Thegreatest Germ destroyer and disinfectant known i Will destroy odors and perm life in twentv .i-.-nds 5' For use in sinks, toilets and sick room We guarantee this preparation to do all we claim For sale by Marsters Drug Co. rutuo nitiNKixu fii. I Will IU- .MH,li-l.,l In gk-hnulH St'lit. i New Ijiv ill KlTect. Roseburg Oregon LONE STAR LAUNDRY V? ou PHONE 380 And our wagon will call tor your btrid1e& N?w com plete equipment. Family work our specialty, and prices right. Farrand Brothers, Proprietors. j PORTLAND. Or., Auk. 30. The "old onken bucket" and the pall by the teacher's tlosk will go out of style in the rural schools September 1. wlu'n the new law prohibiting the public drinking cup goes into effect for the. lirst !ip.;a in the stale of Oregon. They will be replaced by a sanitary atone jar, with a stone cover to keep out spiders that were once the terror of the "little girls". Schools in the country districts have a I mid y m ado preparations to : comply as boit they can with the i new law. says Or, t'alvins S. White, 'state health officer, who has return- led from a trip through Coos and! , Curry counties, inspecting the schools I i and instructing pupils and teachers ; in the new law. 1 No friction Is expected when the lnw goes into effect Friday,. Rail-j rorf'-- have put bubbling fountains! in c-rs: schools in the city districts havi n-ifo been supplied with the : roun-r.ii s. and many department tores --ve followed the require-ni-ns of the law, although it ap j plh-:-, r.n'v to schools, public institu te n- t,; ici.inion carriers. -Many liiivs v, it h the old-fashioned tin cup fountains in their public parks have already made changes. LUMBER & BUILDING MATERIAL Orders Promptly Filled Anderson Lumber Company, of Dillard Deliver to any part of the county IAH'AIj news. Address the Mill or leave order with BOND & BRADLEY Roseburg Oregon All Hinds of Dressed Lumber on hand J. K. Kalbo has accepted a posi tion at the Jl. Guest bakery, and entered upon his new duties the first of the week. V. K. How. of Seattle, arrived In ftosehurg last evening to spend a few davs at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Hell. H. C. I'nderwood, a well known Oakland resident, spent the day in Roseburg attending to various busi ness interests. I KK HWKKI'IXU COMPOUND. i ' s Fresh Fruit and Vegetables We have them in abundance to supply your home table Best tor your camping trip You will want a supply of fresh canned goods, meats, fruits and vegetables. You may rely ab solutely on our goods. We keep a large .variety but a small stock of each kind. We order fre quently insuring absolutely fresh stock. Note the fresh wholesome taste of our canned goods. It collects the dust when sweep ing, it preserves the floor, it pre vents breathing disease germs, and makes the premises sanitary. NO DUST for ruga and carpets, CEDAR INK for floors and linoleums. Put up the 150 nnd 00 pound barrels, tnd loo pound sacks. Write us. Crescent Chemical Company, 52(1 Washington street, Portland, Ore. Compounds for sale by D. V. Strong. Uosebur;;, Or. nl 5 '1 ilK !,0I10X TAlliOK. The Child ami the HHiool Item-li. The commencement of the annual crippling process of our children will begin before many weeks have pass ed, says Harper's Weekly. The schools will take from their beauti ful out-of-door play the youngsters win is vertebrae are made tip to a considerable degree of cartilage, and are therefore soft and easily pushed out of shape and put them in III arrunged seats, forcing them to keep comparatively still, while the super-. tiniKised weight of the npjer parts of; the body, combined with the faulty positions assumed, does its work of destruction to an extent, as regards1 numbers not even guessed by the! general public. Statistics show that a very large per cent age of school children have scoliosis. As Or, Koyal Whitman says in his Orthopedic Sur gery: "Lateral curvature of the spine is one of the most common deformi ties," and it Is increasing in direct ratio as the school curriculum is be coming exacting. A decided change for the better can bo made in our schools. The ses sions hould be shorter, and the per iods of prolonged sitting should be broken up. Deportment always hulks large In the school report, and one of the main Infractions against "good i deportment" is that of simple moving! about in the seat, especially when ' the pupil turns and looks toward the ) hack of the room, thus healthfully; twisting the spine. This enforced j quietude at just the stage of life in which every animal Including the ' human, Is meant by God to he most active it Is horribly pernicious. ! LOCAL NEWS. It. S. Barker, of Dixouviile, spent lust evening in Kosoburg visiting with friends. You can rent the latest novels at 10 cents per week at the library con ducted by Aldou H unless. d-al7 J. W, Davis returned to his home at Olalla yesterday after a couple of days speut in Hoseburg. You are disgusted with furniture polish of all kinds now you try Gold Star and he pleased. L. H. Rhoades & Co, dtf j Hon. llingor Hermann has gone to Myrtle Point and "Marsh field where he Intends to spend a couple of weeks with friends. Mr. Hermann formerly resided in Coos county where he has an extensive urqualntancesbip. Among those who loft for points on the cojiKt on this morning's stages were: Mrs. J. iiondell, Y. A. Robert son. J. S. Green, H. C. 1-int. II .Day, l- S. Martin and family, Kay Dement, J, C. Murray and Mabel Austin. VAI.l'Altl.K HINTS ON' CANNING. Always screw the lids on the glass fruit jars so tightly that it will be necossary to break the jars open with a hummer In order to get the fruit. 