The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, August 29, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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    r?iif clasF' 'Sundry li
work is most desirable to anyoue wishing their
lineu to possess that particular finish so necessary
to good taste in dress. i
We Do That Class of WorK
One Trial will Convince.
O. C. BAKER - - - Proprietor
Phone 245. All work flrst-clui
Commercial Abstract Co
Abstracts of 1 itle Filing Papers Preparea
Insurance, Etc.
Bonds of all Kinds Furnished
82H N'orlli Jackson -I. ItOHKIll'ltO, OHK(JON
When we say fillAKANTKK wo mean Just whnt t!i word Implies. If
you are oot satisfied thero will bo no chnrge. Wo could not make this
ssortlun unless wo wore postUro of giving Rood service. When you
get toady to clean house let us do the worst part for you the
donning of your curpets. It's easy fo you and the price reasonable
O. C. HA KICK, Proprietor.
Phono 79. Odlro N. Jackson St.
numbing, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning
and Heating
North JacKson Street, adjoining Peoples MarbU
WorKs. Telephone 251.
WorK Done on Short Notir
, . . J
Best Buttermaker in the State
in large or sin;ll tjuantitios. l.ct us have your
partv orders. IVk-phune 3(0.
North Side Plaining Mill
liwt North of Kinney Spur, North
Jackson 8(rtil, phono ami.
Orders for all kin da of Building Material promptly Filled at
Reasonable Prices.
Mill Work Our Specialty
o 1 rtiit llotm In Any Quantity.
Ye Repair Everything
that needs attention ae well as
ell you apparatus. Furthermore i
we attend to repairs promptly r
(on 'phone order If you like) and
you won't need to sound your i
burglar alarm when you got our :,
bill. Need anything In oit line.
315 N Jackson St., ftosuburg, Or 4
TbU ) the ml of a beautirul 64 -parti book, which
will thow any boy or ulrl how to SUCCEED. Drop a
postal lu the null TODAY aiitl It will bo lent FREE.
Th aim of th Colle to Jlgntly and populartte
the liiduntrloa, and to irr ALL tba pop). It offers
ciurt in Aicrlculturo. Civil EntttucortiiR, Electrical
EiiKlneorlnir, MachnnlcM Knutnettrliifl, Mining E tin In
erlii, ft'oioatry, DommUo. 8cltnc and Alt, Coin
uiorco. Pharmacy and Muilc. Th Cullog opem
aeptvmbor iid. Oatajoi rroo.
COLL to K, Corvallla. Oragoa.
(Continued from Page 1.)
placed on its first and second read
ings, In Opposed,
An ordinance defining the duties
and compensation of the city recorder
was about to be placed on its flntt
reading, when Councilman Krohn
Jumped to his feet and declnred that
he was opposed to the paHsafi of
such an ordinance and believed it
should be laid on the table Indefinite
ly. The ordinance provides among
other things that the city recorder
Hhall occupy an office In the city halj
rvnd that he Khali devote his entire
time trannactlng the city's biiKlueHS.
His com port nation Is fixed at $7.r per
month. After u brief discussion of
the ordinance, It was referred to the
city attorney with Instructions to
eliminate certain clauses which are
already defined In the city charter.
The ordinance will probably come up
for final disposition at the next reg
ular meeting of the council.
llraml.H Appropriation Waste.
Another ordinance authorizing the
expenditure of )30Q with which to
extend the Oak street sewer into the
channel of the Umpqua river was
placed on Its Prat and second read
ings, and upon a motion to suspend
the rules, was rend for the third
time and passed. The ordinance was
opposed by Councilman Mlcelll, who
declared that such a move at this
time was simply a waste of the city's
funds. "Every fall we are asked to
appropriate money for the repairing
of this sewer," said Councilman Ml
celll, "notwithstanding that It Is an
unnecessary expenditure. In another
month the water will be high enough
to carry awny the refuse from this
sewer, and 1 cannot see a good argu
ment for expending such a sum of
money at this time."
