life ttiti WEATHER FORCAS-1 The Daily and Twicc-a-Week News Imre a larger circulation than any other two papers pub lished in Douglas County. They go into every nook and corner of this big county. KOKKUl'KU AND VICINITY. Kalr Toniiihl and Siiturtln)-. VOL. II. HOSKIRHG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OKKflON. I'ltlUAV, Al'Cil'ST 23, 101t. No. 217 BRIDGE COLLAPSED FIVE DEAD; FIVE INJURED A SAD ACCIDENT Umpqua Bridge Collapses With Fatal Results. FOUR MEN SERIOUSLY INJURED Remains of the Ik-ad Are Brought Hero Preparatory Hurial Injured Men Will lie Adinit tetl to Mercy Hospital. Five well known members of the Douglas county bridge gang met al most Instant death, and five others were more or less injured at about 3:45 o'clock yesterday afternoon, when the big wooden bridge, span ning the Umpqua rivej. in Coles Val ley, about 1& miles northwest of Roseburg, collapsed and crashed to the water below, a distance of 60 feet. The dead are: Gary Brown, Roseburg; single, neck broken. Peter McFtirland. of Curry county; single, scalp injuries. William Accusta, Perdue; single. Internal injuries and scalp wounds. William Gardiner, Peel; single, scalp Injuries. William Delieu, Roseburg; scalp wounds and internal injuries. The Injured are: Kl Thornton. Green Valley; single, spinal injuries. Ray Wilson, Wilbur; single, spinal Injuries and scalp wounds. Glenn Wilson. Wilbur; single, leg broken between the thigh and knee. Henry Van llynning. Umpqua, married, leg broken. Frank- Gilliam, Winchester; mar ried, bruised about the head and face. All of the dead and Injured were members of the Douglnt county bridge gang, and had been at work repairing the ill-fated structure un der the direction of A. Fields for about three weeks. With the south ' end of the bridge intact the crew , yesterday commenced the ardous task of removing the falsework to the opposite end of the structure where they intended to replnce a defective timber in the upper part of the structure above the roadway. They had only partly completed the task, however, when the struc ture suddeiilv quivered and an in stiint later crashed to the water be low. The entire crew was at work removing the floor planking when the collapse came, and none was able to escape. Kurinei'K Respond Promptly. The report of the falling bridge was heard by neighboring farmers, who Immediately rushed to the scene of the accident and began the task of rescuing the unfortunate men. Gary Brown, who was acting as fore man in the temporary absence of County Bridge Builder Fields. Peter McFarland and Willlum Gardiner were dead when found, and it Is be lieved that they were Instantly kill ed. William Accusta was alive when removed from the wreckage, but ex pired before he could be carried to a nearby farm house. William Belieu. whose skull was crushed, lived until about 9 o'clock when he passed away. With the bodies of the dead re covered, the rescuers directed their attention to caring for the injured. With splendid discipline, the farmers HOSIERY: Do you always get your money's worth when yon buy Men's Hose? Do you realize that there Is nu awful difference In hose? Tluit sonic hose wil wear more than double as long us il her kinds without costing a cent more? The next (line you buy hose, liny the "Interwoven." It Is without doubt the 1'st smk made. Sell for 13 rents. Comes In every sluide of the mlnltou'. All weights. All size. The difference Is In Hie B-, i J TOE'HEELJ P. carried the wounded men to nearby farm houses, where they were given everv possible assistance awaiting the arrival of physicians from Roseburg and Oakland. News Spreads Rapidly. Ae soon as the news of the hor rible accident reached Roseburg, County Judge Wonacott solicited the services of every available physician, with Instructions to proceed to the scene of the accident in haste. Drs. A. F. Sether, George E. Houck and F. H. Vfnctl left almost immediately after receiving the news in automo inlles and reached the scene 50 minutes later. They were only pre ceded by Drs. Devore and Walnscott. of Oakland, who received the first information regarding the accident. Upon arriving at the scene of the horrible occurrence, the physicians immediately commenced the task of caring for the injured, and not un til late In the evening did they aban don their patients and return to the city. With the exception of Frank Gil liam, the Injured men were serious ly Injured, their wounds consisting chiefly of scalp and spinal Injuries. Gilliam, who was standing within a few feet of his companions at the time of the