n.. FOR BABIES xYXI) YOTjyG- CHILDREN Price List of Mother Kroh's Rexall Remedies for Children Ilttliy Cough Syrup 2.t Colic Itemed av Coin p. Ess. Catnip . 2.lc Diarrhoea llemedy 2."r Laxutivo Syrup 2.V Neutralising Cordial Worm Syrup 2.V This line of Baby Remedies was placed on the market lu response to a demand for preparations pre pared for Baby's special needs, treating symptoms peculiar to babies ami not known In the adult. These remedies were not designed for adults with a generally decreasing dose for the baby. Many ot mother Kroh's recipes are simply good old-fashioned cures used for generations, but never before offer ed iu the form of a conveniently prepared remedy. For sale only at fJl OxaJUL Storm FULLERTON & RICHARDSON Druggists-Cass St NEAR DEPOT-ROSEBURG er from the East, which by the pres ent service we do hot get until the fallowing morning. The 1. O. O. F. lodge held election of olDcere at their meeting.. July 1st. and the following were elected: Peter Ulam, N. Q.: Alfred Howard. V. O.; R. K. Trlvett. secretary; Heed llean, treasurer. The lodge has changed their by-lawa so that they can meet every week and the Instil lation of ollleeii will lake place Sat urday, July 15th. The contract for building the tin two-story brick building for J. H Riddle was let to O. S. Harris, on local contractor and builder. Worl will begin at once on the building and the foundation is being put lu this week. There were several bids on this building and every one said It was surely a dandy plan. C. J. Clark, contractor from Grants Pass. Oregon, was here Sunday handing in a bid. and he stated that there was not a building in Grants Pass that would equal It. V atch Kiddle grow. 1 rlbuue. LOCAL NEWS. Ask for piano Totes at Joscphson's. James Wright went to Lelaud yes terday to spend a few days visiting with friends. Chautauqua and Cullege Penants, a choice selection at Hoseburg Book Store. tf. Blsle Norton left for Ashland last D , County c.m9r. butter, evening where she Is employed as a , Ule best ,n ,ne ,and caB be had 0( LOCAL NEWS. -Miss Fannie Cobb has resumed her duties at Josephson's after' enjoying tier annual vacation. Miss Catherine Husenbark, of Mel rose, left I'or San Francisco this morning where she will attend the educational meeting now in progress at, that city. ' waitress in a hotel. Miss Anna Smith, of Dunkirk. N. Y.. arrived in Roseburg Tuesday and left yesterday for Marshfleld. While here she purchased a pony which she expects to ride into the interior of Oregli where she Intends to spend several months. Accused of the crime of forgery. B. B. Stewart was arraigned in Jus tice of the Peace Reuben Manners' court this morning, and upon waiv ing the formality of a preliminary hearing was held to appear before the grand jury in November. Un able to furnish bonds in the sum of $:1U0. Stewart will be compelled to remain in the county Jail awaiting disposition at the hands of the of ficers. Stewart was arrested at Jacksonville a few days ago accused of itterlug a forged check In the sum of $12.50. and passing the same upon Wilson & Company, of Can yonvllle. The check was drawn on the M-vrtle Creek State Hank, and was purported to have been signed by H. II. Olcott, foreman of a re cent grand jury. When arraigned this morning Stewart had little to saw other than relating meagre de tails pertaining to the transaction. Ftewart wa3 once previously arrest ed on a charge of forgery, but escap ed punishment. vour grocer at 60 cents the roll. De mand your home product and accept no other. dtf .Miss Hnttle Faith, who has been employed at the Oregon restaurant for several months, left for Klamath Falls this morning where she in tends to remain permanently. William Ott, wife and baby. Rob ert Green and wife, and Mrs. Green's mother. Mrs. Russell, leave Tor Brew ster tomorrow