FIRST CLASS LAUNDRY !work is most desirable to anyone wishing their linen to possess that particular finish so necessary to good taste in dress. IA)V.I, NEWS. We Do That Class of WorK One Trial will Convince. ROSEBURC STEAM LAUNDRY 0. C. BAKER Proprietor OEFICE NORTH JACKSON ST.. PHONE 791. (jive your leisure or spare time to study in tho Roseburg Business Col lege for future profits. Mrs. Carl Munter left for her home at A jj rls rf rr, Cal., this morning af ter a few days mit in Roseburg vis iting at tho-home of her sinter, Mrs. ts Wollenberg. Beware of special agents and ped dlers who sell $4.00 worth for $1.85 Oct the genuine Waterman idem fountain Pen at tho Roseburg Book Store. dsw Attorney I,ee Cannon, who has been 111 at Mercy hospital for the mtrtt few flu v was discharged from that Institution yesterday. He left for the home of his father, H. L. Cannon, thin morning where he will enjoy a few days In hope of recuperating. Rev. E. O. Eldrldge. pastor of the local Methoillst Episcopal church, left fnr Wllliur this morning where lie of ficiated at the funeral of the late (Jleini W ilson, one of the victims of Thurnday-H bridge disaster. The fun eral was largely attended. Inter ment followed the funeral services In tho Wilbur cemetery. Phone 245. All work first'chiM Commercial Abstract Co Abstracts of 1 itle Filing Papers Prepared Insurance, Etc. Bonds of all Kinds Furnished 828 North Juclmon t. ItOHPIICRC!, OliKUO.N m;v TODAY. KIXM TKAM I'OK SALK Matched Hpitn of general purpose standard hrcd m;ire, weight 1100 each, 5 and 0 yearn old, guaranteed per- leetly Kentle, buihtu drivers and Kood workers, will be sold at tuicrlllrc. Here Is a chance to get omthlnK extra nood. Inquire HoHehnrK Flour MIIIh. sw-dtf Kim.VO I'ONY Will e!l a Rood ptiny, Haddle and hrldle cheap. See i the outllt at the Konelnirg Flour Mills. dsw-tf 4 .liT'fcifc f6 We Repair Everything Electrical that needs attention as well still you apparatus. Furthermore . we attend to repairs promptly fon 'phono order If you lll:e) and you won't need to sound your burglar alarm when you get our 7 bill. Need anything In oit line. G. L. PRIOR I 31f N .kckKon ,Sfc. hosehurg. Or 4 :: :: : 4 WE GUARANTEE ALL OUR WORK DONE WITH THE VACUUM CLEANER When wo Bay (JUAIUN'I l:0 wo mean Jest what the word Implies if you are not satlHllnd thero will ho no churita, We could not make this assertion unless wo wore poult I re of KlvliiK good service. When you got londy to clean houso let iih do the worst part for you tho donning of your enrpota. It's fo- you and tho price reasonable ROSEBURC STEAM LAUNDRY ). O. liAKFIt, Proprietor. Fhono 79. Olleo N. Jackson Hf. HORHE FOR RAM; Including light. wagon and good harness, at a sac rifice price. Inquire at Roseburg Flour Mills. lswtf COI'NTUY HOME I'OK SALE ('lose In, about six acres, plastered house of 8 rooms, barns, water for Irrigating piped over place, and everything In first-class condition, a bonanza for market gardening. Nice Int. of hearing trees and a home that you will he proud of and an Income maker. For par ticulars Inquire at News office. tf II A It I FOIt SALK A nice, nearly new Instrument Is offered by own er at a bargain. Interested parties please Inquire at News office for particular. a-1 0 PLACE WANTED - 16 year old boy, a nibt t Ions to attend high school, desires employment for winter, or place where he can work for board. Call up Farmers 2X3. s-2 VNt KI(iood" Housekeeping Mag azine requires the services of a representative In Koseburg to look after Hiibsrrlptton renewals and to extend circulation by special meth ods which have proved unusunlly successful. Salary and commission. Previous experience desirable, but not essential. Whole time or spare time. Address, with references, .1. 