t Mr:i. A. C. Kllld A Ki.ii oii:y Hied r, :uit in the circuit court against M. P. Wright, In which, the plaintiff a?ks to recover the sura of $100.75. Abnut $313 of the amount Is said to be due on a promisory note execut ed In favor of Mrs. Kldd & Son, on October 22, 1909, while the remain ing $Kt.75 is alleged to lie due fnr groceries Botd to thu defendant, b) the plalntifrs. Other than the prin cipal, the plaintiff asks for $25 at torney fees as well as the costs and disbursements Incurred in bringing the suit. The plaintiffs are represent ed by Attorneys J. A. Buchanan and O. H. Porter. EMlMi.ilMQMmni dignifying the. industries" k - f Tbti li the tHIt of a biutiful M-ptga book, wblcb will ibow any boy or fir) bow to SUCCEED. Drop a postal la tfca mall TODAY ao it will b io FREE. Tli alia of tbo Collect li to dl gaily and popularlit tba luduatrltt, and to ttrvt ALL tba pvoplc. It offers courii in Agriculture, Civil EDfloeerluif, EUttri-al Engineering, Mechanical Eof lbrliif , Micibg Ed1u eerlujf. Fortuity, Domestlo, Scleact aad Art, Com iutrct, Pbarmacy and Mutlo. Tut CollK opBt September i2d. Caiajo, fret. Addrtit: REOIBTBAfi, OKEOOH AOKICULTURAL OOLJ.tUE, CorvallU, Oregon. UH3M. SV.WA. Ur. Luther llumlltou, of I'uiliuud, irrlved In Roseburg this morning In 'expense to a telegram announcing ihe serious Illness of his father. Sheriff George Qulne is spending OKTEOIMTIIH ISNl'K CIIAI.I.KXtJK. U'ufll Ut Hi! IIoiv Muiijt I'lllifliU of Old KhooK Survive. OHTCACO, Aug. 1. The Ameri can Osteopathic Association recently iu "3ion here, flssued a challo go (he day at points in the southern part to Its three chief opponents in the of the county attending to business! ! medical -world, f The associations mutters connected with his official "; challe iged are the American Medl dutlwi. !cil Ai-roclation, the American Instl- - v title of Homeopathy and the. Amerl- a popu'ar clerk In; can Association of Electric Medlcne GILLMOUR LONDON TAILOR Ladies and Gentlemen's Cleaning, Pressing, Altering and Repairing PRICES REASONABLE S. W. Corner Cass and Pine CALL AND GET WISE Roseburg Oregon Coffee Special Coffee that is Coffee Our t'very lny riiftVt wmm inl m Unoil vutU'i-. Our nmtIiiI hlciiil al ii!v K'r jmhiikI In tin Ih'.sI .lint .iikiih)' ( Jin buy. Our JiIi1iii U'phI HhM'l Cut Jh (Ik; Im'hI on tlu nuir Ui't. Try u l-oiiml run if not HutlNflril, your money huck. Henry Easton Grocer 344 N Jackson Phonp 26 During Hot Weather I'm nmt hliio-nifiilo hrt'ml to avoltl pi'i'NH ia Hon nn (I other uuxniil inry i'oikIKIoiih of nuikliiK hmtil hi Iho old wuy. On June 1st We Added (o niiihrs to tlx lonf. If your grmiT iIim'h not furry our hrcnil H'hiutKO growi'M or phono Full lino of ilrlliioiiN pitnlry nl wnyn nl your coiiminnil, Umpqua Bakery II. (il'KST, l'ri. 1 10 Jackson Street, North Side Plaining Mill lust North of Kinney Spur, Norih Im-kHOii Strvt, I'lmno AIM, OrdVn fur nil kltiiln of ItiilM In ItfUKunuMo ('rices. Mulvrlal prouipily IMIumI nl Mill Work Our Specialty I'rulf oiH la Any QunuHiy. K. I. Kerner, tiie loral poitt office, and family have rcttirtifd from the mountains where rhiy a pen I the past ten days enjoying an outing. M. It. Smith, f MyrtTe Cwk, spf-nt several hours in the city today looking after hulness matUTH. Hp reports his city humming along at i lively pace. Among thoH reentered at the KoKetiurg hotel today are the follow- Ingj Reuben Hartley and family (ininger, Wa.; ('harloa Neal, Oak land; Hoy Harmon, Myrtle. Creek; Kuutft Nelson, Helo. K. K. Wheek'r, of the Kugene Loun & SavingH Hunk, arrived in K o He lm ik t ll h morning aecotnpanied by biu family. They are traveling