Thegreatest Germ destroyer and disinfectant known Will destroy odors and germ life in twenty seconds For use in sinks, toilets and sick room We guarantee this preparation to do all we claim For sale by Marsters Drug Co. Roseburg Oregon liOCAL NEWS. SAV3LV iocn Your own InlUal embossed on writ hing paper and envelopes bought at Roseburg Book Store. d8w During the absence of W. B. Hnm mltte from the city, the Roseburg undertaking parlors will be In charge of Henry Joyaux. LOCAL XEWS. Elegant display ot Tall Goods Au gust 17. 18, IS), The Leader. dal'J The Roseburg Business College will open September 4 in the Marks building, day and night school. Visits made at any time on request for par ticulars. E. 11. Barrows, 303 W. Lane. d--al9 LUMBER & BUILDING MATERIAL Orders Promptly Filled Anderson Lumber Company, of Dillard Deliver to any part of the county ' Address the Mill or leave order with ' . BOND a BRADLEY Roseburg Oregon All Hinds of Dressed Lumber on hand Meet your friends at our Opening August 17, 18, 19, The Leader. dal9 Strong's Folding Cot can be packed on a horse. Weight 17 lbs. Try Gold Star Polish on that fine i piano and see the results. L. H.. ; Rhoads & Co. dtf W. B. Hammitte and wife left for Seaside yesterday where they expect to spend about ten days enjoying a vacation. I Douglas County Ovoainorr tatter, the best In the land, can be had of , your groce rat 75 cents the roll. De mand your home product and accept no other. dtf Dr. Luther Hamilton, of Portland. 1 has returned from the mountains where he has been spending the past few days camping in company with Charles and Dr. S. Hamilton. He I will r.'turn to his home some time :thlr. wci-k. V. W. Elder, of the Oregon Sol diers' Home, received a message last i i the effect that an old friend, W. H. Cooner. died at Stayton yester day. Mr. Elder leaves tonight for Stavton tonight where he will attend the funeral which will be held there tomorrow. C. C. Gall and Mrs. William Myer and daughter. Bernice, left for their homes at Ashland this morning after a few days spent In Roseburg visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. wesiey Newland. Mr. Gall is Mrs. Newland's father, and Is quite well known in this vicinity. 1 William Floyd McGraw, the 12 year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. McGraw. who live at 808 Norm JacK son street, died yesterday morning after a brief illness. Death was the result of tonsilitls. He Is survived by a mother and father as well as several brlher and sisters. The funeral was held in the chapel of the Rnsruuri; ui.drtaklng parlors this morning, burial following in the Odd Fellows' cemetery. Rev. McConnell, of the local Christian church offlclnt ed. Althea Jo Brewer, age 13 years. and a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K Brewer, who reside at r06 Fowler street, died at the family home ai noon yesterday after a lingering ill ness. Death was the result of tuber culosis, of which disease the little girl had suffered for a long time. Sho Is survived by a mother and fulher. The funeral will be held tomorrow, Itev. K. Olln Eldridge of ficiating. The family recently mov ed to Roseburg from Myrtle Creek where they formerly resided. Pre vious to locating In Myrtle Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Brewer and daughter were residents of Montana where they have a host of close friends. LOCAL NEWS. Remember the Opening this week Thursday. Friday and Saturday at The Leader. da I It Miss Maud Wilson went to Eugene yesterday morning to spend a day or two visiting with friends. Mrs. M. Pearce left for Keubeu yes terday morning where she will spend few days with irienos. Miss Sabry Young. Roy Bellows and A. B. Maclellan spent yesterday at Cottage Grove visiting witn friends. Mrs. Davie and daughter left for Portland yesterday morning where they will attend the fall millinery openings. V O nmiann n-if mill phllil hilVrt rahirna frntu V4vi,rtrf whom tliev spent the past two weeks visiting nud eilJU) lug me uu luo Bcnsnuiv. Miss Mollle Tripp, of Myrtle Point, arrived in Roseburg Saturday even- ng to spend a few days visiting