The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, August 01, 1911, Page 1, Image 1

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The Daily and Twice-a-Week
News have a larger circulation
than any other two papers pub
lished in Douglas County. They
go into every nook and corner
of this big county.
Fair Tonight nnd Wednesday.
No. 226
"Near" Murder Enacted
Glendale Today.
Henry lluiigert Shoots Three Times,
at K. IS. HIcMer One llullet
I nil lets ti Flesh Wound
Over The Highf Kye.
Angered because his former wife.
Marguerite Bangert, recently secured
a divorce, and later leased the family
ranch to K. B. (Hester, Henry Bail
ee it of Galesvllle, this mouing at
tempted to murder the latter aa he
was kindling a lire in the kitchen
of his home, about seven miles south
of Glendale. Uangert fired three
shots through an open window, one
of which struck Hiester over the
right eye and inflicted a painful flesh
wound. The other shots went wild,
and the bullets were later recovered
in the woodwork in close range to
where Hiester was standing at the
time the shots were fired.
Bangert was divorced from 'his
wife several months ago, and the
farm was in her name. She later
leased the raiu;h to Hiester, who has
resided there for the past few
mouths. As soon as Hangert learned
that 1 leister had sained possession
of the farm he fin met) lately com
menced to cause trouble, and upon
various occasions threatened Hiester
with bodily harm in the event he in
sisted upon remaining In that local
ity. Only a few days ago Mr. Hies
ter returned to the farm after a
few hours spent at Glendalo lo find
the gate nailed and a notice posted
on the fence reading as follows:
'Warning The people who live In
this place must leave in three days."
Hiester paid no attention to the
warning, however, considering Ban
gert a harmless and Inoffensive fel
low without nerve to execute his
threats. Other than annoying H fee
ler, Bangert has caused his divorced
wife no end of trouble of late, and
upon several occasions he was
threatened with arrest. While Intox
icated, Bangert would frequently visit
her home, at Glendale, and demand
admittance. Upon her refusal to open
the door he would curse and threaten
her with death.
It is the general belief of the of
3cers that Bangert laid in wait for
Hiester with a view of killing him
us he entered the kitcneh of his home
In the early morning. Such a theory
is substantiated by the cfrcu instances
surrounding the shooting.
As soon as news of the attempted
murder was received at Glendale.
Deputy Sheriff Thomas Lawaon left
for the Hiester home. Later he was
joined by Sheriff George Quine, oi
Roseburg. who departed for Glendale
on the early southbound train. Ban-'l
gert was captured without great dif-l
Acuity, and taken to Glendale where!
he was given a preliminary hearing j
before Justice of the Peace Charles j
Null late this afternoon. Bangert i
appears little affected, and does not ;
seem to fully realize the seriousness,
of the crime.
Bangert will be brought here this
evening from Glendalo to await dis
position at the hands of the grand
Jury in November.
Hiester is said to be. resting easy
this afternoon and the attending
physician believes that he will re
cover rapidly.
Charged Willi Cruelty.
Investigation of the divorce rec
ords at the county clerk's office thN
afternoon reveals the fact that Mrs.
Marguerite Bangert, wlfo of the at
tempted mtiderer, filed u suit for di
vorce against her husband, Henr
Bangert, in the circuit court for
Douglas county in January, 1911. In
May, nearly five months later, she
was granted a decree by Judge J. W.
Hamilton and awarded the custody
of the minor children.
According to the complaint filed
by Mrs. Bangert at the time her do
mestic troubles first came into promi
nence, she and her husband wore
married in Germany In November,
1891. and came to the United States
n rt TAAAAnnn!
Southern Pacific Company to
Build Road.
Kuuene (o Mursliilcld In Itoutu Plan
nod Kouil To Ho Completed
Wltliiu Two Yours
To Cost N, (10(1, 0(10.
(Continued on Pnge 4.1
Tampa V ana 2 for 25c. Nicko 5c Cigars
W. H. Bowden, Maker
Local capitalists interested in
the construction of a railroad
from Hoseburg to Marsh field
are elated over the announce
ment in this morning's issue of
the Portland Oregonian to the
effect that the Harrlman inter
ests expect to construct a line
between Eugene and the coast
In the near future. They claim
that the Harrlman interests are
somewhat disturbed over the
persistency of Francis Clarke
and his associates in behalf of
the Roseburg-Marshfield road.
and that the published an-
nouncement is merely a threat 4
upon tne part of the S. P.
