THE EVENING NEWS BYftL W. BATEM. ISSUED DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Subscription Rates Dally. Per year, by mall $3.00 Per month, delivered - .60 Semi- Weekly. Per year $2.00 B!i months 1.00 Entered ae second-class matter November 5, 1910, at Roseburg, Ore. under act of March 3, 1879. WKhXKHDAV, Jl'XK 2H, 11H1. LOCAL NEWS. L. E, Mllledge, wife and child went to Portland this morning to upend a few day. Mrs. Clarence lltss returned here last evening after a vlnlt with rela tives at ColiaK" Urove. Fresh new honey made in Doug las county, buy Douglas county bees, now on sale at tlio Rochdale. Jl J. W. Perkins was a in "tig those who went to Portland last night to look after hiiKlness matter, Leonard Rabat spent the day at points in the northern part of the county attending to business matters. 8. B. Crouch, the hardware mer chant, left for Cottage drove this morning to look after business mat ters. FrattM 'Clements, a local bank clerk, went to Portland last night to spend a few days vlHltiug with friends. Subscribe for the "Portland Dally News at the RoseburK Hook Store, 3t)c per month. $:i.2f per year by mail. tf O. H. Beyers, of Canyonvllle. spent the day In Hoseburg attending to business matters and visiting with friends. Miss fled a Marsh, of Portland, ar rived hero this morning to spend a few days visiting at the home of Mrs. lames Newlaud. Little Leone Coshow left for Port land this morning where she will spend a few days visiting with her aunt, Mrs, Ralph Fisher. The circuit court adjourned late yesterday afternoon until tomorrow morning, when several matters are scheduled for consideration. Why put nit with that old piece of furniture when you can trade It for something new and up-to-date at L. H. Ithnadcs ft Co. dtf W. J. Brown, an Inmate of the Ore gon Soldiers Home, left for points In the northern part of the state this morning to visit with friends. Parlies wishing a delightful cool ramping ground for the summer ihould visit the Salt Springs Canyon Resort. Phone Farmers 195. Jl 1 3 Deputy Sheriff Fred Stewart spent the morning at (Uenhronk where he served attachment papers on the Ore gon Orchard Homes Company. Mrs. K. J. Twlgger and little son left for inintn Patm this morning uf ter visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fullerton In this city. Miss KIIIp Refueh left for her home nt Portland this morning after spend ing a Tew days In Itoseburg visiting with her sister, Mrs. II. It. Ferguson. Mrs. M. K. H ni in ley, of 1lntte, Ida ho, arrived In Rosehurg last evening to spend some time visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Kdward Pengra. Sam L. Hit miry, district game and fHh warden, left for his home at Wnodvllle this morning after a few days spent In Itoseburg attending to biiMliiess matters. W 1 1 1 1 a in li ra u d , of t ho O ve r t a n d Orchard Company, who has been spending the past couple of days at i points In the southern part of the county returned here this morning. Alva Spencer, an Inmate . of the Oregon Soldiers' Home, left for Hot Sittings. South Dakota, this morning where ho will receive medical treat ment, t'rnf. Wilson, of the Oregftn Agri cultural College, returned to Corne lls today after spending a couple of days In this vicinity Inspecting a number of the orchards. Irn Riddle left Tor Portland this morning where he will spend n few davs. He Is making (tie trip In hU automobile and hopes to reach Sa lem tonight. He will conclude the Journey tomorrow. Tlx. satin rinlHh. the delicate and delicious flavor of Harrington Hull steel cut will easily be appreciated bv discerning people. The best vet liroduced ill the coffer Hue. The Rochd:t1e, exclusive agents. J I Mrn. H. Carpenter and two children left for Ashland thin morning aMer a vlnlt at the home of the former's nelee, Mrs. William Hughtsnd. In thl city. Mrs. Carpenter Is the wife of the chief Southern Pacific train dispatcher at DuiiNinulr, Cal. Fred Ibuven, the contractor, whs tM morning awarded the contract for erecting three bnnnalows by Robert Connor. The residences j wm he located on Commer cial and Kant Third streets, and will be modern in every particular. French dry cleaning. newest mrlhndr used. Your old suit can tf nut ile ti. look an good fl new at a MfiM cos;. Clot ties cleaned. h;t blocked If you am looking for food ii nick service m Sloper, the cleaner ami presaer. Telephone 4 7 .1. ,1 DevlllR. of Riddle k-.l 53 veam. died at Mercy hospital vester dnv after a lingering Mine Death was due to dropsy. o( which dis ease the deceased had suffered for n long time. Other than a brother he him no relatives on the roat At A late hour today funeral arrange ments had not been completed Mrs. William Kukendsll. of Kti gene, who mas called here Moiulav even i it g In response t