hy automobile and expect to spend some time In the mountalna before return ing to Kugene. .Mr. Wheeler says that bin present visit to Hoaeburg Ik the fii'Kt in 25 years, and b it (lice to say that he mitres many substantial i-hangeH. .1. A. Haxter, a representative ot Hie Portland Cement Co., 1h iu the I'ity. The Keiitleiuau Is here for I hi1 purpose of securing a right of way from the Southern Pacific Hue at fireen's station to the cement M'.ar ry owned by the Portland company a distance of three miles, and will remain in Hoseburg for so mo weeks. or until the necessary rights of wn are obtained that tno product of th fiiarry may be shipped to market. Levi Deer, general manager of the Calapooya Mineral Springs, was in the city today on business. Mr. Deer represents one of the most populni mineral springs in the state find that Its waters contain great curative properties is evidenced by the large demand for the product. Many peo ple are taking advantage of this re sort and the large hotel, with ex cellent accommodations, in receiving newcomers almost dally. C. .1. Manning' and Miss Berth; Longhroke, both residents of Oak land, were quietly married at the of ilees of County Judge Wonacott lute j this afternoon. The wedding eere . mony was performed by Judge Woiin jcott In the precense of a few Intl- mate friends of . the contracting parties. Mr. and Mrs. Manning 'leave for their homo at Oakland to : uignt where they Intend to make : their future home. j Among those registered at the Grand hotel today are the follow- ; lug: Mrs. W. H. Kvans, Portland; Clement (Irohn, Portland; IT. p. Sol beig. Pierre. S. Dak.; A. It. Fresh water, Los Angeles; T. A. Walker, , Coquille; 11. Deasy, Oakland, Cal.; I). W. Itorrance, Med ford; W. II. Jenkins. Portland; K. L. Settle. Oak bind; L. II. Hendricks. Portland; W. W. Peterson, Portland; Miss Xew- J hurt, Seattle; Mrs. Adams. Salem; , William Singleton, Medford. - In bis determination to keep abreast of the times and provide every convenience necessary to the , comfort of his patrons and to exiM1 1 dlte business transact ions. Manager j Clark Hargar. of the New York i Store, has just had Installed a coni I pleto basket carrier system Utrouph mit the establishment. Hy means of I bis s st fin all packages are trans ported to the wrapping depart mem where thty are speedily taken care of by clerks whose sole duty it Is , to care for that work, and at the Uume time a deft cashier In charge j makes ch:yige and ihe purchases are sent back to the customer in the shortest possible time. This system is iu vonue In most of the large dc pari merit stores of the cities, ami demonstrates (bat Roseburg lt fast taking on the proportions of a me t ropoliii. He'leue hosptal. New York, or the Couk county hospital Is sugcied as the i:cene of the contest. The plan Is to Apportion 800 pat'ents equal ly among four schools patients Buf fering from typhoid or pneumonia preferred. The school which has the most pa tientti alive when the last subject has been burled or discharged shall be awarded the prize. f LASKIUKH ADVKKTIHKMENTS M)STI)lamond sell inn from rfnir Liberal reward will be paid to find- i er on reiurna or same to Wollen berg Bros, store. if WA TKI WANTED Woman to do lrouing. Inquire at 444 Eila street, or phone 350-Y. tf WANTED J i rl to do general house work. Apply at News office for particulars. "Stf BOARDERS WANTED In private family, laborers preferred. In quire 523 N. Main street. a5 spki youi MOXKY IN ItOKKItritf WUlch Is wisr to hn,voeonfl dence In tho opinions. of your fellow citizens, of jieople yoa. know, or de pend on statements made by