i i ADVERTISERS ill find The Evening News the bat medium to reach the people of Rotcbiof and Douglii County. A wMc-a-wakc publication printing all news (it to print TOE WEATHER LOCAL FORECAST. Fair and Warmer Tonight and Saturday. Vr ROSEIU'UG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON. SATIKUAY, JULY 23, 1011. No. 210 BILL IS PASSED Senate Takes Action on Cana dian Reciprocity Measure. NO IMPORTANT AMENDMENTS Attju-hed jto the llill Men Fight Duel Xat Goodwin to Quit Legitimate Stage and Take I'p Film Drama, (Special to The Evunine News.) WASHINGTON, July 22. With the time for the debate on the Cana dian reciprocity measure exhausted. the senate this' afternoon will pusa the bill without a single important amendment. The final vote, it is ex pected, will be quite late. It Is now the famous playrlght and author, fought a duel today, first with pis tols and then swords. Four shots were exchanged without any results then the combatants resorted to swords to carry out their plans. Af ter being disarmed twice Daudet re ceived a deep gash In the arm and the tight ended. Caustic criticism of Bernstein's play was the cause that lead up to the duel. Takes I'p Film Drama. LOS ANGELES, July 22. Nat Goodwin, the noted actor, today an nounced his intention of deserting the legitimate stage and will engage in film drama. The announcement followed the incorporation of a mov ing picture agency, of which Good win is the vice-president. The dis tinguished actor will personally pro duce picture plays In addition to act ing in them. Some Warm Weather. SAN BERNARDINO July 22. With the thermometer registering as high as 140 and hovering around considered quite unlikely that the' the 112 mark even at midnight, res- president will reserve the bill for his signature before he leaves for Bever ley. WASHINGTON, July 22. Reci procity with Canada. Taft'B biggest project, was assured this afternoon' ' when the senate passed the measure In practically the same form In which It passed the house. The vote stood 53 for and 27 against the measure. President Taft will un doubtedly sign the document today and it will become a law before he departs this afternoon for Beverley. The McCumber amendment, provid ing for reduction of duties on household goods and other articles, was defeated.-as was also Nelson's amendment placing the duties on grain, butter, cheese and livestock. The amendments offered by Simons and by Cummins, of Iowa, were vot ed down overwhelmingly. Senator LaFollette's wool schedule was voted down today 64 to 16. The only democrats voting against -the reciprocity bill were Bailey, Clark and Simmons. The republicans vot ing "No" were Borah, Bourne, Biis tow, nurnham, Clapp, Cummins, Crawford, Curtis, Dixon. Gronna. Heyburn, Kenyon, LaFollette, Llp- pett, I.orlmer, McCumber, Nelson Oliver. Page and Smith, of Michigan Stnoot and Warren. Men Fight Duel. PARIS. July 22. I-eon Daudet. a dramatic critic, and Henri Bernstein DRAKE IS HELD Preliminary Hearing Reaches a Conclusion. .mi if A TAKENOTICE. jjU(J The union meeting on Sun- day evening at the court house lawn will begin promptly at 7:31). PLACED UNDER $250 BONDS Dr. A. F. Sether Among The. Impor tant Witnesses Introduced Ity The State this Morning Protect The Courts. Idents of the region around Death Valley and Salt BaBln havje oeen compelled to flee from the terrible heat and not a single person remains. The temperature has not been less than 100 degrees for any night or day during the past week. After Express Companies. OTTAWA, July 22. The parcels post system advocated in the house of commons today means the bring ing of express comianies to time. The opinion Is freely expressed that the system will soon cut the express rates in two. Roosevelt In The Limelight. NEW YORK, July 22. Denuncia tion of "Big Business" for retarding the development of Alaska is the burden of an article just published here by former President Roosevelt In the Outlook magazine. Teddy de clares the territory has been strangl ed by the great capitalists wishing to develop Alaska hy making enor mous fortunes ontsldo of and in de fiance of the law, and by members of congress, when. under Influence!, or afraid of the hostility of corpora lions, decline to permit the passage of legislation enabling the people to work honestly and develop the coal fields with fair profit to themselves while doing justice to others. Susan W. Woodruff, of Cleveland, was In