smtvi; to tmh rriii i''. Lr. I'. II. Viucil, county health oiticer, requests all persona using water from wells or Borings lo supply him with a sample. Properly prepared bottles for containing the water may be had free from the county health offlrer upon applica "dignifying the. industries' GILLMOUR KESSN Ladies and Gentlemen's Cleaning, Pressing, Altering and Repairing PRICES REASONABLE S. W. Corner Cass and Pine ,Si'fr',4 V During Hot Weather Vnh mm hliM'-itunlo hn'ad (o avoid piospi-i-atlou ami other uiiniiiiI tavy (M)iidltliiiM of makiiiK bn-ml hi tliu old wny. On June 1st We Added two ounces to 1 1n louf. If your Ki-onr do8 not curry our Inetid 4-liiinun grocoi-i in plioim I'ti 1 1 lino of dolicloiiN piiHlry til wiiyH t your roniiniind. Umpqua Bakery II. fil'KNT, Prop. 1 10 Jackson Nlrool, North Side I ul N'orlh of Kinney Spur, North liukKOii Strt't't, I'homt ft'JO. (trdi'rs for nil kind of Itulldlitg Muivrliil pri)'iiitly I'lln'd nt Kt-usniiablo I'rlrus. Mill Work Our Specialty I rul t ltotM In Any (Jitiuilliy, t'liom .Mil I ii iMIU All work flriiclne Commercial Abstract Co Abstracts of 1 itle Filing Papers Prepared Insurance, Ktc. Bonds of all Kinds Funiishcl HUM Nortli Jniknon t. ItOSl. Ill li.i, OKKI.'UN DOUGLAS COUNTY CREAMERY has the Best Buttermaker in the State I ICE CREAM SEASON IIEREK in large or small quantities. Let us have wr partv orders. Telephone 340. o tion, and It in his fntontlon to hnvo ftimly lfj madu to n'rtln the pur ity of such waters. . dwwtf I. H. Smith. T.iinaa'.; ui lite local telephone exchange, went to- Von calla this morning to look after busi ness matter. Thii Is the 1 itle of a beautiful 64 -pa go book, which will ibow bi y boy or girl bow to SUCCEED. Drop a la tbu a la 11 TODAY and It will be sent FREE. Tbe aim or t ie College U to dignity and popularise tbe lnduairl i, and to serve ALL tbe people. It offers couiuefl In Agriculture, Civil Euglneerlbg, Electrical EDglueerlntf, Mechanical Engineering, Mining Euln eeiiiig, Furtitry, Doineitlo. Uolence and Art, Com merce, Pbatui&cy and Music. Tbe College opens September 'rid. Catajog fret. Addreii: REQISTKAR. OREOON AGRICULTURAL COLLEOS, Corvalllt, Oregon. CALL AND GETjWISE Roseburg Oregon Coffee Special Coffee THAT IS Coffee Our 'Viry diiy -iifiVo hmtIiiI Ih HmmI mfCcr. (Mir Hpechil hh-nd it( IMC JMT IIIIIIIm) In Hie iM'Ht tlllH .money -wi huy. Our (oldti WI Klerl t'tit Jh tint Ik-hI on llu liuir kt. Try a Ipiutl rim If mt tmlUfli-d, your inuiH'y hark. Henry Easton Grocer 344 N Jackson Phone 2(5 Plaining Mill -i lOltlsST llltKK K,(ilN(;. Crew of ltu lx-ttvn For Honshu lo Fight Flumes. Special to The Evening News.) HOAGM.V. Ore.. July 28, District Rangers R. E. Harpham and E. H. Lough arrived at this place last night and reported a number of forest flree burning up the North Umpqua river; one near the Glen Echo station, two near the JUihee, one on Steamboat v.riu V. and another at Mountain Mead ows. These fires were started as a result of an electric storm occurlng last Monday night. Mr. Harpham and Mr. Lough are organizing a crew of fire ftghterfl, securing packers and pack animals, preparatory to the pompt suppression of same. Forest Supervisor 8. C. Bartrum some lime ago made Iloaglln general I headquarters for supply and equlp j ment station preparatory to an emer- gency or this kind. Consequently, all that Is needed is the organlza I Hon of a crew of men and pack anl ! mals to get men and supplies to the (Ire, which under the present ar rangements can be done very quickly. Fourteen men from Rose buns are on their way und will reach Hoaglln to night and will be working on the various fires not later than tomor row. Everyone In this section of the country Is lending the forest service every possible assistance in this Im portant matter as they all appreciate the magnitude of the forest wealth lying In the North Fmpqua Basin. MeMlllen Bros, are exerting every ffort In their power and will leave with a pack load of supplies about midnight tonight. The promptness ex ercised by the forest officials and those