THE EVENING NEWS BY It. W. HATCH. ' IHSCEU KAILY EXCEPT KIXIIAV Subscription Union Dully. I Per ycai, by mall 3.00 Per month, delivered 50 Hi'inl-VVwkly. i Per year $2.00 i Bli months . 1 .00 Entered an ocond-clas multer November 6. 1910, at Rom-burg, Ore., ' under act of March 3, 1879. SATTKIMV, Al'fil'NT , Mil I. Almost llvo days hiive pusaeil aiiirc the open sermon for deer ronnm-iK-cil Bud no lmrni'liimtti victim or the Iwo-lcKKfd npcrle - Iiiin "luniPd up" iiiIukIiii?. The KiiK'iie ltt'Klalcr kh)k a fellow towiiHinan not "crazy drunk" on lem on extract. The Ui'KlsliT man nl Id not JihIko the controls of a bottle by the label - -especially In a dry town. ..In ycntcrduy'H Issue of The News I. P. Gardiner was quoted In regard to the forest fire situation In Mil county and In the article reference was made to Stale Forester Klllott. w ho has been classing Ihe firelighters of this vicinity as a gang of hoboes II was not the Intentlonj 'of The News to credit Mr. Gardiner with having used Mr. Klllott'a name, as ho did not. when referlng to the lire situation. State Forester Hlllott, after a short pleasure trip to Douglas coun ty, has returned to bis den at the Capital City und given out the in formation that there are no llres In Douglas county, be having made a "jKirsonal" inspection The truth of the matter Is, Klllott win In KosehurK. but he never got within closer range of n forest lire than llfti miles, cottsetiueutly he Is In no posi lion to give "in any authentic lufoi- matlon, Forest llres have been burn ing In this county for Ihe pa-- sev eral weeks some of then thlrry mllcs In extent -but Ihey are being handled so well by the rorest service Hint Klllott no doubt though' there wns nothing doing. II is Just as well Hint he did for II wo tld he a shame to contaminate Die stale ' lire- eater" by compelling him to associate with a "sang of hoboes" many of whom are Iloseburg's best cltieus. A good place for Mr. F.lllotl durlrg the fire season would be on Ice, ii' Ait is iii:i,i Has It at last come to the point where mothers must see their sons ut tender uge enlisted In 0rgnnl7.11-1 Trade with the store that broke High Prices for groceries in Roseburg Yours For a Square Deal R. STUBBS, Slab Wood Dry Fir Wood Split Oak Wood WE WANT YOUR Now is the time to order your winter's wood Take advantage of our special prices. We make our own deliveries, insuring promptness and correctness. Roseburg Feed & Fuel Co. Warehouse and Office, Winchester Street on the Switch. Telephone 1(53 IM'ltlllll Tampa V ana 2 for 25c. Nicko 5c Cigars IKIMI' .M AUK I NIOV MAII AT Al l. CI.. Alt Dl: M.I KS W. H. Bowden, Maker This Store is the Home of the W-W-W Permanently Insured Rini We sell (Mr tli,g f, n. r,...,, it,,,! (,,,. , , ll0 ,), ,H,st In the world. Alter thorough oniiMiis.ui. we know that the W-W-W (lu.inm teed King Is so good that we ran m-11 tt with the utmost . ouiiileu, e. We know that If we sell you W W W Ulng, elllier f.. on, self r for a gift. It will she the wearer . .1 In-t ,n pleasure r Wi) want you lo see this ring thai we are talking about In order .thai you may convince ounelf that the W-W-W King Is the ring for you to buy. i A. S. IIU1CV Rosebud's Leading Jeweler lions where wholesale butchery Ik taught and the best means of kill ing fellow men advocated? Does this look like universal peace was spread ing Its white wings over the world? If "war Is hell." as General Grant inld. and none knew It better that he, why should we feel elated over the fact of Assistant Secretary of War Oliver addressing letters to the governors of every state Invlllng at tention to Ihe enactment by the Cali fornia legislature of a law providing for the organization or companies and battalions or high school boys who are to be aimed with rifles and tjalned by coniiietiMt Instructors from the army. He recommends the ;idoilion of a similar law by every itnlo In the union. Falling In their -fforts lo secure enlistments in the irmy, they are going to teach mur der to the children and force this teaching In I ho public schools. Why not, Inslead of teaching the alt of ii.i- In nil Its hldeolisness. Instill Into ihe minds of the youth the principles if peace? LOCAL NEWS. F. II. Adams, of Dlllard, was a visitor In Hosebuig for a few hoiirn today. Itoy