where they will on Joy their annual outing. Mr. and Mrs. Sweeney and child, of Rock Island, arrived in Rose burg this morning to spend some time visiting at the home of M". and Mrs. W. M. Tunnell. Henry Cooper and wife, of Iowa, and daughter-ln-law. Ruth Cooper, of Cottage Grove, arrived in Rose burg vesterday and will spend the next few days visiting lit the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter llowser. Mrs. Eugeni Sawyers and son. recentlv of New York City, have pur chased two lots in Miller's Addition to the City of Hoseburg. and will Immediately commence the erection of a neat and attractive bungalow. THE ROSEBURG MARSHFIELD '. and ROSEBURG-MYRTLE POINT ! ..STAGE LINES.. STAGES LEAVE ROSEBURG FOR BOTH POINTS DAILY AT 6 A Office and Stables Corner Rose and Washington Sts j " C. P. BARNARD Proprietor j The library conducted by Aldon Tarness Is open each af- ternoon und evening from 1 to S o'clock. Most of the latest novels can be obtained there. dtf LOCAL NEWS. bid will he required from the suc cessful bidder. The time stnted in the proiHjsaJs for completing said work will be considered in awarding the contract. The Council reserves the right ti rejeect any and all bids. Bv order of the Council. Dated this 30th day of June, 1!11. A. N. ORCUTT. Hecordcr of the City of Uosehurg Oregon. dj NOTICE I'Oll I'HOI'OSAI.S l'Olt! STREET IMPROVEMENT. j ed threw and one-half millions, Price, (3,000. Address P, care News, Hoseburg, Or. dswtt FOR SALE Good Iron hay rake. . cheap. Call at home of P. W. nidtel. West Roseburg. J112 FOUR LOTS Nice residence and garden property, lay well, close to Kdenhower store and dirt cheap at only $(15 each. Inquire at News olitco,. but be qplck about it, tfd ORCHARD HOME Owner desire to sell beautiful tract of land, let to young orchard, In lubdlvlslona to suit purchasers. The property Is close In and very desirable1. Prices are right on this. For particulars call at The News office, or address Orchardlst, care News, Rose burg, Ore. L-tf NOTICE TO COXTItACTOltS. Notice Is hereby given that the Board of Directors of School Dist. No. 4. Douglas County. Oregon, will receive senled bids until the 7th dav of July, 1911. at 4:00 o'clock P. M. of said day for the furnishing of all material and constructing an addi tion to the West Side School House In the City of Roseburg, Oregon, ac cording to the plans and speclftca- tlcns approved by the Board and fil ed In the office ot the District Clerl r:i the 28th day of June, 1911. said Ids to be accompanied by a certlfl d check for the sum of five (5 per cent) per cent of said bid, guarantee- (ng that the successful bidder wll1. enter Into a contract with the said Board for the construction of said lddltlon. The Board hereby reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of the Board of Direc tors, dated this 28th day of June 1911. S. L. DILLARD, Chairman Board Directors. ay GEORGE NEUNER, Jr.. District Clerk. dswjli Sealed proposals will be received jy the undersigned at his office in the City of Roscliuig, Oregon, up to 5 o'clock P. M. on Monday. July toih. 1911. for the paving of Court street between Pltzer and bowler Streets In the manner provided by Ordinance No. 3S4 of the City of Roseburg. All bids must be submit ted on blank forms which will be furnished upon application to the un dersigned, and must bo accompanied by a certified check, payable to the City Treasurer, for" five per cent of the amount bid. to be forfeited to the City in case the successful bidder shall fail to enter Into a contract and bond with the City. A surety bond of thirty per cent of the amount hid will he required from the suc- essful bidder. The time stated It the nroposnls for completing snkl work will ho considered in awarding the contract. Che Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Bv