K1.K1IE.V1 .NOTES. Mrs, J. Wells, who has been visit ing her daughter. Mrs. Guy Cruzisn, ot Portland, returned home Friday. 7lrs. W. A. Thomas, of North Yak ima, Wash., Is visiting with her sis ter, Mrs. A. E. Lovelace. Mrs. E. J. Fritz, of Myrtle Creek, was visiting at Elkhead a couple of days this week. A. E. Lovelace and wife returned from a visit with relatives ut Coles Valley Saturday. They had crossed the l'mirua bridge the evening be fore it fell and Mr. Lovelace was one among the first at the scene of the accident and helped to carry the Injured men to the farm houses near by. Mrs. H. Witt and children leave Saturday for the bopfleld at Creswell, Lano county. W. H. Wilson has gone to Win chester for a couple of days on busi ness. MINERVVA Thegreatest Germ destroyer and disinfectant known Will destroy odors and germ life in twenty seconds For use in sinks, toilets and sick room We guarantee this preparation to do all we claim For sale by Marsters Drug Co. Roseburg LONE STAR LAUNDRY PHONE 380 And our wagon will call tor your buid'es. N?w com plete equipment. Family work our specialty, and prices right. Farrand Brothers, Proprietors. 'Bfiyp " ' THE "ANSCO" FILM For Orthochromatic Work. Some thing New in Films. Cameras and Amateur Supplies at the RED CROSS LOCAL X12WS. County Surveyor Frank Cain spent yesterday Msltiug with friends at Riddle. Nelse Anderson returned home Saturday from a business trip to Portland. T. J. Simmons, of Myrtle Creek, was looking after business Interests in the city today. . Mrs. Walsh has returned from the mountains where she sitent the past two weeks enjoying her annual vaca tion. Mrs. Mollie Rush, of Wilbur, pass ed through Roseburg yesterday morning enroute to Ashland where her son-in-law is said to be quite 111. .Mrs. Rush was employed in Paie's confectionery store, in Roseburg, for some" time and Is well known in this city. Oregon ion SIIKltlUAN ST. Wall Paper m r.i l Somo of the most artistic effects in wall paper are simple in char acter and moderate in price. The accompanying Illustration is an example of one of the many new ideas in "Home Decoration" for 1911. The fact that we are maVmfr a special feature of Alfred PeiU "Prize" Wall Piperi is sufficient as surance that the styles are the latest and quality the best. Samples and estimates cheer fully submitted upon request. D. P. FISHER 121 WKST OAK BTHKKT, Wv LOW KOSE11UIMS TIIUATHIi, 1'IIOXK 8il. We Repair Everything Electrical that needs attention as well a ell vou annaratus. Furtnermor. we attend to repairs promptly Ion 'phone order If you llhe) and you won't need to sound your burglar alarm when you get our bill. Need anything in oi-r line. G. L. PRIOR 335 N Jackson St. Roseburg, Or All Kinds of PHARMACY SlTItKME COURT OK UQl'OK. Writer Shows Tniflic Is UeslKHlsillle Kor Much lilsrress. Editor News: It Is held by some thai the state has no right to pro hibit the liquor traffic, forsooth, it would be an Interference with the natural and inalienable right of each citizen. We take issue with that claim, and will cite the principles contained in the Declaration of In dependence, which we believe will appiy: "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, lib erty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights govern ments are instituted among men, de riving their just powers from the consent of tho governed, and when ever any form of government be comes destructive of these ends, it '.a ' i right of the people to alter or ;ii!eUih it and to institute a gov-ern:i-.-;i' laying its foundation on such p. luelples and organizing its power? in such form as to them shall seem viot likely to affect their safe ty rni h-- pincss." We feel sa f e in concl u d in g that inasmuch as the "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" are to be fostered and protected by civil gov ernment, the state is acting wholly within her rightful province In pro hibiting a business which In reality invades the natural or Inalienable rights of the citizen. It cannot be successfully denied that the liquor business is a menace to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. Many claim) that the arguments of those who favor prohibition con sist largely of sentiment. Not only do the facts refute such a claim, but decisions of the United States, su preme court attest that the question is one of serious Importance. In the case of Crowlev vs. Chrlstenseu (137 IT. S., 8til the' United States supreme court held: "The statistics of every Btate show i greater amount of crime and mis ery attributable to the use of ar dent spirits obtained at these liquor saloons than to any other source." Again: "It is undoubtedly true that it Is the right of every citizen of the United States to pursut any lawful trade, or business, under such restrictions as are imposed up on all persons of the snmo age, sex. and condition. . . ,' There is 10 inherent right in a citizon thus to ;ell Intoxicating liquors by retail. It is not a privilege of a citizen of the tato or of a citizen of the United States." In the case of the state of K'insts vs. Zlhold & Hahelin. 