utter strangers residing in fa'-away places? The house of Rice & Rice has a record of 20 years of Bquare dealing Iu Roseburg. We are en husiabtlc in regard to the superb i?ood quality contained In tbo dur able and dependable S. W. Miller pianos and player pianos, because we investigated the S. W. Miller quality before we took charge of Southern Oregon as distributors. It is tru the price is not high that we can quote you on tho from factory to home plan, and your S. W. Miller piano Is better made, will last long er and has a better tone than many pianos your neighbors have puld big prices for, because they did not have the advantage of buying direct from maker to user. MtCAL NKU'S. fieorge Crane, of Looking GIurs 4ent the day In Roseburg attend 'ng to business matters. . . Traveling Passenger Agent Jen kins, of tho Southern Pacific lines in Dregon. spent the afternoon at (Hen ary, soiUh of Roseburg, for lhepur. nose of considering the advisability if establishing a flag station In that locality. State Treasurer Kay has com for the Interest from that fund. Tho pleted the apportionment of common ichooi funds for the various counties total apportionment Is 9347.1 24.48, divided among 108,794 school chil dren. Douglas county will receive 11 1 .2 1 9.fi 8 as Its share of the apportionment. NKW TOOAX. WANTED- From 200 to .100 head of grade Angora goats mostly does preferred. Address R. W. Squire, Roseburg, Or. dswa9 LOST Check on Lumberiuans Na tional Hank, No. 2r:t, amount $900, payable to Mrs. W. R. Hart given hv C. W.- Hopkins, tinder please leave at Hiim olllce. s & Oliver's I.OIHii; IMKKCTOKY. . i'.. S. Ruselmrg Cnnpter, cu f holds their regular meeting on th. Hist and third Thursdays iu euel nrmth. Visiting members In gooc standing are respectfully invi:. to attend. Mary B. Houck, W M.: Free Johnson. Sec. .KMIK.X WOODCUAi'T Ltla Circle, No. 49. meets on first ant third Momlav evenings of eaci month In the I. O. O. F. hall. Via King members Hi good standing are Invited to attend. Qraci Pllkington, G. N.; Clara Cawlfleld. clerk. Phone Main JJlfW All wtirk ftrit-claMi Commercial Abstract Co Abstracts of 'i itle Tiling Tapers Proparca Insurance, Ktc.f Bonds of all Kinds FarnisheJ itDsnu no, oiti:i:o DOUGLAS COUNTY CREAMERY has the Best Buttermaker in the State ICE CREAM SEASON IIEREI:. in large or small nuaiitities. Let us have your partv orders. Telephone 340. I AccMding to telegraph disputcho received here today the case of (). W Peek vs. The Skelly Lumber Com puny, updated from the circuit eourl for lotiglas county, has been revers ed In the supreme court. (L W. Peek, the plaintiff, tlrst tled the suit on Pftininry 10, 1909. and among other tilings asked to recover tho sum of $I.;(S9, alleged to be due on a prom Nfcory note signed by Mr. Skelly. then president of the Skelly Lumber Coinpany. Tbo cao came up for trial In tho circuit court for Hougliif county In January, and in accordance with tbo ruling of the providing indue. J. W. Hamilton, a directed verdict watt returned tn favor" of the defendant. The cuo was ap pealed to the supremo court b Mr Peek with the result that tho ver dict of the lower court was revers ed, Tbo defense contended (hat Mr Skelly had no right to sign the note Hi question for tho reason that In i o doing he was exceeding his authority. It was also further alleg ed that in signing tho note, Mr Skelly acted personally, and did not have tho sanction of tho board of director. Mr.-Pook wa represented by Attorney Albert Abraham, white the Skolly Lumber Company was rep. j resented hy Attorney Mlrelll and j Long - O. K. RoMTturg Aerie, No. 1497 meets second and fourth Mondny ln their hall on Jackson Btreet at 8 P. M. Orafton Worthlngton, V. P.. b G. Mlcelll, sec. . P. O. K Roseburg Lodge.