The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, August 17, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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    The Dailyland Twice-a-Week
News hare a larger circulation
than any other two papers pub
lished in Douglas County, They
go into every nook and corner
of this big county.
c a ;
Fair Tonight and Saturduy.
xou. II.
KltlDAV, Al'til'ST IT.
No. Sill.
Southern Congressman Scores
Taft in Speech.
ItecauKe President OpKMed Kfforts of
Congress Wiley Tells of Sup
pression of Pure Food Bul
letins by McCale.
(Special to The Evening News.)
WASHINGTON, Aug. 18 Speak
ing on the wool bill, Congressman
James, of Kentucky, scored President
Taft in bitterest terms today for his
attitude on the tariff question, and
said: "Tart will go down in history
as the president who placed his pon
derous corporosity in the path of ser
vice to the people, and he will also
go down In history as the one man
who vetoed the will of the American
people." Juiues accused Taft of be
traying the peoples interests by
blocking the effort to revlce the tariff
Wiley's Sensational Testimony.
. WASHINGTON. Aug. 18. Dr. Wi
ley, testifying before the investigation
committee today, cited several in
stances where bulletins prepared by
him for the benefit and information
of the people had been suppressed on
the objection of Solicitor McCabe,
who would not permit the publica
tion of the bulletins on British food
laws, or American food laws, and oth
ers. Wiley said that there are thousands
of vases where manufacturers use ad
ulterants, but that he Was given no
chance to prosecute them, owing to
official opposition. He then created a
. panic by offering to take one law offi
cer and a stenographer and do all the
,work of the solicitor's office at a
hundredth part of the expense now
After Stephenson Now.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 18 The sen
ate sub-committee appolnte to inves
tigate into the methods employed to
land Stephenson in the senate decided
today to begin work at Milwaukee on
' October 2nd.
The local militiamen who returned
yesterday from the annual encamp
ment at Fort Stevens report a very
profitable ten days at that place. They
became fnmfliar with the handling of
A W-W-W Guaranteed Ring in a
Birthstone is certainly an Ideal Gift
You men and women, boys and girls, who are not wearing your
birthstone should give the matter a llttel thought. Blrthatones ate
the one Ideal gift.
A birthstone In a W-W-W Permanently Insured Ring Is certain
ly one ot the most thoughtful ways in which yon can remember
your family and friends. Everybody Is pleased to accept a birth
stone ring, and since the W-W-W Is the only Permanently Guaran
teed Ring, why think of giving any other make?
When you give a W-W-W Guaranteed Ring as a present, you aa
the receiver of the present fully reallez that you are giving and re
ceiving the beat that Is made. You fully realize that you are giving
and receiving the only ring In the world that will not annoy the
wearer by the stones coming out.
In case a stone should come out It is replaced absolutely free
by the maker, or, If necessary, a new ring is given in Its place.
These famous Guaranteed W-W-W Rings which you see adver
tised In the Saturday Evening Post and other magazines are for
for sale here in our store, and can be had at the same price that
an Inferior ring Is sold for.
We ask an Inspection of these W-W-W Guaranteed Rings.
Roseburg's Leading Jeweler
R. Stubbs & Co.
The Uuderselling Cash
To I he consumer of Pure Food
Products. We make a study of
markets which govern the rating
prices of commodities in the grocery
line. With the knowledge, advice and
information we received from re
liable counsels we are in better
position to give you more than any
other grocery in the city. Why? be
cause we buy for cash and sell for
cash. Discount our bills sell our
goods on a small profit, turn our
stock six times a year, consequently
you will always get fresh goods.
Therfore if you want to save
money in baying groceries yoo will
not hare to send to Portland or any
other town along the way, but spend
your money right here at home
where you have an up to date selling
store. Compare our prices with
other stores and you will be con
vinced that Stubbs is the place to
the big 10-inch guns commanding the
entrance to the Columbia river, and
in the target practice with the big
guns Tuesday they made nine hits
out of ten shots at 2,000 yards, which
was the best record made by any
company of guardsmen. In the bat
tle of Monday Company D was placed
in the most responsible position, be
ing the advance guard, and the second
platoon, under Lieutenant Buchanan,
fired the first shot and brought on
the engagement. The company bore
the brunt of the fighting on the part
of the defenders of the fort and alt.
except the first lieutenant and six
men, were captured by the enemy.