ItcmotiNtrance Is Filed.
Following the reading of an ordi
nance authorizing t ho collection of
the paving assesHment on Mill street.
City Recorder Orcntt presented a re
monstrance signed by Carl Huffman
and printed In a recent Issue of The
N'ews. Mr. Huffman declared among
other things that he knew of no law
that would coniel a person to pay
for something for which he did not
contract, neither did he believe that
the taxpayers should bo compelled to
pay Tor something they did not re
ceive. Further, Mr. Huffman brand
ed the work as faulty and not in ac
cordance with the desires of the
property owners.
Cpon reading the remonstrance,
the several councilman sat motion
less, apparently satisfied that "George
should do it." Finally, Councilman
iosepliHon exclaimed that it was up
to some one to make himself the hero
of the occasion and advanced a mo
tion rejecting the remonstrance. The
motion carried.
(ins Company (Jets Little,
The city recorder presented nnoth
r communication from the gas com
pany Inst evening lu which they re
quested the return of the certified
check In the sum of $5,000, which
was posted with the council at the
time the franchise wan originally
Mayor llaynes said he wns opposed
to returning the chock until such
time as the company repaired the
streets as per their agreement with
the city. Mr. llorton, of the Clarke
& Henery Company said he had been
retained to repair the damage, but
to date, hud been unable to execute a
contract with the company.
I'pon motion of Councilman
losephson, tbo recorder was instruct
ed to notify the gas company to re
pair the streets at once, at which
time the check would he returned.
The motion carried unanimously.
.Minor Matters,
The Clarke & llenery Company wob
granted an extension of 30 days time
in which to complete the Improve
ment of Soul h Stephens and Kant
If all other methods of treat
ment have fulled In your case,
don't he discouraged. Chiroprac
tic Adjustments will cure you.
nsk any or my patients. Ief
iteHH, NVu rn I n gin. Appendicitis,
Constipation, Cntarrli, Diarrhoea,
l:rKiM'l.;s re. Heart IMsise,
liiMiiunia, l.iimlmgo, raralyslN,
KlieiiiiHitiMti, Siaiirn, IniHgeMloti,
Heart, Siomach, I towel and t'rin
ary ti-ouh1c, and others too num
erous to mention.
New limit Ion. ;24 Cuss strevt.
Fine Jewelry, etc
Still continues this week
SMI. IX) Solid Cold HnMHlira for
$1,110 Hilt IMlM for K.V
S'-sum t Sou for
l.&l llnnil Painted l'liilo, fur 8.M.1 Cut (iliwui llowl for 8.73
l!ovturn' leading Jeweler.
.: in. i.i ii i wniai
DoniclaK Htreetg.
The city engineer was inntrurted to
repair a dff-clive newer, kuowu as
roe Mill-Snort street sewer, at once.
The city recorder reported that he
bad advertised for bids for the Im
provement of East Lane street, but
had received no replies. He was or
dered to re-advertise.
The bid til the Clarke & Henery
Construction Company for the Im
provement of Woodward street, from
Stephens to Pine streets, was ac
cepted and the contract was awarded
to the said concern.
The plans and nitrifications for a
tile drain along the south side of
Kast Douglas street were accepted
and the recorder was authorized to
advertise for bids for the work.
An ordinance authorizing the im
provement of Stephens street, from
Ouk to Washington street was placed
on its third reading and carried una
nimously. An ordinance authorizing the re
luylng of the so-culled high school
sewer wns read for the third time
and carried unanimously.
Property owners in West Roseburg
were granted the right to connect
with the so-called West Roseburg
iewer system upon request of Coun
cilman Jones.
Councilman MicelM brought up the
matter of enforcing the ordinnance
relative to destroying all poplar trees
within 100 feet of any sewer. The
matter was referred to the health
and police committee.
