The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, July 22, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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" fl . I MO D LONDON
VJ 1 L L J Y I v 1 V
Ladies and Gentlemen's Cleaning,
Pressing, Altering and Repairing
S. W. Corner Cass and Pine
Roseburg Oregon
y. - --NX
L, MiilU.t -rat' f)i ,l
Coffee Special
Our every day ruff re kh-IiiI In
lood cofi'i'o. Our NM(-ial blend nl
ii."e jmt i(iuii(l In I hi Im'nI thai
.money can liny. Our (ioldeii West
Nlrel "nt Ik the Im'.hI mi the mar
ket. Try u I-hiiiimI fan if not
sitfift-d( your money hark.
Henry Easton
Wi N Jackson Phone 26
C'ulorcd woman wants work t' th(
day. Washing. Ironing or house
cleaning. 147 Pine street, corner
Lane. Phone 230-Y da22
A. E. flhlra, of Sutherlln. spent
the morning In Roseburg attending
to business matters and visiting with
J. A. Hiingenberg and B. F. Kin
man, huth of Yonealia, spent the day
in Hnseburg attending to business
Jack Wilson, of Canyonvllle, arriv
ed in Roseburg this afternoon to
spend a day or two attending to
business matters.
AI Kent und wife, uf F.lkton, who
have been spending the past few days
In Itiiseburg visiting with friends left
lor their home this afternoon.
Misses Klla Rlioadmnn nnd Maud
Ashwonh left for Kugene this after
noon whero they will stend a few
days visiting with friends and rela
tives. W. 1J. Snider and wife, of Dlxon
vllle, spent the day In Kosebiirg at
tending to business matters and vis
iting with friends.
First class board and room
can be bad at the home of Mrs.
A. Hall, 248 Flint and Mosher
streets. Phone 306. dtf
Ilreuks Out After 3 O'rlork
TIiIh Morning.
During Hot
I'no iimelilne-initde bread to avoid
in'4Hriitloii ami oilier uiihuhI
tary conditions of milking bread
In (lid old way.
On June 1st We
two on nee (o tb loaf. If your
roeer dH'N not carry our bread
(haunt grorern or phono 'Jill.
Full lino of dcllrloiiH pastry nl
va)M ut your eoiniiuiud.
Umpqua Bakery
If. fil'IOHT, Prop.
1 10 Jiirkwiii Hlreel.
North Side Plaining Mill
(list Vorth of Kinney Hour, orlli
Imkson Street, IMionti n'JII.
Orders for nil kludti of ItulldlriK Maturlul nro'ni'tly Filled ut
Itcjirtomihlo I'rlcos.
Mill Work Our Specialty
Fruit lloxeM In Any Quantity.
M.H8 I.ucy Doorner. of Cleveland,
who luiB been enjoying a visit for the
I past ten months at Oakland, Cal.,
j returned homo last evening.
Miss Lena Howard left for hir
: home ut Junction City this morning
after a ton week's visit at the home
of M I'M. S. M. Howard. In Wnlte's Ad
dition. Horace Marstera expects to com
mence the task of tearing down the
old garage, recently damaged by Are
and adjoining the flrand hotel, next
Dr. T. I). Donnell and wife, of St. j
Louis. Mo., arrived In Roseburg last ,
night to spend a week or tn days
visiting with the former's sister, Mrs.
.1. It. Clin. mini.
Mrs. S. I. Cox and daughter, Susie,!
who have been spending the past I
ten days In Portland visiting at the
home of relatives, left for their;
home at Portland this morning.
Verne Lime, the popular day clerk
at the McClallen hotel, returned here
last evening after spending a few
days visiting with friends at Marsh
Held, Portland and Cottage Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. Z. W. Parker,
who hiwe been Spending the
past three months in the Middle
West returned here this afternoon.
'I hey reside on a ranch about two
miles south of KoHebug.
.1. K. Whittemore and family left
for Portland this morning where
they Intend to locate permanently.
Mr. YYhlttemore and family have re
sided In Hosebi;rg for the past year
where the former was until recently
engaged in Hie creamery business,
hrop In and see the swell line of
fall and winter samples just received
from 10 d V. Price Co., Chicago
famous tailors. Over five bund red
samples to select from. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Sloper, the cleaner and
presser .
Phono Main Blftl All work first-da..
Commercial Abstract Co
Abstracts of ' itle l ilin Tapers Prepared
Insurance, Ktc.f
Bonds of all Kinds Furnish ci
.TJM Nurlh Jui'kftoit st.
Itosi m ltd, itKi:n
.:..).: :::::;:.
has the
Best Buttermaker in the State
in Iat;c or small tiuantttics. Let us have vour
lartv orders. 'lVlcphonc ,M0.