accident, fell through a hole In the floor of the bridge and in to the water below. His sole in juries consist of a badly Bwoolen cheek and a deep gash on the fore head. Pathetic scenes followed the accl dent, and at times the relatives of the deceased became hysterical. Espec ially sad was the arrival of Ra Brown and his daughter, who hue" previously been informed of the ter rible tragedy. When Informed thn his son was dead. Mr. Brown swoon ed and was later taken In charge In friends nnd pursunded to return tc his home In this city. Lute last night the remains of the dead were brought to Roseburg by willing farmers residing in the vlcln it y of the accident, and are now at the local undertaking parlors where they are being prepared for burial. The Injured men will be brought here this evening nnd will be admit ted to Mercy hospital whore they will be given the best of medical atten tion. ; The Umpqua bridge, as It Is famil iarly known to the citizens of ltowo burg and Douglas county was about 332 feet In length, of wood construe tion and consisted of but one span It was built In the ypar 1891 under the administration of ey-Count Judge Riddle and cost In the neigh borhood of $26,000. The bridge is a complete loss. The farmers and threshers In the vMnlty of the accident are worthy of special commendation for the pnrt they assumed in rescuing the bodies of tiie dead and caring for the Injur- ed. Hardly had the bridge crashed. when they ran to the water s edge and in face of great danger, pro ceeded onto the floating wreckage and into the midst of the stream where they rescued the wounded men with difficulty. Some of the men fell into the water, but nowlthstand fug the physicians etui in that non were drowned. In most instances the wounds of the dead showed that the were struck by falling timbers and that death was almost Instantaneous The women in the neighborhood con verted their homes into temporary hospitals and everything possible was done to relieve the suffering vie tints. On account of the popularity of the dead and Injured men the new of the accident spread like wild-fire and it is estimated that, no less than 100 Roseburg people visited the scene (Continued on Page 4.) Home of Regal Shoes A DEATH TRAP Testimony at Coroner's Inquest Condemned Bridge. MANY MAIN TIMBERS ROTTEN Eighteen Months Ago County Author ities Not i lied Struct ure Was Shaky nnd Unsafe Jury Brings In Verdict. The coroner's jury called to hear the evidence concerning the disas ter at Umpqua bridge yesterday, con- Isting of . Dave Shambrook, E. X. Ewart, W. D. Bell, Sam Miller, Frank Churchill and E. Murphey, first visit ed the morgue and viewed the bodies of the five victims of the terrible ac cident, and then heard the-testimony it the court house. Throughout the entire hearing there was but one story a defective structure had col lapsed. The evidence of every wit less examined was conclusive in this espect, and it was shown that as ong as eighteen months ago count.v luthoritiea were told by a reputable farmer In that vicinity that in his opinion the bridge was dangerous and would collapse. Ir. Fields, in the employe of the county, gave direct testimony to the effect that the tim bers in the structure were rotted and had served their time. The first witness called was: IH. Yliicll, who testified that he was summoned to go to the scene of the accident about 4:30 p. m., and eft at 5 o'clock, arriving there at :S0. Said he found two of the vlc 'Ims badly hurt. In another house vere Win. Belieu, who died shortly ifter, and the two Wilson boys. Saw the bodies of the five dead men this morning. All had died from concus- lon of the brain, except William Brown, whose neck was broken. In lurles were all external. D. It. Sliambrceti said he was ac quainted with all of the parties kitl- xcept Mcl aria ml. W lliiam Brown was a son of Kay C. Brown, who Ives west of town. Mr. Murphey, also a jury man, estilled to having known Peter Mc- K'arland, and that it was his body which he saw In the morgue today. Mr. Klllson, a farmer living on the allpooia, said he was at the Ump iua bridge store at about 4 o'clock, mil saw the men working on the ridge together, and soon after heard he timbers cracking and the bridge ;o down. Running down to the riv r saw Gllilam, one of the survivors, ;et up out of thavreckage and also taw another man clinging to a beam. )I1 not know any of the men except 'lilllani and Thornton. Was unable 'o tell which end of the bridge went Inwn first. Was of the opinion thai '.he piers on the east end first gave