THE EVENING NEWS BY i. W. HATCH. HiScirrAiLV "excki't'sD vda y. Subscription Hal ex Dally. Per year, by mall $3.00 Per month, delivered 60 Koml-U'eekly. Per year $2.00 Six months 1.00 Entered as second-class mattei November 6, 1910, at Rogeburg, Ore., under act of March 3, 1879. TI'lTsilAY, Aliil'ST 1, Universities throughout the coun try have awakciipd to the present day need of u do1 per application on the jmrt of our colleKo men to the Htudy of aRrlriiltiire in all Its vnrioufi brn riches. Not di-tiiutliiK from the advantages of the many profession that are eneonraKd In most ednca- tlniial liiKtitiitioiint milll.e l( Is to Hay that there are, each year, Kiadnaled from Institutes of learning more law- yea ra, doctors, dentists, teachers and preachers limn are reqnled, while the country stands in absolute need of attention by minds and men sclentif ically trained In all of the varied branches of agriculture. There is need of a course In agriculture that will be complete, and offer a term of study fitting the student to play an Important part In the general devel opment of the nation. Wtth the ad vance of irrigation, dry-farming methods, scientific plant breeding, intensive farming, m-ed selection, soil physics and fertility, the various branches of animal husbandry and modern methnds of water and rain fall conservation, the need of scien tific training Is becoming more neces nary. In this age of competition the combination of Helen. e with practical exerlnece will help in a large im-as-n re to overcome lh problems of crop uncertainty, which yearly occa slons chaos and loss to the nation. If, in the general economy of Na ture, provision luid been uiado foi but one bird, several writers have expressed themselves as of the opin ion that that bird would have been the Mohwlille. The sweetness of Its talk, the gentleness of Its disposition and the wonderrnl value to the farm er, the timberman and horticultur ist of this specleH of bird-lifo war rant such an expression. The alarm that has been recently sounded, thai the gypsy moth and the brown tail moth are swooping down upon us. forcibly directs our attention to the bobwhlte as an Instrument of pro tectiou against such a dire calamity. The bobwhlte, consequently, Is among our protected birds. When one real izes that the annual loss sustained in this country by weeds and Insects is In excess to $800, 000.000, and that the natural diet of the bobwhlte is weed-seed and Insects, ho will appre ciate (lie enormous saving this bird would bo to the country at large, were It protected and propagated with care. A scientific Investigation oi the food of tile bobwhlte reveals the startling fact that nine birds con sumed, among other things, In one day, the following: l.llfin flies. ti.miO aplilds, l.LVSil rose slugs, 117 grass hoppers, ,4H) pigeon grass seedt, t'.r. black crickets, 81 large and medium sized grasshopHrs, 700 Insects, II On of which wero grasshoppers, 1.5:12 Insects. 1 ,0(t(i of which wero grass hoppers, and 48 grasshoppers. Tlx bobwhlte is known to eat i;tf differ ent Insects, most of w.iidi are of the Injurious tyM 1'otato bugs, cu cumber beetles, cut worms, aruiv worms, chinch bugs and cotton boll weevil are among them. A careful estimate shows that this bird will average 7 5.000 Insects and 5,000.000 weed seeds during a year. It Is now tn contemplation by Htuto (lame W ar den, V. K. Kiuley. to releao a large number of these game birds and sup ply bobwhlle eggs to fanners who will agree to allow them to be hatched by their hens and protect them while young, finally permitting them to wander at their leisure to all parts of their farms. In this way. a ss teni of out it nil propagation wilt be devised that w til be of tremendous benefit to all parts of the stale. Inas much as Oregon seems to lie a favor ite haunt of the bobwhlte and is known to lay as many aH 100 eggs In rou Sl K. A nice, neat tl-room bung.i- low. centrally