THE WEATHER ADVERTISERS LOCAL FORECAST. Fair Tonight uml Tuelny, Cooler. Will find Th Evening Nm On bt medium to reach ti people oi Roteborg and Douglai Couoly. A rldc-a-rakc publicatloo printing all oewi (it to print VOL. II. HOSKliriSCi, DOUGLAS COVXTV, O ItlHiOX. Momlny, July 17, 1011. No. SIS ,4 CABINET CRISIS Trouble Brewing For Mexican Government. John W. Gates, the famous Wall Street plunger, whose death has been expected tor the past several days, Is Improved today, and there are fair prospects for his ultimate recovery. I LOCAL NEWS. CHOLERA RAGES t)ER0 IS A DISAPPOINTMENT Would IiiiMnii Mexirun President KnglamTs Koyally Takes Trip to Scotland Gates Hiui Cluiuce t of Itet-overy (Special to The Evening News.) MEXICO CITY, July- 17 Persis tent rumors are rife today of an ap proaching cabinet crisis, and it is said that an attempt is being made by the Maderoist group to oust tile Cen tiflo element from the government be cause of reactionary tendencies. "Diaz Methods" are still resorted to by the administration as shown in the ar rest of - Congressman Martinez and four state representatives at Puebla un the charge of plotting against Madero. Conditions here are border ing on chaos, and revolutionary or gans are characterizing the Madero regime as altogether disappoint ing, .lose R. Gamlioa. former secre tary of foretell relations, is threaten ing to ask for the inipeachnient of President De I.aRnrra. Gamboa charges the president and cabinet of gross negllence In not preventing the riots at Covedenga and Puelila. King Visits Scot hind LONDON, July 17 King George and Queen Mary left on their nntlcl A marriage license was Issued to day for Glenn N. Riddle, of Riddle, and Agnes Fate. R. S. Barker, of Dixonvllle, spen'. the day In Roseburg attending to business matters and visiting with friends. Melvina and Marie Plcard, both residents of Perdue, are spending a few days lit Roseburg visiting with friends and attending to buBiuess matters. Judge Hamilton this morning de nied the petition of Rachel Bushnell who asks for temporary alimony from her husband, Austin Bushnell, whom she Is ,iultiB for a divorce. Thex appraisers in the estate of Sidney McCoy, deceased, todny filed their flnel account. The estate is valued at approximately $-.0.10.00. Anoother disastrous conflgration occurred in Roseburg shortly after 1 o'clock Sunday morning, when the residence occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Al Thornton and located on Hoover street, was almost completely destroy ed. Mr. Thornton plnces his loss at about $:i()0, which Is fully covered bv insurance. The residence was own ed bv the estate of Mrs. llannnh C. Main, deceased, and was damaged to the extent of about $800. The structure was Insured for $1,000 In Northwestern National Insurance Company, of which Fred Stewart is the local agent. Mr. Thornton be lieves that the flro Ignited from a pated trip to Scotland today. The I piere of burning paper which alighted roval party which includes the Prince of Wales and Princess Mry, is scheduled to arrive at Kdlnbe.-g at 6 o'clock tonight. The city Is lav vishly decorated In honor of the dis tinguished guests. Gates Condition Improved PARIS. July 17 The condition of r,n the roof. The flames were tirst dscovered by a neighbor, and at the time were confined to the roof. An alarm was Immediately sounded with the result that the Are department responded promptly- After thirty minutes work the last spark was extinguished. Trade with the store that broke High Prices for groceries in Roseburg Yours For a Square Deal R STITRRS Sanitary Grocer Time You Owned, a Walt ham ' ' V"OU can be justly A proud of a Wakham Watch. For here and abroad the Waltham is recognized as the highest type of a time-piece. The . Waltham WATCH time- great it is is the preferred piece on all the Railroad systems. the oflicial watch of sev eral governments. It has won highest honors in every international exposition and every gold medal offered in -America since 1876. We are headquarters