lwav. Wiii. Vinson, of Coles Valley, said he was at the scene of the wreck In 'be evening, and two bodies had just been recovered. Knew all of the men killed but Peter McKarland. Identi fied four of the dead. Was acqualn-l ted with part of the Injured men. Bodies were all taken out from under! the debris which was resting on sur face of the river. Said he had known the bridge ever since It was built iud some of the bridge supports were rotten and from the condition of the wreck was of the opinion that the bridge fell toward the east side. The truses had all collapsed and fallen in to the bridge. ; Mr. ( lark, a saw mill man, said he I got to Umpqua shortly after the ac ; cident, and belied to remove the !n , lured and dead bodies. Three men were Instantly kilted and two other died soon ufter rescued. Knew all of the Injured men. The bridge ap I oeared to have collapsed in the cen ter, d raging the east piers down and I breaking loose from the west piers. Many of the timbers were splintered innd showed rotten condition, show ' Ing that they had been left there too ! Mr. Fields was the next witness, land said he was a bridge builder I and was In charge of the crew repair ing the Umpqnn bridge. The west nd of the bridge was to receive new beams and only one on the east end. The structure was known as a true bridge, built largely of wood, and the span waa 320 feet. The 14 eye beams were to be replaced, ns all beams were to be replaced, as all were rotten at ends. Witness was not at the bridge whn the bridge fell, havim; left the place at noon on vsednen day. The men were getting ready to niace falsework under the east end of the bridge. While he could not sav what caused the accident, but was of the opinion that It was de fective overhead timbers at the ex treme east end of the bridge. An ex amination. Sunday, of the structnr. Med to this belief, and the work wa- 'did out to replace those timbers Gearv Brown was In charge of the rew in absence of witness, and th men had carried out the orders left i bv witness when he came to Rose burg. The men were etiKaged In Ink 'ng un planking preparatory to plac 'rig faUe work, and were doing what wltneatt would linvn probably ordered done In event of bis presence there Brown, who was in rharite, was i trtistv man. and was competent. Said the bridge was closed to all heav raffic about three weeks ago, but light rlgi were permitted to use It KorPTiiHn llrown know of th dan Sprout tfmtr In the oaat end, liut ii far an itnHii nndrKtood th thT nin did not know of thh danifroim nnd Wfnknd rondlttnn. l-'ik fillilam. th hi. hurt Hiirvivnr .f Ihn r-r-lrffnl kaIH hm hud wnrtrpd nn tb hrfrfffR for two WfnkH. that he had hen nraftd In work of thl ""'d "lnn their arrival. Thy nature for 10 years, and that hi ) it to leave her tomorrow morn hom u at Wlnrheater. In the b-; sence of Mr. Fields Mr. Brown was in charge of the work. At time of the accident witness was engaged in turning over old planks about 40 Ceet from the east end, and two oth ers were with him. Seven other men a-ere 4 0 feet out toward the middle uid were removing plank. This vork was suggested by Brown. Un derstood that a bent und top cord were to be placed near the east end. Was Informed of this fact by Mr. Fields and Mr. Brown, and said the lefective top cord was almost over lead. The first Intimation of trouble was a sound like the breaking of a .mall stick, and he started to run oward the center of the structure, md the men with him started toward 'he shore. Had taken but a few tteps when he fell through the structure Into the water and sank, Che bridge landed In the river before xe came to the surface, which fact mved his life. Was conscious all of Lie time and received no he'.p In getting out of the wreck. Received a -light scalp wound, probably at the line he fell through the structure nto the water. Was of the opinion that the bridge broke at the point 'ere they were working and where ae rotten top cord existed. II. V. llehlmnl. who keeps a store! U the west end of Umpqua bridge,! ?ays that he was in the store when hey heard the crash. Ran out to the river and saw men struggling In the wreck. One man was dead when he fi rs t reach ed the w rec k . F irst took out MeFurland, who later died. Brown was taken out from under the A'ater, and was dead. W. T. Kinery, a resident of Colei Valley, said he arrived at the bridge bout 30 minutes after the accident. It was the worst and most distressing hing he ever saw. One man wae led to a stringer to keep him out ol the water, but he was dead. Helped in the rescue work. Witness