Company. They have little faith
in the report, further than ad-
mining that the Southern Ua-
cilic interests are frightened and
will use every effort in block-
tag any attempt that may he
made in constructing a railroad
from Roseburg to the coast.
One well known capitalist re-
marked this morning: "I con-
slder the Harrlman announce-
'ment as a bluff, and I have no
faith, whatever, In the sincerely
of Mr. O'Brien or his associates.
I believe they are convinced
that the Roseburg-iMarshfleld-
Boige Hue is a go, and In order
to protect their own interests
caused the announcement to be
published." Another capitalist,
and a man who is vitally inter-
ested In the construction of the
Roseburg-Murshtleld road bhWH
"1 am not in a position to be
quoted at this time, but you can
say that the Harrlman an-
nouncement will he considered
lightly by persons who are In
touch with the contemplated
line west from Roseburg.
Personally. I am of the opinion
that the Harriman i-eople are
1. The famers free list bill
passed the senate today
by a vote of 48 to 30. The
measure was designed by the
democrats in the house, and is
a supplemental bill giving agri
cultural sections of the coun
try advantage in. trade which
was omitted lu the original
reciprocity bill. The bill passed
on the second vote.
itli the Southern Pacific, Mr. Breck
being assistant englueer in the em
ploy of that company.
The Willamette Pacific Company
was capitalized at $1,000,000, dlvid-
d into shares of $1,000 ench, all of
iliirh are held by the Southern Pa
cific interests. .
As soon as the engtneers now In
the field can return sufficient data U
provide plans for construction work,
bids will be called for and contracts
ill be let. ;
Mr. O'Brien said yesterdny that he
expects the road will be completed
In approximately two years, rains
likely will be in operation overVhe
Coast Range to Coos Bay by luiiiiuiy
1, Jsi4, at the latest.
Julius Kruttscnltt. director of
maintenance and operntlou of the
Harrlman system, has made a per
sonal Investigation bf the situation
and the directors of the Southern
Pacific Company have approved the
project. Incomplete tatlnmtii wl
rendy submitted lo lliem place the
cost of construction at between $7,
.110.000 and $S, 000, 000.
When Insane Asylum at Ham
ilton Burns.
No. 3804 wins th prize of
$10 00 In merchandise at Satur
day evening's drawing. If not
presented by Thursday a new
number will be drawn. Keep
your tickets.
Chief of Police of Xew York Says
That (tit-Is Are Knticect l'Vom
Their I Ionics By Rich
Anil Agetf Men.
SiiiH'rvKor 1 tart rum Says Men Are
iithiing (i rou nil.
Take Your Time to Read This:
siii.'U. goods
Because we have Just received so many other new styles in
Shell Goods of all kinds. Collar Pins, Necklaces, Earrings.
Brooches, Leather Toilet Cases, etc., we are going to give another
Bpeclal week to these goods. Every stylo absolutely new.
Pins. Many shoppers are
You will find some rare
Ask to see our Hiawatha Collar
buying these Goods for Holidays.
Don't fall to see our 2i cent counlen
bargains in pew goods.
We have an enormous s'.ock in Swltcnes, Puffs, Transforma
tions. Puffs going out?? Not this year. Then there are the
small 50 cent Switches for the rosettes or biscuits, as I hey are
commonly called.
Just a very few huts. We are going to finish them up Mon
day. We don't care about the price. We have to have the room.
This is a "WOltll TO THE WISH."
frightened and are using their
best efforts in hope of killing
off any project that may Inter
fere with their business In this
Hair and Scalp Treatment,
Facial Massage, Hair Dressing. Maul-
Formerly Roseburg Beauty Parlors
;Thegreatest Germ destroyer and disinfectant known
Will destroy odors and germ life in twenty seconds
Vor use in sinks, toilets and sick room
We guarantee this preparation to do all we claim
For sale by
Marsters Drug Co.
Trade with the store that broke
High Prices for groceries
; in Roseburg
o 0
Yours For a Square Deal
R STIIRBN Sanitary Grocer
This morning's Portland Oregon
ian says:
Immediate construction of a rail
road from Kugene lo Mnrshfteld, at
i cos' estimated at $S, 000, 000, was
authorized yeBtorday by the South
ern Pacific. Company through J. P.
O'Brien, vice-president and general
manager in this city.