for Waltham Watches in this locality. We carry Walthams in all grades at a wide price range each prade the best possible value at our price. We can put the Waltham movement you choose in any case you desire plain or fancy, solid or gold filled. W. E. CLINGENPEEL Watchmaker, Jeweler, Optician Plague Gains Foothold New York City. in THREE PATIENTS ALREADY DEAD Kjiidrmir or Cholera Prevails in Most of the Mediterranean Ports Indians Brought Disease to This Country. (Special to Tim Evening News.) NEW YORK. July 17 With three dead here from cholera within the past 48 hours, and with 1 5 other cases in th detention hospital. New York today faces a visitation of the plague which has brought the United States experts post haste from Wash ington to help stamp out the menace. Half a dozen patients who are in a serious condition are under constant observation, and gravest apprehen sion is expressed that if the disease once gains a foothold it can only be checked by the most stringent meas ures. Most of the cases came from (he Italian liner Molike, and in view of this fact hereafter the detention iieriod for all immigrants from ltnl will be doubled. Dr. Doty, public health officer, declares that with the proper precautions there is little dan ger of the disease spreading to ttie country. Dr. Doty is at present un der fire on charges of carelessness and inhumane treatment of Immi grants, and Governor Dix has begun an investigation into the facts of the matter. Cholera Kpidemic In Italy NAPLES. July 17 Italy's coast wise tradn is greatly hampered and foriegn shipping praiAicully at a itaudstill today as a result of the cholera efthk'inlc that prevails (in most of the Mediterranean porta. The people are greatly excited and four a general epidemic. IlKX STKWAKT ICSCAPKS Is Assisted Hy Frank Kelly, Paroled Prisoner. Assisted by Frank Kelly, who was paroled by Judge John Coke, ol Marshlleld. following his conviction on a charge of burglary during the May term of the circuit court. Hen Stewart, self confessed forger and all around confidence man, iinado 'his escape from the county jail sometime Saturday night. Up to a late hour this afternoon the man was still a( large and It is believed that he it hiding in the near vicinity of Rose burK. Sheriff Qulne says that Stewnrt was liberated by Kellv, who has been allowed the freedom of the jail yard since his parole in May. According to the sheriff, who left for Kugene late Saturday night, the ke ys of the Jail were left on the safe-in the office in order that the deputy might feed the prisoners on the following day. Yesterday morning Deputy Sheriff Stewart visited the jail as usual, and was surprised to find the doors stand ing alar, and the one prisoner miss ing. Proceeding to the sheriff's office he found that the keys were also gone, and that entrance had been ef fected to the office with a pass key. The door through which entranee was gained locks from the insde, In dicating that the person responsible for the jail delivery was well arquuut ed with the surroundings. Other ev idence tending to substantiate the theory that Kelly played an import ant part in liberating Stewart, Is the fact that he appealed to Sheriff Qulne lato Friday night for shelter, mid was allowed to sleep In the jail dur ing the night. It is the sheriff's be lief that the delivey was planned on that occasion, regardless "f the con tention of other officers to tin con trary. Kellv Is probably one of the shrewdest cronies that has visited Roseburg in years. Ho was first ar rested at Oakland nr-c used of burg larizing the home of Roy Stearns, and upon being arraigned in the circuit court pleaded guilty and was wnteneed to a term of two years in RECALL ON REXALL, REXALL WINS Record shows 99 per cent of users satisfied. Great victory for Rexall Remedies over old style patent medi cines. NO MORE EVIDENCE ' of fair dealing will ever be shown than the honest, full "measure bottles and packages of Rexall Remedies and the square clean cut guarantee that the remedies