of liealthfullnoss. The death rate there for 1910 was ton for each thousand of population. Tho rate for the Untied States is IB per thousand Inhabitants, New England Is the least healthful. Now Hamp shire shows a death of 17.3 per thousand. Oysters and why we Lead Neckwnre, N'ovelflcfi and Handbag prlso to all. LEADER MANICURING FACIAL MASSAGE Lines 4" . I