THE EVENING NEVS BY B. W. HATCH. ISSUED DAILVKXCEPT SI' DAY. Subscription Kales Daily. Per year, by mall 3.00 Per month, delivered 60 Beml-Weeklf. Per year $2 00 Sli months 100 Entered as second-clawi matter j November &, lyiu, at nogeonrB, uio tinder act of March 3, 1879. HltlDW, .11;I ST 1 1. IIISI-KI. 'I'll K MVKTKItV. The Man From .MiMwmrl KnKr for IriformiiiloM. Editor EvoniiiKK N'cwh: It haa been Haid a fool ran ask qileHliona that a wIko ninii cannot mi hwer, and It may bo for UiIh reason that the qnoHllotiH nuked herein can not be anawi-red by you. Tbo ques tion arittea from the lack of real gen uine news relative to the proposed Coos Hay and Eastern OroKon Kali road. Tor the past few days It bus been rumored around the streets that "important meetings are being held nightly, " but no mention Is made of any important transactions relative to the railroad. Kor twenty years efforts more or less (mostly less) ef fective have been made to build this needed line of railroad, and nothing much has been accomplished more than the rise and rail nf the hopes of the people In the territory affect ed. In recent days, however, there is aotne Indication that a railroad may bo built, and the filing of certain legal papers creates an unusual stir. The Southern Pacific Company rushes lnlo print and announces In extra large letters through the medium of tne interests' papers that Immediate construction Is to begin on a line from Eugene to the coast note the word ."Immediate." Note also that the Lane Asset Company, not con trolled by the Southern Pacific, has started construction on a line from Eugene westward. Ilrolher O'llrleii reckoned that that stone would kill two birds, and put a crimp In both the Eugene line and the Knar-uum line. Hut the crimp was not very no ticeable, so other methods will be resorted to. The llariiman method Is to bluff ns long as bluff goes, buy off If anything Is for sale,, employ a few gum shoes all the time, ami build when competition compels. This proposed road has been be fore the public for many years, .lusl at the time a supposedly reputable company announces that It Is ready to begin construction within a rea sonable time, behold the financiers who wake up and announce that they are rendy tn build the Hue, too. Here comes one company with $r,Ouo,oiio, as evidenced by one mortgage and trust deed, who state that a road will no built from Cons Hay to Itose hnrg. Also comes iviher financiers who nnnounce that they have plenty of money and they will build Ihe roud provided certain things are ar ranged. All this happens Imtnedll ately nfler ihe filing of a lo,oon.oon mortgage by Mr. Clark, who. It Is supposed, has arranged for tbo llnan cIiik of the Coos lluy and Oregon Eastern railroad. Now the foolish questions arc these: Are theHO new comers sincere and do they come In good fallh, or Is this our old friend, the Soulhern Pacific, appearing In a new dh,:ul;e? lines I'niium II. Clark actually intend to push t lie construc tion of a railroad rrom Coos Hay to Ro?ebre? If neither of Ihese compa nies commence construction this year are there others who really offer in good faith to furnish the capital for this railroad? Is there any way to distinguish between real and false promoters the friends of HosebiirK and the Southern Pacific hirelings? Aru there any of the Inner circle ol itoseljlirg lllislliess ne-n more melon; lo the Southern Pacific than they are to Hoselllllg allll tier lint-renm: ir there anybody riding on Southern Pa cific passes or mileage kindly Tar nished bv the company who has ac cess to these secret meetings anil who j might furnish Information to the( Southern pacific? And suppose I In- information Is given the Soulhern. Pnclllc (as It probably Isl what ef-1 feet will It have on this railroad If ( the money Is actually ready ror in vestment? With all this niyiilery and money Is it possible for the News re porter to enlighten the canallln" as lo prospective railroad construction In this territory? As the property owners of the community are sup posed to furnish the right-of-ways, etc.. why exclude them absolutely from anv Information? Does the I Sews believe Hint a railroad Is actu ally to be built within a reasonable i ir ur. nlmt do new- horn desires to build Ihe railroad sig nify? liaise the curtain and dispel the mystery. A -MAN I'HOM. MISSOI'lll. Itoseburg, Ore.. Aug. NOTICE TO 'I'll K PCI!!. IC. On and after August H, 1611. we the iinilesrlmied grocery men of Itoschiirg, Ore., will discontinue so liciting orders. We are doing this In order to cut our expenses wherevei possible, hoping by this means tu avoid advancing our prices to you We llnd that this Is one of our heav iest expenses In proportion