10. Fairbanks, (loud 1 lousekeep Ing Magazine, UK I Fourth Ave., New York City. d-ol j D. H. MARSTERS' PLUMBING SHOP. Plumbing, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning j and Heating r . ; Norm jacrison street, adjoining Peoples MarbU WorKs. Telephone Ml. WorK Done on Short Noticp ROSEBURC, ORE, "DIGNIFYING THE INDUSTRIES" Thii in the till of t bMittfti1 64-pn(t book, which will ihow any boy or trl bow to 8UUCEE0. Dmp yoK Id tha mall TODAY iirt tt wilt b fnt 1'REE. Tti Klin of Ui Co11p It u tUnuy tie 11. tudiutrlea, and to anrvv ALL tti iieoiile. It orteri cournt in Aftrh'ullur, Civil Eiisiiiecrinic, Klc-t i icul Enitlneorlng, Mflchntitcal En Iiui1k, Mlninn Eiwtn. eoilng, rintry, DiiiiHtio. Hott'nr and Ait, Com mure, rharmacy ami MiihIc. Ttia Cotli'KO oycai 8itiubr liit. CAlaJog fin. Adrtraas: KEOIBTSAK. 0KE00M AQR1CULTUKAL 00LLEUE. CorvalUa. Oregon. 1 Did You Evei Stop To Think That the Cost ot nne wntlns paper Is not mui-li moro than what yo.i pay for the ordinary quality? Think of the satisfaction to one's ielf and to the recipient da Lettv on pnner of good quality. The Roscbuty Book Store Sells the llesi writing papers nt lowest prices. Headquarters for Fountain Tens School Supplies Olllce Supplies. nosi:m ikj, oit.:ioN. burg, or Phone Suburban 85. tfA James Citjdiusu, the Looking Glass farmer, spent the day in Koseburg attending to business matters. Neither Mr. Waierman nor anyone else will sell you a $1.00 Gold Pea for 50 cents. oD not bo deceived. Get the genuine Waterman Ideal Foun lain Pen at Koseburg Book Store. dsw Mrs. Klmer DeMotta has accepted a position as stenographer In the of fices of Attorneys Coshow & Rice dnfrng the absence of Miss Bell, who ; r.i'Ti ling a few days at Ast-ria en joying tho Centennial. Drop In and see the swell line of fall and winter samples just received from Ed. V. Price Co., Chicago famous tailors. Over flvo hundred mmples to select from. Satisfaction guaranteed. Sloper, the cleaner and nresser. tf Alltert Kaston, who accompanied his mother to Scotland about four months ago returned here this morn ing. He says he enjoyed the trip Immensely, but nevertheless Is glad to get back to Koseburg among his many friends. Judge A. F. Stearns, of Oakland, was a business visitor rln Koseburg for a few hours today. Mr. Stearns reports Oakland In a very prosperous condition, while the prospects for bouncing crops In the adjacent ter ritory are excellent. Ralph Umstott, the nine-rnonths-old son of Mr. ami Mrs. Simon Umstott, died at the family residence. at 866 Hoover street, shortly nfler 8 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The fun eral was held at tho homo this after noon. Interment following In the Odd Fellows' cemetery. A warrant of arrest was Issued out of the local justice court yesterday (hiirging William Moore, a former resident or Koseburg, with the crime of larceny by bailee. Moore Is al leged to have left town with a span of horses on which Al Creason, a lo cal capitalist, held a mortgage. Moore was employed as riding boss by the Clarke & Henery Construction Company last year and is well known In this vicinity. Sheriff Qulne is in possession of the wnrrant and hopes to have the man In custody within a few days. Tho local fire department was call ed out twice during the early morn ing hours, and In each Instance res ponded promptly. The first tire was llscovered in North Koseburg and was confined to the grass on the side hill overlooking the Clarke & Henery paving plant to the north. Owing to tho fact that