WEATHER FORCAST The Daily and Twice-a-Week News have a larger circulation than any other two papers pub lished in Douglas County. They go into every nook and corner of this big county. ROSEBURG AXD VICINITY. Fair Tonight ud Friday. VOL. II. ROSKlU'ltG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OKEflOX. THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1011. No. 228 GIRL HEAD MINT ; Uncle Sam Turns Money Over to Young Lady. WARSHIP TO ADVERTISE FAIR Californians Will Urge I'm-h Sam to Kt'iiri Ship Koiuliil Willi Lit. erutiitv to Boost The Ian umu Exposition. (Special to The Evening News.) WASHINGTON, Aug. 3. In the absenoe of the didrector of the mint. Uncle Sain will in the future turn his money milking factory over to the guidance of a woman. Miss Margaret Kciley is the woman selected and the secretary of the treasury has made her salary $:t,UOO a year. Advertise California Imposition. SAN KUAXCISCO, Aug. 3. An American warship loaded with Pan ania Pacific Exposition literature and manned by Californians may be sent to various ports throughout the would under the direction of a com mission of federal and state officials If the board of directors of the 1915 fair can bring enough Influence to bear on the navyilepartinent. lit volt Hue. WASHINGTON. Aug. 3. hi the absence of any official information from the United States Minister nt Havana the state department today is not inclined to regard as serious the news that General Acevedo has started a revolt in Cuba. Ilat-on Will lesign Memorial. WASHINGTON', Aug. 3. Henry Bacon, of New York, has been select ed by the federal fine arts commis sion as designer and artist for the $2,000,000 memorial to Abraham Lincoln in Potomac Park, Washing ton. Smuggled Opium Found. SAX FRANCISCO, Aug 3. A clever scheme to smuggle contraband opium from the liner Manchuria was frustrated yesterday afternoon when custom Inspectors siezed $12,000 worth of the drug which they found in a row boat concealed under a pier. Running from the row boat to the liner was a line on which three hundred tins of opium7 had been transferred. It is not known where the opium was concealed on th.i iwi ItAILKOAD A CKKTAIXTV. Kiner- T. Kinlth T,lks Kogurding Proposed Railroad. Emery T. Smith, president of the First Trust & Ravings Bank and fath er of Robert K. Smith, arrived In the city this morning. He was pleas ed to II ii tl the weather of Roseburg up to Its usual standard of excellence and states that the heat In the ex treme East, from which he has just returned, has been terrific. Asked by a representative of The News as to business conditions in the East he said that for certain lines of investment such as mortgages and p referred bonds there was an abund t nee of funds, but thai the banks were Inclined to be conservative in loans for Industrial purposes. Regarding thef proposed Coos Bay and Boise railroad and its purported bond issue Mr. Smith said: "I nm not aequainted with the promoters of the enterprise but I have long known the Commonwealth Title and Trust Company, of Philadelphia, who my son states are named as grantee In the trust deed. It is one of the strong Institutions of that city and We Are Getting Ready To leave town, and in order to do this we have placed our stock practically at the feet of our customers, regardless of values or con sideration of prices. Notice ourcanvass sign and you will under stand more clearlv our position. You will find shoes and prices here that will certainly- as tonish and terrrpt you to purchase your Sup ply of shoes at once. Come in and investi gate at once. Its directors include some of the strongest men in the East. "I have of course no way of know ing what syndicate, if any, is to underwrite the bonds. 1 believe, however, that one or more transcon tinental lines will be built Into Coo Bay before the completion of the Panama Canal." Mr. Smith, being as he is. identified with some of the leading financial men of Philadel phia, this is gratifying news. Mr. Smith will be at Roseburg and Myrtle Creek, where he has a Jersey farm, for a week or ten" days, when he will return to his San Francisco home. STKO.VG POPULAR DKMAXD. The progressive method of rotull- ing piatos direct from factory to home, was the result of a strong popular demand for a system where the piano buyer would have a chance to enjoy the same freedom In buying a piano, as they would 'n purchas