A iietition was authorized asking
the county court to dedicate a portion
of the court house grounds, to the
north of the fence on Court street
for municipal purposes. According
to the deed held by the county they
own land as far to the north as to
take In a part of the land owned by
Mrs. Fltzhugh, John Culver and
George Quine. Unless they dedicate
a part of the same the city will he
unable to pave that portion of Court
street. Should the county court see
lit to grant the request the land will
remain practically the same as at
present without inconveuience to
anyone concerned.
After a search lasting two days.
Bliss Singleton today found the two
mares, alleged to have been stolen
from his father's stables In North
Roseburg some time last week. The
animals were found at a point about
twelve miles north of Roseburg on
the North I'mpqua river. The only
evidence indicating that they were
stolen as first contended Is a few
marks on the bodies of the horses.
They were brought here this after
FOR KENT Modern six room house,
inquire nt 128 Flint street. tfC
FOR SALE Two pure bred Cotts
wold bucks. Inquire of Rose &
Henry, or phone Sub. 49. tfR
WANTED Afl rs t-c 1 ass tlnand sheet
Iron worker; good all around man.
Apply at The News' office for par
ticulars, dtf
FOR KENT 7-room modern house
in Umpqua Park, west side of riv
er: nico garden spot, good well,
$15 per month. Inquire on prem
ises. Mrs. O. E. Hurchard. tf
FOUR LOTS Nice residence and
garden property, lay well, close to
Edenbower store and dirt cheap
at only (65 each. Inquire ai
News office, but be qpick about
It. tfd
WANTED In the next thirty days,
60 to 400 teams of young, sound
horses and mules. Must bo liood
workers. Address "Buyer," enre of
i ne News, itosuburg, Ore. tf
FOR SALE New 5-room cottage and
ono acre of ground one mile from
city. Price $1260. Inquire News
office. dtfR
FOR SALE Fine matched tenm
weU'ht 3200 pounds. If you wan.
something good cnll enrly. Hlme
& Oliver,. Real EstaCe, Casa at.
FOR SALE Four-room new modern
house and two lots; house just
completed', will sell reasonable or
rent; terms. Address Box 8. Rose-
bui'K. or Phono Suburban 85. tfA
or ihuii. ait fenced, close In am:
ready for planting. No buildings
but a choice spot for small farm
Price $1,250. Inquire News of
3 cottage orgaus as good as new
Cost $15o; $25 and $35. L. H
Hhondes ft Co.
FOR SALE If you want to buy rlv
er bottom laud come see us or
write. This land is a black loumv
free soli, nil well drained. no
bills, no rock, nil level. Can sell
in ten or twenty acre lots at reas
onable figure. Land now being
surveyed and platted. Only two
and half miles from Klddlo on fine
road. Write at once. Riddle
Land Company, Riddle, Ore
K"i. dswtt
TOR SALE Team. colt, wagon and
harness. Weight about 1.500
each. Address Ralph Phelps.
Roseburg, Ore. dsws22
FOiFS.LKT3 IM, acres. 6 infie
south of the city, all under culti
vation or garden land. House and
barn on place. Prlce $1.800; first
payment $S00, or will take good
work horses or cuttle for first pay
ment. Balance 3 years. 6 per cent.
Inquire or nddress box 98, It. F.
D. No. 1. Roseburg, Ore. sw-s25
(Ices In our millinery department.