iuimedhitely assisting them will undoubtedly suppress these numer ous fires before any material damage 'h done. IM.ANO CONTEST. Stmnllng of ConteHtuiiiH In I'pton 11. lino Contest lit JoHeplison'H. No. ?, 25.2&0 No. 4K 1 3.505 No. 80 7.095 No. it, 2.450 No. I I 8 , 0,225 No. M0 KI.580 No. l-in v :l 2,5(1 5 No. Ill : 18,200 IMeuse remember that all votes must be turned In on Wednesday only. All votes Issued during a cer tain month must be turned In that month. JOSEPHSON'S. 3518 wins dally prize for Wednes day. July 2; :U151 wins dally prize for Thursday. July 27. Josephson's. LOCAL NEWA. I'rof Fred A. floff, of MelroHe, was In the city today. L. Myatt, of Uardlner, is a busi ness visitor in Roseburg tod'ty. Mrs. J. Ourr and two children, left ! Tor (irunts Pass this morning after a I brief visit at the hnim of R. M. (turns In this city. . ('buries B. Austin, of Glendnle, (pent yesterday In Roseburg nttend- . Ing to huslnesH matters and vhltlng j with friends. ! Mrs. Whitney left for her home at Eugene tliln morning afler a few i days spent tit the home of her son. i I. T. Whitney, in this city. Miss May Franzer left for her homo at Portland this morning ufter a brief visit at the homo of her uncle. ! O. P. Coshow. in this city. J. (t. Flook arrived hero from Portland this morning to attend the funeral of his brother. O. R. Flook. whh h wiih held at Ten Mile today French dry denning, newest method? used. Your old su't can be made to look as good as new nt a sinull cos.. Clothes cleaned, hats mocked. If you are looking 'or iood. quirk sorviro see. Sloper, th leaner and prefer. Telephone 47 Forest Supervisor ltartru'm toda dispatched fifteen men to the Dia mond Lake vicinity, sixty-eight mile east of Rosehurg. for the puipose of fighting forest fires raging In that lo cality. The men carry camp equip ment and are prepared to remain In no inns ior seeni weens ir neces sary. Among those registered at the Mc Clallen hotel today are tbe follow ing: A, K. Selln, Fulls. City; C. S. Mller, Portland: E. W. Neen. Port land: S. A. Kendall. Pittsburg. Ph.; M 11. Splro. St. Louis; Bertha I'en nlnger. Mxrtle Crvk: K. A. Alle. Portland; Chu-. Austin. Glendale; J T. Ithoades, Rochester, N Y.; W. M Goold. Mil w ankee; Law ton. Mcdford The friends of the Gates family who formerly lived 111 AVest Rose-j tui rit, und moved to Portland about two years ago. were surprised n few days ftgo to leam that Miss Luclle; was not expected to live from typhoid fever. Yesterday morning a tele wram was i-eceived saying she had passed away at their home near Lents. Her many friends at Roseburg are gloved at her sudden demise and sMtipathy goes out to the grief stick en family. To know l.iirlle was to love her. she was the idol of the home She attended the Roseburg school and was an active member of The M E church when living her. Miss WiUMta Green, of this city, at tended the funeral, which occurred ai Lents today. ..miss iio;f;iuss expires... , Miss Myrtle Boggess, daugh- ter of Mrs. Martha Ragan, who reside about 9 miles east of Roseburg. on South Deer Creek, died shortly after 3 o clock this afternoon after an Illness of 4 jiearly eighteen months. Death was the result of tuberculosis. Asido from a, heartbroken mother tne deceased Is survived by three sisters, Mrs. Sherman Connlne, Mrs. E. C. Davis and Miss Alberta Boggess, and one brother, Floyd Boggess, nil of whom reside on ' South Deer Creek. No arrangements had been made for the funeral up to a tate hour this afternoon. Miss Boggess was 21 years of age and a native Douglas coun- ty daughter. She was well known In Roseburg wheer she was employed in various capacl- tie prior to her llliress. Having many friends In this locality. the news of Miss Boggess' death was received with sincere re- gret. WILDE TO HETIRV. Governor Johnson Will Sign F I ra dii Ion Piw,H'rs. SAN FRANCISCO, July 27. Gov ernor Johnson will sign extradition paiiers for the return of Louis J. Wilde, under indictment hi Portland for alleged embezzlement, to Oregon The decision was reached tonight af ter a conference