Roseburg today on business and pleasure. Columbus Never Did Know That He Discovered America He thought it was the West Indies. Lots of people would discover more things if the' would keep their eyes open. A fellow has to do it now days to keep up with the procession " That's why we want you to dis ' cover this store and then not forget it. We're doing jewelry business every day and we want to do more. Come in and see all the pretty things. W. E. CLINGENPEEL Watchmaker, Jeweler, Optician WE WANT YOUR.ORDER Grain of All Kinds Hay of All Kinds. Feed of All Kinds. Slab Wood Dry Fir Wood Split Oak Wood Now is the time to order your winter's wood- Take advantage of our special prices. We make our own deliveries, insuring promptness ana torrectness. Roseburg Feed & Fuel Co. Warehouse and Office, Winchester Street on the Switch. Telephone 163 Trade with the store that broke High Prices for groceries in Roseburg Yours For a Square Deal ft STIIKKS Sanitary Grocer W A. V m-r w j i The preliminary hearing of Jesse O. Drake, accused of the crime of criminal libel in connection with writing an alleged defamatory article and causing the same to be published In the Portland Oregonlan, reached a conclusion In Justice of the Peace Reuben Marster's court at uoon to day. The defendant was held to ap pear before the grand jury during the November term of the circuit court under bonds In the sum of $250. Dr. A. P. Sether, the most Im portant witness introduced upon be half of the state t est 1 lied this morn ing that he was a practicing physi cian, and that he was at present a resident of Roseburg. As near as he could remember, he said that he was first called to attend Judge J. W Hamilton, the man responsible for Drake's arrest, early In May, at which time the official was suffering from a mild attack of lagrlppe. A few days later, the physician said that Judge Hamilton ventured Into the open, and on about May 7, suf fered a relapse which developed Into pneumonia. Dr. Sether also testl fled that he called upon Judge Ham ilton frequently, and that he was In no condition to conduct the trial of Roy McClallen. In answer to Inter rogations of the district attorney Dr. Sether said that he Insisted upon Judge Hamilton taking to his bed on or about May 7. and that he re mained confined to his room until nbont May 27 when he was allowed to enjoy a short walk for the first time since taken HI. Dr. Sether said that he was present In the court room on the evening that Judge Coke dellevered his Instructions to the jurv, and that on the same night Judge Hamilton was unable to leav his room. On cross-examination, Attornoy Jackson asked Dr. Sether whether or not he had been summoned to attend Judge Hamilton prior to the shoot ing of B. A. Mahan. In response he said he had not. Luther Page, local agent for the Portland Oregonlan. testified that he was In Roseburg on Monday. July 17, and that he delivered 400 papers, all of which contained the alleged de famatory article. One copy or me paper containing the article was Iden tified hy Mr. Page, and was later Introduced in evidence hy the dis trict attorney over the objection ol the attorney for the defense. John Hunter was recalled to the witness stand this morning and was asked to identify tho original copy of the article as sent to the Portland Oregonlnn for publication by Mr. Drake. The copy was received here this morning by the district attorn ey. Mr. Hunter said he thought the original copy, as submitted to him, was written on tablet paper, and was not similar in appearance to the one submitted for Identification tl.it morning. He said, however, that the copy In hand might be tho orig inal. Further, Mr. Hunter, declau-.l that he had read the article In ques tion prior to Its publication, and had advised Drake to eliminate Hint part relating to Judge Hamilton. In 11 of this paragraph he advised Mr Drake lo Insert something relative to the part played In tho cast of Jus tice of the Peace Reuben Mantlets The Attorney for the defense play ed a running card when he refits ed to Introduce witnesses on behalf of his client. This procedure not only gives him an Insight to t evidence that will he submitted b the state during tho trial In t event of Drake's Indictment, bill blocked the district attorney In I trodnrlng witnesses In rebuttal Diatrlct Attorney Brown argil the rase at some length, and refcrrr to the article as one of the most d famatory publications