The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, August 01, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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    XOTH K TO 'I II IC I'lllLK'.
Or, F. H. Viiicil. county
hpaith officer, request a ail persons
using water from wells or springs to
supply him with a sample. Properly
prepared bottles for containing the
watrr may he had free from the
county health officer upon applica
tion, and it is his intention to havo
anal) Ih mail" (o ascertain the pur
Uy of such waters. tlnwtt
Mrs. .Mollie Hush, who h.i.T beep
employed at Pape's confectioner)
store, on Sheridan street for several
months, left for Wilbur this after
noon where she intends to reside permanently.
This U the title of a beautiful C4-pag book, which
will show auy boy or girl how to BUCCEEJ). Drop
postal Id the mall TODAT aud It will b aeot 1 hEE.
The aim of tb Coltegs li to dignity aud popularize
the lniiuutiie. aud to ierv ALL tha people. It oJen
courses in Agriculture, Civil Engineering. Electrical
Engineering. Mechanical Engineering. Klning Engln
ecrlug, Foretry, Doueetlo. Science and Art, Cum
merce, Fbaitnacy and Muilc. The College &pjns
September aid. Catajog free.
CULLLUE, Col vallli, Uregoa.
Ladies and Gentlemen's Cleaning,
Pressing, Altering and Repairing
S. W. Corner Cass and Pine
Roseburg Oregon
wii.hi it .im.;k i;.m i;ht.ixs.
Inltinleil unci Ifoynl numiuct
I Served.
4uilIUMl MMTillTfitriilliir Iff-
Coffee Special
Our every day coffer Kpeelnl s
uontl coll'ee. Our special Ideml itl
li-lc M'i' pound in the bcM iluit
.money enn buy. Our (Johleu Went
Steel Cut Ih (lit Itcsl on (In mar
ket. Try n t-potiml emi -If nut
Hiillsfleil, jour money back.
Henry Easton
N Jackson Phone 26
Members of Wilbur Orango were
hosts Salurdey o'eht, and gave a ban
(tift and literary program to their
vIMthig friends from other granges.
M. riodge presided over the meet
ing, and nine candidates were initiat
ed, they being Mr. and Mrs, Lara ul
Mr. and Mrs. li. McKay,
Mrs. ,1. C. Kaegi, and Mr
firnhbt:, who took the work and iiiys
li-ries of the first two degrees. Fol
lowing the Initiation everybody ad
loomed to the banquet hall, where
ihe ladies of the grange had prepar
'd good things galore, and many were
the compliments paid those havlnp
'he nianagement of the feast, because
an il lavish hospitality would be hard
o After the baii(iiet fine
Iterary and lecture program was glv
n, Prof, and Mrs. T. 10. Gray taking
nil active part In this feature. He
'ore the s-iMHlon adjourned uVliclou
fee cream and cake was served to al
resent, and the guests departed with
many warm hand clasps with t heir
hosts and .lostesses.
Among those present from other
(ranges were Deputy Master T. I.
Lee and wife, and W. r . Ifodges. of
Lnukii.g (rlKs; C. I.. Hamilton. Wm
Otior and C. I). Smith, of Lower
''nlapooia. In speaking of th
.'range work in this county Mr. I.e
informed a News reporter that all
the granges In tills district are ra
UWv Increasing In membership, the
best class of farmers and their fam
' I : belruiglnir to Ihe organization.
MM A I, m:vs.
Or. K. B. Stewart and wife spent
the day In the country enjoying a
brief outing.
Sam Starmer left for the moun
tains today where he will enjoy his
George Sanders, of Drain, spent
yesterday in Roseburg attending to
Mr. and "fisiness mutters.
and Mrs I - '
William Davidson left for Riddle
this morning to apend a day attending
to business matters.
Attorney George Neuner has re
turned from Salem where he spent a
day or two attending to business
G. W. (Jarn, of Jeromeville, Ohio,
in a new-comer to Roseburg, and a
prospectivA citizen of the L'mpqiu
M. H. Crawford and family, recent
ly from Arizona, left for Atlanta, Ga.,
this morning where they will locate
H. I). Graves and wife left for
Portland on this afternoon's train
where they will spend a few days
visiting with friends.