at wlch Johnson District Attorney Cameron and R. II. Sumner, uttorney for Wilde were present. The governor refused the extradition papers last Saturday, de claring the allegations made by Cam eron were not sufficient to warrant such a proceeding. Cameron pre sented additional facts to Attorney General Webb when the governor ac cepted tonight as satisfactory. Sum ner said Wilde will return to Port land, MR. FARMER. . Why pay a peddler $35.00 to $50.00 more fo a buggy or hack, when you can tuy a better Job foi that much less money from youi home deutei. If yot: buy from n peddler he sells you today and ic gone tomorrow. Ills guarantee lasl. J list as lorsr. He has to get a blp price for his goods, as he Is at a big expense all the time, and If he takes your note, he makes the prlci enc lgh so he can sell It to a bank at a discount of from 15 to 20 per cent. Do these "peddlers" pay any taxee to help build and keep up youi roads? Do they buy any of your produce? Are they any benefit to you or your county or state? Thinks it over, and If you are go ing to buy a buggy, hack, or wagon get our prices first J. F. BARKER & CO. dswtl ROSEItrRU MARKET REPORT. (Prices Paid Producer.) Wheat !0c to 95c per bushel. Oats No. 1 , white feed, 4 5c pe bushel. v Barley Feed, $.11, ton. Hay Local grown, $11. Vegetables Cabbage, 2 Onions Oregon Yellow per lb., Danvers, Potatoes per 100. Oregon fancy, $2.5u Butler Fancy creamery, 70c per roll, country 4 0c per roll. Eggs Oregon ranch, 2 2 Vie per dozen. Poultry Average old hens. 12c per pound ; young roosters 1 tic; Beef Cows, Hlfce; steers. 4lc. Veal Dressed. 8c. Munton. 2. Pork Dressed. 9c per pound. Strawberries $2 per crate. Cherries lie and 7c per pound. Green Beans, 4c, Wax Beans. 4c. Rhubarb. 1 :t-4c. Raspberries. $2.50 crate. Loganberries, $ i .20 crate. Blackberries. $1.75 crate. Apples, Yellow Transparent, 4c. Peaches, 75 cents box. Sugar, retail, $ii.(I5. CLASS I F I E I A I V I :TtT I S EM E NTS WANTED. " HELP W ANTED - First class brick layers, G. S. Harris. Riddle. Ore gon. WANTED Girl to do general house work. Apply at News office for particulars. Stf WANTED TheTnume nnd addiess of gent Ionian w ho purchased the county rlwM for the sale of medi--luo and i oplhuice a yo'ir ncn of D:' lu ll. Ppon receipt of desired address he will learn something to his Interest LAEM NILE '.'17 V lus lon street, Los Angeles. Cul. al LODGE DlltlU TORY. O. E. S. Roseburg Chftpier. No 6 holds their regular meeting on tlu fitsi and third Thursdays In each month. Visiting members In gooc' standintt are respecu ullv tui to attend Mary E. llouck, V M : Free Johnson. See. F O, E . Roseimrg Aerie. No. i4ii moots second and foiirih Monda In their hall on Jackson street n 8 P. M Grafton Worthlngton, P.. F. G. Mlcelll. sec. It. P. O. E Roseburg Lodge. No Sifi. holdn regular communlca Hon at their temple on second and fourth Thursdays oT eacl' month Ml members requested S.; H. O. Lewis. K. 9. N. Kwart. clerk. YUlODMt N OF THE WORI.I ah Camp, No 125. moots at the Odd Feliows" Hall in Roseburg. ever; first and thtrd Monday evenings Visiting neighbors always wo come. R. E Smith. C. C; E J WOMKN (It- UOOIM'H.UT LllHf I C'rcle. No. 43. meets on first and ! third Nlondsv evenings of each month in the I. O. O. F. hall Vis iting members In standing j are Invited to attend. Orac Pllklngton, O X.; Clar Ciwlfleld. clerk. HAY PRESS WAMBi) t-ennd hand hay baler wanted. Address E. A. Krn bo, Rt. I, Roseburg. ti BOARDERS W ANTED In private family, laborers preferred. In quire 523 N. Main street. a5 WANTED Position as stenograph-! er. Three years law office ex- j perLince. References furnished. ' Address Lydia Messman, Box 325,! Enid Okla. ai ' PLAIN SEWING AND DRESSMAK-I ING All work guaranteed. Mrs. j E. M. Voss. 4 33 North Rose street. al . FOR SALE A nice, neat 6-room bungalow, centrally located In pav ed district. Sewer connections, bath, patent toilet, etc. Ideal lo cation. Price $2,600. Address A care NeWB office. ' dswtf WANTRD Salesmen tor exclualvt territory. Big opportunities. Ni experience necessary. Coraplett line Yeklma Valley grow n fruit shade and ornamental stock. Cast weekly. Outfit free. Toppenish Nursery Company, Topt,enish Wash. dswti l OU RENT FOR RENT Seven room house near depot. Inquire, at this office. ' Pj21 1-OR SALE BLACK MIXORCAS Will sell a pen of six young laying hens and one cock cheap. Inquire News office. FOR. SUECToice fo"x nound pups, from registered stock, nd dress box 448. Rosehurg. dsv'l- FOR SALE Good first and second cutting Alfalfa hay. Inquire of E. R. Fenn, Melrose, Ore. Phone Farmers 116. 