The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, August 10, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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    JSeTThe Store I hat Serves Vou Best
$3f"Satisfaction or Your Money Back
New York
Our 113th Friday and Saturday Sales
True economy is only to be had at the New York Store, the store that has always treated the people square, and we have been leaders of them
all and consequently this is the Only Leader in the Cloak and Suit business and Dry Goods Business. We liken ourselves to an old Bibical
saying, and yes the New York Store lead the people out from under the oppression of high prices. We have the only modern store in the city.
We have the best employes in the city. We have the store that sells at the lowest price and there is not a store that has undersold us at any
time. So beware of the saying, the New York Store has trash and the prices are high. All we ask is that you just join the multitude of satisfied
customers and be more wise and wealthy. J
Bargains That Are Best in the Land
Tiz, Tiz, Tiz The Best Yet 98c
A new creation in Men's hats, regular $1.50 imported English hat.
Come in 3 colors, mixed browns, light and dark greys. A hat you can
ruin. A cold-blooded business with you. Why pay $1.50Q
when we sell you the same thing for - - OC
Special Extra Bargain, Imported Lace
Curtain Ends, Values $2-$ 1 1.50 59c
Beautiful Cable Bobinette lace curtain ends in lte to 2 yard lengths.
Everyone imported, worked in Brussels and Batenburg Venice designs
The curtain makers highest art. Such a world of patterns RTfY
150 different patterns. On sale Friday and Saturday only 3 zf C
19c Infant's Colored Cotton Hose 124c.
Infant's Colureil Cotton HtnckiiiKS, in blue, black,
pink ami white. In xizcH 4 to . An extra k11111'
value at the low price of
Remnant Lengths Apron and Dress Ginghams 5c
A big special in finn quality Dress and Apron Ginghams
Remnants, long yaniage, 10 to 20 yards You can buy the
8c and 10c grade for Friday and Saturday at
121ic Yard Wide Bleached Muslin 8c
Bleached and finished by the Lonsdale Company. A Lons
dale product and there is few brands as good. We will sell
you all you want at the low price of
20c Beautiful Curtain Madras at 12Vc
New and swell Curtain Goods in a wide range of
patterns to pick from. "Your choice of the lot at
the low price of, per yard
75c to $1.00 Art Pillow Tops at 19c
A big offering in art squares and pillow tops. You can
buy many useful Xmas gifts and fancy things for your
own home at the low price of
50c Window Shade, Special at 25c.
An extra good quality of opaque green curtain shade, and BBT
all ready to hang. You gut them coinplutii at the very B U" jT
low price of m kJ V
$18.00 SilK Foulard Dresses, Spec. $9.95
ISeautiful Silk Foulard Dresses, in new fall style
now is your opportunity to secure yourself a
dainty little silk dress in different colors and pat
terns at low price of
20c Turkish Bath Towels 10c
Brown Turkish Towels in an extra large size. A big towel
value that you cannot afford to overlook at the special price
of only '.
Ill tin mutter of tint appointment
or ititlph CJuiiio as deputy HherllT. the
Hiimy It approved.
lit thu mutter of the petition of I-'.
C. Alk'ii and otliorn fur a count)' rouil.
name rnntliiiH'ri for tltu term. IVII
tlonorH ant untitled to pay oiie-lmlf
of thu (laman' Incurred.
In the mutter of the petition of
S. l f tu it i-ii unit oilier 1'nr a conn
t iitul in (lisirlt-t No. Imaril m
road vlewiTM will meet on Anirust I M
alhl survey and locate nald road.
The ladieH of the South Meilimtlxl
I church will have a w indow salo of
j limne ciMililniJ at the lUti llive llni
' eery next Sal urday. If you wiuit
j Huinethlui: uood for your Sunday dlu
! tier i hi opportunity In yutirH.