Knowledge of ordinary plan sewing
necessary. Splendid chance to
learn the nillltuery business. Apply
at millinery department, Joseph
son's. dsw
FOR SALE A nice, neat -7oom
bungalow, centrally located In pav
ed district. Sewer connections
bath, patent toilet, etc. Ideal lo
cation. Price $2,500. Address A
care News office. dswtf
FOR SALE Must bo "sofil within 30
days; one of the best ranches In
Ifcmglns county. Tho Kiddle Ijind
Agency. Klddlo Ore. dsw-s22
WANTHl) Salesmen (or excluslri
territory, lilg opportunities. Ni
experience necessary, Completi
line Yakima Valley grown fruit
shade and ornamental stock. Cast
weekly. Outfit free. Toppenls
Nursery Company, Topenlsh
Wash. dswtl
FOR SALE Must be sold within 30
days, one of the best ranches in
Douglas county. Tho Riddle Land
Agency, Riddle, Ore dsw-22
E. V of the S. E. 4 and the 8
H of the N. E. H of section 26
In township 3i south of range S
wes'. consisting of sugar pine, fir
and cedar. Crutsed over four mil
lion feet. Price $3,000. Address
P, cars News, Keburg. dswtf
D. J. larvla Is ill at bis home in
this city today.
W H Hunt nr Tiller ?K hnsinASs
visitor In Roseburg today.
Give your leisure or spare time to
study in the Roseburg Business Col
lege for future profits.
The Roseburg Business College,
date, September 4; place, Marks
building. That's a pointer, tf
The day and night school of busi
ness training at home saves time and
money. It begins September 4.
Miss Elsie Allen, a local school
teacher, underwent an operation at
Mercy hospital tills morning. Dr. A.
F. Sether was the attending physi
The Roddis Lumber and Veneer
Company, of Marstilield, Wis., today
inert a suit In the circuit court against
lobn Thwartz, in which the plaintiff
asks to recover the sum of $5,100
alleged to be due on several prom
issory nnteB executed by the defend-
int in ravor or the plalntlfr. The
noney is said to be due for material
furnished the defendnnt. Other than
the principal the plaintiff asks for
interest at the rate of 6 per cent and
the costs incurred in bringing suit.
Twenty-five men wanted Im-
medlntely. Wages $2.60 per
day. Inquire at the local of-
9 nee of Kendall Bros, or call at
the Winchester plant. dsw-a29 w
Roseburg National Bank Bldg.
' Hours 10 to 12, 2 to 4.
if Phone 1283.
v- Roseburg ... Oregon.
WANTED Mandolin club players;
mandolin, guitar, mandola, violin
cello; note readers. Club now or
ganizing for social pleasure and
practice. Lessons on mandolin and
guitar. A. Ferguson, Herrlngton
House, City. ds2
FOR SALE Have a very nice or
gan secured by me In a trado; It
Is of no value to .me as' I do not
play. Will sell for cash or on time
pnyments at a snnp. No reason
able offer refused. Address Lock
Drawer A, Roseburg, Or.
HOUSE FOR SALE -Good, new .
room house, " sleeping porches. 2
lots, city water. $300 takes own
er's equity. Long time on balance.
Inquire nt residence corner H.
Sixth street and 2nd Ave.
.North. Rst
200 ACRE FARM $40 an acre will
buy this place, which Is ALL TILL
ABLE half mile frontage on riv
er, and 30 acres of river bottom,
balance rolling, but ready for plow.
Thin Is one of the real bargains.
Terms. Address box 55. Roseburg,
, Ore., or Inquire News office. dtf
DISC FOR SALE One Clarks Sen
ior cutaway disc for sale cheap.
Only used one year. Address Box
683, Roseburg. . tf
FOR SALE Two Ilerford bulls.
one year old. Flrstclass. Address
L. L. Matthews, Glide, Or. dtf
WOOD FOR SALE Phone Farmers
1H4, J L Sprlngstened. Roseburg.
for wood. Prompt delivery. dtf
FOR SALE 23 acres Improved land
at Ulllard, Ore., hi mile from sta
tion. For terms call or address
Win. Dnllas, Dillard. Or. si
WANTED A tract of timber land
containing from fifty to one hun
dred million feet. State full partic
ulars J. W. Hnrtnett, 333 Sherlock
Building, Portland, Ore. O-l
FOR RENT Furnished housekeep
ing rooms. Apply 302 W. Wash
ington st. No children. tf
vOR SALE Leaving city. Impos
sible to tnke my piano, will sell for
one half value If tnken at once;
good tone and nice case. Clear re
colpt given (address quick) C. T.