1 This is one of the first principles of canning and should never be violat ed. Can everything you can find ex cent your husband. You may need him from time to time. It is better to remove the pits from the peaches before canning them, for tho pits are rather hard to digest and form a very heavy diet when eaten In the winter. Canned peaches are more to he pitted than censured. Ex. For washing mirrors and windows, Gold Star Polish Is the best ever. h. H. Rhoades & Co. dtf THE LIMIT THE ABSOLUTE, ELASTIC LIMIT of perfection has been attained in the manufacture of Tampa Vana Cigars No artificial flavors, no dope, nothing but mild, sweet Havana, and clean hand work. 3!3FAt All Leading Dealers VV. H. BOWDEN, Maker sammmmmmmmmnmm BEECH-NUT Brand Boned Herring The proof of the Pud ding is in the eating- Of the tree in the growing Ask your neighbor who has planted Yakima or Hood River Trees See how they grow, then place your tree order with ILL The Nurseryman bu can't mistake the flavor Beech-Nut Ba- con, Peanut But- ter, Codfish, and Cranberry Sauce recommended & sold by The 3 Benson 5 Grocery Pure Food Store Zm Phone 184 225 Jackson St. Suits nnd overcoats made to mens-j re $15.00 t 0". Choice of 500 t unnlen, style and fit guaranteed.; 'n'liph dry cleaning and pressing. : Ullmmtr, the London Tailor, S. W. orui-r t'as3 and I'lno streets. tf CHURCH BROTHERS' I von s.w.rc. A nice, nont tl-rooni bmiKa- lnw. centrally located in pnvpd j district. Sewer connections. j bath, patent toilet, etc. Ideal 1 location. Price $2.S00. Ad- dress A care. News ofllce. ! d-sw-tf in E9n Roseburg Rochdale Co. THE "ANSCO" FILM For Orthochromatic Work. Some thing New in Films. Did You Evet Stop To Think That tne Cost ol nne wrttlnp paper is not much more than whnt yqj pay for the ordinary quality? Think sfactlon t recipient cfa of the satisfaction to one's self and to the recipient Lettei on pa'ier of good quality. The Roseburg Book Store Soli s the lU-st writing papers at lowest prices. Headquarters for Fountain Pens School Supples OHice Supplies. itosrnnui. wttWON. IT'S GOOD BREAD IT S NEVER SOUR Does it trouble you to pedal a sewing ma chine. At a small expense you can avoid it Just a fraction of a cent per hour will-furnish you power, and a small initial first cost is all. If you will call we will be pleased to show you "How." CHURCHILL-WARNER CO. Phone 260 Opposite Post Office Pies, Cakes, Pastries of all Kinds CASS STREET PHONE 35 DELIVERY Winnie Gaddis THR PLUMBER Skylight Cornices Heating Ventilating :t Agent for Sne Water Filters. Removes all im- purities. Phone 210 Roseburg - Oregon Best car of Coal ever seen in Roseburg has been received by Roseburg Feed & Fuel Co. Rock Springs Coal, positively better coal than has heretofore been offered for sale in Rose burg. Price fhe same as has been asked for inferior coal. Come and see it or telephone No. 163 your order. Roseburg Feed & Fuel Co.-Winchecter St Stone Ware r 1 .,, - ii Stone Churns, Milk Crocks, Flower Pots Right Goods Right Prices L. H. RHOADES, 2nd EST" Man Cameras and All Kinds of Amateur Supplies at the RED CROSS PHARMACY "C.MlltV I It 1 M.K j VV STAIIIS and put thiil jIno table- In tli. I kltr!:-n." That's lmw It (!" i ; MX 'I UK hoi si: I Is wh;it you find -lt?n you cotn boro to buy. You have a plent: W; '-l'-t from :in.-l uvurythlni! yoi jiurffjap; Is durable and rt'ns'.mabl pr!rM!. iui( K lti:nr Ki III l;IVi SIMMKIt. Rice & Rice The House Furnishers ' Cass Street When you come to town Don't forget to visit the Water Front Dry floods Store Sheridan Streets for Your Suits" Up-to-Date Suits from $10.50 to $25 Everything new in the suit lire Overalls, Shirts, Hats, Caps, Shoes V'e can dress you from head to foot cheaper than you can steal the goods. GIVE US A TRIAL. D. J. JARV1S II S Wall Papef Romo of tl.e moat artintic efTecta In wall pafMir aro impl fn char actor and moderate in price. The accompanying Illustration In an example of onu of the many tn'w Mt'as in "Home Decoration' for HH1. m The fact that wn are maVinK a np'cial feature of Alfred Pt "Priw" Wall Paprt ia BUfliciont BR Hiirance that the ntyles are the lnt'-Bt and quality the beat. Fnmptea and estimates cheer fully submitted upon request. D.P. FISHER I'JI WKHT O.M KTItHCT. HH i.tnv liohlJU ltd I it t:lHK, I'llD.M-: 8..X :3ncn.';s!i.,r:.'m;rj l l T WW TVl 9