The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, August 24, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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w.-irk is most desirable to anyone wisling tbeir
linen to possess iliat particular hnitih so necessary
to good laste in dre;--'.
We Do That Class of WorK
f One Trial will Convince.
IAX.Mj news.
0. C. BAKER - Proprietor
Phono 24 5. Ail work ffrt--'laa
Commercial Abstract Co
Abstracts of 'I itle
Filing Papers Prepared
Insurance, Etc.
Hutuls of all Kinds Furnished
liUN North .Ini'kmMi -I. KO.HKIUItO. OICKCO.V
-.faj We Repair Everything
thut needs attention as well
null you apparatus. Furthermore
wo attfMid Lo repairs promptly
foil 'phone order If you HUe) and
you won't need lo sound your
burglar alarm when you get our
MM. Need anything In our line.
"in N .lr.ckson St. Roseburg, Or
Whoa we Buy (it'AltANTICI-: we mean Jrst wlmt the word Implicit if
you art not HollKtli'il there will be no cIuhko. Wo cnulil not mnkc llils (
RHHortloti tinlt'HB we wort toflitii'e of (ttvlnt( Rood Borvlee. When yon
get luudy lo oloiin house lei iih do Iho worst part for you the
donning of your cm puUi. It's fo" you und Iho price reHHonatili
'. (,'. IIAKKlt,
I'hono 79.
fin-kaon Hr.
Plumbing, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning
and Heating
Miles NKloy h8 returned from
Portland and Newport whore bo
Hpnt a few dayii.
You nan rent tnef latest novels at i
10 rents per week at the library con- j
ducted by Aldon Harness. d-il? I
Mrs. S. M. Kelly returned here
Inst evening after a few days spent at
Gardiner and vicinity.
lir. CenrKe K. llouek wua railed tn
Looking Clans today on professional
Mrs. A. C. Dye and children are
In the rlty enroute from Grants Pass
to MarKh field. (
ft. R. Harkpr. of finottsburg, wn a
business vinltor Hi Roseburg for a
few hours today.
The Roseburg Business College,
date. September 4; - place, Marks
building. That's a pointer. tf
F. E. Safeley, of Sutherlln, spent
the day In Roseburg attending to
business matters and visiting with
Air. and Mrs. David Short, of
Scottsburg, are s;. ending a couple of
d a y a In R oseb 14 1 g vA si 1 1 n g with
Mrs. W. B. Clark, Mrs. F. N. Nor
man and MIks Martha Clark, all of
Millwood, are visitors in Roseburg
R. O. Llndqulst, of Chicago, left
for his home this morning after a
few days spent in Kdenbower visit
ing with his old time friend, K. M.
Kdltor I). E. Vernon, of the Oak
land Advance, sjent last 'evening
In Rosoburg visiting with 'friends
und Incidentally looking after busi
ness inatters.
Hnrry. Clurk. of the Oregon Sol
diers' Home, left for Medford and
Ashland this morning where he will
spend a few days enjoying his an
nual vacation. "
Mrs. .as. Tllldcburn and daughter,
Gertrude, left for points in the East
last night where they will spend sev
eral weeks visiting with friends and
enjoying their annual vacation.
Mrs. Roy Sergeant, of Smith Cen
ter, Neb., left for her home this
morning after a few days spent in
Roavburg visiting at the home of
her friend, Mrs. M. IT. Crandnll.
Mrs. Fred Beard and Mrs. O. E.
ir.iMHl.r.i iirrlv.1 In Ilia !- tlila
Horning from Yonnilta to spend the
way in itoseourg visiting wun menus
Mid attending to business matters.
Remember the district fair nt
Roseburg, September Etl to 30 In
clusive. $2,800 In premiums for
farm products. Get them ready,
(test spend program ever, good
pui'sen. swtr
1!,800 to be awarded in premiums
for farm products at the district fall
to bo held at Roseburg, September
2 1 to ;iu. Inclusive. Get your ex
hibits ready. Fine speed pprogram,
good purses. svtf
Mrs. Mollle Ruhr, of Wilbur, spent
he day In Rosahurg visiting with
'rlends. She wns formerly employ
d In the confectionery store con-
lurted by Joe lae, und situated on
Aheiidau street.
('. P. Barnard, the local stage op
; rat nr. returned here lust evening
from Eugene where he purchased a
five purtsenger Hulck touring car. He
was accompanied by Mrs. Barnurd
and little daughter.
North JacKson Street, adjoining Peoples Marble j
WorKs. Telephone 251.
; WorK Done on Short Notir ROSEBURG, ORE.
