"dignifying THE INDUSTRIES" f :.::r w -Is During Hot Weather 1nh machine-made bread lo avoid prcHpernllnn and oilier unaul tary t-omlltloii of making dread In the old way. On June 1st We Added two oimccH in the loaf. If your grocer (lorn not carry our hread chanuo Ki'ocei'H or phone 'Jill, l-'ull line of dellrloitN puNtry al ways at your comuuiiid. Umpqua Bakery II. (ilFNT, Prop. I III Jin k-.. ii HI nil. North Side Iiiht N'orlh of Kinney Spur, North uckKoii Street, Thorn 5'JI. Ordurn for alt klnda uf HuHtling Muletlal promptly Tllu-il at IteaHonuhlu I'rlcva, Mill Work Our Specialty Fruit Boxes lii Any tjiiuiillly. ' " M'n All work first-. I... Commercial Abstract Co Abstracts of ' itle riling Papers Prepared Insurance, Ktc. Bonds of all Kiiuls ln ni-i'ie .! s',r,h J-" . K.ish hi no, iii;i;on f DOUGLAS COUNTY ' CREAMERY "1 has I 41 Best Buttermaker in the State ICE CREAM SEASON IIERES; in large or small tiuamitio. Let us have your partv orders. Telephone . 10. This ! th tit J of a bautirul U4-pa(t book, which will i bow aiiy boy or girl bow to SUCCEED. Drop a poital In the mall TODAY and it will be int FREE. The aim of tba College if to dignify and popularixe the Industrial, and to terve ALL the people, I to fie re courses Id Agriculture. Civil Cugiocflrlog, Electrical Euglneerlng, Mechanical EogloeerlDg, Hiolng EDjjin. eerlDg, Forestry, Dotuestlo. Bcloace and Art, Com nierce, Pbaimacy and Xusla. The College opens September 22d. Catalog free. Address: REOIBTRAR, OKEQGN AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Curvallli, Oregon. We Repair Everything Electrical thai needs attention as w.;ll as tK you ftpparatiiH. Kurtnermor wo attend to nMuiIrs promptly iua 'phone urdur if you lt!:e) and yoit won't need to sound your nnrifl'ir alarm when you get our bill. Need anything in oi-r Huh. G. L. PRIOR 31 N ,Ir.cksnn St. ftoaeburg, Or ; ::::'': Coffee Special Coffee ".'sAr Coffee Otir every )ny coffee Ni(-lul Is Unn i-ol fi'i. Our sHi'inl hlend at U.V JH'I" poll lid In Hie lnMI (lull .tiKiney run buy. Our (oldi'ii W'esl S(ee 4 'nt In the Im'hI on (he mar ket. Try ii 1-pound ran -If not hii( Inff rd, your money hack. Henry Easton Grocer WW N Jackson Phone 26 Plaining Mill the news. Mits Howard Iv'ft for Routou ilifw morning, where be will spend ft cou ple of days fisblng. I J. H. Booth returned last evening after a few days spent at Portland and Salem. Attorney C. A. Sehelbrede and wife spent yesterday in Roseburg visiting with friends and left for their norm at Marshtleld this jnorulng. .Mr. and Mra. Jack Montgomery, the former Southern Pacific Blation agent at Junction City, spent the day in Roseburg visiting with friends. Miss Clara Lewis left for her home at l.ewiston, Mont., this morning af ter ten days spent In this city visit ing ai the hume of Miss Minnie Cory-.-l. Mrs. W. H. Flanagan of Grants Puss arrived in Host-burg this aft ernoon to spend a few days visiting at the home of her uncle, William Tipton. iHhZ mm .Neither Mr. Waterman nor anyone else will sell you a $1.00 Oold Pen fur 50 cents. oD not be deceived. Get the genuine Waterman Ideal Foun tain Pen at Roseburg Book Store. dsw The Douglas National Hank receiv ed notice from the United Stutes Treasury iJcpiiriment this morning to the effect that It hud been dcslglinled .is oiiiclul depository for the postal savings lunik. Freuci' ury cieuiitng, newest .ni-thntl? used. Your old su!t cnu bt .mule to look as good as new ul a ilullll co.. (Mollies cleaned, hut (locked. If you are looking ror ,oiul. quirk HervKV see Sloper, th leuner und presoer. Telephone 4i Attorney A. N. Orcutt l'etiinied to Uosi-burg last evening after iiilendlng i 1 ling of the council lit Sutherlin. With him ho brought the contents of the new city charter for Sutherlin, ompllrd