Those new to the game were given a
splendid example of what an actual
battle would be in war time. The
companyis seriously considering the
proposition of being transferred from
the militia to. the coast art 1 1 ley, and
that will undoubtedly be the final de
termination. " The government is anx
ious to have several more companies
of coast artillery, so as to properly
man the coast defenses in case of war.
The Drain state bank today filed
two suits in the circuit court against
R. Taylor Davis. In one action the
bank asks to recover the sum of $455
with interest at the rate of eight per
cent, and in the other case the plaln
Iffs seek to recover the sum of $100
and interest, nl each case the plain
tiffs allege that they loaned the de
fendant money on a promissory note,
and to date have been unable to col
lect any part of the specified amounts.
Other than principal and interest the
plaintiffs ask for attorney fees as well
as the costs and disbursements in
curred in bringing the action.
Little Miss Edith, the eight-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Scott, of North Rosebnrg, was oper
ated on at the hospital this morning
for adenoids and enlarged tousils.
The operation was entirely successful
and the little patient was taken home
later in the day.
Standing of Contestants In the tton
Piano Contest at Josephson's.
KI.KITS To Mr. and Mrs. John
Klolts, near Urockway, on Thurs
day, August 17, a Klrl.
Lemons dozen. 35c
juicy stock
Milk 3 cans for 25c
5c off on all bulkcof-
Corn starch 3 iks 25
Large pk Gold Dust
21 bars of any white
soap $1 and 1 bar of
toilet soap free
Armors Fancy Salt
Pork 17', cents
Armors Picnic hams
16cts per poi ind
Armors Shield liacon
20 cents per pound
15 pound of granu
lated sugar fl, with
every S2.00 order.
1 pt bottle of blue and
1 pt bottle ,of amonia
15 cents
Swift Pride Cleanser
zy cents pel can
And many others cut
for cash.
Raid Liverpool Stores Take
Food Supplies.
Silitntiii" Almost lUjoiul Control
All Ib-lruads in KiiKluul Will lie
Tied Vp Within Krv
(Special to The Evening News.)
LIVERPOOL, Aug. 18. This city
was moved from center to circumfer
ence by bread riots today, and store
after store was stripped of all food'
supplies by the starving mobs, while
the general rioting is unnbated. Au
thorities fear that the situation will
be beyond conrol by nightfall.
Starvation lu CittfN.
LONDON, Ag. 18. With all rail
way trulllc In the north already par
alyzed, the transportation facilities
throughout England are badly demor
alized today, while labor leaders de
clare that the response to the general
strike orders exceeded general expec
tations. It is freely predicted by rail
way employes that within the next
three days every railway line in Great
Britain will be tied up. In view of this
'act government officials are alarmed
at the inevitable distress which will
'ollow and admit that starvation will
prevail in four-tlfths of the homes In
the largest cities within a week.
Thousands of Americans and other
visitors In England are stranded with
out baggage. Steamship Hues are
planning to run automobiles between
London and Liverpool in order to In
l small degree relieve the congestion.
In Southumptlon all sailing dates
'tave been canceled and no vessels are
leaving tho harbor. In view of the
iresent crisis it is Improbable that
Parliament wilt adjourn.
SALEM. Ore., Aug. 17. Since the
'aw provides fur the registration of
farm names with the secretary of
state, requests art; coming In in lurge
I numbers requesting the registration
of every possible kind of enterprise.
The statute does not allow hustueKK
ilrniH to be registered, and Secretary
Olcott has so informed those who
have inquired.
Three requests rume yesterday,
one from Otto Btatih of Cleone. to
have registered the Kairvtew Itea!t
Company; another from the Klam
ith Development Company to regis
ter a hotel, the White Pelican, at
'via m ii t h Fa I Is : and a third f roni
Ben Neuman of Seaside to have hts
tuumioblle bus registered as the
"annon Beach Filer. All these re-
'luestH had to he refuHed, as the law
-Iocs not admit a business enterprise
to be registered or to allow a Arm
to consider its name a trademark.
