LOCAL NEWS. Miss Susie Askew left for Glendale I His morning to spend a few dayi visiting at the home of her grandfather Accused of being drunk. Gus Gus tafsoii, a frequent Roseburg visitor, was arrested late last evening by Marshal Huffman and remanded tolj. LOCAL NKWS. uon t lorget to get a sample of .vies-ca. It will do you good. For sale at Hamilton Drug Co. dswtf Rastus Bailey (colored), was ar. rested by xtBht Officer W illiams last evening while roaming the streets lu a drunken stupor. He whs Indeed iu ail for the nlfiht and appeared be- the cHy jail where he remained nn-fQre clly HrderTrcm, Tir b," til i morning when he was ar I d before City Recorder Orcutt. ring a plea of guilty. Gustafson ing this morning. Interrogated rela tlve to his conduct Bailey admitted . his pnllt nn.1 unu A...I.1 tin u.. vws fined in the sum of 10, which 1)ald tha amoun. . hrlf . amount he paid. tatlon of the negro colony. local m:ys. ICE CREAM Por roar ice cream i rders call up the Douglas County I Creamery, phone 340, tjf I mm 'w npHE artistic individuality of the S. XV. MILLER -l PIANO aptly portrays the science and skill that is in vogue in the S. W. Miller Factory. The gracefully outlined case is Far Famed For Fine Finish As the most expensive Zauibar Gum varnish is exclusively used which Is a guarantee that your piano finish will not check or crack. There is but one S. W. .Miller quality (the best). The Tone Trully Tells To Thorough Musicians of l lie s. V. Miller success In drawing n scale so even one can scarcely tell where the break conies between the bass und treble. No persou that is not fully-posted in regard to the big profits us ually made by piano agents can begin to appreciate the big saving that is to be bad in the price on the "from maker to user" plan of selling pianos, originated in Itoseburg by ltice & Rice. Secret Explained Wo nre fiH'lory MiriIutoi-s ami we sve you tho San Kruncisoo JoIiIkm-'m pi'oill, tile Portland dt'alrrN prolll and also the ayi'iiCN big commission. Wo pay no more store rent and keep no more clerks on account of handling pianos, because we attend to the piano business right along with other goods and we sell you a piano direct from factory at factory prices with freight, d ravage and cost of handling added. At the Store of RICE & RICE, Roseburg, O.egon The Great Ru The Old Chinese Doctors administered all medicine by rubbing through the pores of the skin. That was four hundred years ago, and to prove that they knew what they were doing then, forty cen turies of experience has not improved upon the method, for we are still rubbing it in. Dr. Hoover's Liniment Banishes Pain, Reduces Swelling and Jntlamma tion, softens stiff joints and sore muscles, and is just simply the greatest Liniment for Man and Beast. A, bottle of Hoover's Liniment should be' upon the shelf of every Farmer. A great, big bottle for only 25c, 50c and $1.00. HAZLEWOOD ICE CREAM The most appetizing cream made is now being served at our soda fountain. Try it. It's the best in the land. ROSEBURG PHARMACY INC., Roseburg' Oregon I. R. Smith, manager of the local telephone office, spent the day at Drain attending to business mutters. Mrs. Krnest Applewhite is spend ing a few days In the vicinity of Cot tage Grove visiting at the homo of her parents. W. C. and August Sagaberd. both residents of Scottsburg, are spending 2 couple of days In Roseburg looking after business matters. Remember Jles-ca will cure rheu matism when- all other medicines Tall. T6 advertlso we will sell large $1.00 bottle for r.flc until August '26, Hamilton Prug Co. dswtf Kdwar.l KoppJTTan inmate of the Soldiers' linTiie. left for Aurora, Mt. Hood ami other points in Ibe north ern part of the slate Ibis morning where he will sjiend a few days vis iting with friends and relatives. Mr. Kopper is the official mall carrier for the Home and Is well known In this city. Adrian I.ee. the three months old ion of Mr. and Mr. John Moore lied at the Ollvin home In this illy 'ast night after u brief Illness. The 'literal was held at the family home 'bis afternoon, burial following In 'he Odd Fellows' cemetery. The fun eral services were conducted by Rev. Father Powers. Mr. Moore, who Is "mployed as a switchman at Cen tralia, Wash., arrived in Roseburg fbis morning to attend the funeral. Mrs. Moore has been visiting at tile home of her parents for several months and had expected to Join her husband In a few days. Tile bereav ed parents buve the sympathy of the entire community in their day of sadness. atrnmimmmmmmmmro ;E A Dish Sale in July! 3 Here's the quality, the style, and the chance m to save 25c on the dishes you need. y The dishes are not marked up, nor marked down. Read the price and for every " dollar you give us at prices given, we give you -m back25c. r The Benson Grocery 2 Pure Food Store Phone 1S4 - 225 N Jackson St. 35 raUituiUiuiUiiiuuuhuuuu"; NOTH'K. 11. V. SMH'K ft ,, , 8 Physician and Surgeon. Having bought all the Interest tu 0 the business formerly known as. and Rooms 1 and 2 Abraham Bldg operated by, Taylor Bros., notice is ft Roseburg. Oregon hereby given that I will pay all Ila-1 u,,,.,T-a ui iwtiu urui, auu an aeotors . :J ft S 4 . ...'mi mus. are runner nouuea!'x to settle their accounts with me. ;i 1 W if -,e tJt & tt at R. K. TAYl.Oli. nit. finijAY. Dentist. 3 coiinge orguns as good as new. Cost J lflw; jus and ib. L. II Rhoades & Co. Room 5 ft ft Bell Bisters Building ELECTRIC FANS Electric Laundry Irons, Electric Toasters, Electric Hot Plates, Electric Fixtures of All Kinds Electric Fluid Heaters CHURCHILL-WARNER CO. Consulting Electrical Engineers Good Goods and Good work or none. Phone 260 Opposite Post Office A mail giving his name an Ben j , lllint;worth, anil his adtlr.'ss as San ' Kranrisco, was arrosted hy Marshal ! t Huffman last evening on a c1i:uko of! itmnKcnness. w lien taken lu ens-m, ((jly tlu fellow was loitering about (he depot, apparently bent on mus ing a disturbance. Upon being sear: li ed lu the corridor of tho i-lly jail fol- j 'ollowiug birt arrest lllingworth was found to be well supplied with jew elry, nnd had alt the appearances of a walking jewelry store. Other than $5.50 in sUvur, the following articles were found upon bis person: 9 rings. 1 stick pin, 1 :! pair or glioses, ;i watches, 2 watch fobs, II fountain pens. 1 razor, 1 pair of cuff but tons, and several hat plus. Knowing that a Jewelry store was recently rob bed at Kugene, Marshal Huffman notified the officers of tint city last evening and it Is probable that a man will he sent here today in an t.-ffort to identify the stolen article!, 'u the meantime. Mllngvor'h will re main In tho clly jail. 4 Winnie Gaddis THF PLUMBER Skylight Cornices Heating Ventilating Agent for Water Filters. Removes all purities. im- Phone 2101 Roseburg Oregon .i i; int.it nt usi:. The S. V. Miller Is a piano of Pimm valui. One of our recent cus 'oniiMs In writing us speaktt of her S. W. Miller piano as not only very bea 'fful in case desigiiB but says In every lone I tlnd ji delight. What grei'ttT praise than this could be glv-r-n? The S. W. Miller Is a handsome piano with an ugreenhle lone. What more could one hope to secure In a good home piano? Nothing hrit;htens ap a homelike a p'ano such as we have described above. Wo are fac tory distributors and sell from maker to user from faelory to home. This system of buing direct waves you the (obln'iV, ftilers and iigeni'N proftts. Rit e & ltice, factory distributors. FIRST CLASS LAUNDRY work is most dosiruhle to iiiiyone wishing their linou to possess that prutit uln- linisli so ncccssiiiy to good taste in dress. We Do That Class of WorlC Olio Trial will Convince. ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY 0. C. BAKER - Proprietor OFFICE NORTH JACKSON ST.-PHONE 79 1. MVIt'l LK j; I I :k hoi m.s. Tho planing mill Is running with t full crew this week. Phil Hire shipK'd a car load of box material to IHIIard. j The ground burned mer last week j 's now being cleared, preparatory to ' 'he erection of a brick building. j The water In the wells Is btweri this season than has been for a good ; many years. H. J. Jones, tt Itosfburg was seen . irimtig h! manv frb-nds hero Thin s- i day. - Frank Hoover bought eighty acres; of lurid In the Wlnachee country. 1 .loe Harris' new residence Is about completed, ! tin He a lame number of (iypsleH have pa.ssed through this swlluii t)ir- ing the tut month. 1 r. Hogiie is raiding his drug store! about four feet to have It on the trade with lh new cement ' side walk k The new road to I ay Creek if Intwlng a great dal of travel to Myrtlo Ciw-k. The InidL-e that has l.enn needed so lonn across the I'mp'jua wbih would idnuect Mrt!e ('reck with the north sirb of the river Is being talk -"it up and if thf eopl on the nrt h Me will do their duty, we will now have th !ride. Waiter H. We((rook, president tf I .an re State Han k, Knur'), Mont., and also mayor of that city, wan a eiiet at the Western bote) thin week. !n had a Rood many em -mi raging 'hlng to way of the outlook of Iioug-'.-( founty. The home of fin Hlrnniel hH been greatly bles--d by t h stIvhI of n new boy, whlfh add murh dignity to tins. Mis. OraijC Rone to Newport to r-ndhe rent of the a urn mer, SmSKCIillsKR. LE0NA MILLS LUMBER COMPANY Luiiilier, Lath, Sliinles ami Diy Finish Limit cr Doors and Windows of all Kii'dx, 'I'lioiiellll H ROSEBURG, OREGON x:::::!:n:jtn::::nt2t::i::::::tt:::t::t t. 5a t V- 12 M -I Hie Ix'al the market affords in 1 nevi, s-orK, Mutton and VtMd, at the Cass Street Market. Give uh a trial and be convinced. Louis Kohlhagen Proprietor 107 Cass Street, Phone 10. Free i)elivi'rj to any part of tho City. ItKf UA I .I . W. COFFEE Practical Painter, Decorator, Paper Hanger FOR ARTISTIC WORK Call at Shop, 504 North Jackson For Estimates LONE STAR LAUNDRY mil kiiiihiiian nr. PHONE 380 And our wagon will call tor your bu id'es. Nsw com plete equipment. Family work our specialty, and prices rijiht. Par rand Brothers, Proprietors. THE ECONOMY MARKET GEORGE KOHLHAGEN. Proprietor!; Wholesale and retail Butchor. Tne bust the Markut aflorde. All kinds of Stock Bought and Sold. Phone fHl Roseburg, Oregon CHURCH BROTHERS' IT'S GOOD BREAD IT'S NEVER SOUR When you come to town Don't torjd to visit the Water Front Dry fioods Store Sheridan Streets for Vour Suits 1 - . Pies, Cakes, Pastries of all Kinds CASS STREET PHONE 135 DELIVERY ! Up-to-Date Suits from $10.50 to $25 Everything newin the suit line Overalls, Shirts, Hats, Caps, Shoes We can dress you from head to foot cheaper than you can steal the goods. CIVK US A TRIAL. D. J. JARVIS SPECIAL SALE Sheet Music, 25c value, - 10c; Mason Jar Rubbers, 10c val. 5c dz. L. H. RHOADES & CO. 2nd Hand Goods Wanted e