at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Bowen. Editor D. E. Vernon, of the Oak land Advance, acconnmnied by hls daughter, Spent Saturday evening and Sunday in Roseburg visiting Willi friends. James Fletcher and family left for Portland and other northern cities Saturday evening where they will send a few days enjoying their an nual vacation. Mrs.' Howell Lowry and child left for Seattle yesterday morning after a few days spent In Roseburg visit ing at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Williams. D. B. Grant, who was formerly en gaged In Uie real estate business In Roseburg arrived here Saturday evening from New Mexico where he has resided for the past few mouths. Mr. Grant says there are quite a number of Americans In Mexico who contemplate locating In Oregon dur ing the next few months, some of whom will probnhty purchase ranches In the Umpqua Valley. Fresh Fruit and Vegetables We have tbem in abundance to supply your home table Best tor your camping trip You will want a supply of fresh canned goods, meats, fruits and vegetables. You may rely ab solutely on our goods. We keep a large variety but a small stock of each kind. We order fre quently insuring absolutely fresh stock. Note the fresh wholesome taste of our canned goods. Roseburg Rochdale Co. va vj JLLi IX. Home of Regal Shoes NEWPORT Yaquina Bay OltHCiOX'S POl'ULAn I1EACII UK SORT. An Idenl retreat for outdoor pastimes of all kinds. Hunting Fishing, Boating, Surf Bathing, Rid ing. Autoipg, Canoeing, Dancing and roller Skating. Where pretty water agates, moss agates, moon stones. carnellnn8 can be found on- the beach. Pure mountain water and the best of food at low prices. Fresli Ash, clams, crabs and oysters, with abundance of vegetables of all klndu dally. CAMPIXO (iltOUNKH COWEXIKN AND ATTRACTIVE with strict sanitary regulations LOW ROUND TRIP SEASON TICK ETS from all points In Oregon, Washing ton and Idaho on salo dally. 3 DAY SATURDAY MONDAY TICKETS from Southern Pacific points. Port land to Cottage Grove; also from all C. & E. stations, Albany West. Good going Saturday Sunday aud for return Sunday oi Monday. i Call on any S. P. or C. & E. agent for full particulars as to fares, train schedules, etc.; also for copy of am Illustrated booklet, "Outings in Ore gon," or write to I WM. MiMl'ltKAY General Passenger Agent, Portland I nmfffin Y I ' 'ns0 rfc-,t nntirlfy?"!ih I IHPS to prosi-Chte. IDCAb news. Editor B. W. Bates, of The News, and George Sloper, left for the moun tains in the vicinity of Brushy Butte yesterday where they will spend a few days hunting and fishing. "7T. W. Humphreys and wire, of Jef ferson, arrived In Roseburg on Sat i.idav evening to spend a few days visiting with his son. 1). C. Humph rey, a local linotype operator. F. E. Cavander. wife and daugh ter, Audrie. left for Newport Satur day night where they will spend a couple of weeks visiting with friends unci enjoying lite on the seashore. THE LIMIT THE ABSOLUTE, ELASTIC LIMIT of perfection haa been attained in the manufacture of Tampa Vana Cigars No artificial flavors, no dope, nothing but mild, sweet Havana, and olsan hand work. OgtTAt All Leading Dealers W. H. BOWDEN, Maker Miss Mabel Vnu Burun left for San Francisco yesterday morning where she will spend several weeks visit ing with relatives and enjoying the delightful climate of that vicinity. Y'ou are disgusted with furniture polish ot all kinds now you try Gold Star and be pleasod. L. H. Rhoades & Co. dtf M. S. Ztogler. of Portland, arrived In Roseburg yesterday morning to spend a few davs at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Riddle. Mrs. Zlegler arrived here about ten days ago. m,... rti.a.!ii WnliA lrt fnr Port land vesterday morning where she will spend a few dnya visiting with intiv.o Mian Wntt-e Ih a dauehter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Waite, of IXter Creek. T T Q.,,1,1, nf the locnl telephone exchange, returned here veslerdav morning after a few days siKMit at Portland attending to busi ness matters connected wlh his of ficial dultes. Drop In nnd see the swell line of fall and winter samples Just received from Ed. V. Price Co.. Chicago famous tailors. Over