The first accident of consequence
'o occur In this vicinity since the deer
season opened on August 1 happened
at a jtotnt nbout two miles south of
Koseburg shortly after 11 o'clock this
morning, when a Verne Huffman,
ir-year-old son of Mrs. tiny Huff
man, was acctentally shot In the left
ankle by a 12-gnuge pump shotgun
in tile hands of l.eo Rapp. son of Mr.
and Mrs. Cieorge Rapp of this city.
As soon as the accident happened
Donald McClnllen. who chanced to be
III the vicinity distributing posters,
hastened to town on his bicycle and
notified Or. Geo. K. liouck. The phy-
I "Irian left for the scene of the shoot
i Ing Immediately and a half hour later
admitted the boy to Mercy hospital.
where he will probably be detained
j for several weeks. Examination of
'the Intiiries showed that the bones
Again it becomes a privilege and
pleasure to us to extend our sincere
thanks to you for the suppott and
patronage given us in the past year.
One year ago we opened in your
city our cash grocery. Through court
esy, honesty and square dealing we
have won your confidence which we
prize highly, it is our aim always to
give yau the best for tho least
money Yours to live and please.
Stubbs and Co.
Offer extraordinary
On Friday, tomorrow, at Stubbp
will give every 2"th cash customer a
Mosaic Triple Plated Knameled Coffee
or tea pot free, you may be the lucky
Market Conditions.
Sugar Strong
Coffee Strong
Meat Higher
Urd Weak
Canned goods Firm
Kggs Higher
Country butter Scarce
We are also jobbers of Wheat,
Hay, Barley, OaU, Shorts, Dran and
In and about the ankle were com
pletely shuttered, and it may he pos
sible that amputation of the fool
will result. At the best, the physi
cian says the foot will he deformed
for all time. According to the story
related by l.eo Itnpp upon his return
here this noon, the boys were hunt
ing along the old Looking Glass road,
two miles south of town, when the
shells in Huffman's gun failed to re
spond. Falling in his attempt to re
move the shells and thus determine
the cause of the difficulty, Huffman
handed the gun to Kapp. who Im
mediately set to work In an effort to
eject the shells. He had thrown a
number of them from the magazine.
when Huffman remarked, "That is
II of them." An Instant later Huff
man walked iu front of Rapp, pre
sumably unaware that the latter was
snapping the trigger to ascertain
whether the gun was empty. As he
readied a point about five feet from
the muzzle of the gun the shell in the
chamber suddenly discharged and
Huffman fell to the ground. An ugly
wound in the ankle showed the hor
rible accident that had been enacted.
The gun which Huffman carried
belonged to his grandfather, L. D.
Carle, while the gun in the hands of
Rapp wns the property of his father.
The elder Mr. Rapp informed a News
representative this afternoon that he
warned the hoys against miming. tiiu
that they insisted on spending the
day in the timber. The accident Is
pronounced as purely accidental, and
no blame is attached to Leo Rapp.
who In a measure was responsible
for tho shooting.
This uccldeut lends additional ev
idence tending to Indicate -the dan
ger of guns In the hands of the young
and should prove a lesson to parents
who daily allow their children to pos
sess firearms of various calibers.
Mrs. Kendall and son left for
Portalnd last evening, where they
will spend a couple of weeks visiting
with friends.
Dr. F. McMurrny, secretary of
he board of church extensions, of
Louisville, Ky., Is expected here this
'vcnlng to confer with the Rev. K.
M. Mmirs, pastor of the M. K. Church
Tho annual state conference of the
t. K. Church South will commence
in tho local edifice on September 13.
)ther than hundreds of delegates
from Oreirou ami w asuingion, me
onferonce will
be attended by a I
number of
distinguished southern I
Icrgvnien. Hlshop It. G. Waterlionse ,
of Los Angeles will preside. ltev.
