THE EVENING NEWS BV II. W. HA i ts lsFKlT" D A 1 I. V KXCK1T BL'NDAY. Hiilnu'rinllon Hales Unity. per year, by mall $3.00 per month, delivered 60 Seml-Weeklj. Per year 2 0" Six month 100 Entered as second-class matter November 6, 1910, at Roseburg, Ore., under act ofIarch 3, 1879 mi).TaT7 ji i.v at. II All.ltOM) (illHSII'. I'lirly it ('Biilnlll Talk Itnlliimil Al Multifield. A dlHtliiKiilxhed party "f Kimler;. nnd California oniiltulNtH are on Coof Hay today Invest luanni; Itn r.niirco-. and prospects with a view to futun Investments hete, auya tho Coos Ba rim..a in the nariy are: r,. i o pertliwntte. of London. RnK.i 0. Cox. of Chlrasn; 8. K. lllddln. San . riiln-lsco: H. T. Hooper, of San Frnnclwo; E. C. Brooks, of Marys vllle, Calif., and K. W. Severs, oi Hun Francisco. Anions: tho propositions they hav under consideration It l iindorstoo) la tho mutter of a railway from f.oo Hay to lioKoljnrs und east to lloisu Idaho. When seen by a Time reporter to day Moaara. Nevera and Coiertli ..,h u, l ,llic,! tlilH much hut said their plans were not Bulllclently m lured to make any announcement or Klve any definite details of their pro ject. The preset trip la to familiarize themselves somewhat with local con .utiiina nnd iret In touch with th present altuatlon on Coon Hay. They would not confirm any of the inanv minora afloat In reference t railway projects but said due ui nouncement would bo inndo win1 there wna tmytlilni! definite to J Blven out. which mliiht ho within short time. They made a trip up Coob river yesterday, taking lunch at Dr. Mr I'ormac'H auinmer home. Today tney made a trip to Sunset Bay whore they are tho Kuosts this after nf Mayor I. -I. Shnnmn. t Shoro Am-H. The pnrty will prohnbly leave f 8;in Krunclrtt'O in tho mornhiK. i ! The library conducted by ! Aldon Tarness 1h opn each af- tnrnonn and evening from 1 to 9 o'clock. Mont of the latent novel can be obtained there. dtf 1 will soon be able to be out aKaln. Al and Prank CritHon came over from Cottage Grove Friday and are hanniiiK paier for W. H. WIIhom. Mr. Hell and wife, of Voim alia, are spending a few dayn camping at Bradford' mill. Omar Langdon went to Yoncalla Friday. MINKKVA. i:ivi.v i.imjnuh iku. You will always have good healthful bread, pie and ' cake, if you use White River Flour It is Not Bleached Bleached flour is injurious to health. Use Fleisch man's Yeast For a good Starter Mrs. A. C. Kidd & Son Agents AKe, l INHTITLTK XliW I.OIH.K. ltityal Order of Moose, l-'nUei'iuil and Hiiciiil Order, For ItoM'liiH'K' The Loyal Order of Mooho, fruter nay and Hoclal order, ure to iiiHtltult aj lodge In itcmelnirg. Organizer Hardy 1h here and will conduct un ac live cant pa I gu. The Mooho Ih ai KaHtern order, having organized ai l.nulHVllle, Ky., April 12, 1KSS. ll wiiH roiindi'd by mmio of the immt In fl lien Hal lnislnens and profeHHlona men of tl" city. Dr. John II. VHnon whh hint ri MntJi I in the foundation of ilif onler and ti him Ih duo tin credit for the llrnt iMmme ritual. The growth of the lodge In Un early hln- lory waM hIow and not mil II t h eighteenth annual convent Ion a I CrawfordHvllte, Intl., In p.HHI, did th lodge HHHiiiiie a national growth Since that date the order Imn adiled 4 72 new lodges, making a total of H50 lodgon with a membership of Hfin.noo. it h estimated that 25.1)00 nieuihera of the order attended the t wenty-Heeond annual conviutlon In Itiiltltnore, held in the hint .week in AugiiHt, IHIll, lift delegated iitlend ed this convention. The Loyal Order of Mooho la purely a fraternal organization, carrying no luBurauce, hut paying a Kiiiall nick, accident and funeral benefit. It also provides lodge physlclnnn, Kvor Moose Indue Is provided with a thoroughly eqitlpHd gymnnaintn and at the next