are to give satisfaction or the price to be returned to the pur chaser. PUBLIC OPINION is an important factor in every case. Rexall Remedies v have been on trial and our record shows that over 99 out of even- 100 Rexall customers are satisfied with the remedies thev have tried. For example there has been but three refunds on "93'' Hair tonic out of over 500 bottles sold. Nearly one thousand boxes of orderlies and not one dissatisfied customer. Good Record For Rexall, Isn't It FULLERTON & RICHARDSON, Druggists THE REXALL STORE Cass Street, Near Depot ROSEBURG. OREGON the state penitentiary. Owing to his! youth. District Attorney Hrown ad- dressed the court in behalf of the 1 prisoner with the result that he was! paroled by Judge Coke. Kelly then secured employment of William Vin son where he remained for about two weeks when he stole a Winches ter rifle and left town. A day later Deputy Sheriff ) Davis, of Yoncalla. notified the sheriff's office that Kelly was loitering in that vicinity and was apparently attempting to elude the otlieers. Sheriff Qulno immedi ately notified the district attorney who ordered brought to Roseburg. Later it was found that Kelly had sold the rifle to a Greek section hand, at Kdenhower. Following his second irrest. Kelly was locked In Jail for i few days, but was recently releeased upon instructions of the district attorney. Sheriff Qiiino attributes Stewarts escape to te fact that Kelly as parool ed and allowed the freedom of the ourt house grounds where he was in close touch with prisoners. As soon as the jitll delivery was discovered, Do- tttv Sheriff Stewart sent descriptions of both Stewart and Kelly to the of- rs. both north and south. That thev will eventually lo run to earth Is the belief of Sheriff Qulne. LOC'Ah Mrs. R. T. Hibhard left for her home at Portland this morning after :t hreif visit at the home of her friend M rs. Xa t ha n Fu I levton. W lUil in McMllliau, or lloaglln. is spending a couple of days in Hose- rg attending to business mutters, ;uid visiting with friends. Miss Helle Carlon left for her home ;it Portland last evening after a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Van Buren In thla city. William Davidson, of Portland, ar rived In the city this morning to spend a few days visiting at the home oi his cousin, liliuer imberty. Miss Vada Watts, a local telephone operator, left for Portland this morn ing where she will spend two or three weeks visiting with friends and ieln t ves. Tht womens mission society of the Baptist church, will meet Thurs day afternoon at the home of Mrs. las. P. McKay, on Pine street. All ire invited to attend. V. C. Harding, of the Harding Land Company, accompanied by I. U. Wallace, left for Portlund last night where they will spend a few days attending to business matters. James Moon, local agent for the ew York Life Insurance Company, 'eft yesterday for Oakland and other Morthern towns where ho will spend a few days attending to business natters George Sheridan, of Marshlleld, nr rived here last evening to spend a day it the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Sheridui. He leaves for Portland tonight to look after busl ness matters. County Cooinmissloner M. R. Ryan of Drain, arrived In the city this morning to spend a couple of days looking nfter businesB matters con nected with his officie! duties. Mr Rvan reports Hie weather very warm at Drain yesterday. According to a postal card received here this morning, L. H. Rhondes and fa mil v. who have been spending the summer at. Ray Center. Washington. will arrive here tomorrow to remain for several months. Mr. Rhoades is heavily Interested tn the oyBter In dustry at Ray Center and spends the summers at that place. James Theodore, aged 2t years. and a member of the Southern Pa cific section crew, near Riddle, was drowned in Cow Creek, about . miles south of Roseburg shortly after live o'clock Saturday evening. Ac cording to the story told by the coro ner upon his return here yesterday afternoon. Theodore