order of the Council. Dated this 30th dny of June. 1911 A. N. ORCUTT. Recorder ot the City of Roseburg Oregon. ujN Slab Wood Dry Fir Wood Split Oak Wood WE WANT YOUR.ORDER' Grain of All Kinds Hay of All Kinds. Feed of All Kinds. Now is the time to order your winter's wood Take advantage of our special prices. We make our own deliveries, insuring promptness and correctness. Roseburg Feed & Fuel Co. Warehouse and Office, Winchester Street on the Switch. Telephone 163 We Repair Everything Electrical that needa attention as well a seli you apparatus. Furtnermorv wn attend to renalrs nromntly (on 'phone order If you like) and f. you won t need to souna your burglar alarm when you get oui bill. Need anything In our line G. L. PRIOR 315 N Jackson St. koseburg, Or THE ECONOMY MARKET GEORGE R0HLHAGEN, Proprietor Wholesale and retail Butcher. Tnebest the Market aflorde. All kinds of Stock Bought and Sold. Or. A. F. Sether, who has been spending the past twot weeks at points on the Columbia, Is expected homo Sunday. Subscribe for itie "Portland Dall t'ews at the Roseburg Book Store, 30c per month, $3.25 per year b mail. tl Mrs. .1. F. Blnkeley and daughter have gone to Atlantic City and other Kaslern cities where they will spend several weeks. M rs. V Ise, of Yonca lla , ret u rned home this morning after a visit at the home of her cousin, Mrs. Oscui Limlsey, in thiH city. Thu rum n Doyle, of Canyonville, iy sending a couple of days in Itnse burs attending to business matter? and visiting with friends. A. Ft. Cole and 11. E. George, both of Wilbur, spent yesterday in Hose burg attending to business matters and visiting with friends. Charles Strother, of Portland, ar rived here yesterday .to,, spend a few .lays visiting at the home of 10. (V Skinner, al Winstons. M. Scharff. of the Hoseburg Fur niture Company, Is spending a few days at Portland attending to busi ness matters and Incidentally visit -ig with friends, Mins Jesse Hensher, of St. Pairs. Ohio, arrived in Hoseburg yesterday to spend several weeks visiting at the home of Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Seely. i French dry cleaning, newest methods used. Your old su't can bt made tr. look as good as new at a smalt cos. Clothes cleaned. hatw blocked. If you are looking 'or ood, quirk service see Sloper, the leaner and presser. Telephone 47 William Cobb, who has Just re turned from California, is high in his praise of t he Improvements be ing made In that state. "After visit ing fifteen of the principal cities or California and after observing the substantial progress being made, I have come to the conclusion that Hoseburg needs three distinct Im provements, Including a gravity wat- Bvstem hereby pur water can be secured from the river above hab itation; a city park where travelers uid townspeople can rent, and third, i main driveway kept In the pink 'f condition during the entire year. In California the people take 8t'cial nride In their driveways, parks and nitre water, and it is partly through these essentials that t housands of niiiists are attracted there during (he year. Oregonlan: A man suspected as one of the robbers of the Shasta Limited, July Oft, Is lu the Itentoii county jail, awaiting arrival of Hose burg officers. lie was arrested to day by Sheriff fjellatly In Alne Valley, where he has been working for a week. He answers closly the description published of the robber, who did the talking during the hold up, except his voice Is not low and weak, hyes, nose, t hln face, prom Inent -Adam's apple, drooping u niter lip, age and height answer the des cription exactly. None of the stol en mail and little money were on his person. He would talk hut little to the sheriff but ald that he came t Alsea from Florence, where he had tost his partner. (PoMoffire Inspector Mnie Mated this morning hat