he hud ev read. He pictured Judge llamllti ;s a pillar in the judiciary of Ore gon. and declared that his good rep utation, a work of over 30 years. h been attacked. He said that no ma had a right to publish or rau be published an article of this na ture, regardless of what his private opinion might lie. The district ai- torney said that Judee Hamilton had held office In Douglts county for 30 years, and never before had been sc. cused of shirking hit duty. "This In a serious matter." said the district attorney, "(his article has circulated over entire northwest, and ha without doubt Injured the complain ing witnem." It was the district attorney's contention that a person has no right to publish a defamatory article, neither ca.u he express such an opiuion In writing unless he has he facts to substantiate it in detail. Attorney C. S. Jackson, represent- n g the defendant, contended that a person had a right to express au opinion, and in substantiating his assertion, presented ' an authority giving to the people of the state the privilege of their opinion. Attor ney Jackson, declared that neither reference to Judge Hamilton was of libelous nature, but on the con trary, was simply given out as an opinion and not as a fact. Both the district attorney and the attorney for the defeuse submitted numerous authorities, all of which were discussed at length by the op posing counsel. Drake furniBhed the necessary (250 bonds this afternoon to Insure his appearance before the grand Jury in November. - ACCIDENT Al. Creason, Wife and Dau ghter in Car. MRS. CREASON BADLY INJURED While. Her lltislmuil Sustained Broken. Shoulder Accident Occurred on Sugar Loaf Mountain Yesterday. tervals until late this afternoon, when the Buspense of the famlly'tt friends was broken by the news di rect from Creason that neither he or his wife were seriously injured. Persons who are acquainted with the road at the scene of the accident can hardly believe that Mr. Creason plunged down the embaukmeut and escaped serious Injury considering the fact that the bank Is almost per pendicular, save the hundreds of projecting rocks. According to Mr. Creason'a mes sage Into this afternoon he will re turn to Roseburg In a few days, while his wife will remain at the coast city ntil fully recovered. CHl'RCH NOTICES. ....i Christian Church. J. N. McConnell, pastor. Sunday school at 10 o'clock, preaching by the pastor at 11, subject "Jesus Among he Doctors then and now." Union service on court house lawu at 7:30. Itiipllst Church. W. H. Eaton, pastor. Sunday school 10 a. in., preaching, sermon by the pastor. 11a. m. This church unites In the union Sunday evening sqrvlces held on the cou,rt house lawn at 7:30. hence there will be no evening services at the church to morrow. All are cordially welcome. Saint George's Church. Corner Main and Cass streets. The Rcv'd Charles Wilson Baker, rector. The sixth Sunday after Thlnlty, holy communion at 7:30 a. m.; Sun day school at 9:45 a. m.; morning prayer at 11. No evening service All are cordially Invited to theso services. Christian Science. Corner Lane and Main Kt"cct Services every Sunday at 11 a. in nd every Wednesday at 8 p. in.; ubject for Sunday, July 23. "Truth Reading room In same building, op- n from 2 p. m. to 4 p. in. on Tucs day, Thursday and Saturday, livery- oily Is Invited to attend tho services lid visit the reading room. i-csbyteriiin Church. .1. B. Burkhart. pastor. The usua services in the morning. The young livople's meeting In the evening 4 5 for half an hour. For tho even ng service this church unites In the oen-air service on the court house awti at 7:30. You are cordially In vlted to attend all of these services Come and bring a friend. Methodist Episcopal Church. E. Olln Kldrldee, pastnr. Services Sunday as follows: Preaching at 1 m. and 8 p. m. Subjects, morn lug. "Freedom by Truth : evening fiod Exiiluinlng Himself": Sunda school 10 a. m.; Junior league 3 ; F.pworth league. 