123 U, S. Rep.. 2It-liG2, the supreme court held: "We cannot shut out of view the Tact that within the knowledge of nil (hat the public health, tho public -uoruls. and the public safety may be Midiuigered by -the general use of intoxicating drinks." Tho United Slates supreme court has aho held in License Casus 5 Howard 46 U. S., 573-632: "If a hiss of revenue should accrue o the United States because of pro hibition from a diminished con sumption of ardent spirits, she will be a gainer a thoMind fold In the health, wealth, one happiness of the people.'." Some hold tenaciously to the stato nent that prohibition does not pro hibit. This statement is usually in dulged in by those who are either n tho liquor truffle or favor it. If this bo true, why docs the liquor Moment work so strenuously in op no lit ion to prohibitory measures? Hut their claim may be swept to 'he winds by suggesting that we re- teal all laws against murder, theft, assaults, and crimes of all charactor. became of the fact that these laws do not prohibit these crimes. It was a grand day when tho slav ery of human beings was abolished n 1S(4. It will perhaps bo as grand and Important a day when the liquor trafnc, which Is making many more slaves than existed before tho war. hall be eliminated by national nnd state government. Verv respect fiillv, K. C. RUSSELL. IS MKMOItll'M. I I K I At Dig home of hla parents. o.Kht miles east of ScottnbnrE. Douk las county, August 24. 1911. Oscar; Wentworth SuwyorB. Oscnr was born j on tho home farm September 2fi. I 1S!"IS. nnd at the time of hla rienth wns 12 years nnd eleven monUw old. Ills IITe had all been spent on the farm. He leaves a father, muther, two brothers nnd two sisters to mourns his early death, berries many other relatives and friends. Oscar was a kind, lovlnc son and brother nnd a beautiful friend. Fun eral services were conducted by itev. V. K. Hidenour. of Klkton. LOCAL NEWS. County Commissioner M. It. Ryan caxno over frnm Drain Inst evening to spend a few days attending to buslnHs matters connected with his nflicial duties. Mrs. Johnson, who has been vlslt- i trie ot the Warner home. In WIiik- I tons, left for her home In Kentuckv uerd.'iy rnoniliij; whero she will re- nrtiu permanently. Vrnhk f'n V.'iii rlor U'lfn ntid rlumrti-. Iter, Andrle, have returned from ew- : tmrt lliro thnv unotit thn tif tt.rnn I weeks. Mrs. Cavander Is said to be i much improved In health. Tn order that tho Perkins bulld- ine, nt the corner of C.iss and Roue ! Hirers, may bo completed by Jan- i unry l. as per contract, a full crew f men was employed yesterday. Drop tn nnd nee the swnll lino of j fall and winter parnples Just received I from Kd. V. Price Co., Chicago famous tn'lors. Over flvn hundred i namples to select from. Satisfaction i cuarnutced. Bloper, the cleaner and : presser. it NOTICK. ' To whom It may concern: Notlr l hereby plven that Mrs. Myrtle Harvey, hftvini? desert! rny home. , f wJil not he responsible for any .bills may hereafter contract. D.tted September 1. 1911. L. D. HAKVKY. HIK MXlkW TMIAtH. R'jlt nnd ovT'-oats mde o meas ure 11'. oo to f45.nO. Choice of fiftn . samples, style and fit (ruaranteed. Ktn'h dry cleaning an-1 pres-lnjf )f;i'tmoitr. the London Tailor, 8. W. corner Cass and Pino streets. tf LOCAL NEWS. M. T. Cannon and wife arrived lu tho city Saturday from Little Shasta, Cal., and after a visit here with rel atives for a couple of weeks will leave for points in Coos county. C. U. Hallo way left for Grants Pass yesterday morning where he will spend a few days visiting with friends preparatory to assuming his duties as instructor in the local schools ou September 11. Among those registered at the Grand hotel today are the following: C. A. Palmer and wife. Ban don; M. U. Ryan, Drain; W. II. Schneider, Glennert; R. E. Hunsaker, Myrtle Creek: P. Elliott. San Francisco; O. II. Deringer, Bandon; Earl E. Olsby, C re well, Walter Johnson, aged 18 years, and a son of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Johnson, of Brockway, died yester day after a lingering illness ot tuber culosis. The funeral was held to day. The deceased was well known In the vicinity of his home and his death is recorded with profound re gret. He is survived by a mother and father. District Attorney Geo. M. Brown. Court Reporter I. R. Riddle nnd Judge John Coke- arrived here Sat urday evening after attending court In C u rry con n ty . Th ey made the return trip in Mr. Riddle's automo bile and spent a few days at Cres cent City, Cal., MedTord, Ashland, Grants Pass and other Southern Ore gon cities. Judge Coko spent Sat urday night in Roseburg. leaving for his home at Marshfleld on yesterdav morning's stage. Timber Claim For sale by owner. 