o a tele ra m announcing the serious Illness of. her "on-ln-lnw, R, R. Smith, returned hoiiiA today. Mr, Smith Is reported much Improved, and it Is not likely that he will be obliged to undergo an operation as first Indicated. JtF.WAKD 18 OFFFKKD. A reward of $200 will be I paid for Information that will lead to the arrest and convic tion of the party or parties who killed Alexander McNabb, at his home, near Brockway, on or about June 14, 1911. GEO. W. McNABB, LOCAL NEWS, Josephson's are giving an ay. plain Ire Cream Ql ve you r orders to he Douglas County Creamery, 'hone 340. tf ICE CREAM For your Ice cream orders call up the Douglas County Creamery, phone 340. tf John Alexander, of Glide, spent the day In Rosehurg attending to hiiHlueHH matters and visiting with friends. The ladies of the rtaptist church will have a window sale of home cooking at the Mrs. A. C. Kldd & Son grocery Saturday, July 1. dj:iU William Brown, a stage driver, mi derwent a minor operation at the of fices of Dr. K, V. Hoover yesterdfo afternoon. The patient Is said to b. much Improved this morning. Accused of disorderly conduct, George Fairbanks and Oscar Bailey were arrested by Night officer T. J. 1 Williams late last evening, and ac-j cording to custom were remanded to ; the city jail. Arraigned before the ! city recorder this morning the men 1 entered pleas of guilty, am) were fined In the sum of f 10 each. Fair hanks paid the assess tueut. while Bailey accepted the alternate of Ave days In the city jail. Edward Kinney, one of the most popular Southern Pacific engineers with headquarters In this city, sus tained a number of Bovere burns just prior to the departure of the south bound Shasta Limited nt about 12:40 o'clock this morning, As a result he will ho compelled to remain under the care of a physician for a few days. It appears that the veteran engineer was Inspecting the locomotive, when the fireman accidentally opened the stop cocks, and allowed a qmiuttay of steam to escape. Unable to es cape, the engineer was iptlto seriously liurned. Another engineer was call ed and Mr. Kinney was escorted to his home and medical assistance sum moned. rit.lVKL IV FOKKION COCNTItlF.S. People have been victimized with the Illussion that In order to see a thing it In necessary to travel in the presence of the object. This is a great mistake. The best way to see thing Is to stay at home and tet some experelnced traveler vIhU (Ik object then return and explain it ay they see It and give one just the features In which he Is interested. In this way the Inexperienced es capes the burdens, worry and cure; the attention to railway and steam boat schedules; tickets and bagg:ige and have the rare advantage of be holding the scenery of foreign coun tries interpreted hy a master dis played before their minds In the quiet of their reading rooms, their libraries or from the lecture platform. the travel lecturer is a sort of a palpitating cinematograph. who packs away In Ills mind picture after plrture which he unrolls be ft ire in and to which be calls our attention At the coming Chautauqua assem bly we shall have the opportunity to see and hear two of these celebrated exerleiieed travelers and shall be permitted to travel with them to two of the most interesting places on the face of the earth; Africa, the Dark Continent and the Holy Land, the brig litest spot In the entire world from many standpoints, yet the place if even-hanging shadea of light and darkness. Wither of these lectures will bring messages that will be worth the price if the entire season ttcket and the management of the Association hould receive that much support from every Intelligent citizen of the count y who is able to attend these 1 wo lectures alone. Some season tickets have been Id and there is a promise of more helng taken hut if the people of Itoseburg mid Douglas county wish to have the Chautauqua organized as a permanent thing It will he necessary to at leant double the sales of season tickets. Provision has been made to finance the project for this year but there must be a sulllcleut interest taken to Insuro that It will be self sustaining another year tf It Is to be continued. Have yon done your part? 4 bolce in I de it'tdetiee lot, very reasonable. Inquire of Albert Abraham, Miinonlc bidg. It. K. NMICK r rhrlf'titit and Surgeon. 3 Hooius 1 and 2 Abraham Uldg. O Hoseburg, Oregon. 