Preliminary surveys already have
been made and six engineering
parties are In the field locating the
iKM-manent line.
Although the definite course
through which the new road will be
eonstriictod has not yet been select
ed. .Mr. O'Brien said that the gener
al route will be along the Slnslaw
river- tlirouch the Coast Range to
jlhe coast, thence south to Marsh
field where It will connect with the
idios llav. Hoseburg ft Kastern Itall-
I roaw. now operating a line two miles
long from Mnrsliflold to Myrtle point.
This road also Is owned by the
j Southern Pacific Company.
! Drain Projert Dropped.
Construction of the road from Ku
........ ... ',.,.u tli.v menus the ahand-
1 ... h..., it.,.. III,, i.l
inmeni uy me .-.iiutt, .
Its project to build to Coos Bay from
I Drain. :! miles south of Kugene, al
! which place several million dollars
j was int In preliminary construc
tion work Immediately previous to
he financial depression four years
igo. Piirt of the Improvement used
'in the Drain line. It Is believed, can
lie utilized on the new project.
Th" Willamette Pacific Hullloail
Company, Incorporated under Ib(
laws of Oregon, June II. Iftll. will
bul'd the road. The officers of thl
oncern are G. X. Wendllng. of Ban
Kranclsro. president: S. O. Johnsrtn
of San Francisco, vieo-president ; R,
SI Cross, of Portland, vice-president;
i It llodlne. of Portland, secretary:
('. II. Barrell. of Lou Angeles, treas
urer: C. H- Breelt. of Kugene, ihlel
enrineer; R. I.. Hughes and .1. D.
Miller, of Portland, additional direc
tor. I.OOO.IMHI Its Capital.
Mr. Wendllng l wealthy timber
oierator and has extensive holding
The flro situation on the Urnpqua
National Forest Is much better Chun
It was yesterday, so Forest Supervis
or S. C. Bnrtruin Informs The News,
.ue men working on the various
South Unipqua fires tiro gaining
ground rapidly. The 85 men who left
Uoseburg on No. 19 lust evening
reached Tiller this morning at 7
o clock anu win ue ai ine me some
time tonight. K. II. iMcDnulels, who
4s In charge of the fires In I lie South
lTnixiua country, requested yester
day morning that 75 or 85 men he
sent him. It was on the strength of
this request that Supervisor Burtrum
sent tho 85 men above referred to.
' The report which was circulat
ed yesterday." said Mr. Bartruin.
'that a call for 200 men was made
from Tiller is erroneous as they have
at present time all the men needed."
Tho fires on the North I'mpqila are
under control, except the (lieu. F.rho
lire, which, owing to the strong wind
prevailing yesterday afternoon spread
quite rapidly und In order to check
this fire as soon as possible 10 men
were sent from Uoseburg at 10:110
this morning to that fire. These are
tile only men being sent out today.
It Is exiwtcd that many of the men
now lighting fire will be returning In
a short time.
A telephone message received at
the forester's office late this afternoon
slates that two of the fires at Tiller
are now under control.
Supervisor llarti-uin Hond To Kugene
l-'or .Men To right l-ire.
Kugene Guard: A call for hel
was received this morning In tho of
fice of the supervisor of the Cascade
forest reserve, from Supervisor 8.
('. Bartruin. (of the I mpqua reserve,
who asked for 80 men to help light
fires which are raging In the timber
of the forest reserve in a dozen dlf
terent places In Douglas county, and
which are threatening to get beyond
control, in the absence of Hupervlsor
Seltz, of tile Cascnde reserve, who Is
now on a I rip of Inspection up the Mc
Keiule river, his deputy, B. A. Kel
logg, undertook to secure the men in
Kugene and Springfield this morning
Before the departure of the 2 o'clock
train, on which tney were sent soiltn.
lie had assembled some 71 men. They
be sent lo Kiddle, where they
will be taken Immediately to th
cene of tho flro.
Among lliose registered at the
Itosetoirg hotel today are the fol
owhig: W. T Dement. Myrtle Polnr,
W .11. Meyers, Seattle. ,1. O. Nash.
Portland: W. II. Johnson. Portland;
W. U. Anderson. Cottage Grove; J
I. Il'uiit. Portland; J. B. Sparks,
Portland; W. W. McMillan, Hoaglln;
W.' I., Martin. Garden Vaiiey.