located In paved district. Sewer connections, bath, patent toilet, etc. Ideal location. Price lil.500. Ad- dress A care News office. d-sw-tf The proof of the Putl ilit.K is in the eating Of the tree in the growing Ask your neighbor who has planted Yakima or Hood River Trees See how they grow, then place your tree order with J. The Nurseryman a single seaimu. some conception Is had of good work that might be ac complished through this method. In addition to the above menu of the bobwhlte, there stands out the Impor tant fact that In countries where (he gypsy and brown tail moths have swarmed, the bobwhlte is their worst enemy. Mr. Finley's scheme to en courage their -propagation! by a strictly natural method, without in volving any other expense than the out of the eggs and the assurance hat they will be properly hatched by responsible parties, will be of Inter est to every man, woman and child In this Btate. j Among those who b.ft for coaa points on this morning's stages were: P. B. Wilson. W. If. Meyers, A. Kel kec, O. J. Jones, Redford Allen, Mi. Medley, W. If. Thomas, Dr. Day, Mrs. Vincent, A. C. Shaw, J. T. Hatfield. I,OCAIj nkws. I'ollowlng is a list of letter remain ing uncalled for at Ihe Hoseburg post ottlce, July :tl. I'M l. I tool h, Hertha M. ; Itengatnan, Km nk; Machlor. Miss Laura; llyrne. Mack; I'oHohart. Mrs. Jack; Kdwards, lames; Klder, K. L.; Kdgar, Perry; I'VrgiiKon, Itoht.; Puller, Mrs, Klleti; (irubbs. Howard; Olbbs, Miss Rinma; flunh:imntei , (mi. lore; Harvey, tel; llughoH. Hon; Love, .lames Ku ueiio. Kelly. It. M. ; Maxwell. II t: New man, W. ; Parks, M i h. A. T. : Park. Mrs. Pearl; Parrotl, It. II.; Slenn, (i. It.; Spangh, Mark; Vone, Wm ; Whitney, It. C ; Wlllson, Mrs Mollle. C. W. PUtKS. Postulate,. NEWPORT Yaquina Bay oiiKoovs popi i.ah ni: w H me MOKT. An ideal retreat fir outdoor pastimes of all kinds. Hunting, Kt.Hbing. Hoatlng, Surf Halhlng. Kid lug. Autolng. t'anoelng. Darning and roller Skating. Wheie pretty water agates, iuohh agates, moon stones, raihellans can be found on the 'each. Pure mountain w ater and I be bent of food at low prices. Presh Mwh, clams, crabs and oj si era, with abundance of vegetables of all kinds dally. f.VMPlNti (.ItOPMm COWKMKM M K with strict sanitary regulations UW ICOl Nl TIIIP SKASON lit K- from all points in Oregon. Washing ton and Idaho on sale dally. IY NX It It 1 1 A V Tlt'KKTS MONDAY A, n. Ilurd, Mrs. Spa iter, D. B. I,ec J and family. Little Gladys Hicks, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. E. H. Hicks, who underwent an operation at Mercy hospital yesterday, Is said to be much improved today. ICR CREAM For your Ico cream urdera call up the UougluH County Creamery, phono 340. tf Colored woman wants work by Ihe day. Washing, ironing or house cleaning. 147 Pine street, corner Lane. Phone 230-Y da22 ' Sheriff George Qui no left for Glen-1 laic this morning where he will spend ' i day looking after busjuess In ter es tn. Story lies and furnlly Jeft for Cam is Valley this morning where they will spend some time enjoying an out ing. Ralph Terrell, a local trawling salesman, will enjoy his vacation within a few days. He will spend ibout two weeks visiting with his family at Newport, Rev. J. N. McDonnell and family eft for Junction Clly thU uioriihig where they will spend ten days visit ing at the home of Mrs. Met 'onncllY brother. Mrs. W. A. Terhune and family ft for Los Angeles, Cal., this morn ng where they will spend t wo or three weeks visiting with friends and relatives. The W. C. T. V, will meet at the home of Mrs. II. L. Eddy, on South Main street. "Krnsh aid mission day." All members are requested to tie present, a good time Is assured. Attorney H. L. Kddy returned here yesterday morning after attending court at lilllshoro. In Washington county. Attoney Kddy'B visit to the Washington county seat was In be half of A. L. K it r 10 n , for whom he appeared In the case of A. L. Kltchln vs. The