Mete The Daily and Twice-a-Wcek News have a larger circulation than any other two papers pub lished in Douglas County. They go into every nook and corner of this big county. WEATHER FORCAST ROSEBUnG AXD VICINITY. s Fair Tonight and Thursday. VOL. II. ROSKUllUi, lKH'GLAS COUNTY, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JILY SO, toil. No. 222 Me T HE WAR CLOUD Lowers Perceptibly Over Old World Horizon. BRITISH FLEET IN READINESS Appurcu( Sanction of George's Siev-h Indicates Trouble Aviator Wins .-)(l,0(IO London Daily .Mail Prize. (Special to The Evening News.) LONDON, July 2ti. War between England und Germany was brought appreciably nearer today by the semi official announcement that Chancel lor Lloyd George may become sec retary of foreign affairs. If appoint ed tythe secretaryship the fact will mean that George's recent speech warning Germany to keep out of the Morocco muddle has received the of ficial sanction of the cabinet, und diplomats say that this will be equi valent to threatening war. That the government believes the chances are good for trouble Is seen In the can cellation of the proposed Norwegian cruise for the fleets of the Atlantic. This move holds the bulk qfjhe Brit ish men-o'war near England ready for immediate action in event trouble materializes. 1 Remarkable Flitc'itf. BROOKLANDS, Eng.. July 25. After a most thrilling air race. Lieu tenant Con nea u, of France, flying under the name of Andre Beaumont, today won the $50,000 London Daily Mail prize In the great race around the British Isles with Pierre. Ven drlne a close second, he being Just 54 minutes and 29 seconds behind Beaumont, whose total flying time was 22 hours and 28 minutes. Until , they reached Brighton the leaders j raced neck and neck through the mists, a thunderstorm btMug en-' countered in the trip, which made it j doubly exciting. Beaumont had the' time lead of nearly an hour when he finished, but thought Vendrine had gotten abend and thnt he would not be able to overtake htm, but was surprised when he discovered that he had won the race. MURDERS GIRL Pursued by the Police the Slayer is Killed. THE CRIME WAS PREMEDITATED Two NKTtntors of KuiiniiiK Fight Wound cil W if of A rival ml Man Thinks Her litis, band Is Demented. Nicholas Sic man and family have gone to North Bend where they will reside permanently. Mr. Sicilian re cently disposed of his property In this locality. Walter Monical, of Portland, who has been spending the past few days at Wilbur visiting at the home of his wife's parents, today sold his ranch, comprising about 50 acres of choice laud to Clctand Ellison. Mr. Monical and wife will return to Portland as soon as the necessary papers transferring the land can be exequted. (Special to The Evening News.) SACRAMENTO. July 26. A parti cularly distressing murder occurred here today, Miss Anna. Dudley, aged 132, being the victim. The girl was I a stenographer in the office of State Engineer Ellery, and waa shot to death by an unknown man, who fled down the street after the tragedy when he was overtaken by the po lice and killed in the revolver duel thnt ensued between the murderer and the office re. Two spectators of ' the fight were wounded by stray bullets. There is no known motive for the fiendish crime, and It is not known that any love affair entered Into th,e shooting of the girl. As Miss Dudley was passing an alley be tween J nudj K streets the man sprang out and filled the girl's body with shot. He succeeded in reach- The Store That Serves You Best New York Store 4 A POOR PRODUCTION. Persons who witnessed the produeton of J. M. Busby a col- 4 ored minstrels at Drain, on Monday evening, and at Oak- land last night, pronounce the" show of little consequence. In fact, an Oakland man who ar- rived here this morning said that the participants in the cast were of the barnstorming var- iety. while the Jokes were aged and "be whiskered." In all, he branded the production of lit- f tie merit and not such a show as to attract those bent on amusemer. oT a high clnss na- lure. RATE DECISION Spokane Case Decided After 20 Years' Litigation. SMALL JOBBERS ARE HELPED Satisfaction or Your Money Back Thursday Coupon Hourly Sale In Connection With Our Great Summer Clean-up. If you did not get a line on the bargains, get one at once or you'll be sorry. Bring this Coupon and get the bargain offered On Sale from 9 to 10 a. m. This coupon and 59c entitles you to any $1.00 $1.25 and $1.50 ladies Parasol that we have in the store. He on hand early and get your pick. With the coupon at 59c Bring this Coupon and get the bargain offered On Sale from 9 to 10 a. m. This coupon and 25c entitles you to 10 rolls of Toilet Paper a paper we sell at 5c special, Only one coupon to a customer at 10 for 25c tng the banks of the American river, although wounded several times by shots of the police, and there he turned on his pursuers and was kill ed by Cnptnln Pennish. In his pock et was found a note showing that he premeditated the terrible deed, tlustmml Demon UmI. OLYMPIA. July 26. This after noon the sheriff will put J. H. Wil son, the confessed murderer of the Cobles, through a thorough question ing in order to further establish the fact. While the officer Is satisfied Hint he has the right man, Mrs. Wil son Is yet unconvinced as to her hus band's guilt, but believes that his constant brooding over the crime thnt was committed so close to where they lived has unbalanced the man's mind: CoiiKrcKN Soon ArijotirtiK. VASi..-.liTON. July 2C Demo cratic congressmen and senators are practlcnlly of the unanimous opinion today that last night's caucus fore casts on adjournment of congress by August 15, at least. At this caucus the democrats overwhelmingly reject ed the plan to continue the tariff revision at this present session. Il Is quite generally predicted that both the Underwood and LaFollette bllh will be rejected at the final vote on those measures tomorrow Demo cratic senators will hold another caucur. tonight. Rate Is Dix-lareil DtscWimmlory and .Must He Altered Valley Towns Are Jiihlhtnt Over Commission's IM'Islon. THOMAS SMITH DIKS. funeral Will Probably lie Held In ItoseburK Tomorrow. Bring this Coupon and get the bargain offered On Sale, 10 to 11 a. m. This coupon and 15c will en title you to the greatest bar gains In Art floods. Pillow Tops Linen Squares and a hundred Utile dainty fancy work designs that make pleasing gifts or for your own home. See this rare snap. With coupon nl I5c Bring this Coupon and get the bargain offered On Sale, 10 to 11 a. m. This coupon and !Kc will en title you to any ptilr of lace rurtains in the stofe that we sold at $1.50 und $1 Beautiful Nottingham Curtains In a-variety of patterns. Bring this coupon and 98c Bring this coupon and get the bargain offered On Sale from 11 to 12 m. Bring this coupon and 1 5c nnd get the bett bargain in Ribbon that you ever bought. Any wide ribbon we have in the house. All rotors hihI In No. 80 to 150, your choice with this coupon ... I5c Bring this coupon and get the bargain offered On Sale from 11 to 12 m. Bring this coupon and 10c and get the little girl a Parasol. All kinds and Risen for the Utile tots at the low price, with Ibis coupon, of 10c Thomas Smith, aged 38 yeiirs, and a son of (he late Judge and Mrs. Thomas Smith, died at ti is home In Portland late last night nfter an Ill ness of several weeks. Death was the result of Rrlght's disease, of which the deceased had suffered for some time. Mr. Smith is survived by four sisters: Helen, of Chehalls. I Wash.: Mrs. O. F. Honer, of New I ort; Mrs. II. U. Matthews and Klll- a Smith, of Rosehurg. and four i brothers: George, of (Jraniieville. Idaho; lee, of Whltehlrd, Idaho: I.ynn. of Llghtlllc, Utah, and Nath an.' of Lnkevtew. The remains will he shlpH.-d from I'ortlund this evening and will ar rive here early tomorrow. Although funeral arrangements were not com- I ple.ted nt noon today. !t Is iirohahle that services will he held III the Smith home, on North Jackson street, tomorrow afternoon. Interment fol lowing In the Masonic cemetery. The deceased's mother. Mrs. Thomas Smith, died In Itoseliurg on May 8. Thomas Smith was horn nt Win Chester and resided in Itoseliurg practically all of his life prior 'o last February when ho went to Port, land and engaged In business. He I win well known In this vicinity where he has a host of close friends who are more than grieved to lenrn of his demise. NKW TODA V. W"aNTV:TT (ilrl to do general house work. Apply at News olllce for particular. Stf IIKI.l WANTED - First class brick layers, (i. H. Harris, Kiddle. Ore gon. HI.ACK MINOItCAS Will sell a pen of sli young laying hns and on cock cheap. Inquire News olftce. I'Oll SALE --Oak stovo and block wood. 4 miles out, at $1.75 (he tier on the ground; no hills. Phone 3X6. Koseburg. Oregon, dtf (Special to The Evening News.) SPOKANE, Wash., July 25. Spo kane nnd ninny towns '.i Eastern Washington and Orei,o Nonh audi Central Idaho nrd Western Moti-I tan" Joined todiv In celebrating this city's victory in the famous freight rate controversy of 20 year's litiga tion with the most spectacular und enthusiastic demonstration In the his tory of the Pacific Northwest. Shops and factories were closed shortly after 9.30 o'clock this morn ing and the people of Spokane gave themselves up to a day of rejoicing which reached the climax tonight with the explosion of 200 pounds of dynamite, the burning of an eighth of a ton of red fire, the blare of bands and dancing by several thousand couples In the public thoroughfare overlooking Spokane Palls. More than 3U.1,.. men and women parti cipated in the night celebration. PORTLAND, July 26. Trndo re lations throughout Iho Northwest will ho re-adjusted as a result of the Interstuto commerce coinmlsBlon's decision In the Spokano rnto case. In Iho opinion of Portland tratllc men and attorneys. The carriers will he forced to cut their rales to meet (he rulings established by the commls- lon. Some railroad men predict marked reduction In earnings as a result, whllo others said yesterday hat Increased business would ills- :ount the loss In revenue. The more optimistic, see an lndl direct benefit to all concerned. In the end, they any, business will be on a safer, more economical and more substantial bnsls. While Spokane receives the bene lit of terminal rnteB on all shipments originating west of the Missouri liv er, other cities In (he Interior receive (he sume rale. The Spokane rates from the various Eastern lones, In which the carriers are allowed to charge from 7 to 2B per cent moro tc Spokane than to Portland, also will applv to linker. Walla Walla. Ln Grande, Willamette Valley points and cities east of Spokane. Small .lohlM'i's All- llelMil. The natural effect will be the cs lalillshtnent or small Jobbing centers in each of these cities, on the sound business rule that It will not be econ omy to pay the local rale from Spo kune when the same rule thai Spo kane enjoys may be obtained from the point of origin. On goods coming from west of the Missouri Ulver these small (owns will have (ho same ra(e as Portland Towns In which Portland now trans acts Jobbing nnd wholesale business may establish small Jobbing houses of their own. While Portland nuiy lose some of Ibis detailed wholesale trade, the business will drift Into tills city In other forms. The banking of these uiall wholesale establishments na iiirallv will flow (o Oils city. To a large extent the payrolls will be ex pi'nded here. Hullillng material wll lie brought here. Other business ue crulng from whatever Industries iprlng up In the Interior towns us result of (be decision will come to Portland, which is the natural ilium rial and commercial center of the ter ritory which It has always controlled The theory on which the devel opmcnt work of the state has been conducted Is thai whatever help Oregon helps Portland. If Spokane is helped by Iho rate division the small towns of Oregon ate helped; therefore Portland Is helped not In a direct way bul In a broader and In direct way. I Valley Towns JiiIiIIhiiI, The valley towns and Eastern Oregon fee) Jubllaut over, the decision Merelnfnre thpv hnve ' taken the terminal -rate titue the back-haul ' on Eastern shipments. Now the back haul is abolished and they take the Spokuue rate In all in stances, which, In the case ot Mis souri river common points, is equal to the terminal rate. Portland jobbers assert that the Missouri river territory is able to supply nearly GO per cent of the trade In this region. It is natural, as a result of this decision, that large distributing houses In the Missouri river territory, such as are situatod in St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Joseph and other points, will make a decided effort to extend their trade Into this territory. Kepresentatlves of St. Louis and Chicago houses, which will be undor a charge of 7 per cent, moro to ship luto Intorior points than to Port land, declare thntjhey will meet this contiietltlon by a cut In prices suf- IHiont to discount the 7 per cent udvantnge of their Missouri river competitors. However, with (he ad vantage of 7 )er cent always in their favor, the Missouri river towns are likely to control competitive trade. suid well Informed students of the situation yesterday. TAX FARMERS By Means of a High Rate on Farm Machinery. CANADIANS FOR RECIPROCITY i'oit(ii:ii is Aititi:si:n. Wanted At Ashland For Forging Severn! Checks. People Will Settle Question For Themselves lij llallot Pres. lilenl Tuft Signed Agree, nient This Afternoon. Accused of passing worthless hecks aggregating npproxlntntely (150, a man giving his name na Dr. I). Riddle, was arrested while eating suptHir In the Oregon res(auran( shortly after 6 o'clock lust night by Chief of Police Huffman. The fel low was taken In custody on n tele graphic warrant received lalo yester day from Constable Irwin, of Ash Intnl. When arrested, ItldiHo i ,bcjcnmo somewhat Indignant, nnd alleged that his nnme was Harris and that he re cently arrived In Rosoburg from Seattle. In nn attempt to gain the confidence of the officer he nlBO claimed that ho was a member of the ElkB' lodge, and to substantiate his allegation produced an Elks charm as well as an Elks tooth. Not being t member of the Elks- order, Mar ihal lluffmnn Introduced the follow to members of the local lodge, who turned him down upon finding thnt he wiib a pre(endor, nnd hud nolhlng upon his person to show (hat he hnd ever belonged to (he Elks order. Flnull), (he fellow weakened and Informed Marshal Huffman (hut he was the man wanted, and was ready to take his medicine. Following his confession, Kiddie was locked In the county Jail where he Is being held awaiting Hie departure of Constable Irwin, of Ashland, who arrived here bls 'afternoon for his prisoner. Constable I rw in says that Itiddle first arrived In Ashland about a week ugo and Immediately opened a veterinary surguons olllce. Having no (ooIb, he borrowed a complete set of another surgeon, which, uccnrdlng to the ofltccrs ho appropriated1 upon leaving Ashland. In all. Kiddle Is accused of passing live checks, ag gregating a total of about $!i0. Most of the checks were cashed by per sons with whom ho became acquaint ed during his residence In Ashland Whi n arrested he hud $17. Till In his possession. Itiddle Is well dressed, and car ried two suitcases, which, upon ex amination revealed the veterinary Implements appropriated by him al Ashland. A check book which be had In his possession Is missing, and It Is believed that he discarded II last evening upon being advised of his arrest.' Constable Irwlp leaves for Ashland wllh bis prisoner on tonight's south, hound local train. Klddlu Is said lo reside In Sun Francisco and Is about 211 years of age. lie wears a brown suit of (lollies and has red hair. Ills true name Is said to be Ogle. (Special to The Evening News.) WASHINGTON, July 26. That J. Morgan, who Is usually esteemed us a money king aud builder of trusts. Is In reality only the servant of John D. Rockefeller, was the gist ot a report, submitted by Durdette Townsend, former special United States Investigator, to the house com mittee investigating the steel trust. today. Chairman Stanley declared the report, which was made In 1908 to Attorney General Bonaparte, proved conclusively that the prosecution of the steel trust under the Sherman law wuuhl have been successful. Townsend asserted in his report that (he trust controls 90 per cent of the farm machinery business, and tillers of the soil of course pay heavy trlb- u(e thereto. Vote On Reciprocity. OTTAWA July 26. Voters of Canada will decldo the fate of the reciprocity measure, the Liberal gov eminent, headed by Prlmlcr Laurler, having determined to appeal to the lieople for a decision on account of tho obstruction tactics of the conser vatives. Tho election will be called In two months. If the Liberals win the reciprocity agreement will be adopted, hut If the Conservatives are successful and Borden becomes prime minister, reciprocity will fall, Tnrt Signs Measure. WASHINGTON. July 26. This afternoon President Taft received a copy of the reciprocity bill regularly signed nnd sealed by the vlce-presl-dont and Speaker Clark. Taft's sig nature, the only thing necessary to mnke tho agreement law, was affixed this afternoon. LOCAL NKW8. Mrs. A. II. Ilulnes, of Klkton, left for her home tills afternoon after a few (lays spent nt Die home of her son. II. 11. Ilnlnes, ut Dixonvllle. I. II. Smith, manager of the local telephone olllce. siicnt yesterday af ternoon at Oakland attending to bust (hose In ness matters. A. R. Cole, of Wilbur, was a busi ness visitor In Koseburg for a few hourB yesterday. Dr. Cnlvln 8. White, of Portland. who spent yesterday in Rosehurg left for his homo' late last night. Dr. White Is stnto health officer and came here wl(h a view of examining health conditions. Anulysls of water taken from several wells in the vicinity showed Indications of typhoid germs, and orders hnvo been Issued to cease using this water. The city water was found to he pure. In general, Dr. Whlto says that the health conditions are very good In Itoseliurg, and he Is esiierlnlly pleased with the Interest that Is being taken by members ot the city fcDunoll and the health autho rities In protecting the cltltens against disease. C. A. Nlhley, of the Oswego, Port land A Itoseliurg Railroad, arrived here (his morning to spend a day or two looking afler business matters. Mr. Nlhley Is authority for the itnlement thnt his company will com iiieuce the construction of a railroad from Orocns to their properties ly ing about threo miles southeast, within ten dnys, and that they hope to have the snmo In readiness for 'Iteration ut an early date this full. Tho Oswego, Portland A RoBehurg Hnllroad Company was recently lu oriorated In order that tho road might be termed s common carrier, nnd thus glvo the owners the right to Institute condemnation proceed ings against persons who refuse to sell the company right-of-ways, As soon as the proposed line Is com pleted, the lime properties east of Greens will be developed and the product will be shipped to the com pany's main plant at Oswego for trea(men(, Mr. Nlhley says that the compnny will employ a large number of men, and that Koseburg will bene fit materially by their efforts. lb MA Km MM I More Dishpans Thursday Mornin: Value 50c - - - Regular Great Round-Up Sale Continues. Big bargains all week. Something Extra for Thursday and Saturday mornings ANDERSON'S BARGAIN STORE T