Artiong those registered al the
'iralid hotel today are the following:
lohn I., Corris, Portland; W. H.
riiomas. Portland; J. V Day. Olalla:
leorgc Mom h and wife, Marf.hfr-lil :
lame need. Portalnd; 0. M. Broth,
R. M. Dodfrey and son, Kansas City.
Mo.: I., ftluart. Seattle; J. A. Ghent.
adjacent to the Southern Pacific prop-1 Medford; Charles McNary, .Medford;
erty In this stale. Most of tho other Mr. and Mrs. J B. Wldon. Un An
officers are identified in various way 1 ijeW-n.
(Special to Tho Evening News.)
HAMILTON'. Ont., Aug. 1. Trap
ped behind heavy screens which
guard the upper floor windows of
the Hamilton Insane asylum, twelve
or flrteen inmates were Incinerated
early today when tho Institution
Fighting heroically, physicians,
nurses and attendants battled with
tho maniacs and In some Instances
It was necessary to beat them Into tin-
consciousness before Uiey could be
thrown from the "windows to the
ilfo nets below, Thero were over
GOO insane patleuts In the building
at the time the fire occurred. A ma
jority of the fatalities occurred on
tho fifth floor where the dangerous
Inmates wero Confined.
.Would Hunt City
eral attempts wero mndo to burn the
city tonight, and consequently busi
ness Is at a standstill. Conflicting
reports uro to (lie effect that Pros!
dent Simon w'lll IVght, hut are unverl
lied. It In believed that he will flee
from the irecipitnted c.onriltions
where development of a revolution Is
Dchmicticry Is Ctuii-gcd.
assertion that n conspiracy exists be
tween several chauffeurs und rich
men for debauching young girls Is
I he cause oT the mysterious dlsup-
.jearance of women which has become
in epidemic In the city, was made
bv the Chief of Police today. Ho
declares that many of Ilia girls are
taken West, and that some have boen
Dulled as far as California, Oregon
and Washington where they liavt'
been uld as white sluvea and Inlor
discarded by their seducers. The
startling declaration of tho chief of
police followed the arrest of n rlinuf
feur nfter he had been nttacked by
an Irate mother.
Cement On l-'cee I.Ut,
When Ihe fanners free list hill
which passed the houso. cu up In
the senate today. Senator Cronnas
advanced an amendment placing cc
ment on the free list.
A NelToils Breakdown.
I.08S A.NGKI.KS. Cal., Aug. 1
Because tho fear that her children
would learn that their father was
a criminal bad preyed on tho mind
of .Mrs. Ortlo McManlgul and was
responsible In a mensuro for her
breakdown, tho uttorneys for the de
fense of the MrNnmaa brothers have
sent tho two Mc.Manlgnl children to
Chicago. In company with Mrs. Ms
gulro und Joseph Scott, associate
counsel for tho defense tho children
left Friday, but tho fact did not
break out until yesterday. Mrs. Mu
gillre will return to Los Angeles to
raro for Mrs. McManlgul when the
children lire safely placed lu a home
In Chicago.
Search for Child,
NKW YORK, Aug. 1. Following
ihe receipt of Information that Doro
thy Arnold, whose disappearance
has pii.zled New York for months,
was seen recently In Rome, the girl s
parents have sailed for Italy. It Is
believed they went direct to Flor
,.iwn us George (Irlscon. Miss Ar
nold's fiance was last heard of from
there. . '
Wlilte Kluve Trnlllc.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 1 - Slate
and federal authorities will confer
here within a few days regarding the
disposal of white slaves" evidence
ugalnst whom has lieen secured n
Frank De Pile, head of the state bu
reau of criminal Identification. Three
men nro Involved already In evidence
unearthed by Depuo and they will
be oioseculed In the federal courts
If It Is found that a federal statute
has been violated.
May Cnue Co!ilrovery.
support of the movement to have the
battleship Oregon lead the warships
through tho Panama canal, Henry
Scott, director of the Panama Pacific
Kxpositlon. has sent a telegram to
Secretary of the naiy Meyer In which
he stated that the ship's notable
dish around tho horn during the
Spanlh-Amerlran war. Is an achieve
ment for which h should bo honor
ed. 'I'reoly An Insult.
BOSTON. Aug. 1. -Declaring that
the proposed arbitration treaty with
England practically arrays the United
iolatiou of the Monroe doctrine and
.in Insult to every Gorman-American
and liisli-Aiuerlcnn In tho country,
'ongressinau James Curley Is oppos
ing the proposed agreement. Ho is
upportlug resolutions of protest
udopted here at a meeting of Germnn-
.Vinerlctiu and Irtsli-Ainerleun citi
Writings Are Cuoartlicd.
