UirAt. N i:vs. LOCAL m:h'H. 1-lror in It'iseiiiiii loilay. G. V. Aldii'Min of Meliote was a Strong's Folding Cot can be! packed od a horse. Weight 17 lbs. j No one can afford to mips our j Opening. Auk. 1", IS, 1, Tho (.pad-! er. data Mr. and .Mrs. Junius A. Terry left I this morniiiE Tor Portland to aiu-nd the fall millinery openings. The Umpnun Valley Krult Union hooked an order, yesterday, for one ear green prunes for eastern ship ment at SO centa per crate, f. o. b. Kosebnrg. This Is one of the beat sales ever made In the Tmpqua Valley. Mlas Netherlands who has been at the home of Miss Asnes I'lti hford for tile past few days, leaves for Newport , tonight where sin1 win enjoy a onei mention. The young lady resbb's al Medrord where she Is employed ah chief operator In the telephone ex Meet your friends at uur Ojieulug August 17, 18, 19, The Leader. dal!i Henry rtchrenk and son, Benton were In the cltv today from thell home at Looking Glass. I Most beautiful line of Suits, Cloakt and llals ever shown In Itoseburg Opening August 17, 18, 19, The lea der. d-al F I.. le, slate grange orsanlzcr li-ft fur Hound I'ralrle this afternoon where he will further mutters toward the organization of a grunge 111 thai locality. P. W. Gilliam and two daughters, of Iowa, will arrive In Roseburg this evening to make an extended visit at the homo of Levi McCoy, In West Itoseburg. County Commissioner M. It. Ryan left for ills home at Drain this after noon after a few days spent In Rose burg unending to business mailers rmtn'-cted Willi his official duties. IM,e lie Main 21.11 All work flmt-ilasi Commercial Abstract Co Abstracts of ' itle Filing Papers Prepared Insurance, Etc. Bonds of all Kinds Furnished MMAIj VKHS. It'JH North Jurkson t. itoHmi'ita oiikoi.n We Repair Everything Electrical Mint needs attention an well at leli you apparatus. Kurtnermorv we attend to repairs promptly (on 'phone order If you lll.el and you won't need to sound your burglar alarm when you get our bill. Need anything In our line. G. L. PRIOR 3 15 N Jackson St. Itosebur.i, Or , Klegant display of Full Good Au uHt 17, IS, l'J, The Leader, dull Mim Grace Taylor of Wlneheter Is lulling relatives and friends la the -ity. H. A. Stowell went to Yoncalla thlH ifiMrnoou to attend the funeral of if foil sin. Your own Initial eiiiboHned on writ it B paper and envelopes bought at (toHt'liirg llook Store, dtw V. It. Hammlttee und wife leave or An tori a tomorrow morning, where hy will HjKnd a week attending the rente mihil. Mr. Frank Aldernon and children will leave here next week for Port land, where they will join their hus band and father. Mi'B. M. A. Carrier of Lob AnneleB ii rived here thin afternoon to aend i few davH vl.sltlns with htr cousin, VtrK. Joe Sheridan. Beware of special ugetitH and pen dlera who sell $4.00 worth for SI. 85. Get the genuine Waterman ideal Fountain Pen at the Koseburg Book Store. daw Charles Hrund and William Walk r, both of Garden Valley, spent the day In KoHehuix attending to bunl ueKH matters and Incidentally greet ing rrlends. K. II. Applehoff. of Grants Pass, arrived In HoseburR this afternoon to spend a couple of days attending to IiiihIim'hh mutters. Mr. Applehoff re- sided here for si'voral years and has ! many friends In this locality. J. W. Hall, who has charge of the i Overland Orchard Company ferry at Garden Valley celebrated his slxtv j third birthday last Tuesday. Mr. Hall Is well known in Hoseburg. where he has a host of friends who wish him many years of prosperity. '" TESTING JM OCTOPUS. i Th Pr of This Repulliv Craatur Much Overrated. j There have been made abroad Ipejlmenu with an ortnput. Id 1 ipe j dally deriaed tank of aea water, to 'order to teat the truth of the tuaay 'tones told ot monster