f 0 You will always have good healthful bread, pie a cake, if you use White River Flour It is Not Bit-ached Bleached flour is injurious to health. Use Fleischman's Yeast For a good. Starter Mrs. A. C. Kidd & Son Ag.iits nd 'nil iAI T.NKY li.NIM'KKO OUT. Lasts Ike Jloumh, V Itiitlling rlon. Thegreatest Germ destroyer and disinfectant known Will destroy odors and germ life in twenty seconds For use in sinks, toilets and sick room We guarantee this preparation to do all we claim . For sale by Marsters Drug Co. Roseburg Oregon Coffee Special Coffee TIIAT IS Coffee Mtr rvwy day rnflVr shm-Iji Ik KftuiJ coI'IVk. Our sM-rjjil lilcnit ill lilr jmp poiinil In (lit hi'st r lull . ni'incy en ii luiy. Our (olden V.sl Htt'i'l ('til In tin Ih's) on (he mar ket, Try a I-hmiim1 run if not ttiillsCU'd, your iiionry limit. Henry Easton Grocer 'MA N Jackson Phone 2(i M ISO FOR 0, Or., Aug. 4. Dogged, y fighting bni coiu.-antiy on the de eiiKivf, Tummy Oaffney, a Spokane EknI u f ilit . uuee limbed aftfr being lamrnered for five rounds by Hauling Ii lM.m, at the tiera hoiiHf here to liuit. Kroiu tlip tivart, flaffny did not iij.e it cliancf. The minute, he tt nto ti e ring he rejilized that Nelnon ha too much for hi in and Iho ex- ha in plon followed him roiiHiantly, 1 h V u I ii k Id in In the body and trying o boat down his Kuanllng glrvs. ii (he lli'ftt NYlson knocked fJuffney fr hi U'fi. In the llflh and last fttjnd Oaffney t-ame up a i.a r-ntly -tronu but he wuh knotted to the open and hung there for the fount. In the fifth an altercation ocmr fd between Oaffney. hi brother and t.'feroe Jliinatier, uf this city, lu vlilrh Home promiscuous nl it Kg in; iitn dull' Oaffney derlnred the rr ree Kave him a "rotten deal," not! alliriK a numher uf fouls on the part I f the Dune. Oaffney was In a bad condition he niiihJi, while .Net sou watt nil iT.ilchcd at the close of tlm fluht Vnon made a throe-ml mite speech In vhlrh he declared that the bout with ''.aftliey WUH u feeler of hf colldl Hon and that being satisfied he was ready to try a toucher nut. "I am K'diiK alter my old position ;ih the kliiK of the llhtwelitH ladle ud enileineu.' he said. "And I iiu op my way." There were ahoiit a.ti Kpeetator.s. and willing to Kfitlwfy every ciiHto . but that they will go beyond the fctiiet houmlK of buslneHH, and through a liberal and courteous pol icy, do ail that they can to pleas and Haj'lsfy their customers, en 'hough a certain loss falls upon thernselveH. The band boys are much pleased with the excellence of the Buewchei IriKtruinenttt, and especially pleaHed at the evidence of courtesy and good vill Khown by the exchange of horns -WOTHKU HAIXKO.ll. Lui'ko Hum Itaised Tij New Koad. Ml 'NIC l, COMI'.WV UI.KJtAI,. Sends ItoKehui'ir Ihuiil New Without n .Murmur. During Hot Weather L'se miiclilne.iiuide brent to avoid pivHruiloti mill other uiiMini tuty eomlitloiiM of nuililii lii-ead In I ho old way. On June 1st We Added two ounces to the louf. If your Knurr does not carry our lnviul ehtiilHe )t'04-ers or phone "IM, Kill I line of delicious pjetry itl uny at your vonimniul, Umpqua Bakery H. t.t i sr, prop. I 10 .Idi kNiin Stiei't. When William Miirnyll oceud i".e director m ciiair lu the cummer lal club band, a number of hand lu triiiu.