The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, August 26, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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Subscription Kates laiiy.
Per year, by mall 13.00
Per month, delivered 60
Per year $2 00
' Biz month! - 100
Entered as second-class matter
November 5, 1910, at Koseburg, Ore.,
under act or March 3. 1873.
KATlltlMV, Al'til'ST Bo, 101 1.
In spite of the Incident of drouth,
good times prevail abroad, business
la active, the financial situation
healthy, and there Is confidence in
the future of Industry. Thijs, in
suite of political and social unrest.
The United Stat Is fully a year
behind the rem of the world In thl
respect. With world-wide conditions
fundamentally strong and American
finances recovered from the quite un
necessary bankers' panic of 1107.
The United States It the only n-1
tion that still seeks to sweep back
with a legal broom the universal I
flood of ee-operatlon. Instead of en-1
couraglng associated efficiency by
wise regulation. Uncle bam seeks to ;
destroy It by compelling dlslntegra-1
lion. No other government would in-j
dirt for conspiracy the officers of a j
farmers' association whose purpose;
was righteous mutual benefit. The;
United Slates has Indicted the New j
England milk producer's union. Un-
der such strained interpretation of i
legal technicalities, tTie federal ad-!
ministration can Indict and destroy,
any associated marketing effort by
two or more citizens In different I
slates, w hether It lie a labor union, I
farmers' organization or Industrial
combination. No such union of grain
growers, fruit growers, or live stock
men Is now safe from Indictment. t
Still worKe, the supreme court has
arrogated to Itself the power to say
whether any such effort Is "reason
able or unreasonable, and therefore
whether It should he permitted or
The early harvested grains in
Kurope and England made a fulr
yield, but there is an awful shortage
In all minor crops, fruits and vege
tables. There will be a consequent
decline In the supply of beef, pork
and mutton raised In Europe and
Great Britain. Russia will probably
have less wheat than was expected.
The monsoon, or rain-laden winds,
are coming too late to save grain and
other crops over largo areas In In
dia. Thus fur the planting and grow
ing season In the Argentine has been
better than during the drouthy sea
son of last year and previously.
News Itepresentatlve KcimiMs Hup
pculngs of the t'lty by the Sea.
One of the best games of base ball
was played here last Sunday between
the Yoncalla team and the Gardiner
team that has ever been played In
this part of Douglas county. A great
crowd witnessed the game, people
came from all parts of the country,
some arriving the day before. Un
usual Interest was taken In the game
as It was the first that the Yoncalla
team had dated. In making a tour
through Douglas, Coos and other
counties. The result of the game
Coffee Special
Coffee T,sAT Coffee
Our vwry ily cofOe bktI! in
Khk1 coffee. Our hlcii.t at
2."- nt pound Iff the lot that
.money can buy. Our .lin Went
Hti'H Cut In thn n-Ht on the mar
ket. Try a 1-pound ran if not
Kut.Nfhil, your money bark.
Henry Easton
344 N Jackson Phone 26
Transcient stock given best of care. Horses boarded
atreasonable rates. First class rigs, good horses"
and careful drivers
Blacksmith Shop in Connection
All Work Guaranteed
Cor. Main and Washington Sts. Phone 5
You will always have good healthful bread, pie and
cake, if you use
White River Flour
It is Not Bleached
Bleached flour is injurious to health.
Use Fleischman's Yeast For a good Starter
Mrs. A. C. Kidd & Son
Schram and Mason Fruit Jars at Cost. Best Sugar
$6.65 per sack while the present stock lasts.
Also carry a, full line of Dry Hoods, Hats, Shoes,
and Groceries w Inch they are selling very
cheap. And it would pay you to investigate.
was a victory for the Oardiner team.j
the score standing fivo to three In
their favor. The game was full of
sensational plays, but few errors be
Ing made on either side. In the be-,
ginning or the game Swagerty, the
first pitcher for Yoncalla. was bat
ted all over the field, he was re
called and Rankin substituted, who
did better, holding the home team
to three hits. Kicker, pitcher for
the home team pitched through the
entire game, and kept the visitors
guessing at ail times, being well sup
ported, the score shows the result.