Ttili 1 the title of a beautiful fl4-p(o book, which
will ihow any boy m Irl hew to SUCCEED, Iroy a
poatnl Id the niall TODAY and It will be vnnt I KI'.B.
Tn aim of the Collffte It to dlftnliy and poiiularlie
tlio Itidtmtrloe, and to orve ALL the people, It onVri
Hiuru In A(,Tlinilture. Civil KiiRlDOorlng. Cleulrlt al
tiiKinBerltm. Mochftiiloal Ep In oorlti j;. Mtut. H.-iiu.
eorl-u. Fointry, DoineiitlOi Sclfiico and Ait, Com
me roe. Phainincy and Music. The CulUce oyoni
ttepteuiber 2id. Catajug dee.
COLLtUE. CorvalUe, Oreun.
has the
Best Buttermaker in the State
V 1 II . . 1 . I
in i;tve or sinau uu.iiniiii's. ia-i us nave Vvtur
party orders. Telephone .Mil.
DidYouEvei Stop
To Think
That the Cm ot Una wmiim
puper la not much more than
what you pay for the ordinary
quality T
of the satisfaction to one's ieU
and to the recipient
of a
note or
on paner of good quality.
The Roseburg Book Store
Soils the IN-Ht writing papers ai
lowest prices.
MiMidquarters for
Fountain Tens
School Supplies
Otllco Supplies.
itosi:iu u;. oiikcon.
The ttonebuig Book Store Is head
quarters tor the genuine Walermsn
Ideal Fountain Pen. , dw
J. H. Inlow. of , Sutherlln. was a
buDlnens vlfllor Roseburg lor
few hours yesterday,"
O. H. Mortensen, of llendale, ar
rived in Roneburg 4hls afiernoon lo
spend a criiiie of flays attending tc
)juineHr. mailers. -
.Marl In Kydell, of Melrose, spent
yesterday In Itoseburs visiting with
frieuds aud incidentally attending to
business matters.
MlK Alice Bpauldlng. of Orants
Pass, who has been spending the
past few days in Koseburg visiting
at the home of her friend, Mrs. M.
C. Van Luven, left for Oregon City I
this afternoon" where she will visit!
with relatives.
Neither Mr. Waterman nor anyoiif
"Ise will sell you a $1.00 Gold Pec
for 50 cents. oD not be deceived. Gel
he genuine Waterman Ideal Foun
lin Pen at Roseburg Book Store.
FOR BALE One 20-horte power
t'jlilar horizontal holler for sale
Inquire at the Koseburg Steam
Laundry. tf
COATS FOR SALE 30 head of good
goals, and also a two year Ally
in foal. Address Box 234. Rose
burg. or call at ranch 1 mile north
of fair grounds, Wm. Buzzell. si
FOR SALE Half interest lu a gen
eral indse store in a thriving little
city In Douglas county; good loca
tion and an excellent' trade. Owner
wants lo locate near coast. For par
ticulars address X. Y. Z.. care of
The News.
DISC FOR SALE One Clarks 8en-i
lor cutaway disc for sale cheap..
Only used one year. Address Box
083, Roseburg. tf
FOR SALE Have a very nice or
gan secured by me in a trade; It
is of no value to me as J do not
play. Will sell for cash or on time
paymen:s at a snap. No reason
able offer refused. Address Lock
Drawer A. Roseburg, Or.
HOUSE FOR SALE Good, new 7
room bouse. 2 sleeping porches, 2
lots, city wnteY. $300 takes own
er's equity. Lcng time in balance,
Inquire at residence corner B.
Sixth street and 2nd - Ave.
.North. ' R'l
FOUR LOTS Nice residence and
garden property, lay well, close to
Edenbower ilore and dirt cheap
at only $65 each. Inquire at
News office, but be qpick about
1C .
Suits and oercoats made to meas
ure $1 5.00 to $45. 00. Choice ot 500
samples, style and fit guaranteed.
French dry cleaning and- pressing.