24dsw FOR SALE Two Shetland "ponies well matched, drive single oi double, perfectly gentle. Inquire News omce. Uswtl FOR SALE One 20-horse power tnblar horizontal boiler for sale. Inquire at the Roseburg Steam Laundry. tf FO ir'SALE Onk stove and block wood, 4 mlloH out, at $1.75 the tier on the ground; no hills. Phone 3X6, Roseburg, Oregon. dtf COW FOR" SALE -Three-qulirter blood Jersey cow for sale, fresh Address N. L. Conn, Roseburg. Phone 6X d2t DISC FOR SAUEOnT "CIafksSe"n lor cutaway disc for sale cheap. Only used one year. Address Box fS3. Rosebiirg. tf FOR SALE Sewn room nouse, toilet, bath, p.iniry, etc., centrally located, near paved district, 60 foot lot. Price $2,500. ' Address "Owner," care of The News dswtf FOR 8ALH CIIKAP One 2 horse power gasoline engine, good as new. A good strong engine. K O box 475, Hosebnrg, Ore., or In- quire tit News oltlre. ClTofCE HAROAIN Good 7 room house, toilet and wood shed off of Inrge porch; lot 85x07, 2 blocks from postolllce. Price too low for print. Address V., care Nows. dtf BEAUTIFUL HOME SITU Two acres, all In choice fruit, grand view of city. One of the lines! properties In Roseburg or vlclnlt for a home. Inquire at this olllc't for particulars. POUR LOTS Nice residence . and garden property, lay well, close to Edenhower store and dirt cheap at only $05 each. Inquire ni News office, but be qpick about it. tfd I'AttGAIN 155 acres of land for saie in t.'.mias Valley; will sell part or all. There Is a bargain In this place If taken soon. For par ticulars address Allen Wilson Caitias Valley, Ore. a3 FIVE ACRES FOR SALE Nice piece of land, all fenced, closo In and ready for planting. No buildings but a choice spot for small farm Price $1,250. Inquire News of flee. FOR SALE. A few choice S. C. White Leghorn cockrels. Rnncho Mirasol Birain. Pasadena. Calif., one dollar each. Inspection Invit ed. Apply ,T. Ilcntley, Alexander land, Roseburg. da22 FOR SALE Expecting to get a car. 1 ira offering for sale my span 3 year old bays, nafe for a wo man to drive, my rubber tired stnnope. either for two or four persons, and set of new harness. Will sell separately. E. II. Rosen herry. east of fair grounds. dtf 80 ACRES FOR SALE 45 acres tll lable. 22 lii cultivation. 2 acres paled In for graden; good house, cellar and barn, 85 bearing frull trees, team, harness, wagon, hnck. 2 cows, 3 plows, $50 worth o lumber, all for $3,200. Addresi box 35, Dlllard. Ore. f WILL TRADE Owner will exchange a nice piece of Rosehurg propertv for small farm. This propertv i'i among the best of the city, all set to young orchard. Just in bear ing, and will bear Investlgal ion Want simill farm that Is on rlvei or creek or has good springs. In quire News otlice. tr S.M.K OR TRAliK 1-fWnr new house -mil lot; will sell reasoliabl and give terms; would accept good team, harness and wagon as pan payment. A bargain, so com quick. Address "Oowner." car--News ollice. a;i FOR SALE -An SO-aere farm for sale or rent. Ill acres under the plow, plenty of outside range, with privilege of buying good team, a wagon, cow and Implements on place; about ten tons of hav In barn. Address J. K. Falbe. Olalla. Orecoir d-aln TIVtliKR CLAIM FOR SALE The K. W or the s. E. and the S 4 of the N. E. of section 26 In township 3i, south of range 2 west, consisting of sugar pine, fir ar,.l cedar. Cruised over four mil lion feet. Price $3,000. Address P. care News, Roseburg. dswif FOR SALE (l.-nerai purpose team matched horses. 