by himself, copies of which aIII be printed In the News' job de- lartmeiit. II. .1. Kllchey has (lied a suit In the circuit court against (J. P. Miller in which he asks to recover the sum of K'ST.T'i. iucliiilliig principal and interest, on u delinquent proniissoo note. The plaintiff also asks for at :orney's fees In the sum of $2i. At lorney George N'euner rcpri'seiits the plaintiff. Miss Klslo Welzsteln, who is em liloved at the Itoselurg Soda Works, 'lll probably lose the sight of her lefl eye as the result of an acclden' which befell her late yesterday. The young lady was washing bottles v.he one of their number bursted with the result that a piece of the Hying g'nss cut through I ho pupil or her eye. Or. A. C. Hwly Is llttendlllg tho putle.lt. .Inhh White, who is promoting an Irrigation project In Southern Dotig- j us county, returned here this after noon after a few days spent ut Rld- Mle and Ciiuyonvllle. During his re- : 'ul visit Fast he sold the beautiful Tutl-ncre Martin ranch, sltuuted mid way between Davs Creek and Cnn vouvllle to a wealthy Ohio hunker 1 anil farmer. The jnewcomers are already making preparations to Im prove the ranch, ami In preliminary will set aside :!HI acrt'H to lie used III grow lug alfalfa. i While assisting In digging a ilitch j preparatory lo laying sub-drains, al- I ! most directly in front of the reshbuiK I of Dr. S. Ilanillton. on South M'lin street this inorning. Ilouilliick San iilctiuilrl. an employe of the flarke A llenery Const ruci ion Company, was burled benealli a large iiuautily ul earth which caved off the bank. Com panions rushed to his assistance and be was rescued from his perilous po sition with dllllcully. Dr. A. F. Se ttler was summoned, and upon ex amining the patient found that he was not seriously injured, save a few Ionises about Ihe hips and limbs. Hanks - Welker, the liverymen, have moved from their erstwhile iiuarters at the corner of Itose and Oak streets to their new burn, nt the coiner of Main and Washington : streets. The barn at present occu . pled by the II nil has been thoroughly ; renovated and remodeled and Is one of the most convenient stables In ! Southern Oregon. Additional vebl I cles ami horses have tieell added to ! the eiilpment. thus assuring the pub lic the best of turnouts The firm will 1 "xclt special efforts 111 looking after he wants of parties anticipating an ' luting In the mountains. The best of rigs ami careful and trusworb) drivers are promised all persons pa ' tmnllng Ibis 11 rm . I The preliminary hearing of Chas. iStntlh i colored l. who Is accused of I burling A rock at Monroe Daley, a negro companion, will be held before :i'ity Itccordcr Orentt at 4 o'clock I his afieinoon. The controversy leading : up to the alleged crime occurred In a shack oicupled by n number of ne- groes about a week ago. and was ! only subdued by the timely airlval of ; Marshal o.le Hoffman, who was ; summoned by people w ho rhuitred ' to t.e In the vicinity at the time ; Smith claims that Daley struck him lulih tho rock, while the defendant ! allege that he simply hurled th j rock In order to frighten his accuser : llnth men were formerly employed i bv the Clarke A llenery Construction Company The prosecution will be conducted by District Attorney Geo : M Ilrown. i lOt'AL NEW. George Htuarim of Oakland passed through Roscuurg this morning en route home after a few days spent In Southern Douglas county fishing. Dr. Vlncll leaves for Portland on 3unday night, where he will attend ;he annual meeting of the Grand '-.odge, Improved Order of Red Men. Miss Mary Buzzell and Miss Helen Croley of Hamshire, ill., arrived in ttosehurg this morning to spend a few days visiting at the home of Mrs. V. R. Buzzell. , Mr. Zimmerman aud family, who