Gllluiour, the London Tailor, S. W.
corner Cass and Pine streets. tf
FOR SALE Must be sold within 30
days, one of the best ranches in
Douglas county. The Riddle Land
Agency. Riddle, Ore. dsw-22
FOR SALE Choice 10 and 20 acre
trncts South Umpqua valley land,
within 2 Mi miles ot Riddle Sta
tion. The Riddle Land Agency,
Riddle. Ore. d-sw- 2
FOR SALE One acre In city limits: 1
five-room house; 20 cherry trees
on the place, good variety of small t
fruits and 'excellent garden spot; I
good small barn on place; price
$3750. For particulars adress
owner, care ot The News, or call
at this office. dsw-tf
at Cuss Street Shoe Store. A. Pe
terson. : d-SW-a25
. E. Hi of the 8. E. and the S
Mi of the N. E. 4 of section 25.
in township 3o south of range 2
; west, consisting of sugar pine, fir
nnd cedar. Cruised over four mil
lion feet. Price $3,000. Addresr
P, care News. Roseburg. dswtf
MUST HE SOLD Farm of 100 acres
six miles west of Roseburg. 5
room house, barn, well, several
acres set lo fruit. 1 acre of which
is bearing. Price for this place
$10 per acre and dirt cheap. Place
Is on county road. Small cash pay
mont and balance long time. Ad
dress box 55 or call News office
for particulars. tf
FOR SALE I have about 400 young
chickens from two to four months
old for sale price right. C. E.
Strlton, Roseburg, Ore. a-28
EIGHT LOTS, $1050 Very desir
able property in nice part of town;
tine garden soil, few young trees,
small house and burn, city water;
Only few minutes walk from post
office. Una sightly building site,
also plenty of room for poultry.
Cheap at price. Come quick. Ad-1
dress Box 55 or Inquire News, tfi
FOR SALE Must be sold within .10
days; one of the best ranches In
Douglas count1. The Riddle Land
Agency. Riddle Ore. dsw-s22
FOR RENT Furnished housekeep
ing rooms. Apply- 302 W. Wash
ington st. No-children. tf
WANTRD Salesmen tor exclusive
territory. Big opportunities. Nt
experience necessary. Completi
line Yakima Valley grown fruit
shade aud ornamental stock. Cask
weekly. Outfit free. Tnptienlsli
Nursery Company, Top,.oni8h
Wash. dswtl
. following described timber elalir
Is i ffered for sale: N. B. 14 of
the S. E. K S. E. U of the N
E. V4 of W. Hi N. E. 4 of sec. :
township 30 south of ratine !
west, consisting of 100 acres of
sugar pine, fir and cedar. It
ed three and one-half millions
Price, $3,000. AddresB P. can
News, Roseburg. Or. dswt
FOR SALE A nice, neat 6-rooin
bungalow, centrally located in pav
ed district. Sewer connections,
bath, patent toilet, etc. Ideal lo
cution. Price $2,50U. Address A
curu News olllce. dswtf
WANTED In the next thirty days.
60 to 400 teams of young, sound
horses nnd mules. Must be good
workers. Address "Buyer," care of
The News, Roseburg, Ore. tf
FOR SALE New 5-room cottage nnd
one acre of ground one mile from
cllv. Price $1x50. Inquire News
office. dtfR
FOR SALE Fine matched team,
weight 3200 (hiuihIs. If you want
something good call early, dimes
A Oliver, Real Estate. Cass at.
FOH SALE-- Four-room new modern
house and two lots; house just
completed, will sell reasonable or
rent; terms. Address Box 8. Rose
burg. or Phone Suburban 85. tfA
North Side Plaining Mill
tiiM Xortli of Kinney Spur, orih
,lit k-oi. Street, I'luuie HIMI.
Ordors for nil kinds of Building Material promptly Killed at
Reasonable Prices.
Mill Work Our Specialty
I'mlt IIou-h in Any Quantity
Ft U R K NT- 7 -room modern, house
In l'mpiim Park, west side of riv
er; nice garden spot, good well,
t't per month. Inquire on prem
ises. Mrs. O. K Huri'hard. tf
tices in our millinery department.
Knowledge of ordinary plan sewing
iireesjittry. Splendid chance to
learn the millinery business. Apply
at millinery department, Joseph
son's. dsw
;0rt AC UK FARM M0 "tin acre will
buy this ,-Uc.e. which is ALU Tll.l.
AMI.K - halt mile frontage on riv
er, and HO acres of river bottom,
balance rolling, but ready for plow.
1'hU t one of the real bargain.
Terms. Address hox 55. Roseburg. i
Ore., or Inquire News office. dtf !
