itettitt WEATHER FORCAST The Daily and Twice-a-Week News have a larger circulation than any other two papers pub lished in Douglas County, they go into every nook and corner of this big county. ROSEBUKQ A.VD V1CIXITY. Fair Tonight and Sunday. VOL. HOSEltlRO, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OUKGOX. SATl HIIAV, A Hi 1ST , 1011. No. 230 E TALKS , , , Says he Favors the Recall of, Judges. WHITE CONfiLUDES TESTIMONY President Tofl Says He Will Prob nbly Visit The Coast This Fall Definite Announce, ntent Litter. (Special to The Evening News.) WASHINGTON, Aug. 5. Assert ing that the people of Arizona had better lose their statehood than lose the right of controltng their own gov ernment. Senator Jonathan Bourne, of Oregon, today replied to the re cent speech of Senator Sutherland, criticising the recall of judges whlcu is a provision in the Arizona consti tution. Cuiii-Iuric Evidence. WASHINGTON. D. C, Aug. 5. -Former Slate Representative White concluded his testimony of how he was bribed to vote for Lo rimer, be fore the committee this afternoon. White admitted since confessing that his life had been threatened and ufa letters stolen. To Visit Coast. WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 5. That President of the United States Taft will visit the West tills full, des pite reports tt the contrary, was the burden of a statement given out at the Whitehouse oday. Two tenta tive Itineraries have been arranged, one including a six weeks trip to the coast. The other designates Hutchi son, Kansas, the termination of his "Western Journey. No definite deci sion as to the route will be given out for some time. MCS1C EFFECTS PEOPLE. That the sweet strains of 'music Issuing from the store of Rice & Rice during the past few days is having Its effect on a large share of our citizens is evidenced by the. fact that a large number of the handsome S. W. Miller pianos have been sold and each purchaser or one or the sweei toned S. W. Miller Instrument Is wearing the smile that won't come off us the long lasting S. W. Miller pianos are built to wear and re tain their excellent tone quality for years to come. If you are looking for piano luxury at a moderate price, Rice & Rice have a proposition to make you in their music department. LOCAL NEWS. C. J. Bradley, of Bradley & Rus sell, merchants at Wilbur, was in Roseburg today looking after busi ness interests. Utile Bonnie Champagne return ed here this morning after a few days spent at Cottage Orove and vi cinity ""Gurdon A. Fory will open a vocal studio September 18. See him early .for best hours. 437 N. Rose street. dswl8 Miss Annette Whipple returned here this afternoon after two weeks Ment at Myrtle Creek visiting with friends. If you have' got that tired and worn out feeling Mes-ca will remove It. Large $1.00 bottle 50c. Hamil ton Drug Co. dswtr Miss May Hyland left for her home BOURN We Are Getting Ready To leave town, and in order to do this we have placed our stock practically at the feet of our customers, regardless of values or con sideration of prices. Notice our canvass sign and you will under stand more clearly our position. You will find shoes and prices here l LI til Hill CC1 Idlllljr oa- a tonish and tempt you I to purchase your sup-fl ply of shoes at once. Come in and mvesti-U gate at once. R at Eugene this afternoon after a few days' visit at the home u( her sister. Mrs. J. T. Clowe, in Roseburg. William Emery, of Coles Vallv. 9Pnt the day in Roseburg attending to business matters. Hardy Howard and wife left for Eugene today after spending a few days In Roseburg visiting at the home of the farmer's mother, Mrs. Emma Howard. Postofflce Inspector S. E. Morse returned here this afternoon after spending a few days In Southern Douglas county looking after busi ness Interests. L. E. Milledge and family have returned here after a month a bent on Deer Creek. Thei report a mostjmeni m increasing the delightful time. We don't care how bad you have catarrh, we guarantee Mes-ca to cure the worst case and to advertise we will sell the large $1.00 bottle for 50o until August 26. Hamilton Drug Co. dswtf W. S. Mitchell, who is enroute from the East to Salem, Ore., is ex pected to arrive here this evening. , He will spend a day or two