there are no hydrants In that locality the firemen were nn- ibie to lend any great amount of as sistance. The blaze was extinguished by volunteers hi the neighborhood and resulted in little damage. The second lire occurred shortly after 4 o'clock, when tho woodshed, situat ed In the rear of C. G. Durland's residence, on Washington street, was discovered afire. An alarm was immediately sounded and within u few minutes two streams of water i were playing on the flames. Owing! to the fact that the building was i dry as Under the flames leaped high iji the air, and In spite of the ef forts of the firemen spread to the nd folnlng residence. After 40 minutes of tflligent work the last spark was extinguished, but not uulil tho fire 'iad practically gutted tho Interior of the residence. Mr, Durland purchas ed the property from Charles Roberts a few days ago, and it is understood that the consideration was in the neighborhood of $2.5110. Mr. Roberts vacated the residence on Tuesday and at the time of the llro It was vacant Mr. Durland, who lives on the Ca!a mni:i river a few miles from 0k 'and. hiitt intended to occupy the structure within the ner.r future. Mr. 'inrlaml estimates his loss at about 1 1. ."(. on which he carries $S00 'nsurance through the Fred Stewart genry uf this city. The residence, will be repaired at once. It is thought that the ghed became Ignited from i smouldering bonfire or a defective lectric light wire. KiVK ACKKS FOR SALK Nice piece of )nhl, ill t a lined, close In and ready for planting. No buildings but a choice spot for imall farm Price $1,260. Inquire News ot flee. FOR SALE If you want to buy riv er bottom land come see us or write. This land is a black loamy free soil, all well drained, no hills, no rock, all level. Can sell In ten or twenty acre lots at reas onable figure. Land now being surveyed and platted. Only two and half miles from Riddle on fine robd. Write at once. ' Riddle Land Company, Riddle, Ore gon, dswtf FOR SALE Two pure bred Cotts wold bucks. Inquire of Rose ft Henry, or phone Sub. 49. tfR MUST BE SOLD Farm of 160 acres six miles west of Roseburg. 5 room house, barn, well, several acres set to fruit, 1 acre of which Is bearing. Price for this place $10 per acre and dirt cheap. Place is on county road. Small cash pay ment and balance long time. Ad dress box 55 or call News office for particulars. tf FOR SALE Team, colt, wagon and harness. Weight about 1,500 each. Address Ralph Phelps, Roseburg, Ore. dsws22 FOR SALE 13 V acres, ,6 miles south of the city, all under culti vation or garden land. House and barn on place. Price $1,800; first payment $800, or will take good work horses or cattle for first pay ment. Balance 3 years, 6 per cent. Inquire or address box 98, R. F. D. No. 1, Roseburg, Ore. sw-s25 FOR RENT -room modern house , In Umpqua Park, west side of rlv-; er: nice garden spot, good well, $15 per month. Inquire on prem ises. Mrs. O. E. JJurchard. tf FOUR LOTS Nice residence and garden property, lay well, close to 1 Edenbower store and dirt cheap at only $65 each. Inquire at News office, but be qpick about je. ,ttd WANTED In the next thirty days.1 50 to 400 teams of young, sound horses and mules. Must be good workers. Address "Buyer," care of i The News, Roseburg, Ore. tf j FOR RENT Modern si x rooni house. ! Inquire at 128 Flint street. tfC ; EIGHT LOTS, $1050 Very deslr-j able property In nice part of town; j fine garden soil, few young trees, j small house and barn, city water; ! n--" fow minuter walk from post-j fflce. Has sightly building site, j ulho plenty of room for poultry, j Cheap at price. Come quick. Ad-j dress Box 55 or