VVnterhoUHe is known throughout the I
United States, and his presence in
toseburg during the conference will
to clnulit assist in uttnicllng record
The Slilni Lumber Compuny of
Sutlierlln today tiled a suit iu the
circuit court against W. R. Klnsel,
in which the plaintiffs ask. to recover
he sun. of $55.02. together with In-
erest at the ruto of 6 per cent. The
omplalnt alleges that bilveen the
1 1th dav of March and the 3d of
Vlay. 1910, the defendant purchased
if tho plaintiffs lumber to the ap
proximate value of 1454.113. Of this
mount plnlnfr admit that $:IB9.U1
;ias been paid. Other than the prin
cipal and interest the plaintiffs seek
l judgment equivalent to the could
Hid disbursements Incurred in bring
ing the action. Attorney John T.
Long represents the plaintiffs. At
'iichinent papers were Issued concur
rent with filing the suit.
The Great Rub
The Old Chinese Doctors administered all medicine
by rubbing through the pores of the skin. That
was four hundred years ago, and to prove that
they knew what they were doing then, forty cen
turies of experience has not improved upon the
method, for we are still rubbing il iu.
Dr. Hoover's Liniment
Banishes Pain, Reduces Swelling and Inflamma
tion, softens stiff joints and sore muscles, and is
just simply the greatest Liniment lor Man and
Beast. A bottle of Hoover's Liniment should be
upon the shelf of every Farmer. A greatj big
bottle for only 25c, 50c and $1.00.
The most appetizing cream made is now being
served at our soda fountain. Try it. It's the
best in the land.
Roseburfj Oregon
Tacoma Will Have Board of
Ten to Help the Youth.
Tralnlond of It ousters Visit Astoria
iYuteiuthtl Will lie Kn tort nined
at Portland Vhu Makes
Princely iift.
(Special to The Evening News.)
TACOMA. Aug. J 8. That Tacoma
will have a public morals hoard of
five men and five women to serve
without pay, whose duty It will be
to guide the youth, was the announce,
mont made today by the City Com
merce Commission, following a meet
ing of representative citizens at the
city hall. One plan for keeping the
boys and girls out of the public dance
halts Is to hold dunces for them es
pecially In the High Shool Stadium,
under proper chaperonnge and where
the parents of the youngsters would
he welcome. U Is also proposed to
provide public club rooms, where ev
ening entertainments can he hold and
tho youth brought under uplifting
Influences, instead of loitering about
the city and attending questionable
places of amusement.
California lloosters Visit Fair.
PORTLAND. Aug. 18. -A train
loud of California boosters passed
through here today en route to the
Astoria centennial. The Californiums
will return to Portland on Saturday,
and on their arrival will bo enter
tained here, and Saturday night will
leave for the Guidon State. All of the
visitors aro lavish in their praise for
Oregon and the hospitality of the
Villon Milken .(ft.
gift of $.r000 to tho United Hatters
of North America was made today
by the International Typographical
convention upon tho recommendation
()f th tinunru committee,
Unit a loan mnele three years ago be
canceled and the unto given
to tbo union.
Dr. Lowe lenves Saturday noon.
Mrs. Julius Hiendl of Melrose is
visiting friends in the city.
n,.,i An
El-Kant 'l ' 1 " der "la l'
! Bust 17, 18, 111. The Lender. .Hi 1 J
Andv Hestul hnB returned from
Miiruliliulil and other coast points.
where lie spent tho past few days
looking ulfer business Interests.
liev 13. M. Jones of Corvnllls will
arrive here this evening to spend a
few (lavs with Uev. K. M. Meals, the
nnstoi' of tho local M. K. I'hurch,
runs Hnv Times: Krancls II.
(Mnike. president of tbo Ooos Hay
Boise line, will leave soon for Phil
adelphia on matters connected with
that proposition.
As 1r. Lowe Is usually very busy in .
the afternoon, endeavor to consult
him in the forenoon, If possible. He
leaves Saturday noou.
C. O. White of Myrtle Creek Is
spending a couple of days in Rose-
burg attending to business matters.