-nt.s were purchased from the !iiesc!ier Itnny Instrument Company nf Klkharl. Imliaiut. All of these tint rumen ih were found to be first lass lu every respect, with the pos Ihle exception of the baritone horn I vnii n lor several ; reasons did no- :ueet thi' approval' of most of tht hand members. The particular my!' ii horn sent was not authorized h the commercial Huh, althorugh I .vas ordered by Mr. Hurnell. I he Itueseher people, learning this particular horn was not satisfactory o tin- band, offered to exchange the nine II It was returned tothe fac tory, 'i ne horn was returned, um the Hueschcr Company sent, prepaid, o the commercial chili a new barb hp horn, which is not only hen ill I ul in appearance, but according to all "u- mush-tans who have. examined It md le.-ded It. Is probably art line n can Im 'HI llone tnerica. Tl:n IliHveh :-oiild not have been ' hant;e horns, as Mr. i he insi rumeiit seul in im 'tier to satisfy purchased hi people probably ii required to ex- Iteniel specllled originally, but the commercial lub Hilly, they made the exchange, .huuing thai they are not only ready MA RSH FIELD, Or.. Aug. 4. A f r..joo.jOO murtKKRe has bwu fllw! hi the ofll'e of the munty clerk nl (.'oiiulllo on the franchisee, riBhtH of way und other proierty of the Coos Hay Traction Company. The mon KUKP lu made in favor of the North ern Tnmt Company. The document does not Indicate any particular route, further than that It iR the intention of tho company to build a railroad with a terminus at Coos Hay. tleorK AverJII, of this city, who, la now lu Portland. Is tho president of the company. W. !. Kvans, for merly of North Rend and now of Portland, Is the secretary. Another railroad move was made in the flllnK of 12 rlKhts-of-wny agreements to the Coos Hay Eastern Electric Com pany.: It Is said that this company is the one for which Hnttlnecr Titir rart Aston, who was here recently. .is making surveys. E. W. Nevers, if San Kranclseo. who a few weeks iko mm a party or t anrornia men lere, is said to he Idenlllkd with ho project. The rlnhts-of-way iKreeiuents cover only certain tolnts, some of which are on the same uirvey of the Coos Hay and Oregon 'entral. . nc rights of way specify l width of 1101) feel. Wliile l. J. Jarvlg and family were partaking of dinner in the rear of I heir store aflioon lodav. a half breed Indian entered the front door, and after peering about for a time, appropriated a pair of trousers and started in the direction of the depot. Mr. Jarvia witnessed the act, and Immediately went In pursuit of the hief. Overtaking the fellow near the iepot, Mr. Jarvls Informed him that le could consider himself under Br est, whereupon the trip to the city, jail was commenced. Weakened at I the thought of going to jail, the half-breed begged for mercy, and np- CI.ASKH-'IKl ADVKHTI.HKMEXT8 WANTKll. A ftrstclass plumber can find 4 a good position by inquiring at 4 The New office. dtf IvOST Diamond setting from ring. Liberal reward wlti be paid to und er on relurnd of same to Wollen herg Bros, store. tf WANTED. WANTED Prom 200 to 3u0 head of grade Angora goats mostly does preferred. Address It. V. Squire, Koseburg, Or. dswafi WANTED lilrl to do general house work. Apply at News olllce for particulars. Stf on agreeing to pay the price of the pants, plus the costs Incurred In the constable's exertion, was released. Mrs. Bell Jones and children, of Portland, arrived In Koseburg this morning to siend a couple of days visiting with friends. IIOIIID A Sit HOOM. First class board and room 4 can be had at the home of Mrs. 4 A. Hall, 246 Flint and Mosher streets. Phone 306. dtf GENERALDRAY1NG Oood.H of eery description moved to any parts of the city. tVlve ren H. S. FRENC IJOAKOKHS WANTKD In private faintly, laborers preferred. In quire 523 N. Main street. a5 WAXT-PD Salesmen for excluslvt territory. Big opportunities. Ni experience . necessary. Complete line Yakima Valley grown fruit shade and ornamental stock. Cast, weekly. . Outfit free. Toppeuisli Niirnery Company, Top,.enish Wash. dswtl l Olt SA I.E. K011 SALK Two Iierford bulls. one year old. Firstclaas. Address 1. L. Matthews, Glide, Or. dtf WOOD FOR SALE Phone Farmers 1U4. J I. SpriiiKsteaed. Roseburg. for wood. Prompt delivery. dtf BLACK M7NOHCAS--ViirselTTlin of six young laying hens and one cock cheap. Inquire News olllce. 4 I lil lT UltOWKIIS. North Side Plaining Mill ; -fi:i;v in i i I I- KIM i lis North of Kinney Spur, North ftukhou Street, I'tioiie r.'JU, Orders for nil kinds of Reasonable Prices. Hull, Im,; MiIimI.iI pi plly rili, Mill Work Our Specialty I'rnlt ttne? In Any Ouaullty. I'honn Mnin tfl.M All nik fni .I i Commercial Abstract Co Abstracts of ' itlc 1 iliiKr l'apois Proimrcn Insurance, Ktc.f HdiiiIs (if all Kiiuls riimis!ut .North JaikMon M. Itl'Nl III Hi, ot.;(.ii .Hill i'lt Klli'liiii." Ili.i: pine tulile Thill's how It (;o i i iiNin iiE i tiit M.I, Nil: Hill si: pill vine priced. hi II n it uln'U you come i. N ,nl liali' a plelil nil! Slid even thing you ilunililo anil reasonably The ihiipnua Valley Erult I'nion s perfected nrratlgemeuts for 'he coming season with the Itosehurg 'red & l-'uel Company on Winchester ireet. I u North Kuschurg. The I'nion Is placing lu stuck II upply of fruit boxes, rubber stamp mper and other grower's supiilles. Uswlf I.tXMI, NEWS. Dr. Hradliurn was in from his arm, near Wlnstnns. today. .1. A. C i i 1 1 in in , of Tularo county, 'alir., was In the city today. The sentlcniun Is enjoying a visit wllh lis cousin .1. .1. milium on Deer '.'reek. French dry Cleaning. newest nethoil; used. Your old su't can im nade tc, look as good as new nt n uiall cos.. Clothes cleaned, ha in locked. If you are looking 'or :ood. quick servhv see Sinner. Ill, i leaner and presser. Telephone 4 7 Mrs. Anne Meyers today sold two ots. situated on Jackson street in Xnrth lioKehurg. to Edwnnl Coekel. use. The deal was co.;.ii.nunnieil IhrDiigh Honil llradley. the real slate agents. I'ortlnmi Journal: Comenirclal lulis of the state are reviewing tlie icllvlties of the year, In order to illlike a report at the convention of Oregon Development League at Vslorla. August 14-16. Koseburg re ports to the league headquarters that "I erclul dull has Increased 100 nenihers, has refurnished lis rooms md now claims to have the finest home of Slates In n city of similar size. Ito.seburg has one odd feature not usually found. Its commercial luh reuiilrcs no sM'cial card for the iiliiiission of strangers to lis rooms Tho Milliners are open at all times! ind strangers are Invited to nuike full use of them, wllhout any res-! ' rlct lous whatever. KOlt SAI.IS At a bargain, ono good heavy work mare, and colt. Call at this olllce. Rdtf KOTSAlVjiOneb-h"orse power tublnr horizontal boiler for sale. Inquire at the Koseburg Steam Laundry. tf TOlt""s7I.E 27) acres 'improved land at IHIIiird, Ore., V4 mile from sta tion. Ptir terms call or address Win. Dallas. DIHard, Or. si KOlt SALK-'-Oak'stove ' and block wooil. 