ing other articles of merchandise. This new system was a l'g suc cess with Rice & Rice from the start, and some of the shrewd and most careful buyers in Roseburg readily admit that the originating of the from maker to user system by Rice & Rice was a boon to the piano buy ing public of Roseburg. UCAL XKWS. Roy Hillis, of Dothan. spent the day in Roseburg attending to busi ness matters and visiting with friends. Mahle Weatherly arrived here this morning from Alabama to spend some time visiting with her cousin G. L. Prior, the local electrician. Miss J. Horton left for her home at ElPaso, Texas, this morning after a few days spent in Roseburg visit ing wih her cousin, J. W. Barcroft, pharmacist at the "Rexall" drug1 store on Cass street. Drop in and see the swell Hue ot fall and winter samples just received from Ed. V. Price Co., Chicago famous tailors. Over five hundred samples to select from. Satisfaction guaranteed. Slop'er, the cleuner aud presser. tf Howard Calkins and Edward Ban field leave for Crater Lake tomor row morning where they will spend two or three weeks enjoying their annual outing. They will be Joine on Saturday by Carl Wlniberly and Roy Kenny, who will leave heie to morrow evening. Fred Chapman, the druggist, leaves for Newport tonight where he will spend tomorrow with his fnmil. iomorrow night Mr. Chapman, wife and baby leave Newport for Drain where they will Journey to Florence by stage, and thence to Tillamook by boat. At the latter place they will spend about two weeks enjoy ing an outing. Mr. Chapman will be accompanied to Newport by Dr. eth er, who will nrrlve home about i uesday accompanied by, Mrs. Seth er and child. .lames R, Matthews, of Portland, doputy state commander of the Knights of the Maccabees, Is in the city to remain for some time in the interest of the above order. At the regular meeting of the locul lodge, next Wednesday evening, the mem bers are preparing to make the oc casion a little out of the ordinary. Lunch will be served andj other equally as good attractions will bf there to greet all who attend. Re mem!er the date and be present. Now is the time that you will certainly get double values for your money in buying shoes at these extra low prices. They can't be beat. Cass Street Shoe Store ROSEBURG, OREGON Don't forget the place PEACE TREATY Sweeping Arbitation Agree ments Signed. MARINES LAND AT AUPRINOE Will Protect Constitutes anil Hunks Wirkei-sliam Will Investigate 11 jink Trust Hivs In California Controlled (Special to The Evening News.) WASHINGTON, Aug. 3. In the presence of members of the cabinet, especially Invited by the president, repitentatlves of the United States. England and France this afternoon signed the most sweeping arbitra tion treaties ever t negotiated. The documents wero signed at the White House, Ambassador Bryce sigi-mg for Great Britain and Secretary Knox for the United States. The treaties are identical and bind the . countries Interested to arbitrate nil disputes remaining uusottled by i diplomatic exchange, even ques tions involving national honor. It I Is believed that these treaties will do away with war between these three countries. Marines Laud Ttxlay. PORT AU PRINCE, llaytl. Aug. 3. Anticipating a clash between the .ldherents of Generals Leconto audi i''irmlu. rival revolutionary candi dates for tho Haytlau presidency, de tachments of marines from the Unit ed States cruiser Des Moines and the British cruiser Melpomene aud the German warship Bremen were tend ed this afternoon. They will pro tect the banks and the ednittlnte: in event of a clash between t!e: fac tions. President Simon, of Hay'.l, , has left the island In the government cruiser "17 Decembre." Investigate Hank Trust. WASHINGTON, Aug 3. Whothet or not the national bank trust wll be made the subject of an investiga tion, will shortly be made public when Attorney General Wickersham mbi.ilts his report to Secretary Me Vengh. It is understood that ;he re port Is about completed. It if be lieved that it is particularly ..b'slred to investigate the purpose of t)u XniUnal City Company, ft iurpora .ien recently formed by the National City Bank, which was Instltu'ec. t'r-r the purpose of engaging In business which the regular banking Institu tions are not allowed to handle. It Is the general opinion that the report will deal unfavorably with such trust companies. l ire Under Control. SAN BERNARDINO, Aug. 3.