was " the opinion C:M the bridge win msafe, as the west end was out of ilfgument, and as long back as two ears ago had found some or the big timbers so rotten that he had hrnst his knife blade clear In to the 'lilt. Hiuir probably IS months ago. ailod the attention of the county 'ndge to the bad condition of the tructure. which he believed to be a onstant menace to life. The Inqest closed with Instructions lo the jury, who retired to dellber ite at 1 : 30 p. m, Cormier's Jury Verdict. In the matter of the coroner's In- 'lucst to Inquire Into the death of floury Brown, Peter McFarland, Will iam Accusta, William Belieu and William Gardiner, before N. T. ,lcw ?tt, coroner of Douglas county, Ore gon, at Roseburg. Oregon, August Ih, 1!H 1. Wo. the coroner's Jury ininaneled mid sworn In the above entitled mat ter, find that the deceased persons whose bodies have been exhibited to us, are Geary Brown, Peter McFar land. v William Accusta, William Be lieu and William Gardiner, that each of said persons came to his death as me result of injuries received bv the "ollapslng of a county bridge span ning the Umpqua river In Douglas county, oregnn, known as Unipqua bridge, on which bridge said deceas ed persons were eneh employed in workmen, engaged in repairing tin name under the employment of tin ountv court; that said bridge col lapsed on August 2, 1!MI, and the leath of said persons took iilurn on une any; trmt said persons were HI upon said hrldue and ptieatff.ri in said work when It collapsed. As o whether any person was guiltv of a crime thereby, we find no crime ommmeo. Signed) D. R. SHAM BROOK S. C. M1IXKR. .1. V. CIII'RCHIhL, K. X. KWART. W. O. MKI.I,, KM MITT Ml RPIIKV Jut J. G. Dnv. of Olalla. vueiil 11k. .I,, v in Itoseburg iitti-nillng to business matters anil Incidentally vlxfilng with menus. Attorney c s ju-i(wi r..,,,,.,,..! here tills morning after a month Sliellt oil his homeslenil In l!.o vlrinllr m i.uiiyouviuo. ueorge Kolilhagen has rilnineil from Myrtle Point and vicinity where! be spent a couple or duvs nil. -11.111111 to business mutters. 1 Among the Coles Valley people In j Itoseburg are William Klnerv, II. V. Ilebard. Willlum Kniup, H. I). Kvans. I Krank Churchill and Hush Clark. i George I.. Ilnckst rom, of Winches- j 'er, sps-nt the morning In Hoseburg j attending to business mntter. While In town he railed f The News ofllrc and renewed his subscription for a' year. F.nfe Knglcs. of p.-el, spent the dav In Hoseburg attending to biMlness matters. He was accompanied here by Mr. Gardiner, whose son was killed in the bridge wreck, at Coles Cally, yesterdny nfternoon. County Judge Wonnrott and two 'oris. Kilwnrd. of Kstnrada, and ''hiirles. of Portland, nrrlved here Woonefolay evening after icnding a oiiple of weeks on n hunting trip. Thev siic.ecdod In killing three large btirkr. Kroderhk Murphy, seed S.1 years passed awsv t Hie home of bis - 1 ''-f ,l',,"r- Mm. Alton H. Krvf. In Vftt RoM-burif. thl tnnrnlntc nftf-r n HiiKiTlnK IIIih'kk IMp tlwntu'd wan a nilv of Ohio ft tid Hrvmnpflntod Mr. and Mrn Pry? to I inn flan county ljotit four yar ago. Mr. and Mr. ' TV flt a rompaiiv th rtmifna to Ohio, hr th fun' nil will 1 Knt 36 ARE KILLED In New York Central Passen ger Train Wreck. BEATTIE CONDUCTS HIS DEFENSE rosei'iitlon SpriliKN S.n(itlon (irniul Army Klrrls Ciller ltnll road IMvHhU'nt Arreattsl for Violation of Fare lav. (Special to The Evening News.) M ANfllKSTKIt. X. V.. Auir. 2S. nii!ini; off of the trestle Into fan- adulgua Lake this afternoon, the F.e- high Valley passenger train was wrecked. Telephone reports' place the number of dead at it A and the wounded at 50, and state that four if the fourteen cars comprising the ; train nlunged into the lake. Aboard i he train were about 20 G. A. K. vet-I runs, three of whom are reported i.Mi.i These veterans wore from Uis Angeles. Itnilroad officials are rushliiir to the wreck with a corns of doctors and nurses, while wrecking iiinaratus from nvallable quartern bus been sent to recover tho coaches uul clear un tho track. I'd to three i clock 27 bodies had been recovered. Prosecution Springs Sensation. CIIKSTKHPIKI.n. Aug. 25. Paul llcattle, a cousin of the defendunt. n-ldenced considerable nervousness oday when ho nrrlved In court to go in the stand and tell how he came lo buy the gun with which It Is alleged ihal Henry tleattle killed his who. ..aitle Is conducting his own de eimc. although lawyers are doing ho work under bis direction. The censed takes copious notes as tho i it I progresses. Tho statement of low bloodhounds, taken