visiting with his old time friend, W. W. Eld er, commandant of the Oregon Sol diers Home. Drop In and see the swell line of fall and winter samples Just received from Ed. V. Price Co.. Chicago famous tailors. Over five hundred samples to select from. Satisfaction guaranteed. Sloper, the cleaner and presser. tf TImms, Cress & Company, with headquarters at Portland, today fil ed a suit in the circuit court ain'.t R. E. Taylor, H. G, Taylor and E. A. Taylor, in which the plaintiffs ask to recover the sum of $75.04, alip ed to be due for merchandise. Ac cording to the complaint tne def I- ants purchased paints and oils to the amount of $850.00 between April 10, 1911 and June 1, 1911, and to date the plaintiffs have been un able to collect any part of the bill, save $174. Attorneys Fullerton & Orcutt represent the plaintiffs. Accused of hurling a rock at Rns- tufl Bailey, C. Smith (colored), was arrested by Marshal Joseph Huff man shortly before noon today, and Is now In the county . jail awaiting disposition at the hands of the prop er authorities. Bailey and Smith en gaged In an altercation shortly af ter the latter's release from jail this morning with the result that Smith threw a large rock at Bailey's head. Bailey called for assistance, and Marshal Huffman responded. tv found the cabin occupied by the ne groes In an uproar, and for a time It looked as though a free for all fight would ensue. The officer ad ministered the quietus pill, and Smith was marched orf to Jail. He will probably be arraigned In the record er's court late this afternoon. IIOKN. WEIMER To Mr. and Mrs. Evan Weimer, In Roseburg, on Friday. August 4, 1911, a girl. FOR SALE. A nice, neat 6-room bunga- low, centrally located In paved 4 district. Sewer connections, 4 bath, patent toilet, etc. Ideal location. Price $2,500. Ad- dress A care News office. 4 d-sw-tf 4 4 4 Now is the time that you will certainly got double values for your money in buying shoes at these extra low prices. They can't be beat. j-y Cl- L CSSS ofreet OllOC OlOTCJ ROSEBURG, OREGON 1 Don't forget the place WILL BE SIGNED Bill Increasing Membership of the House. DEMANDS ARE TODAY DENIED General Manager Calvin, of The llur rimait System Refuses Demand of Espee Employes for les Hours aud More Pay. (Special to The Evening News.) WASHINGTON, Aug. 6. It was predicted today that the re-appoiut- member- ship of the house will be signed very soon by the president now that the bouse has agreed to accept the senate amendments to the measure, despite j the fact that It is regarded In some: resiwcts as a democratic hill. Although t..e democrats secure j gains In representation In the South, j it Is pointed out that the gain of six members from New York 'alone should teli'd to balance up matters from the republican viewpoint and for this reason It Is believed Taf will not hesitate in signing the meas ure. The most important amendment Is that which permits redisricting of .'ongressional districts by initiative And referendum Instead of by legis lative action In states where these iaws are in force. Increase Is Rejected. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 5. Fol .owlug the refusal of General Man iger E. E. Calvin, of the Harrlman tystem, yesterday to grant the de nauds of Espee employes for short er hours and higher pay the next move by the employes Is being await 3d with interest here today. Culv In's dlstum followed a lengthy conference with a committee of the federated employes. An eight hour day and 7 per cent Increase In pay tor helpers and semi-skilled workmen ill over tho system was asked. The new schedule. If grunted, would have meant n total yearly In crease of between $1,800,000 and $2,000,000. Deficit of $1111,01)0. BIOR KELIOY, ChI., Aug. 5. With .he opening of the fall semester only wo weeks away the University of California today faces a deficit of (90.000 and retrenchments have been ordered In all departments. Presl- lent Wheeler said that the univer sity must grapple with the greatest financial problem of Its career and ihat a special session of the state legislature might be necessary to give aid. The university has been de prived of much of its Income through the operation and diversion of the new tax and mortgage amendments. Cattle