.1 Thegreatest Germ destroyer and disinfectant known Will destroy odors and germ life in twenty seconds For use in sinks, toilets and sick room We guarantee this preparation to do all we claim For sale by Marsters Drug Co. Roseburg Oregon LOCAL NEWS. IXKUl. NKWS. LONE STAR LAUNDRY KM) SUEIllliAN ST. PHONE 380 And our wagon will call lor your bu id'es. Nsw com plete equipment. Family work our specialty, and prices right. Farrand Brothers, Proprietors. LUMBER & BUILDING MATERIAL Orders Promptly Filled Anderson Lumber Company, ofDillard Deliver to any part of the county Address the Mill or leave order with BOND S BRADLEY Roseburg Oregon All Kinds of Dressed Lumber on hand Peter Carter, of Canyonville. is spending a couple of daya in Rose burg attending to business matters and visiting with frleuds. ; George Bolter loft for Brooks this morning where he will spend a few days visiting with his father. Mrs. Boiler will join his on Sunday. 1 C. II. Wilson and Ij. E. Brown left for Camas mountain -this morning where they spend a couple of days attending to business matters. Tresiding Elder Uunlap, of the i.Methodist Episcopal churrh. spent the day In liosehurg looking after business matters connected with his duties. Miss Eula Barker left for her home at Drain this morning after a few days spent in Roseburg visiting at the home of her aunt, Mrs. M. B. (iermond. Attorney C. S. Jnekson has return ed to his homestead In the southern part of the county after a few days spent In Koseburg attending to busi ness r.ufors. W. H. Uedidfer. who has conducted a hoarding and lodging house, on Main street for some time past, has moved into a residence a short dis tance west of the Southern Pacitlc railroad tracks, on Washington street. VSR SWKKPIXG COMPOUND. It collects the dust when sweep ing, it preserves tile floor. It pre vents breathing disease germs, and makes the premises sanitary. NO Dl'ST for rugs and carpets, CEDAlt IXE for floors and linoleums. Put up the 150 and 200 pound barrels, and 100 pound sacks. Write us. Crescent Chemical Contuany, 526 Washington street. Portland. Ore. Compounds for sale by B. W. Strong, Roseburg. Or. nl5 . For washing mirrors and windows, Gold Star Polish U tho best ever. L. H. Rhoadea & Co. dtf Miss Story, of Orants Pass, who has been spending the past few days visiting with friends In Eugene Is expected here this evening to enjoy n visit with her friend, Miss Inez Kltchin. Miss Bessie Lehman left for her home at Oakland this morning after a few days spent In Roseburg visit ing at the home of her aunt. Mrs. J. T. Wootlsou and her uncle, M. B. Germoud. William Bushni 11. of Ten Mile, left for points In Clackamas county this morning where he will he employed in picking hops during the next tew weeks, lie was accompanied by hts niece and nephew. George Kearns and wife left for their home at Chlco. Cal.. this morn ing after a few days spent In Rose burg visiting at the home of Mr. Kearn's sister, Mrs. J. Gnrdenhire. Miss Lorena Frltts. who resides on Mill street underwent a very deli cate nnsal operation at the offices of Drs. Seely, Sotlier & Stewart yester day afternoon. Dr. Seely was the at tending surgeon. Mr. nnd Mrs. .7. D. Livingston left for Portland this morning after a few days spent In Roseburg visiting at the home of their nclce. Mrs, H. I.. Ward. The couple reside at Eosll and will return there as soon as they conclude their visit at the metropolis. 1.0CAL NEWS. You can rent the latest novels at 10 cents per week at the library con ducted by Aldon Harness. d-slv The day and night school of busi ness trulnlng at home saves time and money, it begins September 4. You are disgusted with furniture polish of all kinds now you .try Gold Star and be pleased. L. M. Rhondeg & Co. dtt The retiming of the late Mrs. Pat rlck Reed, who died In Nebraska a few days ago will probably arrive In Roseb,urg tomorrow morning. No ar rangements will be made for the fun eral pending the arrival of the body. Tlie remains of the Into Peter Mc Knrland. a victim In last Thursday's bridge disaster at I'mpimn, were shipped to Coeur d Alene. Idaho, this morning where they will bo In terred. They were accompanied by the deceased's brother, John McFar land. Mrs. Mary Webber, of Portland, arrived In Roseburg this morning to spend a few days visiting with friends. Mrs. Webber was formerly Mrs. Fred Ilonebruke and lived in Roseburg for several years prior to her removal to Portland about eigh teen months ngo. , P. W. IIAYNKS if Dentist Roseburg National Bank Bldg. s Hours 10 to 12, 2 to 4. to Phone 1283. Roseburg - Oregon. I POHTLAM) FAIR A XI) LIVESTOCK EXPOSITION'. For the abovo occasion, the S. P. will make a. fecial round trip fare of one ami one-third from all points to Portland. Tickets on sate from uoints south of Uosohurs, September 5lh, and from Roseburg and points north, including west side and Yam hill divisions, September 5th and 6th. Pinal return limit September 11th. tf TIIK l-OXIION TAILOH. Suits and overcoats niado to meas ure riK.OO to $45.00. Choice of 500 dimples, style and fit guaranteed, i-'ieiu-h dry cleaning and pressing. CJHImnur, the. London Tailor, S. V. corner Cass and Pine streets, tf THE LIMIT THE ABSOLUTE, ELASTIC LIMIT of perfection has been attained in the manufacture of Tampa Vana Ciuars BHHHanaiMMi No artificial flavors, no duie, nothing but mild, sweet Havana, and clean hand work. KFAt All Leading Dealers W. H. BOWDEN, Maker samtmmmmnmromtmmfes BEECH-NUT Brand Boned m3 Beech-Nut Ba-'. con, Peanut But ter, Codfish, and '. Cranberry Sauce ; recommended & ' Herring sold by The Timber Claim For sale by owner. 