Inquire News, tf ! FOR SALE One 20-horse power tublar horizontal holler for sale. Inquire at the Roseburg Steam Laiindrv tf GOATS FOR SALE 30 head of good goats, and also a two year filly In foal. Address Box 234, Rose burg, or call at ranch 1 mile north of fair grounds. Wm. Rtizwll, si FOR SALE Half Interest in a gen eral mdse store In a thriving little city in Douglas county; good loca tion and an excefleut trade. Owner wants to locate near coast. For par ticulars address X. Y. Z., care of The News. WANTED IMMEDIATELY appren tices in our millinery department. Knowledge of ordinary plan sewing necessary. Splendid chance to learn tho millinery business. Apply at millinery department, Joseph son's, dsw FOR SALE Must be sold within 30 days; one of the best ranches In .IXtuglas county. The Riddle Land Agency, Riddle Ore. dsw-s22 FOR SALE Must be sold within 30 days, one of the best ranches 'In Douglas county. The Riddle Land Agency, Riddle, Ore. dsw-22 FOR SALE One aero In city limits; five-room house; 20 cherry trees on the place, good variety of small fruits and excellent garden spot; good small barn on place; price $ 3 750. For particulars a dress owner, care of The News, or call at this office. dsw-tf WANTED Mandolin club players; mandolin, guitar, mandola, violin cello; note readers. Club now or ganizing for social pleasure and practice. Lessons on mandolin and guitar. A. Ferguson, Herrlngton HonHe City. ds2 W.IXTF.D M EX. i Six good men wanted at once. Apply on ground nt Perkins block. God wages. Y. C. ARTHUR & SONS. I UK SALE Have a very nice organ- secured by me In a trade; It is of no value ttv mo as I do not play. Will sell for cash or on time paymen.'s at a snap. No reason able offer refused. Address Lock Drawer A. Roseburg, .Or. Married Men know how easy to get the fvif th wrnncr nrpsent. That was before they saw that china at Clingenpeels HThf AA7iVc know now to make home hap 1 lie VVlVco py. Just serve your family on Stouffer's China. Wiit-rf TVIim Just take her a few pieces of I OUng lUan 0f that Haviland and Exquisite .Cut Glass. She will look upon you with favor. V,.v,rs: Vn.-. He just can't lUUllg VVUllUUl good cooking initialed hand painted china. Its real its Stouffer's best. IIOUSIS FOH SALK flood, new . room house, sleeping porohet-. 2 lots, city water. J30U takes own-; er"s equity. Lone; tlmo on bnlance. ; inquire at residence corner B. Sixth street and . 2nd Ave. .North. Kst 200 ACUIO FARM $10 an acre will buy this place, which Is ALL TILL AM. 12 half mile frontage on riv er, and acres of river bottom. balance rolling, but ready for plow. ' This is one of tho real bargains. Terms. Address box 55, Roseburg. ! Ore., or inquire News ofttce. dtf 1 lISC FOIt SALK One Clarks Sen ior cutaway disc for sale cheap. Only used ono year. Address Box tiS3. RoseburR. tf CI.ASSM ll:l) AIIVKItTISKMKNTS l"Olt SALK New 5-rooni cottage and one acre of ground one mile from city. Price 12fi0. Inquire News office. dtflt l-'Olt SALK - I'lne matched team. weU-ht :1200 pounds, u you want something good call early, llimes Oliver, Heal Kstate, Cass st. DOUGLAS COUNTY CREAMERY has the Best Buttermaker in the State ICE CREAM SEASON HERE V in l.ti'Ke or small iii. unities. I.ol us h.ive vour partv onliTs. Tclipluinc .5 It. North Side Plaining Mill 1ut North .,r Wmicy Spur, North Jmkvoii Mtn l, Phone ifjll. Orders for all kinds of Dulldlun Material promptly Filled nt Reasonable Price. Mill Work Our Specialty Km It Holes In Any Qunulllr. The SPECIAL SALE of Fine Jewelry, etc continues this week Solid ;l,t iiromlu-s for I.2.T SI. .HI Hat Plu for H.V Ten Sets for I;l..10 M.Sn Hand Palutisl Plutea for 8.M.T I..V t ut I. la. Howls for ... 