to tho scene ir the murder the day following the uiina bad found footprints on the Miosllo sldo of the road from where llealtle said the assailants stood, uiiKCd a ripple of excitement In the ''oitrt room. (it-anil Army t'lilcf. IKM'IIHSTHK. Aug. 25. Judge Harvey Tiimhel, of Illinois, was elect cd ConiniHiuler In Chief of the Grand A ruiy today. Street t'nr President Arrested. SKATTI.K. Aug. 25. President Crawrord, of the Seattle, Kenton & Southern Hallway Company, was placed under arrest thin nfternoon for violation of the law which Im loses a One upon any transportation Hue rhnrglng more than live cent 'are In the city limits." This arrest is the outgrowth of the light over car fare charges boiwoen patrons of the road nnd tho company. Alleges Innocence. HOONVII.I.K, llld., Aug. 25. Wil llum 1.O0, Hiresled yesterday on charge of having murdered his fath er und mother and one brother, ami then Belting lire to the house. Is conlldi'iit that he can prove Ills Inno ence. Minn Taylor, who was to have married the accused man last night, testllled before the coroner'B Jury that sho knew nothing of tho crime. LOCAL NICWA. The Itoseburg lluslness College, date. September -1: place, Murks building. That's a pointer. tf Miss Mary FO. Leverlch, of Pheotilx. Ariz., nnd MIsb Francis, also or Pbeonlx. nrrlved In this city this morning and aro'guests nt the homo of Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Jewett. II. 11. Church, the local baker, was exhibiting n couple of pair of deor horns yesterday, the result or a week's limning In the mountains some seventy miles east. That the bucks were husky fellows Is evidenc ed by the "bend geur" taken from them. Mr. Austin, a prominent hotel landlord, of Sauk City, Minn., and Mr. Ailileu, of Cottage Grove, left for their homos Ibis morning after R. Stubbs & Co. The Uuderselling Cash . Grocers To tho connumer of Pure Kooil ProductR. Wo wake a study of markets which nnviTn the rating prieefl of commoiliticB in the grocury line. With tho knowledge, advice and information we received from re liable counsels we are in heilcr position to KiVB you more than any other grocery in the city. Whj?he caune we buy for caxh and fell for caxh. Discount our hills sell our goods on a small profit, turn our stock six times a year, consequently you will always net fresh goods. Therfore if you want to save money in buying groceries you will not have to send to Portland or any other town along the way, but spend your money right here nt homo where you have an up to date selling store. Compiro our prices with tnher stores and you will be con vinced that .Stubbs is the place to trade. a few days spout In Hoaoburg vislt lut; at the home of .Ml', and Mrs. M. 1.. Webb. Neither Mr. Waterman nor anyone else will sell you a $1.00 Gold Pen for BO cents. oD not be deceived. Get the genuine Waterman Ideal Foun tain Pen at Hoseburg Book Store. Willlum Wonncolt. of Hood River, who has been spending the pant few weeks visiting with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Wonacott. left for polnta In Josephine county yester day where he will spend a few days looking over the country. Among thono who left for coast points on this morning's stages were Tracy Lnngilon, Mrs. Copplr. Harold Moon. Anna Dodge. C. II. Richards, Jav Lawyer, Cecil and ivy Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Flicker, Air. and Mis. Tag- Kurt. W. A. King. Ituhy Kolliir, John Uack and wife and Mrs. Wetcboy. According to dispatches received from Myrtle I'olnt today, W. Fi. Pierre, who was driving the Ill-fated atitrnmbilo which left the rond whllo oesceuoing ougar i.oiu uuuii, late Wednesday afternoon Is Buf- tlclently improved lo leave ins room i,toduy. The remains of the late Mrs. Stevem-on, who was fatally Injured, will probably be sllliied to her for- nier homo at Cherryvalo, Kansas, for burial. Thrown from a wagon, near tho orner of Lane and Sheildnn streets. late yesterday afternoon. Kdward Vmi PesMel who Is eimtloved III driv ing a dray operated by jnmes Tom-j liltn, Buffered a dislocated snoinuor. i llo was taken to the olllccs or Dr. I K. V. Hoover where the Injury was dressed. The patient Is said to be resting easv this morning und will leuoruuon oi snopmen navo requesi probnblv be ahlo to resume his labors ed. The demands were tor shorter lu u few days. I hours and a wage Increase. Reports today from tho Pacific lee lllosser. the Winchester mer-'slope slate Hint Southern Paclllc chant, todnv llled a suit In the circuit j shop men lu practically till, large court against Grant Taylor, In which i centers have already taken strike he asks to recover the sum of :125, ballots, and it Is rumored that they alleged to ho duo on a promissory have voted to strike If the company note. Other than the principal he noes not accede to tholr demands, also asks for Interest at the rate of It-' Is known that the men on the eight per cent together with the costs ' Southern Paclllc, the O.