eeilialoiodii dragging bumuo Ultima l l lie aea bottom, say a Harjer a Weekly. I In the tank wth Ihe oitopna there i was placed a "dummy" ot the nnie peclfle gravity aa a man. and tnla aa butted wlib a crab. Attracted li) Nils tempting morsel, the orloiiii- made for tbe figure, seized It In Its powerful arma and tried to drag It under ter without success. It Ihen urged Ita body toward tbe edge of tbe tank. and. holding the glaaa with gome of lla aruia. It dragged It prey beneath tbe surface and crushed the crab shell with Its powerful Jaws. It is believed that these experiment afford proof that the octopua can only drag it victim far below tbe water near rock to whlcb It can attach Its suckers There I one spot Id the bay of Naples whpre these creatures attain a large Rtze. and now and then a Usher man la reported miming. It I thought that aucb disappearance are due to tbe unfortunate man being caught by tbe leg by a concealed octopus and dragtted nndpr water. In the cae ol ucb a repulsive and powerful creature a the octopus It la difficult to separate fact from fiction. II.ASKII'Ikn AI1V KltTISKME.VrS KOH SALE. WANTED in the next thirty days. 60 to 400 teams of young, sound horses and mules. Must bo good workers. AddreR "Buyer," care of The New, Roseburg, Ore. tf FOR SALE Household goods! In cluding $05 Mouarch range used 2 months; also 15 tier wood; house for rent. Inquire 514 8. Pine. d-a31 LOST Wednesday evening, a small bar pin inlaid with platinum and amall diamonds. Finder please leave same at Harry Pearce's har ness shop and receive liberal re ward. a-23-P FOR SALE OR TRADE My shoe stock and fixtures for city or farm property. For particulars Inquire at Cans Street Shoe Store. A. Pe tertton. d-sw-a26 KOR SALE New 5-room cottage and one acre of ground one mile from city. Prlco $1250. Inquire News office. dtfR I I vwQ&i You will always have good healthful bread, pie and cake, if you use White River Flour It is Not Bleached Bleached flour is injurious to health. Use Fleischman's Yeast For a good Starter Mrs. A. C. Kidd & Son nts "C'.UtltV THAT HUD UP HTAIHS and put that pine tahlo In tin kitchen." That's how it goes. W.I, tiik iiorsis Is what you find when you come huro to buy. You have a plenty to select from and everything you purchaso Is durnhle and reasonabl priced. l'lMCU ltlCDUCKII 1)1 ItINO Sl'.MMKIt. Rice & Rice The House Furnishers Cass Street WE GUARANTEE ALL OUR WORK DONE WITH THE VACUUM CLEANER When we my ai.UlA.VI l:K wo mean Ji.st what the word impllea. If you are not snliatled there will he no cIiuiku. Wo could not make this assertion unless wo were poHlllro of giving gntid service. When you got teady to clenn house let ua do the worst part for you the cleaning ot your carpet. It' easy fo- you nud tho prlco reasonable ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY Phone 71)1 tl. t IIAUIilt, Proprietor. Olllce N. JmkKon St. If Tali It tha tttlt of a btmutlful U4-lac book, wblch n IT Kl I rTVI KIT wl" oy n ini tu to succeed. Dtopa I I 111 II 1 1 I 11 1 l'"'ts la tho null TODAY sml H will bo loot rslH. UlUllll I II1U Tbislm of tho CollaKo It lodlmillr and poijularlto tho tniliiitrloii. snd to rvo ALL tho people. Hollers Mcoureee In AKi icuUure. Civil KnRlneorlun. Elct trlcst F.iih'lneerlliir. MecbsiitcAl KoKlneol lug. bl Intti tlliKla oerliic. Fiuoelry, DoiuMo. Sol-nr? stet rt. Com I I m i.m.. nierco. PlianiiAcy Ami Mulo. Tbe ColleiiO opous INn TR F e)temb.r aid. CtJofie. lllUUJl ll I J Addreic HEUIBTKAR. OKCQON AOKICULTURAL I J OOLLtoK, Corvallu, Oiejoa. ' ! I DOUGLAS COUNTY CREAMERY has the I Best Buttermaker in the State ICE CREAM SEASON HERE 0 We make ice cream in lare or small quantities. Let us have your partv orders. Telephone .1-10. NEWPORT Yaquina Bay (ti:;os