4 niG FIGHT OX. V.n-t nml West .lurksou To Iitnlilc Honors on Diamond. There have beeu a number of rum ors of wars, rate cases, railroads, etc. lately and they seem to have aroused the fighting blood of some of the busi ness men on the west side of Jackson street to such an extent that they are talking of challenging the busi ness men on the east side to tackle them on the ball diamond to decide which is the best side of the street when It comes to the great American game of baseball. There are several restrictions discussed, some wishing to limit the players to married men. and insist that the players shall not have played baseball of any kind for at least two years. It has also been suggested that a game between the fats and the leans would be very Interesting, no play er to be eligible who has caught a baseball In the last two or three years. Another game might be ar ranged' between the married and sin gle has been players, and no doubt the Innocent bystander would enjoy any of the exhibitions that would be put up by the old boys. All players would be required to play at least three innings, this proviso being nec essary to keep S. C. Bartrum. Gene Parrott, Jim Zurcher, nob Smith, and a few other enthusiasts In the game long enough to count. Each side would lie limited to IS players, with the understanding that not more than 9 could play at one time. Other games suggested are one between the commercial club and the merchants association, one between shorties like Dr. Se.ely, H. Guest, Roy Bellows, Julian Josephson, and others to num Jeroue to mention, vs Charlie Parrott, Ed. Johnson, W. C. Harding, B. W. Strong and others to numerous to mention. We wouldn't be personal for any thing, but wouldn't Bartrum be grace personilled running the bases wouldn't Dr. Seely make a shortstop that would kill all the ladles in the grandstand. Wouldn't Deacon Smith's bald bead be a peach of a place fur the flies to light out In center field. Imagine If you can Louie Uelsensteln making a home run, or S. L. Dillard sliding for 2nd. Think what Clark Bargar's form would be In a ball suit, or Bobb Kidd's face behind a catcher's mask. Gronvold could coach for the fats and Napoleon Kice for the leans Fred Wright for the shorties and John Campbell for the longies. Parson Baker might be trusted to act as umpire. Sum Sykes could sell programs on ladles' day, and Joe Slicelll run the lemonade stand. Dr. Vlncll would have charge of the red cross automobile, while Claude Cannon and A. Salzman to as sist because neither of them ever get excited. There are several fellows we might name that) could hit a home run every time if they knocked the ball like they do Itoseburg. But space forbids. Pettit could report the game by Innings to the Orcgonlan and the telephone exchange, and The Evening News run a special base ball edition. Bert Sutherlin would he re quired to stand near 3rd base with an electric fan for the benefit of all the players that registered there, and Max Weiss present restoratives to all that made a tally. 1 i.e Southern Pa cillc could be represented on one side by Fatty Moore and on the other by Ilunty Wright, so as not to show par tiality. A few blondles like Rexall Kullerton and Bill Dysinger could be rung In If necessary to have all classes represented. Every playor making a home run ought lo get a box of Bowden's home-made cigars. Mayor Haynes would pitch the flrsl ball, of course, and George Neuner. Jr., pass on Its legality. All players would be subject to re call by a 25 per cent vote of the paid spectators. An annual pass on the Coos Bay & Roseburg railroad would go to the player making the most brilliant play. Entries can be l.-ade with Frank Alley, who Is se lected on account of his familiarity with race horses. If the war between Germany and i ranee begins, also construction on tiie RosehuTg railroad, this series of games will be played. Gale receipts to go to the Mercy hospital, they to take care of all players until they BOARD AXD ROOM. First class board and room A fnn la hail i t A. Hall, 246 Flint and Mosher streets, rnone aus. dtr J SECRETARY WILSON HONORARY PRESIDENT are able to return to their regular vocations. For further particulars call up Publicity Manage Schlosser by wireless, who has agreed to furnlsl hot air for the occasion a la Rose burg band. LOCAL FAN. IMHXGS AT HOAGL1X. Preliminary Work on Government Telephone Line Started. Preliminary work on the proposed government telephone line between Glide and Diamond Lake was started this week. Hangers are supervising the construction. Forest fires have required the full government force the past few days and progress on the telephone lint has been temporarily abandoned. District Ranger Ed. Law passed through here last night with a' ping of a dozen men, secured in Rose burg to fight tires. Law snys thai at least twenty fires have started in. the Umpqua forest tho past week. No serious damage Is expected by the rangers. New camps are being pitched