to tile ait vantaites derived to either you or ourselves. You. of course, realize thai he expense of handling Is In the end paid gy you. any liny iinnecessjiry ex icnse Is an unnecessary tax on the -onsuuier. Signed) , M Its. A. C. KIM) & SON, It. STUHHS. ItOSEIU'ltC, HOCIIDAI.E Of) . HEE HIVE (IHOCEItV, lil'DOI.PK HARNESS, H. E. Oll.nEKT & SOV, 1IAKN10SS & JOHNSON, IIENUY EASTON. KENllltlCK & KING. HENSON (UtOCEItY. dswa I I It. K. SMH'K ;t Physician and Surgeon. v ! It Ituoins 1 and 2 Abraham HldR. :" : lloschurg. Oregon. & - Dlt. I''INI,AY. Ilinll-t. It ltoom 5, Hell Sisters IliilldliiK " 8 tt 0 Slab Wood Drv Fir Wood Split Oak Wood WE WANT YOUR ORDER1 Grain of All Kinds Hay of All Kinds. Feed of All Kinds. Now is the time to order your winter's wood Take advantage of our special prices. We make our own deliveries, ' insuring promptness and correctness. Roseburg Feed & Fuel Co. Warehouse and Office, Winchester Street on the Switch. Telephone 163 '"JpIIERE is onewatch you can buy with a surety of satisfaction and good value the WALT HAM WATCH Behind every Waltham is a clear, clean-cut guarantee good for all time. Behind that guarantee is the largest watch factory in the world. There is no need to argue the superiority of Waltham Watches. That has been established for ncarly-three-fourths of a century. 'It's 7'imr Yutt Otvmd a Walthiim. Wc make a specialty of Waltham Watches. Com plete assortment of all grailes and styles. Talk with us about a Wal tham. W. E. Clingenpeel Watchmaker, Jeweler, Optician Tentsof Quality To keep off the rain iik.vis Tuio it.wn. Noted Vocalist Will Slnj; at Noonday Conceit. Without money unci without price In tlio hIuuIiik of (,'hiirli'H McKiiiney, th 111:111 who hIiikh to heat the hand. Mr. McKiimey will positively appear it a iMiotlay concert of Lewis At f'laik'n ireat wentern show, "The faille King." and sing In a highly lilt Ivated, rlt-h-in-ineloly voice, so very powerful ns to he heard above thi! entire instrumentation (lf this gi gantic. miiMlcal organization. To miss This one griituilnus number Ik pn mi el tn refusing money as a gift. Take he word of a man who has spent his in ire life In travel and who has nev r slept twice In Ihe same bed Hince 'Us seventeenth birthday. He says: "I have never heard one-half his 'final. Lewis & Clark's great west ern show, 'The fait te King,' is In keeping with the high order of all f Lewis & Clark's productions. In his small space It Is Impossible to ;Ue a correct outline of nil of the .iv ii-1 y. The srenir work Is from ? Iii studio of Messrs. Lafayette (Jould Hid Wagner, 7 1 1-7 t Uroadway, New York. .Messrs. L. CI. and W. design ill the scenery for the Academy of Music and the (Irund Opera Mouse in Sew York and the Chestnut Street Opera House and the Kiuplre theater in 1'hlladi'lphia. This or iiseir is -iiiflicient evidence to satisfy the most, xattlng thai Lewis it Clark will of fer only the best that money can buy for their patrons' pleasure. The com pany will appear In Roseburg Tues day. August 1 r. This Store is the Home of the W-W-W Permanently Insured Ring i-in it ;uo i:its. Wo m'U this rltiR for the reason that we know It to be the bes. In the world. After thorough t-o in purl sun, we know t hat the WW W ti u.n a n teed King Is so gmul that we can sell it with the utmost coniitbnce Wo know that If wo sell you u W-W-W King, either for youi.-.ell' oi for a gift, It will give the wearer eerlastlng pleasure. We want you to see thin ring that we are talking about In nrdet that you may convince yourself that the W-W-W King Is the rlnn foi you to buy. A. S.HUKY Roscbur's Leading Jeweler You will always have good healthful, pit' and cake, it yni use White River Flour It is Not Bleached Bleached flour is injurious to health. Use Fleischman's Yeast For a good Starter Mrs. A. C. Kick! & Son Agv nts The I'mpqua Valley Fruit Union las perfected arrangements for the coming season with the Uosehurg 'ed Kile! Company on Winchester! tree), in North Uosehurg. ) The I n lun Is placing in stork j supply of fruit boxes, rubber stamv j aper and other grower's supplies ; fiswtr ! i OI ICl-: TO CONUt t T(HS. ! NOTM'K is herey given that sealed' Idds will be received by the under- Igned until the lilth day of August, CM I. ai I o'clock p. tn . fnr bHildlngi i concert e sidewalk, retaining wall ' ilid sleps on West street il'iitting the property of Hie Lane Vhonl, alo for excavating, grading iiiti terractng the s.tld ground for -: 1 1 I linprovi'tnent. Itids will be received separately for! t he eca a I ion and for the cement work. S:tld retaining wall, steps and side- : w alk to be const l uclud and said eca-j vatinn to be done all In accordance, with the plans and specifications Hied , in the olnce of the District Clerk the 'Mb dav of August, tlUt A certllied1 .heck i'( lle per cent of the hid ts o lie submitted with each bid for excavation, and for the construction' of said sidewalk, retaining wait and steps. ; The Hoard of Director of School. District No. I. Douglas County. Ore-' con. hereby reserves the right to re-; i it anv a ml all bids, and Hie fin t her tu:ht to let .