The game was a clean and geutle
manly throughout, no wrangling or
any kind, the umpire's decisions be
ing taken without protest. The Yon
calla team Is a flue lot of fellows and
we speak a good word for them
where ever they may go. The line
up was as follows:
Yoncalla Coshow. C. : Kankln, P.;
and 1st B : Clark, 2nd B.; Tracy,
8. fl. ; A prili-Kate, 3rd 11. ; Andrews,
I.. V.; Turpen. R. F.; Wise. C. F.
Gardiner F. Perkins, C; R. Rlck
er. P.; C. Perkins, 1st B.; V. Per
kins. 2nd B.; A. Velty 8. 8.: O.
Stewart. 3rd B.; F. Vavulmann, C.
F.;; M. Kelly. It. F.; H. Lorden, L.
F.: A. Velty, 8. 8.
The winning of this game puts
the Gardiner team In line to become
the champions of Southern Oregon.
the Gardiner hotel was formally
opened on the evening of August 19.
wttn a ball and banquet. The ' Gar
diner" which has been recently built
and furnished at a cost of over 118,
000 Is considered one of the finest
and most up-to-date hotels In South
ern Oregon. On the night of the
opening the building was beauti
fully decorated with bunting, ferns
and flowers. Over a hundred guests
sat down to the banquet, which was
served In courses, while as many
more, tripped the light fantastic toe
till the early hours of morning to
the sweet strains of music furnished
by the North Bend orchestra. No
pains or expense was spared by the
management to make all feel wel
come, come, and the pleasant hours
8ent there by those who were for
tunate enough to be present, will
long remain In the memory of all
who attended.
A considerable number of new
buildings haM been going up In Gar
diner this Simmer. Besides the
completing of the Gardiner hotel the
Gardiner Mill Company has about
finished a fine building to be used
as a mesB house for their employes,
the conveniences and comforts thus
afforded will certainly be appreciat
ed. The I. O. O. F. hall has been
enlarged, and a new stage has been
put In. giving ample room for danc
ing, concerts, theatricals, etc. A new
Methodist church will soon be built
on the site -. f the one which was
recently destroyed by fire. Next year
there will probably be built an addi
tional room to the school building,
as hte rooms are now crowded.
For the last month the weather
and climate has been perfect, the
bar smoothe. and the ocean forgot to
roar. A large numlier of campers
are cantied on the beach, enjoying
the surf, crabs and clams. i
An unfortunate accident happen-'
ed on the river opposite the mess
house Sunday afternoon, by which a
sailor by the name of Frank Darling
lost his life by drowning. It ap
pears that he and a companion were
out in a sail boat, that while he was
attempting to adjust the sail the
boat was swamped, he falling beneath
It. and not being able to help him
self was drowned before assistance
arrived. The other man clung to the
boat and was reHcued. The deceased
was a stranger here. The body has
not been recovered at- the present
The woods nre full of surveyors,
no less than five crews being here.
As to what they represent and who
they represent. It is Impossible to
Hud out. That something Is In tho
wind and mill materialize before long
Is a certainty. It Is generally con
ceded that the prospects of a rail- j
road being built through here Is very:
bright, but a great many are skep
tical, and want to be shown.
W. K. Wise. a old school mate
of J. E. Bchll'.iu whom be had not
seen In thirty six years, when they
were boys together In Van Wert.
Ohio. To hear them recall the In
cidents of their school and boyhood
days, would put to blusb the youth
of our present age. '
Jimmy Watson and Dr. Sether
were here last week the guest of
W. P. Heed. Mr. Heed took them
to the rivers and lakes, aud showed
them where the trout lay In the
shady pools, and where the wild ant- j
mala roamed at large In the woods ;
but ask Watson to tell the rest of
tho story. 1
W. F. Chapman and wife, of Rose-1
burg, S. E. Griffith and wife of Grants :
Pass. W. P. Murphy and wife and
H. F. La Mlex and wife, of Marah
fleld, were visiting Gardiner the fore
part of the week.
Try Gold Star Polish on that fine
piano and see the results. L. II..
Rhoads & Co. dtf
Fountain pens cleaned and re
paired at the Roseburg Book Store.
Work guaranteed. dsw
ICE CREAM P-or your ice cream
orders call up the Douglas County
Creamery, nhone 340. tf
"I should love to learn shorthand,
If It weren't so expensive," said a
young lady. It Is not expensive In
the Roseburg Business College. da2C
Among those who left for coast
points on this morning's stages were
Mrs. A. C. Dye and children. Mrs.
J. H. Dye. Rev. B. Foskett, S. W.
Tracy and I. r. Kaall.