Mall Clerk I'mstPitd had been ent to Corvallis, and could ident ' fy the stiKitect in the event h was 'be man who entered the mail car. Tl f JpostoftVe innpictor entertains inle hope that the man In jail pai tidpated In the holdup, however, -i Millar report h having been receiv ed ftom all sections of the slate.) N'OTICK I-OH PROPOSALS FOR KTlCKtiT IMPHOVKMKXT. Senled proposals will bo received by the undersigned at his ofllce In the City of Hoseburg, Oregon, up to 5 o clock P. M, on Monday, July 10th, 1911, for the construction of a sewer In Blnkeley and Stephens street In the manner provided by or dinance No. 3S6 of the city of Hose burg. All bids must he submitted on blank forma which will bo furnished upon application to the undersigned ind must bo accompanied by n cer Mfled check, payable to the City Treasurer, for five per cent of the tmount bid. to be forfeited to the "ity In case the successful bidder dial) fail to enter Into a contract md bond with the City. A bond vill be required from the successful ddder. The time stated lu the pro- losals for completing said work will e considered in awarding the con racr. The Council reserves the rlfcht lo eject any and all bids. Bv order of the Council. Dated this Ilbth day of June. 1911 A. N. OHCIITT. Recorder of the City of Hosehur Oregon. dJS NOTICK I 'OK PROPOSALS l'Olt STItKKT IMPHOVKMKXT. Sealed proposals will bo received by the undersigned at his ollice In the City of Hoseburg, Oregon, up to a o'clock P. M. on Monday, July 1 0th. 1911. for the paving of Moore Street from the south line ot Lane Street to n point 34! feet souCi in the manner provided by ordi nance. No. JtS'i of the City of Hone- burg. All bids must he submitted on blank forms which will be fur nlshed upon application to the tin dersigned, and must be arcompaui by a certified cueck, payable to the f ity 1reasnrr. for five per sent he amount hid, to be forfeited to the City In case the successful bid der shall fall to enter Into u con true nd bond with the City. A surety bond of thirty per sent of the amount SPECIAL This Week on Silk Waists Values $4.50 to 56.00 now $3.50 Clean-up Special on Flowers Values 35c to 75c now 15c Bunch llllllll.K NKWH. Roseburg, Oregon Several detect lv were In town Saturday trying to pi k up a clew to the train robber. The only aus picious looking character! here that I dav was two negroe. armed with i Winchesters. but they wouldn't hardly tally with the denrriptlon given. A itition Is being circulated this weeic asking that the mall servfc on Vain No. 1 9, which Teijhen this point it 3:35 p. m.. Ins Installed, thu enabling the towns along the lice to receive their mall day oon- Great Reduction on all Millinery Jas. A. Perry's Millinery & Ladies' Toggery 139 N. Jackson The lest the market affords in Beef, Pork, Mutton and Veal, at the Cass Street Market. Give us a trial and be convinced. Louis Kohlhagen Proprietor 107 Cass Street, Phone 10. Free Delivery to any part of the City. iASSIKIKl) AHVKKTISKMKXTS CASH every week tor snlmtmuii selling our clean, hnnly, well-iool etl nursery stock. Out lit free, good territory. Washington Nur sery Co., Tonpenlsh. Wash. iltr WOOD HAULERS A good nm'. comparatively new wood rack foi sale cheap for less than half cosi of building. Call at News ofllei for particulars. II l'Olt" HUNT F0U RENT Furnished rooms, North Main street. ro:i CAJLIj 03ST Practical Painter, Decorator, Paper Hanger FOR ARTISTIC WORK Call at Shop, 504 North Jackson For Estimates t'OH RUN T Five room house neai business district, inquire at Rose-1 burg Pharmacy. tf j WANTED Position as stenograph- i er. Three years luw olnce ex perience. References furnished. Address Lydla Messmnn, llox 826, KntdOkln al EM l'l.OYMICNT WANTED Nursing profercd, but will accept anything In tie way of housework by the dny. Mrs. Schrlber, 