Mr. White leaves for New York lu a
few days, where he wlil settle up the
estate of his father, who recently
died In that state.
Dr. D. P. Love of Myrtle Creek
spent tho afternoon In town, where
tie was summoned as a witness in
the case of the State vs. Frank, John
and Uennetti DIMontl, who are un
der arrest accused of assaulting
Frank Hoover, a Myrtle Creek .section
Riddle Tribune: Otto Weaver had
the msfortuue of being kicked In the
forehead Wednesday by n mule. A
two-Inch gash diagonally ncross the
forehead was the: result. Dr. Kaiser
took three stitches to draw it to
gether and only a slight Bear will
remain should no complications take
Acnutlla Mellor had tho misfor
tune of shooting a hole through his
big toe Monday with a SO-HO Win
chester rlfle.says the Riddle Tribune.
One cannot be too careful In hand
ling a gun. and while Mr. Mollor did
not expect tho gun to go off. never
theless he should have had the mnz-
zlo pointed safely Instead of resting
on his foot. This is tne lirst ncciueni
reported in this section Binco the
hunting Benson opened. Dr. Win. v.
Kaiser dressed the wound nitd found
that the bone was broken.
llewnre of special agents nnd pod-
dlors who soil 4 00 worth for 11.85.
Clot the genuine Waterman ideal
Fountain l'en at tho Itosebntg llook
Store. dsw
Dr. Unve leaves Saturday noon.
A nteo, neat ti-rootn bunga
low, centrally located In paved
district. Sewer connections,
bath, patent toilet, etc. Ideal
locution. 1'rlco J2.600. Ad
dress A care News ollico.
1 ? .iPi-Kw
Fresh Fruit and. Vegetables
We have them in abundance to supply your home
Best tor your
I Yon will want a siinolv
meals, fruits and vegetables. You may rely ab
solulely on our (roods. We keep a larre variety
but a small stock of each kind. We order fre
quently insiiiinir absolutely fresh stock. Note
the fresh wholesome lasleof our canned goods.
Every lady in Koseburg to attend the
Fall Display
Imported Models ami 1 'at tern Hats, Ladies' and
Misses Suits, Cloaks and Waists, Hair Goods,
Neckwear, Novelties, Handbags.
August 17, 18 and 19, 1911
Five living models in Suits, Cloaks and Hats Satur
dav 7:30-8:30
Hair and ScalpTreatment-Manicuring-IIair Dressing
British Soldiers Fail to Keep
Plants Running.
Every Member Will Be AhspkmmI for
liaising Defence Fund to Protect
tho Accused Men Another
(Special to The Evening News.)
LONDON. Aug. 18. Owing to the
fact that soldiers placed In charge ot
the water nnd light plants have been
unable to keep them in operation,
numerous factories have been forced
to close down. Without engineers
nnd trainmen the railways have been
tumble to move the coal at Lancashire
nnd Cheshire and on this account
7i,00l minors will be thrown out of
employment tomorrow. As a result
of existing conditions this morning
practically all nf the employes of the
four Irish railways joined the strik
ers this afternoon.
Printers Aid McNnnuuns.
SAN KHANC1SCO, Aug. 18. At
the session of the International Typo
graphical Union today it was voted to
stand by the McNaniaras, the alleged
dynamiters of tho I.,os Angeles Times,'
and to assess each member of the
Typographical Union in the United
States, the assessment to be due and
payable within sixty days, for the de
fense fund. ' .
Free List 11111 Veto.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 18. Presi
dent Taft spent the day preparing his
third veto moxsngo to Congress, that
ot reject ing. the free list bill.
Frank Lour of Cleveland spent
the day In town unending to busi
ness mutters. Mr. Long reports ev
erything moving along nicely in the
Cleveland vicinity nnd he predicts
an average crop of grains and fruits.
H. n. Hastings, of Winchester,
spent the day in Itosobnrg attending
to business mutters. Mr. Hastings
reports the crops In excellent condi
tion in his home locality notwithstan
ding early roporta to the contrary.
camping trip
f fresh canned (foods,
Rochdale Co.