BOSTON, Aug. 1. Ancient
papyrus, containing an nlieged con-
ersallon between Jesus and a chief
priest in the temple of Jerusalem
has been discovered by scientists in
'gypt according to announcements
from the Boston headquarters of the
Egyptian exploration fund. The
writings wore unearthed through the
efforts of professor Whlttemoro, and
Professors Ho inn id Grenfnll nnd Ar
thur Iluut are working on the trans
Grand Jury to Investigate
Their Activities.
Mrs. Marsh, wlfo of n local harness
maker, hns accepted a position at
Pane's confectionery, store.
F. O. Huntington, of Aberdeen,!
Wush.. In nil Interview with one of
the reporters of tho Aberdeen Dally
Americail alleges tofhavo returned
from a trip tnrough Washington and
(logon, and gives the reporter (he fol
lowing ubout Hoseburg. According
to The American Mr. Huntington was
very enthusiastic about Roseburg,
which he says ho visited. "It la
little city of over 5,000 and oft the
railroad, but In a remarkablo rich
and resourceful section; cop', lltnboi
fruit, berries nnd other agricultural
products lielng alining tho products,
of that section, still many miles from
transportation." Wo appreciate Ml
Huntington's enthusiasm over Rose
burg,, also his kind remarks, but wo
wonder what ho hud been drinking
when lie arrived nnd departed from
Roseburg. Here wo hnvo been sup
iioslng foV years Hint tho Southorn
Pacific rnn light through town, und
to bo Informed that we are still niany
miles from ti iinsportntlou kind of
Inrs us. But wo will soon have n
line from Roseburg to Coos Bay, bo
oaiiHe Mr. Clarke says bo, and then
we. will not be "off the railroad."
'ostmnster (icnerul Hitchcock Would
Charge Mugnalne Companies a.
Higher ltiito On Adver
Using Pages.
Special to The Rrentng News.)
BOSTON, Mass., Aug. 1. War on
the United Shoe Machluery Company,
which trust Is said to control the
price of practically all footwear made
In tho United States, was declared
here today when the grand Jury be
gan an Investigation of Its activities.
It Is believed that the probe will
Innd some of the trust officials In
jnil, and In addition, It Is expected
that United States District Attorney
French will ask Indlcmenta charg
ing some of the "higher-ups" with
violation of the anti-trust law. Nona
of those persons oonnected with thd
company will be allowed to adJuce
testimony beforo the grand Jury. It
said that all the shoe factories In
the United States, with he possible
exception of ten, are under the con
trol of the trust
Investigate Postage Katrs.
NKW YORK CITY, Aug. 1. Post-
muster General Hitchcock was. the .
flrht wttnesB to appear before the fed
eral commission which convened Ij-
day to Investigate postal rates. , He :
Insisted that magazines should pay a
higher rate on advertising pages than .
on news pages nnd other features: He
said, that the present fiscal year will
find a surplus in the department. He
promises to make the postoffice de
partment snir sustaining In the jveut
the commission takes favorably to Ills
A Worm. Fight.
JACKSON, Miss., Aug. X. A three ,
cornered fight for the scat of LeRoy
Percy In the United States sentte Is
being decided today by the voters of
Mississippi In a staCe and senaCorlal
ptlmnry eloctlon. Senator Percy.who
Is up for re-election Is opposed by
Governor Vnrdnman and C. H. Alexander.
'Prlrty Or More Entries.
NKW YORK, Aug. 1. The entry
(Continued on Page 4.) f
Of Summer Shoes
ICntire stock of Men's and Boys', Ladies' and
Children's Oxfords and Pumps and summer shoes
We wish to make room for our Fall and Winter
stock and offer these exceptional values at the very
lowest prices for a short time.
213 Jackson St.
Next Door to P. O.
States against Germany in the pren- I I
en I Mnrrnran difficulties; that It Is a 1 Q
KRYPTOKS embody two
pieces of glass of different re
fraction, coalesced with intense
heat into one, and ground into
a len having two distinct focal
points. Without team or ce
ment, no edges to catch dust or
to become cracked and jagged
in cleaning. Aik your optician'
to show you KRYPTOKS.
Watchmaker, Jeweler, Optician