6 and S years old. W'elalit 1,25a pounds. Free driv ers and good workers: perfectly sound, new double harness goes with team. Also a single wagon, horse and harness, all In first class condition. The above can be hud cheap for ci'sh. Inquire at the Roseburg Flour Mills. Phone 56 dswtfi TIM HER CLAIM FOR SALE- Thi following described timber elan Is i ffered for sale: N. B. i of th S E K, S E of Ihe N E V, of W 4 X E. i of sec townslilp So south of ran 2 west, consisting of ltSrt acres of sugar pine, flr and cedar. It rn.i ed three and one-hcif mtlH.n Price. $.1,000 Address P. calf News, Rosehurg. Or. dswt WOOD FOR SALE Phone Farmers 1M. J I. Springatened. Rosebure, for wood Prompt dpifverv. dif Slab Wood Dry Fir Wood Split Oak Wood WE YOUR Now is the time to order your winter's wood Take advantage of our special prices. We make cur own deliveries, insuring promptness and correctness. Roseburg Feed & Fuel Co. . Warehouse and Office, Winchester Street on the Switch. Telephone 163 r The Great Rub The Old Ch inese Doctors administered all medicine by rubbing through the pores of the skin. That was four hundred years ago, and to prove that they knew what they were doing then, forty cen turies of experience has not improved upon the method, for we are still rubbirg it in? Dr. Hoover's Liniment Banishes Pain, Reduces Swelling and Inflamma tion, softens stiff joints and sore muscles, and is just simply the greatest Liniment ior Man and Beast. A bottle of Hoover's Liniment should be upon the shelf of every Farmer. A great big bottle for only 25c, 50c and $1.00. HAZLEWOOD ICE CREAM The most appetizing cream made is now being I served at our soda fountain. Trv it. It's the best in the land. ROSEBURG PHARMACY. INC., Roseburp; Oregon Edenbower Orchard Tracts Write us for Information regarding i these tracts, located about one mile mini the city of Roseburg. Ore.. In the tannins I mpqiia Valley fruit dis trict. Sold In 5 and 10 acres tracts planted to apples, Intorplanted with peaches, also to pears or prunes, car ed for a period of 4 years. Near schools and churches. Easy access to city water and electric light. 40 acres in acres young orchard. with bath; barn and 5 out buildings. spring w;iier piped to house, chicken vard and garden, chickens, tools, etc A SNAP. 200 acres S5 acres In cultivation. 10 acres in bearing orchard. 10 acres in young orchard, new 7-room house, barn etc. 4 live springs, good well, all implements, stock, etc. A HAIi (i.MX. 54 acres 30 acres cleared, bal ance oak timber. Small house, barn .ind out buildings. Chickens, turk eys, tools, wagou and cow go with place. Cood spring water piped to ouse Can he bought cheap A ;ooi lti'Y. 10 4 acres orchard land. 3 4 acres of this is In bearing orchard. 13 years old In fine condition. Small 4 -room HIMES & REAL Dealers in Lands Roseburg FOit SALE Two Herford bulls, one year old. FIrstclass. Address L. L. Mntthews, Glide, Or, dtt Grain of All Kinds WANT Hay of All Kinds. OBDERlFeed of All Kinds. tlOUSe. tlllllt OH knoll nv.rlnnl,lnn icily of Roseburg. Soil free loam. located one mile from cltv limits, flue road. Price $4,000, $2,000 cash balanpe long time at 6 per cent. FIXE IIKAIUVt; ORCHARD. 13 4 acres, all' in fruit mostly bearing: npples, pears, cherries and peaches; nice home: packing house, bnrn and other buildings stock and tools. On the banks of the Umpqua river. 3 miles from Rose burg. Will sell at a bargain If sold soon. Here It Is. An opportunity that you have been walling for. For the man or so man Who With A v.rp llttlA M and some ambition. To secure- 10 acres of land suitable for fruit nr OOlillrv pnf.fncr All U. i " ', Close 111. and on main county road. You can uu una iu acres tor 11.500. On your own terms, provided you will agree to build n Inur p . . - bouse and enclose the tract with wmen wire rence. 20 72-100 acres all cleared, eirent a few oak trees, all fenced: large live spring. Fine tract Tor fruit, poultry and gardening Four miles from Roseburg on main county road. Free mail delivery. Will sell at a hue. j sain, and on easy terms. OLIVER ESTATE of all Descriptions Oregon I X - r