- Af ter nine days of constant fighting of llres In the mountains east of San Bernardino, Cal., messages wero re ceived today which say that the for-, est fires which were devouring 75 square miles of timber land, are uu der control, and the appeal for troops ent to Washington last night was re called today. Trenty With France. PARIS, Aug. 3. The arbitration treaty between the United States and France was sigm-d here today. Am hasttador Bacon pinning for tho Unit ed States and attaching bis signa ture to the document. JiOCAL NF.WS J. W. Hanks, of Canyonvllle, spent yesterday in Roseburg attend ing to business matters. TI. I). Connine. of Glide, was n We have a lot of ladies childrens and misses shoes, and the prices at which we are offer ing them will certainly astonish you. Never before or after will you have witnessed uch a slashing of prices. We are compelled to do it and we are going to do it right. Roseburg for a W. H. Wright and wife, of Gleu dale, were visitors iu Roseburg for a few hours yesterday. Jarves Kennedy, of Com3tock. spent yesterday In Roseburg look ing after business matters; Mrs. John R. Lee left for Salem this morning where she will spend a few days visiting with her mother. Arthur McKnight, of Cottage Grove, Is spending a few days In Roseburg attending to business mat ters. i. A. Kendall returned here this morning after a few days spent at Portland attending to business mat te rs. John Love, principal of the Yon alia public schools, spent the day iu Roseburg ut tending to business nutters. Miss May llylaud arrived hero last evening from lCugene to aiend a few days visiting at the home of her ulster, Mrs. J. T, Clowe. Floyd Snyder, of Sutherltn, spent yesterday In Roseburg visiting with friends and Incidentally looking af ter various business matters. j L. W. Crocker and family left forj points on Union Creek this morning! rthero they will spend a couple ofj eks enjoying an outing. Mose Rice left for Myrtle Creek this morning where he will join a party of hunters preparatory to pending a few days In the moun tain a Mrs. John Townsend, Sr., and daughter, Mary, left for their home it Portland this morning after a I'lslt at the home of John Townsend, lr.. In this city. v. Miss Maula Sanderson left for her home at Klamath Falls this morning ifter a few days spent In Roseburg visiting ut (he home of Sheriff and Mrs. George Quine. Thomas Jefferson Patterson, rep esentlng Beale & Company, of Port aud. arrived In Roseburg this tnorn ng to spend a couple of days look ing after business matters. The W. C. Harding Land Compnuy vesterday sold a 12 acre tract of fruit land, situated in Garden Val ley to Mrs. Nye, a recent arrival In ' his section from New Mexico, Among' those who left for coast onints on this morning's stages were A. R. Jncoby. R. Zecher. J. F. Per mit, Rena Danelson, Prof. Howard and wife, V. H. Wood and wife, A. Keefer, R. Hartley and family, T. C. Griffith. Rev. Bunch nnd C. A Gansley. .1. C. Perkins, of Portland, broth er of Mrs. C. W. Clark, of this city, irrlved here this morning from the Kellogg vicinity where he spent the past few days hunting. With him he brought a four point buck, which weighed 12 5 pounds dressed. The uiimal was photographed by Clark & Clark this morning. Mr. Hosier, who recently arrived here from points In Washington with i view of entering the Soldiers' Home left fur points In the north ern part of the state this morning Mr. Hosier resided here for near ly a quater of a century prior to about five years ago when ho movd io- Washington to make bis home with relatives. K. P. Drew, the Ynnralla nursery man, whose onbards are In Hcotts Valley, three mile east of the town was in Roseburg today, his principal hU);ir.sH being to further the plan of thr"e school districts In Hcotts Val ley to consolidate and establish a high school in the united sections. The plan that ban been followed by many Kastern ronutry dltrlrln will be adopted, and th young people .f the consolidated districts lie giv en the advantage of a nine month school as well as the hlnh school count" fttrfrt Attorney George M. Brown rerelved word from Myrtle Creek this morning that three hunt e rs, w h ose na ms a re u n k n o w n , were arreted there last night ac cused of nhootlng a couple of hogn belonging to County CotrimUsloner lefferKonWIlev. According to the in formation received by Mr. Brown the ien were bunting on Mr. Wiley land, and mi-taking the hogs for Me, took aim and fired. As a result two bogs "re killed, while a val uable cow only mlnwd sudden death by the slightest chance. The men were arraigned before Justice of the Peace Galthenat Myrtle Creek this business visitor in few hours today. morning and fined. BANK WRECKER Commits Suicide After Arrest For Embezlement. USED A RUSTY POCKET KNIFE Inflicted Wounds In the Neck l'roin Which Hi Pied Semite I'liKsi'd 1)111 To ICtv. district States. ' (Special to Tho Evening News.) SAM KRAN'CISCO, Auk. 3. -Carey Mnnker. tho absconding bank prosl- clenl of Pearl. Illinois, who It Is al leged stole $40,001) from his Insti tution three years ago, ami who sin-' rendered himself to the poll hero, died In the hospital In this city to day as a result of stabbing himself In the neck with n rusty pen knife last night. Extradition papers had been Issued by the governor for the return of Mnnkers to Illinois, but the prisoner ended the trouble by suiciding. Officials are now Inves tigating into the tragedy in hopes of Qnding out who furnished the knife to Munkers. as It is believed that it was smuggled Into the Jail. legislatures Kcdistriet States. WASSHINCTO.V, July 3. Sena tor Burton's bill, providing that the states be re-distrlcted by the state legislatures according to their own laws, was adopted in the senate to day by a vole of 3!) to 28. I I teprrsen I a t i ves, WASHINGTON'. .Inly 3. Sena- senate adopted today without roll call the house bill fixing the. number if representatives for tho next con gress at 4 33, which Is In accordance with tho recent re-apportionment for the several states. Oregon will get il additional representative if the measure becomes law. KOSKIU'lt'i I'HOl'I.H Ill'V yl'H'K. The up to date, modern principle of buying direct and selling direct was never better emphasized than at, the big factory salo of pianos now taking place at the store of Rice & Rice, Roseburg. A great manj S. W, Millar pianos have been sold and each purchaser hafl saved enough by buying direct through Rice ft Rice. S. W. Miller factory distributor! to pay them to buy at once even If they were not quite ready to buy. The surprising good value of tho artistic 8. W. Miller Is at once nppnreut to tho most pains taking customers, besides ieople as l rule have much more confidence In the word of their home merchant rather than the big siieerh of an utter stranger. We done n good job for the piano buying public when we originated the factory to home plan In Roseburg nt the store of dice ft Rico. LOCAfj NEWS. Wltllnm Kelllher. who waives on ti farm on Deer Creek, spent the day In HoscbiiiK looking aftr bitttliu'sc mat I en. C. W. Arnold, of looking (Hhhh, spent i he il;iy In KoHPhnrg visiting wit h frit-iids and attending to ImihI iiohh mutters. Mrn. William Hell Iuim returned from Heattlo and other nort hern polnttt where she spent tho pant thre wei'kft vlKitlng with friend. John HpiitiKh, tho Looking GIuh.i farmer, spent the day In Hosehurg at tending to ImihIih'sh mutters aud vIm Itlng with frleinln. (. I'. Human), proprietor of the Kortelitirg-MufXtiUeM stage lines, left for Marxliflcld hint evening, where he will join hi family who are spend ing their outing In that locality. MIhh NVtit Hermann, trained nure In one of tho Portland hoHplluls, ar rived Iu HoKchurg lawt evening to MMtd a fi-w days visiting with hr parent h, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Her mann. fcr. and Mrs. tii'orge Maon, who I hiivo ben employed on tho Overland j Orchard Tmm-Ih, at Garden Valley, j fir thR pnnt nine month left for j Portland this afternoon where Uieyj will locale pf'ruianeiitly. j ! I)Hputy Sheriffs Sam HtarinT Ami Ralph Qulrte have returned from the mountains where they spent thn past few d:iys hunting. They suee(.j(.d in kilting a couple of deer, one of which was lined for camp nvot and the other brought to Roburg. O. It. Gag. a huaky young fellow from Portland, arrived In town today on a trip around the world on foot, (rage agree to make the trip in 3') month, and tf succenaful will re ceive a four-year scholarship at Har vard. R. Coyne, of Portland, I backing th young man, and on the trip Gage Is to make a study of the economic conditions of the various countries he visits. J. C. Moore, of Looking Glass, spent the day 111 town attending to business matters nnd visiting with