4 miles out, at $1.75 the tier on the ground; no hills. Phone :IXG. Koseburg. Oregon. dtf DISC I'OK SALE One VlafkT Sen ior cutaway dlse for sale cheap. Only used one year. Address liux tiSll. Iloseimrg. ti' KOH SAI.K" CTllJAPl)"ncrorso pow.M gasoline engine, good as new. A good strong engine. P. O box 475, Koseburg, Ore., or In quire at News office. . v "dignifying THE INDUSTRIES" Tbli Ii the title of a beautiful 64-page book, which will show any boy or girl how to SUCCEED. Drop a posiai in ine man too ay ana it will be sent FREE. Tho aim of the College U to dignify and popularise the Industries, and to serve ALL the people. It offers courses In Agriculture, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering. Mechanical Engineering. Mining En gin. earing. Forestry, Domestlo. Science and Art, Com merce. Pharmacy and Music. The College openi September aad. Catajog free. Address: REGISTRAR, OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, CorvalUs, Oregon. i We Repair Everything Electrical that needs attention as well aa sell yon a;,!itirn,lu8. Furtnermore we attend to repnlrs promptly lou 'phone order If you like) and yuu won't ueed to sound your burglar alarm when you get our bill. Need anything in oer Hue.' G. L. PRIOR 315 N .lac kaon St. Roseburg, Or KOK SALE Seven room nouse. toilet, hath, pintry, etc.. centrallj located, near paved district, 60 foot lot. Price 42.500. Addresh "Owner." enre of The News dswtl ( ; O A TS KO rRSAT"E3 OTeii d of good goats, nnd also a I wo year filly in foal. Address Box 234. Kose burg. or call at ranrh 1 mile north of fair grounds. Win, nnzell. si CHOIC,; ilAUU.U.V tlooil t- room house, toilet and wood shed off of large porch: lot 85x67. 2 blocks from postolllce. Price too low for print. Address V., care N-.-ws. dtf lit. l TII'l L IIOMB SITE Two aires, all In choice fruit, grand view of city. One of the finest pruperllrs In Koseburg or vicinity for a home. Inquire at this oftlct for particulars. KOUK LOTS Nice residence and garden property, lay well, close to lOdenliower store nnd dirt cheap at only $(15 each. Inoulro ni News offlce, but be qpick aboui tfd I'"Oil SALK A nice, neat H-rooni bungalow, centrally located In pav ed district. Sewer connections bath, patent toilet, olc. Ideal lo cation. Price $2,500. Address A care News olllco. dswtf FTVK ACRCS "KOR SALE-Nlce piece oi num. an teuced, close In and ready for planting. No buildings but a choice spot for smnll farm Price $1,250. Inquire News of flee. Fresh Fruit and Vegetables We have them in abundance to supply your home table Best for your camping trip I'llM'M lll lll t -vit HI IIIMJ SI MMI 11. Rice & Rice 1 lie liousc Kuriiislicrs Cass Stieet PIIOl 1 SSIDNM. IWKIIN. I'llVSH'IAXS. DOUGUS COUNTY CREAMERY has the Best Butter-maker in the State ICE CREAM SEASON HERE in larye or small tjuani itk-s. partv orders. Teiepht)iie .Mil V in. ike iei' i Tr.ini li.i mir !",:::,:. : :. Tin- proof of dinj; is in (lit.1 the l'ud-eatincr--- Of the tree in the growing Ask your neighbor who lias il. inted Yakima or Hood River Trees See liow they i;row, then place your tree order with ILL The Nurseryman : si:i:i.y, si:i 111:11 sti:waii i rbMclans anil Surgeons ' Olhce l ower Moor l)ouglu Co '. Hunk bldg., corner Main am ' Oak Mree! Phone 771. i Koseburg, Oregon. ? ss..suiijuii. .. . i;.-.. -i. -..-jtfJ,p(f. J UK. l.lCKIT.A SMITH IJ I'hysirlan Womeu'a and Children'! nistHsea. Hours, It in u i m . I to p. Ill Phones Offlce. 