nad a number or countrymen went in bathing bite Saturday arternoon. They remained in the water some little time, when Theodore who was wading near the shore, ns seen to fall forward Into a deep hole and disappeared from sight. . Aeeordtig to. his companions he made no outcry, neither did he come to the surface after his fatal plunge. The body was recovered an hour later and was brought, hero yesterday afternoon where It. was prepared for burial at the Roseburg Undertaking Parlors Accompanied by a cousin, IVhe body was taken to Portland last night where the funeral will bo hold tomorrow. Theodore was working under Paul Kruizler, who was with the Hang at the lime of the fatality. j Coroner Jewett deemed an inquest j unneeesf ;ti y and- ordered the body 1 turned over to his relatives. HEAD OF TICKET Garfield Will be the Progres sive Candidate. WILL FICHT CUT IN WACES Northern 1'acillr Tntlu llswiU-lurs Think Ten Polar too Murli of Wiuto (ut Dungt'r of Choi crn lMiiKtie. (Special to The Evening News. ) WAIIINGTON. July 17 It was an nounced today that James R. Garnetd will bo a progressive candidate fol io presidency next year. Mi. Garrtold is in Washington and does not deny the stoory, Hiid his friends say tat wlille IjiFoliettes friends assort thai the Wisconsin man stands ready to withdraw from the race in favor oi the Ohionn at the proper time. Mr. Garfield Is said to have the endorse ment of Theodore Hooseveit. Dispatchers Strike 1 HELENA, July 17 As a result of the rediietioon in wapes on the Rocky Mountain Division of the Northern Pacific Railway, train dispatchers and telegraphers In tho employ ol (he company are tootlay voting on the question oof calling a strike on the wole system. Operators claim that the company la cutting wage's ten doollars per month as fasl as tele phones aro Installed for truln dis patching. STKAXtiiOlt Sl'SI'UtTHK Left Marshlleld on Steamer Itivnk cuter Portland Otllcera Notilled Criminal Lllel Alleging that he maliciously and feloniously, contriving and Intending to bring the admins- tratlon of Justice of Douglas county and state Into contempt and' to scandalize and vllllfy Hon. John 3. Coke and Judge J. W. Hamilton, judges of the Second Judicial District of the State of Oregon, and to cause it to be believed that Judge J. W. Hamilton was ulritng and as- sistiug in the defense of Roy Mc- Clallen, who was rocently. tried for murder In this county. Judge DYINGOFTHIRST J. W. Hamilton this afternoon aworo to a complaint charging J. O. Drake, with the crimo of libel. Tho warrant was Issued by Justice of tho I'eaeo Reuben r Mursters shortly aftor 3. o'clock I this afternoon, and a half hour hour later the defeudnnt was brought into court hy Sheriff George Qulno. District Attorney presence or the prisoner upon his arrival in the courtroom, and upon waiving the right of an immediate hearing, tho caso was V continued until Friday morning. Drake readily furnished the re- quired $250 bonds, and resumed his labors apparently tittle dia- turbed. In all probalillty train robber "No. 2" who assisted in tho hold-up of the Shasta Limited near Yoncalln, a few weeks ago, departed from this city on the steamer llroakwater Saturday afternoon at one o'clock, says the Coos' liny TimeB. Krom a story gleaned from E. E. Learned and Carl Hergland, who are stopping at the Archainbenu rooming house, whore the supposed bandit stayed while here, It la thought that ho Is unquestionably the man. The young men statn lint Charles Jost, as ho regstered, arrived at the rooming houre just ono week ago. During Ills stay there he rarely left his room and was seldom on ,the street. Ho confined himself entirely to his bed saying that he hud traveled overland for tive days and that he did not have his clothes off In all thlB time. Ho was questonod by tho young men several times as to where tie came from hut each time ho avoided the. answer by talking I about something or an entirely dir rerent.rhnracter. Often oven Ills meals werelirought to him In his room. Owing