porn, k HKArii hi;, hokt. An !' I rt'tn-ftt Titr onttloor pasthnes of ail klniU. Iluutlim. KinhliiK. HoatliiR, Surf KalhliiK. Uitl lUK. AiituitiK. Ciiiio.'irin, DiindHK und roltor Skating. W'liero protty watt?r iiKntt'H, iiio.HH npat.'s. moon Btonos, curru'llanH can bo found on tho bench, ('urn mountain water and tho host of food at low jirlcoB. Krenh tlnli, clunitt, cM'alm and oysttM'H,, with ahiindiiiit-L of vegt'tuulort of alt klniln dally. CAMHXd (.HOt'NDS ONVKMi:T AND AiTIt ACTIVE with strUt sanitary regulation lV ItDl'XI) THIP HKAS TICK KTrt rrnui all pnlntK In Oroiton. Washing 'on and Idaho on nalo dally. A VACATION IN BED. Twtnty-four Hours' Sleep Venus a Week's Holiday, ff you want to obtain complete rent and recuperation equal to a week's vti cation In minim mo time sleep the clock around twice la tbe advice ot a physt clan who holds a bleb place to medical circle In Knlnnd. "To end twenty-four houra Id bed.' he said to a friend. "Instead of rushinn awny for a few bourn change of scene when yon are run down physically and mentally. If wortb a week's holiday. The nlKht before, baring pone to a theater to take the mind off worries and having supped wisely and well. In structiniis should be given that thr morning calling shall be omitted. "J'hen sleep Ou waking turn over and nleep again. Ou waking a-nln ring for some hut milk Drink It and sleep again and keep un sleeping Have nothing tn the luiervals mure snbstan tlat than aoup Do not read Keep Hie eyes shut conntuntly. Have n warm hull) In the evening and sleep again. "When you are tlrnl of sleeping aleep ugnln for the night. Nothing calma the uerven more than resting the eyea." New York Herald Different "Why. a year ago you told me th place wan easily worth $)f.000 Now you eHtlmate Ita value at ten? tbut IO.(nm " "You must remember that I wns try Ing to tell It to you then Now von want me o sell It for yuu.-Cblengi' Itecurd-flermd. FOH SALK Fine matched team, weight 3200 pounds. If you want something good call early. Himes & Oliver, Real Estate. Case st. FOH SALE" C H E A PO ne horse, weight 1.000; double aet of har ness and spring wagon. Address J. Buchanan, general delivery, Rose burg, Ore. a19 FOR SALE- Fou rroom new modern house and two lots; house just completed; will sell reasonable or rent; terms. Address Box 8. Rose burg, or Phone Suburban 85. tfA A CHOICE BARGAIN Good T room house, toilet and wood shed ofr of large porch; lot 85x67, 2 blocks from postoffice."" Price too low for print. Address V., care Nows. dtf Adam Wet Grouchy. The Kerpeni - What's Adam so grouchy tilimtt today f The Ae Oh tie sayR that the arrival ot wiiman means that all hia plana for uni versa t puuee tiave been knocked In the bead for gwxL i'uek. George Crane, of Looking Glasft. -Hient tlin day In Uosohurg visit ing with friends. At a sperial election held at the t. 10. Church on Thursday evening I. K. Ilootli was elerted a delegatt to tho Oregon conference which will he held In Salem hi September. C K. Iloot. was elected alternate dele gate. At the Oregon conference dele gates will he elected to the General Conference which Is held every four veai'rt. CALL I'Olt CITV WARRANTS, All City of Roseburg warrants drawn on the General Fund and en dirsed prior to June 6th, 1311, in elusive, are this day called for pay ment. haled this 17th day of August, 1911. EI. BERT B. HERMANN, City Treasurer. DAY SATl'RDA Y MONDAY ! TICK KTrt j from Southern Pacific points. Port- j and tit Cottage Grove; also from ill C. E. stations. Albany audi West. Good going Saturday oi j Sunday and for return Sunday ot ' Monday. J Call on any S. P. or C. E. agent j for full p;.r(U-nlar as to fares, train I'liediiles. etc.; also for copy of our ' Illustrated booklet. "Outings In Ore