Coffee Special
Our rery ;iy mflVo Hpeeitil In
Htu'd ritlliT. Our -.perljil Idem! Ml
'J.'ir p.'C puiiMil is (he li-sl Mini
, limne) mil I 1 1 ' . I till (odileii W e -I
Steel Tut In (lie hrsl on Hie imir
kel. Cry 1 -pound can if nol
Nalisfieil, your money hack.
Henry Easton
IMA N lackson Phone 2i
The party or parties who took the
l foi'Ke heloiiKiiiK to the undersigned
j from the shed near the- rock crusher
! will save trouble and prosecution l
j retunitm; the Htoleti kochIh limned!
! utely.
UH'.W. NKWft.
Mrs. Kane tie lliuttui and daughter,
Ittiflt are expected to arrive home
from l-'ort Klamath tliln evening or
An order jut! horizlnn the sale o
real property in the estate of Mrs.
Nellie T. Itacon. deceased, was filed
in the probate court today.
W. C. t'uiiiinr, nt one time edltto
; of ibe I'laiiub-aler" in ItoHctniiK, has
j 'xcti;inc..-d the Cottage (irove l.eadei
; lor (he t'niiuille Herald and will lo
f -ate at the latter city w ithin the next
j tew days. The present owner of the
joiuille Herald will assume mnan;c
j meat of the leader.
During Hot I
.' ttinrliilie-fmidc hreml to avoid
pitop4'iHtii'it mimI other niiMiiil
liiry ctiiKltltoiin of mitkliij; hmtit
hi lie oh tiny,
On June 1st We
two ounce to the loaf, If your
lintwr iim' not carry our lnvrtd
tinnue ni",'''' -pteoie i!'J I .
I till line of tlYlhioii ui1ry ill
wari tit )tur enmmuud. 9
Umpqua Bakery I
II. I.I LSI', Prop. I
I 10 .In. kin Sliv.'l. I
Yaquina Bay
;(M!i:;o's ini'ri.xu iif.aoii in:.
An Ideal retreat for outdoor
pastimes of nil kinds. IIuiiiIiik.
Fishing. Hunting, Surf HiithliiK. Ulil
MiiK. AutnliiK, CannclnK. Hinicinn uud
jitilltT Skiuliitc. W Iht1 pi'ftty wiuir
. riiriM'tlaiiM run bo found on the
llMMH'h. l'lirt HHHIIllllill WIlliT 1111(1
' t!n licst of food hi low tnrt'. Piih
j INIi. rlimis, rmlia nnd oyslors. with
Kiluiinliinco of vt'xi'tnlitoM of nil kinds
with strtt't snli'.tnry rt-giilntlon j
K'l'S j
from nil noiiit)! In Orttoii V:ishlni-'
ton nnd Idaho on snlu dully. j
from Southern PrtrllU polnt. I'ort
land tit Cottage tlrove; nlso from
all A K. rttitloiot, Albany and
Vct. lood Kolnx Saturday or
Sunday nnd for return Sunday or
! Monday.
Call on nny s. P. or C. R. mnt
for full particulars hh to farvn, train
srhodnb'i. ftiv; aUo for copy of our
tllUKtrutcd booklet. "OullitRn In "r,
non." or write to
lii-m-ral r-n'r Ai'iil, Porlland.
"Llfi' In Manila" Th! Illustrn
(cd lotture drew Hie largest after
noon audience ut the Ashland Chau
lauiiiin, given by Miss Annie, liolihlns.
Mr. SimoiidK, Cue teamster, who
was recently Injured by behiK throw u
from a wauon. near the corner of
Sheridan uud Moahcr streets, nnd In
fer admitted to Mercy hospitul for
M-ontnient. was dtscharweil rrom that
Institution yesterday, j
The home of ('has. II. AHph. iu
('lournoy Valley, burned to the
ground just uftir the noon hour yea
'erday. Mr. Allen was assisting .1.
II. Marslers, 11 neighbor, with his hay
ivlieu the lire broke out, hut. ul
hoimh the men hurried over to the
turning house they were too late to
nve iinvlhinK and the residence nnd
ts contents were a total loss. There
was no insurance and the property
was worth about $S0n.