I Treaves liyslnger, son of Mr. am'
Mrs. V. I.. OysiuKer. of this clly
arrived here last evening to remain
permanently. Ho was arcompanled
by bis wife. Mr. Dysluger left
Hosehnrg about three years ago, nnd
has since he4u em ployed at point
In V;iKinniton.
The demount rat ion car, operated
under tin1 Ited Cross Association, ar
rived here I his afternoon. The car
is in charge of a compcietit and ex
perienced demonstrator, who will In
struct Southern Pacini employes rel
it) ive Ho assisting persons Injured
through accident.
A, M. Woodruff, of San Francisco,
arrived In the city last evening to vis
it with his mother, Mrs. S. M. Wood
ruff, at Cleveland, until fall. lie
was Hcemnpanicd by his until. Mrs.
V, tf. Vanderburgh, also of San
Francisco, who will enjoy an extend
ed visit with rein I Ives at Cleveland.
A tilet marriage was solemnized
it the oliice of County Judge Wona-i-ott
yesterday afternoon. when
Washington Hen jam in Farmer and
Miss Kelly Campbell were Joined in
wedlock, County Judge Wnnaeott of-lb-iating,
The happy couple will re
side in Hosebnrg her the former !
Is employed.
A nice, neat 6 -room bunga-
low, centrally located In paved
district. Sewer connections,
bath, patent toilet, etc. Ideal
location. Price $2,600. Ad-
dress A care News office.
Another fire occurred In Hoseburg
shortly after 3 o'clock this monlng,
when the music store, conducted by
A. Ltneback and sltnated in the R. B.
Matthews building, on Caas street,
was jjartlully destroyed. The loss
Is estimated at approximately 1 .
uuO, Including the damage to his
household furniture and musical In
struments. Mr. IJnehack carried'
$u0 tsu ranee on his household!
goods nnd i,900 on bis stock of I
music:! Jiusiruuiuuia aim suimnm.
R. B. Matthews, owner of the build
ing, estimates his loss at about $3f0.
which Is fully covered by Insurance.
The flames Were first discovered
by Mrs. If. C. Stanton, who sleeps
In a tent at the rear of her real-
deuce, on Jackson street, and almost
directly behind the music store. At
about 3 o'clock this morning she was
awakened by peculiar noises, and
upon Investigating, discovered the
ear of the Uneback store enveloped
In flames. Hastening to a nearoy
telephone Mrs. Stanton gave the
alarm with the result that the fire
department responded promptly.
One line of hose was directed on
the -flames from the rear, while the
::hcnileal engine accomplished effec
tive work in the interior. In less
than a half hour the lust spark was
Interviewed this morning. -Mr.
Linoback stated that he and his wife
entertained company last evening in
their living rooms In the rear of the
store, and left the establishment
about a J o'clock and went to me
home of Mr. Mauldlug and family,
West Roseburg. whero they spent
the night. At the time they depart
ed from the store ho says there was
no lire about the premises, other than
a stick of wood which was smoulder
ing in the cook stove.
The fire was confined to the liv
ing rooms of Mr. nnd Mrs. Line-
back, and nothing of consequence
was saved, other than a small re
The work of repairing the build
ing wilt be commenced Just as soon
as the adjusters can arrive and set
tle the losses.
Why pay a peadler $35.00 to
$50.00 more tor a buggy er back,
when you can tuy a better job for
that much less money from youi
home dealer. If you buy from a
peddler he sella you today and la
gone tomorrow. His guarantee last?
just as lor?. He has to get a big
price for bis goods, as he is at a
big expense all the time, and If he
takes your note, he makes the price
em. igh so he can sell It to a bank
at a discount of from 15 to 20 per
Do these "peddlers" pay any taxes
to help, build and keep up your
roads? Do they buy any of your
produce? Are they any benefit to
you or your county or state?
Thinks it over, and If you are go
ing to buy a buggy, hack, or wagon
get our prices first
Dr. F. H. Vincll. county
health officer, requests all persons
using water from wells or springs to
supply him with a sample. Properly
prepared bottles for containing the
water may be bad free from the
county health olhcer upon applica
tion, ana it is his intention to have
anahMa made to ascertain the pur
ity of such waters. dswtf
HAY "PRESS YV A NT Bo coil d
hand hay baler wanted. Address
E. A. Kruse, Rt. 1, Roseburg. ti
family, laborers .preferred. In
quire 523 X. Main street. a K
ING All work guaranteed. Mrs.
E. M. Voss, 433 North Hoae
street. a I
WANTED Position as stenograph
er. Three years law office ex
perience. References furnished.