7 p. ni.; praye meeting Thursday evening al " o'clock. Excellent music under tne direction of Prof. Fory. You arc cor dially invited to all services. Editor Vernon, of the Oakland Advance, sient the day In Roseburg attending to business matters and visiting with friends. Something stronger than "near beer" resulted In the arrest of Oeorge Detnore of Perdue, Thurs day afternoon. When taken In cus tody hy Marshal Huffman. Demore was staggering along the street In the vicinity ofEaston's grocery store with no definite destination In sight. He resisted nt the thought of being locked In the city jail, and the mar shal was compelled to solicit assis tance. With the aid of Sheriff Qulne Demore was landed In the city lall where he remained until yester day morning when he was arraigned before City Recorder Orcutt and or dered to leave town. Al Creason. a well known local capitalist, and his wife are today confined in their apartments in a Myrtle Point hotel suffering from the effects of an accident which bo fell them lute yesterday afternoon while enroute from Roseburg to Coos county points lu Mr. Creason's tour ing car. Miss ldu Creason, the 18-year-old daughter of Mr. and Ma. Creason, who was in company with her parents at the time the accident occurred, escaped, uninjured. According to Information received here this afternoon direct from Mr. Creason, he had reached a dangerous I spot on the Rosoburg-Myrtle Point rond. near the summit of Sugar Loaf mountain, about 55 miles west of this city, and was backing up lu order to allow a team to pass when the loose earth at the outor edge of the road suddenly gave way and al lowed the heavy machine to plunge down-the steep embankment and In to the Coqullle river, a dlstunco of 05 feet below. Although suffering Intense -pain from a dislocated shoulder. Mr. Creason succeeded In ascending the bank) and reaching a nearby tele phone Hint Inn where he told of what had occurred. Messages were im mediately sent to Myrtle Point and an automobile carrying physlrlans were rushed to the scene of the nc- cldent. After lending whatever assistance as was possible Mr. find Mrs. Crea son nnd daughter wore hurried to Myrtle Point whore they were made comfortable at one of tho leading ho tela. Examination of the Injuries of tho patlentB showed that Mr. Crea son sustained a dislocated shoulder while his wife was more or less bruised. First reports lo reach Hose burg were to the effect that Mrs Ceason had stistulned a broken leg, five broken ribs and was also suffi lug from Internal Injuries. This port wiib denied by Mr. Creason thli afternoon, however, when ho tele nlioned a Roseburg friend that hi: wife wos getting along nicely sustained no broken hones. Mrs Creason'a Internal Injuries are ported as slight? and it Is M. C son's belief that she will bo to return home In a few days. Tho daughter, who occupied the renr seat with her mother Jumped as the machine darted off the road and escaped Injury. Tho automo bile which was recently purchased by Mr. Creason at a cost of about $1,300 Is said to be quite badly dam aged. Mr. Creason, with his wife and daughter, left Roseburg for Coos county points several days ago with the expectation of siclidlng two or three weeks In that locality enjoy ing their annual outing. The scene of yesterday's accident Is considered one of the most danger ous spots on the lloseburg-Myrtle Point road. The road winds around tho edge of Sugar I-Kiuf Moulituln. and In some places Is said to be nearly 200 feet above the river. Un protected at tho outer edge the road furnishes a most excellent opportun ity for nersons mturquulntcd with the sharp curves and sleep grades lo meet a premaluro fate. Owing to the prominence of Mr. Creason and his family In this vicin ity the news of tho accident spread like wildfire upon Us arrival here last night. Many persons took ad vantage of the telephone In their eagerness to learn the details of the accident, while others resorted to the use of the telegraph Wires. First reports tended lo Indicate that there was little hope of Mrs. Creason's recovery, while a second message was lo the effect that an efftirt was being made to charier a special train at .Myrtle I'olut In order to carry the Injured to the hospital at North Hend. Other similar con flicting messages were received at In- ahl LOCAL NEWS. LOSE MILLIONS Sugar Trust "Milked" by Havemeyer and Others. FIGHT-THEN DECLARE TRUCE And The Price of Sugar Negligence Alleged In Wreck of Steamer Santa Rosa . Beggars Plentiful. Dr. A. F. Sether returned here this morning after a few days spent at- .Newport. S. M. Kelly, who has been spend- ng tho past two woeks oil his ranch. 