Oregon Nursery Company. Mr. Kltchln brought suit against the uurHery company several months ago In which he asked to recover the sum of $2,000, alleged to be 'due as dam iges for defective and diseased (roes ld to the defendant under misrep resent a Hon, At the time t lie case was called for trial in the local cir cuit court the attorneys for the de fen si raised an objection and de clared that the case should have been filed In the Washington county courts for the reason that tho alleged trans action occurred in that county. The objection was sustained by tho court and tho case was dismissed. Attor ney Kddy then filed the case In the circuit court at HlllHboro, and In the recent trial succeeded in securing a ludgmcnt In Ihe mini of $)00. i.i:i'n:it list. You will always have good healthful bread, pie and cake, if you use White River Flour It is Not Bleached Bleached flour is injurious to health. Use Fleischman's Yeast For a good Starter Mrs. A. C. Kidd & Son Agents Wall PaperJlil ull vlixil rVvi?i Some of tie most artistic effect F ijf n '5y?l ATJ 3 'n wall paper are simple in char- mil k. V tSff 3 ' ete and moderate in price. HI If J "1 rajlf' T accompanying illustration Hit J T I aik la an example of one of the many I ''JHln iC new Weaa in "Home Decoration I I "J J f (J f 1 M The fact that we are making a I f. ' M B (Fly. W speciul feature of Alfred Pe.u f ' II V ?1 "Priw" W.ll Piperi is sufficient as- : W1 HMVSl Jfiik surance that the styles are the I ' 0 fill IMT AI 'atost and quality the best. , I I 11 I'Sifl Samples and estimates cheer- riS U i II fu"y submitted upon request. I f fl IIuLKJ ' D- p- FISHER, : 1 1 1 1 lyiiii li i i I,(,w itosi':i,,'i,:,w)'':'''iiKA jij I1M Edenbower Orchard Tracts To Be Had In Our Basement Salesroom On Saturday Only American Electric Sad Irons $3.95 Each Churchill Hardware Company Cash Ironmongers The Store with the Jjulies' Itost Room The Store with the Ladles liest Room The library conducted by Aldou Tarneaa Is oen each af- ternoon and evening from 1 to 9 o'clock. Most of the latest novels can bo obtained there. dtf Write us for Information regarding tli out) tracts, Ideated about ouo mile front the city of UoHt-hnrtf, Ore., in tho faiuoiiH l!ni(itn Valley fruit dis trict. Sold in a and 10 acrt'H tracts, planted to apples, Interplanted with pcjiches, also tn pt'ais or primes, car ed fur a period nf 4 yeara. Near schools and cliurclies. Kasy access to ily water and electric light. 40 acres- (0 acrea young orchard, 10 beating trees, new fi-room house with bath; barn and 5 out buildings, spring water piped tn house, chicken vard and garden, chickens, tools, etc. HXAP. L'tirt acres Sf acres In cultivation, 10 acres in bearing orchan 10 acre tn young orchard, new 7-roont house, harn etc. 4 live springs, good well, ill implements, stock, etc. A II A It-(JAIN. R4 acres- SO acres cleared, bal ance oak timber. Small house, barn ind out buildings. Chickens, turk vm. tools, wagon and cow go with place, tlood spring water piped to tiotiso. Can be bought cheap. A :ooi m v. 104 acren orchard land. acres tf this is In bearing orchard. 1 :i years ild In flno condition. Small 4 -room house, built on knoll overlooking the city of Knseburg. Soil- free loam, located one mil from city limits, tine road. Price $4,000, $2,000 cash balance long time at 6 per cent. IT NIC I1KAKIXU OltCHAHO. 13 acres, all In fruit mostly bearing; apples. pears, cherries, and peaches; tileo home; packing house, barn and other buildings; stork and tools. On the banks of the river. 