Men To Meet. SAN ANTONIO, Tex.. Aug 5. A conference of Texas cattle raisers to determine the discrepancy between the high price of meat and the low price of cattle hus been called to be held In September. Tho call was Is sued hy President Lasuter, of the Cattle Raisers' Association. It will beg'n In Fort Worth September 12. in the call Lasater asserts that the 'attle raisers are facing ruin In spite of the fnet that the price of dressed meats Is almost the highest In his tory. Much Itninnge By Wind. GALENA, Has., Aug. fi. As a re sult of a terrtffic ruin and wind storm which did not abate until last night over $500.00(t damages was Inflict ed on the zinc and lead mines In thh We have a lot of ladies childrens and misses shoes, and the prices at which we are otter ing them will certainly astonish you. Never before or after will you have witnessed such a slashing of prices. We are compelled to do it and we are going to do ,it right. district. Five iuches of water fell iu two hours. Iu spit of the violence of the storm reports state that no lives were lost, Butler, Sumner and Cowley counties suffered the most, LOCA L NEWS. Pres. Baker and wife, of Wtnstons. were Roseburg visitors today. Hlman Woltenberg is spending a couple of weeks at San Francisco vis iting with his family. Sheriff George Quine pent the morning nt Myrtle Creek, where he served paiers In a civil action. Mrs. Loren Harvey and child re turned here latst evening after a couple of days spent nt Eugene. (ieorge Dlmmick. of Elkton. arrlv d iu Roseburg this morning to spend day or two attending to business mutters. i Mrs. S. D. Moore aud daughter,! Lulu, are In the city from Wilbur visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.' J. G. Uelieu. ; William Jackson, a Looking Class farmer, spent the day In Roseburg at tending to business matters and visit ing with friends. A. E. Smith, of Oakland, spent the day In Roseburg attending to busi ness matters and visiting with friends. A. 12. Sniru. the Sutherlin lumber man, spent the duy in Roseburg at tending to business mutters and iucl It ntally visiting with friends. Mrs.. II. J. (lould left for her home it (.rants Pass lam evening after a 'cw days seut in ltinehurg visiting it the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Krickson. mcrX Southern Pacific Agent L. B. ..oore returned here this morning af er a couple of days spent at Port and attending to business matters onnected with his official duties. A social dance will be given at Cue Vlaccabee hall Saturday night. As lsuul good music will bo furnished ind an enjoyable time is promised ill who attend, Admission fit) cents. Mrs. I. Abraham returned here last venlug after n few days spent at 'ortland visiting with friends. Her laughter. Pay. will sitend some time it Taeoma and othet Washington Illes before returning home. C. K. Down and family, accompli ti ed by the former's mother, Mrs. M. V. Howe left for Grants Posh this morning where they will spend a few lays visiting at the home of Mr. Down's brother. An order authorizing the sale of the real property In the estate of lohn Micou, deceased, was filed in the probate court this morning. JO. N. Ewart Is named In the petition as the administrator. Williams Saratoga Chips ,ln car tons. We buy them In small qu-tn-tltles and often, which insures fresh ness. We endeavor in this, a. all other lines, to handle hi a manner most sasisfactory to the consumer. The Rorhdute. a5 Mrs. C. A. Llghtner, wife of a local creamery proprietor, left for Portland this morning where she will remain permanently. Mr. Lighl ner and children will follow us soon as the former can dispose of his Inter est g In this vicinity. Winnie Gaddia, the ptuiner, and P II. Murk, have returned from Hrew ster Valley where they spent a few days Mulling. Winnie says they suc ceeded In cat chin g nbou t : fi 0 II n trout as well as shooting n beauti ful four point buck. The fox terrier pup belonging to Jack Gorman, an employe of Dm. Seely. Sethcr & Stewart, met a sud den death near the corner of Oak aud Main streets last evening, when It was run down by a motorcycle. The dog was killed iiintantly. Its head be ing severed from lis body. Mary I. Prior as this morning; appointed administrator of the estate of George W. Prior, deceased. The appraisers named are K II. Plnkston. ". L, Chenowetb and J. A. Under wood. The estate is valued at $3. 