recently disposed of their property !n West ..osc-burg to a new arrival named McKee, left for Minnesota to day where they will remain perman ently. Miss Anle Hobblns, formerly army nurse In the Philippines, is making a tour of Oregon In the Interest of the State W. C. T. U. and will speak at Fdenbower this evening at eight o'clock and tomorrow evening In the Free Methodist church In West Rose burg. Other dates will bo given la ter. This is a literary treat. All that possibly can should avull themselves of the prlvilego of hearing this noted speaker and missionary worker. Sheriff Qulno tins received word this ufternoon from Mnrshfield that a man giving the name of Harvey Smith was arrested in that city today having In his possession the buggy stolen from Dr. Hrumllcld three days ago as well us the harness, and n buy horse wus also In his possession but. whether the animal was stolen or not Is a matter of conjecture.The man makes no denial of the buggy theft, but has not intimated where he got the horse. Sheriff Qulne will leave for Marshlleld In the m irning toget his man and arrange foi bring ing back the rig. COl'XTV COIM' MIIKTS Hill Few t'oint Orders Are Filtered 'luring the Illy Light Month. The members of the county court let hi regular msHion rliis morning lii.I up to a 'u'e hour this after noon entered the following orders: lu the mutter of the petition of U- Ine P. Gardiner and others for a county roud 111 District No. CP,, the .-H'-il cf viewe -3 ol-leicd to :i:eet. 1-w i i. d survey the I ri ad on Scifinler 6. I a 'I in the pelllloi of I-' 1. Wnver for a county road, repoit accepted as to damages. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. - P1IYHIOIAN8. BKFI.Y, 8 KT II Kit & 8TKWAU1 Physic iuns mid Surgeons t Odlce Lower lloor Douglus Co Bunk bldg., comer Alain ant1 Ouk Btreets. Phone 771. ' Roseburg, Oregon. Hit. LUCKTTA SMITH Pliyslcian Women's and Chlldron Diseases. Hours, 10 to 12 a in., 2 to ' p. m. Phones Office. 1711, lies. 1721. Rooms 10 and 11 Mason- I Ic Temple. t l K -selmrg, Oregon. 4 UK. .KO. K. IIOL'fK. Physician and Burgeon. Ottlce. Review Bldg., Phone SI. RoBeburg. Oregon. iiwf fcaK" lilt. .1. l CAl.l.AWAV 4 Ktei iiuit Itlc Pliyticluii t t Chronic diseases a specialty. Graduato of the American School of Osteopathy Kirksvllle. Mo. Under-lounder of Bcleuce Dr. A. T. Still. Olllce Ahruham Bldg. Phone 109 Roseburg Ore. 0-.sW t KI.MI-at V. IHH1X Fit, Physician am. Surgeon 4 9 Otrico. Main St., One Poor ftoulh i ol CHy Hall. Phone 841, Roseburg. 'lregon. ' A ITOHNF.YN. " -5- :: o c ItUOM N A! EDDY, All irlu ys at Ijiw. 1 41 ifr Masonic Temple. Itoseburg, Or d ' XiHXMiSW W tOf. 4B4MMM 4HMM The proof of the Puil tlinj; is in the eating--- Of the tree in the growing Ask your neighbor who has planted Yakima or Hood River Trees See liow they grow, then place your tree order with ILL The Nurseryman .- joii; -Ai-IW. it Rooms 7 and 8, Douglas (Jo. Bank Building. l Roseburg, Oregon. i. A. BUCHANAN Attornejr-At-Law. t Notary Public. ADranam Bldg. 4 Roseburg, Oregon. It. w. MAItHTKim and AtUirncr-ACrLaiv. Notary Public. Rooms ( 7 7, Marsters Building. j Roseburg, Oregon. FULLERTON ORCUTT, $ Attorneya-at-Law. U Will practice lu all State and Federal Courta. Ottlce Rooms 3, 4 and 6, Douglas National Bank Building. Roseburg Ore. 3inKGa tKrrr c tt ,r vryz i h - u irg' COSHOW & KICK Attorncys-At-LaiT 4 Uf Douglas National Hank Bldg. 4 Roseburg, Ore. . .7jrtHtlH.' DENTIST DR. C. I.. PFAItHON t 41 T Dentist. Office Review Building. 4! it Hours 10 a. iu. to 8 p. m, If Telephone Connections. IHKWM JAutMmt) t F. W. HAVNK8 Dentist ' 4! Roseburg Natiouul Bank Bldg. 4 5 Hours 10 to lii, ii to 4. 4 Phone 1283. Roseburg - - - Oregon. ft ft !S ft i. J. llACHEIt, 1). M. I)., Dentist. 