-aid contract for the excavation separately Horn the con 1 1 act for con? I ruciiig the si dew a!k. retaining wall and steps. lt order of the Hoard of Directors Ibis i'th dav of Angii 't. 1 ! 1 . OKOUC.K NKl'N'Klt. .lit , District Clet k. L. D1LLAUD. ,x Chat! man of Hoaid Strong's Folding Cot To keep off the ground Folds so that it can be carried . like a suit case. It weighs 17 , pounds B. W. STRONG The Furniture Man The Open Season Is now at hand. The woods are full of festive hunters bent on bringing down one of the four-legged "spinsters." Many of them are meeting with success, while others are less fortunate. How ever, if you have missed getting in touch with a deer yet it may be no fault of yours. The kind of a gun one uses has some thing to do with the art of landing a buck. The way we are .prepared to fit you out assures your success. This season's goods are found at our slore in such an array that you need no other assurance of success. Buy your Guns, Amnunition and Hun ters Supplies at this store and the game is yours. We carry everything from a 2 2-calibre almost to a cannon and can fill every want in the sporting line. Churchill Hardware Company Cash Ironmongers The Slurp with llio IjkHcs' Rest Room The Store with the ladles' Rest Room Douglas County Ci'eaoisrr butter, ihe best In the land, can ue had ot your grocer at 70 cents the roll. De mand your home product and accept no other. dtf rarwff . 4fll8 lilfilf V-i I...,.,.- . Theladiesor the South .Methodist ; Neithep.Mr. Waterman iioranyone church will have a window sale of j else "111 sell you a $1.00 Gold Pen home cooking at the Bee Hive Gro-j for 50 cents. oD not be deceived. Get eery next Saturday. If you want j the genuine Waterman Ideal Fonn something good for your Sunday din-j tain Pen at Koseburg Book Store, uer the opportunity Is yours. I dsw : i i v:li-:ti-:i woods only are used In the making of the furniture we handle. Only the soundest, stralghtest grained logs are accentM. THAT'S WHY TMK DINNLK TAllUS, the chnlrs, the china closet or any other article Is strong ns well as graceful, serviceable ns well as at tractive. Rice & Rice ' The Mouse Furnishers j Cass Street ft $ ft ft : ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Auto Stage to Coos Bay 'roaring Car leaves Roseburg every day except -Sunday, at 6:30 a. in., connecting with afternoon train at Myrtle Point for Marshlield. Fare $8.00 ' Fare on regular stage, part way by" Auto, 56.00, to both Myrtle Point ahd Marshriel'd. Stage leaves every day including Sunday. Office Cor. Washington and Rose Streets. Phones Office 389, Residence 316. C. P. BARNARD, Prop ft ft ftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftiSftftft The proof of the Pud ding is in the eating Of the free in the growing Ask your neighbor who has planted Yakima or Hood River Trees See how they grow, then place yoi.r tree order w ith ILL The Nurseryman von SAl.K. nlt'o, noat 6-room bunga low, i-vutrally l.icatt'd In payed diMlrl. St'Wi'r connection, lialh. patent toilet, etc Ideal li'calli.n filce 1'J.r.nO. Ad- lives A car News urtVe. d-sw-tf ! t a : The Mlimrv rotnlurti'J hy Al'hm T;irness 1 oin-n each ar- t. ruoi n mid eveninit from 1 to 9 n'rlwk. Most ot til littfft novels can t obtained there. .it r Did You Eva Stop To Think That the Com or One writing paper in lint imn li more than what yo.i pay fur the ordinary it v? Think ef tle sat Isfaetlun to one's self and to the recipient cf a note or Letta on p'Hr of good quality. The Roscburg Hook Store Sells the ltot writing papers at lowest prices. llea.l.tuftrters f"r t'luuilain Peni! 8'V.cJ S'ippllos Otlice Sui ..ic. HOSl lll'IKi, OKrKiO.H. No man has to serve an apprenticeship in order to learn how to make mistakes You No Mistake if you buy your lumber, shingles, doors, windows and building material of PAGE INVESTMENT COMPANY Phone 212 North Roseburg LOOK FOR T11F BIG SIGN Dry Slab Wood Rock Spring? Coal During Hot Weather ro iiiiM-liliHWiinile hreml lo avoid preperiiii(n and uilier unsani tary condition of making hreatl In the old way. On June 1st We Added two oiiiK-fs to the loaf. If your Rhhtp 1oe not carry our bread rliHiitte grocers or phone 22 1, I- nil line of del It iou pastry al va at your command. Umpqua Baker' II. (il'KST, Prop, t III Ja.k.on Strict. "aWaBBBMaBMaaaHi