120 acres in Douglas county, containing 2a million feet of good timber in Sec. 20,Twp. 23 S., Range 6 W. For further informa tion, price, etc., address CHAS. O. ANDERSON, 1506 W. 54th street, Ballard Sta., Seattle, Wash. Benson Grocery Pure Food Store Zm 'bu Can't . Phone 184 mistake the flavor 225 Jackson St. ummuiuiimuuumuuiUK Fresh Fruit and Vegetables We have them in abundance to supply your home table Best tor your camping trip You will want a supply of fresh canned goods, meats, fruits and vegetables. You may rely ab solutely on our goods. We keep a large variety but a small stock of each kind. We order fre quently insuring absolutely fresh stock. Note the fresh wholesome taste of our canned goods. GENERAL DRAY1NG Goods of every (IfwrlpUon moved t any parts of Hie city. fi-Ii-ea reason H. S. FRENCH Roseburg Rochdale Co. Hi CHURCH BROTHERS' "UAKUY I'll AT lllil) . UP STAIItS and put that plue tublo In tin kitchen." That's how It goes. A Mj TIIK IIOl'SI! Is what you find when you come hero to buy. You have a plenty to select from and everything you purchase Is durable and rensonnblj priced. i-iiK i-; iti:iLTi:i) lU'lllNd SUMMKlt. Rice & Rice The House Furnishers Cass Street THE IT'S GOOD BREAD Does it trouble you to pedal a sewing ma chine. At a small expense you can avoid it Just a fraction of a cent per hour will furnish you power, and a small initial first cost is all. If you will call we will be pleased to show you "How." CHURCHILL-WARNER CO. Phone 260 Jpposite Post Office IT'S NEVER SOUR Pies, Cakes, Pastries of all Kinds CASS STREET PHONE 35 DELIVERY I Best car of Coal ever seen in Roseburg has been received by Roseburg Feed & Fuel Co. Rock Springs Coal, positively better coal than has heretofore been offered for sale in Rose burg. Price the same as has been asked for inferior coal. Come and see it or telephone No. 163 your order. Roseburg Feed & Fuel Co.-Winchecter St. Winnie Gaddisl ? THR PLUMBER ? "ANSCO" FILM For Orthochromatic Work. Some thing New in Films. Cameras and All Kinds of Amateur Supplies at the RED CROSS PHARMACY NEWPORT Yaquina Bay oiti:;)N"s popii.aii m:,tcn iik- i HOKT. I An Ideal retreat for outdoor i pastimes of all kinds. lIuntlliK. ! Flshlni;. flouting. Surf Hathlntc. Hid. Inc. Aulolni!. Canoeing, Dancing and ' roller Skating. Where pretty water I ngntcs, niocs acalea. moon stones, irarnellnns ran he found on the beach. Pure mountain water nnd ! the bevt of food at low prlren. Fresh I fish. elaniE, oralis nnd oysters, with j abundance of vegetables of all kind dally. : CAMPING CltorVIIS COWKNIKNT AM) ATTit.U I It K ulth kI rirt fnnltnrv regulation i liOW IIOI'NI) 'I" I ! 1 1 SKA SON INK- li IS fn-m nil points In Oregon. WBahlng- ton and Idaho on Halo dally. 1:1 DAY HATIItDAY MONDAY Til KKTH from Southern I'aeifle point. Port land to f'ottnge Grove; meo Irom j rill C. & E. Btatlonn, Albany anil Vet Good going Saturday 01 Sunday and for return Sunday 01 Monday. Call on any B.'P. or C. E. gent or full partieillam bk to tares, train i hedulin. ete : Uo for ropy of our llluBtruted booklet. "Outings In Ore gon," or write to V .11. nil l V It iv.t j '.Gen'-ral Passenger Agent, Portland.; Aftent for Sne Water Filters. Removes all 1m- nurities. Skylight Cornices Heating Ventilating Phone 210 Roseburg - Oregon Stone Ware Stone Churns, Milk Crocks, Flower Pots Right Goods Right Prices L. H. RHOADES, 2nd EST Man When you come to town Don't lorfjet to visit the Water Front Dry (ioods Store Sheridan Streets lor Your SuilsJ Up-to-Date Suits from $10.50 to $25 Everything new in the suit line Overalls, Shirts, Hats, Caps,' Shoes We can dres. you from head to foot cheaper than you can steal the goods. CIVK US A TRIAL. D. J. JARVIS rfVJlv I ! w.m .! M il m ILU1 : "L J Wall Paper Some of tl. mo.4tnrtitircfTpot in wait paHT nro Himplt) in chur lu:t'T and tiiodrtito in price. Tho ncrnmpanying ilhwtrntlon h an exainplo ( one of the tunny ri'.w i'ieas in "llotne Decoratiun ' fur The fa?t that vn aro nufkintf a invent! fi'ulure of Alfred Peal "Prii" W-il PapeTi is stitliciont n unranre that tho otylon aro tho latest and quality tho lnst. HarnploB and cstimati's choor fully t. ibniitU'd niton rcqtieBt, D.P. FISHER mi i nt oak ki i:i:i r. niv LOW liOSI.Ill Itli IIII.AIUK, I'm INK .;:. Oregon.