4 The proof of the Vwd dinjr is in the eating Of the tree in the growing Ask your neighbor who has planted Yakima or Hood River Trees See how they row, then place your tree order with The Nurseryman ! " OJtKUOMA.V AGENCY. Subscribers to the Oregonian .or Telegram not receiving their paper promptly are requested to notify Dick Henderson at Chapman's Red Cross Pharmacy. Phon 269. djll6 New and second hand goods com ng in every day at this store, L. H. Rhoades & Co. ' dtf - . This Handsome Silverware Set Will Be Given Free Thursday, June 9th, at 2 p. m. Sharp To the party present In our store holding a punched card showing the Isruesi amount purchased in any one day from us. We have many other villus) le propentB of which ene will be given awny each Thursday at 2 p. m. for i-ovnral months to come. See them all on exhibition at our store. In cd ititii n we yive you for escb dollar spent with us tun votes on the besntul pimio we are giving to the person, cbureh, lodge, encieiy or im-titu'ion getting the largest number of votes. Why not help some friend get the piano while you get tht other prei ot for yourself. Our yoods, our prices, quality considered, or our service cannot be beat In the city, Satisfaction ituaranteed or money back. ROSEBURG ROCHDALE COMPANY If you buy a W. ring you need the stone This store sella the famous W-W-W Guaranteed King -tho ring yon see advertised In nil tho magazines - the only guaranteed ring in tin world. The next time you have an Id ea yf giving a present, why not give a W-W-W (iuaiauteetl Itirt lis tone King? The next time you think of buying something for yourself, why not huy this gunrnutovd ring in vour hlrlliHtone? These rings are here In alt the various bin hstoncs. nnd are most Mil liable V'fls for the young man t o give his mother, sister and sweetheart. This W-W-W n u a ran teed King in also made for men. We would llko to have you see these remarkable rings these rings that are made so well that the maker ran guarantee them. They cost no more than the poorly mn do rings -the rings thuat are not guaranteed. A. S. Huey . Leading Jeweler, LONE STAR LAUNDRY PHONE 380 And our wagon will call lor your bu. idles. N -w com plete equipment. Family work our specialty, and prices right. Par rand Brothers, Proprietors. i THE ROSEBURG I nn. nncciiiiDf. - dim iWJLUUiurm i iy i Li, tuini ..STAGE STAOCS l.EAVl: ROSHHliKU I OR Office and Stables Corner : " C. DOUGLAS COUNTY CREAMERY has the Best Buttermaker in the State ICE CREAM SEASON HERE in lare or small iiuaiUitios. Let us have your partv orders. Telephone 340. CALL FOli CITY WAKHANT8. All City of Rosehurg warrants dorsad prior to April 5, 1911, lnclu sive, are mis aay canea ror pay ment. ELBRRT B. HERMANN. City Treasurer. W. W Guaranteed not worry about coining out. Roseburg Ore. MARSHF1ELD j MVDTi n daiwt LINES.. HOTH POINTS HAII.V AT 6 A M J Rose and Washington Sts X P. BARNARD Proprietor We make ice cream DidYouEvei Step To Think That tho Cohi of ne wrlthiR pupor if not iiiiit-h inoro than what you pny for the ordinary quality? Think nf the satisfaction to one's uolf a tui to the recipient cfa notu or Lettei on paper of pood quality. The Rosehurg Hook Store Sells the l!tit writing papers at lowest piU-es. Headquarters f-r Kouutaiu 1'eiiH School Supplies Ottlce Supplies. KOSI IU l((i, OliKilON. PALACE THEATRE TONIGHT KNTIIIK ( II V(.K Ol-' riKM.IJAM The Still Alarm The iniixt Hfiivtiduiuil trv pleliirt' ever prtsluetil. thk i i:iki: r thk minks.1 Illlt'llM' Itl-IIIIIII. "HIS (.Mil. AHUI ALU" lilMMl roilllly. A Tltll TO N ISSAN I1IIIAMA TritvliKiit "NdltA l U.ONK" smig, liy N( - lllipluinl. 7 ;:!(, H Ml, O .'Ml n.l I11SICI it M.illnr)' Sal. !- 'J .tO nml .i:;l) 10c Ailulls It is Worthless to You Besides Containing ANGER We have reference h ashes, why throw it in a pile or worse yet deposit in a barrel or box. You know live coal will hold fire a long time if covered with ashes, and if they chance to get against anything inflamable, the result is Buy one of our garbage cans and take care of your waste, such as ashes, old cans and bottles. All such stuff as you throw away. Then have it carted off occasionally. We have several sizes on hand, well made and of reasonable price. CHURCHILL Hardware Company CASH IRONMONGERS Phone 36 Marsters Block Alderson's Grocerv FRANK G. ALDERSON, Prop. We don't make a big noise about our business. But we have the goods and we've got the prices that please, fresh fruits, vegetables, etc. We solicit any part of the city. GET THE HABIT, PHONE 36 Th, Im-bI iilmii (l l)u j- 1,1 ll;;:it Is nl. Ihp S.iimre dealing I.iiiiiIht Vail, ut lliu lst priifs kiii-IiIitIii; iiallly. Also Rock Spring Coal and Dry Slab Wood Try uh ami K away happy. PAGE INVESTMENT COMPANY Pbone 212 , North Roseburg LOOK FOR THE BIG SIGN D. H. MARSTERS' Plumbing, Sheet and North JacKson Street, WorKs. WorK Done on Short Notic 'J 5 'w 5 5 3 5 Cleaning & Pressing Joe Cobb and V. Bellows, Props Orders Taken for Men's Suits Satistaction guaranteed. 10S V. l'ine St. Cor. Cass and Rose St. OOK! PLUMBING SHOP. Metal WorK, Tinning' Heating1 adjoining' Peoples MarbU Telephone '51. ROSEBURG, ORE. tf ft Suits called for--returned Roseburg, Oregon tttti4ttttte