to the fact that his appar ently mysteroiiB actlomb have aroused some suspicion among hlB room niateB the two boys followed him when he left this morning to go on tho street as It was a niOHt extraord inary event that he should go out during' the day. Their siispic.loiiB were confirmed when they saw hi in enter the steamship office. Here they lost track of him and tried to see him on tho boat but he was no where In evidence. When a Times representative stepped out of the steamship olllce boding the pas senger list one of the young men ap proached him and-asked to see it to asrertaln It one Jost mime was on It. After looking over the first class passengers It could not be found but a glance at the steerage list confirm ed their heller that he wnB going, as his name was at the bottom, showing that be had Just purchased his ticket before stepping aboard. Chief of I'ollce Carter was notified of the arfalr and ho asked the boys tho description of tho man. They readily told him. He consullefl tun clrciilnr description of one of the Yoncalla robbers and much to Ills surprise the two descriptions tallied exactly, all exceptllg the clothng. This tl gh counts as naught. Chief Curler stat,ed that he Is quite confident that the man who left on tho Breakwater Is the man wanted. About a week ago Is the lime the authorltes thought he would arrive here. The tact that lie said he had a long overland Journey and Blept In his clothes tor five days also confirms the belief that he Is tho man. Although no statement was made to the effect it In thought that the po llcee department at Portland will lie notilled and the man takekn when he steps from the boat. In such event, should ho prove to bo the man, the local hoys will undoubtedly have a slice or the IK. 000 reward that hangs over the head of the robbers. Hrown read the complaint In the Sienklng of his nrrest in tho court room, Drake said: "I don't care what ny bonds are, 1 am not going to run 'Mviiy. - I can prove every allegation I made in the article responsible for my an est." Drake's arrest followed the appear unco of an article in the Portland Oregonlan this morning. In which the purported author, J. O, Drake, is alleged to have attacked Judge lohn 8. Coke, Judge J. V. Hamilton. District Attorney George M. Hrown, I list Ice of the Peace Reuben Marsters, Attorney W. W. Cardwell, tho mem bers of the coroner's and trial jury In 'lie case of the State of Oregon vs. Roy McClnllen, charged nt tho time with tho crime of murder In the sec ond, degree. Drake admitted thia afternoon thnt ho signed tho article. hut Insisted that he could prove the allegations. It Is said that many people hnve already aBsurod Mr. Drake of their support and it is freely predicted that the case will be fought to the bitter end. Miss Pearl Patrick left for Itlce lllll yesterday whore aho will spend a few rtavs visiting with frlendR. No Wates on Western Texas Ranges, LOSS WILL REACH A MILLION Kntlro Herds Mnjr le Kntircly Kxter niimited Explosion Claims 3 Uvea Golden PoUarh Today (Special to The Evening News.) GALVESTION, July 17 During the past four months there has been an almost total absence of rain in the great cattle ranges of Woatorn Texas. , and the long drouth has resulted In ' tno drying up or st.'eams and springs throughout tho region, and at present thousands of head of cattle have died for want of water. There Is no In. dlcalons to show that the ong drouth win oe urogen soon, and many herds will In consequence be practically ex terminated. The loss to cattlemen to the present time la placed at nearly a million dollars. Explosion Kills Three DENVER, July i( Three men ' wore killed by an explosion at the I n pout Powder Works at Loulver, near this city today. (lolden Potlacli Today SEATTLE, July 17 The Golden Potluch, coiumeratlng the arrival of the steamer Portland. In 1897, with the first cargo of gold dust from the Klondyke, ojiened here today. Hot Wave llroken PORTLAND, July 17 Clouds that obscured tho sun and delightfully cool breezes