-No 32ti, holds regular connnunica tions at their temple on secono and fourth Thursdays of eacl month. Ml members requested S.; H. O. Lewis, p. V. Kwnrt. clerk. . O T. M. - Iiosetoiik; HiveT NoTiT holds regular reviews on first and third Wednesdays In the Maccabeo hall. Sisters of other hives visiting In the city are cordially Invited to attend our re views. Llbblo Rose, ladv com mander: Mrs. Jessie Rapp, R K WANTflD Salesmen for eiclualvi territory. Big opportunities. Ni experience necessary. Complet) line Yeklma Valley grown trull shade and ornamental stocW. CasL weekly. Outfit free. Toppeulsli Nursery Company, Topenish Wash. dswtl FOR SAI.E. FOIl SALE Two UerforU bulls, one year old. Klrstclgss. Addresa L. U Matthews, Glide. Or. dtl WOOU KOK SAI.E Plioni" Farmers 164. J I. Sprlngsteued. Roseburg. for wood. Prompt delivery. dtl BLACK MIXOnCAS Will sell a pen of six young laying heufPand one pork eh en p. Inquire News olllce. FOH SALIC At a bargain, one good heavy work mare, and colt. Call at this office. Rdtf COW FOU SAI.K Good young Ji-r-sey cow. Price $l5. Inquire of E. .Mauldlng. West Roseburg. du8 FOR SALU One 20-horse power tublar horizontal boiler for sale. Inquire at the Roseburg Steam Laundry. tf FOR SALE2:l acres improved laud at Olllard, Ore., V4 mllo from sta tion. For terms cull or address Wni. Dallas. Dlllard., Or. si FO R SA LE 6a ITstove and blo"ck wood, 4 miles out, at $1.75 'the tier on the ground; no hills. Phone 3X6. Roseburg, Oregon. dtf I)ISCFO!t SALE One Clarks" SeTf Ior cutaway disc for sale cheap. Only used one year. Address Box lS3, Roseburg. tf FOR SALE CHEAP One H horse power gasoline engine, good as new. A good strong engine. P. O box 47S, Roseburg, Ore., or In quire at News office. COATS FOR SALE 30 head of good goats, and also a two year filly in foal. Address Box 234, Rose burg, or call at ranch 1 mile north of fuir grounds. al FOR SALE Seven room nouse, toilet, bath, pantry, etc., centrall located, near paved district, 60 .foot lot. Price 12,600. Address "Owner." care of The News dswtf A CHOICE BARGAIN Good 7- room house, toilet and wood shed off of large porch; lot 85x67. 2 blocks from postofftce. Price Too low for print. Addr-ss V., care News. (jtf BEAUTIFUL HOME SITE Two acres, all Iu choice fruit, grand view of city. Oue of the flnesl properties In Roseburg or viclnit for a home. Inquire at this offict for particulars. FOUR LOTS Nice residence and garden property, lay well, close to .Mcuuunci bluiv uiiu uiri cneap at uiny ,oo euuu. inquire al News olllce, but be qpick about tfd BARGAIN 155 acres of land for sale In Camas Valley; will sell part or all. There is a bargain in this place If taken soon. For par ticulars nddress Allen Wilson Camas Valley, Ore. a3 FIVE ACRES FOR SALE-Nlce piece oi mini, an renced, close In and ready for planting. No buildings but a choice spot for small farm Price $1,250. Inquire News of flee. FOR SALE A nice, neat 6-rooni bungalow, centrally locnted In pav ed district. Sewer connections, bath, patent toilet, etc. Ideal lo cation. Price $2,500. Address A care News office. dswtf FOR SALE. A tew choice S. C. hlte Leghorn cockrels, Runcho Mlrnsol strain. Pasadena.,, Calif., one dollar each. Inspection Invit ed. Apply .1. Bentley. Alexander land, Hosehurg. da22 SALE OR TRADE 4-rooin new house and lot; will sell reasonalil i and give terms; would accept good team, harness and wagon as part payment. A bargain, so come quick. Address "Oowner," care News office. a3 FOR SALE Hay. we