FOR RF.ST Modern sUmom fiouse" j
Inquire nt U'S Flint stiver tfC
FOR SAl.K Two pure bred Cotts-
wold bucks, inquire of Hose ;
F1VK ACRKS FOR SAI.K--Nlce piece
of land, all fenced, close In ant! j
ready for planting. No buildings
but a choice spot for small farm I
Price $1,250. Inquire News of
YANTF1 trad of timber land
containing from fifty to one hun
dred million fet. State full partic
ulars. J. ". Hartnett. 333 Sherlock
Building, Portland. Ore. O-l
FOR SALK Two Herford bulls
one year old. Flrstclass. Address
U. L, Matthews. CHde. Or. d't
WOOD FOR SAl.R Phone Farmer
1 H 4 . J 1. Sprlngsteaed. Roseburg
for wond. prompt delivery. dtf
FOR SAl.F, 23 acres Improved land ;
Ht Dlllsrd, Ore.. mile from sta-!
tlon. For terms call or addre
Win. Dallas. Dlllard. Or. 1 '
S cottage orftaus as good as new
Cost $l5u: and $35. I.. H
Hhoades A Co. j
The Store That Serves You Best Satisfaction or Your Money BacK
New Fall Suits, New Fall Hats, Dresses for street, and
evening wear, New Fall Dress Goods, Silks, New Fall
Corsets, New Fall Underwear, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs,
Blankets and Comforts.
Our 115th Friday and Satur
day Sales
We are the Leaders in all fashions. Our prices are the
lowest and our goods are better than others at a higher
price. This store has saved you money and it will save
you more. We are offering you big bargains.
On Sale Friday and Satur
day at 42c
6 inch bleached mercerized cotton
damask, a quality that A
usually sells at 65c Sev- , 9
eral patterns at special ' Jam
a? i rtf
Boys' Guaranteed
Shoes 99c
See the pair we cut open
tee every pair the same
Sizes 8 to 2s. All solid
leather. They will wear
A $28 Blue Serge Suit $19.50
A fine quality Blue French Serge in a suit that can not ordinari
ly be bought for less than $25 to $30. To introduce the values
that we are offering, see these at the Iowi
price of - - -
$ 1 9.50
Children's Dresses at Spe
cial 69c
Your choice of all our stock of chil
dren's dresses in every f
style and size we havefl'a
left; values to 3, choice V v-T V-
Our $1.50 Men's Soeisette
Shirts 95c
Men's fine quality soft shirts. A
fine shirt and the best;
value. All sizes. Your'
choice of the lot at
Sale Wunder Hose Spec 12c
A hose that is the first quality, you pay 25c for. These stock
ings have darned place stiches dropped and for A
every day wear are the best you can buy. Special I jrJ
Men's, Women's and Children's
$3 and
$4 Men's
We place on sale men's tats that
you pay men's scores a big price.
We show you a great many styles.
Come and he
convinced at the
great, many si ics.
$1.00 Boys' Felt Hats at
Boys' New Fall Felt Hats in as
sorted styles and shapes and dif
ferent colors. - Out to tit the little
one at the special low
price of
R. Stubbs & Co.
The Underselling Cash
To the consumer of Pure Food
Products. We make a sludy of
markets which govern the ratine
prices of commodities in the Rmcery
line. With the knowledge, advice- and
information we received from re
liable counsels we uro in better
position to give you more than any
other grocery in the city. Wh) ? be
cause we buy for cash and sell fur
cash. Discount our bills sell our
goods on a small profit, turn our
stock aix times a 'ear, consequently
you will always Kt fresh goods.
Therfore if you want to save
money in buying groceries you will
not have to send to Portland or any
other town alonu the way, but spend
your money right here at home
where you have an up to date soiling
store. Compare our1 prices with
oiher stores and y. u will be con
vinced that Stubbs is the place to
Lemons dozen. 35c
juicy stock
23c bott pickles 20ct
5c off on all bulkcof-
Corn starch 3 pks 25
cents '
Large pk Gold Dust
20 c
21 bars of any white
soap $1 and 1 bar of
toilet soap Jrke
Armors Fancv Salt
Pork 17' i cents
Armors Picnic hams
16cts per pound
Carnation"Milk l()ct
Yeloban 3 cans 25c t
"15 pound of granu
lated sugar fl, with
every 5200 order.
1 pt bottle ofbjueand
1 pt bottle of amonia
15 cents .
Swift l'ride Cleanser
5 cents per can
And many others cut
for cash.
Again it becomes a privilege and
pleasure to us to extend our sincere
thanks to you for the suppoit and
patronage given us in the past year.
One year ago we opened in your
city our cash grocery. Through court
esy, honesty and square dealing We
have won your confidence which 'we
prize highly, it is our aim always to
give yju the best for the least
money. Yours to live and please. ' '
Stubbs and Co.
We pay 27 cent cash for eggs
this week.
Market Conditions.
Sugar Strong
Coffee -. Strong
Meat Higher
I.ard Strengthening
Canned goods going higher
EKS Higher
Country butter Scarce
- We are also Jobbers of Wheat,
Hay, Barley, Oats, Short, Bran and
Henry, or phone Sub. i9.