annual con vein lott. which will be held In Detroit, the nuprcim lodge will oTOr $7,r.o hi prbew to Mo (He nlhleU'H. At the national convention held In llalttmnre, colleKe buildliiKH located nt M uncle, lud., were given to the ItMle, valued al $ 1 SO.DitO and tn theni a ImihIiichh and indiiHtrlul cmirw will be taught, a well h a four year college course and orphan and children of the poorer mciuhnm will liave the prefertMice aH free students Nearly every city and town In the Northwest hna Moose hidden and n lame inemberhlp. Portland Imp "00 ineiutM'rs. Tacoma and Spo kane, ever S.neft e;o h; Seattle L'.'joe. Astoria. fiO; linker iMty, 3H!; The Italles, 217. and there are flourlMihip lodges at Salem, KiiKene and Med ford. Mr. Hardy' heiubninrtern arc the McClallen hotel. FI.K II lOAItT OTKS. ai Vfiir llej,ided Here Twenty Vears, Kclwin HfllluK. aed 91 yeara, and for nearly a quarter of a ceutufy a realdeut of UoKebur, died ut the i)ome of tils Hon, Kdward DlllinKH. on South JackHon street, late yeHterduy iftenioon. Death was the reHiilt of inllnnilleH attendant to old aue. Tlie funeral whh held at the family home this afternoon. Interment fotlowiiiK it the Mastmlc cemetery. The de ceased Ih Hurvlved by a Hon, Kdward, i local Soutbern Pacific passenger i-oiidiiclor, und a daughter, Mr. Amel ia MeUhehey. wife of Albert Mc fjhebey, who Is employed In the local Southern Pacific machine hIi opH. "Hrandfather" BlIllriKS. as he wiif best known by hit many frlenrlH and ic(uaintanceH in ItoBeburu' waH horn 'n the town of Thatchiim. KuKland in the year lKL'O. When a yourm man I!) yearn of age he decided to illiterate to the I'ulted SlateH, and in be year is:i!l Hailed for New York lty where he arrived Heverat months ater. There he remained for a num ier of yearH when he proceeded west ii (I located In Sacramonto, Calif., In the year ISM. During his renideiice in that city Mr. HIIIIukh waw enguK- ed In the mercantile buslneHH, nnd biHide from supplying the usual city rade, furnlhhed supplleH for thous- imIh of men who were ut that time tuployed In the conHtructlon of the Southern Pacific railroad. eavlng fiacraniento. Mr. Hillings iKaln located In New York where he em allied for a Hhort time when he returned west and took up h Ih resl- lence In Oroville. Calif. In the lat er city be lived almost couliniioUHlj intll the year 1X90, wIkmi he cam o HoHebiirK to reslle with IiIh son Kdward. Mr. HIlliiiKH was I wire mar rled. HIh wife died In the K;ist vhlle Ills second wife was laid Ii e.nt In California. Mr. It i 1 1 1 ii k whh a veteran of tin udiau and Civil Wars, having serv : il in Company K., Flral ItcKlnient N'evadu volinitii'i's. lie wa a devot- d member o( the local Christ l:u Science church, and of Ueno Pom No H. A, It., of Mils city. :dwln HllllnKs wjih beloved by all who chanced to make his aeiiualn I taiiee. Honest, uprlr;h( and ainbltl mih he Kalned the contl-lence of all iind tho neWH of bis death was re celved with sincere regret in (hit- oininunlty. Our June Kleanup Sale is Over But this Don't Mean all Our Bargains are Gone We still have many bargains in all lines at prices that defy com petition. Kverythinft new, no old junk, no half worn sample lines no second hand goods to show you. Ladiee can save nearly one half by buying their suits from us now as every suit we have in stock will be exactly In style this fall in cut, color and weight. We have placed our order for fall suits and coats and know what we are talking ubout. Closing out sale on these up-to-date suits range from 7 to $20. ALL MILLINERY AT COST All house dresses, all silk and wash skirts at cost Watch Our Windows For Specials Remember We're the Little Store with Big Bargains The Fair Store m:tii or nts. it. r. siiiki.hs l. J. Lou and wife returned ti their homo at Portland Wednesday Mrs. J. Mclvlnuey und urandmui Frank Van Winkle, are vIIHdk with the former's daughter. Mrs H Witt K. N. Hradford was in Y onfall h on biiHiin'Ms Monday. Mrs. C. M. iH'vlne ho has It. conuneii 10 ner home ftr several months with rheumatism tn kohh better. Her many friends hope she Hit. Fiviav. mntut. v Hoom n, Dell SlMer IliilIdInK v O Z : & C- It. F. KM It K Ian and KiirKcun. 1 t Hooma 1 and t Abraham Hld. & ft nosphurn, Oregon, Dearest HlHter thou bast left us, ft uh lonely for a time, Only puHsed to scenes of ulorv ' H (hat rest of peace Hubllme. Dearest wlster. friend and neighbor. Wife and mother, tried and true. (lone for a time but not foruoilen. 'hat worn out house, vonr eartblx dwelling. We have Keiitly laid away; ow uii dwell mid scenes elyslan Far from the niht In perfect day. (lone, that wtirn out earthly carmen). Ileneaih whost tat tr red folds we knew Dwelt u spirit true and loving, Kver Kt'ntle. brave and true. ea, we miss three, dearest HUter, Hut we know that you will come id with Ihv kind and Kcntle spirit beer and bless our lonely home; HiltiK us balm for hearts (hat's brok en, HriiiK us hours of peace and rest; 1-et us know that you are present And In your presence we are blest. know your life waa unassuming Your days were apeut In loving care For the dear ones Heaven hud ulven won't forget them over there We know that we shall feel vonr presence When you come to blens the home And be better for your coming. 1'iav. dear sister, often come. MltH. DANIKL FOltD MH. 1'AltMKIt. Why pay a peutittr 00 tn IT.rtuo more for a Mmgv or back, when ou can tuy a belter Job for that much less money from youi home dealei. If voi: bUv froin n peddler he Hell vu todav and Ih gone tomorrow Hts guaranteo last iusl as ilt g. He bai lo Ret n (,1k for hU E,u.(b, H he h .n a big expense n the time, and If he takes your note, he ma ken the prin em iKh tto he can sell It to a bank t n discount of from 15 to 20 pei cent 1 Ho tht-e "peddlers" pay nnv Uxw t h-lp hulld and keep up oui radO Dt they buv anv of vour proilme- Are they nnv b-n.tlt to voti or mr county or statf? Thinks It over, and If vou ar go ing to buv a bur.gv, l,;uk. or wagon get OUT prices flrt J. K. HAltKKU CO. dstf Yes, Thursday, July 20 we give away another of those fine Dinner Sets and on Thursday, July 27 that hand some 3-Piece Mission Furniture Set Kaeli succeeding Thursday until November we will jrive some valuable and useful present to the customers present in our store with the card showing the largest amount purchased in anv one day In addition lo a chance at these weeklv pres ents each dollar spent with usives you ten votes on the piano we are ivinaway the last of Oct. ROSEBURG ROCHDALE COMPANY Colored woman want work by the 1 day. Wawhin. Ironing or hone elennlng. H7 Pine street tome wmsixissmsss Wall Papef Si'inp of tl.e most nrtistir erTi-ota In wall paivr are niniple In char actt'r and imHluratu in price. The m-companying illustration Is an example of one of the manv now ideas in "Homo Decoration'' for lull. The fart that we are maVmi; D im-ial feature of Allr Put, "Prii.' W.ll, ia utillictent as surance that the styles are the latest and quality tho best. . Samples m! estimates cheer fully submitted upon request. D. P. FISHER. HKsr oik sritrrr. iik- OW HOSKIIl li) I'MKA I ItK. ,r il I It jl4 !i 4 i. 1 i TT Ladies, Does Not This Present a Truthful Picture to You Moil "Those ilamp clothes make tnv nose cold aa quick that I can't iron iss oad lronat a - 1 H ' r1! It "Oh I'm borry for you. You see my internal heater keeps my IVIlSSvjlcia lfOripoint always hut enough to iron. The folks say that is gieat and call me the Hu'tpoint." Miss Scld IfOIl-"Say 'a-!1' ,J" -vour f"is smaan an ""K yu around all day. trying to get you od your stand? I gefthrown around until both the mistress and I are all worn out. She said the other day she lifted mo 300 times and that makes almost a ton" IVIissGlfld Iron ""eaven!, n"' "ley 's just "P rnP UP on my nee'- I carry a nice cool stand with me all the time. I never get banged because ' Mistress don't have to lift me at all." a- C J I "And you know when I get hot, I'm hot all over. Then more'n Miss Sad lroniikey it's a case of burned fingers for the Missus. Bang smash , I'm on the floor burning a hole in the linoleum " "Xo chance for me to get a drop like that. My ebonite handle is always cool no burned lingers where I work." The heat is kept in the bottom of the iron, where it is needed." Miss Glad Iron Miss Sad Iron"f C"""e y0' loolfi"u'-v """i01"1 Plated, but think what you Miss Glad Iron-"Ycs 1 ''"st a littk t,ut t,link wlmt 1 s"ve' 1 take the placu iVllSbWldU IK llof you an() y(JU1. Um or fivf) Sjsters.-1 save on the cost of fuel and the discomforts of a hot fire. I'm always ready to work any where any time kitchen bedroom porch or basement turn, the swich and I'm ready for business. Save time too because I'm always just the right heat, and no running back and forth from board to stove. Things go so smoothly we're done a'most before we realize we've been working at all! "I never got rusty so I never soil any of the dainty things. Sady, my girl, you'r an old timer. You need a permanent rest. Tell your Mistress to give a llotpuint a trial.-Then her. ironing troubles will be over. Toll her to do it today." Churchill Hardware Company -asli Ironmongers . 1 1 1 1 The Store with the tadios' licst Knom -i-i, x ... UH 1 l,e with the Jjidics' licst Itoom I III r . The proof of the l'ud dinr is in the eating Of the tree in the growing Ask your neighbor who has planted Yakima or Hood River Trees See ".low they grow, then place your tree order with ILL The Nurseryman Auto Stage to Coos Bay I lllirillll I'nr lu.,,. O 1 . Touring Car leaves Roseburg every day except irnin T u "'Vo -"V con"ectiriK with afternoon ttain at Myrtle l'omt for Marshtield Fare $8.00 hnlu u ''"'...Part way by Auto, 6.00, to Loth Myrtle Point ahd Marshfield. Stage leaves t-.ery day liK-luding Sunday o! i ST FaYmiiton an,i Rose Streets. Phones UltiLe3J9, Residence 316. C. P. BARNARD. Pron , r Did Y ou E vet Step To Think That the Com ot flue writing what you iay (ur tho ortllnarv quality? Xo man has to serve an apprenticeship in order to learn how to make mistakes ' You No Mistake If von buy your lumber, shingles, doors, windows and building material of PAGE INVESTMENT COMPANY North Roseburg I'hone 212 LOOK FOR THE BIG SIGN Dry Slab Wood Rock Springs Coal Think of the at,Hfaction to one's aelf ami to tho recipient cf a note ur Lettet on paper of good quality. The Itoseburg Hook Store S-lIs the ltet wrltltiK paper al luwest prices. U.-a tluarters for Fountain Pen St'lutol Supplies Ottlce Supplied. HOSI'ltl lUi, OltKCON. ""witw rLVJnBING SHOP. Plumbing-, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning and Heating North JacKson Street, adjoining" Peoples MarbK Worhs. Telephone 'ZSl. WorK Done on Short Notice ROSEBURG, ORE. I GENERALDRAYING (.hhI of ererj leeHp(ton mnml to dliy Virt nf the cltT. I'lier r-uia I ll. H. S.FRENCH L WE GUARANTEE ALL OUR WORK DONE WITH THE VACUUM CIVavvu When we sut ;r i i i i- :s rou are not "tl.fled there w'lMbeTnhi1;'' ,he moTa lm"- " ...erilon anle, we erpTJ, ',. ' ". wf conM not make thl. Ket , 0!lan hou,' T.' u, L 1 00d WnrlCe' WheB cleai.Jof your carpet, if, wot Prt you the fp " nl the price reasonable Phone 7i) ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY O. C. UAKEK, Proprietor. 0ce N. Jerksoa St. l.ane. I'hone tl.i?2