41 41 ft Abraham Roseburg, 4) Building. Oregon. 41 CLASSIFIED AllVIOltTISEMK.N'TS LOST Diamond setting from ring. Liberal reward will be paid to find er on returnd of same to Wollen berg Bros, store. tf WANTED. WANTED Olrl to do general house work. Apply ut News office for particulars. Stf WANTED From 200 to 1100 head of grade Angora goats mostly does preferred. Address R. W. Squire, Roseburg, Or. dswaa WANTHD Salesmen for excluslvt territory. Big opportunities. Nt experience necessary. Complett line Yakima Valley grown fruit shade and ornamental stock. CasL weekly. Outfit free. Toppenisb Nursery Company, Topi.enish Wash. dswtl FOR SALE. TOR SALE Two llorford bulls. one year old. Flrstclass. Address Matthews, Glide, Or. dtf WOOD FOR SALE Phone Furmers 104. J 1. Sprlngsteaed. Roseburg, for wood. Prompt delivery. dtf TOIt SALE At a burgain, one good heavy work mare, and colt. Call utjtlil8j)l!lce; Rdtf Wt-SAUTE One 20-horse power tulilur horizontal bo'iler for sale. Inquire at the Roseburg Steam Laundry. tf FOR SALE. Fine sorrel mare. 7 vears old. works double or single; weight 1200. H. M. Haskell, box 112, Roseburg, Oregon. a-12 FOR SALIC 23 acres improved land at Dlllard. Ore., mile rrom sta tion. For terms call or address Win. Dallas. Dlllard, Or. si T)USALH" CHEAP One 2 horse power gasoline engine, good a new. A good strong engine. P. O box 47a. Roseburg, Ore., or In qtllro at News office. GOATS FOR SALE 30 head of good goats, and also a two year nlly In foal. Address Box 234, Rose burg, or call at rnnch 1 mile north of fair grounds. Wm. Buzzell. al FOR SALE Seven room nouse toilet, bath, pantry, etc.. centrall) located, near paved district, 60 foot lot. Price $2,500. Addrest Owner." care of The News dswti CHOICE BARGAIN Good room house, toilet and wood shed off of large porch: lot 85x67, 2 blocks from postoftlee. Price too low for print. Address V.. care News. dtf BEAUTIFUL HOME SITE Twi acres, all til .choice fruit, gram view of city. One of the lines' properties In Roseburg or vlclnlt for a home. Inquire at this offic for particulars. ' FOUR LOTS Nice residence ana garden property, iny well, close ti Edenhower store and dirt cheat at only (05 each. Inquire a' News office, but bo qpick about it, tfd FIVE ACR ES FOR SALE Nice piece of Isud, all fenced, close in and ready for planting. No buildings but a choice spot for small farm Price fl.250. Inquire News of flee. FOR SALE A nice, neat 6-room bungalow, centrally located In jtav ed district. Sewer connections bath, patent toilet, etc. Idal lo cation. Price 12.500. Address A care News office. dswtt FOR SALE Leaving city. Impos sible to take my piano, will sell for one half value If taken at once: good tone and nice case. Clear re ceipt given taddres quick) C. T F . Lock Box Ti:V Rosi-burg. Or. FOR SALE 1 1 ay. we have several cars of oat. vetch, cheet and mix ed hay for sale. That we can name you very close prices on. Frank E. Blair, wholesale commis sion merchant, Eugene, Ore gon. FOR SALE Have a very nice or gan secured by me in a trade; it Is of no value to me as I do not play, will sell for cash or on time payineics at a snap. No reason able offer refused. Address Lock Drawer A. Roseburg. Or. HOUSE FOR SALE Good." newf rtioni bouse, t sleeping porcbec. 2 lots, city water. 1.100 taken own er's equity Long time on balance, luqulre at residence corner B. Sixth street and 2nd Ave North. Ksl OISC FOB 8 ALE One Clarks Sen ior cutaway disc for Rale cheap. Only used one year. Address Box 6S3, Roseburg. tf 80 ACRES FOR SALE 45 acres til lable, 22 in cultivation. 