58.7.' A. S. HUEY Rnsi'tmrg's Lending Jeneler. si i: Ol H WINDOWS. WANTFD Salesmen for exctuslvt territory. Rig opportunities. Nt experience necessary. Complett lino Yakima Valley grown fruit shade and ornamental stock. Cast weekly. Outfit free. T'ippenish Nursery Company, Top,.enish Wash. dswti IlKAUTlFl'L HOME SITE Two acres, nil In choice fruit, grand view of city. One of the finest properties In Roseburg or vicinity for a home. Inquire at this otflce for particulars. FOR SALE Four-room new modern house and two !ut; house Just completed; will sell reasonable or rent; terms Address Hot s. Hokc- FOR SALE -Two Herford bulls. : one year old. FIrstclass. Address i L. 1 Matthews, Glide. Or. dtl WOOD FOR SALE IMiinio T'armen 164. J I. Sprlngsteaed. Roseburg for wood. Prompt delivery. dtt FOR SALE 23 acres Improved land at Dlllard, Ore., mllo from sta tion. Eor terms call or address W Dnl la s , I MM njpd O r. . Bl WANTED--A tract of timber land containing from fifty to ono hun dred million feet. State full partic ulars. ,1. W. Hartnett. 333 Saurlock Rnlldlng. Portland, Ore. O-l 3 conage organs ns good as new. Cost, $ I .".m: $2u and $35. L. II Rhoades & Co. FOR SALE Leaving city. lmpos- j siblo to lake my piano, will sell for, one hall' value If taken nt once; ! good tone and nice case. Clear re-i celpt given (address quick) C, T. j"Jl,,,k 55. Roseburg. Or, ! WILL TRADE-Owner will exchange : a nice piece of Roseburg property for small farm. This property if among the best of the city, all set ; to young orchard. Just In bear-; Ing. and will bear investigation 1 Want small farm that is on river or creek or has good springs. In-1 quire Vews oHice t' S-O-C-l A-L-I-5-H The living issue of every countrv in the world What Does It Mean To You? Do You Oppose it Why? To be ignorant of Socialism is to confess indifference to progress. Floyd C. Ramp f.tatIe,or:J"izcr!1? p;ull,a of ' ' the u . ot O., wui discuss these vital questions at corner Jack--Everybody son and Oak streets, Roseburg, Welcome at S o'clock Wednesday, Tlmrs- Oueslions day, Friday evenings, August Invited 30 and 31 and September 1. resist on tnat Haviland and W. E. Clingenpeel During Hot Weather Use n wieht ne-nmde bread to avoid prcsperatlon and other unsmit tnry conditions of making bread in the old way. On June 1st We Added two ounces to the lonf. If your grocer does not carry our bread change grocers or phone 221. Full line of delicious pastry al- ways nt your command, Umpqua Bakery If. GUEST, Prop. 110 Jackson Street. Buy The Free for $40 Guaranteed and Insured Sewing Ma chine for five years The Roseburg prico of the Free Sewing Machine it $40. In Portland it sells for $05, nnd In other Oregon towns at $50. The Free sewing machine ift nboslutely the most perfect inachino on the market. It costs the dealer more than many other machines that sell for $4 8 nnd even more. And it Is worth twice the sum asked for It here, compared to most competing sewing machines. Resides Its many machanlcal features, the Free Sewing Mach ine carries with U for the same price an insurance policy for five years, and a guarantee for every part. These are made by the manufacturers. So if your machine burns in your house you get a new sewing machine, by presentlny your policy. We personally believe In the Free machine, and we like It bet ter than any other sewing machine we have ever sold. It has alwas given satisfaction, and to tfrmit you to have a trial, if It does not prove satisfactory after thirty days, your money will be refunded. B. W. Strong The Furniture Man Roseburg, Or Sewing Machine Needles of all makes