Word was received here yesterday
by .1. X. Vance of Kdenliower that his
brother. S. .1. Vance, a resident of
l-'torlda for the past year, died at his
home In i hut state. August I after a
Irief Illness. Mr. Vance, who was
un evangelist In the Christian church,
passed through Koschurg nhoui two
yenrs ago on his way south and met
a number of people here who will
, remember lil in as a very xenial ren-
' tleman.
C. M. Itankln returned yesterday
from thirty iuIIoh above Tiller, where
he has been lighting lire for the past
couple of weeks, lie reports nil fires
practically extinguished and expeeis
no further trouble. Iu Ills gang were
aboui thirty men t no Klllott ho
hoest -and the bos put iu from 10
to IIS hours every day. He stenks
( very highly of the manner in which
: the work was carried out and the nr.
.; conimodatlous to those w ho were In
the employ of the forest service.
Tomorrow night iKrldnyl August
II. Miss Annie Itohblns will give an
luierestlng lecture at the llapilsl
I burch. Speaking of her work the
Ml. I'nbtn ( 1. 1 News says:
"liesplte the extreme heat the First
M. K. Church was tilled last night to
hear Miss Annie Hottttins lecturu on
-Life In Manila." Miss Uohbins was
a nurse In the government hospital
sonde- for one year and a halt In
the PhllipinSioa, and her lecture pre
sents In a very interesting way the
phases of life among the high
and low classes of r'HIpiuos. Not only
Is Miss ltobbfns a very entertaining
platform speaker, hut additional In
terest In her lecture Is afforded by
a great variety of articles used and
manufactured by the Filipino."
The county court adjourned this
afternoon ufter a two dnys' session
No business of great importance was
transacted other than auditing the
usual grist of claims against the
IIICYCI.H I'OK SA1.K Lady's wheel.
Inquire at 614 Cobb at. a!4svd
I'OK SALK Two Herford bulls,
ono year old. Firstclass. Address
I.. 1.. Matlhews, Glide. Or. dtt
Ft)U SAI.10 At a bargain, ono good
heavy work mare, uud colt. Call
at thiR olllce. Rdtf
; FOR SAI.h) One 20-horse power
tublar horizontal holler for sale.
Inquire at the Roseburg Steam
Laundry. ' tf
FOR 8ALR. Flue sorrel mare. 7
years old. works double or single;
weight 1200. II. M. Haskell, box
112, Itoseburg, Oregon. a-12
FOR SALK 2:1 acres improved hind
at hlllard. Ore., t mile from sta
tion. For terms call or address
Win. Dallas. Dlllnrd. Or. el
FOH SALK CHEAP One 2 horse
power gasoline engine, good as
new. A good strong engine. P. O
box -tifi. Koseburg, Ore., or In
quire at News ofllce.
(OATS FPU SALK 30 head of good
goats, and nlso n two year tilly
In foal. Address Box 234. Rose
burg. or call at ranch lmlle north
of fair grounds, YVm. Uuzzell. al
CI 1 0 1 OK R A R OAl N Good T
room house, toilet and wood shed
off of large porch: lot 85x67. 2
blocks from postotllce. Price too
low for print. Addr-sa V., care
News. dtf
DISC FOR SALE One Clarka Sen
ior cutaway disc for sale cheap.
Only used one year. Address Box
6S3. Roseburg. tf
FOR SALE Seven room nouse,
toilet, bath, pantry, etc., centrally
located, near paved district, 60
foot lot. Price 12.600. Address
"Owner," care of The News dswtf
FOR SALE A nice, neat 6-room
bungalow, centrally located in pav
ed district. Sewer connections,
bath, patent toilet, etc. Ideal lo
cation. Price $2,500. Address A
caro News otllce. dswtf
B. V4 of the 8. E. 14 and the S.
Vi of the N. E. of section 26,
In township 3u south of range 2
west, consisting of sugar pine, fir
and cedar. Cruised over four mil
lion feet.- Price $3,000. Address
P, care News, Roseburg. - dswtf
80 ACRES FOR SALE 4 5 acres til
lable, 22 In cultivation, 2 acres
paled In for graden; good house,
cellar and barn. 85 bearing fruit
trees, team, harness, wagon, hack.