1711, Ki. S 17il. Kooms 10 and 11 Mason- le '1'euiple. h iebur(, Oregon. I SALK Hay. we have several cars of oat. vetch, cheet and mix ed hay fur sale. That we can name von very close prices on Krank !: Ulalr. wholesale coniinls slon nierchant, Kugeiie. Ore gon. 0 1 1 S A I . K - V. x 1 1 ec 1 1 n g" t o rfet r I am ori'erlng for sale my span ", year old hays, safe for a wo man lo drive, my rubber tired stamipe. either for two or four persons, and set of new harness Will sell separately. K. II. Rosen. berry, east of ''ir grounds. dtf I" I M 1 1 K I e 1 . ATM Ft )l! SALE The R. "j of the S. E. M and the S 'i of the N. K. VI of section 26 in town-nip 3u snulh of range 2 wes'. cuiMlstlng of sugar pine, fit nr,,i ce.lar. t'ruised over four mil lion feet. Price $3,000. Addres.- l-. care News. Koseburg. dswtl You will want a supply of fresh canned goods, meats, fruits and vegetables. You may rely ab solutely on our goods. We keep a large variety but a small stock of each kind. We order fre quently insuring absolutely fresh stock. Note the fresh wholesome taste of our canned goods. Roseburg Rochdale Co. Hit. t.KO. K. HOICK. riijNlclait nimI Surtfioa. 1 : OHIce. Review II' Ik., Phone SI. 4 & Rosebud Oregon. 4 k-W4!i4M:-4n44 "" I- AI.I.AWAV i Osl,Mmtlilc rtivftirljtn i t'hroule diseases a specialty. 4: tiradimte of the American t School ol Osteopathy Klrksvllle. 4; ! Mil. Ctiiler-lonuder of science 0 br. A. T. Still. t Olllce Abraham llldg. 41 Phone 1 1 S Koseburt Ore. 4 fli.ffAtJiit &iivvi 1 KUIKII V. tioov i:li. t PtiylcUn aiu, Hiii-feiB 41 ' Offli-e. Main St., One Door Stmiti ? of City Hall. Phone 141. H Koeburg. Oregon. ( T4' K li.4S'444!f I I SO AORKS FOR SAI.R 4 5 acres tli lable. 22 In cultlvallon. 2 acres paled In for graden; good house, cellar and burn, 85 bearing fruit trees, leani. hainess, wngon. hack. 2 cows, 3 plows. ifiO worth of lumber, all for $3,200. Addresi I'ot 3 5. DIHard. Ore. f FOR SALK An Ml-ac'rc faruf for sale or rent. Ill acres nnder the plow, pleutc of outside range, with privilege of buying good learn, a wagon, cow and implements on place; tiboiit ten ton of hav In barn Address .1. K. Falbe, Olulls Oregon. n.Bls T1M11KK CLAIM FOR SAI.KThT j tiiiiowing ,1,.,,-rllied tlmlier clain-i , Is , ftered for sale: X. 4y (,r l tn s r. H S K. H of the N K. of w. v4 N B, , ,e(. ?s lownshlp ,tn south of rane I west, consisting of ICO acres of sugar pine, fir and cedar. It cri.ls ed three and one-hlf mlllL.n Price. fS. n.io. Address P. ran News. Roseburg. Or. dswt FOR SALK New K-room bunga low and Hi acnu. 1 'i, miles from postolllce: S acres cleared. S acres plowed, of which 5 acres are in young apples and peaches mood garden land I: balance wood lau,; seed water: telephone: valilchle norse. row, chicken: g.rden tools and Implement. Will aell fu-n,-tiire with bouse If desired. All will lie sold t'l'i'np as I wish to lev for the Philippines soon. Phone Farmers is, or Mildr,- bin 4s, Roseburg. tia i - . 1. .1 r .g-v... in Wall Pape Some of tl.e moat artistic effects in wall paper are simple in char acter and moderate in price. The accompanying Illustration la an example of one of the many new ideas in "Home Decoration" for The fact that we are mnVm? a v., '"'"" of Alfred Puu Prat W.ll P.pCTi is sufficient as surance that the styles are the latest and quality the best. , Samples and estimates cheer fully submitted upon request. D. P. FISHER, 181 WK.ST OAK STIiFIT. UK. LOW KOSKItllKi THKA'lll. FIIO.NK f I t.r .