600. with the following heirs: Wil liam and G. K. Prior and hll Green. An order was tU in the probate rourt this morning appointing Mar garet S. Cain administrator of the pMate of Presnly M. Cain, dereawd. : 1 he appraiser are A. J. Uear, A. G I Young and C. L. Chnoth. Mr. I Cain dWd fit Oakland (iie ttrnn sine land lfl real property valued at ap proximately 17,000, Among the law. i ftil hln namd In the 'petition are John A. Cain. Ella M. Frullt, Jamew, William ind It. R Cain and Mm Hell Curley. A STATE DINNER Elaborate Banquet at White- house Tonight. TOGA LANDS IN WASHINGTON ;reets President Taft Colonel Roosevelt Is (ilven n "Conser vative" (J rilling ly hives, t gating Committee. (Special to The Evening News.) WASHINGTON', IX C, Aug. 5. In full dross uniform Admiral Togo. Japanese war hero, culled upon President Taft shortly after arriving from New York today. The beanie. congratulations were exchanged. A state dinner aud official reception at the White House tonight will be one of the most notable functions of Its kind ever held during tho present administration. Togo, appeared U3 the enter of attraction everywhere he went. As he entered the White House, great crowds cheered out side. A "Conservative" (rilling. WASHINGTON, Aug. n. For more than two hours today tho Stan ley Investigating committee bombard d Colonel Roosevelt with questions, lonchiding his testimony, itoosev It said that he favored the govern ment everelHlng direct control over tho big corporations. Place Is Named. WITH, Mont,, Aug. ft. Victor. Colo., was today selected as tho nex' fonveution city of the Western Fed eration of Miners. . CIH'HCH XOTICKH. ChrlNllun Science. Corner Lane and Main streets, ser vices every Sunday at U n. m. and every Wednesday ut 8 p. in. subject for Sunday, August fith,. "Spirit". (tending room Is conducted la same building open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from p. m. to 4 p. m. You nre Invited to attend the services and visit the reading room. Saint George's Church. Corner Main and Cass streets. The Rev'd Charles Wilson lluker, rector. The Transfiguration of Christ (Klghth Sunday after Trinity.) Holy communion at 7:30 a. in.; Sunday school at ft : 4 r u. m.; holy baptism a! I0;-5 a. in.; holy communion at II '"pMlKRli is one watch you can buy with a surety of satisfaction and tfood value the WALTHAM WATCH Ik-liinil every Walthatn is a clear, clean-cut guarantee jjooil fur all time. Ueliind that guarantee is the largest watch factory in the world. There is no need to argue the superiority of Waltham Watches. That has heen established for nearly three fourths of a century. "Wi lime You OtimrJ a Waiihtm' We make a specialty of Wallliam Watches. Com plete assortment of all grades anJ styles. Talk witli us about a Wal tliam. W. E. Clingenpeel Watchmaker, Jeweler, Optician a. m. So evening service. All are j cordially invited to these services. Methodist Episcopal Church, South, K. M. Mears, pastor. Services as follows on Sunday: Sabbath school 10 a. m.; preaching by the pastor II a. m., subject. "The King's Jew els." There will be no evening ser vice owing to tho union service on the court house lawn. Mid-week prayer service Wednesday evening ut 8 o'clock. You will find a cordial welcome at all of these services. Come aud worship with us. .Methodist Kpiscopul Church. K. Olin Kldridgo, pastor. Services Sunday as follows: Preaching 11a. m. and 8 p. m,, subjects, morning, 'Soul Refreshment"; evening, ''Spir itual Clairvoyance"; Sunday school 10 a. m., junior league, 3 p. m., tip- worth league, 7 p. m., prayer meet ing Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Excellent music under the direction f Prof. Fory. Yon nre cordially In vited to alt these services. ;reKbytrrnn Church. J. 10. Burkhart, pastor. The Lord's upper will be observed at the hour f morning worship, instead of the veniug worship ut the church there will he open air services on the otirt house lawn at 7:30. Tho Sab- hath school meets at 10 a. m. Young people's meeting from 0:45 to 7:15 i. m. Prayer meeting on VVednes lay evening at 8 o'clock. You are ordlally Invited to attend