friends. Klmer Bashford, owner of the lo cal flouring mills, arrived here yes terday from Vancouver, Wash., to spend a few days attending to busi ness matters. French dry cleaning, . newest methods used. Your old suit can be made to look as good as new at a onall cos:. Clothes cleaned, hats locked. If you are looking 'or tood. quick servleo see Sloper, the leaner aud prosser. . Telephone 47. .Miss Km ma Church left for her home nt Brink llnven. Ohio, this morning after a month's visit at tho home of her brothers, George, Mil ton ind II. U. Church, In this city. She was accompanied as far as t'ortland by George Church, who will spend n low days nt that city. I). U. Iiunnell a local Southern Pacific engineer, has returned from Galveston, Texas, where he was call- d by a telegram announcing the dentil of a relative. He says that tho weather was very warm through- uit the South, especially In Southern California. Mrs. Grace Creswoll this morning llled a suit for divorce In the circuit ourt In which her husband, Rlch .rd K. Creswell, Is named as de fendant. The plaintiff alleges Hint die and her husband were married in Roseburg on August 9 1910, and that they have since resided In Ore gon. Sho claims that her husband often accused her of Intimacy with )ther men. and disowned her seven- months old child. On June 4, 1910, she says her husband visited her parents homo, south of Hosoburg. and whllo In a fit of auger threaten- il her life. She says he had a gun In his possession at tho tlmo and would have used It had she not have sum moned assistance. CLEARANCE SALE Of Summer Shoes Entire slock of Men's and Boys', Ladies' and Children's Oxfords and Pumps and summer shoes ATCOST! We wish to make room for our Fall and Winter stock and offer these exceptional values at the very lowest prices for a short time. R. L. STEPHENS, THE SHOE MAN 213 Jackson St. Take Your Time to Read This: Klll:l.l, (iOOIIH lleiause we liavo Just, received so many other now atylca In Hliell (liioila of all HiiiIh. Collar IMna, Nocklacea, Earrlnga, HrnnttieH, Leather Toilet Caneit, ete., we are going to give another leelul week to theae goods. Kvery Htyle absolutely new. Auk to gee our Hiawatha Collar buying thexo flooda for llolldaya. NKCKW ICAH Don't full to nee our 25 rent barKulim In new goodx. 1 1 A I It (i(M)DS We have an etiorinoua stock In flwitcea, Puf fa. Transforma tion", ruffs going out?? Not tills year. Then there are the mull ril cent Switches for the roHctlea or blsculta, as they are roinmonly railed. MIIMMKV Just a very few hats. We are going to finish them up Mon day. Wo don't care about the price. We have to have the room. This la a "WOUIl TO TMK WISH." llalr and Sculp Treatment, Kaclul Masaago, Hair Dressing, curing. THE LEADER Formerly Roseburg Beauty Parlors Trade with the store that broke High Prices for groceries in Roseburg Yours For a Square Deal R. STURRS. Sanitary Grocer WELCOME RAINS Soak Kansas and Nebraska Much Property Damaged. CROPS IN THE FIELD BENEFITED Cotton Sclu'dulo Will Pan Wicker shit m Klntla No Way To Ctiuh The Coffo Trust Brazil Controls. (Special to The Evening New.) LINCOLN, Aug. 3. Throughout Northern Kansas and Southern Ne braska today torrential rains" feiT, soaking the parched earth thorough ly uiul greutly heneflttlng much of the crop Htundlug in the fields, but out ailing immense damag upon property. Iu ninny places the rail rou ila were temporarily put out of commission by inundated and wash ed out roadbeds, and the main line of the Rick Island was completely blocked by the flood. Cotton Schedule Will Puss. WASHINGTON, Aug. 3. With the democratic steam roller In good shupe, there is every indication today that the house will I inn a the Under wood cotton schedule revision bill bo fore adjournment. It Is probable that un average duty of 35 per cent advalorem on cotton manufactures, will he adopted, against approximate ly 4S pop cent under the present law. Cofffe Trust Immune, WASHINGTON. Aug. 3. Inabil ity to procede against the coffee trust wub admitted today by Attorney Gen eral Wickersham, who said that the backbone of the trust Is practically tho Brazilian government, which has cornered the coffoo supply and will noil only to cortain concerns. Wick ersham alleges that he has been try lug to devise sumo plun to relieve the situation. Next Door to P. O. PIna. Many ahoppora are eonnter. You will find aome rare Manl-