Mrs. Coffee, a well known local
lady, underwent a minor operation
this morning. Dr. A. C. Seely was
the attending surgeon.
WAXTKI) Woman to do Ironing.
Inquire at 444 Ella street, or phone
350-V. tf
FOR SALE At a bargain, one good
heavy work mare, and colt. Call
at this office, Rdtf
COW FOR SALE Good young Jer
sey cow. Price $65. Inquire of E.
Maulding. West Roseburg. da8
(Continued from Page 1.)
During Hot
I'ki iMcl)li)Ciiiiule bread to avoid
presperatlon and oilier iiiinuiiI
titry romllflohH of making bread
In the old way.
On June 1st We
two ouiues to the limf. If jour
grocer iIoch not carry our bread
-change grocer -or phone H'JI,
Full line (if delicious parley at
way at your command,
Umpqua Bakery
II. fU KST, Prop.
1 10 Jackson Hired.
everal years later. They eventually
netted at Glendale, at which place
(hey have since lived. Among other
it legations, Mrs. liangert alleged thai
ier husband treated her in a cruel
Mid Inhuman manner, and on one oc
asion went so far as to eject her
elf inid baby from their bed at one
delink in the morning. She also
claimed that he utterly failed to pro.
vide for herself and children, aud
diat she was forced to work In ordei
to obtain those things necessary In
tm-taiiiing life. In January. 19 in
-die says he became so violent that she
was compelled to leave him and seek
shelter fdse where.
According to advices received ai
the district attorney's office lute this
.llternoon from Glandule, lllester al
so participated in the "near tragedy",
which resulted in his being shot over
Ihe right eye. Deputy Sheriff Law
ii.n informed the district attorney
bis afternoon that lllester II red two
dmls, while Mangert fired three
.hots. The trouble originated over
'he possession of the ranch occupied
hy lllesiei'. and an irrigation ditch
which runs through the. property.
Deputy Sheriff Luwson says that each
man claims to have nttacked, and
(hat the true state of facts will not
he known until brought to traif.
Ulster is at Glendale where ho is re
ceiving medical treatment.
(Continued from Page 1.)
North Side Plaining Mill
IiinI North of Kinney Spur, Niirth
Jut li sun Street, Phono ft'Jtl.
Orders for all kinds of Itulldlug
Reasonable Prices.
Material promptly Filled at
Mill Work Our Specialty
I'i uii lloc In Any Quantity.
I'bone Main UIJM
All work fii-Ht-cl.tH
Commercial Abstract Co
Abstracts of '1 itle
riling Papers Propana
Insurance, ltt
BdiuIs of all Kinds PurnishcJ
HUM North .fntkHon nt.
konfik itu, okk:o
list for (he (Hidden tour closes today.
Thi' tour will start in September. In
terest In Ihe classic litis year Is
slight aud It Is understood that the
j run will lie called off if the entries
J do not total thirty or more by ,to
j night.
(otcli lii Condition.
It I'M HOI .1 T, la., Aug. I. AI
llmuuli he tips the scales at 1'-M
iiniiiids today Frank (lolch, the heavy
I weight w rest ling champion of (tie
i world who is trnlniiiK here fur hb
! 'abur day match in Chicago with
j ieui ge Hackeiisclunidl, expects to
i weih not moio tiiau L'UO pounds on
j thi- day of ihe contest, dutch has a
number of stellar wrestlers on his
i rilnK Itulo lliH'liiiii.
MOW YOHK, Auk. 1.- A ininmln--h.n
appolntra hv PriMlilcul T::ft to
Invsliali tht stili.W'it nf second
i'Iiiss post.lKi1 raws, i'Stt.('i:iM in rff
i ii'iiro to thi1 transportation of nian
.inos at tin1 t''ut u ponntl n-r', will
.'onilni'l a tioarln on the sntijoct (tits
I.acr lak'ii 'rim'UtotH'tl.