George and Kay Cole, of Wil bur, were visitors In the city for i few I s last evening. Hoy lllllls, or nullum. Is spend ing a couple of days In Hoseburg ut tending to business mutters. lion. .lames Hymn returned to his home at Olalla this morning utter a day spent In How-burn attending to business matters and visiting with friends. Attorney I". G. Mlcelll, Contractor '!. W, Worthlngion and Dr. K. V. Hoover returned here last evening alter n week sient In the vicinity of Olalla, They succeeded In shoot ing live deer us well as catching a large number of bealltlrill trout. Among those who left Tor coast points on this inornlng's sluges wore tin' rollowing: Frank Turner, U. E. Smith. C. V. McCarthy. It. O. John son, (). T. Park, A Cameron, Mrs. Woods, II. Matthews and wife, D. Gilliam and Itobert F.vans. Fay Hughes. .Mnrrel und I. "la Wil liams, Fllilli, Kill III and Mllblo Clem ents, Guy Cold II. 10. Steel, clilip- 'roned by Mrs. Ora I'lniiiilierliiiii. left for ihe mountains In the vicinity uf Hock Creek this morning where lliey will spend two or three weeks njoyiiig an outing. Sallar Gn Grain of All Kinds H.iv nf All Kinds. ORDEiWd of All Kinds. ( l(l II MI M Mil'. Ill' ST MAIM-' IOCAL NEWS. I A marrluge license was Ifwued this ; morning to E. E. Morgan and Mary I. Bunrroft, both residents of Doug las county. Harrington Hall steel cut and Wthilb Ilouuu coffee In the berry are without a doubt the beat of their respective varieties. Satisfaction guaranteed. The Rochdale. u Attorney KlbrL Hermann today Ml ?t a petition In the circuit court uxk- iiiK Tor an extension of thirty daytt j Mine In which to prepare bills of ex-j ci'ptloiiH in the eaHs of the State of Oregon vb. L. U, Iwl and R. B, j latthewH. j Pupers of final Hettlement In the) wtate n( Janina Mahle, deceased, 1 A'ere filed In the probate- court thiH noruiiiK. The estate la valued at ap- j ioxiiitalely $IO,00U, $S,0(M) of ,vh ich Ih pernoual property. Accord- uti to the will left by the deceaned ht following ierafjiis full heir to he estate: Henry and Warren Viable, sons of the deceased, Pearl mil Mary Mabie, sisters of the de ceased. A. G. Young Is the duly ap pointed adiulnlHtratur. ,. I.. Matthews, of Glide, who ar ivt'd here tills morning from the Mt. ito ranch, reports the recovery of inn of IiIh valuable pups which stray d from the family home about threo veeks ago. According to Mr. Mat hews the pup followed Its mother nto the woods about three weeks go, and failed to return home. Be nt; but three weeks old, Mr. Mat hcwH thought he animal was dead, nd wus greatly surprised yesterday fternoon when the dog was found by Jr. Cassady, an employe of the audi. Without food, the dog lived n the woods for three weeks, nnd tppeared unharmed upon Its return llllllO, S. A. San ford, trustee of the FIthI Vatloual Hank, today filed three suits n (he circuit court. In one suit Mr. Suuford auks to recover the sum of 9. 449. .12, Including the principal tnd Interest due on a pronilsory note -xecuietl in favor of Ihe ljnpqua 'A'ater, Light and Power Company on laiiuary 15, 1!M)7. Other than the rinclpal he also asks attorney fees n the sum of $!IOO. The original ioIo was In the sum of $0,931, with interest at the rale of S per cent. In another suit Mr. Sun ford asks to eeover $i;si from W. H. Wilson, to gether with Interest at the rate of S per cent from the date of execn lou of the note. He also asks for ttorney fees in the sum of $75. The totes on which the bank hopes to ecover from Mr, Wilson were eexcut d on I'Vbruary Ii and March 21. 'UN. In the third action Mr. San oid sues to recover $1,370 from 'larenco and I'. Cornutt; also attor-j ey fees In the sum of $1117. Mr. 4a n ford is represented by Attorneys 'orhnw & Rice in all three of the nil.'