621 Fuller ton. dt; " V.XTUI. WOMAN WANTED A middle aged womnu to do housework and nssisl in cnrlng for baby. Phone 1170. or call at residence. Mrs. II. W. Hales. dswlf V A N'THiSSnTesnion for exclusive territory. Rig opportunities. No experience necessary. Complete line Yakima Valley grown fruit, shade and ornamental stock. Cash weekly. Outfit freo. Toppeiilsh Nursery Company, Top,.enlBh. Wash. dswtf l'Olt S.W-R. Foil SALE Choice fox hound pups, from registered stock, ad dress box 448. Hoseburg. dsvi'.'ii WOOD FOR SALE Phono Farinurt ll4. J 1. Sprlngsteaed. Roseburg. tor wood. Prompt delivery. dil FOR SALE -Two llorfoid bulls, one year old. Firstclnss, Address L. L. Matthews, Glide. Or. (Ill FOR SALE Work team, about 1 I years old. Ill good condition. Ap ply to W. J. lloss, Riddle Ore gon. FOR SALE Olio 20-horse power tuhlar horizontal holler for sale Inquire al the Roseburg SI cam Laundry. . tf DISC FOR SALE One "CliiVks Sen ior culnway disc for sale cheap. Only used one year. Address Mox Roseburg. tl' LONE STAR LAUNDRY- PHONE 380 And our wagon will call tor your bu id'es. New com plete equipment. Family work our specialty, . and prices right. Farrand Brothers, Proprietors. (IOOI1 MARIO FOR SALE Dark ''ay weight 1200. 7 years old. broke double or single. Address, llox I'pS.I, Hob. 'hurt!. tf FOR SALE Two Shelland p.inies, well matched, drlvb Blnglo or double, perfectly gentle. Inquire News office. Jswtf FOIl SALE A general work horse, weight about 115(1, work double or single. Inquire of Carl Hacker, Melrose. Phono 10X8. dswti HOTEL THE GRAND Cass Street, Cor. Rose. Fred Schwartz. Proprietor F1RSTCLASSMN ALL ITS APPOINTMENTS DAY l.llillT SAMPLE ROOMS. Mew IluililiiiR, New Furnishings mil Furniture, Steam Heated Throughout Hot anil Cold Wnter in Every Room. Rooms 50c, 76o and 1.00 ROOMS WITH BATH IF DESIRED Centrally Located in Business District FOR SALE CHEAP One 2 horse- I power gasoline engine, good as j new. good strong engine. I, w ; box 7 r. . Roseburg, Ore., or In-' quire t News ofllce. FIVE ACRES FOR SALE-NIco piece of land, all fenced, close lu anil ready for planting. No buildings but a choice Bpot for smini farm Price $1,250. Inquire News of lire. FOIl SALE Svm room nouse, toilet, bath, pantry, etc.. centrally located, near paved district, 60 foot lot. Price 12,600. Address "Owner," care of Tho News dswtf GHURGH BROTHERS' i IT'S GOOD BREAD IT S NEVER SOUR 1 1 K A I J T I F 1 1 L IIO M I: H I T K T w o ncrcB, nil In choice fruit, grnml vlrw of city. Onr of the (IdokI pniMrti'B In ItosftnirK or vlrlnlt) for lioint'. Inquire at I his oilier fur pnrtlt:iilnrn. HA1HIAIN One inllo miuth of j j It mi nd I'ntlrle; 3M ami fiirin; ' 100 .irri'H In cultivation; 35 ncri'H txittom land; onhunl, Iioiiho, burn, and other nnt-hullflftiKH. Prlci , f I 2,000. Acrcann 1 1 MO. bottom J land $150. Wm. H. ckn, Hiff-k-.; leu, Oreon. ; ' TIMHKlt (XAl.r'FOlf"SALK--tlie i K. of the 8. K. V and the H 1 of the N. K. , of section 2, 1 In townnhlp 3u Routh of rnm(i 2j went, conHlHtliiR of HUg'tr plm. fir! ar.J cedar, ruined over four mil- ; Hon feot. Price $3,000. Addreas P, care Nwn, HonelmrK- dHWtf ; iTIMMKK CLAIM FOK 8A1.K The 1 I follow IfiK described timber ''lain I In offered for mile: ,N. y4 or the 8. K. V H. K. of the N. j K. of W. V4 N. K. U of hoc. ?S.! towiinlilp .10 4itth of rHfU't I went, conHlKtlrifC of 1 10 acre of fumnr p'ne, fir und cedar It t r'.lw- j Pies, Cakes, Pastries of all Kinds CASS STREET PHONE 135 DELIVERY f'hob. hitiilc very r'Honnblc. AllM-rt AbrnliiMit, (Mi-Hue lot. Impilre of MhiiuiIc lild. 0'(ftO'' II. K. HMH'K .' I'lijl ln and Surgeon. i f Room! 1 and 2 Abraham Bldg. :' in Roseburg. Oregon. r Bargain Sale on Chairs Peg $2.50 values $1.75 Reg $2.25 values $1.90 Reg $1.65 values $1.25 Reg $1.25 values 90c L. H. RHOADES & CO. i i 2nd Hand Goods Wanted