I' Mils. Auk. 1. Aliont i'ni..(iiin
t'aml lace makers of l'raiu- uro
tlnvult'iu'il wtttt ilestttutlon on ar-t-oinit
of I tmit 11 1 iniiH mailt on ma
"'hitu's am markt'tiul at low prlros.
u (U'anlattoll lliMlttotl Uy proniln
nit wotui'ti may tu forinod to Itoy
cott morrhantH setllni; mactilnt' matlo
litre as hanil nuulo. j
LOST Diamond netting from ring.
Liberal reward will be paid to find
er on returnd of same to Wollen
bers Bros, store, tf
yOIl SALii 23acrealmp"f6Veil land
at Dlllard. Ore., V4 mile from ta
tion. For terms rail or address
Wm. Dallas, Dlllard, Or. si
K. 10. Hnnder, of Myrtle Point, is
lieiidliiK a few days in Itosebiii'K at
tending to business mutters and in-
identally visiting with friends.
Dr. A. .P. Sether and I'red Cliap
iniin, tln4 dniKgist, ,liave returned
rroni Newport where they spent u
few days visiting with their families.
llrs. Joe Kirk left for .Newport last
night w here she will spend a week or
ten days vlslllng with friends and In-
(dentally enjoying her annual olil-
P. M. Ilaiullton n ml family, who
liave resided here for the past nine
months, left for Deniuhia. C'al.. IIiIh
Horning where they expert to locate
I'". M. Parrish, a local Southern
I'acllic conductor, left for Newport
'his artemoon where he will spend
'en days enjoying all outing. lie
was accompanied by his family.
Mrs. Cieorge liumette and sister.
Miss Zelhia Hurst, left for Newport
last night where they will spend a
few days visiting with friends and
njoylug their annual outing.
Miss Vadn Watts, chief operator In
the local telephone exchange, has re
turned from Portland and other
northern cllles after enjoying her nn-
nunl vacation.
Walter Patterson, who Is employ
ed at the Stubbs grocery store, re
urned from Lane county where hi
spent some time at tlio springs en
ioylng his annual vacation.
Dr. Lowe, the well known eye spec
ialist will he hi Drain August 15,
Yoncalla Augusst 18. Oakland August
17 and ItosebuiK August IS and to
noon nf la. Iteinemher the dates.
Prof. Austin left for Clardlner this
morning whero he lias accepted the
prluclpalship of the Gardiner schools
Mrs. Austin, who is at present visit
ing In Josephine county, will Join her
husband 111 a few days.
,1. M. Daley, of Los Angeles, Cut.,
Is In lioM'hurg with Ilia Intention of
locating In l lie I'mpniia Valley If he
llnds a suitable ranch. He is accoin-
anled h It. S. Diitlon. who also
xK-cts to locate here permanently.
AI .loyaiix. of the Itosehurg Under-
aklng Parlors, left for Salem last
nlng where be will smmhI a couple
if days. From there he goes to Port
land and thence to San Francisco by
boat where he will visit with his par
Notice of appeal to the supreme
ourt lias been tiled In the case or
Herbert Itoadlnan vs. V. V. Hard
ing and It. W. Illnkley and wife. At
torneys ("indwell ft Watson represent
Itoadmau. while the defendants are
represented hy Attorneys t'oshow &
John P. King today placed a lien
on the property, leased by the El
liott Lumber Company, and situated
In the vicinity of Drain. King al
leges that he was employed by the
ronipan for several weeks, and that
there Is at present due him the sum
of lll TO.
GOATS FOR SALE 30 head of good
goats, and also a two year filly
In foal. Address Box 234, Rose
burg, or call at ranch 1 mile north (
of fair grounds. s! '
FOR SALR Hay, we have several
cars of oat, vetch, cheet and mix
ed hay for sale. That we can
name you very close prices on.