that swept In from old ocean partially dissipated the hot wave that has prevailed for the past Ave days, and the temperature today is comfortable. The. highest temper ature recorded yesterday was 110 at Kltopia, Washington. Ninety-seven degrees were recorded at Portland, and there were two prostratioons and much suffering from the heat. At Seattle 92 degrees were recorded, while at Walla Walla the mercury reached 108. HORN To Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Thrush, of Camas Vnlley, Wednesday, Juiy 12 191 U a daughter. WE ARE GOING TO SHOW YOU THIS WEEK A SPLENDID NEW LINK OF -mm Ditrrottea, Barretts and Comb Seta, Comb'' anil SiJe Comb Sets, Shell Hair Shell Goods Pins, I liiir Bunds, lianrianux, Ktc. Collar Pins Absolutely the newest things in splendid assortments, Neclacea. Lavalliere. Brooches. Beauty I'inH, Collar .Supports, Waist Suts, Uarrings, Fashion's latest tlecrec. Hat Pins and Hat Pin Sets Theso am rig-lit up to the minute and want every lady in ItoseliurK to see them. and Girdles Lot us show you. Hair Goods ' Something new, under COME IN THE LEADER Formerly Roseburg Beauty Parlors the Sun ' While W.lferinie about tho bank of thu Ctnp(Ufi river, about thirty ynrdt woiith of tlit rinpotia brldi:. yontrr- diiv noon, (. H. M'iineli. who Ik fiii- pluwd bv Harry iv:irc tlu nimH-sn milker, camp m rosri a emit. vRt, pair of sho a nfl (it lift' wok r I nt; appan-l. I-Vanm. th:ii. noim jMTrton had drowned. Meurh immediately witlki-d nloiiK th waier'H edi;c and after a brief fifurch noticed the rernaltiK nt a man Mn at the bottom of the rlvfr about on' huiidr'd fe from the bank. CnrotuT ,)-eft. wan imm"dl a'"!y iiotifb'd. and the bodv wax ximn ' rTovpnd and removed to tho Horn--! hunt I'nderuikhiK I'Hrlor. Th man Ik a dfranjMT tn 'bin lofallty ami wan poorly df ,- I'd H1 wa apparently id vears of air.' and of fierrmtii par ent a (re. In one of hifl pocket wan j found paper of naturalization lienr IniE the name of .Joxeph fiuvenz. The , pa pen were i sued In Hllver How county. Montana, on October 5. 1 H &2 . It Ik the T(Mrril opinion of thfl mi- 1 th or it ten that th nmn wan wndiriK near the shore, when he beramo con fused and walked into a deep hole. When reeoveiy1 h wor a pair of pantK rolled tip to tha kneeit and a Hunt niidernhirt. Tho remain will he Interred In the Odd Fellow' cem etery at the coiinty't expenw. Luther pHjce Ian accepted a posi tion at the Hed f ro Pharmacy, and entered upon hl new duties thin morning. Mr. lae wan emplov d In a Himiler capacity prior to leaving Howl.nrtr about two yearn bko. CLEARANCE SALE Of SummerShoes ICntire stock of Men's and Boys', Ladies' and. Children's Oxfords and Pumps and summer shoes AT COST! We wish to make room for our Kali and Winter stock and offer these exceptional values at the very lowest ju ices for a short time. R. L. STEPHENS, THE SHOE MAN 213 Jaclrson'St. Next Door to I O. SEW TOIMY. KOR ItKNT Keven room hoiiw neufl depot. Inquire at thltt olllce. j PJ2I rOU HALK Good work borne. ! welKht about 1,1 f0. Price $tlf. He W. C. Uavlii, mll eaut of Kowhiirtf. a 1 5 TOR KALK Fititt sorrel mare, 1 yearn old, work double or single, will ell at a bargain. Addren Hoi 11 2, ltoeburK, Oregon. 2t FOH RALK One good work hortte 1 , 1 00 pound; one good light farm wagon; good double harne; one naddle, cheap if taken at once. Inquire RoMebtirg Flour Mill. JI-17 FOR BALK An RO-acre farm for na! or rent, 18 arret under the plow, plenty of outnide rang, with privilege of buying good team, a wagon, row and Implements on place; about ten ton of hay In barn. Addre J. K. Falbe. Olatla. Oregon. d-alK. FAN PAN HOT, I IOTTICR, IIOTTKS'I Hut why not let a cooling hreeze blow when you can so easily by getting one Gf tj)cse iCmmerson Fans from us. They use but little electricity. At the maximum the largest fan uses less than a cents worth per hour and at the minimum which is generally paid it is only one-third of a cent. With a fan cool, cooler, coolest. CHURCHILL-WARNER CO. Good Goods and Good work or none.