Address Lydia Messman. Box 325,
Enid Okla. at
WAN j ED Bright young man, over
lfi years, to work In telegraph
officce. Opportunity to learn busi
ness. Western Union Telegraph
FOR SALE Choice fox hound
pups, from registered Block, ad
dress box 448, Roseburg. day.ti
FOR SALE Two Shetland ponies,
well matched, drive single oi
double, perfectly gentle. Inquire
News office. Jswtl
weight 1200, 7 years old, broke
double or single. Address, Box
683, Roseburg. tf
FOR SALE CHEAP One t horse
power gasoline engine, good as
new. A good strong eugine. P. O.
box 475, Roseburg, Ore., or In
quire at News office,
room house, toilet and wood shed
off of large porch; lot 85x67, 2
blocks from postofflce. Price too
low for print. Address V., care
News. dtf
acres, all In choice fruit, grand
view of city. One or the finest
properties in Roseburg or vicinit
for a home. Inquire ut this offico
for particulars.
FOUR LOTS Nice residence and
garden property, lay well, close to
Edenbower store and dirt cneap
at only $05 each. Inquire at
News otfice, but be qpick about
tt. tfd
V BARGAIN 155 acres of lahd for
sale in Camas Valley, will sell
part or all. There Is a bargain In
this place If taken soon. For par
ticulars addroHB Alien Wilson.
Camas Valley, Ore. a3
of land, all fenced, close in and
ready for planting. No buildings
but a choice spot for small farm
Price $1,250. Inquire News of
flce i
FOR "SALE Seven room nouse,
toilet, bath, piniry, etc., centrall)
located, near paved district, 60
foot lot. Price $2,500. Address
"Owner." care of The News dswtf
FOR SALE One good work horse
1 ,1 00 pounds; one good light
farm wagon; good double harness;
one saddle, cheap If taken at once.
Inquire Roseburg Flour Mills.
SALE OR TRADE 4-room new
house and lot; will sell reasooabl-i
and give terms; would accept good
team, harness and wagon as part
payment. A bargain, so come
quick. Address "Oowner," care
News office. a3
FOR SALE An 80-acre farm for
sale or rent. 16 acres under the
plow, plenty of outside range, wltft
wagon, cow and lmpiementBtxjf
a tf In
privilege of buying good tean
place; about ten tons of hay In
bam. Address J. K. Falbe, Olalla,
Oregon. d-al5.
E. of tbe S. E. and the S.
tt of the N. E. tt of section 26,
In township 3u south of range 2
west, consisting of sugar pine, fir
and cedar. Cruised over four mil
lion feet. Price $3,000. Address
P, care News, Roseburg. dswtf
BARGAIN One mlTe south of
Round Prairie; 304 acre farm;
100 acres in cultivation; 35 acres
bottom land; orchard, house, barn
and other out-bulldtngs. Price
$12,000. Acreage $100, bottom
land $150. Wm. H. Weeks, Ruck
les, Oregon. j23d
FOR SALE Expecting to get a car,
I am offering for sale my span
3 year old bays, safe for a wo
man to drive, my rubber tired
stanope, either for two or four
persons, and set of new harness.
Will sell separately. E. H. Rosen
berry, east of fair grounds. dtf
WILL TRADE Owner will exchange
a nice piece of Roseburg property
for small farm. This property is
among the best of the city, all set
to young orchard, just in bear
ing, and will bear investigation.
Want small farm that Is on river
or creek or has good springs. In
quire News office. tf
following described timber claim
is t.ffered for sale: N. 6. tt of
the S. E. S. E. tt of the N.
E. tt of W. tt N. E. tt of sec. ?8.
township 30 south of range 2
west, consisting of 160 acres of
sugar pine, fir and cedar. It crulB
ed three and one-half millions
Price, $3,000. Address P, calf
News, Roseburg, Or. dswt
Tblf Is the title of a beautiful M-page book, which
will show any boy or girt how to SUCCEED. Drop a
postal in the mall TOD AT and It will be seat FREE.
The aim of the College Is to dignify and populariie
the lnduatrles, and to serve ALL the people. It offers
courses In Agriculture, Civil Engineering, Electrical
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, MlntngEngln
eerlng. Forestry, Domestio. Science and Art, Com
merce, Pharmacy and Music. The College opens
September aad. Oatajog free.
OOLLEQE, CorTsills, Oregon.
Miss Ina Johnson left for her home
at Cottage Grove this afternoon af
ter a visit at tbe home of her sister.
Mrs. (1. W. Rice, in this city.
Mrs. C. W. Miller and two chil
dren left for Divide this afternoon
after a visit at the home or the
former's mother, Mrs. Lincoln
William Hayes. Robert Matlock.