dally along the banks of the Umpqua riv er. Good trout Hshing attracts some. Others are waiting for the deer sea son, which opens in a few days (Aug ust 1.) AH stieak of the unexpected cool weather to be found in the heav ily timbered mountains of this sec tion. A few miles' travel from Rose burg puts the vacation seeker In a flsh and game country hardly to be expected anywhere. A party of three from the East, who have been stopping at the Mc Millan place fo ra couple of weeks leave here next Wednesday foru two weeks' hunting and fishing trip It Crater Lake and vicinity. II. H. Mc Millan, whose guest tho visitors are. will form one of the party and act as guide. W. P. Wise, of Chicago, one of the guests at the McMillan home, who has fished and hunted big game In the great Southwest and Old Mexico, thinks he has found the most conven iently situated "lodge" nt the Mc Millan house that the country affords According to him, one can come emp ty handed and yet want nothing 1. the way of equipment, food, lodging, guns, tents, fishing tackle, saddle and pack horses arc to be had at the house. And to the heat-stricken cit izens of Chicago, the privilege of set ting by a big fire in the evening b worth the trip lo Oregon. That is saying nothing of the game anil fish fug within walking distance, deer pheasants, grouso, conger and (fur ther up, bear) Ash, etc. "Surely the people of Roseburg," he says, "de not know how easily they can reach such a place." "Why," continued Wise, "Just to meet 'Wild 1)111' -McMillan is worth the 'price of admis sion'. Bill Is a veteran of the Civil war, but Bays himself that he Is not going lo die so long as he sees any one else living. Any man who ampu tates his bunions by putting his foot, shoe and all. under a railway train and who will get up In the middle of the night to finish a dish that has disagreed with him. Just to show lib stomach that it can't dictate to blm. is worth going miles to see. But when you couple II with a nhture that is the soul of kindness and generosity, and an originality that puts a hearty laugh into every remark, you have a character rare and lovable." SMELL FUNGUS. II. F. 8MICK f i'f Physician and Surgeon. i Rooms 1 and 2 Abraham Bldg. 3 Roseburg, Oregon. - lilt. I'lXLAV. Cf Dentist. -"- C i Room 6, Bell Sisters Building THE ECONOMY MARKET GEORGE KOHLHAGEN, Proprietor! Wholesale and retail Butcher. Tnebest the Marlon aflorda. All kinds of Stock Bought and Sold. I). S. Department ot Agriculture In Barley and Hop Exhibition. The secretary of atute. the Hon. Phi lander Knox, has Bent out to the diplo matic and consular representatives of the United States In foreign countries a circular letter Informing them that an international brewers' congress will le held In Chicago, Oct. 12 to 22, 1011, and Instructing them to bring the mat ter to the attention of the respective governments to which they are accred ited, wiih tho request that due pub licity be given, to the information and ih.it the respective parties lu Interest be invited to participate In tho con Kress. Tho circular further contains the In formation that there wilt also be held at tho same time nnd place au Interna tional prize exhibition lor barley and hups. The serretirry of agriculture In the United States, the Hon. James Wilson, Is the honorary president of the Inter national brewers' congress. The United States department of ag riculture Is preparing an exhibit by vhlli The United Sluiea government will be represented nt the internatlonaP prize, exhibition for barley and hops. The department will show what has lieeu done by several of Its expertH who have been for sumo years devot ing their time to the Improvement of these crops. The importance of this exhibition for the farmers who raise barley and heps annot be overrated. It Is believed 'lint the first step is herewith taken to bring about a system of valuing those important crops upon n basis of fact rather thau upon mere Individual pref reuce and perhaps prejudice. A Dish Sale in July! E2 Here' the quality, the style, and The chance g a to save 25c on the dishes vou need. y The dishes are not marked up, nor marked y down. Read the price and for every dollar you give us at prices given, we give you m back 25c. Jtr The Benson Grocery Pure Food Store ; Phone 1S4 225 T Jackson St ' .,,u.....m..uu....uu...uufc IXK'Alj NEWS. ! SATISFACTION' (il'AnANTKKH ! . l 3 eotiuge organs aa good as new. Have your dressmaking done : '"s( I5,: '-5 alld 35- L- H- at the Dressmaking l'arlors, i Khoaoes Co. 719 West I-ajio Btreut, neur ( tho West Rosebure bridge. DoiiRlas County CieaiBsry tmtter, IIKN'SI.KK & KOfiKHS, ! tl,e bent ,n land, can be had of dtf Props, your grocer at 70 cents the roll. De- mand your home product and accept 'no other. dtf ' .--'"- "' a. -Wv?-'V -.