F., Lock Box 55. Roseburg. Or.
WTufTR A I5E Owner will exchange
a nice piece of Roseburg property
for small farm. This property is
among the best of the city, all set
to young orchard, just in bear
ing, and will bear investigation
Want small fnrm that is on rlvei
or creek or has good springs. In
quire News office. tf
acres, all In choice fruit, grand
view of city. One of the finest
properties In Roseburg or vlclnlt
for a home. Inquire at this otflcf
for particulars.
FOR SALK One acre In city limits;
five-room house; 20 cherry trees
on the place, good variety of small
fruits and excellent garden Bpot;
good small barn on place; price
$;t7 f0. For particulars ad reus
owner, care of The News, or call
at this office. dsw-tf
MCST UK SOU) Farm of 160 acres
six miles west of Koseburg, 6
room house, barn, well, several
acres set to fruit. 1 acre of which
Is bearing. Price for this place
$10 per aero and dirt cheap. Place
is on county road. Small cash pay
ment and balance long time. Ad
dress box 55 or cull News office
for particulars. tf
FO H SALK I have about 400 young
chickens from two to four months
old for sale price right; also 1.
good milch cow. C. K. Stlrton.
Hoseburg. Ore. a29
E1C.HT LOTS, tior.0 Very deslr-
aiue property in nice part or town;
fine garden soil, few young trees,
small house and barn, city water;
Only few minutes walk from post-
ir Una Blirllflv liiill.Hnr alia
also plenty of room for poultry, j
Cheap at price. Come quick. Ad-;
dress Hot 55 or Inquire News, tfj
FOR SALE One 20-horse power
tublar horizontal holler for sale, j
Inquire at the Roseburg Steam
Laundry. tf
GOATS FOR SALE 30 head of good
goats, and n!so a two year filly
In foal. Address pox 234. Rose
burg. or call at ranch 1 mile north
of fair grounds. Win. Ducxell. 0 al
FOR SAK Half Interest ?n a gen
eral mdse store In a thriving little
city in Pou in las county; good loca
tion and an excellent trade. Owner
wants to locate near coast. For par
ticulars address X. Y. Z.f car of
The News,
B.iai nvrxn
Mrs. William Carroll Is said to be
quite 111 at ber home In this city to
day. Fountain Reus cleaned and re
paired at the Roseburg Book Store.
Work guaranteed. dsw
Miss Arrle Black has returned from
the mountains where she spent a few
days with Mrs. O. P. Coshow and
John Buxton, the Brockway farmer,
spent the day in Roseburg attending
to business matters and visiting with
Miss Dunham and brother, Russell,
have returned from Newport and
other coast cities where they enjoy
ed their vacation.
Douglas County Cteamer butter.
the best in the land, can he had of
your groce rat 75 cents the roll. De
mand your home product and accept
no other. dtf
W. T. Davidson, wife and son,
Frank, left for their home at Boise,
Idaho, this morning after a few days
spent In Roseburg visiting at the
home of Mrs. Davidson's brother, O.
Dr. Vlncll was called to Umpqua
this morning to consult with Dr. De
vore relative to the Injuries sustaln
1 by Glenn Wilson. He returned
shortly before noon.
Dwlght Fee and dauehter were In
the city today from their home at
Looking Glass. Miss Fee, who has
been In rather poor health for some
time past, is much improved and get
ting along nicely.
Drop In and see the swell line of
fall and winter samples Just received
from Ed. V. Price Co., Chicago
famous tailors. Over five himrirorf
samples to select from. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Sloper. the cleaner and
pressor. tf
Miss Gates, of California, left for
Myrtle Creek yesterday after a few
days spent In Roseburg visiting at
the home of Mrs. H. J. Hunsaker
Miss Gates will return here before
departing for her home In fn aooth.
ern state.