have several cars of oat, velch. cheet and mix ed hay for sale. That we ran name you very close prices . on. Frank E. Illalr. wholesale commis sion merchant, Eugene, Oregon. FOR SALE Expecting to get a car. I am offering for sale my span 3 year old bays, safe for a wo man, to drive, my rubber . tired stanope, either for two or four persons, and set of new harness. Will ell separately. E. H. Rosen- i berry, east of f.lr grounds. dif Strong's $3.50 Cot For Camping , Keep off the Ground, Where Live Snakes, Toads, Liz ards and Bugs Because a bed is so warm and soft lizards and snakes are likely to seek your bed when in the mountains or at the seashore. The safe way is to buy a cot and sleep off of the ground. ftn. 1H DM lb ifc This cot will hold many hundreds of pounds, yet it weighs but 17 pounds itself. And it folds up so that it can be carried like a suit case or put on the back of a horse. Prices $2.50-$3.50 B. W. Strong The Furniture Man Roseburg, Or. I 13 m " I !Lannioods SO ACRES FOR SALE 4 5 acres til- lable, 22 in cultivation, 2 acres pnled In for graden: good house cellar nnd barn. S5 bearing fruit trees, li-am. harness, wagon, hack. 1 cows 3 plows. $5rt worth tn lumber, all for $.1,200. Addresi box ,35. Dlllard. Ore. tf TOR SALE-An sri-nrrV farm" for sale or rent. 16 ncres under the plow, plenty of outside rnnge. with privilege of buying good team, a wagon, cow and Implements on place; about ten tons of hiv tn barn. Address J. K. Falbe, Ol'alla. Oregon. d-alS "CAItKV THAT IIKIt IT STAIRS and put kitchen." that plue table In Thai's how It goe. II IIMTI IIK Kilt M l. TDK IIOI SK Is what you llnd when you come her. to buy. You have a plentj to select from anil everything ypu purchase is durable and reasonably priced. I'ltlt K ItKIU t FI) III ItINO Sl MMKIt. Rice & Rice The House- Furnishers Cass Slreet TIMBER CLAIM FOR SALE The E. 4 of ihe S. E. y and the S i 4 of the N. E. 4 of flection 26. In township 3i south of range 2 west, consisting or sugar pine, fir and cedar. Cruised over four mil lion feet. Price $3,000. Address P. careNews. Roseburg. dswtf TIMBER CLAIM FOR SALE The i following described timber clan" is i tiered for sale: N. W (,f the S. K. S. E of the N E. Vi of W. 4 N. E. i of sec. rs. township 30 south of rane 2 west, consisting of 160 acres of sugar pine, fir and cellar. It reus ed three and one-hMr mllllr.nt Price. $3.(100. Address P. can News. Roseburg. Or. dswt ' FOR SALE - New 6-roem bunga low and 16 acres. 1 4 miles from postoffice: X arrv cleared. 6 acres plowed, of which 5 acres are In young appWs and waches ig.inl, garden hind I; balance wood land.' Eimd water: telephone; Yaiili'h horse, cow. chickens: garden tools and Implement. Will sell fu.n;- tnre with house If desired. A'l will be sold cherip as 1 wish to leave for the Philippines soon. ' Phone Farmers 166. or addo box 4 5s. Roseburg al Fresh Fruit and Vegetables We have them in abundance to supply your home table Best for your camping trip - You will want a supply of fresh canned goods, meats, fruits and vegetables. You may rely ab solutely on our goods. We keep a large variety but a small stock of each kind. We order fre" quently insuring absolutely fresh stock. Note the fresh wholesome taste of our canned goods. Roseburg Rochdale Co. Grain of All Kinds Rin nf A 11 TTi J YOUR ORDERlFeed fif All TCinri"' WE WANT "Slab Wood Dry Fir Wood Split Oak Wood Now is the time to order your winter's wood Take advantage of our special prices. We make our own deliveries, insuring promptness and correctness. Roseburg Feed & Fuel Co. Warehouse and Office, Winchester Street on the Switch. Telephone 163