Frank K. Blair, wholesale ronimis-j
slon merchant, Eugene, Ore
FOR SALE New 6-rootn bunga-t
low and 16 acres, l v miles from
postotllce; S acres cleared, 6 acres
plowed, of which 5 acres are In
young apples and peaches l good
garden land); balance wood laud;
good water; telephone; valuebb.
horse, cow, chickens; garden tools
and implements. Will sell furni
ture with house If desired. All
will be sold ciieap as I wish to
leave for the Philippines soon.
Phone Fnrmers 16f, or ndujr.'':
box 4T8, Roseburg. a 12
CLASSIFIED A 1 1 li 1 1 1 1 S K M KYIS
WANTED Girl to do general house
work. Apply at News office for
particulars. stf
family, laborers .preferred. In
quire IS23 N. Main street. aS
WANTED Position us stenograph
er. Thn2 years law oltlco ex
perience. References ftirnlshe.l
Address Lydia Messman, Box 32.r.
Enid Okla. a I
!N'(J All work guaranteed. Mrs.
E. M. Voss, 4 33 North Rose
street. a I
WANTPD Salesmen for excluslvt
territory. Big opportunities. Ni
experience necessary. Completi
Hue Yakima Valley grown fruit
shade and ornamental stock. Cash
weekly. Outfit free. Toppeuisb
Nursery Company, Topenlsh
Wash. dswtl
WANTED The name and address of
gentleman who purchased the
county right for the sale of medi
cine and i;ppllnnce a year ai;o or
Dr Bell. Upon receipt of desired
anuress ne win learn someining 10 i
his interest. LAEMMLE 217 Wins-!
ton street, Los Angeles, (,'al. al j
WOOD FOR SALE Phone Farmers
104. J I. Sprlngsteaed. Roseburg.
for wood. Prompt delivery. dtf
BTwVC K Ml N O R C A S- W i ilse 1 1 a pen
of six young laying hens and one
cock cheap. Inquire News ofllce.
Strong's $3.50 Cot
For Camping
Keep off the Ground, Where
Live Snakes, Toads, Liz- ,
ards and Bugs
Because a bed is so warm and soft
lizards and snakes are likely to seek
your bed when in the mountains or at
the seashore. The safe way is to buy
a cot and sleep off of the ground.
This cot will hold many hundreds of
pounds, yet it weighs but 17 pounds
itself. And it folds up so that it can
be carried like a suit case or put on
the back of a horse.
Prices $2.50-$3.50
B. W. Strong
The Furniture Man Roseburg, Or.
FOU SALIC One 20-hors power
tublar horizontal boiler for sale.
Inquire at the Roseburg Steam
Laundry. tf
FOR SALF Oak stove and
wood, 4 miles out, at $l.7R
tier on the ground; no hills. Phone
IlXtl, Roseburg. OreRon. dtf
DISC FOR "SALE "One Clarka Sen
ior rut a way disc for sale cheap.
Only used one year. Address liox
G8:i. Roseburg. tl
FOR SALR Good first and second
rutting Alfalfa hay. Inquire of K.
H. Fenn. Melrose, Ore. Phone
Farmers 116. 24dsw
FOR SALE Two Shetland "ponies
well matched, drive single oi
double, perfectly gentle, lnqulrt
News ofllce. Jswti
0 iTSAl ,B" C "l I R AP One 2 horse
power gasoline engine, good a
new A good strong engine. P. O
hov 4 75, Roseburg, Ore., or in
quire at News office.
FOR SALE Sevwn room
toilet, bath, pantry, etc.. centrally
locnted, near paved district, 60
foot lot. Price S2.500. Address
"Owner," care of The News dswtf i
room house, toilet and wood shed !
off of large porch; lot SuxIm, 2
blocks from postoMlco. Price too!
low for print. Address V., care'
N"w. dlf i
H K A I ; T I F r L NOME sT'V E -T wo
acres, nil (n choice frutt, grnmi
view or city. One of the fines) !
properties in Roseburg or viiin!t 1
for a home. Inquire at this ollltt
for particulars.