Ave hundred samples to select from. Satisfaction guaranteed. Slopor, the cleaner and pressor. EE A Dish Sale in July! 3 Here's the quality, the style, and the chance to save 25c on the dishes you need. The dishes are not marked up, nor marked down. Read the price and for every dollar you give us at prices given, we give you back 25c. The Benson Grocery Pure Food Store Phone 1S4 225 N Jackson St. rauuuuuuuuuuumuauuK Cooking Made Easy! Cooking by Electricity! Have You Seen It? HUGHES ELECTRIC COOK We are agents. Call and see them. churchilmSer CO. Phone 260 Opposite Post Office i Winnie Gaddis I THF. PLUMBER ! Agent for Sne Water Filters. Removes all impurities. Skylight Cornices Heating Ventilating Phone 2101 Roseburg' - Oregon James C. ClierrlliEtnn. of Rli spent the day In ItoKcbiiig tram lug ImikIii'a mntti-rs. R. Stubbs & Co. , The Uuderselling Cash Grocers To the consumer of l'uro Food Products. We make a study of market which ijovern the ratine prices of commodities in the grocery line. With the knowledge, advice and information we received from re liable counsels we are in Letter position to give you more than any other grocery in the city. Why 7 be cause we buy for cash and sell for cash. Discount our bills sell oar goods on a small profit, turn our stock six times a year, consequently you will always Ret fresh goods. Therfore if you want to save money in buying groceries you will not have to send to Portland or any other town along the way, but spend your money right here at home where you have an tip to date selling store. Compare our prices with other stores and you will be con vinced that Stubbs is the place to trade. Lemons dozen. 35c juicy stock 25c bott pickles 20ct 5c off on all bulkcof- fee Corn starch 3 pks 25 cents Large pk Gold Dust 20c 21 bars of any white soap $1 and l' bar of toiletsoap free Armors Fancy Salt Pork 17', j cents Armors Picnic hams 16cts per pound Carnation .Iijk lOct Yeloban 3 cans 25ct 15 pound of granu lated sugar $1, with jivery 52.00 order 1 pt bottle of blue and 1 pt bottle of amonia 15 cents Swift Pride Cleanser 5 cents per can And many others cut for cash. Aain it becomes a privilege a pleasure to us to extend our since1 thanks to ynu for the suppmt at patronage given us in the past yea One year ago we opened in yoii city our cash grocery. Through courj esy, honesty and square dealing w have won your confidence which w prize highly, it in our aim always t give ym the best fur the leas money. Yours to live and please. Stubbs and Co. in lilffrTii i- Coffee Special Coffee THAT IS Coffee Our rvcry iluy coffin hmm-IiiI In (rood rnffi'C. Our kH'Hii. hh'iul at i!5e fxr ixiinid In I hi' html Hint notify mil buy. Our olri'ii Went Ht'vl Cut In Hiii iM'Ht on Uu miir ltd. Try a I-mmiihI mil If not NutlMfU'tl, your money hmk. Henry Easton Grocer 2 N Jackson I'honc 26 Wu pay thir week. EKRS cent cash for eggit Market Conditions. KiKr KtronJ t "life Strunf Mt Highe I-ard Strengthening Canned goods gt'ing highetj KKB Higher f.cuntry butter Scare We are also jjbber of Wheat Hay, Barley, Oat, Shoit, Bran and Kbur. When you come to town Don't target to visit the Water Front Dry fioods Store Sheridan Streets lor Your Suits Up-to-Date Suits from $10.50 to $25 Everything new in the suit line Overalls, Shirts, Hats, Caps, Shoes We can dress you from head to foot cheaper than you can steal the goods. GIVE US A TRIAL. D. J. JARVIS Chinaware! Clingenpeel, the jeweler, is showing a line of Chinaware, just received, that is superior, both in quality and quantity, to any showing of this fine ware ever made in Roseburg. Beauti ful designs, artistically handpainted, are shown in a great variety. If you want something nice for the home in the high-grade goods now is your op portunity. Call early and make your selections while the shipment is com plete. You will see something fine. Clingenpeel JEWELER AND OPTICIAN CHURCH BROTHERS' AD IT'S GOOD BREAD IT'S NEVER SOUR Pies, Cakes, Pastries of all Kinds CASS STREET PHONE 35 DELIVERY Golden Star Polish 350. PIANO 350 At a Great Sacrifice. Will exchange for wood. Biggest Bargain ever offered in Piano value. L. II. RHOADES, 2nd ICT Man