3 miles from Kose Iturg. Will sell ut a bargain If sold soon. Ilmv IHc This l,o'k To Yon. J.' acres - t acres in Martlet and Da 'Cornice Pears three yearn old, balance ready to be set to fruit. Soil alt free, sandy loam with clay sub soil. Located in developed section, seven miles from Hoseburg. Pear orchards In this locality netted as high as $500 per acre In HMO. Own er has bearing orchcard and is anx ious to sell this tract. This Is a real bargain. Write us at once. Here It Is. An opportunity that yon have been walling for. Kor the man or wo man who with a very little money and Homo ambition. To secure 10 acres of land suitable for fruit or poultry raising. All cleared, ctose in. and on main county road. You can buy this 10 acres for $1,500. On your own terms, provided you wl'l agree to build a four or more room house and enclose tho tract with wocn wiro fence. 20 72-100 acres all cleared, except a few oak trees, nil fenced; large live spring. Fine tract for fruit, poultry and gardening. Pour miles from Hoseburg on main county road. Kree mall delivery. Will sell at &. bar gain, and on easy terms. 20 acres 1 2 li acres of bearing apples and peaches, balance good fruit and one and one-half story house t new , poultry house. Soil free loam, good well. Kight miles from Itosehurg. Will etl all or part at bargain If sold soon. Owner not able to handle this site tract. Crop about 1.500 hexes this year and this ccrup will go with the place if sold before harvest. Price $t.000 Terms half rash, balance 7 per cent. DidouEvei Stop To Think That-tho Com ot tins writing paper Ik not mm-li more than what you pay for the ordinary quality? Think sfactloa I recipient of a of tho satisfaction to one's Belf and to the recipient Lettet on pappr of good quality. The Rosebttrg Book Store Si'lla the lt-Ht writing papers at lowest prlrea. Ilondiiuartera for Fountain Pens School Supplies Oillce Supplies. ItOSKIiriiO, OKtCflO.N. I Auto Stage to Coos Bay o Touring Car leaves Roseburg every day except Sunday, at 6:30 a. m., connecting with afternoon train at Myrtle Point for Marshfield. S , Fare $8.00 Fare on regular stage, part way by Auto, $6.00, to both Myrtle Point ahd Marshfield. Stage leaves every dav including Sunday. ; on ice Cor. Washington and Rose Streets. Phones Office 3S9, Residence 3 16. "C. P. BARNARD, Trop No man has to serve an apprenticeship in order to learn how to make mistakes You " No Mistake If you buy your lumber, shingles, doors, windows and building material of PAGE INVESTMENT COMPANY Phone 2A2 North Roseburg LOOK FOR THE BIG SIGN Dry Slab Wood Rock Springs Coal from Southern PaeltW points. Port- I land tt ('.Mtafce (Inne; also from' .U t. A K. stations, Albany audi ' Went. Good Kinti Saturday or i 1 Sundiiy and for return Sunday or Monday. 1 I Call on any S. P. or C. K ncent ! 1 for fall partlinlitri nit to fsn-s. train J schedulen. etc; HlKii for copy of our' jlthiRtrated booklet. "OuUpk- In Ore- j Kon," or rite to I WM. McMl UItW ' General PaH.nger AKmt. Port hind, Oregon. HUME'S & OLIVER COMPENSATION XT A! i D. H. MARSTERS' PLUMBING SHOP. Plumbing, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning and Heating North Jackson Street, adjoining Peoples MarbU WorKs. Tplephone 'Z51. REAL ESTATE Dealers in Lands of all Descriptions Roseburg Oregon ! ....... 3 l- Coinwnjiation It the Itrm pplird to the methods urd to -ure a tiniformitr of time la the varying tenipefmtures to whti'h wati-h If) rxKised. The eause of the error In the expansions ami contraction of ruotals. The South IVnd Balance wheel is made of two metats of unequal expansion, so proportioned, one to the other, that the expansion and contraction Is neutralised prrfeclljr. A South Itend Watch kee time in all temperatures. as well as in all positions. i. !. HURT, Official Watch Inspector. WorK Done on Short Notice ROSEBURG, ORE. WE GUARANTEE ALL OUR WORK DONE WITH THE VACUUM CLEANER rVheu we ar (if AHAXTKK we meaj Kst what the word Impllea. It you are not satisfied there will be do charge. We could not make thla aaaertlon unlesa we were poalttte of giving good aervlce. When you get rt-ady to clean house let us do the worat part for you the cleahlaa; ot your carpeta. It i easy to- you and the price reasonable ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY Phone TBI V. IUKKII, Proprietor. (XBce S. J ark son Bt o