FOI'R LOTS Nice residence and
garden iroperty, lay well, close to
Kdenhower store and dirt cheap
at only $115 each. Inquire n'
News olllce, but be qpick aboul
L " tfd
has the
Best Buttermaker in Ihe Stale
in large or small miantities. Let us have your
partv orders. Telephone 310.
Stead clllplo Inent for three
tlii'inen at power plant of .1. I
S A Kendall. Willi -heater,
Wages I'lTi per month. !-hour shifts,
tire wlih cord wood. Apply at Water
and l.Uht olllce, 322 N Jackson
street or to engineer at plant,
a;! J. I. S A. KENDALL.
i Judge .1 W. Hamilton this after-
. noon listened to arguments In the FOR S U.E
case of the Merchants Land Com
panvy. of Marshfteld. vs. J .11. nar.
vour. The ruse was brought hy the
phrintiffs In an effort to annul a
number of ancient contracts In which
considerable Coos Hay property Is
V PAItllMN 155 acres of land for
pale In Camas Valley; will sell
part or all. There is a bargain In
this pi. tee If taken soon. For par
ticulars address Allen Wilson
Camas Valley, Ore. a;t
of land, all fenced, close In and
ready for planting. No buildings
but a choice spot for small farm
Price $1,260. Inquire News of
FOR SALE A nice, ' neiit .Tooiii ,
bungalow, centrnlly located In pav
ed district. Sewer connections,
bath, patent toilet, etc. Ideal lo
cation. Price $2. 500. Address A
care News office. dwtf
FOU SALEr-A few cholce"s. TT
White Leghorn corkrels. Ranchn
Mlrasol strain. Pasadena. Calif ,
one dollar each. Inspection Invit
ed. Apply J. Rentley. Alexander
land. Roseburg. da22
Expecting to get
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
We have them in abundance to supply your home"
Best for your camping trip
You will want a supply of fresh eanned goods,
meats, fruits and vegetables. You may rely ab
solutely on our goods. We Keep a large variety
but a small stock of each kind. We order fre"
quently insuring absolutely fresh stock. Xote
the fresh w holesome taste of our eanned goods.
Roseburg Rochdale Co.
Theodore l.oreug. of Spokane.
Wash., Is looking over the I'uipqtia
The July 2oth edition of1 ihe Pa
cific Homestead has on its cover page
a view of Round Prairie, showing a
x alley, and represents one of nve ; Held of watermelons, w hich It credits
families w ho expect to locate here i to (he riiipqua Valley near Roseburg
not later than December next. Mr. j This Is a very courteous recognition
l.oreug made an extended trip; of the I'mpqua Valley, and is appre
through Coos and Curry counties, but U'lated by those who are endeavoring
Is not as favorably Impressed with; to present the attractions and merits
those localities as with the I'mpqua of the valley to those unacquainted
Valley In the vicinity of Roseburg. ! with It
1 am offering for sale my span
.1 year old hays, safe for a wo.
man to drive, my rubber tired
sianope. either for to or four
persons, and set of new harness.
Will sell separately. E II. Roen
berrv. east of '!r grounds d'f
SO ACHES FOR SALE 4 5 acres tii
lable. 22 In cultivation. 2 acre;
paled tn for graden; good house,
cellar and barn. S5 bearing fruit
trees, team, harness, wagon, hack,
i cows. 3 plows. $50 worth o
lumber, all for $3,200. Addresi
box S5. Dlllard. Ore. tfj
FOR SALE An" jo-acre rami "for i
sale or rent. 16 acres under the!
plow, plenty of outside range, with!
privllene of buying good team, a
wagon, cow ami Implement on
plare: about ten tons of bar In
barn, Address J K. Falbe, Olalla,! !!
Slab Wood
Dry Fir Wood
Split Oak Wood
Grain of All Kinds
Hay of All Kinds.
Feed of All Kinds.
Now is the time to order your winter's wood
Take advantage of our special prices. We make
our own deliveries, insuring promptness and
Roseburg Feed & Fuel Co. '
Warehouse and Office, Winchester Street on the
Switch. Telephone 163
Oregon. d-als.