! A nice, neat 6-room bunga-
low. centrally ljcated in paved
j district. Sewer connections.
; bath, patent toilet, etc. Ideal
' location. Price 12,500. Ad-
. dress A care News office. ,
, d-sw-tf
Suppose you're dressed for
walking, and the sun comes
pouring down.
Do you think 'twill get some
cooler because you scold and
Now, of course, you're feeling
grumpy, your complexion's
not quite clear.
Wear a smile before you go
take a drink of our Hoot
This adv. means a pro
fit to you if taken ad
vantage of.
We are overloaded on some colors of house and floor paints,
1 s and 5s, so are going to give you the benefit as we need the
money that's tied up in it. Will sell you either house or floor
paint in 1 s or 5s at $2. 1 5 per gallon from stock. But will
not replace at the price quoted.
If you contemplate painting now or in near future we advise
you to take advantage of this offer during the week commencing
August 28th.
Youre floor specially should be painted, or given a fresh coat,
and while the family is away on a summer outing is the time.
Remember also that this is not a job lot but the Old, Tried
and True Sherwin & Williams, which always spells quality. You
need not hesitate for fear of old shop worn goods as it is not.
Remember that this is only for paint on hand and no paint will
be replaced at the price.
Churchill Hardware Company
Cash Ironmongers
The Store with the Ladies' Rest Room
The Store with the Ladies' Rest Room
Physician and Surgeon.
Rooms 1 and 2 Abraham BIdg.
Roseburg. Oregon
'0 ' " e"s'
Room 6, Bell Sisters Building ft
Wholesale and retail Butcher. Tne best the Market
aflords. All kinds of Stock Hought and Sold.
Phon; 58 Roseburg, Oregon
No man has to serve an apprenticeship in order to
learn how to make mistakes
You " No Mistake
If you buy your lumber, shingles, doors, windows
and building material of
Phone 242 North Roseburg
Dry Slab Wood Rock Springs Coal
Strong's Folding Cot can be
packed on a horse. Weight 17 lbs.
Fred Kndlcott spent yesterday at
Eugene and Springfield visiting with
friends and relatives.
T. J. Smith, of Sherman county. Is
In the city visiting at the home of
W. .1. Tester and family.
John Alexander, of Glide, left for
his hoine this morning after a couple
or days spent in Roseburg.
.Mrs. M. W. Aldrlch returned here
last evening after a few days spent
at Albany and vicinity visiting with
French, dry weaning, newest
methods used. Your old suit can be
made to look as good as new at a
smnll cos-. Clothes cleaned, bate
blocked. If you are looking 'or
Rood, quick servlco see Sloper, th
cleaner and prosser. Telephone 47.
F. G. Durker. wife and children
left for their home at Grants Pass
this morning after spending a few
days visiting with Mrs. Durker's
brother, G. McOanlels, In Garden
Valley. '
S. C Bartrum, local forest super
visor, sent about fifteen men to
points on the North Umpqua river
last evening where they will be em
ployed In lighting fire. The men
went by the way of Myrtle Creek.
K Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Dry Finish Lurut er
8 Doors and Windows of all Kinds.
! P
are used In the making of the
furniture we handle. Only the
soundest, stralghtest grained logs
nre accepted.
tho chairs, tho china closet or any
other article Is strong as well as
graceful, serviceable as well as at
Rice & Rice
The House Furnishers
Cass Street
rdson Loner Osk Street.
'Phone 352
Tho best the market affords in
Uecf, Pork, Mutton and Veal, at
the Cass Street Market, Glvo us
a trial and bo convinced.
Louis Kohlhagen
107 Cass Street, Phone 10. Free
Delivery to any part of the City.
Auto Stage to Coos Bay
J ouring Lar leaves Roseburg every day except Z
Sunday, at 6:30 a. m., connecting with afternoon t
train at Mvrt Pnint i
j . ..v 1VI IUU13I1UC1U,
rare $s.uu
Fare on regular stage, part way bv Auto, $6.00, to
rf bol.ll Mvrtlf Point aUA Mol,i; -l'l o. ' , ' .
both Myrtle Point ahd Marshriel'd
ry aay including Sunday
Stage leaves
. nTi..., fV... V u:. - I -. . nr.
n i"'- asuiiigioii ana Kose Streets. Phones
Otliee3S9, Residence 316. C. P. BARNARD, Prop