120 acres in Douglas county, containing 21, million feet of good timber in Sec 20, Twp. 23 S., Range 6 W. For further informa tion, price, etc., address CHAS. O. ANDERSON, 1506 W. 54th street, Ballard Sta., Seattle, Wash. CHURCH IT'S GOOD BREAD IT'S NEVER SOUR Pies, Cakes, Pastries of all Kinds CASS STREET PHONE 35 DELIVERY I Winnie Gaddis ! ? TUP PLUMBER ; Agent for Sne Water Filters. Removes all impurities. When you come to town Don't forget to visit the Water Front Dry Goods Store Sheridan Streets tor Your Suits Up-to-Date Suits from $10.50 to $25 Everything ntw in Hie suit line Overalls, Shirts, Hats, Caps, Shoes We can dresj you from head to foot cheaper than you can steal the goods. GIV'Ii US A TRIAL. D. J. LOCAL NEWS. L. Wimberly and wife leff for points in Ohio yesterday. Myron Weiger, of Camas Valley, spent Sunday in Ho&cburg visiting with friends. Dr. Snell and wife spent Sunday in Garden Valley visiting at the home of the tatter's parents. Mrs. Pltchford, mother of Miss Ag nes Pitchford, of the local telephone exchange, is quite ill at her home in this city. District Attorney George M. Brown leaves for Coqullle City on Wednes day where he goes to attend the reg ular term of the circuit court, lie expects to be absent from town for about two weeks. On account of Labor Day, the county and government ofiUes were dosed during tho entire day, while the post unlet observed Sunday hours. Mr. and Mrs. William Agnew, who for tho past few years have I teen lo cated at the Mt. Alto ranch, near Glide, cMpoct to return to their little farm a few miles east of tho clt the latter part of October to remain permanently. Joseph LaChappelle, a local bar ber, anticipates disposing of his shop and moving to bis former home, at Twin Kalis. Idaho. It is probable 'hat his partner. Walter Houser, will purchase his interests In the busi ness.. Mr. LaChapelle and wife have resided in Roseburg for about two vcars and havt a host of friends wbc -egret, to learn of his Intention to rove ('Nowhere. BROTHERS' hi i Skylight Cornices Heating Ventilating Phone 210 Roseburg Oregon JARVIS LOCAL KKW8. Forest Supervisor S. C. Bartrum is building a commodious bungalow on hid (arm a short distance east of the city. Harry Hermann left for Portland yesterday morning where - he will spend a few days attending to busi ness matters. Mrs. S. T. Cox. of Portland, ar rived here last evening to spend a few days visiting at the home of Rafe Dixon, at Dixouvllle. Mrs. Willis Mofflt and children re turned Saturday evening from Steph ens where they enjoyed a visit with John Momt aud family. Jack Wilson returned to his homo :t Canyonville Suturduy evening af ter a few days spent in Roseburg at tending to business matters. Miss Minnie Coryell, left for Grants Pass yesterday morning where sho has been employed to teach during tho coming year. On account of Labor Day. there will be no meeting of the city coun- il tonight. The meeting will be held tomorrow evening Instead. Xathau Fullerton and wife have returned from tho mountains above I'eel whero they spent tho past three weeks enjoying thoir annual vaca- llon. W. 0. Stone, who has spent the mat two months In Uosehurg, left for Portland yesterday morning where Mo goes to look after business mat ters. A Night Cap After Dinner Tampa Vana Cigars Will Touch the Spot It is all 1 lavana W. H. BOVVDEN, Maker E BEECH-NUT Brand Boned nou can't S mistake the flavor 225 jackson st. Does it trouble you to pedal a sewing ma chine. At a small expense you can avoid it Just a fraction of a cent per hour will furnish you power, and a small initial first cost is all. If you will call we will be pleased to show you "How." CHURCHILL-WARNER Phone 260 L Best car of Coal ever seen in Roseburg lias been received by Roseburg Feed & Fuel Co. Rock Spring Coal, positively better coal than lias heretofore been otlered for sale in Rose burg. Price f lie same as lias been asked for infi.-ri.or ewl. Come and see it or telephone No. 163 your order. Roseburg Peed & Illl UjJ Meed JUST ARRIVED A Fine Assortment. Easy Comfortable Rockers. Call and See Them 1 L II. RHOADES, 2nd 1ST Man unri i I ii nnlil I" W mmm.m ml USB SWKEl'l.VG COMPOUND. .. It collects the dust when sweep ing. It preserves the floor. It pre vents breathing disease germs, and makes the premises sanitary. NO DUST for rugs and carpets, CEDAR INE for floors and linoleums. Put up the 150 and 1100 pound barrels, and 100 pound sacks. Write us. Crescent Chemical Company, 526 Washington street, Portland, Ore. Compounds for sale by B. W. Strong, Roseburg, Or. nl6 K. P. 8M1CK $ Physician and Burgoon. ' Rooms 1 and 2 Abraham Bldg. Roseburg, Oregon. F. W. HAYXES Dentist Roseburg National Bank Bldg. S Hours 10 to 12. 2 to 4. if Phone 1283. f Roseburg ... Oregon. GENERAL DRAY1NG Goods of every description moved to any parts of tho city. trlw reason- H. S.FRENCH An Eye Opener Before Breakfast Beech-Nut Ba-'. con, Peanut But ter, Codfish, and . Cranberry Sauce recommended & Herring soW hy rrM -m The Benson Grocery Pure Food Store Phone 184 CO. Jpnosite Post Office Fuel Co.-Winchecter St. ocKers