. 2 cows, 3 plows. $50 worth cv
lumber, all for $3,200. Addresi
box 35, DUlard. Ore. tf
FOR SALE An 80-acre farm for
sale or rent. 16 acres under the
plow, plenty of outside range, with
privilege of buying good team, a
wagon, cow and implements on
place; about ten tons of hay In
barn. Address J. K. Falbe, Olalla.
Oregon. d-al6.
acres, all In choice fruit, grand
view of city. One of the finest
properties In Roseburg or vicinity
for a home. Inquire at this office
lor particulars
KOFI t I .OTS-Nlce residence and
garden property. Iny well, close to
Edenbower store and dirt chenp
at only $tia each. Inquire at
News olllce. but be qpick about
it tfd
of Isnd. ill fenced, close In and
ready for planting. No buildings
but a choice spot for small farm
Price $1,250. Inquire News of
following described timber claiir
Is i.ffered for sale: N. B. o!
the S. E. 14 S. E. M of the N
E. of W. H N. E. 14 of sec. in.
township 30 south of rane i
west, consisting of 160 acrea of
sugar pine, nr and cedar. It cruis
ed three and one-h.-Jf millions
Price, $3,000. 'Addresa P. can
News. Roseburg. Or. dswt
W ANTE D Woodcho p pers. Apply to
I. N. Johns, Shady Point. Address
R. F. D. No. 1, Koseburg. a-19
age, weight, color and price. Musi
be cheap for cash. AddreRs or In
quire News office.
The proof of the Pud
ding is in the eating
Of the tree in the growing
Ask your neighbor who
has planted
Yakima or Hood
River Trees
See jow they grow,
then place your tree ;
order with
The Nurseryman
I'OK S M.K Leaving city. Impos
sible to take my plnno, will sell for
one half value If taken at once:
good tone and nice case. Clear re
ceipt given (address quick) C. T.
F.. Lock Box j5. Roseburg. Or.
FOR SALE Ha we have several
cars of oat. vetch, cheet and mtx-
ed hay for sale. That we can
name yon very close prices on.
Frank K. Blair, wholesale commis
sion merchant. Eugene. Ore
gon. FOR SA1.F. - Have " a vernTce "or
gan svured by ine In ft trade; it
is of no value to me as I do not
plav. Will sell for cash or on time
payment at a snap. No reason
able offer refused Address Lock
Drawer A. Roselnirg, Or.
toil SALE New 6-room bunga
low and 16 Acrea 1 U. n,ltAa r,n
postotllce: 8 acres cleared, '6 acres
piowen, or wnich 5 acres are In
young apples and peaches tgood
garden land): balance wood land:
good water: telephone: valuable
horse, cow, rhlckens: garden tools
and Implements. Will sell furni
ture with house If desired. All
will be sold chenp as 1 wish to
leave for the Philippines soon.
Phone Farmers 166, or addn:
box 458. Roseburg. a!2
WANTED Girl To do general house
worn. Apply at .News office for
particulars. gtf
WANTED From 200 to 300 head of
grade Angora goats mostly does
preferred. Address R. W. Squire
Koseburg. Or. dswaii
WANTED Salesmen for exclustvi
lerrnory. nig opportunities. Ni
experience necessary. Completi
line Yakima Valley grown fruit
ahade and ornamental stoci. Cast
weekly. Outfit free. Toppenlss
Nursery Company. Top,.enish
Wash. .i.w.t
LOST Diamond setting (mm 7t-
Liberal reward will be paid to find
er on returnd of same to Wollen
berg Bros, store. tf
and put that pine table In tht
kitchen." Thafa how It goes.
la what you find when you come
here to buy. You have a plenty
to select from and everything you
purchase Is durable and reasonably
Rice & Rice
The House Furnishers
Cass Street