- V ,' The best the market affords in lleef, Pork, Mutton and Veal, at the Cass Street Market, Give us trial and le convinced. -j Louis Kohlhagen Proprietor 107 ("ass Street, Phone 10. Free Delivery to any part of the City. CLASSIFICATION OF AMERICAN BARLEYS, lommonly Known as Two Rowed, Four Rowed and Six Rowed. Barle.vH are commonly classified aa two rowed, four rowed and six rowed. The European brewers Renerally pre fer the two rowed varieties, which ore plumper and starchier, while In this wouutrv the six rowed, of which the four rowed Is but a slightly varied rel- n v3k i& I i! 'I B- lit I S' ,11 It' ' til ft, lit liB&iiju-iii. Sluutm em tin .w'f iK ELECTRIC FANS Electric Laundry Irons, Electric Toasters, Electric Hot Plates, Electric Fixtures of All Kinds Electric Fluid Heaters CHURCHILL-WARNER GO. Consulting Electrical Engineers Good Goods and Good work or none. Phone 260 Opposite Post Office ( 'AIJL OX W. COFFEE Practical Painter, Decorator, Paper Hanger FOR ARTISTIC WORK Call at Shop, 504 North- Jackson For Estimates Winnie Gaddis - THF. PLUMBER LONE STAR LAUNDRY ion SIIKlllllAN ST. PHONE 380 And our wagon will call lor your bu id'es. Nw com plete equipment. Family work our specialty, and prices right. Agent for Sne Water Filters. Removes all imparities. Skylight Cornices Heating Ventilating Phone 2101 Roseburg' - Oregon Parrand Brothers, Proprietors. ! FIRST CLASS LAUNDRY i HOTEL THE GRAND -Toss Street, Cor. Rose. Fred Schwartz. Proprietor FIRSTGLASS' IN ALL ITS APPOINTMENTS l.V I.KillT HASII'I.K llOO.MS. S'i'-w lluililiiiK, New I'urnishin -mil Furniture", Strain Iloatod Throughout lint and Cnld Wati-r in Kvory Koom. Ituiinm MIc, 75c nnd $1.00 ROOMS WITH BATH IF DESIRED Centrally Located in Business District work is most desirable to anyone wisl iun tluir linen to possess that particular iininh so necessary to good taste in dresH. We Do That Class of Work One Trial will Convince. Phone 581 Roseburg, Oregon We Repair Everything s Electrical HHAD Or HAT UltHLlI. ntlv, Is poriftially prnferred because, wliilo Ipsa stfirchv. It ts more highly nllnimtnous and ehproforo posscssei more of the suhstunco which brings about the Inversion of atarrh Into HUKnr nnincly, d)jitnefc The common Amerlcun brewing bur leyfl flrriniKu theiUHelvea lu the follow ing syKtem: 1. flix r'wrl. erect- White Club. 2. Four rowid, rtrooxilrtR Manchuria bar ley, n1ft hrucker. Brotcli, Ohio Fall, Hay IJrewinK, Hlue harley. I. Two rowed, rect Ooldthorpa, Prl mua. Fan barloy. 4- Two rowed, drooping Common Chev alier, Jioraford'a Chevalier, llanna. Prin ce ib. Hit Itowed Barley. Through several yenrs' experimentation at the Wiscon sin agrlrulturul exiHTlmeiit Htatinu it baa been found that lliealx rowed bnr-U-y Is preferable to other varieties nnd more profitable for the average fanner to grow. The yield fur Biirpansea that of the other varieties, and the market denmndtt fur the alx rowed class far uriaHM those of all other varieties com bined. At a conservative f-sMmute US nr cent f all the barley now grown lu Wisconsin is six rowed barley. This being the type of barley most com monly lined for malting in the Fnlted Kintes, It Is likely that most of the ample that will be shown at the bnr ev ami hop exhibition In Chicago tn October, It'll, will be of that tyjw. i The experiments with two rowed barley thmugti eight years' continuous j breeding work clearly prove that In j ium"X regions the farmer cannot get ih" returns from this crop that ran m j w. un'd with the six rowed variety, i The straw seems to be very fruli and ! prtltf.'-i easily, thereby Injuring the j ipuiHly of the grata and reducing the j yieid. ! ROSEBURG STEAM I LAUNDRY ' 0. C. BAKER - - Proprietor ' OEFICE NORTH JACKSON ST.-PHOHE 791. I' B LE0NA MILLS LUMBERCOMPANY Hi Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Dry I''iiusli I.ntiili-r t Doors .md Win'lows of all KiiulH. 1 ! ROSEBUnG, OREGON r ; mnmt:::t:t:::ti:t;:::t:nt::n:i:jj; Nsrdson Ixmer Osk Htreet." 'Phone Mil CHURCH BROTHERS' pwTws. iw-fi, trrvvFtm FP IT'S GOOD BREAD IT'S NEVER SOUR Pies, Cakes, Pastries of all Kinds CASS STREET PHONE 135 DELIVERY uunoom that need! attention aa well aa aU you apparatus. Furttiermon. . are attend to repair! promptly (on 'phone order If yon like) and you won't nTd to sound your -burglar alarm when you get our bill. Need anything In oit line. e G. L. PRIOR 315 N J&ckaon St. fcoseborg. Or Krnre ary cleaning, flewaat , methods used. Your old mi't ran be : made t lodc as good as new at a ttnatl r Oh.. Clothes cleaned, hatf i 'tloeked. If oti are looking- 'or iood. q'lirk rvir-' Hlopr. th" -1cnnr r firf firpucf To ' hunt 4 7 GENERALDRAY1NG OofHlo of every drliif (on moved t any parts of tlm city, filiea r"no ahle. H. S.FRENCH When you come to town Don't forget to visit the Water Front Dry (ioods Store Sheridan Streets for Your Suits Up-to-Date Suits from $10.50 to $25 Everything newin the suit line Overalls, Shirts, Hats, Caps, Shoes We can dress you from head to foot cheaper than you can steal the goods. GIVK L'S A TRIAL. SPECIAL SALE Sheet Music, 25c value, - 10c i Mason Jar Rubbers, 10c val. 5c dz I, II. RHOADES & CO. D. J. JARVIS 2nd Hand Goods Wanted