2 acres paled In for graden; good house, cellar and barn, 85 bearing fruit trees, team, harness, wagon, hack, 2 cows, 3 plows, $50 worth of lumber, all for $3,200. Addresr box 35. Dlllard. Ore. - tf FOR SALE An 80-acre farm for sale or rent. Iff acres under the plow, plenty of outside range, with ' privilege of buying good team, a wagon, cow and Implements on place; about ten tons of hay In barn. Address J. K. Falbe, Olalla, Oregon. d-al6. TIMBER CLAIM FOR 1ALE The E. of tho S. E. l and the S. Vi of the N. E. hi of section 26, In township 3u south of range 2 wes', consisting or sugar pine, fir and cedar. Cruised over four mil lion feet. Price $3,000., Address P. care News, Roseburg. dswtf TIMBER CLAIM FOR SALE The following described timber claim is t.ffered for sale: N. B. 4 of the S. E. U 8. E. H of the N. E. V4 of W. hi N. E. hti of sec. 28. township 30 south of rane 2 west, consisting of 160 acres of sugar pine, fir and cedar. It cruis ed three and one-hc.lf millions Price, $3,000. Address P, can News. Roseburg. Or. dswt FOR SALE New C-rooin bunga low and 16 acres, 1 V4 miles from postoftlee; 8 acres cleared, 6 acres plowed, of which 5 acres are in young apples and peaches t guod garden land); balance wood laud; good water; telephone; valuable horse, cow, chickens; garden tools and Implements. Will sell furni ture with house If desired. All will he sold cheap as I wish to leave for the Philippines soon. Phone Farmers 106, or addr.is box 458, Roseburg. al-2 GENERALDRAYING liooils of Ptery dcttrrititioii moved If iny partti uf tho city. Vt lveu rat(an- thle. H. S.FRENCH Fresh Fruit and Vegetables We have them in abundance to.supply-yourihonie table . Best for your camping trip Yon will want a supply of fresh canned goods, meats, fruits and vegetables. You may rely ab solutely on our goods. We keep a large variety but a small stock of each kind. We order fre quently insuring absolutely fresh stock. Note the fresh wholesome taste of our canned goods. Roseburg Rochdale Co. $ll ZlVvSSYi , Someoftl.e mot artistic effects jl B 1 "1 Jf3LflARj? In Paper are simple in char- U i 1 R Lr 5 I 1 actcr and moderate in price. HI US- rii r I The ccornpanylng illustration If jj i WX 3 A1 n example of one of the many ) H v 1 ! I V 1' "i new ideas in "Home Decoration" It I f ti i M jJ A-; J for 1911. II Ha i f I ! The fact that we are maVin(t HI tj ' If? t 1 'Pecial feature of AuVe4 Puts i fU' f 11 ttWX "f" Wdl is sufficient as- j ?f 3l tl VI ,lrnc that the styles are the jj jij f ! j ,'lr? It latest and quality the best. , J j '4!i' ifj ti (X . sT'ea and estimates cheer- H I J ' IT ' C 3 ' '"omitted upon request f H' 4 liUii;' D. P. FISHERi I ifi i 'I lr '"OW "(St'"llU'' T::BA':'ttK' P KOH SALE. A nice npat A-rnom htinfa- m low, centrally located In paved district. oewer connections, w bath, patent toilet, etc. Ideal location. -Price $2,600. Ad- dress A cars News office. 4ft t d-sw-tr NEWPORT Yaquina Bay OREGON'S POPULAR BEACH RE. SORT. An Ideal retreat for outdoor pastimes of ail kinds. Hunting, Fishing, Boating, Surf Bathing, Rid ing, Autoing, Canoeing, Dancing and roller Skating. Where pretty water agates, moss agates, moon stones, carnellans can be found on the beach. Pure mountain water -and the best ot food at low prices. Fresh fish, clams, crabs and oysters, with abundance of vegetables of all kinds dally. . . - -' 1 CAMPING GROUNDS CONVENIENT AND ATTRACTIVE :. ... with strict sanitary regulations- LOW ROUND TRIP SEASON TICK. .- ETS J , ; from all polntB In Oregon,. Washing ton and Idaho on sale dally. : SATURDAY TICKETS MONDAY from Southern Pacific jiolnts, Port land to Cottage Grove; also from ull C. & E. stations, Albany and West. Good going Saturday or Sunday and for return Sunday or Monday. Call on any S. P. or C. & E. agent for full particulars as to fares, train schedules, etc.; also for copy of our Illustrated booklet, "Outings In Ore gon," or write to WM. McMURUAY General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon.