T1IF FVFNINH NF Vslan,,,flt ,m n'ri,n ,H 1,1 thHr own f"'r- tn n wkmiowfii lki iku. r k.sy to he comfortable. L-VlvlUO ' olm, im,.nMl and lu further tln..r: BV II. W. IIA 1LS. (BSUEl) DAILY EXCEPT SLWDAV. own future control of the pomk-al , I mini l!tnlui of Strwt Turkey untl 1 OtefliiH of comfort can be had Uur , situution to the enslavement of the Chicken Thieves in the County. Iiik the long rainy season In the home I sw. -oping over ine rouniry wim re-, Keports from th? country are to sitjiM.Hs mm, aiiu uic ojjijohiuuii ui me eiiori mai lurKey and chicken Subscript Ion Rates Dally. ol. 'Zr':.u jg - President Tafl and the judiciary . c. uM..ou .u.. j h;u.kd by nieP great corporation in- t 1 Seinl-Weekly. tcrestrt, ciinnot stop the enactment of Per year $2.00 8lx months 1.00 Entered ua second-class matter Voverober 6, 1910, at Kogeburg, Ore., onder act of March 3, 1879. HATl'ltDAV, ArursT Ui. thieves are plying their calling iltir iiiK the al)K(nce of the owners of the foulu, The K-'tine Ik worked when the nwuerH are away rroni home. Snv ral lowetH of rhhkeriK have Hiated (heir Ioskch dnrf iik the wet-k, am) ehterday V. H. Pankey repurted th 'IIiippear:ince of fodr full tfrowi iiirkeyn durltiK h hort absence t( the Htoie to purchase wl;e:it for his Mlsn Alice Hrumlierk Iihh nt stock. It Is not believed that thin Ik jnlj"lutfd school leat her at th-f Smirk ; the work of hobo-., as the ranrhch recall b-Kinlaf Ion. It it a refni m movement. It Ih Hourl, it will he hiic ;tja.sfiil. althotmh It may be a hlltcr (lone for Ila opiiouentH to swallow. liOCAl NKWS. cin.nl fcni.it'. on I)er C'te-k. V.h Addle I,et and Ht rt nn. K"b eit, leave thin evening for Anhland fi enjoy a ir!t with relnti.F. J. C. Htayton of the Oregon Sol dler' home, left for North Yakima, WaHhlniston, this mornlnK. where he will spend a few daya vIhHIiik with frieudH and relative. llenrv lhirih, wife anil non. K. W. Kuvkendall and wife and Dee Ilow ud have returned from Hrewater Val ley where they Hpent two weeks en Jii'vlriK their vacation. They report a Recall Inwa are being soimht many atatuH. and the recent denial of Arizona to the H'hl of statehood by tho president becauxu tho good peo pe there had adopted a recall claune In their state constitution, has brought the question bi-rore the peo ple In all Ita phases. The more people conalder this matter the more favor ably they are impressed with It.. The voter who create ofIre and elect ofnceholdertf ate beginning to realize that all surh Individuals are merely servants elected to carry out the wish es of the electors. Kor many years the courts have gradually cntrem lied IheniHelves behind a bulwark or ex cluBiveuess, denying the right of elec tors in every respect, until the great i niost enjoyable time, mass of the nennle Imve Httb fiilih in - or respect for, them. With the courts I Mr. and Mrs. Louis Meeutn and her It la the same old story of the "people mother, Mrs. J. T. Thompson, left be damned."- Klerora. however, take frr Portland this 'morning, when the view of It that If thev have nower 1 thev will reaide. They spent the past to lect or employ courts, they alno few days In Koseburg visiting at the Hboiild have the power to recall or I A. T. Thompson home. discharge any incompetent Judgej. In! this they are right. Without some The local order of Yeomen Hitch check upon the courts, disregard : bold their annual picnic at the Nor for equity and individual enaalitv i man A tree ranch, south or town would In time be entirely Iot:t hIlIU I morrow. All those who contemplate of, and tills branch of the public set-i attending the event should be at the vice be operated altogether In the In- Eagles hall at o'clock tomorrow terests of special privilege.. It i ; morning where vehicles will bo In fact that tho American people arerwaitin confronting that very condition at the present time, hence thin rlsliig up all over the country In the Inien Ht of recall movements. No Judge who Impartially deals out jusdlca to both poor and rich alike need eve. fear Ills constituency. Therefore we must molested are not on the line of pub lic travel, hut on local roads used mostly by the owners of the farms where the stealing Is perpetrated. The entire western horizon showed a continuous line of smoke at sun down Wednesday evening, as from burning timber. The smoke hung close to the tops of the Coast range A good pin no helps out wonderfully. Such a piano is the time tested S. Y. II I.I.Kit PIANO, with ita pleasant durable actions and remarkably sweet '4aulity of tone. ; Avanced selling methods are in vogue at the store of Hice & ft ice for It-lrllMif lug the S .V. Miller Pianos ind Player Pianoa direct from the factory at Sheboygan, Wis., to the unite of purchasers In Itoaebiirg. This ! plan or marketing the famous h. V. .Miller Pijintt from uiuker to iimt was originated In Roseburg by Rice & liice, who are exclusive re present a-; Uvea and Invite you to see and hear, the beautiful group of "pianos now on display in their store In Koseburg. j Alleging that he was followed upon various occasions and had been In sulted often, Kwan Martin! a well- of mountains and It seemed to the known Itoseburg young man, last beholder that all the limber on them night administered a sound threshing to a local lad named Stephens. Mar- uii, wiiu is sum iu lie ui a uutj , fe"ut natured disposition, won the bout bouglas Klncald of Looking (Has: was last evening committed to the slate Insane asylum by Cnunly Phy Mlciiin Vlnl , County Clerk Lenox and Sheriff Quhie. The unfortunate nan entertains a delusion that he conclude that all this agitation of hi a physician. He was take to the corporation newspapers and a large ' Institution by an attendant, who ar r cent of the legal fraternity i ived hen early today. BANKS & WELKER THE ORIGINAL EM PI R 15 LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLE Transcient slock jjiven best of care. Horses boarded at reasonable rates. Fit si class ris, yjooil horses and careful drivers Blacksmith Shop in Connection All Work Guaranteed Cor. Main and Washington. Sts. ' Phone 5 feed. Something New in Films Chromatic Balance a Feature of Tho KNSCO Film Notice, tho deep tone of t!uj hair (brown), tin? Ilghiur tone of the carnation (red), the gittMi feiu ntul u throtigh tone to the white of iho lilacs. To tli it (ihrouv.itlc Halunco in tho Aiimo Film is due the faithful K)itiny;d of the "colut i;ilii" ttt haiml in initum and which U tr the lirst time imssiblc w iilmut special a tamtul (or oitlutchtonmlic work,. l.nlitiKlr, iimtllh-r liunnniiUliliid ft -mitif u( tUr Atio I'ilm )n"iiillt mi iiiniitiiitlly wui mm'.- ui i oxiiir, ititit l llir nunc ttmr nmiMiiif r iiiiMirrcirtil i-nlli, Till lihii i r tlit- a nl.r.t tvi- pnwtl.tr- n :i-i!v iniHieiil.ilcl, 911 mil vrt viil tn tut ni.lii'nt ton n- It.. in .ti r I - it ml Hiii I Iia U'iiik itwit 1 1 ( limi -oiuiim; I tn i hou til ihr kirnn iim: toiuil. iti. Tliryltl nny . njuri ti r m-ii n mi ml" t.l :.n k-"1 ' . u'if. I'' 1 1 ins, Cameras a ml uil Kinds of Amateur Sup plies at the Hi u ritoss I'll iti ( - Your lur Itic Asktnf. I A riiiiiil.-tr iilila lit.riri. in t.. i Iri.-'till lhi ail ill IK 11.111(1 u I' . n liininj lui va Won. (.u n Tho railroad crossinR at this place was properly repaired Wednesday. It had become a source of much sup pressed and ventilated profanity, and Aas preparliiK men for a swift de parture for a much hotter climate ifter their ultimate demise, accord-1 IiiK to a local oxhorler. The local sidetrack, which would j be of untold benefit to Kdenbower. falls to become a reality. The re-d- lents of the place feel that they are being unfairly treated tn this mat ter, and the finding Is growing. Will 'he editor of The News kindly tell Its eaders what has become of the mat er, and why this delay in a matter to vital to the citizens of this hjc ion? The passengers on the California (diluted and the local express trains were treated to a pretty Bltfht Wednesday morning when passing ere bound north. A Mongolian phea sant cock, followed by a brood of 1 1 mlf-Krown young birds, were In the iat Held adjacent the track, chasing rnsHhoppers for their morning meal ind paying no attention to the pass 'ng trains. The birds looked more ike young turkeys than pheasants, ind tho passengers on the trains 'vere afforded a good look ut them, i'uhllc feeling Is strongly in favor of giving the birds Ave years' protection instead of two, as the taw now stands. The proposed Introduction of new 3uiuh birds by the state Is also very popular in this vicinity, not only by those who will hunt them In after vears hut by those who have places for them to feed, nest and multiply, ind will never butcher them Just to bo killing. II. Itbiuehart has sold his residence In this city and will start for Min nesota, IiIh former home, Saturday, iccompaiiled by his family. Homesick ness was his only complaint, since he had a beautiful home easily worth $2. BOO. lie received $1,500 for his place. Thos. J. I'ludlay has put up a neat dgn, "Meat Market," over his butch. r shop, and proposes to give us fish 'in Krlday hereafter. W. H. (lushing, one of tho old-time .ypos of Oregon, now engaged In ither business at Monterey, Califor nia, leaves Tuesday for his home In he tioldeii State. lie has been en- Joying quite a vacation at Kdenhower, where ho has made many friends. John 1'entney has three apples which he will contribute to the Dong as county display at Iho coming -date fair. They, will weigh one and me-half pounds each. If not more. A pretty home gathering occurred it the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. J. Kind lay In Kdenhower last Sunday. It was strictly a family nffalr, none ut hers outside the members of the family being present, and tho reunion was a decidedly happy one. I hose present were: Mr. and Mrs. Thos. .1. '''Indlay, the Mlssea lttrdle, Xltm ami Anna l-'lndlay. Mr. nnd Mrs. V. T. lackson, Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Madison, Mr. and Mrs. 11. O. Wright. Robert l-'lndlay. Tommy Kind I ay and Klor- nce Kindlay. The day was spent in one very happily enjoyed visit by one ind all. One grandchild also attend- d In the person of the bouncing baby of Mr. and Mrs. V. T. Jackson. J AH KH. with ease. In all three blows were struck, two or which came In contact with Anderson's face with the result that he went down in a heap. It Is said that he was revived with some difficulty after remaining in an un concions condition for more than hour. Voting Hifl-tin was uninjured. The latter alleges that Stephens fol lowed him about the htreets last even ing and repeatedly threatened him with assault. ! LOW-PRICED I LAD UK. I'iNI.W. : Room 6, Hi'll Sluti'rn nullillnir Sell ram and Mason Fruit Jars at Cost. HIS Suar $6.65 per sack while I he present stock lasts. W11KRK? BRADLKY & RUSSELL WII.IIUR, OUKCON Also carry a full line of Dry C.ods, Hats, Shoes, and Groceries which they are selling very cheap. And it would pay you to investigate. I's nor Tin. luoruhiK niiiy lie Kluniny, Hut IIk turn will itlilnt, ituii't four: lint rain fir slilm line's Just I lu' tllni' Tn try our Hrowt'il Hoot Utt'r. UMPQUA CIDER WORKS Don't ovi-rlook tlu lfn ni.'n- tun at Tho Loader Thursday, l-'rlilay ami Satur.lav of this vook. A tuvoll showing of la- .Uoh' wearing apparel will ho 4 on display. d a 1 11 1 . 1 : I I ; 1 1 OI'KMNti. III IT (dlim Kits. Mr. Workinman The Jackson Street Meat and I'ish Market will sell you meat and tish less than anyone in town Why Pay More CAMPBELL & BISHOP Proprietors Jackson St. Opp. Kastotfs Grocery Tho ruipqua Valioy Krult lTnion has perfected nrratiKemeutH for tho routing ttenson with the KosehurK I'eed Knel (iinpauy on Winchester street, in North llosehurK. Tho I'nloti Is pmcluK in stock ti supply of fruit boxes, ruhher ftaini paper and other grower's supplies fiswtf Neither Mr. Waterman nor Anyone else will sell you ti II 00 Hold Pen for 5i rents, ol) not ho deceived. Clel I tho genuine Waterman Ideal Foun tain Ten at Itoselnirg Hook Store. ! dsw i II. V. SMICK t i Thyslclnn nnd Surgeon. V-1 I ltootns 1 and I Abraham tlldic. s O Hoseburn. Oregon i CO-CARTS OFFERED NOW An oppor tunity to get bargains in go-carts, clos ing out sever al designs nev er to be car ried again. Two wicker carts, one worth or iginally $8.00. Now for sale $3.00. For other bar gains see the window. Besides these low priced go-carts we have an ex cellent line ot fine go-carts fit for a princess We invite your at tention to these lines. ROBES $1.00. Go-cart robes, the kind with the pleasing lit tle figures in them, are only $1.00. B. W. STRONG The Furniture Man Let us call your attention to the IDEAL COOKER, and we ask you to call and see it. This is the popular Fire less "Stove" or Cooker that you see advertised so ex tensively in the various ladies' journals. You may say, "Why, the hot weather is past and we do not .need it." But we ask you to consider that they are not made only for the comfort of cooking in hot weather,- but reduce the expense as well. They are handsomely constructed . and lined with aluminum. Each compartment is inde pendent of the other, and when closed and in use has a water seal, preventing the loss of heat and the escape of odors. While preparing breakfast, dinner can also be prepared, the Cooker put in readiness, and by the time breakfast is through, the dinner can be put into cooker and no more attention need be given it till time for serv ing comes. We have them in our basement store and will be pleased to show them, whether you wish to buy or not. ' Churchill Hardware Company Cash Ironmongers The Store with the Indies' ltesl Itooni The Store with tho Ijidles' ISest Room Remember the Opening this week Thursday, Krlday and Saturday at The Leader. '!' DidYouEvei Stop o Think I of That the Ctst patter ih not much what yoj pay quality? One writing more than for the ordinary Think of the satisfaction to one's self and to the recipient note or cfa belt?) on pa nor of good quality. The Roseburg Book Store Sells the Itest writing papera at lowest prices. Headquarters for Kountain Tens School Supplies Otilco Supplies. nosunrito, OHtfooN. FOR SALE A nice, neat 6-room FOR SALE Hay, we have several bungalow, centrally located in pav ed district. Sewer connections, bath, patent toilet, etc. Ideal lo cation. Price f2,600. Address A jcareNewg office. dswtf cars of oat, vetch, cheet and mix ed nay for sale. That we can name you very close prices on. Frank E. Blair, wholesale commis sion merchant, Eugene, Oregon. t Auto Stage to Coos Bay Touring Car leaves Roseburg every day except ft Sunday, at 6:30 a. m., connecting with afternoon train at Myrtle Point for Marshfield. Fare $8.00 2 Fare on regular stage, part way by Auto, $6.00, 'to j; both Myrtle Point ahd Marshfield. Stage leaves every day including Sunday. Office Cor. Washington and Rose Streets. Phones ft Othce 389, Residence 316. C. P. BARNARD, Prop ww,f,i!S:iS!e.4iiSii!.!B.S;!:), ftftftft- ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft lifB No man has to serve an apprenticeship in order to learn how to make mistakes You " No Mistake If you buy your lumber, shingles, doors, windows and building material of PAGE INVESTMENT COMPANY Phone 242 Morth Roseburg LOOK FOR THE BIG SIGN Drv Slab Wood Rock Springs Coal ' ::i.i: n:i wonns oxi.v are used iu the making of the furniture we handle. Only the soundest, slralshtost grained logs j are accepted. THAT'S WIIV 1 TIIK WNNKll TA1ILK, the chairs, the chin closet or any other article is strong as well as graceful, serviceable as well as at ' tractive. i Rice & Rice The House Furnishers i i Cass Street During Hot Weather lw mai-hiiHMi.Arin hroml to nvoM prt'H't-nlton ami othnr uutHiif tary rondlliitn of making btva in tho old way. . On June 1st We Added two ounces lo the loaf. If yonr grtKvr does not carry onr bread clmiiKe ftruror or phone 221. Full line of delirious pastry al ways at your command. Umpqua Bakery H. GfKST, Prop. HO J.kIiou Street. - - B