-W. Ft. A N. and disbursements In red 111 bring- Central Paclllc, Oregon Short Line, ing the action The plaintiff nlleges Hint the defendant delivered to hlni :i promissory note In order to secure money due for groceries, but to dute, lias fulled to satisfy any part of tho moil lit. The plaintiff Is represented liy Attorney John T. J. L. Grimes, who was recently upiioluled deputy sheriff by Shorlff Qillue has been stationed ut the lo iat Southern liclilc shops for tho purpose of forestalling nuy attempt that may be made toward destroying tho railroad company's property In tho event of a strike. The railroad -non do not regard Mr. Grlmn's ser vices necessary, however, as it Is ent their practice to destroy prop-i ""'iu. is soon 10 wed llandolph west, rty or engage lu violent tactics. In j of President. West, of Prlnoeton Hie event of a strike thev will simp- 1'ulvor.ilty. It Is said the marrlige ly tpilt work, so they contend, and wl11 '"" nlaco some time In October, will not nttompl to destroy property'1111" "i" young couple will live In with a view of gaining victory. .Now Hnglnnd. Specials-August 21-28, 1911 While our stock is fresli and full, we are going to make a special of Suits, Cloaks, Waists and Hats to match and blend Our Prices are a Surprise to Everyone Don't wait until many exclusive styles are selected but make your choice now, for remember we do not duplicate Suit, Cloaks or pattern hats. Let us give you the tips on new style hair dressing, nov elties and handbags. THE LEADER HAIR DRESSING HAIR AND SCALP TREATMENT Lemons doen. 35c juicy stock 25c bott pickles 20ct 5coff on all bulk cof- fee Corn starch 3 pks 25 cents Large pk Hold Dust 20c 21 liars of any white soap $1 and 1 bar of toilet soap free Armors Fancy Salt l'ork 17; cents Armors Picnic hams Hicts pt-r pound Carnation Milk ()ct Yeloban 3 cans 25c t 15 pound of granu lated sugar 51, with every $2.00 order. 1 pt bottle of bl ue and 1 pt bottle of amonia 15 cents Swift Pride Cleanser 5 cents per can And" many olherscut for cash. E Great Danger of Cigantic Rail road Labor War. REFUSE TO GRANT DEMANDS Men Want Increased Pay and Shorter Hours llarrlnian People Fail To IttH-ogni-AO Vnion Shop Men. (Special to The Evening News) CHICAGO, Aug. 25. Following the refusal of Julius Kruttschnltt, vice president and general manager of the FJarrlmnn system to recognize the union "system federation" plan, alter ho had hold a prolonged con ference with J. W. Kline, Interna tional president of tho railroad black smiths' organization, labor leaders declared today that real danger of a ri'jnntlc railroad siri'.to Is impending and may come sooner than even pres ent conditions Indicate, unless pre ventative measures are taken forth with. Kruttschnltt said that the propo sition laid before him by Kline was ton radical for tho company to rec- u, .mi um .wwr mem in liinuii io iiiuicuin iuui ino company may decide to light instead or granting tno demands wnicn tne Houston and Texas central, San Pedro and Salt Lake und the Illinois Central uro discontented and that only a spark Is needed to bring on the, threatened disturbance, Xever Itcfnrm. LONDON, Aug. 25. Arter thirty years' Investigation covering 10,000 cases, H. W. Flrnntwnlte. chief fnmiee tor of Inebriates says he has yet to llud a single case of a rerormed drun kard remaining sober as a moder ate drinker. Miss Cleveland to Weil. NRW YORK. Aug. 25. It Is gen erally believed that Miss Kster Cleve land, eldest daughter of the late pres MANICURING FACIAL MASSACE Again it becomes a privilego and pleasure to us to extend our sincere thanks to you for the suppoit and patronage given us in the past year. One year ago we opened in your city our cash grocery. Through court esy, honesty and square dealing we have won your confidence which we prize highly, it is our aim always to give you tho best for the leasl money. Yours to livo at:d please, Stubbs and Co. We pay 27 cent tush for eggs this week. Market Coiu'itlons. SlK:'r Strong ('"ff Strong J''t Higher '"'I Strengthening Uinned goods going highor IMW Higher Country butter Scarce We are also jobbers of Wheat, Hay, Hurley, Oats, Shorts, Jllran and Klnur. STRIK COMING 0