. Theodore Pent as, a Southern Pa-j IhV section hand, lies at Mercy hos-1 dial in a precarious condition as the! esult of an accident which befell1 tin late yesterday afternoon. It np ears that Demas was sieeding north ward on a velocipede after arranging lis switrh lamps, and had arrived it a point about two miles south of Dole, when his machine collided with Miuthbound passenger train No. 13 which left here at 5:10 o'clock li t evening. Dumas was hurled to the side or the track where he was found n an unconscious condition, lie was hurried to Myrtle Creek as quickly as l.fch'ble where he was ghen tempor ary assistance by lr. Love. Later, he was bought to Roseburg and ad mitted to Mercy hospital where ho Is lelng attended by His. Seely. Set her t Stewart. Although quite seriously Injured, the attending physicians be leve that he will recover. Ocmns has been employed by the Southern Pacific Company for some time, and was considered n trustworthy em ploye. NEWPORT Yaquina Bay om:;ovs popi lau rioach rk- SORT. An Ideal retreat fur outdoor pastimes of all kinds. Hunting. Klshlng. Boating. Surf Bathing. Rid ing. Autolng, Canoeing, Huiu'lng and roller Skating. Where pretty water . gates, moss agates, moon stones. -a met iu ns can bo fotiMd on the beach. Pure mountain water and the best of food at low prices. Fresh lUh. clams, crabs and oysters, with ! abundance of vegetables of ail kinds! daily. I t AMI'lNti ;ROt MIS COWKMKXTi AMI AI IRAtTIVK with strict sanitary reg ulat lins UW ROlM TRIP Si:St TICK- KTS i from all points In Orvgnn. Washing ton and Idaho on sale dally. WW SWlllhW MONBAV TICKKIS ftiiu Southern Pacific points. Port land to Cottage Drove; also from all C. K. stations. Albany and Wet. Good going Saturday Sunday and for return Sunday or Monday. Cull on any S. P. or C. ft K. agent for full particulars to fares, train mhedules. etc.; also for copy of our illustrate booklet, "Outlnan lr 0" gnn." or write to MM. McMCHHA Y 1 1 nil-r tt I i'asscnuer Agent, Portland. Oregon. STRONG F R A M E u PICTURES 1 0 pieces of mould ing V Off 20 pieces of mould ing 16 Off I'olored woman wants work by the ,l.- W'nlilii lr.iiilnir or hnuae- ! cleaning HI llne street, corner t . ifi. ...... nii V A The Horary conducted by Aldon TarneM Is open each a(- teruoen and exeutitR from 1 to 9 o'clock. MoM of the latent novels can b obtained there. ! dtf S To Be Had On Saturday American Electric Sad Irons $3.95 Each Churchill The Store with the Ladles' Rest Douglas County Ci-eauaerr butter, the best in the land, can be had of your grocer ut 70 cents the roll. De mand your home product and accept do other. dtf i -:i.i:(Ti:i) woods oxi.v aro used in the making of the furniture we humlle. Only the soundest, atraightest grained loss are accepted. 3LI521 I'HAT'S W1IV run nixxKit taijlk, the chairs, the china closet or any other article is strong as well ns Kraceful, servlceahle as well as at tractive. Rice & Rice The House Furnishers Cass Street Did ou Eva Stop To Think That the Tom of Dne writing paper In not miirli more than what voa pay for the ordinary quality t Think of the satisfaction to one's telf and to the recipient cfa note or Lettn on paner of good quality. 77m? Roseburg Book Store Sella the Ret writing papers at lowest prices. Headquarters fr Fmintaln Pens School Supplies OoVe Supplies. ROSKRt'RO, ORrHJON. - . In Our Basement Hardware Cash Ironmongers Room The Auto Stage Touring Car leaves Roseburg every day except Sunday, at 6:30 a. m., connecting with afternoon train at Myrtle Point for Marshfield. Fare $8.00 Fare on regular stage, part way by Auto, $6.00, to both Myrtle Point ahd Marshfield. Stage leaves every day including Sunday. Office Cor. Washington and Rose Streets. Phones Office 389, Residence 3 16. C. P. BARNARD, Prop No man has to serve an learn how to You -1 te No Mistake If you buy your lumber, shingles, doors, windows and building material of PAGE INVESTMENT COMPANY Phone 242 North Roseburg LOOK FOR THE BIG SIGN Dry Slab Wood Rock Springs Coal D. H. MARSTERS' PLUMBING SHOP. Plumbing, Sheet Metal Worn, Tinning' and Heating North JacKson Street, adjoining Peoples Marbl-' i" WorKs. Telephone 251. . if Worh Done on Short Notice WE GUARANTEE ALL OUR WORK DONE WITH THE VACUUM CLEANER When e ay (il'AKANTKK we mean Just what the word Implies. If you are not iatlnBeil there will be no charge. We could not tnK thli auertlou unlesi we were polt!Te of glvlnn good service. When you get ready to clean house let ua do the worst part for you the clenulng of your carpets. It's 'o- you and the price reasonable ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY O. C. UAKKIl, IVoprictor. Phone T9I offlce S. j.-kow Bt. Salesroom Only Company Store with the Ladies Rewt Room to Coos Bay apprenticeship in order to make mistakes ROSEBURG, ORE.