Dr. Wiley, of Oklahoma, Is spend
ing a few days in Roseburg visiting
at the home Of Mr nnA Un n u
Foster, on Lane street. The young
man is loosing for a location and
may decide to remain In Oregon permanently.
MarripH Mpn know hovv easy to set the
x iuuicu rlCU wife the wrong present.
That was before they saw that china at Clingenpeels
T'hf AAlVP knw how to make home hap-
ut 1 VCo py. Just serve your family on
Stouffer's China. ' ,
Vm inrf IVf nn Just take her a few pieces of
1 UUIlg lUctll of that Haviland and Exquisite
Cut Glass. She will look upon you with favor.
Young Woman ki'onThS
initialed hand painted china. Its real Haviland and
its Stouffer's best.
., j '. .
W. E. Clingenpeel
Best car of Coal ever seen in Roseburg
has been received by Roseburg Feed & Fuel Co.
Rock Springs Coal, positively better coal than
has heretofore been offered for sale in Rose
burg.' Price f he same as has been asked for
iuferior coal. Come and see it or telephone
No. 163 your order.
Roseburg Feed & Fuel Co.-Winchecter St.
During Hot '
Use machine-made bread to avoid
presperatlon and other unsani
tary conditions of making bread
to the old way.
On June 1st We
(wo ounce to the loaf. If your
grocer does not carry our bread
change grocers or phone 221.
Knll line of delicious pastry al
ways at your command.
Umpqua Bakery
H. Cl'EST. Prop.
110 Jackson Street.
Mhs Martha Clark, of Portland,
arrive here this evening to spend a
few days visiting at the home of Mrs.
S. M. Kelly. She has been visiting
with her sister at Days Creek for a
few days and will stop off here en
route home.
Mrs. C. H. Fisher, of Eugene, ar
rived in Roseburg last evening to
spend a few days visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fisher. Mrs.
Fisher is the wife of Editor Charles
Fisher, of the Eugene Guard and
formerly lived in Roseburg.
Assistant Forester A. F. Kerr left
for Portland last evening where he
will assist in fighting the fires In the
Oregon National Reserve. Mr. Kerr
Is considered a very efficient Are
fighter, and upon request of the Pott
land officers, was sent to that city
by Forester S. C. Bartrum. '
The Shlra Lumber Company, of
Sutherlin, today filed a suit In the
justice court In which they ask to
recover the sum of $80.91 from F.
N. Glllet. The plaintiffs allege that
the amount is due for material fur
nished the defendant. Other than the
principal the ask for legal interest as
well as the costs Incurred In bringing
the suit. Attorney John T. Long rep
resents the plaintiff.
Mrs. Belle Col''"- who conducts
a boarding house ou Main street to
day Bled a suit in the justice court
against Roy Kertz. The plaintiff al
leges that the defendant boarded at
her home for several weeks and that
she Is entitled to the sum of $26.40.
She also asks interest at the rate of
6 per cent as well as the costs in
curred In filing the suit. Attorney
John T.. Long represents the plain
tiff. James Cahlll today filed a suit in
the local justice court in which he
asks to recover the sum of $51 from
John Ackland. The plaintiff alleges
that he loaned the defendant the sum
mentioned on April 3, 1911. and to
date has been unable to collect any
part of the same. Other than the
principal the plaintiff asks Interest at
the rate of 6 per sent together with
the costs and disbursements incurred
in bringing the action. Attorney John
T, Long represents the plaintiff.
For the above occasion, the S. P.
will make a special round trip rare
of one and one-third from alt points
to Portland. Tickets on sale from
points south of Roseburg, September
5th, and from Roseburg and points
north. Including west side and Yam
hill divisions, September 5th and 6th
Final return limit September tlth.