I gon." or write to W.M. McMUlKAY j lineral Passenger Agent, Portland. Oregon. ! NEW TODAY. E I G 11 T 1 ,OTS. $ 1 0 : 0 Very desl r ahle property In nice part of town: tine gin den soil, few young trees, small house and barn, city water: Only few minutes walk from post nttlce. Has sightly building site, also plenty of room for poultry. Cheap at price. Come quick. Ad dress Box 55 or Inquire News, tf KO It' "sVLK 'iTiToTbe sold "wit hi if 30 days, one of tbe best ranches In Douglas county. The Riddle Land Agency, Riddle, Ore. dsw-L'U FOR SLE -Choice 10 and '10 acre tracts South Ctnpqua valley land, within 2 'i tulles of Riddle Sta tion. The Riddle Laud Agent v, JUddle,Ore. d-sw- 2 HORSE FOR SALE -Good worker or driver. 8 yeam old. weight 1100 lbs. Will sell reasonable. Address FIVE ACRES FOR SALE Nice piece of land, all fenced, close in and ready for planting. No buildings but a choice spot for amall farm Price $1,250. Inquire News of flee. FOR SALE A nice Jeiaey milch cow just the thing for family fu town. Reasonable. Phone 301. a22 WANTED A tract of timber land containing from fifty to one hun dred million feet. State full partic ulars. .1. W. Hartnett, 333 Sherlock Building. Portland. Ore. O-l F6l't SALE Ono acre near city; good 6-room house on place. Price, $1500, Address R., care News' or call at olUee. r-BW-dtr FOR SALE Two Herfbrd" bulls one year old. Flrstclass. Address L. L. Matthews, Glide, Or. dtf FOR SALE At a bargain, one good heavy work mare, and colt. Cal at this ofllce. Rdtf WOOD FOR SALE Phone Farmer 164. J 1. Sprlngsteaed. Roseburg. for wood. Prompt delivery. dtf FOR SALE 23 acres improved land at Dtllard, Ore., mile from sta tion. JTor terms call or address Win. Dallas, Dillard, Or. si FOR SALE One 20-horse power tubiar horizontal boiler for sale Inquire at the Roseburg Steam Laundry. tf FOR SALE CHEAP One 2 horse power gasoline engine, pd as new. A good strong englnu, P. O box 475, Roseburg, Ore., or In quire at News office. GOATS FOR SALE 30 head of good goats, and also a two year filly In foal. Address Box 234, Rose burg. or call at ranch 1 mile north of fair grounds, Wm. Buzzell. si DISC FOR SALE One Clarks Sen ior cutaway disc for sale cheap. Only used one yelir. Address Box I1S3. Rosehurg. tl' 3 conuge organs as good as nn Cost $luu; $25 and $35. L. H Rhoades & Co. WANTED A girl for general house work; no washing. Inquire 120 Kano street. da2l WANTED Woodchoppers. Also a good second-hand two-tick wood rack. Apply to I. N. Johns. Shady Point or address R. F. D. No. 1 Roseburg. at9 LOST A boy's coat. August 3, on road between Roseburg and Gar den Valley. Finder lease return to News office. d-a21 BEAUTIFUL HOME SIT13 Two acres, hII In choice fruit, grand view of city. One of the Quest properties in Roseburg or vicinity for a home. Inquire at this orflct ior par'icuiara. LADY'S POCKETBOOK LOST A black leather pocketbook contain-' Ing $10 In gold and some silver, also an old English penny. Finder, please leave at News office. tf j 1IMBER CLAIM FOR SALE The I E. 14 of the S. E. and the S. of the N. E. i of section 2U.I In township 3u south of range' 2 ! west, consisting of sugar pine, fir j a&d cedar. Cruised over four mil-1 Hon feet. Price $3,000. Address P, care News, Roseburg. - dswtf WANTED Salesmen for exclusivi territory. Big opportunities. Nt experience necessary. Com pie ti line Yakima Valley grown fruit Bhade and ornamental stock. Cast weekly. Outfit free. Top pen is Nursery Company, Topenlsh. Wash. dswtl TIMBER CLAIM FOR SALE The following described timber claim j J-. Is i ffered for sale: N. B. U of the S. E. hi, S. E. of the N. E. M of W. Vk N. B. Hi of sec 28, township 30 south of raue J west, consisting of 160 acres of sugar pine, fir and cedar. It cruis ed three and one-htvlf million Price, $3,000. Address P, can News, Roseburg, Or. dsw - j D. H. MARSTERS PLUMBING SHOP North Side Plaining Mill lul North of Kinney Spur, North Jmkon Street, Phone tt-ft. Orders for all kinds of Building Material promptly Kilted at Reasonable Prices. Mill Work Our Specialty Krtiil lion's In Any Vllnnt''T The juoof of the Piul diiijj is in the eating- Of the tree in the growing Ask your neighbor w ho has planted Yakima or Hood River Trees See liow they Krt)Wi then place your tree order with a. The Nurseryman or call un W. M, Hrisbin, Mel lose, Oregon. s-4sw FOR SALE -One-acre In city limits: live-room house; -0 cherry trees on the place, good variety of small f nilis and excellent garden spot; good small barn on place; price $:t 7 50, For particulars a dress owner, care of The News, or call at this office, dsw-tf KOR RENT Kurnlshed housekeep ing rooms. Apply 302 W. Wash-l lm;(on No children. tf FOR SALE Half Interest in a gen eral mdse store In a thriving little city in Douglas county; good loca tion and au excellent trade. Owner wants to locate near coast. For par 'tirutars address X. Y. Z., care of The News. FOR SALE Have a very nice ot gan secured by me In a trndo; It is of no value tn me as I do not play. Will sell for cash or on time pay men Is at a snap. No reason able offer refused. Address Lock Drawer A, Roseburg. Or. HOUSE KOR SALE Good, new 7- room house, U sleeping porches 2 lots, city water. $300 takes own er's equity. Long time on balance. Inquire at residence corner W. Sixth street and 2nd Ave. .North. Ki WILL TRADE Owner will exchangi a nice piece of Roseburg properly for sniiill farm. This property if among the best of the city, all set to young orchard. Just In bear tug, and will benr Investigation Want small farm that Is on rivet or creek or has good springs. In quire News otlice. tt FOUR LO TS N I co res id e n ce and garden property, lay well, close to Edenbower store and dirt cheap at only $ttn each. Inquire at News office, hut be qpick about it. tfd KOR SALE Leaving city. impos sible to take my plann, wilt sell for one half iilue If taken at once; good tot." and nice case, t'lear re ceipt given laddrestt ouick) C. T. K . Lock Hex 'VV Itichtiru. Or Slab Wood Dry Fir Wood Split Oak Wood WE WANT YOUR ORDER! Grain of All Kinds Hay of All Kinds. Feed of All Kinds. Now is the time to order your winter's wood Take advantage of our special prices. We make our own deliveries, insuring promptness and correctness. Roseburg Feed & Fuel Co. Warehouse and Office, Winchester Street on the Switch. Telephone 163 Plumbing, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning and Hpatinp o r North JacKson Street, adjoining Peoples Marble WorKs. Telephone 251. Work Done on Short Notic ROSEBURG. ORE. FIRST CLASS LAUNDRY work is most desirable-to an) one. A'isliing. their linen to possess that particular finish so necessary to good taste in dress. . We Do That Class of Work One Trial will Convince. R OSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY C O.C.BAKER - - - Proprietor OEFICE NORTH JACKSON ST,. PHONE 791- if Ml Wall Paper Some of the most artistic effects in wall paper are simple in char acter and moderate in price. The accompanying illustration is an example of one of the many new ideas in "Home Decoration" for 1911. The fact that we are matting a special feature of Alfred Peu "Pra" Wall Paper, is suflicient as surance that the styles are the latest and quality the best. ' , Samples and estimates cheer fully submitted upon request. D. P. FISHER 131 WKST OAK STRUCT, lll LOW, IIOSK1U l!) TIIHATUh, i-IIONU 8;l:l. TTTTTTTC'- mm HUB PI My shoe stocK and fixtures for city or farm property. For particulars inquire at Cass Street Shoe Store. A. PETERSON.