'ut urned here ast evening. O. C, Sether, of Qleiulale, spent the day In Roseburg attending to business matters and visiting with friends. Mrs. Mary A. Levens left for New port, last evening where she wlU spend two or three weekB enjoying her annual outing. Prof. Campbell left for Eugene this afternoon utter a day spent in uoseburg uttending to business mat ters and visiting with friends. Miss Pearl Hull, of l.akevlew, and Mrs. J. C. Hall, of Medford. arrived u Rusehurg this nfternoon to spend t few days visiting at the home of Dr. and Mra. A. C. Seely. Olendalo News: Mrs. Stewart, of Wolf Creek, met with a rather un usual experlenco recently. A panth er attacked a fawn near the Stewart home last week, nearly killing tho little creature, which was rescued by tho family, but later died. On last Siilurriuy night, Mrs. Stewart heard a disturbance and thinking perhaps tho panther was after her chickens, she got up nnd went to tho door to Investigate. .. Just us alio opened the door she thought she saw her brown leghorn rooster on tho ground out side, und reaching down to pick hltn up, she grasMd not tho rooster but round she hud picked a skunk up by the tall. Shu strangled the ii u 1 1 mi I to death, but not before It bad bllton her bund, und well, she saya alio has washed her clothes several limes, hut even now her fam ily don't euro lo have her In tho house. (Special to The Evening News.) NEW YORK, July 23. That the stockholders of the sugar trust were milked of five million dollars (or the benefit of Henry 0. Havemeyer, Theodore Havemeyer, John Searless and his father, Clans Spreckles, was declared before the House Hardwlck committee today by Claus Spreckles, Jr. Spreckles said that the sugar trust and his father's companies, es pecially the Federal aud Philadelphia Refining companies, fought each other ruinously for years, after which a truce was declared and the prop erty unloaded to the trust for ten millions. Sprockets stated that Sear les forced him out of the manage ment of the Philadelphia property, 'tne motto of Searles was, "the only way to make money Is to keep pro duction down to the limit and force the prices to the limit of what you can get." Negligence Alleged. SAN FRANCISCO, July 22. With the conclusion of the examination of witnesses and Investigation of the disaster to the steamer Santa Rosa concluded by the federal Inspector, It Is believed here today that charges of negligence will be preferred against Captain Farla and Third Of ficer Thomas, of the Ill-fated ship. Ringing For Money. NEW YORK, July 22. More than five thousand begging letters, asking for sums aggregating one hundred and ten million dollars, have been received by Mrs. B. H. Harlman during the last year. She has been compollod of late to en gage several secretaries to handle her correspondence. Mm. Ortle McManlgid 111, LOS ANGELES, July 22. Suffer Ing from nervous prostration and partial paralysis of the lower limbs, Mrs, Ortle McManlgal, wife of the self-confessed dynamiter, was today taken to the Pacific hospital for treatment. Take Your Time to Read This: shell goods lleruuso we have Just received so many other new styles In Shell Ooods of all kinds. Collar Pins, Necklaces, Earrings. Brooches, Leather Toilet Cases, etc.. we are going to give another special week to these goods. Every stylo absolutely new. Ask to see our Hiawatha Collar Pins. Many shoppers are buying these Ooods for Holidays. NECKWEAR Don't full to see our 25 cent counter, bargains in new goods. You will find some rare IIAIK goods Wo have an enormous stock In Swltciies. Puffs, Transforma tions. Puffs going out?? Not this year. Then there are the small 50 cent Switches for the rosettes or biscuits, as they are commonly called. MILLINERY Just a very few huts. We are going to finish them up Mon day. We don't cure about the price. Wo have to have the room. This Is a "WORD TO Til F. WISE." Hair and Scalp Treatment, Facial Massage, curing. Ilulr Dressing, Maul- THE LEADER Formerly Roseburg Beauty Parlors The greatest Germ destroyer and disinfectant known Will destroy odors and germ life in twenty seconds For use in sinks, toilets and sick room We guarantee this preparation to do all we claim For sale by Marsters Drug Co. Roseburg Oregon CLEARANCE SALE Of SummerShoes Entire- stock of Men's and Hoys', Ladies' and Children's Oxfords and Pumps and summer shoes AT COST! We wish to make room for our Fall and Winter stock and offer these exceptional values at the very lowest prices for a short time. R. L. STEPHENS, THE SHOE MAN 213 Jackson St. Next Door to P. 0. U - - ' --" ' ' r - - -. ..':!: ; J t . '-..:--.-' ...-.- ,,',..' i i 'iinini i is - .. r, .. - - -i - -ii - Hi ...