nil of these tervlces. Come and bring a friend. in yi:ks WILL SNAP QC1CKLY, Tho elegant S. W. Miller piano Is illi'ttettvo to the eye at once with Its traeeful outline and stately uppear- ince, hut It's the tone that wins for it the high standing among Ameri ca's foremost pianos and makes It a eador that any shrewd buyer will snap up quickly at our extremely uoderate prices on the maker-to-user tin a now Iu voguo and originated by lm store of Rice & Rice. NKW TODAY. ''OR SALF Leaving city, Impos sible to take my piano, will soil for one half value If taken nt once; good tone aud nice case. Clear re .. cetpt given (addresa quick) C. T, F.. Lock Hox Bfi. Hoseburg, Or. HOI'SIO FOR BALK Good, new room house, 1! sleeping poivhct', 2 lots, city water. $:t00 takes own er's equity. Long time on balance. Inquire at rextdenco comer W Hlxt h st reet u nd 2nd A ve North. list FOR SALE Have a, very nice or gan secured by me In u trade; it Is of ho value to me hi. I do not play, Will sell for cash or on time payments at a snap. No reason able offer refused. Address Lock Drawer A. Roseburg, Or. Socialist Picnic BASKET DINNER Tomorrow-SUNDAY-AU Day Alexander Park Across new bridge in South Roseburg Everybody Invited Take Your Time to Read This: Slll l.l, (ICMHIS Ili'iuuiio wo liavn Jnsl rowlviMl no tunny utluT now tyle In Hhi'll (IoocIh nf nil klmlK. Ciillur I'Imh. Nf.klarrai, RurrliiK. Ilriiinluw, UmiIIiit Toilet Cruim. t'tc.; we uro kIK to glvu anotlmr mmtIiiI wi'uk to t til-He rikmIs. Kvi-ry siylu uliioliiti-ly ni-w. AKk to ft--? our llluwuthu Cullur buying th-r )) h fur llulliliiys. m:i i i: ic Don't tull to our 2T- I'. liurKiillm 111 iM-w koo-I"- II Wit (.OOIIH V liav an i-norninu n-nck In 3wlt---s, Puff.i. Tramforma tldim. Puffs Koluii out?? Not (his yeur. Thtm l!i.-r- are the hiiiiiII f.U cent Switch-- for Urn ro-ttf or blucults, as lliy are Cfitinnouly called. MII.I.INKHV Just a very few hats. V ar going to finish then up Mua day. We don't rare oliout the price. Wo have to have the room. This la a "WOltll TO TIIK WIHK." Hair aud Scalii Treatment, t-'m lal Massage. Hair Dressing. Mani curing THE LEADER Formerly Roseburg licauty Parlors COLONEL TALKS Roosevelt is Called Before the Stanley Committee. SERIOUS RIOTING IS REPORTED Police- Art Stoned Hy Strikers Ho tel llotiMltijr Strike Hreakers era Is Attached Espee Men To Appeul. (Special to The Evening News.) NEW YORK, Aug. 5. Theodore Roosevelt, ex-President of the United States, was the principal wltnesa to' uppear before the Stanley Investigat ing committee today. Roosevelt appeared voluntarily when asked by Stanley to tell whut the steel magnates told him In 1909. Drawing a big manuscript from his pocket he roud slowly and distinctly. It reviewed the business conditions which were panicky, and told of how the officers of the steel trust aud the Colonel conferred with Attorney General Honeparte and Secretary Root, "I wish It distinctly understood," said the Colonel, "that I acted whol ly on my own Initiative and conse quently F wish to accept full respon sibility. ne panic wus due to un reasonable fear and the way to atop it was to restore public confidence. I hud to act Instantly, and I believe, !iuch action was for the public good." Serious Rioting Reported. DRS MOINES, Iowa, Aug. 5.- Serious rioting today marked the opening of the street car employes strike. The company had several hundred strike-breakers on hand, but tho temper of the strikers and their sympathizers over awed them and no attempt was made to move the curs. Five thousand men and hoys overpowered the police and stoned the hotel In which the strike break ers are housod, Kmploye Will ApM'ul. . . SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 5. Re fused shorted hours aud an Increase in pay by General Manager Calvin, of the Hnrrlmnn lines, the shop emV pto.ves belonging to tho Federation are today planning to take their grievances direct to General Man ager Lovett, head of the system. Roy Kenny and wife left for their home nt Ionnu this afternoon after a few days spent In this city, A. M. Armstrong returned to Mb homo at Oakland this afternoon af ter a couple of days Bpout In Rose burg attending to business matters. I'Iiih. Many Hhoiiorif nre iiiutiir. Yon will flnil onto rnr