S. Mi'Eachni and William Grace were
m-ested by officers Joseph Huffman,
T. J. Williams and George Qui ne
Thursday evening while causing a
disturbance. They were arraigned
before City Recorder Orcutt yester
day morning and ordered to leavi
WANTED Salesmen for exclusive
territory. Big opportuultles. Ni
experience necesnary. Completi
line Yakima Valley grown fruit
shade and ornamental stock. Cast
weekly. Outfit free. Toppenlsh j
Nursery Company, Top,,enish
Wash. dswt I j
WANTKD The name and address of:
gentleman who purchased the'
county right for the sale of medi-.
'Ino and i.pplinnco a year ago of
Dr Rell. JTpon receipt of desired
address be will learn something to
his Interest. LAEMMLE 211 Wins
ton street, Los Angeles. Cnl. al
FOR RENT Seven room bouse near
depot. Inquire at ttiis office.
FOR SALE. A few choice S. C
White Leghorn cockrels, Kanclio
Mini mo I strain, Pasadena, Calif..
one dollar each. Inspection invtt
ed. Apply J. Hentley, Alexandei
land, Roseburg. da
FOR SALE Stock of mens furnish
Ini; goods and men's, women's and
children's shoes amoiiniing
something less than ll.uuii. Slot k
Is new and in a live little town hi
Southern Oregon, Owner has good
reaHon for disposal. Address M. C.
News Office. j 2 I
FOR SAl.K (ieneral purpose team.
mulched horses, r and N years old.
weight 1 .UMl pounds. Free il riv
ers and good workers; perfect I y
sound, new 'double harness goes
with lea in. Also a single wagon,
horse and harness, all in first
class condition. The above can
le hail cheap for cash. Inquire at
the Hoseburg Flour Mills. Phone
fn. dswtf
ROOMS FOR RENT 3 large, well
furnished single rooms for gen
tlemen, strictly flrst-class. Inquire
4 10 W. Doimias. J2 2
l ()lt SALR,
FOR SALE Two Herford bulis.
one year old. Flrstclass. Address
L. L. Matthews, Glide, Or. dtl
WOOD FOR SALE Phone Farmers
1(!4. J 1. Sprlngstoaed. Roseburg.
for wood. Prompt delivery. dtf
FOR SALE One 20-horse powei
t lib la r horizontal boiler for sale
Inquire at the Roseburg Steam
Laundry. . tf
COW FOR SALE Three-quarter
blood Jersey cow for sale, fresh
Address N, L. Conn, Roseburg.
Phone fiX d 12 0
FOR SALE Cood first nnd second
cutting Alfalfa hay. Inquire of E
R. Fenn, Melrose, Ore. Phone
" Fanners 1 1 !, 24dsw
FOR SALE One house and twe
lots; also one house and lot. Cen
t rally located. For particulars In
qulie-at 54(1 Pine St. swtf
OR SALE 80 acres or mun
choice land, free soli, well diaiued
good orchard land. Ideal location
S miles east of Roseburg, run
nlng stream. 60 acres In culti
vation, "u seres pasture; also 40
acres of good timber can be hud
with above. Price right. For In
formation, address Dixonville. box
66. Phono Farmers liS. Wtil
c;ill for parties wishing to Invest'
c:H JM2!w
FOR SALE Fine sorrel mare. 7
years old. works double or single,
will sell at a barcaln. Address Hex
1 1 2. Roseburg. Oregon. $'22
DISC FOR SALE One Chirks Sen
ior cutaway disc for sale cheap.
Only used one year. Address Box
6S3, Roseburg. tf
FO R SA I ,EAnIce. neat 6-room
bungalow, centrally located in pav
ed district. Sewer connections,
bath, patent toilet, etc. Ideal lo
cation. Price $2,500. Address A
c:ire News office. dswtf
The Great Rub
The Old Chinese Doctors administered all medicine
by rubbing through the pores of the skin. That
was four hundred years ago, and to prove that
they knew what they were doing then, forty cen
turies of experience has not improved upon the
method, for we are still rubbing it in.
Dr. Hoover's Liniment
Banishes Pain, Reduces Swelling and Inflamma
tion, softens stiff joints and sore muscles, and is
just simply the greatest Liniment for Man and
Beast. A bottle of Hoover's Liniment should be
upon the shelf of every Farmer. A great- big
bottle for only 25c, 50c and $1.00.
The most appetizing cream made is now being
served at our soda fountain. Try it. It's the
best in the land.
B. F. Nicholf
Stoch Inspector for
County of Douglas
Riddle Oregon
Rosebure' Oregon